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2 days after a powerful earthquake 60 people have now died. With glorious is spreading even faster than the reasonable worst Case Scenario of our scientific advisors and the u. K. Government announces a new lockdown in englands from thursday. And arpita stamp of your sport american athletes get greater protection offer a new law is passed following the gymnastics sex abuse scandal. Well there are just 2 days until the u. S. President ial election and both candidates at the making a final push in key battleground States Donald trump went to 4 rallies in pennsylvania in just 10 hours democratic challenger joe biden turd michigan with the help of former president barack obama our White House Correspondent Kimberly Hall kids has more from the campaign trail. With less than 72 hours until election day President Trump started early for of a full day of campaigning 4 different stops in the Northeastern State of pennsylvania in just 10 hours trouble near. Only one pennsylvania in 2016 and on tuesday hes hoping to do it again and if we win pennsylvania its over. This is one of a handful of states the Trump Campaign considers a must win for reelection what i didnt expect from such good friends leading in National Polls former Vice President joe biden skipped pennsylvania on saturday instead he joined former president barack obama fighting for votes in another election battleground michigan i believe the most is going to be loud and its going to be clear its time for donald trump the pack is back sandro were done has the chaos the treats burying her they hate the fair here their future to take any responsibility the pair blame trump for the rising cases of covert 19 in the United States america just had its single worst week of new covert cases and whats his Closing Argument here we are the worst week this week and we were been going to snow for months the federal government has had an opportunity to respond for months. Back in pennsylvania trump painted an apocalyptic picture of a biden presidency joe biden go shut down your economy wipe out your factories and shut down your state ship your jobs to china raise your taxes but trump trails his democratic rival in this state steal his supporters are adamant trump will win pennsylvania and the election i think the majority of the polls are pretty wrong i think theres a lot of Trump Supporters that dont come out publicly and say you know and support you know. Because theyre afraid as of saturday just one in 3 voters in pennsylvania had cast their ballot donald trump is making a push to win over those remaining voters in a state that could help decide the outcome of the u. S. Election kimberly held at aljazeera reading pennsylvania. Oh lets get more now from alan fischer he joins us live from washington d. C. Ellenberg coming into the final. How is the race shaping up. Well weve had 11 poors in the last year from 4 respective forsters 9 of them are good for joe biden 2 of them are good for donald trump but heres a couple of things you have to remember polls arent votes and the pollsters go to very badly wrong in 2016 if you look at the Washington Post a. B. C. Poll particularly in 2 key states they give joe biden a lead but that lead has narrowed in the last few days its no just over the margin of error so that means that pennsylvania is going to be a very very tight race and if you look at florida while that is absolutely razor thin it is too close to call now speaking to people involved with the Trump Campaign they think that florida for them is a banker and that donald trump is going to when their their focus is on pennsylvania and on michigan and in particular in the Northeast Corner of pennsylvania they believe if they can turn the voters there in some key counties that could be enough to tip pennsylvania into Donald Trumps camp and that would help him significantly get close to the 270. 00 Electoral College votes that he needs to win the presidency again what is interesting though is that donald trump at some point today will be in georgia its almost unheard of for republican president ial candidates to have to go to georgia to shore up support there but it sure is joe biden is making any rules there and the republicans are worried about it they are less concerned about texas where joe biden has narrowed the gap between himself and donald trump but george seems to be very much in play and that is something theyre worried about because no democrat has won georgia since 1988. Alan the polls are all pointing to a biden win as you say but i mean this race is by no means one there are complicating factors terrenate is key but also fitting into that the reports of voters trying to tear and they cant. And every state essentially has a team of lawyers from both parties standing by ready to go to the courts if they think there is any sign of people not being able to cast their votes that is been a huge turnout in preelection voting as you know theres ellie voting in a number of places even continue today in some states or those some have no put the barrier down and said youve got to wait till tuesday and certainly the indication is when there is a huge surge in tonneau like this tends to favor democrats but there are those who say that the republicans are waiting to november the 3rd to cast their vote because of course donald trump for months has been talking up the problems of casting your ballot by mail that it might not get counted that it might go missing that there might be a problem and so their entertainment to turn up to the polls so on cheers day you can guarantee that were going to see long lines you can also get that both parties will be in the courts complaining that some states are carrying this out the way that they should be donald trump is on the campaign trail again on sunday hes got 5 rallies run of a bit of steam late or saturday but give the man credit he is a fierce campaigner and of course he was in hospital just a few weeks ago