The Controversial Police anti Robbery Group which has since been this found that a clinic dresses in the capital abuja. We understand that there are pockets of protesters still on the streets protesting and demanding that the demands be met and there is also a very very serious traffic jam on of that group its usually a very difficult situation at this point in time when people close the world earlier the capital here has and now wants to ban on street porters however that did not stop the protesters from carrying out their protest on the streets of a buddha. The fiance of murdered saudi journalist. Suing the Saudi Crown Prince in the United States the lawsuit alleges mohamed bin solomon ordered her killing of the saudi consulate in istanbul 2 years ago it was filed by a federal court to buy had teaching asian g. s and g. S Organization democracy for the arab world now the lawsuit claims the murder was ordered to stop the Washington Post journalist from speaking out against or for democracy in the middle east google says it is considering filing challenges to a u. S. Government competition lawsuit the countrys Justice Department says the tech giant may need to be broken up accusing it of maintaining a plot monopoly over online searches and advertising the california based firm says the lawsuit is deeply flawed. Around 3000000 people in one of britains largest cities will be moved into the countrys tightest level of coronavirus restrictions from friday but manchester is moving to tears 3 rules comes this fight the Prime Minister failing to agree a funding package with the regions mayor meanwhile italys Prime Minister has ruled out a National Lockdown as cases rise there to the top stories the street mistakes that i have. Ok and youre watching the stream today that checking the news there was a time when those 2 concepts would never go together but in the United States right now its become a part of the process but is it helpful that they actually change anyones opinion and have Fact Checking itself on my asst so many questions if you want to go on you tube you can join the chat every part of todays conversation if youre following via twitter you can tweet us at a. J. Street. Is take a look at this case in a moment this is from n. B. C. News its present donald trump jenna town hall last week stand by for some life Fact Checking on the. Just this week he reached waited to hear 87000000 followers a Conspiracy Theory that joe biden work history did to help seal team 6 the Navy Seal Team 6 killed to cover up the for the face the death of bin ladin now why would you send a lie not to get it all over to even read that it was a read which that was a opinion of somebody and that was a retreat ill put it out there people can decide for themselves i didnt take a position like someones crazy uncle maybe i dont really know what i heard that was a read tweet and i do a lot of reach which and frankly because the media is so shade and still corrupt if i didnt have social media i dont call it twitter i closed social media i wouldnt be able to get the word out and the water wars or the word. Yikes any way to talk about the facts of the days other than to see it right at all to entities and cofounder of stories thats a fact check from the house social media platforms and limit the spread of muslims the russian this man is an editor of. A thought at the website that writes the outsourcing. By elected officials and Michael Ratner who is a professor of journalism and rascal thousands of one of us with us councilman radisson mike lets start with the festival what is our thought so how do you understand what a fucked up mess is a lot of activists yeah right a fact checker is different then traditional journalism d in the United States at least where over the past several decades reporters would report whats a President Trump said what joe biden said and leave it to the audience to decide a fact checker takes a claim made by a politician and then actually works through whether that claim is true or not or under what conditions is it true under what conditions as it falls and sometimes will even then rate that claim on a scale to make it a little bit easier for the audience to understand was the claim from that political leader verifiably true or not that what you do. Yes. Thats pretty much right on the nose at political fact we were founded in 2007 just ahead of the 2008 elections weve been doing this a long time and we rate statements from politicians and social media posts on our street the meter which starts with it has 6 ratings the pristine claim that totally accurate is the true rating but then it goes to mostly true half true mostly false false and then for the worst of the worst pants on fire how does that play out in a fair question that you might know i am looking at an example of this is taking in the during the National Anthem that that sing to a president ial candidate taking in the for the National Anthem again taking it may for the very freedoms you claim youre going to protect defend no thanks or tax is upon some 5 k. T. Yeah this is a pretty great example of something that we see on facebook all of the time weve been partnered with facebook to fact check cross claims for more than 4 years now and. This is an example of a legitimate photo that has been missed caption in a way to play on one of the most divisive you know point of debate in our country which is where whether people should be kneeling for the National Anthem to protest Racial Injustice allen that is doing he was posing for a photo yeah i get. It so what its a note is the me. Roots is the worst way to deliver most effective and bad way of delivering misinformation on its very big scale because it could take someone maybe 2 or 3 minutes to come up with the idea and execute that idea put it online and let it start sharing its just typing up about 20 or 25 words putting with with an Associated Press i think in that case it was a reuters photo of Vice President biden in miami at an event posing for a photo with the dancers and social distancing there was no music being played at the time and these me things spread so quickly what i dont like i dont like is it mystifying with a whole oh is it even more also over more sinister than that its more of a must. Yeah well its just somebody in their basement or in their or their bedroom or wherever out in a coffee shop just creating these and sending them out to the world and this is not journalism were factor in these are not politicians