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A real run up to last years chaotic election and the desperate for free and fair fight this time. So after months of unrest and the campaign marred by violence people in guinea a voting to elect the next president incumbent leader alpha conde for today in the capital cannot carry on sunday morning is running against 11 kinds of its but his main rival hes the former Prime Minister the this is the 3rd match up between the 2 men its a 2 year old conde insists his bid for 30 is legal but the opposition says it violates the constitution the United Nations is expressing love what it calls ethically challenged hate speech rising in the lead up to the polls in guinea its called the situation extremely dangerous it was hot and. One blow and down for a couple sorry these are lyrics to a Catchy Campaign cheating for guineas. President alpha conde for his opponents its a call for violence a song lawful something were not here to fight were here to have fun were not here to go after anyone. But opposition candidates believes otherwise in an interview with al jazeera he accused condi whos running for a 3rd term of fomenting ethnic divisions. If you last given the ethnic undertones of todays speeches there is a real risk of post electoral violence. Hes trying to mobilize people against those that have the same ethnic origin as use main challenger. The president s skin in people party is largely backed by the linkage ethnic group while those Opposition Party is mostly supported by the people before the polls even open on sunday gideons came out in large numbers to cast their vote seemingly undeterred by what has been a divisive and often Violent Campaign you know people looking to proposal but i have no worries everything will be fine im sure it will you have seen look we are all here in peace and it will continue. To do jello has a full on he was unable to campaign in eastern guinea home to ethnic blinky after the president s supporters blocked the road and homes and businesses owned by ethnic philosophies and can khan were attacked the police failed to stop the violence anyone but a felony has been a rallying call among many of his supporters to a Campaign Something Rights Groups have condemned. You know resorting to resorting to. Its a good way to get people mobilized its not a good way to go away but its certainly effective on the ground and thats removed. After violence during marches constitutional referendum the uns office for prevention of genocide expressed alarm and criticised the Security Forces for their use of force against protesters more than 50 people were killed or injured many of them full and with a new vote now underway by sorry a 1000000 is worried the full lani may seek revenge. I wish that even if giallo wins the elections that we can walk hand in hand unite as a people politics shouldnt terrace apart. While some hope for change others for continuities many 1st time voters say they want to a culture of politics that is pitting getting ins against each other nicholas hawking aljazeera the latest attempt to pull the fight scene between armenia and azerbaijan appears to be faltering just hours after it began both sides are accusing each other of violating a 2nd russian mediated ceasefire in the space of a week it was established a day after the is there he said that 13 people were killed in a missile attack in the city of gunja more than 700 people are estimated to have died so far in the disputed region of new corner kyra back at the remote mountainous area its officially part of as of but its been controlled by Ethnic Armenians since the end of a 6 year war in 1904 horrible how it is in gun journos by john and has the reaction from the. Isnt that was fair bit of popular anger here all fingers pointing out. Theres also very little faith in this renewed ceasefire that was announced on sunday people here obviously saying that they could not trust the armenian side to hold their part of the deal even though i feel theres a bit of confusion over what exactly that humanitarian ceasefire is about people here think that its about an end therefore still a tease when in fact its really about bringing some. Calm period enough to swap bodies and did. Is now the moment we dont know where that is heading we just heard from their budget and he said that they are ready to return some bodies to armenia through this prearranged cory door. As a budget and said that it has informed the International Red cross about it but this statement did not say anything about do soldiers definitely. On the battlefield specially in the areas in the occupied regions around no go no care about the Azerbaijani Army is pushing forward it has Popular Support there is a feel that as they are by gen at the moment because of the do every tory again has the upper hand and you have a lot of people here who do support that many would tell you actually that maybe a ceasefire is not what should happen now and that the army should keep on pressing or going to smith is in his couple of year of army has moved. The armenians say theyve been pushing for several days now to get this humanitarian ceasefire agreed on and its taken 2 weeks to get this far it was russia that got the 2 sides to agree to a humanitarian cease fire to the handover the bodies of killed soldiers and the Exchange Prisoners of war and Wounded Soldiers