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Unions saying they too have a right to a family. And drumming home an Anti Government message Indigenous People join the thousands of protesters in the colombian capitol. Nigerian protesters have defined a curfew and faced off against Security Forces in the countrys biggest city as demonstrations against Police Brutality threaten to paralyze the nation a 24 hour curfew has been imposed in lagos the financial heart of africas largest economy thats where Security Forces fired at protests as late on tuesday drawing International Condemnation the Rights Group Amnesty International says at least 12 people were killed that night but i mean the violence on the military the government has not confirmed that but the Nigerian Parliament speaker says its clear that there were casualties its been more than 2 weeks since young people began demonstrating against Police Brutality after a video of a man being beaten by offices allegedly from the special anti robbery squad known as saws went viral reports from the capital of you jeff. And ali morning fire set by arsonists burns parked vehicles that a government bus station in lagos Officials Say 30 buses were destroyed. In lekki why Security Forces opened fire on protesters the previous night the standoff continues. The latest state governor who visited victims of tuesdays attack in hospital said more than 2 dozen have been hospitalized so you know chance. For. All the. Well constructed that we have not included any fatalities. So hes the one string 2nd issue on social media but protesters dispute that i cant really see who was shooting but we know who was the big gigantic i cant give you the after no more can you want to because im oh my god i have to run my life were running for their lives was it got injured and was it so i dont know. Might want to. Im listening to national agrees say there appears to be credible evidence of fatalities but the pictures have not been independently verified to work it out to nations secretary general was spoken with president carter in recent days has called for restraint secretary general said he is following closely the developments in nigeria and calls for an end to reported Police Brutality and abuses he condemns the violent escalation of the october 20th on october 20th in lagos which resulted in multiple deaths and caused many injuries. To started 2 weeks ago after a policeman shot and killed a man in the south of the country the protesters are demanding the scrapping of an old police unit accused of murder extortion and disappearances. They also want an overhaul of nigerias Police System the trial of the officers accused of crimes and compensation for victims. Some of these demands have been met but the deep distrust remains between protesters and government. Journalists have also been caught up in the sort of turn of events here at the independent television station in the city is set on fire. A few hours later another broadcaster was temporarily forced off because of what it calls an imminent threat to its staff and operations. Here in the capital the streets are common in lagos earlier on when state Security Forces dispersed a group of young men gathering on the outskirts of a. Menace cause and businesses here remain shut for most of the day after the violence and destruction in lagos wow you know theres a general feeling that they are under Police Brutality a protest may have been infiltrated its not clear how much damage this has done or could do to that course which many nigerians still see as a legitimate. Grease. And ill be. One of the organizers of the end saws movement in nigeria she says her brother was arrested by the police unit in 2012 and hasnt been seen since and she joins us now from skype thank you very much for being with us i just wanted to ask you in particular just about the the that suggestion and a common interest is report that there might be infiltration into the movement is that your impression. No i do not think that the infiltration into the movement i think the government is sponsoring talks to attack Peaceful Protesters works if you say into treaters it would be like these people are coming on their own accord what does not a true its weve evidence of police vans carrying these talks to court because violence whilst we are put this in peacefully some bizarre states ponsoldt talks and touts violence and not in situation of the movements by violence and why do you think i mean you your you have personal experience of losing your brother to Police Brutality why do you think this issue has had such resonance this year because before now its there was no social media like. Shown in one jurisdiction media artesian and i was really low and then again. The impunity with the q was a little bit limited now you find out that. Everybody gets its no longer about whats. A boy or girl is no longer about cristiano and hes no longer about fair or dark the look out for anything the way you dress if you dress nicely if you have good fortune if you have dreadlocks if you have tight everybodys feeling needs but the middle class and the poor the only people who do not feel these are people who have parents in high places who do not attack us is that is why it has gained a lot of traction because a lot of people are feeling it the average nigerian is not safe on the road. The government has said they would disband sars and that that didnt seem to calm the situation and president bashar is again called for people to meet to be calm and to have patience while the Police Reforms gather pace as he put it what do you make of that reaction. This would be different if not of that the Nigerian Government to be disbanded. As of last year the vice president. Of the president