resections these are facebook or instagram years or twitter users theyre creating these spreading these and they just go d all over the place a year ago if you ask me what do we spend most of our time Fact Checking i would say we fact checked a lot of other d journalists were people who claim to be journalists and are trying to make money but now were in 2020 were more likely Fact Checking just your uncle who is just creating this and that and youre not oh or some people might say youre crazy or not not you personally. You know my family say well let me just say we think that this is my den and meghan makes a point so why fat a certain point as i listen. You know i think Fact Checking is so important in this day and age you know when weve only seen so many successful this information campaigns over the past several years i think for the American Voter to be correctly informed to know whether this is right or wrong true or false really anyone thats going to be influencing our Public Policy our democracy our Constitutional Rights i think the citizens have a right to know and to really affirmatively know whether or not what theyre saying is true and so yes absolutely fact check the more the better im just wondering whats happened to journalism needs now to be fact checked isnt shouldnt be journalism one o one. This should be why do you even in a job why is this a job. Thats really interesting so i think when political fact was founded it wasnt so much to fact to initiate Fact Checking but i reporters because reporters will tell you ive been Fact Checking all along i double check the spelling of names i verified quotes i double check the historical accounts but if you are really working with 2 different definitions here for the most part so are kind of Fact Checking is looking out claims that are being made not necessarily by the media although we do check pundits as well on who appear on cable t. V. But claims that are in the media that are getting a lot of attention that include social media now so when were talking about Fact Checkers we are not scrutinizing stories before they go to print thats the job of really reporters and editors around the country and around the rope around the world were looking at the claims that are being thrown around and that people are wondering is this really true like i think meghan was. And less and less of that is actually journalists doing the best thing we can i spend most of my time in my our staff not Fact Checking any article that was published on an actual website but me more Something Like that they examined all that the president referenced in the miami town hall that he was called out on the sill team 6 claim that joe biden and barack obama had conspired to murder members and so still 260 who had reportedly. Killed osama bin laden. All that was. Was a woman put it on her Facebook Page her proper personal Facebook Page and line stream some interviews that she did this is not a professional journalist actually the closest thing she has done to journalism is she was on the Survivor Television series and then she became an activist in certain areas and she brought this war and she is the one who was the engine behind this and there is absolutely no facts behind the claim you know we have this kind of thing happens this kind of thing happens all the time it happened right after President Trump won the election in 2016 human to austin texas to give a speech some guy on twitter took a picture of some buses and said theyre busting in the protesters and it it went around the world President Trump himself 3 tweeted that claim and yet it turned out that the buses were actually taking accountants from one hotel to another for an accounting conference that had nothing at all to do with with the protests and so what happens is facts or claims of fact especially misinformation get amplified they get amplified by elite users like the president think it amplified by kind of extreme news and newS Organizations that have a more ideological point of view they get amplified by bots that are created to help foment chaos in the social media sphere and its left a Fact Checkers to try to you know make up for this in real d time which is extraordinarily difficult thats i didnt want to get bad and then allen and then ive got a bring in President Trump to invest and katie. Im going to go to him which is why i had jane on the brain that. You know i think thats a Perfect Point and kates so easy to find out after these crazy conspiracy that takes much more time unfortunately to unwind them and figure out what they are about and why they are discredited and why they shouldnt be trusted but we do it. Every day we try to catch it before someone like President Trumpery tweet that and it becomes even more amplified we try to catch it as quickly as possible but its very difficult and we tracked this bill to 6 minutes conspiracy climbing back to actually 2 trumps the route go off woods or in miami it seems that roger stone trump and some others were at this conference with these this woman who made the d publicize the klan and the people she was interview were making with clarence and it seems that last story a couple weeks ago at that conference the route was where this claim can and thats apparently how it came to the president s attention to the author having a very great dinner companions. Because you got so many Great Stories of the i the scenes of things that we are reading that arent necessarily that a reason i mentioned jane of the early on this because she is a professor and she is. Compelled to talk about present trouble we talk about Fact Checking with kind of have to print in the United States president this is what jane says about him. On twitter has been spreading so many polls hoods that it becomes very difficult for media organizations to keep up they have counted the plastered in some stories in the New York Times and in the Washington Post but it becomes very difficult on Live Television which is where trump loves to appear and loved to appear when he was running for president because you cant really fact check somebody you cannot really come on the air in say this is untrue as the person is saying it and and that close twitter has made for a landscape in which we are trying to fact check as journalists but the public is often very misinformed because its simply a torrent of Fact Checking that needs to happen. This is this is youll see its election this is play to facts. Does present trump take us into a