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To the streets of polands capital venting their anger against tough new abortion laws. As a desperate search for survivors in the coastal turkish city of after it was struck by a powerful earthquake the magnitude 7 tremor on to the g. And c. Brought down buildings and tidal waves in the coastal city as well as parts of greece more than 240 off the shocks have been recorded in the quake was centered off techies izmir province and was felt as far away as athens and istanbul turkey says at least 20 buildings have been flattened in izmir greek media is reporting that the incident triggered a mini tsunami that flooded the island of some most. At least 21 people are dead mostly in turkey and more than 700 others injured so now because early reports from istanbul. Rescuers search for survivors and rubble of buildings and is made trickiest 3rd biggest city the epicenter of friday afternoons shallow magnitude 7 earthquake was off the turkish cost. I have a shop on the back side i was talking with someone i felt it while we were outside the ground started to shake while i was watching our building i saw this one collapse many buildings collapsed injuring hundreds. And hundreds of. This man says got you are the greatest please protect us it still continues. Emergency responders are traveling from a stumble to support rescue efforts while residents are asked not to jam phone lines or transport links unnecessarily. I thought that the ground to chatted you cannot think or you try to do is get out everywhere was collapsing luckily our building was intact we were really panicked and managed to get out at the last minute turkeys president rejects a barge and was quick to respond to their earthquake shows there in the bush northern new jersey i would like to express my sympathies to the city that were exposed to the earthquake that occurred around isnt it all right to express condolences for those who lost their lives on the buildings that collapsed in the earthquake and i wish speedy recovery for the injured. Liquid coast damage in many provinces in western turkey and triggered to see sores that flooded streets near the city of is made some damage was also reported to buildings and votes on the greek island of some most the hospital director there said some people with slight injuries have been treated we are hoping that the numbers will not be escalating and we hope to hear the news about more people being rescued but the fact that some 20 buildings have collapsed is. A big news and im afraid the number of casualties may rise crisscrossed by major fault lines turkey is one of the worlds most earthquake prone countries at these 17000 people were killed in 1999 when a large quicks flood the city of izmit south is stuff a stumble and around 500 turks died in deer creek which struck the eastern city of 9 years ago with this earthquake about 6000 people live in the area of severe shaking 71000 in the area a very strong shaking a 3200000 in the area of strong shaking which employees that in fact the number of casualties is likely to rise possibly substantially the one thing is that since 999 has evolved a pretty good network of search and rescue units near earth quake was also felt here in istanbul 500 kilometers far from israel now residents in turkey and on nearby greek islands have been a warned of aftershocks and further damage they might bring up a solo aljazeera a stumble i dont wish i didnt is the secretary general of the humanitarian Relief Foundation i h h in tokyo he says his groups rescue teams have arrived in his manner and explains what their priorities are. All team now more than 260 search and rescue teams that reached its merit the moment now they are the best to their 20 collapsed buildings so now we are working under the. And the turkey disaster and Emergency Management presidency so they are. Telling us the rich buildings we can enter so that all the team members are determined to survive the lives from the reeks so it is really hard because more than 200 aftershocks it still continues and its even hard to work under the rubble just so the search and rescue team being very careful and trying to save their lives and when you hear the about to speak out to members of the distilleries or from the charity they moved in with your cars and video or equipments now they reached me at the moment and they are doing the best and now we are preparing the hot meals for the people who are living on the street in the mosques and in the parks so we will be delivering aid as early as possible for those people the hot meals a rescue operation is underway in el salvador where a landslide has left at least 7 people dead and more than 30 missing some locals are helping crews using that hands to dig through the month a landslide happened in a village just north of the capital following heavy rain the night before. Is still not the country i had a terrible amount of it there was a blockage of the storm that we had last night as its a tragedy ive lost my father and my mother and brother are in hospital and then it also you know when i have been killed and. We were sleeping when suddenly we heard a war like an earthquake my husband told me to get the kids and i was able to get them out of the room where they were that when he opened the door of where he slept we saw that my daughters house was buried. The New York Times is reporting that the u. S. Government is deporting Migrant Children to mexico even if theyre not from the country and have no family there more than 200 children is said to have been expelled over the past 8 months once in mexico most have reportedly been sent to Child Welfare shelters the u. S. Has hardened its already tough border policies which it says is part of efforts to contain the coronavirus lets get more on this we can speak to our correspondent John Heilemann whos live for us in mexico city john give us a bit more background about this New York Times reports and has there been any response to it from officials. Yes so 1st of all the background behind this is a policy called remain in mexico or m. P. P. Which is bull in by the trump of ministration and basically that policy says that if you go to the u. S. Seeking asylum even if youre not from mexico then the u. S. Is going to put you back on to miscarry soil while they