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A Religious School in pakistan and well tell you why a new abortion law in poland has triggered mass protests across the country. Thank you very much for joining us with exactly a week to go before the u. S. Elections says been a surge in early voting partly due to when despite the coronavirus pandemic more than 63000000 americans had voted by monday night thats 4000000 more than all early votes 4 years ago National Polls are giving democratic contender joe biden a solid lead although its a lot tighter in some battleground states but the coronavirus pandemic continues to overshadow the campaign infections are surging with some states concerned about the lack of hospital beds nearly half a 1000000 cases have been confirmed in the past week alone with. More than 225000 deaths since the pandemic began stock markets in the u. S. Saw their biggest one day drop in a month on monday as concern grows that failure to contain the outbreak will hurt the economic recovery and rescue package remains held up in congress with democrats and republicans deadlocked over the details lets go straight to our White House Correspondent kimberly how it gets so kimberly one week to go until election day opinion polls not looking good for donald trump whats the Campaign Strategy as it makes its closing pitch to voters. Because president s just left the white house he is headed to the midwest where the u. S. President trying to shore up support but in terms of strategy what dollars what was trying to do is hang on to the socalled blue wall that means states that had previously voted democrat and 2016 voted for donald trump he needs to hang on to those few was to secure a reelection victory and this is where they are watching the polls very carefully as you reported they are in fact very tight and not looking promising for donald trump but they continue to try to remain optimistic saying the polls are wrong in 2016 and they are counting on them being wrong in 2020 again and meanwhile joe biden is in georgia former president obama has been stumping for him in florida which is of course an important battleground state this is obamas presence good for biden. Its absolutely good because till now i mean and it remains that brock obama is one of the most charismatic politicians he is really adored here in the United States by so many democratic supporters much more so we would say than joe biden and so when brock obama gets on the campaign trail he electrifies that Democratic Base and that is what the Biden Campaign is counting on now its obviously irritating the u. S. President because he delayed his departure to watch barack obama as he was on the campaign trail in florida that seem to bother donald trump of course that is his backyard where he has a home so he was tweeting about it and also as he left the white house was criticized in saying what he believed is that there have been lagging crowd numbers for joe biden as a result they had to call him barack obama and he once again touted his crowd size at his rallies 25000 the president says of his latest one but the bottom line is this just because you get someone to a rally does not mean you get their support at the polls still this is what donald trump is counting on encouraging his supporters to remain optimistic thank you very much for that kimberly hocket live at the white house. While Donald Trumps victory 4 years ago was partly due to the upset in the usually Democratic State of michigan to be reelected he will need to win in the states the launch of counties live to john hendren in chicago for his john the midwest very important michigan of course does the president still have a hold on the midwest or have things changed in the last 4 years. Well in 2016 just ahead of the election about the time we are now week ahead the polls were showing donald trump well behind in the midwestern swing states these are the great great lakes states of pennsylvania ohio sorry pennsylvania michigan and wisconsin he flipped all of those states on election day and ohio which he was expected to win that time around so as you heard kimberly say his campaign is confident that he can move on with the numbers hes got but hes hind in the polls and the way he did this last time was. The republicans tend to do well in the rural areas the democrats tend to do well in this city so he captured the suburbs and in places like pennsylvania and mccomb county michigan that is where donald trump won so we went to mccomb county this is a swing county that voted for barack obama and then donald trump and we asked voters what they thought to take a look. Mccomb county which sits between 2 great lakes lake huron and lake erie is scenic patriotic middle class and overwhelmingly white in the last election trump resonated here in 2016 pledged he would not cut Medicare Medicaid or Social Security very different from other republican candidates and i think that combined with a lot of his appeals to white identity politics really i think really appealed to a lot of people in mccomb county. Trump inspires tributes on land and water and a rare devotion among supporters to the greatest president weve ever had in my lifetime he has made so many promises and hes kept more promises that hes made which has never happened ever as i believe in his policies hes gotten the job done so far hes prolife hes everything i believe in. The 2020 election will test whether hes still popular here despite the coronavirus and an economic collapse has democrat joe bidens Campaign Workers canvassed the county early going how are they missing work he leads trump handily in recent polls whats changed is this mask the epidemic here as been very difficult we have lost over a 1000 people to call the president doesnt have a plan doesnt pretend to have one he wants more people to die joe biden will have a plan that will fix this code so that we can try and get back to normal life what has also changed is a growing political conflict within the state. Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer is aggressive Pandemic Response led armed protesters to force their way into the State Capitol and it led to the arrest of 13 militia members who allegedly planned to kidnap or in trump has been fanning the flames you got to get your governor to open up your state. So donald trump is behind in the polls and playing defense trying to keep those states that voted for him last time today hes campaigning in wisconsin in michigan and in the solidly republican state of nebraska all states that he won last time around joe biden meanwhile is playing all fence hes going to georgia a usually republican state so hes trying to expand the map while donald trump is trying to hold on to those states that hes already that he won in 2016 and are not looking good there was one released by the university of wisconsin at madison they put him at 10 Percentage Points ahead in michigan 9 Percentage Points ahead in wisconsin and about 8 Percentage Points away in the other d great lakes swing state of pennsylvania there are pollsters though who say that donald trump might do considerably better the polls generally come closer together close to election day although as youve been pointing out more than 6060000000 people have already voted but there are apparently shy voters according to some pollsters people who dont respond to polls but come out on election day and those people some pollsters have been suggesting could give trump an extra one to 2 Percentage Points but you heard those polls he is farther than that behind in several states thank you so much for that john hendren reporting there live from chicago and in part 3. Of the battleground states in americas made wes. From ohio where much which is very much a swing state and find out what matters to voters there thats coming up on wednesday right here on the air. Now on to other world news and the chairman of the African Union is calling for Peaceful Elections in tanzania and its semiautonomous region of zanzibar several people have reportedly been shot dead by police in zanzibar while they were protesting alleged voter fraud and the main Opposition Leader there was arrested early tuesday but has since been released Catherine Story reports the these protesters in tanzania semi autonomous region of zanzibar are mostly supporters of st sharif from that the main opposition president ial candidate was arrested in the Early Morning at a polling station during advance voting special groups such as security personnel Election Officials and people with disabilities he was related released. Its been tense in the last few days of the island with fighting between opposition supporters and police after a political rally at the cannes tanks and troops from the tanzanian mainland have also been deployed voting continued at the polling stations despite demonstrators alleging that the election will be reet. Its a few protesters who wanted to cause destruction and. We have arrested some of their criminals everything is going well there is no major problems of the. In another island in the archipelago several people on are reported to have been shot and killed and others injured after attempting to block the distribution of voting material they said some ballot papers had been remarked. Elections in zanzibar have often been contentious and violent in voting during the 2015 president ial call malim safe sheriff claimed victory for the Electoral Commission a nod to the results and the opposition courted are repeat an action. Some analysts fear that an unfavorable result for the opposition this time could trigger another violent fall out with the ruling party. Is known for its vibrant culture but many people say theyre feeling increasingly marginalized others want more tanami from tanzanias rulers in direct lump and Everyone Wants to benefit from the resolves of natural gas discovered off the coast catherine soy aljazeera early i spoke to david makali an observer at tanzania elections watch he says these elections are far from being free and fair. Possible of course the environment or the level or the group the playground her is not level both in terms of the institutions which are governing or managing this election as well as the conduct of the security agencies are in the run up to the selection a lot over a period of the opposition have been constrained by the actions of the state through the police especially there is a been stalked movement of the main Opposition Leader to listen has been stopped a couple of times and this was a raise a lot of concern about the fairness of this election but most or the bigger question was the disqualification of a lot of the candidates that were participating in this election. From the position which has created a lot of fear that of course this election is not be fair and free is voting on the ballot semiautonomous silent as well theyre voting in a National Election but also at the local level and we know that van de bar has a history of Election Related Violence contested polls by the opposition in stand by also usually very very strong do you think the ruling party can succeed in taking control on the island well that of course is that is a have the ruling party and hes tried its best to control that particular island as happened every election i mean in 2000 the election was extremely violent and a lot of people. We are hoping that this time tomorrow there will be no violence but there are very serious indications that they could be whelans because the determination by the ruling party to take over the island when they are going to very strong opposition because actually thats where the opposition is strongest in this election. Plenty more ahead on this news hour including a new pact between the u. S. And india as the 2 countries know to strengthen military ties its al jazeera games exclusive access to operations at the biggest u. S. Military base in the gulf and the head of World Football tests positive for corona virus joe have the details in sports coming up later. A United Nations delegation has made its 1st visit to several camps in syrias deadly province since march it follows a russian airstrike that killed at least 70 turkish baths rebels in the region on monday russia and turkey back opposing sides in the conflict the Syrian Special envoy at the u. N. Is urging corporation between moscow and ban correct to end the conflict when i speak to our diplomatic