whole new area a sack check well weve gone about covering President Trump the same way we have president ial candidates and previous president s but certainly he requires a lot more Fact Checking and his predecessor than people than pretty and anyone who has run against him on the republican side or as a democrat so you know i think i will leave it to the academics to evaluate when were in a room where it. Will. Cost the bottom. Well fact checked politician and theres really no one like him on in the other side of the political spectrum and i think you said perhaps the world you saw him to be confronted by Savannah Guthrie multiple times in that interview where she said no human on is not true this is i just told you what the truth is and he said well maybe not you know none of the sara lee or just because you said it doesnt make it true i think i think that the general public is actually more receptive to Fact Checking when they see information coming from trusted or read reputable sources than what President Trump has shown. Act you know the evidence bears that out when fact checks are done by trusted sources people tend to believe them its especially especially work well when people are willing to admit what they dont know when they enter into reading a fact check those are the people who are the most helped when theyre actually using the kind of fact checks that organizations like political hack to but but President Trump i think is unique in the modern era for the amount of times and the amount of things he says that just are not true and hes also unique in his willingness to keep repeating things that have been shown by Fact Checkers repeatedly to be not true 7 that michael. Just 320 minutes so its almost like its not moving i just sat the information allan im just wondering about present trump this does who create an extra level of challenge to just kind of keeping up with what hes saying and subtle and on the well its just just not him but today we fact checked your truck this son he has a son was also repeating the messages there was one main that we fact checked today where they had a digitally altered sotto of the rappers actors 50 cent and ice cube with trump outs on the jon benet indoor struck and they have and ice cube happened but they digitally put the logo on their head right thats our fact check on that and that was that gained a lot of speed because eric drum retreated were pretty good original and youre quoting this tweet us right allan what makes them it was this thousands of fun of us that got tens of thousands or millions of followers and you dont even have to have that but that really helps it but there are also these networks of facebook groups and twitter accounts and they let reality and get out there pretty quickly or if you know how to use hashtags and trending terms and that sort of thing it works celebrated but certainly if your truck you get immediate let. We share with me some of the conversation michael has shown says im from missouri usa truth and fact is what i live by i dont do facebook because of the misinformation. Oh ok thats a little dig at facebook actually lawrence says Fact Checking boxes are starting points for Self Research so i would not take the information found by Fact Checkers as fact amid the after reading so hes questioning even the Fact Checking as to reserve says many times finding out truth takes a lot of time you cant take it off the information not allow people to make their own decisions katie you know that theyre that whole idea about taking time to get the right information and im wondering how many of us who want journalists are ready to put that down to timing. Well certainly what we do weve kind of made it a full time job kind help 15 people on our small team you know at the time it takes citibank something really very traditional political claim about medicare policy or Social Security history and funding may take a day or 2 to sort out but some of those claims like the one that lead stories and put a fact fact check today with the rappers wearing trump hat that is just a fake photo that that takes we can respond to that very quickly and frankly we do it professionally but people who are using facebook and other social media platforms can do that as well with very simple techniques that Fact Checkers you all the time such as googling or doing or of various image search i dont think im giving away any big trade secrets here just opening up another tab and googling what people are seeing can do a lot for people to confirm this that things that theyre saying for themselves just because you spend time doing d some googling doesnt mean youre going to get the right answers though because theres a lot of best information that youll find when you do a Google Search were being surgery or in fact some of the emails that we give you an awful lot of emails are long thought out Research Pieces of why we were wrong on the stock chart and then i looked at theirs and said well theyre wrong because their research turned up garbage. And so just because you spent time on it does not make it a Good Research unit in the journalism is hard its difficult to do the work that has to be done to figure out if a claim is verifiably true or not and while its important for citizens to do that google especially when they see a claim and they havent heard it before and it makes them feel good because its attacking the other side or showing something great about their own side its worth a google there to see if that to see if you can find anybody else making that claim but to do the actual work of Fact Checking it takes a lot of word. It requires access to sources that requires access to documents it requires time and so while people can do some of that work we are going to have to be able to trust some sources some of these Fact Checking organizations if were really going to be able to sort out whats verified which rebuts not i was reading im really glad that because rather it is clinton out there then they will be some biases off the fact check this out in sounds go out and sounds great the timing is about the amazing but i thought oh themselves but i lost some of this until i do support Fact Checking i think that its a very important part of keeping a democracy well informed especially in the age of someone who is known for rampant lies about his own administrations possible misconduct and corruption its helpful to keep track so we dont lose sight of whats been happening over the last 4 years i