decide if theyre going to accept your case or not a process that can take months sometimes which means that a lot of people a lot of them from other Central American countries have been sort of expelled intimates go across the border while that process takes place now weve been reporting on this a lot and the places that theyre cross the border they go into cities a lot of which struggling with crime struggling with kidnapping went to one place in particular called new level of a door which a lot of people are put back into in which we found this systematic kidnapping not just us but n. G. O. S has been happening to moderates so obviously when this report came out from the New York Times unaccompanied children being put back perhaps into those places its caused a lot of concern we spent the time since then checking around weve checked with the u. N. Refugee agency with the red cross with unicef with different n. G. O. S journalists at the border and weve also just checked with a shelter head in the ever learned of the city that was just telling you about where we saw the systematic kidnapping of migrants up until this point theyve all said to us that they havent seen this happening they havent got this confirmed the unaccompanied migrants are being put back across into mexico so this is something that were still checking up on its base the New York Times reporting on internal email coming from big within customs and Border Protection one of the officials there a high ranking official sort of saying that there were suspected cases of this happening we have also reached out to customs and Border Protection saying that were going to be talking about this tonight and they havent given us an answer so far as we can get. Confirm this we do have this response from the Mexican Government it says the mets can government will follow up on specific cases of minors that could have vented mexico in a regular fashion and i asked them what does that mean that every regular fashion they say will basically this is not allowed its not part of a deal with the United States that they can put children unaccompanied across the border while they wait for asylum so this is something that were going to continue following up on as it develops and seeing how much there is to this story if its just a few isolated cases or nothing at all or if theres more there are many thanks for that don hallman live for us in mexico city i mean and also by john have agreed not to deliberately target civilian populations in the dispute and to go in a cab back region just days after a 3rd ceasefire collapsed Foreign Ministers from amina and azerbaijan have been holding talks with International Mediators in Geneva Bayside also agreed to swap bodies and provide a list of prisoners of war within a week this comes as armenian as ery forces made advances towards key locations in the golan a cattle back. Is being. Displayed the committee. Was. There if. It would make the cause of. It Political Boost it gave us the involvement of the cochairs of the need spoke in the. United front of. The end of this call. She is she has long played a pivotal role in the nagornokarabakh conflict it overlooks regional capsule stefana cares and it is from there that azerbaijan shell the city and the 1st new gold macau to back war it also sits on the main highway connecting on mania choose death on a cat abdelhamid has moved from. The hasnt been any official announcement coming out of here about. Whether the syrian army is actually heading towards that area i was speaking to with a Top Commander of the army earlier today and he wouldnt confirm any of the news coming out of armenia he didnt deny it either but then he said at the end of the day its no secret we we have said that we want to take back all our occupied territories so that means the 7 disparate surrounding theyre going to care about and eventually Nagorno Karabakh itself and if you look at whats happening the reality on the ground a few days ago there were journals that it wasnt coup but is now is basically south of the light chain corridor which is key for me. Because thats with resupplies nagornokarabakh theres ever a general army has been making advances at a formidable base over the past few weeks is now trying to i think this is really it has to calculate very well what its going to do next because basically once they get the election corridor and shusha. Armenia will be in a very tough position anything north of that its. Also considers occupied territories is a very amount in this area is not very theres not many people there. Would be very difficult according to there were john to put up a fight there. Still ahead on aljazeera. I dont think done is the best idea because it only delays things. Like it or not. Members to provoke her past coronavirus restrictions to help stop infections. And a midwestern sweep in the u. S. From Joe Biden Campaign and several swing states just days out from the election. We do have some rain in the forecast for japan over the next couple of days but not too much to speak of this last week clear and dry that is the case too across the Korean Peninsula but as we move through the 2nd half of the weekend west the weather will just slide across north korea pushing through south korea q she seems somewhat to weather some west of weather also just making its way into southern parts of honshu but nothing much to speak of say latif on interest in the in tokyo too bad a toll further south this is where the real weather action is not one but 2 tropical systems rolling through another system here this is a. Typhoon now a super typhoon winds of around 275 Kilometers Per Hour so equivalent to a category 5 hurricane that at its maximum intensity im pleased to say that as we go through saturday only to sunday it will weaken somewhat and then it will slide its way across a loose on with damaging winds flooding rains this could be a real problem make a for the philippines as we go on through the next couple of days and then it will gradually make its way into the South China Sea and have the poor old vietnam heavy showers there once again and see western parts of myanmar go somewhat weather too for bangladesh. For. A journey of personal discovery i found this which is the copy of a letter nazi germany addressed to my grandfather aljazeera as barbara 0 traces