editor jane spaces at the United Nations for so james there was an open Security Council meeting on syria and the fighting in italy about to the u. N. Delegations visit to camps there what was said at that meeting well the u. N. Special envoy patterson expressed his real concern about the situation in it live following what was the deadliest attack since that shape she truce came into force that was brokered between russia and turkey back in march that was an attack we think almost certainly carried out by a russian strike only opposition that killed we think about 50 opposition fighters and following that the green fighting from opposition areas shelling of government controlled areas the special envoy is very worried things could deteriorate further these dynamics colonel rubble the previous calm achieved through possibly russian turkish got ration corp which already faces junctions even that joint patrols have remained stalled for all models. I appealed to both the russia and turkey europe to contain the situation so what to russia and turkey have to say they both spoke at the meeting turkeys Ambassador Says his country remains fully committed to ensuring a lasting cease fire in for the russians and the russians happen to be the president of the Security Council this month so the vacillator benzema was presiding but in his own speech he said in the it live deescalation zone the implementation of the russian turkish agreements continues but then theres the important bit he added added that terrorists in his words constantly organize provocations that given all thats gone on in recent hours is worth reminding you that the backdrop is a really bad humanitarian situation both in a glib and across syria came space at the United Nations thank you. A bomb blast at a village a school in northwest pakistan has killed at least 8 people more than 100 others were injured in a shower when a device was detonated as students gathered for lessons gate in the house more. Up to 500 students were packed into this room when the bomb exploded. They were listening to a lecture by a prominent scholar at the jimmy is a very Religious School impish hour that eventually out a budget it was 8 oclock in the morning the teacher was giving a lesson we just heard a big bang and all the students are running here and their. Police say the bomb was hidden in an abandoned bag in the main hall pakistani an afghan students teachers and other members of staff are among the dead and injured several are in a Critical Condition Police Expect more faith tallaght. The injured were taken to the citys main hospital where relatives gathered waiting for news. Of the attack comes days after pakistans Intelligence Service warned that armed groups could target public buildings including Religious Schools across pakistan Prime Minister imran khan condemned the bombing no one has claimed responsibility for the attack the Pakistani Taliban condemned the bombing and denied involvement the group has targeted schools mosques and the military since 2001 when pakistan supported the us invasion of afghanistan that starts out on a Good Government run. So there. And then meant. More than 1000 students were at the school when the bomb went off police say most of those killed were young people in their twentys Victoria Gate and be algis they are. And rallies have been held across pakistan to show solidarity with the people in indian administered kashmir october 27th is known as blank day a what many call the force occupation of the jungle and Kashmir Valley kamau hyde i was at one of the ranis in the capital islamabad. Across bogas song people have been marking 27th as a black day now it was in 1947 that angry and supporters came and told me rally and i go against orders contravention of the partition plan under which majority muslim area should have fallen on the progress on the main crisis or watch me as registered rewards and today the people of kashmir and bhagavan are telling the International Community that relevant un resolutions must be i dare to be been talking to leaders from the course really community most of the ones on the indian side or in indian administered kashmir and under incarceration most of them are in bad health and there are concerns about Grave Human Rights Violations india has carried out its own propaganda and its narrative against pakistan against the citizens of the moon fish meat we obviously see them marking the martyrs of freedom as militants and it is not going to die out even to appreciate. Flashpoint for world war 2 in my belief and if india does not back down from their atrocities then there is a huge price to pay for the Indian Forces and india is there every day and a lot of stories are being told and people are being. You know. That when the war. In europe like the fall of the new liberation. Indignation to be mostly told to avoid and to avoid a Nuclear Holocaust and so. There are grave concerns about Human Rights Violations by Indian Security forces and indian administered kashmir this is a day plus focused on it and just meetings across the world a message to the outside world that this is a dangerous right thing which are now dragon china red africa india they walk article 370 it is a crisis that Needs International attention and if you ask their coach meeting they will tell you that they will not stop their struggle until the achievement of the selfdetermination of the people of kashmir. Bangladesh is the latest muslim nation calling for a boycott of french products the growing protests come after french president a man in moscow is recent controversial comments on islam and they followed the beheading of a french teacher who showed cartoons of prophet mohammed in class. The u. S. Secretary of state michael bell is calling to close a corporation with india to confront threats posed by china both nations are experiencing strained relations with beijing and now the u. S. And india have signed a defense box to share military technology and classified data and is about random reports from new delhi. U. S. Secretary of defense marcus spoke was welcomed by a god of auto in indias capital. Just one week before the u. S. Election he and u. S. Secretary of state mike pump landed to