still dying is distance the reason why wouldnt we would we didnt leave the streets when they announced that sas has been dissolved is because we nor do i offer to today sas are still on the road wearing a uniform and attacking civilians attacking protesters. Are not bonded we nor our government lies a lot and that is what we do not trust them and when they see that we should give them time before they can start reforming of the police force its unfair to demand that from people who are keen on s. S. Really this is simple recall does main record is a brutal and then act on what weve just recalled them 1st this is something the government can do by issuing an executive order but theyve refused to do this instead the only is to keep killing those people while we are protesting peacefully or true. Do you expect the protests to continue in spite of the deaths that you have seen. Yes i do expect that the put this we will not come down will not stop protesting because weve been cued you see innocents civilians have been cued was there just chance in the National Anthem and raise in the niger. That is genocide as a massacre because we do not were not armed there was no reason for them to shoot at or what the reason why we would not stop is because we do not think that. Falling deserves our silence now and so maybe the thing that they have silence those and then keep calm would wait for them was to the man for the right thing because we are asking for the busy just simply the rights which is fundamental human rights for everybody. To be asking. Thank you very much indeed for taking time to thank you. A protest against Police Brutality in nigeria have also been taking place here in london a large crowd of demonstrators gathered outside the Nigerian High Commission from western uganda go has more. The anger that is being felt in nigeria since the despondent of the sas police force has not troubled to wait so long to know where a group of a couple of 100 protesters gathered outside the Nigerian High Commission calling for a complete reform of the system and also some were saying that as part of the commonwealth the u. K. Should voice small concern that it has done so already use of being shocked. Places of being a very angry with the situation in the country and the president has not told you what was he elected for we know its not easy to do steps we know you cant change the. Shortest spit and polish people that things have been going. Well here are you going to change the law even and soft the way he had to and everything so we started all over again everything in my journey the general. Noble the killings that leckie on cheese day nice seems to be the sparking point for more demonstrations it seems that people have had all the concerns that have been going on for years if not decades about their frustrations with nigeria people have been complaining about not just corruption in terms of politics and governance in the country but also. From the police and how corruption is it in effect putting to people here a way that Law Enforcement has been functioning really that so while there is a tremendous amount of anger at the recent violence in nigeria this is really amounting to years of anger at the system in nigeria itself. Protests have taken place across sudan as anger rises over dire Living Conditions and a crackdown on demonstrators earlier this month the protests came on the anniversary of 964 prizing that ended 6 years of military rule sudan is currently ruled by a Transitional Government after mass protests toppled former dictator omar bashir last year here morgan has more from the scene of the protests in khartoum. Protesters in khartoum and various parts of sudan are comrie thing the 21st of october which marks the anniversary of the 1st sudanese revolution in 1964 now the black smoke that you see behind me is the result of protesters burning tires to express their frustration at how this government has been operating over the past 2 years protesters say that the Economic Conditions have been getting worse since this government took power in august last year and they also say that the military is still in control of many institutions something that they say goes against their revolution which started in 28. 00 team now protesters have been met with tear gas and stun grenades most of them have run away from where they are right now just a little bit to where i was standing right now and then back again and they say thats because they do not accept this use of force by Security Forces now many of them also say that theyre not here to oust the president the government of Prime Minister of the but rather to vent out their frustration and to put pressure on this government to try to improve the Economic Situation as well as complete what they say is the demands of the revolution which is forming a transition Legislative Assembly and holding to account those who are responsible for killing protesters since 2018. So to come here this news hour thousands of jobs lost as another airline has its wings clipped by the coronavirus pandemic. And not fit for winter oxfam raises concerns over conditions at a newly built refugee camp on the greek island of lesbos. Pope francis has endorsed same sex civil unions for the 1st time the 1st such statement by a pontiff in the history of the Catholic Church he made the comments in a documentary thats just premiered at the rome Film Festival francis says homosexuals people have a right to be in a family they are children of god. And have a right to a family nobody should be thrown out or be made miserable over it he goes on to say what we have to create as a civil union or that way they are legally covered i stood up for that referring to a similar comment he made when he was