think it should happen to both sides i think sometimes that leads to a dangerous false equivalency where the media focuses on what might be good faith errors like theyre equal to intentionally spread false information but all in all i think Fact Checking is good for americans and it encourages them to do more research on their own so i do support. Likely any of us not going to allow to respond to that because of actual fact as michael what if instead ill be seeing more republicans being fucked up from time to comments i would say in general we see more people in power get fact checked and so when the president s republican repub the hell get more fact checks or someday shell get more fact checks and the president has them a democrat the same President Trump gets outsized Fact Checking but that i think is because he says things that are not true with way greater frequency than other political leaders but in general its about who is in power and i think the point about false equivalency is really important that the worst thing a Fact Checking organization can do i think is say well on mondays we check democrats and on tuesdays we check republicans and we just go back and forth to be fair that only works if both sides are telling the truth or not in the equal measure and equal number and and so its really important for Fact Checkers to think about the full context of the information and by it would be engaging their work is really more complicated than just whos in power its who successful at creating. Content that goes viral thats not true i wouldnt know i dont have a specific percentage but it is very definitely true that there is more Fact Checking done on the conservative side if you want to call it that than on the. On the left but part of that is because theres just that more comments more content we have Technology Tools that i believe in even pledge its not news that we developed it were to identify content its actually based on the realty how its trending and how many people are sharing it and i can tell you that there is a definite higher success rate of content that is on the conservative side that is not true. And publishers know that and they can make more money off of targeting false content clip bait that the conservatives i want to just jumping to have just as a lively conversation happen and so 1. 00 of the each of us. Thank you so as we can ask about the fat award is the point where any of this change anyones opinion i am going to answer that question that query with amber who uses Fact Checking as a teachable moment for a youngster lets have a look. Fact checking is an important part of maintaining the integrity of our democracy. Voters did not receive a high quality Civic Education they did not have the Media Literacy skills to navigate all the information coming their way in our home with you know with minorities you know we focus on the what and not the who so this goes beyond candidate this goes beyond party to a deeper question of how do we instill trust in the processes of democratic representation and also how do we equip our voters and our citizens and our civic actors with the skills that they need to be informed and engage civic participants that is amazon so as to why that technique is important you have 13 seconds my goal. Right michael checking works what a story is labeled as a fact check people pay more attention and they tend to come away believing whats true more likely than they would come we believe it was false but it comes at a price that they often then judge the fact checker to be biased because theyve slanted their story in the direction of the verifiable truth which is a cruel irony of Fact Checking pricing was hard i think the 30 seconds what a day you can do it and meeting the question again so Fact Checking is helpful when its relevant when were covering things that people are actually wondering about and when its done quickly so thats why we do let our reporters dive in and focus on getting people the answers quickly as possible and then distributing it again peoples hands so that even if they saw all the false information they can receive the truth so we try to blast it out and we have a lot of partnerships in the u. S. To help us with that mission but i loved what amber said which was that we need to improve the civic discourse and give people thinking about why facts are important to the strength of our democracy and then finally maybe 90 percent of the people come to read or search next part or appear to be angry theyre upset that we start your concert so a lot of them were not going to. Its their mind were just going to make it but what it does. It it also suppresses content because were straight face book not yours and our conclusion right suppresses the distribution so fewer people will see it but people want to live in a bubble theyre going to look at it well believe what they want to believe d but we give them a chance by giving thats our allan and katie thank you michael thank you for being on the side today about Fact Checking at how useful. That wraps up the t. V. Conversation but i am heading over to instagram at 2030 g. M. T. Joined by our own struck that was exactly right to apple its a fact an Instagram Live chats will be on the. Account the cannot feel Fact Checking questions and. Business later. By now brask. Business waiters just bow to you by no brass power. Pakistans k. F. C. 100. 00 or so its more than 36 percent we bring you the stories and developments that are rapidly changing the world we live in the water its going dispensable to Economic Activity but industrial uses worsening contest of fresh water counting the cost on aljazeera i want you to know our day shes going to do defeat is terrible china virus as we call it there is no place for hate in america well im feeling great i dont know about your worry mask is not a political statement its a scientific recommendation the final president ial t. V. Debate live on aljazeera. Hello im Barbara Starr in london these are the top stories on aljazeera nigerias largest city is under a 24 hour curfew in a bid to end wakes of protests the indefinite restrictions in lagos came after a Police Station was torched in demonstrations against allegations of brutality there being nearly 2 weeks of protests against a Controversial Police anti Robbery Group which has since been the stand that often addresses in the capital of. A lot of people are not following it especially

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