recovering from covert hes going to be in michigan and iowa North Carolina georgia and then his final rally is in florida joe biden while joe biden seems to think that pennsylvania is the ballgame because hes got 2 rallies in philadelphia itself in the next few hours although carla harris is going to be in georgia this is going to come down to a few 1000 votes in a couple of counties in a couple of states weve been talking about it for 4 years but some people somewhere in the United States of the casting vote in this election we will be following it very closely to find out here exactly they are alan fischer there bring us the latest. From washington d. C. Thank you. Now at least 4 people have been killed. Hits the philippines across the coast with winds of up to 280 Kilometers Per Hour it was a super typhoon but has no weakens your own dog and reports from manila. Joey mughal who says this is as secure as his boat can get its anchored in manila bay for now along with other fishing boats joey hopes theyll be spared from typhoon gone any that is battering the central and southern parts of the luzon region. Look at your 1st we must secure our boat because it is our label who we hope they wont be so bad so they can head out and fish again more than 19000000 people in the philippines are being affected by the typhoon it 1st made landfall over the island province of some one else at 5 am local time on sunday before making its way to ill by and somebody is sore provinces that have likely sustained extensive damage many areas remain cut off power and communication lines are down and some roads are blocked by. Government Officials Say preemptive measures have been well put in place even before the day on these truck flights have been canceled sea ports are closed and over a 1000000 people have been evacuated from coastal communities and town seem to be well within the path of the strongest typhoon to ever hit this year. Gandhi comes a week after typhoon melodic hit the same region killing at least 22 people and schools in the call which have been empty since the groan a virus spent demick are now being used as makeshift shelters the philippines is battered by at least 20 typhoons each year but typhoon ghani comes at an even more precarious time the country is still struggling to contain the coronavirus pandemic and Government Resources are already stretched this is why many people here fear the impact of typhoon ghani may set them back even further. Duggan aljazeera manila. Rescue crews in turkey are working to save people trapped under the rubble in izmir a powerful earthquake on friday its the western turkish province and the greek island of some most triggering a small tsunami at least 60 people have been killed and hundreds more injured turkish president s wretch of sorry birds one arrived in his mirror on saturday nights visited the site collapsed buildings and spoke to search and rescue workers lets speak live wanted to see him cos you know who she joins us from a cinematic death toll is continuing to climb how much progress in the search teams making their. Well a so far according to what turkeys Disaster Management agencies say is out of 89 art of 17 buildings that have been highly damaged and collapse have been completely search and search and rescue 1st operation is underway in 8 of them you see another thing behind me which has been highly affected by the 7. 0 magnitude earthquake this building has been staying like the since friday you see there are 3 cranes that are trying to hold the parts of the building in place because it is about to collapse its actually a 2 block building and jason each other and on my right arm side you are seeing that one of the blocks is detached from the other and we have been speaking to the experts engineers from the environmentalists Urbanization Ministry here and they have been telling us. That their examinations show that on the ground floor of the spill doing it 2 or 3 columns of the carrying structure has been cut thats why the building has fallen on this side and now theyre trying to keep it in place with the help of the cranes but how they will be able to have a safe demolishing is still unknown they are trying to do calculations for its weight and so that there is no risk cause for the surrounding buildings and search and rescue teams arrived like 15 minutes ago and theyre also the dispatching the search group dogs to see whether there are any people left inside with apparently the experts are telling us that theyre sure there is no one left inside so its only mathematics the calculations just left have to in order to demolish the building this is the situation is very close in im. Sure it is the extent of the damage caused by that devastating earthquake thank you very much indeed. Theres supplies morsels to come on this news are including we meet the azeris who say they were forced to flee their homes in a disputed region over the corner. And is it time for a change in algeria voting is underway in a referendum to be rights the constitution class in sports with peter cement tresses basketball skills from former president barack obama. U. