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Yet to offer a single plan thats one of the reasons why the most one of most prestigious medical journals in the world the new england journal of medicine called the president quote dangerously incompetent one on to say the president turned a crisis and to a tragedy im ready to act i know what to do started on day one of my presidency we will do it. Meanwhile u. S. President all trump has spoken at a Campaign Rally in michigan way hes focused on the economy its probably the number one reason that im standing here because of trade and how we turn that around. 7 straight now were going to win the great state. Were going to win for 4 years in the white. Committee has more on all this now from washington. 7 days and counting until the official election day but well weve already had the mail in ballot thing as you point out those numbers have been searching 63000000 americans already cast in their ballots now that impersonal voting has begun particularly in even states like or districts Like Washington d. C. This is what donald trump is counting on that his supporters are going to get to the polls in the next 7 days because the early balloting by mail has favored joe biden so far Donald Trumps also counting on those states that had typically voted democrat those socalled battleground states but when for him in 2016 that that will happen again so hes continuing to focus on the midwest some of those states as well as he continues on the campaign trail but joe biden for his part is focusing on Donald Trumps vulnerability and that is covert 19 of the fact that the infections in the United States continue to rise in our all the headlines the death rate from cove at 19 in france has more than doubled in the past 24 hours theyre reporting 523. 00 deaths up from 257 on monday doctors of warning that many hospitals are just days away from being overwhelmed it comes as protests erupted across italy overnight against new restrictions to tackle a recent spike there on sunday the Italian Government ordered new restrictions which include restaurants and bars closing at 6 pm its also promised a relief package but he reportedly killed 5 people who took part in protests alleging ballot fraud and of tanzanias election on wednesday main Opposition Leader there was arrested early a choose day but has since been released the African Union is calling for a peaceful whole. At least 8 people have been killed in a bombing a Religious School in the northwest pakistan city of bashara more than 100 others were injured police say the bomb was hidden in a bag left in the main hall of the school the device then detonated as students gathered for that lessons. 4 people including 2 children have died after a boat carrying migrants sank off the coast of france more than a dozen people have been taken to hospital a boat was thought to have been trying to reach the u. K. Its believed to be the biggest loss of life from a single boat during migrant crossings in the English Channel the United Nations delegation has made its 1st visit to several camps in series italy provinces the 1st time in years actually it comes a day after a russian air strike killed at least 78. 00 Turkish Backed rebels in the north of the country Syrian Special envoy to the un is edging cooperation between russia and turkey which back opposing sides in the conflict. Aljazeera welt is coming out. For over 70 years the middle east has been subject to a whole host of geopolitical tensions at the heart of which is the arab israeli conflict. Few are of countries ive ever had the full diplomatic relationship with israel although some of that child for years. But in september on october 2020 the United States announced socalled normalization deals between israel and 2 gulf countries the United Arab Emirates and buffer rain and then with sudan. The Sticking Point for decades had always been the occupation of palestine and the gulf states had always demanded their return to preone 967 borders as a condition for any form of official recognition. So whats changed. Why do these 3 countries appear to have given up on the palestinian issue and got into bed with their supposed long term adversary. Some see it as an attempt to curb 2 of the regions leading powers iran and turkey. While others believe that israel and the u. S. Have other long term pain. But for the past 13 years israel has also failed to achieve another of its prime objectives subduing the elected hamas government of gaza despite a series of violent confrontations going back over 10 years. And this might be another reason why israel has now chosen to develop wider political alliances in a bid finally to overcome a mass. In this film teller elmas hall of aljazeera arabic channel explores some of the reasons behind the shifting regional politics. Also how the military wing of hamas because some brigades has been working behind the scenes acquiring new high tech all movements including rockets from iran and other unexpected sources. And the concern this may very well cool is israel as well as its allies. All. Israels biggest global is clearly the United States and in feb 2020 President Donald Trump announced the long heralded deal of the century for the middle east. It was the brainchild of his son in law and senior president ial adviser jared question. Were asking the palestinians to meet the challenges of peaceful coexistence. Stopping the malign activities of hamas Islamic Jihad and other enemies of peace. The u. S. Was echoing israels demand for the complete disarmament of Palestinian Resistance in gaza grow the focus on gaza resume course because of the control of. The by Hamas Islamic Resistance Movement and its defined in the american plan the drug plan as a terrorist