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Election campaign in 2 swing states. And one of the biggest election wins ever in new zealand just send dans friendly politics have brought contrast and success. A new ceasefire has come into effect between armenia and azerbaijan but both sides have already accused each other of breaking the agreement its the 2nd attempt to stop nearly 3 weeks of violence over the disputed region of the going all out a back thats called civilians to come under attack Hoda Abdelhamid reports. It was a city asleep when the explosions ripped through the quiet of the night and ganja people here were already on edge their hometown has come under fire several times since the conflict was reignited 3 weeks ago. This attack was the most devastating so far so. Weve been living in fear for days we couldnt sleep at night we hid but that was no use were suffering a lot i wish we were dead but our children would have to live without us we believe in our state and president may god give us back karabakh. Cantors about an hour drive from the disputed region of the corner karabakh that azerbaijan and armenia are fighting over i mean at 1st denied it had the long range capability to hit as far as ganja but then in a statement it said that there were several as Syrian Military assets in and around the city that were legitimate targets here in baquba president ilham called the attack a crime against humanity and that revenge will come under battlefield a few hours after the attack in ganja announced his forces which are backed by turkey have taken control of more villages in physically south east of nagornokarabakh one of 7 regions surrounding the un clave occupied by armenia since 1904 many here believe its time to areas return and as every suffered to our history is our future and we cant leave this problem to our kids. And we need to help them to my relatives been living in that occupied region and i know the hardest so far theyve been living in the as a refugee for the years here in baquba and so this is we cant leave this problem for the our future future our Generation Next generation we need to resolve it now the capital of nagornokarabakh stepan i cared was hit on friday a few hours before the ganja attack this was also not the 1st time that civilians came under attack there at least 600 armenian soldiers have lost their lives since september 27th as a by john has been made public the number of losses among its ranks but the toll among civilians is mounting a new humanitarian ceasefire is underway this one brokered by france to u. S. And russia. Has already indicated is only temporary and it will continue its offensive to retake the occupied territory but at the. Are you an arms embargo on iran has expired after 13 years it was lifted as part of the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers the us withdrew from the pact in 2018 and its voiced strong opposition to an easing of sanctions Iranian Foreign ministers of a 75 welcomed the developments calling it a win for Regional Peace and security. James patterson is a former u. S. Diplomat and a gulf specialist he says the Top Administration wants a peace deal with iran that sidelines Nuclear Weapons he said specifically that the unconventional arms weapons of mass destruction and rapid purchases of conventional arms do not fit into irans defense doctrine at the moment and probably also do not fit and surf and that. Situation. But the United States is very much aware of this and we are very eager the drop in the destruction is very eager to have a verifiable Peace Agreement with her and that totally excludes Nuclear Weapons and so i hope that we are all very hopeful at that these discussions can take place as soon as possible whether its a trumpet or. The future of the u. S. With the ran and has to include strong human rights. Resolutions restoration of human rights the people of iran and so i feel very very confident that in a future negotiation. These issues will be resolved to the satisfaction of their signatory. Donald trump is tied to reenergize his campaign with rallies into swing states theres just over 2 weeks to the election and hes training in Many National polls it may bring stops in michigan and wisconsin what his democratic challenger joe biden took the day off john hendren reports. Donald trump play defense returning to 2 battleground states he won by a whisker in 2016 truck took his campaign to wisconsin and to michigan where he criticized the states democratic governor 13 militia members were arrested just over a week ago in an alleged plot to kidnap or youve got to get your governor to open up your state it was. Up and get your schools up get your schools all the schools have to be open right. That prompted and now familiar chant. As the president laid into michigans governor he was skirting the strict limits on crowd size as the she had set by calling his rally a peaceful protest with few masks and little social distancing among his supporters. Drops democratic rival joe biden pursued a cautious make no mistakes approach taking a break from the campaign trail on saturday instead he tweeted viral videos like this one i lose im never coming back to using trump for threatening in state after state never to return if he loses the election maybe ill have to leave the country in posting the video biden writes promise biden is running mate come harris spent the weekend quarantining after members of her staff tested positive for corona virus her office says she tested negative more than 26000000 americans have already cast their ballots still in washington thousands gathered on saturday for the womens march urging women to vote on the issues that affect them it is not hyperbole to say that everything is on the line this november. We cannot afford 4 more years of this administration attacking our access to Reproductive Health care and rights with just over 2 weeks to go in the campaign trail fans at the rally in michigan taunted his critics chanting 12 more years an amount that would violate the u. S. Constitution of john hendren aljazeera washington. Hundreds of people protested outside the tom protel in new york demonstrators when calling for an end to Police