of family links back to the regime of Benito Mussolini and on sps is fascism returned to italian poetry freshest in the family it makes me sick this letter. I found. On aljazeera. Youre watching out is there a mind of on top stories this hour the search is underway for survivors in the coastal turkish city of is mailed to powerful magnitude 7 earthquake the tremor beneath the aegean sea left at least 20 people dead in turkey a neighbor in greece all than 700 others have been injured and. The New York Times is reporting that the u. S. Government is deporting my good children to mexico without an adult and without any family to take many more than 200 children originally from Central American countries all set to been expelled from the u. S. Over the past 8 months. I mean yet as a by john of agree not to deliberately target civilian populations in the disputed nagornokarabakh region just days after a cease fire collapsed Foreign Ministers from both sides have been holding talks in geneva and have agreed to swap bodies and provide a list of prisoners of war within a week. Or just 4 days to go until the u. S. President ial election texas has seen an unprecedented in voting the number of in person or mail in ballots has a weighty eclipse the states total vote to turn out for 2016 all the 9000000 texans have cost any votes that makes texas just the 2nd state off to hawaii to break its voting record before election day the Southern State is americas 2nd largest electoral prize after california it hasnt voted for a democrat since jimmy carter back in 1976 and some polls suggest joe biden is slightly ahead with his that. Well donald trump won texas by a 9 point margin in 2016 thats around 800000 votes his Campaign Says its own Analysis Shows that the president is well ahead there lets go to our correspondent chabris hansie joins us live now from washington d. C. Both candidates have been campaigning in the mid west today what have we been hearing from them. Its really interesting whenever trump is in the midwest he sounds like Bernie Sanders because thats what worked for him so well in 2016 he talks about jobs the outsourcing of jobs the trade deals the multinational trade deals which Multinational Companies and wall street loves and which obama love joe biden loves as Vice President and which which led to the outsourcing of so many jobs and trump has something to boast about when it comes to that he did renegotiate nafta the north American Free trade agreement hated by labor unions obama had pledged that he would do the same he didnt do that he just signed up to the Transpacific Partnership instead which is also seen to be a source a potential source of losing jobs to other other nations so trump can coast of thats a look i did that however the problem is his record on. Stemming the losses of outsourcing losses that hasnt stopped since he became president factories are Still Closing the some notorious examples in the midwest a loadstone General Motors plant in ohio where he famously said dont move away the jobs will come back that close down so theres some bitterness there but the question is you know does that bitterness mean that people will then go back to biden whos seen as very much as the old way of doing things a career politician who didnt help either and thats why biden is in there as well saying no hes changed he understands these things but he has that record of not being for main street but for wall street for Credit Card Companies as opposed to those people who who borrow on Credit Card Companies hes talked in the past about social safety nets being slashed or stair a t. V. So theres that debate as to whether he really has changed and whether the disappointment in trump for these White Working Class voters who defected to him for obama whether that disappointment is enough for them to go back to joe biden well not long to wait before we find out many thanks for. That for us live in washington d. C. A u. S. Johns has blogged the trumpet ministrations on popular chinese own video sharing app to talk assess of government restrictions on the app would you to come into effect on the vemma 12 president argues that tape talk is a National Security threat because of its chinese ownership 3 american tech talk uses who make a living through the app had filed a lawsuit challenging the van. If issue also warns members to prepare for a new coronavirus restrictions as infection surge across europe the block is planning a coordinated response to ensure the hospitals arent overwhelmed millions of people across france are once again under lockdown and germany is set to follow suit next week but us about the reports from paris. Quite neighborhoods in closed cafes in paris as france begins a new lockdown the picturesque area of momart nearly empty the french government says the measure will help stop the Coronavirus Spread for some staying home a 2nd time wont be easy i dont think well look down is the best idea because it only delays things so in this charter things make it better but once the leg down is lifted it will be the same as before and cases will rise again. We expected it it seems necessary they tried a curfew but it didnt work so now the most important thing is for everyone to play the game to respect it so we can live normally again there was some traffic in the city center the governments allowed some businesses and Public Services to remain open to help boy the struggling economy but Office Buildings in the financial district were shocked well in offense are of pariss Business District there are a few people out and about but is nowhere near as busy as it would be normally on a regular day tens of thousands of people work in this area and the square behind me would usually be teeming with activity a 2nd wave is battering economies and Peoples Health across europe in russia new infections are rising fast some doctors say medical supplies are running out in germany some hospitals may not have enough staff to cope with the emergency. The number of patients is risen in the past few days in the past week weve had twice even 3 times more patients than before you know we still have capacity to provide good care. But we are seeing a fall in care supply our staff is slowly reaching their limit the European Union says the block must act fast not to be overwhelmed the days of