archbishop of buenos aires a documentary director says the comments from pope francis were less about catholic doctrine and more about equal rights and it was a conversation scheme he looked for to discuss and dr hugh not try to change the doctrine he was talking about the people who basically allowed to help the same freedoms like everybody else and he not force discussing the doctrine of the charge he will try to change the doctrine the church he was talking that the people and not should be discriminated and the Gay Community for tap the equal rights like everybody else thats what he was trying to point massimo joining is a professor of historical theology at Villanova University in pennsylvania who joins us live via skype thanks very much for being with us so how significant do you think these words are coming from pope francis. Significant because now we are in the 2nd phase of the work progress has been difficult and hes trying to solidify you statements more formal. Ways and hes in michigan because in his last few months there have been National Research conferences where example in poland that push back against a new language on energy the catholic so i think its relevant even if its not if formal pronouncement as the account used griggs and this is the distinction here though that civil unions what would be ok but same sex marriage wouldnt be. There is because. Progress is as never said anything new in terms of this it off seems like a marriage in church so theres always kept this thing shooting civil unions that are important to the people rights and marriage which is a sacrament and so that is it is that he says things of that francis is never cross as never address in new ways and in terms of you mentioned some of the pushback perhaps or save that you mention just now in poland was how will this be received by catholics across the world to think i think it will be received in very different ways in Different Countries to accept this finally something that has happened finally in most European Countries it will be received in a very difficult way in the United States is an open question how is it to see churches in africa asia because ito the pens for our national it is late on same sex marriages that vary widely so eat eat eat same interesting moment because its not new but the small the moment it is believe it gave us a new os a because of the rise of new nationalist governments that have usually a hard stands against the rights a mention a point in time for for his his sort of leadership of the church how is he getting on time to tackle some of the big issues or the part of the historical issues that scandals i mean associate of the Catholic Church for instance the and the sex abuse stuff. Its a good question because a professor is much more effective much better in the human justice issues. Concerning the relations of the church with the world outside is less effective or is medium or is this internal reform this is part of these pontificate and i dont think it will change the its its really difficult with the modern papacy that is much more effective we the outside bell with change of base. But i say mass in the journey thank you very much indeed if you. A mass protest has taken place in the colombian capital bogota against a social and economic policies of president even decay the protests are led by Union Members students teachers and a large contingent of colombias indigenous population and a part of a National Strike action demanding a meeting with due care to discuss the recent deaths of indigenous activists about 10000. 00 of a community have arrived in the capital from southwestern colombia i was under amputee was at the protest in bogota one of the 1st major gatherings since kevin 1000 machines were eased. All of us have 5 months of quarantine in the country that have greatly affected the economy and have made the livelihood of many people even worse so theyre out here demanding their government to respond to do the reality particularly the unions are asking for and the same temporary. Benefits such as a minimal wage for people who have lost their work during their then me and theyre also here protesting a number of reforms that the government has been proposing and that the protesters believe are words are greatly affect. Both the workers and their what people here call the proletariat in the country and the middle class and so their house youre demanding get a meeting with the president to yvonne the other reason has to do with the worsening of the security in many parts of the country especially in very remote rural areas where drug traffickers and criminal gangs are disputing these territories and that have the possibility to further attack and who they see as their enemies in these territories so human rights defenders Community Leaders hundreds of them have been killed in record numbers in particular this year and people here are tired saying the government is not doing enough for also saying that the government hasnt done enough for maintaining the peace accord that was signed back in 2006 with the Largest Rebel Group in the country at the fark and that this is one of the reasons why so much violence and has been seen and finally the last resort is police abuse youll remember in september there were protests against the killing of a citizen of. At the hands of the police that turned very violent 30 people died in those protests people here are saying the government these to do something against Police Brutality and that. Just been taking place in guinea 3 days after a disputed president ial Election Results show president heading for another victory but the opposition has already claimed it won the vote nicholas haq has more from neighboring senegal guineans also protesting