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Thousands marching through bogota. And pope francis speaks out in support of civil unions for same sex couples at a radical shift from his predecessors. The f. B. I. Is accusing both iran and russia of trying to interfere with the u. S. Election thats less than 2 weeks away it says the both countries have obtained data on Voter Registration iran is accused of sending fake emails to voters to intimidate them mike hanna reports from washington. These are members of a far right wing Group Calling itself the proud boys according to the f. B. I. Agents are planting emails to Democratic Party voters purporting to come from the proud boys with the intention of creating social unrest through there and we have already seen iran sending spoofed emails designed to intimidate voters incite social unrest and damage President Trump. Recently when asked to condemn the proud boys President Trump instead asked them to stand back and stand by both the director of National Intelligence and the f. B. I. Head been accused of attempting to downplay russian interference allegedly in accordance with the president s wishes but russia was also named 1st we have confirmed that some Voter Registration information has been obtained by iran and separately by russia this data can be used by foreign actors to attempt to communicate false information to registered voters that they hope. Caused confusion so chaos and undermined your confidence in american democracy barack obama had been warned of russian interference in the months leading to the 2016 election won by President Trump but the only thing apparently on his mind on this day was to catapult his former Vice President to victory physically campaigning for the 1st time a bomber displayed the charm that made him a 2 term president and you know my very good. I have to say because of my business actually accentuates. Theres a couple things that. Theyre really looking for. But a full throated attack on President Trump he hasnt shown any interest in doing the work or helping anybody but himself and his friends were treating the presidency like a reality show that he could use to get attach it was no coincidence that obamas 1st appearance in the Campaign Came in the capital of pennsylvania barack obama took pennsylvania in 200820128 was flipped by donald trump in 2016 the state has a high proportion of African American voters and joe biden and his Campaign Managers have identified pennsylvania as the single most important state to win if he is to make his way to the white house donald trump continued on his campaign trail apparently not pausing to prepare for the final debate with joe biden that will be taking place on thursday my kind of aljazeera washington. Serious dollars jabari the iranian reaction dorsett came through its u. N. Mission did they say. Yes the spokesperson for irans mission of the United Nations tweeted this that this is dangerous and malicious accusations against iran and that iran has absolutely no interest in whoever wins the u. S. Elections and that iran doesnt interfere with other countrys elections in their pro electoral processes this is a sentiment thats also been shared by president Hassan Rouhani prior to these accusations during his weekly Cabinet Meeting on wednesday the president said that iran has absolutely no interest in who becomes the next president of the United States because regardless of whoever that is they will have to kneel to the reigning nation this kind of rhetoric has been coming through the past few days because iran has been successful in getting what it wanted one of the things they wanted out of the nuclear deal of 2015 and that is the lifting of the United Nations Security Council arms embargo which was lifted on sunday this week of the spite a lot of opposition from the United States and that that is the official position of the iranian governments but when we speak to analysts than a lot of people in the capital they believe that a biden presidency would of course be one that would be more favorable to iran and the this administration there on the administration would be more open to the idea of dialogue with biden presidency despite the fact that they believe any kind of a change in the white house doesnt really mean a change in policy towards iran but that the rhetoric that President Trump has been using on the sanctions that hes imposed on iran since he withdrew from the 2015 nuclear deal in 2013 and imposed a series of sanctions on iran that kind of behavior could change possibly with a biden presidency and so that is why this country is watching what is happening in the United States very closely and the results will undoubtedly have ramifications in iran i was there is still such a very live for us there many thanks. And i asked reich in afghanistan has killed at least 12 children it happened near a mosque in the city of telecom it appears that the air strike was called to counter a large taliban advance in the area its not yet clear if us will Afghan Government forces are responsible for the bombing france is the 2nd European Union country to have more than a 1000000 confirmed corona virus infections pandemic has claimed the lives of 34000 people that night time curfews were imposed in paris they tell the large cities on saturday and hospital intensive care wards in the capital and daily for spain exceeded 1000000 infections just hours earlier the government which is accused of mishandling the crisis faces a no confidence vote in parliament but is expected to survive Spains Health minister says that more drastic measures are needed to contain the outbreak which he admits is not under control and hes not alone. On the part of them with higher fines perhaps an exhaustive control of the positive cases or more strict follow up because what they are doing now is not very good enough to probably what is making people infect others well yes some were less responsible we like to party go out and gather with family or more close people and we havent realised the only way to avoid this going worse is social distancing simple things like not gathering with many people and wearing the mask even if you meet friends. Germanys daily infection count has risen above 10000 for the 1st time thats well above the numbers seen during the 1st wave in march but testing has increased significantly. The African Union says that it strongly condemns any