it was never quiet enough along the goal line of contact never peaceful enough for them to be able to for both sides to be able to agree to do this there was an attempt last week on one local attempt to do it on one part of the line of contact but even that failed after a few hours because firing started again so this decision by the air is to hand over the dead bodies of the armenians had already earlier on agreed to some sort of handover of bodies and prisoners of war is a step forward armenia needs the cease fire to carry on its suffered now 675 armenian Ethnic Armenian fighters have been killed in the fighting and armenia has lost control of territory it has held since the end of the war in 1994 this territory between nagornokarabakh karabakh in azerbaijan is considered the security or buffer zone that the armenians say thats what it is to protect nagornokarabakh for the last 26 plus years theyre supposed to be discussing the status of this territory plus nagornokarabakh with. Nothings happened in that time has wires about john says it is now moving militarily with the support of turkey to take some of this territory. Well i mean his Deputy Foreign minister of the republic of china which is the medium name of nagornokarabakh and she says there was hope the 2nd ceasefire would hold and maintains that armenia instapundit are committed to the peace process. But as a when it started offensive on the 27th of september also said that i mean your was the one launching but everyone knows that it is not in armenia. Or in our socks interest to launch anything because as you can see the war is going on on our territory and it is our people that are suffering from this mostly so its in our best interest to stop the war for the car of armenians this is a mosque that we want to secure our civilians to ensure their safety because for the last days there were about 31 casualties among the civilians there certainly one that and more than 100 people were injured but so. You know we have no reason to come to peace there needs to be of political will from all sides of the conflict for armenia and they have openly stated that they are ready to solve this issue exclusively by peaceful means and they both agree to introducing a mechanism investigate investigative mechanisms that would allow to say who has violated the cease fire it was as though by john that does not agree with the introduction of this mechanism and does not agree to it today so it is obvious that both armenian sides want peace and are ready to sit at the table of negotiations to discuss the possibility of peace but for this we need those mechanisms to exclude the use of force or the strengths of the use of force. A thousands of people in chile are marking one year since the beginning of a protest movement calling for social change there is traitors in the capital santiago a demand to get a new constitution and a more equal society chile has been gripped by protest against high living costs inequality and political exclusion at least 31 people have died in the run 30000 being detained in the past year. Thousands of protesters have gathered in the thai capital bangkok for a 5th day theyve been rally in defiance of a government ban dozens have been arrested and theyre calling for the Prime Minister to stand down for the monarchy to be reformed and for a new Constitution Police warn they will respond to any acts of violence tony chang has more from bangkok on the protesters and the mob. But once again for the 5th day in a row protesters have come out onto the streets of bangkok to show their displeasure the government and again the authorities have tried to stop them and failed earlier in the day the police had warned that anyone attending would be charged and arrested they even said that those people who turned up and posted selfies on social media could be liable for 2 years in jail or 2000. 00 fines but clearly that hasnt deterred anyone people are still here and theyre still determined that their demands be met quite a lot of back in holland a couple i think we need to change we need to demand an end to the unfairness that has happened the 1st thing that i want to see is that they stop ignoring our voices we should be able to gather and protest peacefully and i want to see more freedom not arrests at this stage we dont know how long these protests are going to continue to a certain extent some of the fears has gone out of this because the protest leaders have been detained that said these protests have now spread theyre taking place in different sites across bangkok and tonight even in different places across the country the protesters are shown that after the crackdown on friday night theyre still prepared to come out theyre still to come out prepared to come out in numbers and theyre not scared and now the ball is very much in the governments court. Still ahead here on aljazeera find out what the taliban says about the recent rise of attacks in afghanistan and the peace talks in qatar. And protests are taking place in france as a nation mourns the murder of a teacher in a paris suburb. Hello little tropical depression might just bring a bit of rain to our man even sudden pakistan otherwise things are fairly quiet so at this part of the world the temperatures are little harder you might expect still in the levant take jerusalem for example its 30 degrees the average is 2231. 