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson is putting englands back into lockdown for a month hes been warns that rising infections could fill hospitals within weeks austria has announced similar measures adding to a growing list of European Countries re imposing restrictions the farkle reports live from london a major u. Turn in the British Governments covert 19 strategy for weeks the Prime Ministers insisted on local restrictions to avoid the need for a nationwide lockdown but infections have just continued rising as across much of europe the virus is spreading even faster than the reasonable worst Case Scenario of our scientific advisors from thursday until the start of december. You must stay at home you merely leave home for specific reasons im afraid nonessential shops leisure and Entertainment Venues will be closed the virus is spreading much faster than forecast the 2nd peak could be one and a half times higher than the 1st with as many as 4000 deaths a day the government hopes to use the new lockdown as an opportunity to dramatically accelerate testing there is one consolation though schools and universities can remain open and relief for parents struggling with childcare leading scientists advise the British Government last month to introduce a 2 week Circuit Breaker lock down when the infection rate started to creep up again the government resisted citing concerns over the health of the economy in scotland where tighter restrictions have been in place in september there is some evidence to suggest that the infection rate there is. But here in england Boris Johnsons gamble hasnt paid off the u. K. Isnt the only country to announce a nationwide lockdown the austrian chancellors order the closure of restaurants and hotels from choose day high schools and universities will move lessons online and theyll be a nightly curfew the measures remain in place until early december the greek government also announced a partial lockdown from tuesday with mandatory mask wearing and gatherings band one by one europes largest economies are switching from a piecemeal approach to the pandemic to more drastic measures france and germany reintroduced nationwide restrictions earlier this week the World Health Organizations urged countries to act sooner or recover faster. But with many of europes economies in trouble the prospect of more months of covert confinement is difficult to bear neve parker aljazeera london or paul brennan joins me now live from london paul england is the latest country to go back into locks and now theres a suggestion it could last more than a month. Thats right Boris Johnson when he made that announcement on saturday evening set the date of december the 2nd as you heard that the country would return to a regional tier system. But what has happened this morning is that on the political t. V. Programmes michael gove a cabinet minister very close to Boris Johnson has held out the prospect that if the odd number of votes the reproduction infection rate number doesnt drop below one by december the 2nd that it might be necessary to keep the lockdown in place for longer as much as one or 2 weeks longer the our number currently here in england is between 1 point 1. 00 to 1. 00 so its not far to go that said the rate of increase at the moment in the u. K. Is rather large and its the rate of increase that has bounced Boris Johnson into imposing this National Lockdown is frankly going in the wrong direction so there is no guarantee that 4 weeks from now the government will be in a position according to the data to lift this lockdown the reaction to all of this has been a mixture of resigned glum acceptance to outright fury the British Retail Consortium estimates a 3rd of a 1000000 shops are going to have to close and 53000 cafes bars and restaurants will have to shut the estimates of the cost of that well they say it was 2000000000. 00 in the spring lock down and this prechristian is locked down will be even worse for retailers the criticism is coming from all sides for the government from the labor opposition parties who say that they should have followed the advice which was to have a shorter lockdown as early as september on the fact that theyve delayed it now means it has to be a longer deeper lockdown to put people on Boris Johnsons own Palm Tree Party who are more interested in keeping the economy think the priority should be the economy. Hes in a very very difficult place they screeching u. Turn by the government is before us johnson politically in a very very awkward position. Ok paul brennan that bring us the latest from london thank you. 7 prodemocracy processions have been arrested in hong kong on charges related to a Legislative Council meeting when 5 months ago the group is accused of contents and obstructing the session theyve been released but police have not proved by making more arrests or emily law was a former member of the hong kong Legislative Council and former chairwoman of the Democratic Party she says prodemocracy politicians are being unfairly targeted some of the prolegomena this role beijing members will also involve so why dont you just pick out a prodemocracy one to a rest its very very unsteady and the role they use is a lot to protect the members privilege and power to speak within the camp so now they have weaponized the law to target these people so many people fear that even more could be arrested and maybe one day there will be no more rescission voices in the council and they probably will use the National Security law to get a legislator and the activists and but on this very own creation they are using a law which was and acted to protect legislators is each so certainly using everything and i think the whole government is almost completely under the tro of the Chinese Government so they are acting according to the orders of presidency in beijing that they will release those so and to try to a rest and to intimidate anybody who dared to speak out we want that message to go out to the International Community that the game is not 0 that the struggle is not over but of course there will be a very heavy price to pay. The u. N. Secretary general has supported calls for another cease fire between armenia and azerbaijan sri agreements have already collapsed and both sides have reported more heavy shelling in the in the corner kind of region its the conflicts heaviest fighting since the 1980 s. When around 800000 ethnic azeris say they were forced to flee their homes while the other had meat spoke to some of them. Its been a month since they last saw their son rest toole who joined as ery army as a volunteer soldier 30 days filled with worry for over jenin a nor you see fault they were just telling us how they rarely hear from him when a conversation is interrupted rest is on the phone hey. You brought us a walk ive been crying all day i really