use of violence against protesters in nigeria demonstrators defied curfews in lagos and some other states on whether the stage to hold more protests against Police Brutality fires were set across lagos witnesses reported gunfire Honesty International says that at least 12 people were killed on tuesday night but the government denies that thailands Prime Minister has cancelled an emergency decree banning protests tens of thousands of demonstrators mostly ignored the ban for more than a week they say theyll continue to demand the Prime Ministers resignation and reforms to the monarchy its called highly reports from bangkok. Every single day since that decree was put into place there have been protests on wednesday evening last night the Prime Minister in a taped address televised address he said that he would consider withdrawing that emergency decree that is just for bangkok and he said he consider withdrawing that if the protests were violent if it remained peaceful and it did last night there was another protest and outside the Government House where they actually presented a resignation a draft Resignation Letter to. The Prime Minister because one of the demands for these protesters is that he resigned so they presented that to him and then the same morning we heard the word that it would be lifted and that happened just 2 hours ago now what it did is it banned gatherings for more people could not gather together and it also gave the Police Authority to shut down the metropolitan Public Transportation system here as well as detain and arrest people and we saw the at least 80 arrests over that week but that has been lifted so i guess the way you can look at it is its a deescalation but again what the original ban was supposed to be for it really wasnt doing it but whats interesting when you look at why these people are coming out on the streets they want change but there also is part of the population here they want to remain the same. See it all with say leap started speaking out against the government 6 years ago. Thats when the current Prime Minister. Led a coup that ousted the democratically elected government hes now working with the protesters who have been coming out to thailand streets by the 10s of thousands the demonstrations started in july and ramped up last week with the gathering every day whats different now from 6 years ago a call for reform of the model. The. Last half state in the Royal Institution condy night that if we dont talk about and want to keep openly people would cost about eventually the want to and the senate who have 2 choices if they use firelands like they did in the past on. And preserve the status unwavering in his mission to bring about reform and change he says he was attacked last year for being outspoken beaten so badly he spent 2 weeks in hospital but hes not stopping. And im proud to be reluctant to tell the world that i am tie we have been taught to obey and not question authority i thought it was blinded in the past i and the thousands across the country are working to put that past behind the scenes like this are grabbing attention across thailand and across the world expressing the desire for monarchy reform something unthinkable even just earlier this year but there is an opposing view and its not just limited to Government House or the palace. Wearing yellow showing their allegiance to the monarchy those who support the king have also held rallies over the last few months theyve been much smaller but some supporters say that could change while the wrong dead kid was a member of parliament with the largest conservative party but lost his seat in last years election to a program for party candidate. I think there are more people who disagree with the current protests on the streets but we must be patient i believe that we will see more movement from those who want to protect the monarchy but it will be peaceful but that i think the voice of the younger people in the students are a minority. Regardless of the actual numbers on either side of the issue theres no dispute that the voices are getting louder of those who want change and to shake up thailands long established power structure its got harder aljazeera thank god. A weather update next when i was a 0 then a live update from on mania on its conflict with as i shot of rising tension across the region. And election violence in guinea leaves 9 people dead as president takes the lead and only was. The weather is set fair across eastern parts of year a different story i would towards the west the low will be better than it has been recently weve seen a fair amount of cloud of rice sweeping across spain and portugal area very wet weather now making its way across Southern France nettle slide over towards northern parts of italy as we go on into the next day or see so much the weather blustery showers sliding over towards scandinavia as well as that sunshine over towards us and pleasant sunshine in bucharest around 21. 00 celsius little colder to the north of that it must be seche have around 16 cells but only a 7 in moscow with rain pouring in here where weather will make its way back towards the west and possibly go on through the latter part of thursday notice and watch the weather also coming back in across spain but as i said not as bad as it has been recently theres that cloud of rain coming in across the British Isles the low countries say some wet weather and some really heavy rain setting in once again across southern parts of france over towards the alps for the ses generally fog in try much of the madeleine there are a few showers here what are those showers will just link their way into the coastal fringes of egypt some longer spells of rain imply that for morocco and Western Sahara with the usual showers across central parts all the way down into the gulf of guinea. To he not Global Community we are our biggest opposition elbow but the whole crew says the worst possible it looks like the part of the debate issue in each of you can jump into the conversation right away when no topic is off the table youre not afraid of anyone taking power we just poured what reason in the world uses 3 talking richer and the poor getting poorer its not kill the story the system its just to look at the system and adapt it to the modern world this tree on out is there. Well again this is al jazeera lets remind you of the main news this hour u. S. Intelligence Officials Say