00 also if the next couple days in a slowly telling off after that start just israel the whole of the levant and even for example kuwait is still quite muscat down to about normal doesnt get the showers that might affect elsewhere in mom asked to die ha 33 studied reason a light breeze not particularly humid now the rain proper is gone as im sure youre well aware but its still reaching as far as south sudan juba as you know the prices seem excessive rains this season and the still flooding on the ground whether more showers to come from ethiopia than 3 south sudan the heavy rain should be further south you uganda for example and the rift valley where it should be this time of the year but there are still showers showing up as you see in south sudan forecast for kigali shows what it should be like moderate thunderstorms every day run about lunchtime study temperature regime in the middle twentys dropping down to just below 20 that night. From fossil fuels to modern day renewable as societies develop the energy demands increase requiring Innovative Solutions to meet such demands as a Global Power Development of Investment Company nebraska power is uniquely positioned to deliver against the stimulus we provide Business Growth promote social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and fire mentally sound Energy Solutions for future generations the breastpin pioneering future energy. Oh. How to get you what she had 0 or one of our top stories this hour and gideons are voting in a tense election that follows months of unrest the incumbent president often conde his bidding for a controversial 3rd term which his main rival is a new that india low says is unconstitutional. A media and azerbaijan are accusing each other of violates his 2nd ceasefire will than 700 people on both sides have been killed during the 3 weeks of fighting. Thousands of protesters have gathered in the thai capital of bangkok for a 5th day a rally in defiance of a of a government and they calling for the Prime Minister to stand down for reform with a monocle and for a new constitution. U. S. Forces in afghanistan and denying allegations that they are violating their agreement with the taliban by carrying out has strikes in Helmand Province the taliban Spokesman Says the u. S. Is engaging in provocative actions and bombing noncombat zones the u. S. Is categorically rejecting. Its violating the agreement a Spokesman Says the strikes certainly in defense of the afghan Security Forces who were being attacked by the taliban well on saturday aljazeera spoke to mohammad name used a spokesman for the Talibans Political Office in qatar and he told us that the taliban has not been attacking u. S. Forces with whom. We have not been carrying out any attacks against the Coalition Forces because we have had an agreement with them we dont attack them and they dont attack us for 14 months now they have been withdrawing from the country this is why we dont attack them but in regards to the minister ration kabul we dont have that agreement with them they attack us their attacks are quite numerous they carry attacks against us and against the people they shelled the villages they shelled the positions of the mujahideen and they even build pushed into areas that were conquered by us their stomach state and they keep crossing their tanks and vehicles in areas that are under our control when it comes to all of this we are in a position of selfdefense this is why i say when they carry such acts there will be a reaction thats the only way it is selfdefense when the latest incident of violence a car bomb has killed at least 12 people in central afghanistan and dozens of others were injured in the city of ferals code which is the capital of go province no one has yet claimed responsibility and 8 Afghan Security officials were killed in a Taliban Attack includes problems afghanistans government has described the talibans attacks as despicable and continuation of the war against afghan people. 8 people have been found dead after being kidnapped by an unknown group in iraq on saturday funerals were held for the victims on sunday morning the kidnappings happened north of baghdad in balad district 4 others are still missing some locals are blaming a faction of the shia led Popular Mobilization forces but i still is also active in the area the Prime Minister mr the me visited the scene hes promised and to investigate and pledged to protect local residents i care about its kind of it has been named the winner in the president ial runoff in the self declared republican field in cyprus that was running against the now former incumbent president was to offer a can do you have favored reunification with the selfish right now addressing his supporters in that you share of the countrys been divided since the early 1970 s. With the when experts now say will push towards more turkish influence he had a pretty received support from the turkish president recit time to one. The u. N. Arms embargo on iran is expired after 13 years it was lifted as part of a 2015 nuclear deal with well powers the us withdrew from the pact in 2018 and its voice strong opposition to any easing of sanctions the radian foreign minister zarif welcome the development calling it a win for Regional Peace and security also jabari has more from tehran. The iranians have said even though theyve reduced their commitments gradually over