miss him i am proud he is there he is doing his duty he will free my land and we can go home but im really sad because our children are dying in the battlefield theres only army broke through Armenian Defense alliance flanking from the south east along the border with iran towards the southwest of nagornokarabakh i mean as alarmed the as areas could be heading next eastward to shusha and important down in the corner of her about or north to the latch in korea door at the lifeline of the un cle. In the in the main goals operations are. Terrorists. Or hunger in this so. Who until this. Force. To compromise with us along with. Finish you all should finish a some us possible. Also very important element of this controversy. Back home john and a north chuckle both their home towns are now under very control they tease each other about wish they would visit 1st once their son is back. People here are watching the developments of this war very closely there among the hundreds of thousands who had to flee the karabakh region 30 years ago and not only all of these children they will tell you where theyre from even though theyve never been there kind alice from Djibril Hussein and are from this angle and some of the people here told us that for years they had criticised as a very president ilham aliyev for not taking any action now they fully support him the military is very popular here development it has retaken a large chunk of occupied land including the village of guys yen which meal a year misplay loba was forced to abandon some 27 years ago. I watched the news all the time 4 villages were liberated today ours was among them my only wish is to go there and after seeing my home again i can die im glad that soon no one will colas displaced anymore. This is about johns war to lose and many here believe the country should not accept anything short of a full armenian withdrawal as a precondition for a diplomatic solution but up that hamid. Forcing is under way in algeria in a referendum on whether to rewrite the constitution if passed the political system would be reformed and troops would be unloaded to find abroad for the 1st time since the 1960 s. The new government says its responding to demands from protesters our Senior Correspondent joins me now. Just lay out for us was stake in this referendum. Well hello this is a referendum about a new algeria according to the algerian president of the vision of one who wants a jury and to. Accept and vote yes for new provisions in the constitution which he considers to be extremely vital for and in decades of attack rossi and paving the way for a vibrant democracy but the people dont seem to trust that message from the political establishment because the when you look at the provisions themselves this tillman tain or give huge powers to the president who can fire the government you can sack the Prime Minister he has a huge say over the judiciary system so for people those who took to the stone to the streets or in 2019 and managed to topple president. They were hoping that every Single Person who was involved in the political establishment that prevailed in. Since its independence in 1902 would step aside they say that their dream has been hijacked by the same political establishment which is still in power 2 things are happening as we speak the restrictions imposed by the covert 19 this could have an impact on the voter turnout plus the mistrust that the people have about those considerations of change of this these 2 could really lead to a lower voter turnout tonight ok theyre bringing us the latest on that referendum thank you. It is time for a check on the weather now heres everton with an update. However clouds are parting nicely across north america the sun will burst free for pretty much everybody as we go through the next couple of days they clear skies across a good part of the u. S. Ok we have a few showers towards the northeast and wet weather north of the border into canada over towards western sort of kind of the study some wetter weather coming in here and that will spill its way into the Pacific Northwest as we go through tuesday but for election day across much of the u. S. Its looking fine dry and sunny and the temperatures not faring too badly getting up into the mid teens if not low twentys for many here in light winds that really will feel quite pleasant so there is cases for not getting out to vote i suspect further south things a good deal more active weather wise here we got this nasty little cloud just storms here when it has become a Tropical Storm and thats going to continue making its way further west which is we go on through the next couple of days gradually running towards that western side of the caribbean is going to feed some very heavy rain in across jamaica for a time punching its way towards northern parts of nicaragua honduras can expect to see widespread rainfall today was we go on through the next day also plenty of showers coming in behind with widespread flooding. Still to come on out to 0 we visit some of americas newest routes is to find out whats at stake for them in the Upcoming Elections for us. Im katrina. Where a nationwide census is expected to reveal a slowing birth rate and eluding aging process and 3 teams could have won the 6 nations but the competition on the final day pizza will be here with all the action and. Youll be. Dissecting the headlines in the midst of a pandemic lets start with some of the on the ground realities affecting the. News coverage whats the lay of the land there stripping away the spam reading story about president ial corruption it is real reporting is not in your challenging assumptions and the official line for this type of agreement the kind of our score we dont want today i thought if you and if media listening post on out is they were. d held for over 3 years in an egyptian prison cell denied their right to a fair trial no charges have been brought against al jazeera correspondent mr saying this crime journalist. To