were just outside the guinea an embassy and police have just fired tear gas to disperse an angry crowd. Living in senegal not angry against the cynically Security Forces but against their government after an outfit called day government in the Election Commission announced the results or the partial results of the president ial election 4 regions were announced out of 38 all 4th according to Election Commission went to. Mr he wants to hold on to power thats not ok for 10 years weve been living in difficult lives weve been suffering this has sparked violence not just here in boston at least council where there is instead we got more than 3500000 millions living here who by the way were not able to vote during this election but also in the capital going to 3 where people were shot and killed among them a Police Officer that was lynched and can smell the tear gas coming our way search is the level of tension and violence thats happening in could actually because the Opposition Leader doesnt jello says that he has won the vote and therefore were going what seems to be towards a post electoral crisis the United Nations says that all actors should stay calm until the full results are made public. And hes 25 Afghan Security personnel have been killed in attacks by the taliban according to the Afghan Government it happened in the Northern Province of taka the taliban has intensified attacks in the past few weeks as peace talks with the Afghan Government to be held in cata the ministry of defense also says 115 taliban members have been killed across 26 provinces over the past 24 hours and at least 12 women have been killed in a stampede in afghanistan in a rush to apply for visas to pakistan they were among thousands of people gathered in a temporary venue in a sports stadium in the city of jalalabad the pakistani consulate started issuing visas again last week after a 7 month pause because of coronavirus oxfam says a replacement camp for more than 8000. 00 refugees on the greek island of lesbos is not fit for winter aid workers say theres no Running Water and refugees have no access to legal aid thousands of people were forced to relocate last month when a fire destroyed their camp aid organizations in greece appealing to the European Union for help italia rafaela of court sue is a law expert at the Greek Council for refugees she says e. U. Nations must open their doors if they really want to protect lives. The greek government cousin mouse. All Asylum Seekers will have been transferred. There 2021 from the island i have however. Is taking place in the main along with there the coalitions are also very bad because of the situation. There is a worst of it by Asylum Seekers arriving from the islands. And the reception system in the mainland cannot hold or under these care and conversations so responsibly because there was there goes well with other european members they they are more willing to a continued economically or why providing and providing infrastructure and if eyes and the capacity for greece caused the people of them to actually locate people in their counties. Which is very welcome but it is not enough when it comes to the protection of lives of people think in greece and what needs to be done. Remove these people from these conditions and not carry anything out of. The french president Emanuel Michael has led a National Tribute for the teacher who was beheaded in paris last week so me and patty was killed after showing his students cartoons of the prophet mohammed the suspected attacker an 18 year old from chechnya in russia was shot dead shortly after by police and its missed reports from the capital. Samuel pattis the face of the French Republic according to emanuel micron frances president was leading tributes at a National Memorial to the teacher who was murdered by a teenage chechen refugee described by prosecutors as a radicalized muslim so she. Samuel patty was killed because the islam is want our future and because they know that with com heroes such as him they will never have 8 mr patsy was walking home from school in a paris suburb last friday when he was attacked and beheaded prosecutors say hes 18 year old killer wanted to avenge the teachers use of carriage jaws of the Prophet Muhammad in a class on freedom of expression. After the murder french authorities launched a widespread crackdown on people and groups they say incited anger that led to the killing this paris mosque has now been closed for 6 months because it published a video on facebook of an angry father of a student at the school calling for action against the teacher worshippers at the pantai mosque so theyre being collectively punished its. Kind of injustice because just one person did something wrong and were going to to to close the mosque and theres like 1000 people that are praying here mosques in the french cities of bordeaux and bessie and now under Police Protection because theyve received threats of violence to 14 and 15 year old students from some your party school amongst those facing charges what prosecutors call complicity in a terrorist assassination prosecutors say they were paid around 4 100. 