organization. Its entirely in line with. Israeli demands that the palestinians. Demilitarize and recognize the state of israel which has no. Contras to the pier learn has never done it is part of the if. Theyre smart leaders in the arab to build bridges in 2 years and from israel into all our arab states its the benefit of both sides they can gain our technology at the same time israel can gain from these relations with the arab states. But while the benefits of the plan to israel were clear some observers saw it differently. It is not a deal its a scheme. Basically to take land from the palestinians and and to ratify what the settlers have already accomplished and secondly its not a peace plan the intent is not peace the end there is no viable state that the palestinians can create now and certainly not under the terms that the current Israeli Government is insisting upon which is total demilitarization in other words you have to be powerless. Says effectively controlled the gaza strip since being democratically elected in 2006 and its military victory over the secular palestinian nationalist party fatah in 2007. This triggered a blockade by the 2 countries bordering gaza israel and egypt but nevertheless how must has been able to attain rocket Weapons Technology some homemade other smuggled into gaza. These images of rockets being manufactured and fired were obtained by al jazeera arabic. The video shows the manufacture of homemade rockets by members of the kasam brigade. It strongly suggests that the. Blockade of gaza or is not preventing further rearmament. Aljazeera also obtained this material from hamas showing weapons testing. The images are like its neighbors as they suggest that hamas has little appetite for disarmament or for engaging with the u. S. Led Peace Process. Quantifying the type and number of rockets available to the military wing of hamas is near impossible. But this video suggests that hamas is in fact. In preparation for a future military action. Ismail haniya heads the Political Bureau of hamas and is the organizations effective leader. Who are. Not. At the laugh at that i had the thumb out the other to halakha find that mark on your last name when i had a reseller when no on them star didnt in the actual market that halakhah feely a macand me. I would be. Or be a little. Fear what occupied as i had the fun of and hes now. Got a little careless oh lucky i love. You and if you had you had a lot of what i thought us at the end that halakhah hadnt moved. From the current mama. You know and they could have a lot of money. You dont have to live in a fuck up and the 2 arleigh i mean weve all got our. Mother there licked i know my animals could let him and. That and heather he was. In all of their cars you know after the selection of it all up he had it on dollar for us they need a part. Of the car and know not that it. Was the other topic. Of a your car left at the temple or. If were going to ever develop peaceful relations between israel and palestinian groups in gaza for example we cant have a situation where the palestinians can revert to violence the day after the agreement. So clearly. Dismantling the terror infrastructure that hamas has and enjoys is going to be part of any deal to make. To make. A gaza arrangement workable. Everyone talks about hamas but no one actually talks about their actual mood in gaza itself and other theyve been through horrific. Starvations and. Deprivations and loss of electricity and repeated bombing i see no sign of gaza surrendering hoisting the white flag and i think with continued resistance theyre still world melts away. In late 2008 and into 2009 Israel Attacked garza in an intense violent conflict the territory was subject to heavy bombardment followed by a ground invasion. Over a 1000 palestinians were killed in the space of full weeks. These are going to take this kind of situation any longer enough is enough. And for. A man. A yemeni heart. Was on or. In our battle. Heather to have deed the methyl be. Mala heart attack mess and duke of. Gloucester son and daughter look and fuck in the work and were called annoying and for going to that alaska why then and. More common for us than them all to be mel build a little and slightly hell that a course on the. Matter but that it a claim now that the. Cost of a yamaha yarn about dylan and. Combine and all i had that i had read to. Him and i had the short walk. A meditation you say read the left part as a. Wall the wall saddam has now. I lost. A large. Number. Whod. Been. He had at the heart. Of. Some. Livni behave. Highly and. The sea blockade effectively isolated gaza and neighboring israel and egypt to seal off its land borders and cut off its marine access. This video obtained by aljazeera purports to show that the blockade is failing to prevent rockets arriving into gaza. These images show what appear to be hamas fighters with surface to surface rockets long range weapons source from a rainy and technology. The video also shows cornett russian antitank weapon. Mcclelland well bottle with the hope they are. What they are saying but they were getting the custard in a good look. Well my heart on that alert the hardest. Part of the hell is in the in. One of the. Thoughts not a lot of parvez. And well what i did then the lead they can im a poem or was here must have. Been it was already here. Well i did. And let him. Feel made what can i do all. Or so that there were family it in the hall we cannot allow it when guys are became. Part of the long arm of the iranians providing hamas and Islamic Jihad with all the weapon systems giving the hamas and Islamic Jihad the ability to bomb israel the day that they will not have the script ability is there theyd be in which the palestinians in gaza will have what ever they