sign the 4th and final Defense Agreement between the 2 countries a deal which has eluded previous u. S. Administrations during our meetings these last 3 days we have reaffirmed the United States commitment to a comprehensive and forward looking Defense Partnership with india. The basic exchange incorporation agreement or beca as its known will allow the sharing of military Technology Maps and classified satellite data and it comes as relations between Nuclear Neighbors india and china are at their worst in decades in june 20 indian soldiers and an unknown number of chinese troops were killed in clashes in the valley along bit disputed border the 1st military deaths in 45 he is this morning we visited the National War Memorial to honor the brave men and women of the Indian Armed Forces who were sacrificed for the Worlds Largest democracy including 20 there were killed by the p. L. O. Forces in the valley. United states will stand with the people of india as they confront threats to their sovereignty and to their liberty. Indias external Affairs Minister was more careful with his words about china as talks to resolve the border disputes the ongoing a multiple of world must a multiple law to show as its basis analysts say china is wary of the strengthening alliances in asia joined. As a confirmation of a conclusion that i think they have already drawn because they will see this as a culmination of either for those like the formalization of the war the Border Security group which just mentioned talk your earlier this month but u. S. Diplomats praised the socalled quad lines between india the us japan and australia before countries will take part in joint naval exercises next month 3rd the cementing the u. S. And indias defense relationship and that of the Quad Alliance something analysts say will further antagonize china elizabeth pradhan aljazeera new delhi. The United Nations human rights investigator for ben a rule says demanding that the government stop repressing its own people and ice marien says at least 20000. 00 were detained in august and september with hundreds beaten and tortured in custody protesters in belarus have been calling on president Alexander Lukashenko to resign they have been mass rallies every weekend since august following a disputed election. Protesters continue to demonstrate in poland following last weeks near total ban on abortions a ruling by the Constitutional Court means the procedure may be legal only in extreme cases such as rape or incest rocker reports. I defended what demonstrators say are reproductive rights opposition m. P. s brought protests to the floor of polands parliament on choose day chanting this is war. Thousands of joint daily marches across the country in defiance of coded 19 restrictions in the capital warsaw streets were blocked bringing traffic to a standstill. I am so sorry i need to fight for my daughters future i cannot imagine not being everything is. Ok if alos last weeks ruling by polands Constitutional Court that abortions in all but a few cases are legal the move paves the way for the governing right wing law and Justice Party to approve a barrel of terminations even in cases of fetal defects and when there is no chance of survival outside the womb abortion will only be allowed in cases of rape incest or where theres a threat to the mothers life. Polands Prime Minister promised to defend what conservatives see as an unborn childs right to life son of the prince for those of us of the good pollicie dippold the freedom of choice truly is a fundamental thing that we should all agree that in order to have this freedom of choice one needs to be a life the one who is dead cannot implement ones right to freedom of choice. For the moves led to fears about a possible rise in illegal procedures how stubborn you can usually just about see this low will not to crease the number of aborted foetuses what it will do is put womens lives in danger because theyll be less prenatal screening it will put childrens lives in danger too because they will not be tested 3 prenatal screenings. On sunday activists disrupted Church Services across the country polands predominately Roman Catholic church strongly opposed to abortion wields enormous influence on the musette the country even further apart from the european mainstream e. U. Leaders have accused the polish government of violating shared standards for years and a rolling back of democratic reforms demonstrators have promised many more days of action. Aljazeera. Still ahead on aljazeera. I mean we can calmly play any county barrett is controversially sworn in as the newest Us Supreme Court justice shifting the court further to the right school look at how this chinese online payment firm hopes to shatter records on the stock walk 8 and a paralympic sprinter loses his appeal to compete on price is that its ocean is racist dont have the story and its. Hello. Remains remarkably warm in the levant good side of west and saudi arabia as well and thats despite whats developing in the mediterranean which is story whether through greece which head towards turkey is a gentle breeze during down the gulf that attempt has a coming down slowly dohas its that all 30 over the next day or 2 the monthly sherif to run across the coast of amman and doubtless a cultural rains on its way to the horn of africa there is slightly more rain in somalia the sort of few showers in south sudan but mostly were to the south of that now in uganda tanzania throughout the rift valley and focusing rather moral camera to get bombed and touching north and this is normal this time the sun comes out and the monsoon troughs comes out so you get more of this sort of rain mogadishus forecast that she dry one little bit inland you will get a few showers south of this and we see in again a lot of war in botswana and south africas champ is 5 degrees 10 degrees above the average that tends to build showers and certainly been the case around johannesburg in their tank possibly the so to swell not in the forecast beyond that things remain quiet and warm joburg indeed says its 32. 00 the average is 24. 