00 by the killer to identify his victim and a father who published a facebook video angrily criticizing the teacher could face charges for inciting the attack on. Aljazeera paris. Still to come on out there theres news our voting on a new future cheney to decide whether to rip up its 14 year old constitution. Tropical storm surge out heads towards vietnam reference have already killed more than a 100 people. Well it seems so long ago that it was flooded in portugal nolen vinci just this past a cloud here that went through england during wednesday now inserted the pictures to take it out through denmark into the southern scandinavia finland push the snow northwards and leave behind a fairly cloudy picture with outbreaks of rain all over the place the women have dropped in france but that wind being a certainly has influenced the temperatures to the east its been really quite warm in germany some parts of last year well thats about to tail off now but maybe not immediately or quickly here just funny going back to normal in fact the place to watch probably is france germany switzerland where this is potential rain this is fairly heavy i think during friday but lets look at munich as an example we saw a 2021 in the forecast were now going from 19 dripping down to 15 by saturday the average is about fortys who just bleeding off the heat if you like that morocco is going to feel the influence of what happened in portugal and spain was rain extensive rain and it will be rain rather than snow up in the at this for both thursday and friday once its gone through further south its a fairly dry picture but from a few showers maybe in ghana and nigeria. When covert 19 1st struck china and began to spread the cost asia. Some in the west criticized come to measures us to halt or to we. Are but of the different experiences before asian nations in fact not shown the world to root out for this group under. Coronavirus lessons from asia or not just the good of. The worlds biggest economy was put on hold. Deregulating industries of old delivered new growth for a president who promised greatness again. From the coronavirus pandemic has seen resurgence replaced with a recession as the world eagerly watches on to see out either president ial candidate might revive the flagship u. S. Economy. Details coverage of the us elections on aljazeera. Old fool to war. Or one of the top stories here. Dodger in protesters have defied a curfew and faced off against Security Forces in the countrys biggest city police opened fire on protesters on tuesday i must International Says at least 12 people were killed. At least 25 Afghan Security personnel have been killed in attacks by the taliban according to the Afghan Government it happened in the Northern Province of taka the ministry of defense also says 115 taliban members have been killed. In the past day. Pope francis has endorsed same sex civil unions for the 1st time the 1st such statement by a Catholic Pope the comments were made in a new documentary francesco where he refers to homosexual couples as children of god with a right to a family. The manufacture of a powerful painkiller that helped set off an Opioid Epidemic in the u. S. Will plead guilty to criminal charges as part of an 8000000000. 00 settlement pharma makes the Prescription Drug oxycontin which is linked to an addiction crisis has killed more than 400000 people in the last 20 years she had her tansey reports. Purdie farmers decision in the ninetys to begin aggressively marketing its prescription opioids oxycontin to doctors and patients for a range of illnesses despite the risk of addiction has long been seen as a major factor in the us is Opioid Crisis and on wednesday the Us Government said purdue would now be held to account todays announcement involves one of the most important participants in the supply chain of prescription opioids at the manufacturer level between 192018 some 450000 people died in the us from an opioid overdose involving Prescription Drugs like oxycontin or illicit opioids research has shown the rise in prescription and illicit opioids is connected as initial opioid prescriptions became gateways to fentanyl and heroin addiction in 2018 an estimated 10300000 people aged 12 or older misused opioids 9. 9 misusing prescription pain relievers 808000 using heroin 2 out of 3 Drug Overdose deaths that year involved opioids Purdue Pharma has admitted it paid doctors and pharmacists to prescribe oxycontin without in the medical purpose a practice alleged to have subsequently become widespread among other pharmaceutical firms and that it misled regulators about how widely it was distributing the Drug Companies agreed to an 8000000000. 00 settlement however its likely only to pay a fraction of that amidst bankruptcy proceedings the Sackler Family which owns pro do and was able to sponsor cultural institutions around the world with the billions it made from oxy contin sales has agreed to pay 225000000. 00 and give up ownership of the company in some small states in the United States 8000000000 doesnt even cover what one state would would tally would be the cost just in terms of you know cost hospitals and jails and. Coroners office foster children. You know on a very down a very long less produce still faces hundreds of other lawsuits some state attorney generals say the government has let the company and the subtle family off too easily the fines are comparatively minimal a cost of doing business they argue and no 1. 00 is being criminally or civilly prosecuted for the enormous devastation caused by their actions nonetheless a few weeks before the election the Trump Campaign will now be able to claim it lived up to a Trump Campaign promise from 2016 to go after big pharma and address the Opioid Crisis Shihab Rattansi aljazeera a volunteer in the Clinical Trial of a Coronavirus Vaccine has died in brazil but all 30 say testing will still continue present in media reporting that the volunteer didnt receive the vaccine but a placebo but though says being developed by astra zeneca and Oxford University which say there are new concerns about the childs safety its one of 2 potential vaccines currently undergoing Clinical Trials in brazil one of the nations worst hit by the virus 154000 people there have been killed by code 19 and all in 5200000 infected. Hong kong based Airline Cathay pacific has announced a major downsizing