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Africa 2 black men and charged with killing a white farmer was. Now we begin in thailand where police and antigovernment protesters have fought in the center of the capital water cannon was used to break through a barricade set up by demonstrators in bangkok for a 3rd day in a row thousands of people defied the government ban on gatherings calling for the Prime Ministers resignation and reforms to the monarchy scotland now. Face to face in bangkok antigovernment protestors and thai police got into a violent confrontation 3 months in the making. The mostly Peaceful Demonstrations started in july but for the 2nd date thousands ignored the risk of arrest under emergency decree issued the day before as promised in an announcement just after the violence began taia thordis began using everything at their disposal to stop the protests including water cannon with burning agent laced with water the protesters are demanding a new constitution reform of the monarchy and the resignation of the cabinet including Prime Minister pray at. Something he dismissed on friday as he explained the reasons for the emergency order. As you are all aware of the situation the government must use the emergency decree we have to proceed because the situation has become violent with some things that had never happened before. The protests started like the other 2 peaceful protests earlier in the week its location was changed at the last minute to confuse the Security Forces they continued their call for the release of the top protest organizers who were arrested on thursday morning. But about an hour into it the police made their move after several barricades were taken down and police advance on the protesters many tried to blend into the surrounding neighborhood. Even though the leadership has officially called off the protest for the night riot police are clearing out the area of the original site for that protest earlier in the evening the big question now for the leadership is how do they move forward with the protests scott hi there al jazeera bangkok. U. K. Prime minister Abbas Johnston says bayfront panther no trade deal with the e. U. And his office says negotiations are effectively over his comments come while european leaders have been meeting in brussels over 2 days. They want to continue to busy to control our minister to Freedom Fisheries in a way that is completely unacceptable to an independent country and since we have been in 10 weeks until the end of the transition period on jan to the us i have to make a judgment about the likely outcome and to get us all written and given that they have refused to negotiate seriously for much of the last few months and given that this summit appears explicitly to rule out a canada style deal i concluded that we should get ready for january the 1st with the rangelands the more like australia is based on simple principles of global free trade paul brown has more from london. Now theres a pregnant ship of the highest order language being used by the u. K. Prime minister is about as strong as he could possibly get to have to say he was asked whether he would walk away from the talks in a q. And a which just followed the statement that he gave and he didnt explicitly say that he was ordering the u. K. s negotiators to step back from the negotiating table and scrap the whole thing that said the language that he was using there pretty stark and it was brought to a head by the fact that the e. U. Summit in brussels the e. U. Had noted disappointment of the failure to agree a trade deal so far but gave Michel Barnier the negotiator another 2 weeks to try to see whether an agreement could be reached on the basis that mr johnson needed to make the necessary moves to make an agreement possible now that was like a red rag to a bull to the british side and hence the very sort of almost angry response that they gave this afternoon. Is at the end no but the fact is that Boris Johnsons spokesman in an off camera briefing to journalists was pretty stark when he said as far as were concerned the trade talks are over on speculation that we should ban a could come to london on monday to try and keep the talks going he said look in the e. U. Negotiators should only come to london next week if theyre prepared to intensify talks and compromise otherwise do not bother. More than a 1000 prisoners whove been on the frontlines of yemen civil war have returned to the capital in the past 2 days the last 2 planes carrying who the fighters whove been held by the sound. Arrived in. Friday another plane carrying Coalition Fighters arrived in the Southern City of aden after leaving salah the swap is seen as a trust Building Measure and peace talks. Has been told where the freak who thieves have been arriving. This plane has just touched down on the runway of some international. Border the 100. Just returned. Prison tonight. Also just been. Known this is a moment of joy joy and also how did this. Isnt all sold for the government of some. Been waiting for this moment for months on that you can imagine that those. Just really. Inside the presence of 5 years. Faced many setbacks in order to. The. Already received over 672 president. While the. Government have received 400 to present for them 15 saudis also tourists so substance could tilt pave the way. To resolve their differences peacefully as their release. 