that iran and russia have obtained voter information to interfere in the upcoming election the f. B. I. Says the main aim is to cause confusion and chaos. France and spain to become the 1st 2 European Union countries to surpass 1000000 confirmed coronavirus cases Spains Health minister says that drastic measures are needed to contain the outbreak. Thailands Prime Minister has reversed an emergency decree banning protests tens of thousands of people to fight the measures for more than a week that demanding the Prime Ministers resignation and reforms to. Turkey says that itll send troops to nagornokarabakh if they requested by azerbaijan russia says that any Turkish Military deployment will only make things worse sporadic fighting between armenia and azerbaijan has been going on for more than 3 weeks despite to ceasefire deals nagornokarabakh is internationally recognized as part of azerbaijan but has been controlled by Ethnic Armenians since 1994 lets go live to the goddess in southern albania aljazeera is worried chalons is the whats on media saying about whats happening at the moment on the front line. For the latest from the Defense Ministry is recently be stable but tense they say that they have been clashes up and down from the north sects that surround the Southern Sector as well the media repels faris taxes difficult to get a true idea of what actually is going on on the battlefield armenia says the claims that its launched. Rockets are going to care about into contested as every territory cynical lies but the. Karabakh authorities updated the number of battlefield deaths recently from. Fights by 62 extra ones to 834 so clearly fighting has been intense in the cities of nagornokarabakh particular panic and things have actually got a bit more relaxed recently the last time it was hit by any artillery or shelling was on saturday so people be coming out of their bomb shelters what theyve been finding though is the deadly detritus left behind by weeks of bombardments and yesterday i was there filming with a charity called the halo trust which is trying to work out what to do with all of this unexploded ordinance you can see much of which now reports. The sirens wales and seconds later the 1st of several cluster bomb strikes rips down the street. Each a collection of mini explosions saturating the air with killer shrapnel. The people of nagornokarabakh capital step on a curse have suffered multiple rocket and artillery attacks in recent weeks International Charity the halo trust is here to keep track and prepare for its teams to come and remove explosive debris when the fighting dies down theyll come and do full clearance of this area a visual. Clearance clearance of this area checking for any unexploded items and then destroying them almost in situ because these items cannot be moved the kind of untouched. And they can land anywhere such as buried in the mud inside this chicken coop another one for the Clearance Teams the danger is that anyone could pick them up either because they dont recognize the latest weapons or because they want to move them out of the city which is exactly whats happened here so here we have a collection of different munitions most of them the ones with red ribbons are cluster bomblets that fell on step panic and theyve been brought here by local residents who physically pick them up and put them in a box any one of them could have exploded. So one of the halo trusts other jobs here is going from street to street so homes in bomb shelters warning people of the dangers. They look very nice attractive really going to see you today could put your wonderful place within those that is dangerous on his yesterday weve been you know 300 shelters or speaking through people we want to talk to as many as possible to tell them Dangerous Things with all or no. For the recent fighting started late last month halo was dealing with unexploded bombs and mines from the 1st nagornokarabakh war of the early ninetys people here are still losing life and limb to them now Charity Workers and step down occurs weary inhabitants have a whole new wars worth to contend with. So what of diplomacy well with azerbaijan having made quite significance military gains theres little logic at the moment it seems in then them coming to the peace table. And till those gains those advances start to stall or be reversed now the armenian president was meeting with nato. Chief secretary. Yesterday saying that its turkeys involvement in this on the side of azerbaijan that is really driving the conflict that essentially ankara is pushing back to the armenian Prime Minister says that until that changes and then still as by charm. Can be prepared to compromise on the status of Nagorno Karabakh well for the moment he says theres theres little room for diplomacy having said that the armenian foreign minister is going to the United States today to meet with my pompei o the state secretary and the as ery foreign minister is doing the same and a few days ago both of the president s of azerbaijan l m o yes and. The armenian Prime Minister both said that they would be willing to meet perhaps to discuss peace in moscow in days to come. Aljazeera story chalons reporting live from goddess in southern armenia france has awarded its highest honor to the teacher beheaded in paris last week president Emmanuel Mccall led tributes calling samuel party a hero and his killer a coward 7 suspects including 2 teenagers are alleged to have helped the attack 0000 s. Bernard smith reports from paris. Samuel pattis the face of the french republic according to emmanuel mccrum frances president was leading tributes at a National Memorial to the teacher who was murdered by a teenage chechen refugee described by prosecutors as a radicalized muslim. Samuel patty was killed because the islam is want our future and because they know that with com heroes such as him they will never have it mr patsy was walking home from school in a paris suburb last friday when he was attacked and beheaded prosecutors say hes 18 year old killer wanted to avenge the teachers use of caricature walls of the Prophet Muhammad in a class on freedom of expression after the murder french authorities launched a widespread crackdown on people and groups they say incited anger that led to the killing this paris mosque has now been closed for 6 months because it published a video on facebook of an angry father of a student at the school calling for action against the teacher worshippers at the pantai mosque so theyre being collectively punished its. This kind of injustice because just one person did something wrong and were going to to to close the mosque and theres like 1000 people that are praying here mosques in the french cities of bordeaux and bessie and now under Police Protection because theyve received threats of violence. To 14 and 15 year old students from samuel party school among those facing charges for prosecutors call complicity in a terrorist assassination prosecutors say they were paid around 400. 