as it struggles to deal with the drop in demand caused by a pandemic travel restrictions its cutting most 6000 jobs and closing down its regional Airline Cathay dragon as far as new reports from kuala lumpur its the latest in a series of blows to the Airline Industry. Cathay pacific only recently began recovering from protests in hong kong that badly hit demand last year but the pandemics dealt a 2nd blow with International Borders closed the Hong Kong Based adeline saw its passengers drop by nearly 82 percent in the 1st 8 months of this year its announced it will cut nearly a quarter of its stock and shut down its regional unit cathay dragon analysts say theyre not surprised. When you. First Cathay Pacific is not the only ally in the region to undergo a major restructuring last month Singapore Airlines announced the largest retrenchment in its history cutting more than 20 percent of its stock tie and ways for bankruptcy protection in may here in malaysia the National Carrier is in talks to restructure its debts but the finance minister recently said the government will not provide any Financial Relief or debt guarantees raising questions about the fate and future of Malaysia Airlines more gloomy days are predicted to lie ahead the International Air transport association forecasts passenger traffic will not recover until 2024 and now a tech startup has begun testing a Digital Solution this is a sort of a digital trial held certificate that a lot of people are looking to. Order to sell music or change so if the industry get behind Something Like that with governments around the world except that the airlines like out they wouldnt be in such trouble its called the common pass and aims to be the 1st globally recognised document that a passenger has tested negative for code at 19 before a flight. The Airline Industry is hoping this will help encourage travel even if its only by a small staff lawrence lee aljazeera limp or. Young americans who are homeless have been disproportionately impacted by the coronavirus pandemic social distancing requirements mean many communities across the u. S. Have fewer shelter beds and as natasha a name reports from chicago aid groups theyre concerned about how young people will cope over the winter its after 9 pm at the crib an emergency overnight shelter for young adults run by the Night Ministry with no home to go to many of these young people have spent the day riding the train or the bus on nights when they couldnt make it here some like romell have been awakened by a stranger asking them to leave their property is very rude and i am a more comparable with no being home. Without stable housing and constantly on the move homeless young people are at higher risk of contracting and spreading couvade 90 due to social distancing guidelines the National Network for youth says there are fewer shelter beds in communities across america its calling for urgent federal funding to meet a need thats only expected to grow as winter arrives more than 4000000. 00 americans between the ages of 13. 25 experience homelessness each year experts say ensuring young people have stable housing is as important as helping them find jobs due to the pandemic many are now also employed at the night drop in center the staff helps Homeless Youth attain identification apply for jobs benefits and temporary housing and links them to Mental Health professionals are young people really have been in survival mode when they find us and havent been focused on building a foundation theyve been focused on surviving from day to day and keeping themself safe and well but theyre not able to until they find ignite be able to put their feet on the ground and really start planning for their future from the age of 6 maurice was raised in foster homes in his late teens he reunited with his biological parents who were no longer together he hoped he would finally have a family to provide that coon of support but there was constant strife summerise kept a small bag packed and bounced around from house to house never feeling welcome and struggling to finish school if. I was just deep down. Why deep down and not from the comeback by like imagine being trapped and you u. K. You came. In like i you know what i was going to do hes now a certified nursing assistant and lives on his own in a government subsidized apartment for people like romell more recent story provides hope however with the pandemics Economic Impact there is growing concern whether young homeless americans will be able to continue to reach for the lifeline they need this hasa going to aljazeera chicago. Almost 40000000 people have already voted in the u. S. President ial election which is now less than 2 weeks away president dont trump will hold a rally in North Carolina soon and the race there is expected to be tight meanwhile for president barack obama has made his 1st Campaign Appearance on behalf of democratic candidate joe biden in pennsylvania we cant afford another 4 years of this because what happens is you do get to a point where you go so far backwards that it becomes really hard then to dig yourself out of that hole and and im so confident in joe biden and come on here are surrounding themselves with people who are serious who know what theyre doing who are representative of all people not just some people and us being able to then dig ourselves out of this hole why hannah is in washington d. C. My count significant is it about me going on the campaign trail. Its deeply significant to barack obama is probably joe bidens most potent weapon in terms of the scanned pain and now hes being unleashed starting in pennsylvania an absolutely key state for joe biden to win if hes going to go to the white house but once again bringing with him almost a