6 a. Also the. Gates bore 90 or 80 percent of the countries and cause protests of caused major destructions in cities across nigeria as demonstrators call for a range of government and Police Reforms in the capital of protesters are back on the streets today after authorities there announced a ban on street protests some of the demonstrators have blocked main roads across the city. An address is in a budget he says protests escalating despite the ban. A few days back weve seen a few dozens on the streets of kabul with more than a few hundreds today we are counting maybe 3000 or more people on the streets of the border and as they move through the streets the procession grows its not only here in the buddha its also in lagos lagos known for its gridlock has suffered major disruptions as well today now the protesters are demanding continuing to protest on the streets of nigeria despite concessions made by government 1st of all the government says it has scrapped the police unit they were asking for and. Changed it with another one called this what the protesters are not convinced they said its just a change in name they also want more than forms and one protester i spoke to actually called for the sucking or resignation of this particular of police according to the Police Inspector general is not in a position to deal with these people they seem more powerful than this government itself apart from that talk to other protesters on the street and you hear about more reforms fighting corruption people elected representatives being more accountable president s governors. Members of parliament and all that so the protests ideas or demands keep changing from time to time and authorities are afraid that they could even go bigger than those demands those demands could grow even bigger as time goes by. Fighting between armenia and azerbaijan has continued over the this fears it never occurred about the region a humanitarian ceasefire brokered by russia has been repeatedly violated by both sides and as Bernard Smith reports from shushi in occupied nagornokarabakh current fighting is driven by a history of conflict. In centuries past as there is and armenians lived together in shoes she wants the capital of nagornokarabakh to the azeris this is that cultural heartland and this is one of 3 mosques in the town but until the 1920 s. This was once part of armenia then soviet leader Joseph Stalin redrew maps and made it an autonomous region within software as a by jan when karabakh voted in 1909 for independence the azeris 10 kilometers away instead panicker it came and the armenians left. Followed as the soviet union collapsed 30000 people were killed before a cease fire in 1994 after the war ended shes main mosque was restored but as a museum as there was no one left to use it as a place of worship. It is unimaginable now no shoes she is armenian there are wars and massacres but 2 nations lived together persians lived here as are beige and hes lived here armenians too. Occupied and forth over by persians and autumn and this fortress town was strategically placed at the center of the south caucasus shushi has an uninterrupted view of the planet and its from here during the 91 to 94 war that he has areas bombed the town until the armenians managed to capture this town. The holy savior cathedral has been hit twice during this conflict its the most important place of christian worship in a region as culturally significant to Ethnic Armenians as it is to his aries. I dont think after so many victims in a land stained by the blood of our sons i dont think any i mean but hollerith or any is very would want to live here because there is so much enmity between the 2 nations at least i cannot imagine such a day as possible but we are neighboring nations and we have to find a Common Ground the streets are empty now as that search for Common Ground begins again its something negotiators have yet to find after more than 26 year long ceasefire Bernard Smith our jazeera nagornokarabakh still ahead on aljazeera how china tested a city of 11000000 people for covert 19 in just 5 days reports japan plans to release more than a 1000000 tons of radioactive water from a destroyed Nuclear Plant into the scene. But. We got some lovely weather across much of the middle east now is quiet supply the of hazy sunshine not too much in the way of any showers to speak of or see the spots of rain around the gulf recently and of that over the next couple of days 33 celsius here in doha on saturday. Some attempts as we go on into sunday and elsewhere across race and she can see it stays driving to the mid thirtys for baghdad and folk you. Getting up to about 27 m. By road touch woman that fortress the might see some wet weather or something of a change into turkey because see some showers just filtering their way through here that could well be heavy at times heavy showers to cross central parts of africa as usual the basically waves driving the showers over towards the gulf of guinea some live in downpours a possibility around like that to our uganda casie some shops hours long spells of rain whats the weather once again coming into the democratic republic of the congo i would also say some heavy showers up towards cameroon say some showers then that mike in the way across a good part of angola but to the south of that what do they stand refine and draw some lovely sunshine there into. Way nice and big looking pretty good books water also fine and warming up in johannesburg with a top temperature of 31. But. The u. N. Fact finders accused of burmas military genocide this is a political if you think there. Do you believe the nobody is a fascist or a kid dont have all gone they. Would have you know the recognize the both sides have an agenda make grievances against the other climate this is the foundation of climate back then and that is why the palookas must face. Up. On aljazeera. Youre watching out to see a time to recap the headlines now. Police in thailand used water cannon to break through a barricade set up by demonstrators in bangkok thousands of people continue to defy a ban on gatherings calling for the Prime Ministers resignation and reforms to the monarchy britains Prime Minister says its time to prepare for a no deal breaks it talks are over unless theres a compromise from the e. U. Bloc has responded saying its willing to continue negotiating but will not seek a deal at any cost. More than a 1000 prisoners who have been on the front lines of yemen civil war returned home over the past 2 days 2 planes carrying houthi 5 this has been held by the saudi u. A. E. Coalition have arrived. Mexicos former defense minister has been arrested in the u. S. On suspicion of links to Drug Trafficking salvador c. M. For a boss that the army for 6 years on the president and the wiki p. N. In the eto the president confirmed c. N. N. For goss was being held in los angeles. U. S. President donald trump and democratic nominee joe biden held julan town hall events like home for those day off the plans for a 2nd debate with scraps the separate events were at the same time forcing americans to flip back and forth between channels to hear the candidates address questions from the public eye to joe castro has more. With the