00 by the killer to identify his victim and a father who published a facebook video angrily criticizing the teacher could face charges for inciting the attack on an. Aljazeera parents. Violence between Security Forces and protesters in guineas capital this left at least 9 people dead it follows a tense president ial election between president but his main rival saluda lane diallo early counting shows conde in the lead the winner has yet to be announced. A National Strike has been held in colombia along with more mass demonstrations against president. Leading the revolt against his policies are Union Members students teachers and many indigenous colombians are some of the reports from the capital bogota. Waving flags and chanting against the president thousands of colombians marched in downtown bogota its the largest demonstration in the capital since the easing of coronavirus restrictions in september. A coalition of Union Members teachers students and activists are demanding a variety of concessions among them a minimum survival income for those who lost their jobs during depended amec its easy. We want the government to talk to us this shouldnt be the attitude of a leader interested in unity only by talking to all sectors of society and find Common Solutions almost 10000 representatives of colombias many indigenous and ethnic groups also traveled to the capital demanding to meet with president. Theyre calling for an end to the killings of hundreds of human rights activists and the rising violence in their territories. They accuse duke of throwing a blind eye to the killings and the peace accord signed 4 years ago with a rebel group that promised to end the years of violence again. We will not stand idly by while many more we are back on the streets demanding going tease for life and demand this government implements the peace accord this is a message for the International Community as well they cant keep silent. Anger against the government had already reached the boiling point a year ago with some of the biggest demonstrations in decades before being muted by the pandemic president. The protesters. Also refusing to meet with the leaders of the strike. That traveled. He says the protests could cause another major Virus Outbreak just as the countrys economy is trying to recover now. Nothing justifies putting our health and life at risk right now if we need to discuss lets do it within the framework of democracy without issuing a summons or ultimatums or invoking judgments that have no basis in reality. But protesters and their leaders say they will continue to confront the government calling for another strike a month from now on the anniversary of last years mass demonstrations brought the country to a halt allison and. A volunteer taking part in trials of a corona virus vaccine in brazil has died but testing will continue its the 1st fatality reported in various trials worldwide this particular vaccine is being developed by Astra Zeneca Oxford university in the u. K. Which says there are no concerns about the trials safety meanwhile brazils president says that his government wont purchase a separate chinese develop a vaccine jiah boss and other says the council of the ill made by its Health Minister by millions of doses but sao paulos governor also in our opponent is allowing it to be tested and produced in his state. View that all of my personal there was a distortion on the part of the governor of south paulo with regard to what he said he has a protocol of intentions but ive already counseled i am the president i do not share my authority especially because i will be buying a vaccine but nobody is interested in. The leader of the Roman Catholic church has spoken in support of same sex civil unions pope francis made the comments in a documentary but were not an endorsement of gay marriage under chappelle reports. Coming out. About an hour into a new documentary film about the leader of the Roman Catholic Church Pope Francis appears to go off the official script explicitly calling for same sex couples to be given Legal Protections because he says all children of god have a right to a family. The statement of support for civil unions is a major departure from official Church Teachings and from the views of his predecessor benedict the 16th who called homosexuality an intrinsic moral evil i think it will be received in very different ways in Different Countries accept. Finally something that has happened finally most European Countries it will be received in a very difficult way in the United States its an open question how do you see churches in africa asia because he told the pen Strong National interest nations on same sex marriages that vary widely you need. To mine in time where so many people are divided about the worlds problems and who is causing them pope francis appears determined to take the church out of the culture wars and away from divisive social issues but for some in his native argentina the move doesnt go far enough. This recognition from pope francis that all couples are also families that gays lesbians bisexuals and trans people have rights to form a family were taking a step forward especially for people of faith but we nice is that we have to recognize the rights of civil union thats where we say its progress but not so much. This is a man who has opened his heart to the progress takes time in a church that so old for many this message of togetherness and inclusive 80 is just what the times require. Enter chapelle aljazeera. It is good to have you with us holloway dream for going to here in doha the headlines and i was here a u. S. Intelligence official said that iran and russia have obtained voter information to interfere in the upcoming election the f. B. I. Says the game is the cause confusion and chaos

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