the past year since the us left the agreement they are still very much committed to it and the europeans have said they are in the same position given the restrictions imposed on them by the United States the u. S. Has imposed a series of sanctions on irans oil and Banking Sector making it very difficult for the european signatories of this deal to do business with iran as they would have under disagreement this is one of the main obstacles that is in place at the moment but they remain ians and the europeans have said this spite all these obstacles they are still committed to this deal and even though it looked like this agreement was very much dead over the past few months this embargo being lifted is going to be seen as a move that this there are still some like in this agreement and there is hope that this will last over to normalize relations between israel and bahrain in taking another step forward join us israeli delegation has arrived in the gulf state to sign several Bilateral Agreements that includes u. S. Treasury secretary Steve Milligan and israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the decision to normalize ties has raged palestinians who want to achieve an independent state a very. Thousands of protesters have gathered in paris after the killing of a teacher on friday similar rallies taking place across the country to show solidarity the school where the teacher told is believed to have received multiple threats and softer showed a controversial image of the Prophet Muhammad in a lesson about freedom of expression the suspect was shot dead 9 people are in custody. We absolutely is the head of the justice and liberty for all committee and he says the government overall response to the crime can be seen as problematic. This the 1st to put segin under of the broad daylight said the failure is of our Intelligence Services the person who committed this horrendous unspeakable unfathomable crime was had been reported more to more times on social media because he was already displaying side that he was about to commit something and many of the people who reported him were muslims and to quote someone in the french media or the muslims can report someone who pretends to be one of their isnt so on on the one upmanship on the hype being pumped up by the french government tries to steer away public scrutiny of from how the french intelligence how the French Police faded into up making this into making sure that this does not happen nuff chorus the whole culture is shocked i have a kid myself was going to hes 3 teacher and i myself was almost saved during my High School Years by a history teacher so all of us feel like if you get kids because you taught something where this country going into now these demonstrations or no of course the arts spontaneous but the government is also trying to use them for of their political agenda this is happening be only a few weeks after him anyone might cause discourse on these so called an islamist separatism a Senior Member of the u. K. Government says there is still hope for a trade deal with the European Union but michael gove also warned its up to the e. U. To make a compromise this past week Prime Minister Boris Johnsons have britain was prepared to leave without a deal e. U. Leaders say they will keep trying. It is a jaw we hope that the e. U. Will change their position were certainly not saying that if they do change their position that we cant talk to them but i think its only fair also that we communicate one other thing which is that. We are ready if required to leave on what is being called australian terms thats going to picnic very t. Is underway in bolivia is president ial election a vote last year plunge the country into political turmoil the president evo morales won that election but resigned and went into exile shortly after allegations of electoral fraud regional leaders across latin america have been calling on the government to ensure free and fair poll throws a bow has more from a polling station one is areas where bolivians saw able to cost about. Were hearing that polling station important site is are 1800005 libyans are expected to vote here in argentina this is around 2 percent of the trade gold of the total electoral vote so what happened here could be decisive for the countrys future and for bolivias democracy this is a major test for bolivia after what happened last year in the last election that were filled with accusations of fraud of irregularities that ended with the rest of motion of abel morales asked precedent where that interim administration but its currently ruling that country and where they will more Irish Whiskey are in argentina in exile the 2 main candidates are who we started so who is able morales finance minister and on whose acknowledge 400 what many say is ever no make thats the humbling of the economy situation in bolivia that left it millions out of poverty on the other one is carlos makes up who was Vice President during the government out of one silo suntour to massada i mean he resigned he became president of the country this is a step to be im very tight election a 2nd round is expected in the country and because of the Electoral Court does not want something similar to what happened last year they suspended their rocket clanking system that means that were not going to have any restarts this sunday so rocked this rapid