sense of in the style journey a look back at a time when president it was dignified when the president tried to seek a compromise and bipartisan agreement rather than the trench warfare which is characterized the last 4 years so certainly among voters barack obama still has immense way and particularly and this is important among African American voters pennsylvania has a very large proportion of African American voters and this block is once again absolutely critical for joe biden to get as much support as possible if hes going to go to the white house so unleashing barack obama at this particular time is absolutely essential to the Biden Campaign to get that momentum leading into the election as you mentioned millions of americans have voted already many have already made up their minds even if they have not voted there will be another debate within the next 24 hours which could have a bearing to a degree on the outcome of the election but the most important fact at this particular point is Barack Obamas presence back on the campaign trail he was disliked by some during his 2 terms as president but for many as i said he does represent something that they would hope joe biden does and that is a return to a presidency that is rooted in modern rissi and that is rooted in the ability or the desire to forge some kind of bipartisan compromise i can i thank you very much. Still to come when i was there this news hour lights cameras but little action asias Biggest International Film Festival begins without the usual glitz. And ogun amenia as Prime Minister says at this stage he sees no possible diplomatic solution to the conflict in the disputed nagornokarabakh region sporadic fighting between azerbaijan and armenia has been going on for all 3 weeks despite to cease fire deals the regions main city has to panic at has borne the brunt of almost constant shelling as were a chance reports. The sirens wales and seconds later the 1st of several cluster bomb strikes rips down the street. Each a collection of many explosions saturating the air. The people of the going to care about capital step on a curse have suffered multiple rocket and artillery attacks in recent weeks International Charity the halo trust is here to keep track and prepare for its teams to come and remove explosive deborah when the fighting dies down. For clearance of this area a visual. Clearance clearance of this area checking for any unexploded items and then destroying them almost in situ because these items cannot be moved theyre kind of in touched and they can land anywhere such as buried in the mud inside this chicken coop another one for the clearance teams. The danger is that anyone could pick them up either because they dont recognize the latest weapons or because they want to move them out of the city which is exactly whats happened here so here we have a collection of different munitions most of them the ones with red ribbons are cluster bomblets that fell on step panic and may be brought here by local residents who physically pick them up and put them in a box any one of them could have exploded. So one of the halo trusts other jobs here is going from street to street to homes in bomb shelters warning people of the dangers. They look very nice attractive i mean you see it its like a toy you want to play with but it is dangerous and yesterday weve been you know 300 shelters or speaking to bolt 600 people that we want to talk to as many as possible to tell them this are Dangerous Things and the unknown. For the recent fighting started late last month halo was dealing with unexploded bombs and mines from the 1st nagornokarabakh war of the early ninetys people here are still losing life and limb to them now Charity Workers and stepanek are as weary inhabitants of a whole new wars worth to contend with glory talents how to steer a step panic at nagornokarabakh. A thai protest leader has been arrested less than 2 hours after giving the Prime Minister a 3 day deadline to quit but sarah valley telecommute groupon says she wasnt worried as she was taken away in a police car earlier whereas a Prime Minister has said he was prepared to lift a state of emergency imposed asked week to try to appease demonstrators came as tens of thousands of people marched once again in the capital bangkok despite a ban on gatherings of more than 5 people they want the Prime Minister to quit and are demanding changes to the monarchy. And yet now more than a 100 people have died in flooding with more heavy rain forecast entire villages have been swept away by the rising waters and with a Tropical Storm expected this weekend rescue teams are preparing for worst to come out you know press harder and report. The scale of devastation is overwhelming days of heavy rain floods and mudslides in Central Vietnam have swept away entire communities thousands have lost their homes and millions are affected in parts of clambering province the floods are inescapable all these vietnamese can do is sit on the roof of their home waiting and hoping for help. I mean i have not eaten since yesterday the floodwaters now the level of my roof we have nothing no food no phone nothing a rescue unit carries the body of a colleague who didnt survive more than 100 vietnamese have also lost their lives in the disaster about a 3rd of them soldiers. Outside this hospital staff and patients wait for help everything inside is flooded and the government warns things could get worse as Tropical Storm so down approaches. With all their possessions gone many have also lost their source of income and as immediate 700000 livestock have been killed or swept away in the heavy rain. But. Its a similar story in the neighboring cambodia where dozens of people have been killed and entire villages evacuated