00. Al jazeera world goes inside how the military wing of hamas gaining access to keep pleasant previously unseen footage unless we create a different political reality a must win both stronger and militarily goods but with new shifting regional alliances we are asking the palestinians to meet the challenges of peaceful coexistence what next for gaza and the palestinians causing a mess in the middle east on aljazeera while im not happy with when the president of the United States speaks out the rest of the world takes notice. Aggressive negotiation on trade deals. Unparalleled military might International Agreements hanging by a thread will the next u. S. Foreign policy put america 1st. Or be a Leading Light for the world at large. Examine the key issues of the us elections on aljazeera. The old. Youre watching the news hour on aljazeera with me fully back to our reminder of our top stories its a week to go until the u. S. Election and a record 63000000 americans have already voted the coronavirus pandemic continues to cast a shadow over the campaign really half a 1000000 u. S. New infections were recorded in the past week an explosion at a Religious School in pakistan has killed at least 8 people one in a 100 others were injured in the city of her shower. And the African Union is calling for Peaceful Elections in Tanzania Police on the semiautonomous island of zanzibar reportedly killed 5 people who took part in protests alleging ballot fraud ahead of wednesdays folks. More now on our top story this hour on the final week of campaigning for the u. S. Elections most opinion polls show Donald Trumps democratic rival joe biden leading the president ial race but just how are these surveys speak to talk about whos professor and Political Management Program director at George Washington University Joins us via skype from washington thank you very much for fessor for being with us so we keep hearing about the 2016 polls and how they were wrong about Hillary Clintons victory i mean she did win the popular vote even though she lost the natural college what do the polls today one week before the election tell you does it feel different this time round. Ok well 1st i think we need to correct the. The idea that the right or wrong in 2016 the National Polls were correct and if you look at the 10 different swing states only 11. 00 was off and that was wisconsin the rest of them fell within the margin of error and you would expect that one of those 20 estimates 10 states estimating 2 different candidates would be out and North Carolina was out but wisconsin was really the one that was off now we know that what was wrong with the polls in 2016 to the extent that it was wrong there wasnt a whole lot wrong like i said is that they didnt do what was called sample wait waiting for noncollege educated persons education was not something that they tried to correct for in the modeling theyre doing it this year in fact they did it back in 2018 and the 2018 holes were the most accurate we have on record so i think that the polls are in a much better shape right now now of getting us a closer estimate as to what we can expect what about those shy voters we kept hearing about from 20 to 16. Right inner notices of the shy trump voter phenomenon that is that people wouldnt tell the pollsters that they were going to vote for trump and entered a voting for him when it actually came to election day that didnt really happen those voters were really there if you look at the polls and we know that theyre certainly not very shy right now theyre out there in force and they have their signs on and theyre waving their flags and everything and so i dont think we really need to worry about that one of the things that did happen in 2016 that makes it look like that might have been something was that we had what was called the komi investigation that reopened and Hillary Clintons emails in the last the weekend right before the election and some of the polls that were taken were before that revelation happened and we know for people who make up their minds in the last week or so its the character of the of the candidates the personality traits that really make a big difference so if you thought that Hillary Clinton was not very trustworthy youre less likely to vote for for those voters who decided in the last week they went to one for trump in 2016 right this year we have candidates that are much better known and much better liked we have 63000000 and counting right now in terms of actually voting and before us indicate that by just said democrats have so far out voted by just said republican scatting more than double the number of ballots how would it change the voting patterns. Boy i wish we really had something that we can compare this to but 2020 is really like no other year weve ever had not just in politics but of course with the pandemic and Everything Else the early voting looks good for democrats unless you look at the fact that an even bigger proportion of them said they intended to vote by mail so the the results are not coming up quite as much as planted as we expected we expected it to be 2. 00 to 1. 00 democratic advantage in the early voting and even though the democrats are there almost 2. 00 to 1. 00 a little bit less than that its not quite the margins we expected and of course we have no idea whats going to happen on election day now and we have no idea about turnout on election day who will the big terry not favor. Generally we think that a big turnout will favor democrats and the reason why we think that and thats not always the case but we think so in this election and thats because turnout was down in key cities in the midwest and in the swing states those urban areas that are usually solidly democratic places like pittsburgh and philadelphia and detroit the vote turnout was down in those places we expected to be up this year and we expect that to benefit joe biden thank you so much professor for talking to us about this todd bowed to his professors at George Washington University Joining affair by skype from d. C. Thank you very much for your time we appreciate it my pleasure thank you. Now Donald Trumps pick for the u. S. Supreme Court Justice has been sore named Amy Coney Barrett took the oath of office in a late night sam morning at the white house shortly after the Senate Confirmed her nomination her appointment gives the top court a large conservative majority alan fischer reports. 