counting system critics trouble in the last election because it showed in the very beginning that there could be a 2nd round at them votes of every medallist Party Started coming in and that changed completely so the voting process critical long want to have up to 7 days to present the risotto board electronic tribune and say that theyre going to try to do it especially thats a good plan. Thousands of indigenous colombians are traveling to bogota to seek a meeting with the president even dukie theyre angry about increasing violence affecting their communities Barbara Group or is this report. Fed up and on the road these native colombians a traveling to confront the president about rising violence in their home state of kouka fighting there is increased since the government signed a peace deal with far crabbers in 2060 armed groups and drug gangs filth in searing power vacuum and indigenous communities a struggling to defend their land and their culture when we believe that the president s fears to 1st Indigenous People and the different social cities in the country about the civil necessities and the weevil violence experience in our country according to the watchdog in depass 1000 Community Leaders have been killed since 2016 and this year alone there have been 65 mass killings the violence affected indigenous communities disproportionately and some want to tanami in their homelands to protect themselves the caravan leaders say they will rally all colombians to join their course if the president refuses to meet them. If the president doesnt receive us and go to or try to debate an address to the country and come back to our own regions to prepare more mobilizations and marches but this time all nationwide the buses are expected to reach back on monday where theyve been protests of a Police Patrol at a since september the group plans to take part in a nationwide protest on wednesday whether it meets a president or not barbara and get her aljazeera. Theres been violence in haiti as people commemorate the death of a revolutionary leader more than 200 years ago government protesters blocked roads and set fire to times in the capital Port Au Prince Police Response will take us so hard it is just. A moment the 240th anniversary of the assassination of haitis past independent rule. By protesting once again against a government. Who started off with a carnival like atmosphere. Turned violent the police used rubber bullets and tear gas against demonstrators calling for president to step down. Protesters blocked roads and set fire to toys in the capital Port Au Prince and started protesting last year against corruption mismanagement of aid money and a rise in inflation majority of haitians live in poverty. The president has been criticized for his handling of the current virus pandemic and denies allegations of corruption i know that you know i mean the street to demand justice for the underprivileged masses that is my demand were from the poorer suburbs we are saying that we can no longer live like this were out on the streets to demand justice. In response to the un rest moyes called for unity as he marks the anniversary. Today or battles for peace we ask for union i tell everyone in the opposition or in the government today the future generation expects something from us they expect to change those changes can come in reform. Has been in political crisis as well hes now been in power since 2017 but because now hes nativity lections not held in october last year theres been no parliament. Announced the formation of a new provisional Electoral Council opposition refused to participate and rejected its legitimacy so with no Parliament Sitting why is has been governing by president ial decree since january giving him in homes. Well functioning for the respect of the laws and respect of the constitution february 7th 2021 this is the end of the constitutional mandates bush of memories were removed from power before then today is the day for the National Mobilization we ask the International Community to help us in this battle for the last transition. The International Community has called for an end to the political impasse and for parliamentary elections to be held as soon as possible the governments blames violence and the pandemic for delays to the election that was meant to be held near the un is accused of failing to protect people against Human Rights Violations with almost gangs controlling around a 3rd of the country in june the president announced a legislative election in december but the opposition has called for a Transitional Government instead fadia to hold elections before maisons term officially ends could leave haint seen without a Leader Parliament set of. Results are these all the top stories and gideons a very tense election that follows months of unrest and president is bidding for a controversial search which is main rival. So its unconstitutional it was hacked has been following the election from neighboring senegal this by the violence despite the divisive politics where people came out in numbers to come out and vote cure up hours before the polls opened at 8 oclock people queuing up at 6 oclock in the morning to get a chance to have a say in this very important elections for getting we spoke to some of the voters that came out to vote say that they want reconciliate

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