want. From us the new year the author of strategy a new government for the new year here. For the the lettuce. And the cut yanni while there. We mount iran and more common for us to use that if im allowed or so. Honey and if hamas continued reliance on the run for military supplies was causing a loss of support among its International Allies and. You dont have a few years. Of martial. Are you sure that the. Men here. Yani. Up the mess that the from what about the stock faith not the. Infamous the new year behave and. A differ from. The infamous the. Inside the kasam brigades have continued to manufacture rockets capable of striking at israel they said this was for legitimate selfdefense from israeli attacks on gaza. In november 2012 they launched rockets towards tel of the for the 1st time in retaliation they said for israels assassination of the hamas military leader ahmed algy about it this occurred at a time of turmoil in the region the revolutions of the socalled arab spring were at their height including in neighboring egypt where the incoming president voiced his unwavering support for the palestinians living under blockade in gaza. However moore says time is egyptian president was short lived general sisi will be as important as the us and israel decide to use him. Role is to contain the the public make sure that its stable prevent any real democracy and you know he will have influence to the extent there. The u. S. The israel and air. States choose to use him if hes looked at a little more than a punter is going to need a book or either. That we should google or to gently have a look of the either to suffer the little the activity of that is. If. It had long been accepted that a primary route for smuggling arms into gaza was through a network of secret tunnels from egypt. In response egypt attempted to create a buffer zone including concrete walls on the egyptian side of the border. Bulldozers have destroyed hundreds of houses on the egyptian side displacing communities are developed there for generations. Another tactic to subvert the building of tunnels has been to pump seawater into these areas such rates the ground and is designed to thwart attempts to build new terms. Of the dipshits for egypt to explain it to the International Community end to the hamas or to the palestinians. That for us. To enable a different reality in gaza it is a precondition the arming hamas. In is russian at make sense because hamas for us is an enemy. These attacks on the tunnels did have an effect at a time when the israeli egyptian blockade on the gaza strip was tightening. In july 24th teen israel launched further attacks on gaza are even more devastating than those 5 years before thousands died in the war the vast majority of them garson. And. Letting the for. A year. Yes it was a. Better. The 2014 war ended with a truce but gaza city and other areas lay in rubble. I have to remind you that even after at least 2 of the Israeli Operations in gaza idea was that israel should not do it by itself. It will be it will be a disaster if we should try to disarm hamas so. Bottom line israel should not try to disarm hamas by itself it will not it will not help us. We tend to forget that hamas is not only a 2 organization is not only a Violent Movement it is it is an ideology coming up in part 2 with garza needing to recover from the 2014 war under blockade preventing imports of weaponry how must Para Military wing adopted a radical new rearmament strategy. And thats how learned this stuff enough although i thought analysis enough for. Us not a headline i love on the net of the could have been. A subpoena day one off many of the conversion the death that. November on aljazeera. Who will be the next president of the United States join us for extended coverage of the u. S. Elections on november 3rd and full of. All hail the log explores the complexities of our Global Response to the coronavirus pandemic could a proposed traffic scheme threaten one of the worlds most famous heritage sites will report from stonehenge up front returns with the Emmy Award Winning journalist Richelle Carey shell come through the headlines and be rigorous debate and former french president Nicolas Sarkozy will face trial on corruption charges well bring you the latest november onal jazzier. Bloom good to have. Some of you to be around to make you manufacturing back. With a decades old blue book has been torn up and repeated by an outsider. And the fusion of whiston style management and socialist worker values appeared destined for a car crash. The russian job witnessed documentary on aljazeera i was a hands on talents working in asia and africa thered be days where id be choosing the editing my own story is in a refugee camp and no electricity and right now were confronting some of the greatest challenges that humanity has ever faced and i really believe that the only way we can do that is with compassion and generosity and come from miles because of the only way we can try to solve any of these problems is together thats why there is so important we make those connections. Its. The rule. Or the or the or the way. I know im Maryam Namazie in on them quick look at the headlines now with exactly a week to go before the u. S. Election donald trump and joe biden is spending choose day crisscrossing the country and an intense day of campaigning National Polls giving the democratic contender biden a solid lead but its a lot tighter in some of those battleground states that could influence the result the coronavirus pandemic of course is overshadowing campaigning with infection surging in some states which are now worried about the lack of hospital beds nearly half a 1000000 cases have been confirmed in the past week alone President Trump was speaking earlier in michigan at a Campaign Rally where he focused on the economy. Its drivability the number one reason that im standing here because of trade and how we turn that around. 