demand more truly and boy solidarity with all detained journalists sign the petition. d to say. The. This is al jazeera quick right of the top stories for you now u. S. President ial candidates are making their final push for votes in battleground States Donald trumps been holding rallies in pennsylvania joe biden has been on the road with barack obama in michigan the election is on tuesday. At least 4 people have been killed as typhoon goni hits the philippines across the coast with winds of up to 280 Kilometers Per Hour around a 1000000 people have been forced to flee for their homes. And voting is underway in algeria in a referendum on whether to rewrites the constitution if passed the political system would be reformed and algerian troops would be a low to fight abroad for the 1st time since the 1960 s. Immigrants have often borne the brunt of Donald Trumps america 1st administration so how are they planning to vote in the upcoming election if thats all Jackson Heights new york is one of the most ethnically diverse neighborhoods in america in part 3 of aljazeera is unheard of american series Gabriel Elizondo spoke to new delhi eligible voters there. When it comes to president ial elections in the United States the voice of recent immigrants are often left out of the conversation so want to wet and rainy afternoon we came to Jackson Heights considered to be the most culturally diverse neighborhood in all of america even the street signs make it clear where youre at san you will cast his ballot in early voting his 1st since becoming a u. S. Citizen do you feel as an immigrant to the United States do you feel that the candidates have been speaking to the issues that are important to you yeah i think so yeah you know if this is very important to. Me guess a. Lot of People Living here. Here are the most People Living. People are thinking. Becoming president of becoming president the 1st immigrants started arriving here in Jackson Heights in about 1965 they came from latin america in the indian subcontinent but today there are people from all over the world that live here and there are now more than a 165 different languages spoken here just in jackson. A short subway ride from manhattan and with a population of about 200000. 00 in an area half the size of central park Jackson Heights is home to recent immigrants from nepal bangladesh India Pakistan colombia Dominican Republic puerto rico and people of Muslim Christian catholic and hindu face and thats just in one block early voting lines have been long in a solidly Democratic Party district who is represented in congress by Alexander Ocasio cortez. Is from pakistan and told me he is voting for a Democratic White House candidate joe biden. Talking a lot about. People. Do it. I think. Jackson heights was one of new yorks hardest hit areas during the krona Virus Outbreak in the spring. Problem. Theyre not in a swing state they alone wont tip the scale of the election and some are so new theyre not even eligible to vote but in this call truly rich neighborhood all are seeing this election up close and personal through the eyes of recent arrivals to america gabriels andro. New york well lets stay with the subjects and bring in mary elena in kept here in washington d. C. Shes the executive director of the National Immigration law center gets a have you with us on the user immigrant voters the nodal one block but there are issues that importance them as they are with other forces well sort of issues to the immigrant communities what are they voting on in the selection. Thank you for the invitation helen yeah this is one of the most consequential elections of our like times and for immigrants it really is a matter of life and death as the previous episode shared in the pandemic is one of those things the economic crisis but also the immigration laws with our vote this time we have an opportunity to determine whether the United States will once more become and a country that welcomes immigrants and celebrates immigrants weve seen that over the last 4 years trump has use race and immigration to divide the United States from day one and has attempted to restrict illegal immigration as a way to slow down the demographic shift in the United States insofar as of immigrants this is about our families it is about our community but it is also bought the democracy that is that stake in this election and i would argue about Voter Suppression tactics because theyre the immigrants that we saw in gabriels package where i mean they were the lucky ones who are able to vote there are many others who who are not. Absolutely so one 1st of all right many of the immigrants are not yet citizens and so that is one of the big pieces of we are asking everyone in our country we cannot take this election for granted and it requires having our family members our coworkers Community Members neighbors vote for those who dont yet have the right to vote 2nd yes we are deeply concerned about Voter Suppression which has been the Republican Party and the trumpet ministration a Trump Campaign has been unapologetic about their efforts to suppress the vote including trying to restrict the number of voting i mean you have for example in texas Harris County which is one of the largest counties in the United States has only one voting place. Dropper in our early voting allowed so there are many many tactics were concerned but at the same time we are hopeful that the majority of americans will come forward and denounce resoundingly the novakovic and racists agenda i mean its interesting that you talk about that because many new immigrants to the United States many come from countries that do not have flourishing democracy and they recognize some of these tactics and for the places that theyve left. Her trouble i guess that for you to see some of these challenges in particular a candidate who started pushing the very integrity of the vote. Yes its deeply concerning which you know many immigrants we know what its like to have these kinds of