Brutality and racial inequality relatives of some of those affected by Police Violence against black people were there including the family of Briana Taylor she was sought by police in a home during a raid and sparked a nationwide protests. French prosecutors say an 18 year old man who beheaded a teacher in paris on friday approached students to help identify his victim parents and pupils have been laying floral tributes to the teacher on saturday prosecutors say the school had received multiple threats after the teacher showed a controversial image of the Prophet Muhammad during a lesson about freedom of expression the attacker died after being shot by police. Theres been violence in haiti is the country marked its Independence Day and government protesters blocked roads and set fire to tires and the Capitol Police use rubber bullets and tear gas to try to break up the demonstrations protestors have been calling for president juvenal why is it to step down for the past year over corruption charges was he rules the country by decree after the parliament shut down over the political impasse type protestors are vowing to rally again in the coming hours despite a ban a large gatherings. On saturday Police Closed main intersections and metro stations in a bid to stop the demonstrations dozens of people have been arrested or injured in 4 days of protests there demanding new elections and reforms to the monarchy. New zealands Prime Minister just sent are done says shell form a new government in the coming weeks after the biggest political victory in decades a labor party secured a majority of seats in parliament after saturdays general election the vote was delayed by a month because of the coronavirus are downs government has been praised for its handling of the pandemic with 25 deaths in a population of 5000000 during her acceptance speech are then called on the country to remain united we are living in an increasingly polarized world a price we hear more and more people who have lost the ability to see one anothers point of view i hope that this elite new zealand has shown that this is not who we are it is a nation we can listen and we can debate after all we are too small to lose sight of other peoples perspective. Allegiance i always allegiance and always right it bringing people together but they also dont need to teach you one another apart. Paulding cannon is a strategic analyst at 36. 00 the powell assessments its a geo political consultancy he says just send out a dance positive politics help bring her party to victory and her leadership style can be characterized as killing them with kindness even though her opponents and her critics have often been very ugly in their commentary about her including beside genista comments she is unflappable and has always responded calmly has always sought to behave in a civilized manner and what that did was it stood in stark contrast to the increasingly hysterical remonstrations of the National Party leadership which apparently towards the end decided that it would pull a page out of the trump book and went full populist harangue the Prime Minister on a ritually every subject and failed miserably and this is where this is more than just just seen are doing the labor party picked up 18 seats its unprecedented in the modern era for labor as a party including seats that are traditionally been stall wore National Party seats this was a victory for the party as a whole and it just so happens that they have one of the most popular Prime Ministers in new zealand history. Still ahead on aljazeera curfews close restaurants and new limits on gatherings this year are battles rising covert 19 cases plus. One year on from a protest movement demanding change in lebanon remains in political and economic crisis. How will by and large the weather is so fair across a good part of the middle east the last clear skies lotty hazy sunshine but we could just see a little bit of that weather pushing towards amman in the form of this system here the swirling across see arabian say there will just not just waits was a coastal fringes a few spots of right sunny a possibility as is the case for them all somewhat the weather sliding across to be moving for the black sea heading towards the caspian sea running across the caucasus elsewhere in between it is fine and dry with lots of hazy sunshine temperatures here in doha getting up to a pleasant 33. 00 degrees celsius sunshine is showers as beautiful across central parts of africa but great changes here lots of cloud their losses shall is there the seasonal rains doing quite nicely already down towards like victoria heavy downpours there just around the rift valley heavy showers still very much in place there just around the gulf of guinea all the way down into angola but to the south of that city its all about the heat ashtray weve got lossy clear skies across a good part of Southern Africa and temperatures really ramping up a set in the case into botswana northern parts of south africa temperatures here into the low to mid thirtys running a good 10 degrees celsius above the norm. As protests rage across america more black lives are lost despite promises of Police Reform klines hears from those demanding justice the truth accountability transparency thats what i desire from the city and desperately need to change i have no faith and if its a fan that needs to be reminded not to tell cool moment of reckoning racism and police in america on a as eat up. Way a. Ga ga does it remind of our top stories this hour armenia and azerbaijan are already accusing each other of breaking a new ceasefire which came into effect in the past few hours violence has erupted over the disputed region of the okada back a previous truce agreed a week ago failed to hold. A u. N. Arms embargo on iran has expired after 13 years that was lifted as part of the 2050 nuclear deal with world powers despite strong opposition from the u. S. Which has withdrawn from the pact. Us President Donald Trump has held Campaign Events in 2 swing states just hours apart democratic challenger joe biden is leading in Many National polls with just over 2 weeks before the election. New restrictions linked to corona virus have come into force in parts