7 strengthen our going to rid the great state of. Arizona do we care who are years ago. In our other headlines the death rate from cove of 19 in france is more than doubled in the past 24 hours they are reporting 523 deaths up from 257 on monday doctors are warning that many hospitals are just days away from being overwhelmed it comes as protests erupted across italy overnight against new restrictions that are trying to control a recent spike on sunday the Italian Government ordered these new restrictions which include restaurants and bars closing at 6 pm they have also promised a relief package. Police in zanzibar have reportedly killed 5 people who took part in protests alleging ballot fraud ahead of tanzanias election on wednesday main Opposition Leader that was arrested early a choose day but has since been released the African Union is calling for a peaceful poll at least 8 people have been killed in a bombing at a Religious School in the northwest pakistan city of the shower or than a 100 others were injured police say the bomb was hidden in a bag left in the schools main hole the device detonated as students gathered for their lessons. 4 people including 2 children have died after a boat carrying migrants sank off the coast of france or than a dozen people have been taken to hospital the boat was thought to have been trying to reach the u. K. When it hit rough seas it is believed to be the biggest loss of life from a single boat carrying migrant crossings in the English Channel. Ill have the news out for you at 2100. 00 g. M. T. In about half an hours time. In the complex geopolitics of the middle east israel has spent around 14 years attempting to subdue you and be stabilized the elected hamas government in gaza. In a series of violent military confrontations has cost thousands of lives in gaza the majority of them palestinian civilian casualties. But neither side has so far gained the upper hand. The 2014 gaza war left hamas military resources heavily depleted. 51 days of attacks that exhausted their stock of weapons and the continued blockade made rearmament extremely difficult time r. L. Miss hell of aljazeera arabic channel is investigating how hamas and its paramilitary wing the kasam brigades has addressed the need to maintain their military capability particularly as israel forms new alliances across the region. While clearing up the war damage some brigades members came across a number of unexploded israeli missiles. And the failure of these rockets to detonate now became a new and unusual source of om. The brigade set to work reengineering this israeli ordinance with a view to returning it with a vengeance when needed. More bosh but imo not so much and number so man argued none of. Them want to show off and man up on a woman was when i found most of her jaw was on the holes all over your new york home so from c. M. When i viewed one member of. But over most of our men and your. Money im a little there we are on the. Move from minimum more than with the village wrong so they took them into shore. Having more or should book water more saw so many. Harvesting and reactivating the israeli bombs and missiles carried considerable risks a number of brigade fighters were killed in the process including abraham one of the project supervises. Another discovery in the damage clear up process was of long metal water pipes buried deep under the sand in gaza. Their original use had been to supply israeli settlements in gaza but theyd fallen into disuse after 2005 when israel withdrew from the territory and the settlers were forced to evacuate. Now looked on the pipes not as potential supplies of water but as ideal casings to be converted into powerful rockets. Then. Then he has to me well it. Was not up to me. As well. And what. They had him there will be. This video was filmed inside brigades workshop where they say they were making explosive rockets. Mechanical lathes were being used to cut cylindrical metal pipes to a uniform length. The video appears to show that brigades converting water pipes into rockets capable of being fired from gaza. In may the. Brigades told that these rockets were fired at israeli targets during their military exchanges. They say the rockets carried explosive. From the left over israeli missiles and bombs dropped on gaza during the 2014. You can often feel to soft wash for. A lefty would you have to carry a miyan are still a female d. N. A. Toskala. Was caught on our list because the full or do you get the 2nd. I thought the flow the manuals of the real sawtooth. Heard. Were just nermeen clearly hear you surly. And. So theyre worth. A little behind more than a hard or you dont see in our to her before. Our division in most closely. Along is an israeli coastal town less than 20 kilometers north of gaza. They attack sent a clear signal to israel that the paramilitary wing of hamas was reaal me. They succeeded to build capabilities. Either by smuggling through egypt Weapons Systems into gaza into de they have very. Good domestic capability to build Weapons Systems mainly long range missiles yes they have very nice. They enhance their capabilities to produce. Domestically theyre learning all the time they try to enhance their capabilities we are making all the efforts to learn more and more about those capabilities and to neutralize them when every can but that instead of them to will promise to remain there or whether that age. Old what does tend. To in general. Do not generally. Since it. Was seen alan was. Shipped in with the. Senator to hand out the medical form one cannot of the on him and what are their suppose they thought of well. Well at the time who would want to shout and. Well behaved. While the rest of. Lurking. Where. The United States socalled deal of the century had been heralded for some time although the precise details have been clear all was revealed in early 2020 and it paved the way for a new israeli strategic regional alliances to be announced. A. Strategy. It. Does mean that the whole move. Here. And one of. The. Its the end of an affair its not the beginning of an affair. And its about burying the palestinian issue. Burying land for peace and burying the arab peace initiative. The 1st sign of the shift in relations between israel and some of its arab neighbors came in early february 2020. It took place in east africa in uganda when israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met sedans collective conditional head of state. 