actions and in fact so many immigrants come from other territory tearing governments who can say intel the United States into the American Voters who may not be familiar may not see we can see with that state we can see what the future of this country would be like if trump is reelected and so again it is really one of the most consequential elections and immigrants have a special voice in this moment to help redirect the future of this country and help shape the country to once again being a welcoming nation you know the United States prides itself on being a nation of immigrants and in this recovery that were in the midst of in 2021 that recovery cannot happen without immigrants and so again we are wanting to make sure that immigrants who are now citizens like myself but all of our allies and partners and Community Members come forward to safeguard the United States in our democracy. In kept great to get your thoughts thank you so much for joining us on aljazeera thank you hal. Police in the ivory coast a far tear gas protesters following saturdays election theyre angry over the president running for a 3rd term or the have been rallies in the economic capital. In several times with the traces following the story from a book. Where expect certain results to be in eyes fairly soon we do what the opposition is set to hold a press conference as we stand right now though how are things going with the election. Well the vote count or the vote tally is in progress right now and we expect probably mean results to be announced to start coming out by the from the Election Commission by 1530. 00 g. M. T. Thats less than 2 or 2 hours away from now but the situation is such that a lot of people really really afraid of what will come after the announcement of the results leave seein tension growing since yesterday during election time and even today by the way. Less than an hour ago there was a post making the rounds on social media in a place called such a cool where dozens of youths are out on the streets with clubs and machetes and some debris on the highway by the way and locals are fearing that things might escalate in the coming hours. When when things start happening in ivory coast when the results start coming in and when maybe the opposition sort of encourage the people or their supporters to come out on the streets and protest so thats the prevailing right now across ivory coast but people are watching closely to see what will happen after the results start coming out. The expectation is such that because the opposition leaders have failed to agree on a single candidate to confront us on what tara in the vote many a voice inside some of the vids think that this might be an easier win for a loss on what tara but what will come after its not clear at the moment with still building up across ivory coast candidates bringing us the very latest from of bush thank you. Well theres also an election taking place in moldova where voters are deciding which in candidates who favor closer ties with either the e. U. Or with russian president igor dawnas the promo school front runner hoping to win a 2nd term as rival my son who is a pro european former Prime Minister who dont fit into in the 2816 election. Police say in france servants arrogated one suspects and overlooking for others after an orthodox priest was shot its come as the country reels run another attack at the church just days ago while the priest was causing his church on saturday afternoon in leone when he was shot twice at close range he is recovering in a hospital and remains in a serious Condition Police are trying to work out whether the person theyve arrested was behind the attack or norms more votes it. Another team of people have been arrested over Thursdays Church attack in nice 6 people are now being held in france and another is. Hes accused of releasing a video claiming responsibility for the attack on behalf of an armed group lets get more now from David Chaytor he joins us now live from nice david lets start with the Police Investigation and what worki tell us about that how is that progressing. Just let me say 1st of all i think you can probably dismiss the claims from tunisia saying that they were behind the attack that is being dismissed by the Tunisian Intelligence Services and by the French Police but youre right to say there are now 6 people in custody here in nice now we knew about the 1st 3 weve been reporting widely on them but the the next 3 are all from good us the perfect city about 70 kilometers from here and we understand that the Police Believe they were in contact with the tunisian 21 year old refugee we who came here from from tunisia landed 1st in that producer then the police been trying to trace exactly where he went but now it appears that he was seen on choose day 2 days before the attack scouting around the area caught on Video Surveillance cameras with some of the suspects so they are beginning to piece together perhaps a new background to this attack he came specifically to make killings he was in the last minute idea that he did have help in the area so theyre now trying to track back and see where else they can make connections between this chain of support and we who by the way is now recovering from 6 to 8 Bullet Wounds that the police put in him when he was a. Arrested but hes still not regained consciousness but hes no longer on the particular critical list but theres also other action going on in sicily so thats believed to be the route he goes for a lot producer to sicily somehow an Italian Police are questioning people who might have been with him he had a few odd jobs apparently there so thats beginning to bear fruit in the in this investigation so as well as that of course weve got lot of Memorial Services here on the move from them is that essentially people have got to bring peace theyve got to strengthen the bonds not weaken the bombs to make sure this violence doesnt split the people of france ok david nice thank you. My burdens