of france belgium and poland countries across europe have hit new records for the number of daily infections theyve barker reports from london. In belgium the Coronavirus Crisis is deepening. Bars and restaurants are closing for a month as infections double every week belgium follows from sin imposing a nightly curfew and doctors have warned of a shortage of intensive care beds within weeks the german chancellor prays for her governments handling of the 1st wave of infections told germans to prepare for hot days ahead as the number of cases there rises steadily its my 1st clink know how i ask you to refrain from any trip that is not absolutely necessary from any celebration that is not absolutely necessary i know that this not only sounds tough but in individual cases it is a severe sacrifice but we only have to do this temporarily and we ultimately do it for ourselves. Infections a soaring across europe with around a 100000 new cases a day and the continent power brokers seem increasingly powerless on saturday the Austrian Foreign minister alexander shall amber confirmed he tested positive for the virus raising fears an e. U. Meeting he had tended on monday may have been a socalled super spreader event the belgian Foreign Ministers also gone into isolation with suspected symptoms. It comes a day after 3 e. U. Leaders including the Prime Minister of finland were forced to drop out of a brussels summit as a precautionary measure most future meetings will now happen remotely more than half of englands now under tougher coded 19 rules in london and other areas a ban on households mixing inside including bars and restaurants came into force on saturday as the capital moves from being at moderate risk to high risk in the governments 3 tier system the county of lancashire in the northwest moves to the top tier very high risk meaning no socializing outside a household bubble and the closure of bars or restaurants but the mayor of manchester the u. K. 3rd largest city is resisting the toughest restrictions warning of dismal consequences for the local economy the new restrictions are all part of the governments localised response in dealing with the rising infection rate design so the Prime Minister Boris Johnson to avoid the misery of a full national law but given that 28000000 people half the country are facing these new restrictions for many its already beginning to feel like. London. Kurdistans new Prime Minister and acting president has promised there will be elections within the next 3 months supporters free to send his effort off from jail 2 weeks ago during protests over the disputed parliamentary vote child stuff and has more from the capital bishkek. We spoke to the new Prime Minister and acting president of kyrgyzstan for their just part of a man that 3 weeks ago was serving an 11 year jail term for kidnapping a crime that he says he never committed but he recognizes that he is yet to win the trust of many people in this country their justice has voted that there is a kurd saying that falsehoods travel faster than through those people who are saying im a bad person that im connected with criminals and negative forces are saying that because they are scared the truth is that im going to fight against these corrupted schemes and i can say in the next 3 months there will be a lot of changes there will be president ial and parliamentary elections i will prove nothing by words but by real interventions that we are going to change and provide open and Transparent Elections will Fair Elections depend not only on the Central Election Committee but on the corrupted interest of president or Prime Ministers of the past we are looking for new ways to break this institutionalized corrupted system we will fight against those who buy or sell the votes new legislation we are pushing forward might put violators behind bars for 2 years we are looking at amending the laws everything starts from the top so its important that high officials are not corrupt power says that he will punish anybody that he says hes holding back kyrgyzstan on his path to democracy the countrys democratic progress hangs in the balance. The taliban says recent violence in afghanistan wont derail peace talks with the government theres been an escalation in fighting this week which has displaced thousands of families some of injury it has been monitoring developments tens of thousands of afghans have been displaced in the last few weeks as fighting has intensified between the Afghan Government and that part of the taliban insisting that it is trying to retake areas that it had vacated for the gun people and saying that it has been launching defenses offensives only against those areas where checkpoints have been established where reinforcements have been sent and where it has come under attack by the wire night creeds or airstrikes on the other hand the Afghan Government says that it is the taliban who have been launching an offensive and it is it shown by the United States efforts to try and stop them with its strikes as ben earlier we spoke to the spokesman of the Afghan Taliban who says that this will not derail the Peace Process as the violence and talks can continue side by side but for lasting peace in afghanistan both sides will have to show unflinching commitment. Refused to say there is no progress there are but there are problems and its a grim in some key issues as you know there are still meetings between the committees and we hope at the end we will reach a solution lets keep this in consideration but this is a major step and it is expected to be a difficult process just happens all over the world when there are negotiations starting a dialogue is never easy there is some progress and then there may be some slowdown and in many cases talks come to a halt this issues are quite normal and we hope that the disagreements we have on the key issues will be sold very soon god willing talks have continued between not just the taliban and the Afghan Government but interlocutors off peace with the taliban as well as the Us Government weve seen that the us lead diplomat trying to mediate between the Afghan Government and the taliban saying that all sides are going to try and make sure that there is a