2 weeks ago we had a very moving visit with the president of sudan thats an arab or rather a Muslim Country speaking arabic. To the heart on conference and in khartoum they had all the know was against israel remember the nose no recognition no israel basically you are now. On the military. Sword and. Die in a coma for less than a year. Literally stood different so the and. So and. It has. C. S. C. One of the. The worth of the concern for the weather. Who. So that. For us the need better than what. I have done jani. That would that would i will see for you on the. Woman to nelson and then the city well unfortunately sudan in the past used to be very close not just to palestinian factions but to iran if iran wanted to get weapons to a palestinian faction in the gaza strip what theyd have to do it would take a ship of the iranian navy. From bonder a bus in the persian gulf fill it with weapons go out from the strait of hormuz and. Come into the red sea and then bring that weaponry to a sudanese port like port sudan. There would be downloaded and it would be brought up sudan up egypt. So that it could be unloaded from trucks. In the border area of egypt and sudan from there they were transported to the gaza strip. Were not going to allow those things to happen in the future. The deal between israel and sudan was done in october 2020 when donald trump announced that sit down and israel had agreed to normalize relations. Palestinians denounced the move as quote a new step in the bag this announcement came just weeks after a symbolic flight by israels National Airline to the United Arab Emirates heralding new diplomatic relations between israel and the u. A. E. Some observers had clearly false seen changes in the relationship between israel and the u. A. E. Emails leaked in 2017 showed communications between the u. S. Ambassador to washington and a Senior Israeli Defense official. They discussed the socalled iron dome system an Israeli Defense Counter Measure to aerial attacks. Like a how are you how was the exercise. What you can learn from it but really im going to take the nuts. And. Then in april 29th teen there was a further sign of improving relations between the u. A. E. And israel when military pilots from the 2 countries met in greece to carry out joint am a new verse thanks to President Trump and the crown prince of the mohammad guns are the other group change and were making history and were changing history peace is a good turn and this peace unites moderate 2 of the most advanced economies in the world israel in the United Arab Emirates and 2 of the most moderate were fighting iran and the radical. Radicals who are trying to overthrow the entire order in the middle east subjugated people propagate terrorism so this is good for peace good for security good for prosperity i think its good for. The United States and good for israel this is about bringing all this above the table. And and and to have handshakes or on the white house lawn and to have open statements of support for israel. In january 2020 egypt which borders gaza held an Opening Ceremony for a military base on the red sea. It was a show of military power of v. I. P. Occasion. In attendance with the egyptian president. And the crown prince of abu dhabi shaikh mohammed. Some observers believe the purpose of the base is to cut supply lines to guard. Establishment of this base absolutely is in with coordination with us from because nothing happens without israels security coordination. And weve seen this many many times. With supply routes of arms to garza reducing all the time the kasam brigades sort other means of obtaining weaponry. On the seabed off guard or a number of shipwrecks some sunken naval confrontation. A specialist units of palestinian divers was tasked with searching the seabed for weaponry. They entered the wrecks of 2 old war ships and made a surprising discovery. They began a recovery operation to bring their findings to the surface. Then you could be. A 3rd of the no and then the death at the border and then what they were to do when i left. Home and one or the one with the huston and then. All. The stuff. Up at the vet how this stuff you know all been fair and i thought and i listened. I love like them yet with difficulty but we did notice if you know. Many of them. Would be no not at all seattle but i never. Met mr finn a dame. Nothing more a man or woman who are. Homeless in the mouth when i just miss a few nothing a lot of things when i can. Can really get them. Done have 15 i did them still come out on a walk then carry on. Yes. There may be questions about divers recovering life explosives that were over 100 years old. But the history of the ships themselves is no the british lost them in a 1st world war battle in 1017. During the battle of these 2 ships were lost just off on the coast of palestine in what was meant to be a safe anchorage the british had laid down some heavy mash