International Airports is now operational but it opens 9 years late very little fanfare thousands of construction delays errors and oversights pushed it budgets and billions more solid fellas explains it as a quality after touchdown after nearly 14 years countless construction delays and billions over budget the people of the lynn have a new airport officially this is the berlin brandenburg airport willy brandt or the most well known by its coast be. Construction began in 2006 with an opening date of 20 livin but there were a number of technical and planning problems from the stars including fire safety issues. This 6 opening dates were abandoned 12012 was just 4 weeks before flights were supposed to take off. To sum it up the Airport Company is a bad project manager they were not able to manage the construction and before the many changes that were approved over and over up to 2012 the project went completely off the rails the political fallout ballooned along with the budget as a city state and federal governments were burdened with a 7000000000. 00 bill due to yahoo learning for the delays spend years in the construction problems that arose from this made not just berlin but the whole of germany into a laughing stock we german engineers were ashamed. The new facility replaces 2 cold war era airports teagle served with spillane and shona felts of the east those capitals were parked on the l. M. That teagle was built in 1948 for the berlin airlift when soviet forces cut landrieu its to whisper lynn whiston allies flew in supplies to keep the population alive for a year one plane landed every 30 seconds commercial flight started in 1960 it is slated to close this week. Schoenfeld was built by soviet forces at the end of world war 2 and became communist east berlins main airport last week it was incorporated into the new airport as its 5th terminal it will have a soft opening because of covert 19 travel restrictions those behind the project hope it will become an intercontinental aviation hub and bring an economic jolt to the city. Combine Christmas Present as crisis of real estate and to see the national not yet reflected berlin is leaving behind its divided past with one a port for all but it came at a great cost to taxpayers shelob ellis aljazeera. China has kicked off its once in a decade census the government collects data its a chart of the future of the worlds most populous nation to train e. U. Has more. Than cellulose says hes part of a family of 3 but this is not a typical chinese household the 40 year old and his wife are going against tradition and have decided not to have children the couple say caring for their dog is enough. If we had a kid we wouldnt have enough time for things we enjoy that would be too much pressure as the cost of living in china is rising and the pace of working life is very fast these days. Isnt alone an increasing number of chinese couples are choosing not to become parents a low birth rate is one of the problems said to be highlighted by the National Census this month 7000000 workers will be collecting information from chinas more than 1400000000 residents in person and online Analysts Expect the once in a decade survey to point to an increasingly educated and urbanised society as well as a looming aging crisis made worse by chinas almost 40 year long one child policy but the year 20221 in every 5 people in china will be over the age of 60. More retired people means a smaller and a last productive labor force as the population ages and the Family Resources drop who will care for the elderly it also affects our scientific innovation economic vigor any no variation mainly com from a young labor force chinas one child policy was replaced by a true child while still in 20 days but many believe this came to light the country is struggling with a massive gender imbalance about 30000000 men especially in rural areas im married and those with partners a truism to marry later. Many prefer to have one child at the worse. For an end to Family Planning limitations as well as policies to encourage families to have more children such as Free Childcare and education in young peoples mindsets and consumption happys have changed they may earn more but they are expectations for a certain quality of life we have also rises only children themselves plan shall go and say they are not worried about who will care for them when theyre older those with children come here older than they are because there are so many things to worry about i have less burdens and some say i look younger than my age theyre focused on enjoying their lives and staying fit and healthy 1st long as possible katrina you aljazeera. So to come on aljazeera will tell you why more than 3000000. 00 people applied to take its for the stop game competition thats coming out after the break. Frank assessments if American Public Opinion Pieces betrayed by social media platforms after november what would be the good cultures and if you believe that there horowitz into our democracy one obvious solution is to break up informed opinions look at checkers dont go anywhere the protesters are going anyway either puts a bullet look at evolution people also call indepth analysis of the days political headlines because it gets really out there on the street inside story on aljazeera. Discords yes peter thank you so much for the sadies team has clinched the for me one constructors title for a 7th straight time with a one to finish in sundays race at imola Lewis Hamilton clinched victory ahead of teammates Valtteri Bottas it puts them out of touch of nearest rivals red bull and atoms will also means he can seal a record equalling 7th world title at the next trumpery into. American athletes will get greater protection and more of a say in Decision Making of the new law was passed on saturday following the gymnastics sex abuse scandal the new act increases funding for a program overseeing Child Protection and puts more athletes on the boards of the u. S. Olympic committee and