30 days after her nomination him equally valid became the one justice on the u. S. Supreme court they held an event at the white house. Now. The initial 70 was a super spreader event for covert 1000. 00 with many attendees including the president contrite thing the virus that didnt deter President Donald Trump who wanted a political victory so close to the election this is a momentous day for america for the United States constitution and for the fair and impartial rule of law the speed of the process is upset democrats the see the choice of a new justice should have been left to the next president may win this vote but in the process you will speed precipitous decline of face in our institution our politics the senate and the Supreme Court you will give in already divided an angry nation a fresh outrage the democrats tried to bring public pressure to stop the vote the argued there were more important things they argued that the republicans wouldnt even consider a democratic nomination for the Supreme Court in an Election Year 4 years ago but the reality is the democrats never had any real power to stop this nomination going through a lecture and have consequences. And what this administration and those republicans. Theres an actress of. The power that was given to us by the American People let me corny but it will replace Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg who died last month her appointment solidifies a 63 conservative majority on the court but she insists she will look to current views on to the court the oath that i have suddenly taken tonight means at its core that i will do my job without any fear or favor and that i will do so independently of both the political branches and of my own preferences democratic president ial nominee joe biden says if he wins the election hell look again at how did you decide branch of the American Government uproots or just a group of serious charges of dollars from a number of ideas how we should proceed from this point of having no been sworn in justice starts work immediately exactly what the republicans wanted alan fischer aljazeera washington the Fatal Shooting of a mentally ill black man in the us city of philadelphia has led to violent overnight protests police shot and killed wall to wall is after yelling at him to drop his knife demonstrators set police cars and garbage bins on fire 30 officers were injured during protests. Now the red carpet has been rolled out for a scaled back version of the Cannes Film Festival on the French Riviera just 4 films will be shown over the next 3 days the main event was postponed in may because of the corner virus fund that make wild open to the public seats are limited and spaced out and masks mandatory as speak to Jasmine Simpkins about this she is a whole send film critic with hip hollywood dot com and she is wise cut from a scientist jasmine very guitar of you with us on the show so we have a mini version of the Cannes Film Festival this year what is it going to look and feel like you think. You know this was really an effort to restore hope in the sound and st the french entertainment minister she really wanted to make sure that people understood that while this was not going to go on in traditional fashion that you know they still want to be able to celebrate now there were. Some. Films that were shown that are from and then now we who are preview that will be shown as well during the festival for its not going to be all the fans that were used but it will go on and i think this is a great way because you can either celebrate cinema during this time for films as they say chosen in the 2020 officials had action but without the physical festival its much harder i imagine for sales agents to create was the wrong can selections is there a standout title this year in 29. 00 of course we had a parasite is there anything that stands out this year for you there is the cost of beginning that people are talking about are the International Festival rounds and i think the film that is a part of one film preview i got a lot of theres a lot of the rounding and so i think that they really make sure to pick sound that have already been making the market maybe not in the u. S. But on the International Round and from the record to civil war and i think eventually will. Lead to the. Chest pain are these film festivals whether its come on venice berlin are they going to be able you think to recover from from the pandemic and more broadly will the film fashion stars you know what will these industries feel comfortable and the people who work in them feel comfortable comfortable going back to play called mode the file festival. You know i think. The festival hands on is really a. Big a list stars converge and on the rear are wearing Fabulous Fashion and so you have. To make this the red carpet is there. And so i can still know that were going to that in the years maybe definitely not when he 21 same fashion that we have seen it before i think will make art in the classical in a different kind of way i think it would just be photographed. So many people and its be below me who have that have already i think theyve already started for next years festival and i believe that some of you know. What theyve got or suddenly going to miss the glitz and glamour this year thank you so much as men for talking to us Jasmine Simpkins is a film critic joining us from the century thank you for your time thank you folly. Now i new study by researches in the u. K. s dashing hopes that socalled herd immunity took over 1000 can be achieved because antibodies have a short shelf life researchers from the Imperial College london found the number of people testing positive for anti bodies has fallen by 26 percent since last done was ease over the summer the study hints that immunity appears to be fading and there is a risk of catching the virus multiple times Scientists Say herd immunity can only work if iran 50 to 60 percent of the population have protection against the virus so it can no longer transmit efficiently and dr Christine Aitchison is one of the authors of the reacts to Study Reports and she says its