nets to stop top itos coming into the anchorage a staunch is. Destroyed carries to foreign. Capital pito tubes its main qualities are high speed it can go up to 30 knots and its able to move very quickly to deal with threats it would be very difficult to reuse these weapons the smaller 4 inch guns or storms. These again weigh 7 right tom theyre not very portable and it would be a rather obvious thing you could see people trying to get these guns from the wrecks from space so it would not be a very covert operation to recover them and anything else on board that might be want to machine guns would have been awful easy to buy me one. Because some brigades divers claim to have recovered high explosive projectiles from the hold of a least one of the sunken ships they will just direct independently very funny bits. The brigade say that the recovery operation was successful and that the weaponry was brought to shore. To form a group army or come up with the whatever form a normal member of the firm i was a month from in a midterm of the midterm of the milimeter. Full of beer there was a meal the minute i think it will go on kind of the stuff im having my death be a fuss of a month of august or so to be in the middle of them heavy so not unplug if you get up on the little gluckman mode for well here all my years a miserable and had. A levee you want off of your desire. The video shows what seems to be a kasam brigades engineering and manufacturing unit recycling the british shells to make hundreds of new rockets. With iron and steel imports restricted by the blockade on gaza this is a new and welcome source of metal for the Palestinian Resistance. Army unfastening a 3rd military on the start of the year. And i do wonder some of the amazon ha ha ha bizarrely not eligible out of this month. And some other billions on the move from afar than i do by then so having him was unfair norms of the middle east are merely have different government. The model. On the year was somehow to be your model for john you saw. That the general joined the dont. Bottle on or off one that argument that they know. Or also how to be. Non minute more than with a general and. Taxi in. At. First. First i believe that a must today is stronger 0 from again a military terms but of the new war not the old war its complicated but hamas is stronger than hamas used to be. And. I believe that unless we should create a different political reality how must really go stronger what we say to the palestinians in gaza is very clear. Dont use your work and give it away with the voters will be open and you can get what ever you want to import to girls that whatever you want to buy from ever you want to sell all around the world i think any change in gaza was contingent to demilitarization. But the phrase used. Significant improvements for the people of gaza will not to curb and to the food demilitarization of gaza and thats unlikely to happen given the completely. Weve tried to you has ignored palestinian demands whether it hamas in gaza or the people or room of the saudi official it. Wasnt. Be so and plenty. To be yet not. What the. Shape of that. Shape and its 11 and more column are and i pocket. A clock and there her believe. That would work. With the head of i dance or would national. Have 100. 50 partners are. Now. And i work in. The clinical. And its the elite of the national now and when the time has. Set a call a lot like a heavenly mother mortally. Well. Some things are but to her messing with her and i do one must say. Well mostly i feel. Awesome to have him. In the mainstream Peace Process over decades gaza and the palestinians seem always to have been poles in a global chess game. So the question now for hummus is whether the recent changes in regional relationships signify the end of the road for them or the beginning of a whole new chapter. 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Hello the stones around brisbane and more typically in queensland the new south has been pokey recently and you might think theyve gone away but i am not convinced although much of the cloud seems to be going offshore youve got the walls of spring to build showers again and they could be pretty big ones in New South Wales still around brisbane and then back into eastern victoria that to the west of that most of the constant is much drying out including darwin having had a record breaking wet october person joined 25. 00 degrees in the sunshine it will warm up more for you significantly whereas all the brisbane might be probably still in 3 on thursday that is not true is this our New South Wales victoria parts of south history including adelaide will still be wet so thats really all the action is and in complete contrast whilst we wait for winter to come into china and it hasnt yet its fairly quiet whether there is cloud or runs but a rain spreading in but its just light stuff and youve got an increasing breeze off the water coming into our car a day with snow in siberia but the south coast of china is a more active area with. A before it falls apart spring rain into the south china and of course extensively in vietnam. Dissecting the headlines in the midst of a lets start with some of the on the ground realities affecting the News Coverage was the lay of the land challenging assumptions and the official line there listening post on aljazeera. This is aljazeera. Hello i Maryam Namazie youre watching the news hour live from london coming up in the next 60 minutes its trouble is the number one reason that im standing here because of trade and how we turn that around. Trying focuses on the economy with a week to go in the u. S. President ial election as i can criticize is his record on the coronavirus. Resists

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