National Governing bodies the law followed an 18 month investigation which found that usa Gymnastics Team dr larry nasser was able to assault hundreds of girls and women because of a lack of transparency and accountability among us and then pick officials and coaches now so it was sentenced to up to 300 years in prison and 2018 of the more than 350 women testified that they were abused by him among those to come forward as a victim is full time a limpid Gold Medalist simone biles as well as several of her and then pick teammates the scandal triggered lawsuits and mass resignations at the u. S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee and usa gymnastics the latter of which has filed for bankruptcy. Lori hernandez was one of those on the u. S. Team that won gold at the rio olympics in 2016 earlier this year she testified against former National Team coach maggie haney detailing a verbal and Emotional Abuse shed suffered at the hands of her long time trainer haney has since suspended for 8 years and hernandez is making a comeback to the sport hoping to clinch a spot of next years games i know im not the only one whos been through my situation i know people who in my eyes that had it worse that you know its you know it still exists out there unfortunately but in doing think about it and you know in seeing that there is a consequence for i think it shows that there are others hate like this ok and hopefully we get a lot of different culture changes because of it and if speaking out about it and you know speaking out against emotional and verbal abuse thats going to help other people then absolutely i really hope i get to be a part of that change to football and barcelona coach ronald 2 minutes he is worried about their poor form after another draw in the Spanish League they were held 11 by deportivo elevators who had immense into all basso have only won 2 of their opening 6 games and the 12th in the league table thats 8 points behind leaders real madrid. Obviously im worried we only got 2 points in the last few games but in my opinion our performances were more than acceptable be more worried if we were not creating any chances clearly we have to be more efficient in front of goal and this is a problem. To germany and a time defending champions by munich have moved top of the bundesliga this was so gnabry scoring in their 21. 00 win over cologne mental level on points with buying at the top after they beat on me a bill of felt to know both of those goals were scored by. And over in the netherlands i. X. Amsterdam remain top of the year to d. C. Table after a comfortable 52. 00 win over bottom side fruitiness Davy Clarkson school 2 of the golds but over the last george cock school the best goal of the night for 14 a run at the end and it was actually the 2nd of the game. England over 2026 nations rugby champions of 345 win every chile in rome on saturday secured the title for the english on his 100th appearance for england ben youngs school the 1st trial of the match and score again in the 2nd half is Jamie George Tom curry and henry slade also crossed the line the 5 tries he left in england only screen to win. But they needed a favor in paris both france and ireland could have won the title with a big enough victory as it turned out the french ran a 3527 winners a good win for france but not enough to overtake england at the top of the standings its englands 39th title in the history of the competition france finished 2nd bests their best performance since 2011. Now if you needed proof that the sports is growing fast more than 3000000 people applied for tickets to the league of legends World Championships in shanghai china although only around 6000 were lucky enough to make it into the venue they had to part temperature checks and werent allowed to sit too close to each other league of legends is one of the most Popular Video games in the world then it was south korean team dam one gaining who took 1st place on the rather large trophy which weighs 32 kilograms and will finish with some impressive basketball skills from former u. S. President barack obama while out on the campaign trail with joe biden in michigan he did this. Was. An n. B. A. Free agent can. Ended it for sure they could just settle the election with penalties she says i reckon but to keep a buzz says that is it for the news hour day say with us here now to sarah and back with you on the other side of the great war very latest. In a struggle young Aboriginal Children as young as 10 are being arrested and locked up in the 1st of 2 special reports one o one a still best to gates the stray indigenous incarceration crossed on aljazeera. November on aljazeera. Who will be the next president of the United States join us for extended coverage of the u. S. Elections on november 3rd and full of. All hail the lockdown explores the complexities of our Global Response to the coronavirus pandemic could a proposed traffic scheme threaten one of the worlds most famous heritage sites will report from stonehenge up front returns with Emmy Award Winning journalist Richelle Carey shell cut through the headlights and be rigorous debate and former french president Nicolas Sarkozy will face trial on corruption charges well bring you the latest november on all jersey. 5 g. Internet Technology Game changer thread i dont want to be a human leverage activists. The. Conspiracy theorists engineers and World Leaders this is only the beginning are going fiercely over control over the latest Wireless Technology the truth about 5 g. On aljazeera. Aljazeera. And. With 2 days to go until the u. S. Election donald trump and joe biden make their final push in crucial swing states. Over im out of my head zina this is al jazeera my from doha also coming up super typhoon go any is downgraded as it sweeps the philippines least 4 people have been killed. The search for survivors continues in western turkey 2 days after a powerful earthquake 60 people

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