too early to say if facts nation will provide people with longer any unity. These results do not necessarily mean immunity arising from wrecks a nation would be short lived or we would see immunity from vaccination and behaving in the same way as it does from natural infection a good vaccine may well be better than Natural Immunity we just arent we dont know and were waiting for the results of some of the some of the trials going on that does need further research in terms of whether vaccination will provide longer immunity it is possible that people might need to boost the vaccine like we do for other Infectious Diseases if if the vaccination does appear to be short lived so you know i appreciate that this stuff this isnt good news but equally it doesnt mean bad news in terms of vaccination and immunity from vaccination going forward. The biggest u. S. Military base in the gulf is getting a multibillion dollar upgrade and the construction work so well underway. Data base a central role in u. S. And Coalition Operations that are carried out every day across the region especially deca visited the facilities and got exclusive access to join affright refueling f. 16 fighter jets i believe tatar behind and head out across the gulf weve been given exclusive access to join this refueling flight on a validated air base near doha it will be topping up the tanks of american and 16 fighter jets already out on missions my job is pretty much to refuel other aircraft in the air so they can stay airborne longer its all going to take place here at the back of the plane and you have to get down low so this is where the refuting happens its called the bucolic its in the belly of the plane easy to lie on your stomach to be able to fit know what were going to witness is the operator is going to connect with the fighter jets that are going to approach the aircraft from here. The 1st f. 16 approaches. These are multimillion dollar fighter jets. Out on active mission and were not told what where that is. They get so close you can clearly see the pilot. The entire process only takes a couple of minutes we spend around 4 hours in the air while the crew fumed 5 and sixteens with the fighters we do a lot of cargo aircraft we can pretty much refuel anything is on the start of them are sceptical they also refuse allied aircraft not just american eluded airbase host of royalty of nationalities back on the ground we speak to Brigadier General daniel tully who is the commander of the 379th air Expeditionary Wing l u d was here at a Central Location in the sort of command i. Very strategic location so were engaged up in afghanistan still with our forces on the ground up there up in syria and iraq and then out in the gulf forward to touring iran and were partnering with other nations to ensure the free flow of commerce the government of qatar is in the process of upgrading the air base so the base is being expanded so fav to say youre here to stay i would say we are here to stay i would stay away from the word expansion were actually upgrading modernizing what we have its already a huge facility its one of the largest power projection platforms in the world i think but here to stay is probably a Fair Assessment americans are about to vote for their next president will also be their commander in chief back in the sky i mean if you voted i have your say if you watch. If im not flying despite the unpredictability of this president ial campaign for these men and women at least appear it seems and for now its business as usual Stephanie Decker aljazeera in the skies above the gulf a major wildfire is burning its way through parts of Orange County in Southern California in the u. S. More than 60000 people have been force evacuated as powerful winds continue to house fred the base fire and rescue Officials Say the wildfires cover covers an area of more than 2700. 00 hectares of forests so don ethiopian egypt have resumes negotiations over a controversial dam project on the river nile after a 3 month suspension the African Union mediated talks followed the u. S. Presence warning that the project could spawn military action from egypt if youll be a has accused donald trump of inciting war after he said egypt might blow up the. In thailand supporters of the king have rallied in the capital bank called fair against recent calls to change laws that shield the king from public scrutiny and i government protesters have been stepping up demands for the Prime Minister to resign and for reform of the monaca. The chinese Payments Company unschooled says its share sale will be the biggest stock market flotation in history the tech firm behind chinas Largest Online payment spot forms house price its share launch at 10. 00 to 0. 30 each that values the company at around 34000000000. 00 for 1670000000. 00 of its shares if all goes well the launch will surpass the previous record set by saudi aramco last december at around 29 1000000000. 00 on school owned by one of chinas richest men jack la is expected to begin trading shares on the hong kong and shanghai stock exchanges next month duncan car is chairman of china an Advisory Firm serving investors in Chinese Technology and Consumer Sectors he says the outgroup and his online Payment System pay have transformed personal finance. Its very much focused on not only young users but young users love it because it sort of game of fight theres lots of games you can play imagine your bank having a gaming application but also its accessible to all and deeply for investment you know helping chinese consumers diversify away from the traditional put money into you know the foreign bank and buy property and this is introducing them to a whole new range of Financial Products its really an innovation engine for the future of kind of you know try to actually is more innovative than you would think is that the government is taking more risks than we see in the last partly because they know they have to make changes theyve been trying to deregulate and get things going to allow people to save last and spend more and find proper mix and you know they have state owned banks that really control the Financial Sector and theyre allowing technology to kind of push reform where policy fail