reset of the violence all elements of the agreement which was reached reached with the taliban are going to be implemented and all sides should reduce the violence there has been reassurances by the taliban as well as the Afghan Government that they are going to scale down attacks to try and protect civilian lives. Thousands of people have marched in lebanon in langley over the lack of political reform despite a year of antigovernment demonstrations the protesters are demanding change saying use of corruption and mismanagement have left the country in tatters reports from beirut. The determination to fight for political change is still alive. Its been a year since what some lebanese call a revolution was born. Some says she hasnt left the streets Economic Hardship was what triggered nationwide protests it turned into a revolt against what many call a corrupt willing elite that has been in power for decades. Before. People in power just leave and we will make sure basically. So we do this change and. In any way because we will not go back to before. The leaderless and Spontaneous Movement was a turning point in lebanons history sects came together in this divided society and for the 1st time people rose up against their leaders in traditional strongholds but the numbers werent enough they were up against the sectarian based power sharing system this bridge one of the capitals main arteries came to symbolize that battle. Square where our tents were burned. Everyone together the bridge was a frontline between those calling for change and supporters of sectarian parties protecting the status quo the largely Peaceful Movement counterrevolution the ruling elite called the protesters foreign agents Security Forces clamp down hard on gatherings they may. Arrests and there was intimidation. This is. The devolution down there. Meanwhile the economy continues to collapse people are hungry and more sink into poverty politicians who have blamed each other for the crisis are promising much needed reforms but they 1st need to agree on a new cabinet the government resigned after the explosion of beirut ports in august that killed 200 people it was blamed on negligence by officials. There is no punch there is no responsibility there is no accountability and as you can see. Them and theyre back to their old ways as if none of us exist that is why people have returned to the streets they insist on being heard their peaceful resistance wasnt able to remove those entrenched in power but they are keeping the resistance alive for their beirut. Voters are heading back to the polls in the self declared republic of Northern Cyprus for the president ial runoff people are now facing a choice between the current president who is pro reunification with the south and the Prime Minister who was backed by turkey cyprus has been divided since the 1970 s. Meanwhile turkey says the amount of gas discovered off its black sea coast is much more than 1st thought the gas field was 1st identified in august but further reserves have not been identified and president obama says the gas will be ready for domestic use in just over 2 years turkey currently imports nearly all the gas it uses its also been exploring disputed waters in the Eastern Mediterranean angering greece and cyprus. Firefighters in central argentina are battling to keep wildfires from spreading to a nearby village aircraft were deployed to help contain the flames in recent months fires have destroyed tens of thousands of hectares areas of the north of the country are also seeing farmers. Military police have been deployed to bolivias capital ahead of sundays president ial election losses a vote to plunge the country into pretend political chaos after a long time leader it will not alice resigned and fight the country regional leaders have been calling on the government to ensure a free and Fair Election there is a ball reports. Medical looking forward to voting on sunday hes a butcher in bolivias capital a pass he says that the election could be crucial in helping fight racism against indigenous communities in this landmark nation my. I will vote for ever more dollars party so there is no racism in believe you now we are struggling financially but ever more obvious gave us people with no studies an opportunity to evolve hes feeling resonates among millions of indigenous bolivians and his would give out a say the former finance minister under morales and now mass candidate a chance to win the presidency. But not everyone agrees there are many who fear a comeback of a woman alice party to power they say while in office the mass was off and try to hold onto power for far too long. With says its time for change get in touch with me and my family want Something Different we are poor but we need a Better Believe a believe that moves forward. Struggling with us fred of govan 1000. 00 and the political strife cost by what International Observers say was a fraudulent ballot last year that prompted more or less resignation and plunged the andean country into chaos. Since then bolivia has been ruled by u. S. Backed conservatives anyone yes while everyone else is remaining in exile in argentina tension between both sides remains high and poses a big test for bolivias democracy. Even though polls suggest the possibility of a 2nd round analysts say a solid win by whomever gets the most folks is the only way to ensure a peaceful transition. Of the difference. Though that is too small and the country will become a sentence this increases the possibility of conflict. Have been taken to prevent the possibility of fraud and ensure a transparent election for future political stability. As. This is all just these are the top stories on media and azerbaijan are already accusing each other now breaking a new sings fire which came into effect in the past few hours violence has erupted over the disputed region of the whole block a previous truce agreed a week ago has failed to hold a u. N. Arms embargo on iran has expired after 13 years it was lifted as part of the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers despite strong opposition from the u. S. Which has withdrawn from the pact us president

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