agree to pay for the transfer of patients across borders in the Virtual Meeting e. U. Health ministers promised to better coordinate their approach who were not powerless in the face of it after all their hygiene measures and we can wear masks but we need to coordinate measures with other Member States and that came across very clearly but its important that people take charge of their own responsibilities on a daily basis the french government had wanted to avoid a 2nd shutdown at all costs ruling out such a measure until very recently but the spiraling infection rate made them change their strategy germany will also lock down the urgency of the situation suggest other European Countries may be forced to follow suit Natasha Butler al jazeera paris. Russia says there are now not enough doctors to cope with the growing number of coronavirus cases there the warning came as coded 19 infections sawant to a new daily high more than 800000 Officials Say people live in moscow could be vaccinated against the virus as early as next month. The large protests in poland against the near total ballot for abortions by the countrys top court the countrys Prime Minister has promised to defend what conservatives see as an unborn childs right to life or for 9 straight day activists said they wouldnt be stopped by politicians or the threats of coronavirus as a point to try to get the legislation overturned car like reports. Tens of thousands of people on the streets of warsaw. And. What organizers say is the largest of 9 days of protests against a near total ban on abortions in poland the body of the boys the marco months im a woman im a mother i have a daughter and i think im here not only for myself but also for her so that she can live in better times. The time to reach a compromise has past women saw their rights taken away its now they want them back despite a Strong Security presence and coronavirus warnings protesters ignored the government stay at home or die before visually should them to shop or grow rigid not want to increase the risk of infection by letting people gather in large groups to. Protest organizers were threatened with prison sentences but say they wont be deterred by conservative anti abortion Rights Groups or their powerful political allies the soldiers mold the south the gentleman from all the lures have the same problem as catching ski more of in ski and order they are few and much fewer than us were more a recent Constitutional Court ruling further tightened polands already strict abortion laws banning it in cases of severe fetal deformities terminations are now only legal in cases of rape incest or if the mothers life is at risk the government backs the verdict but says it will propose a bill to once again allow terminations for what a deemed a lethal fetal defects opposition politicians say thats unacceptable and fear more women will now be forced to seek illegal abortions or go abroad car or leg aljazeera. The libyan Prime Minister has taken back his decision to resign at the end of october fayaz also ross who leads the un recognized government of National Accord and shipley will instead stay on as talks continue with the rival administration in benghazi the u. N. And germany were among those urging him to remain in office to prevent threats of a political vacuum tanzanias Electoral Commission says president john mica foley has won a 2nd term in office but opposition groups have dismissed the results claiming widespread irregularities according to the National Council mug of 3112500000 votes in wednesdays election with his main challenger well behind on 1900000 voters head to the polls in ivory coast on saturday to choose between president president. And his independent rival cardio beilin but the opposition has vowed to disrupt the vote raising phase of civil unrest a common interest reports. Unclear voters cogs at a Collection Center in ill be sure. The election Commission Says voters have claimed less than 42 percent of the cards some say that illustrates how many people in ivory coast feel about the president ial election. In the above with the. I will not vote under the current circumstances because you can only go where your safety is assured i dont see such conditions in place i would rather stay home in the run up to the vote dozens of people have been killed i mean the escalating political tensions that in a country still recovering after months of preelection violence in 20102011 but left about 3000 people dead. Incumbent president Alassane Ouattara is running for a 3rd time against an independent after 2 other candidates boycotted the election and called on supporters to disrupt the polls. Going to. Me i find this election a bit strange every Party Started to campaign well then we hear of a boycott its so confusing i think we should proceed with the vote to avoid a repeat of 2010 but i can tell you everyone is scared people havent forgotten 2010. The Literacy Rate here is 47 percent an area many voters will want to see improved with an average of 7 percent annual growth ivory coasts economy is doing well and better than much of africa but many of its young people say they feel left behind. For some ready to cast their ballot they expect much from the next president. And what i would like the next president to be a leader for the whole country a man who would develop the country someone who will improve Health Care Delivery and security he should also improve education because of the high level of illiteracy importantly he should provide jobs for the youths. Meeting these expectations would be easy for a country whose revenues are tied to fluctuating Commodity Prices in addition people here will want to see whoever wins this election tackled the difficult task of reuniting a deeply divided country i mean to greece aljazeera. Head of guineas opposition is planning more protest solve to Security Forces raided the homes of his supporters salutes ellen gello declared victory after the election 3 weeks ago but the Electoral Commission says 82 year old president alpha conde secured his term but his speech results have spawns fighting protests and a number of civilian and police killings. Is aljazeera these are the top stories the search is underway for survivors in the coastal city of isnt a off power

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