and so they are more negative than we give credit you know this this balancing act between the private sector and the Public Sector is very interesting and. The big theme today in china is domestic demand for goods and also for these shares as well of course as International Investors who want to buy into the chinese economy which is really one of the few in the world to be growing given how theyve handled recently the great. Still ahead in sports the dodgers are just one way in away from their 1st while series title since 1988 joe well have the details in sports next. Thanks very much the head of wild football free for president jennie inventing or has tested positive for corona virus the 50 year old is reported to have mild symptoms and has gone into self isolation he will remain in quarantine for at least 10 days so thats abraham riches out of corn team in his back scoring for ac milan but they still drop points for the 1st time this season the swedish strike has scored twice against roma which takes his tally to 6 goals in 5 games that despite spending time out following his positive test latins double helped his team score 3 on the night but their opponents were just as determined and got 3 of their own 33. 00 the final score in this match with only one top the standards. American paralympic run up blake leeper has lost an appeal to use his prosthetic legs to try to qualify for the tokyo lympics the court of arbitration for sport ruled that hed have an unfair advantage against able bodied athletes thats because the blades make him taller than he would be if he had legs leave his legal team plan to appeal the decision because they say the data used to determine his height discriminates against black athletes for them to stand on america say. You would ever have been right with 5 mary and im am i disagree with that were you getting your number from. Well we tested you know 15 how cajuns name 15 asians and it shows that you wouldnt be with that without the range of course i would give a crap if you put me put me on. Well with the kobe 1000. 00 pandemic fall from contained theres still no doubt as to whether the Tokyo Olympics can take place next year but organize a staging a test gymnastics event in the city next month with athletes from the u. S. Japan russia and china and 2000 fans are allowed to attend it will be at the yogi National Gymnasium which is set to host handful of the games each nation is allowed to send 8 gymnasts but only 6 from the u. S. Felt comfortable making the trip this opportunity is huge for and not just to miss you know were in a weird time for sporting events and so this is our chance of like really go out there and kind of make things feel normal if we get to do this and we get to go i think im p. And and you know everything runs smoothly you know other countries other competitors other passage with wow and you know theyve created a way that its safe game 6 of baseballs world series is coming up on tuesday night to the Los Angeles Dodgers currently the Tampa Bay Rays 32. 00 it means the dodgers could clinch their 1st wild series title since 1988 with a win in this next game they have so far one games 13 and 5 as to tampa bay they have never won the world series and this is only the 2nd ever appearance in the championship match up the good thing is weve got a lot of personalities and a lot of characters on this team that do such a good job of embracing that rather than running from it or changing from it they embrace it. And i think theyll go rise to that moment. The goal is to win them all so we know that thats a very very good book there nothing is going to end so you are only focus is to win games that. Buggery 6 nations reaches its conclusion on saturday with island france and england all still capable of taking the title england have had a tricky build up to their final game against italy theyve not played a game since the tournament was halted by the pandemic in march and their warm up against the ball baryons last week was cancelled off to several ball berrien players broke covert 19 protocols. Its made it difficult to pick. Probably a little bit different and scotland had to pick got 9 very good players on valhall. We had a congested club says in which is provided selection challenges because of the some of the mismatches in games. But again the day im very happy with the squad weve got a nice found significant spirit flies i think weve got 25 percent of the squad is on capsize id suggest such a nice for some young talent to come through and which had 2 great mini camps a good wake of trying. And were looking forward to their getting on the field and doing the business and thats all a sport for now more later. Joe thank you thats it for me for me back to one whole team here in doha we are live next to my London Youth Center just. 7000000 people who visit homes around china to gather vital Demographic Data for the countrys 7 population census. How china completes such a huge challenge during the coded 1900 make. Special coverage on aljazeera. In nigeria life you see bedes hottest 26 an airfoil is one of 2 ms rice i do not see nor energy junk that is followed in nigeria like. My nigeria is suck up by nigeria is your Development Manager i is their seventies this is my nigeria. My nigeria on aljazeera. 5 g. Internet Technology Game changer thread on i dont want to be a human lab rat activists. The. Conspiracy theorists engineers and World Leaders this is only the beginning. Are going fiercely over control over the latest Wireless Technology the truth about 5 g. On aljazeera. We understand the differences and similarities have cultures across the loved. Sun no matter what you see aljazeera will bring you the news and current fast that matter to. Aljazeera. Im ready to act i know what to do joe biden attacks the president over the coronavirus describing him as dangerously incompetent as donald trump hits house at barack obama. Hello im Maryam Namazie and london youre watching aljazeera also coming up on the program calls for Peaceful Elections in tanzania off the violence and the arrest of an Opposition Leader in zanzibar. An explosion kills at least 8 people and injures mall

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