and there is already widespread flooding in the philippines. Back in vietnam rescue teams are preparing for the worst for whats already being described as the worst floods there in decades. Is of a young aljazeera. Churning ins are expected to vote in favor of scrapping the constitution on sunday a key demand of protesters angered by a special a corner inequality a constitution dates back 40 years to the dictatorship of i was to pinochet demonstrations broke out a year ago and officials are hoping the referendum will resolve the unrest at least for now theres a new man reports from santiago. A constitution is regarded as the nations most revered document. Until a society no longer respects it. Hence next sundays referendum in chile to as citizens to approve the drafting of a new magna carta. In the old days a military coup was often the most common way of settling an institutional crisis but in the last 20 years many latin american african and European Countries have chosen instead to rewrite their constitutions. And the common denominator is that they were born out of the profound crisis. The constitutions of morocco and after a period of authoritarian government have been tremendously interesting because they have incorporated democratic elements that didnt exist and that reflected popular demands in the main but it doesnt necessarily have to be a traumatic event says mrs pinet. Amid a social and economic crisis iceland decided to form a Constitutional Assembly in 2010 its considered the most modern example of citizens participation in resetting the countrys fundamental road map for the future. Globalization and technological advances have shed light on issues and needs that were not considered by societies in the past. The Us Constitution 2nd amendment for example giving citizens the right to bear arms was conceived to allow americans to fight back against a tyrannical federal government a far cry from its current implementation constitutional experts say that the healthiest way for a country to ensure that its fundamental social contract is up to date is the submitted to periodical revisions as does germany among others its a way of recognizing that society is telling and that no. I think its written in stone. Of us i dont have the worst thing that can happen is the text of the constitution does not reflect the will of the people the constitution needs to be respected because people believe in it the more often its revised the less dramatic the better. The majority of chileans have lost respect for a constitution that was conceived and written under a dictatorship 40 years ago perhaps the biggest danger now is the expectation that a new one will have the ability to solve the immediate and social Economic Needs of the present. You see in human aljazeera santiago. Asias largest annual Film Festival has begun in the south korean city of busan on a much reduced scale because of the pandemic could 19 has been devastating for the movie industry forcing the cancellation of major events including can and the closure of many cinemas so as robin wright reports even in its cut down form the Busan International Film Festival is being eagerly anticipated. Its the biggest Film Festival in asia and blue sands organizers were determined it would go ahead but instead of the usual glitz of previous years 2020 is a very different kind of show a limited number of screens with a reduced offering of films and a fraction of the usual participants now you know i think 3 suffering there is a leg of audiences going to cinemas and feeling really sorry being delayed so we want to give the industry a boost no official red carpet photo blitz the standard curtain raiser of any festival the carpets here but only for show blue sands main beach would normally host festival events trying to rival the glamour of the cannes Film Festival in france this year theres just the beach without the party but at least the blue sun is going ahead with its festival where as can was canceled that ironically has been a windfall for this festival with a number of films that were selected for screening than being shown here instead that includes the film that opens this festival septet 1st by 7 hong kong directors getting its World Premiere but its another movie that still dominates the conversation here parasite the nightmarish thriller that took top honors at the oscars at the start of this year just before the real life nightmare of code 19 changed the world it was a landmark moment for south korean film that this festival was meant to build on you can really replace a festival in terms of the buzz a film film can bring and the excitement it can bring and so paris say yes you have to ask a moment so. Happens its going to be a far more muted affair and yes there we people talking about the parasite phenomenon. Quite the same tunisian parasite director bomb join. Ho has sent his best wishes to the festival online rather than in person the growth of the busan festival over its 25 year history has closely mirrored the development of the Film Industry here south koreas filmmakers will be hoping this years lull is just a brief intermission in that continuing story rob mcbride aljazeera busan south korea. And thats it for me to return after this news hour. With an eye for round of the days news. 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Rights groups claim several people were killed when Security Forces opened fire on demonstrators in lagos. This is aljazeera live from london also coming up accused of putting profits over people u. S. Drug maker purge you pharma to plead guilty to criminal charges over its marketing of the painkiller oxycontin. Drumming home an Anti Government message

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