pandemic raging in a divided America President trump was on the defensive in florida conditions are never going to die what are you listening i didnt use White Supremacy at that what you next play she appearing to have recovered from his 3 day hospitalization for coping 19 but trailing in National Polls the president also refused to denounce q one on a baseless Conspiracy Movement which has grown exponentially during americas outbreak i know nothing about it she went on i just tried to go very lightly you told me but what you tell me doesnt necessarily make it checked i have to say that i know nothing about it i do know they are very much against it pedophilia and yet they find it very hard but i knew nothing of the day to leave the president s event aired at the same time as a town hall event with democratic challenger joe biden in philadelphia which mirrored his steady low key Campaign Presence in my view with all due respect to spend divide and conquer the way he does better if he splits us theres division. And i think people need hope both candidates took questions and comments from voters some laudatory in the way and so many. Others were tougher whats your view on the crime bill that you wrote in 1994 which showed prejudiced against minorities it was a mistake biden whos campaigns been hit by 3 recently disclosed coronavirus and. Factions lashed out against trumps handling of the pandemic more than 217000 americans have died the words of a president matter absolutely no matter whether theyre good bad or indifferent they matter and when a president doesnt wear mask or makes fun of folks like me when i was wearing a mask for a long time then you know people say well it must be that Important Press by the moderator are masked trump defended himself by falsely characterizing the study but just the other day they came out with a statement that 85 percent of the people that were mayor. Catches the nation say that i dont think they are as i just said thats what i heard and thats what i saw i think the disservice may have already been done for the past 3 to 4 years maybe one where. You know misinformation and this information all these things i think became our new reality and i think. Its not shocking anymore thats the maybe the sad thing about. The final president ial debate is scheduled for october 22nd and so far both sides have agreed to attend but with the feared 2nd wave of covert approaching and the virus penetrating both campaigns nothing can be counted on an Election Year like no other. Castro aljazeera philadelphia. Has been a public standoff outside a courthouse in san they call south africa for the killing of a white farm worker the case is proving to be a flashpoint with thousands of supporters of the Economic Freedom fighters Opposition Party facing off against white farmers 2 black man accused of killing the 21 year old appeared in court for a bail hearing which was later this. Brandon horn his body was found tied to a pole 2 weeks ago the farm to have injuries to the face and neck for me to be one has more from semicolon south africa. The concern around racial tension certainly does possess and thats because weve seen these confrontations between the Economic Freedom fighters and white farmers and supporters of farmers here in senegal and this all goes back to some of the events in recent weeks to a white farmer work so was killed while allegedly by 2 black men who are in court at the moment applying hopedale we saw waiting for that slow process to be final older their feelings continually 1000 miles away all through the day today. Lenders are creating says that they are here in nepal as a Constitutional Rights and there is no suitable Public Institution from who they call Young Children this goes back to when common to all the same courts where these 2 suspects appeared last week. And they had done that to try and get access to those suspects what the media said that they are fed up with the lack of justice with the way in which suspects inform mothers across accreted theyre fed up with the number of call murders an attack not taking place in the last year alone theres been about 37 People Killed on from about 269 for attacks on farming and all of those managed to tension that each week in these 2 failed phonecalls little scud missiles early a little stones been thrown and then speaking to people on both sides of this divide this open to people who said that they preferred to fight the ticket and do whatever is necessary to defend themselves and make their point and of course it happened to be along racial lines. Malaysian opposition laydown would have brought him is being questioned by police after a complaint was made about a possible list of politicians who supporters but the. Come Prime Minister. The king earlier this week in an attempt to prove he has a convincing majority to replace Prime Minister mark india seen foreign slowey reports from kuala lumpur. A list containing 121 names of politicians who allegedly back Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahims bid to form a new government has reportedly gone viral on social media now police say theyve received more than 100 reports on friday afternoon on Police Headquarters in kuala lumpur to be questioned police say theyre investigating based on provisions that make it an offense to publish or circulate statements that could cause public my street or harassment is clearly. Malicious it is clearly a political had a statement and clearly from my understanding they. Political instruction to be here police because the many questions were. And. Those d brought up. The members of. Malaysia has had 2 Prime Ministers this year and a change in government all within 2 years of holding the last general election. Prime minister and we didnt yes and was sworn in in march and critics have accused him of stealing power by switching allegiances analysts say anwar is attempting to do the same by creating new possibly temporary alliances and all this political upheaval is happening as the country is battling its 3rd wave of corona virus infection amidst all this Political Uncertainty the palace has issued a statement urging malaysians to unite and politicians to stop politicking now the Prime Minister in his position is looking rather shaky apart from on one attempt to form a new government by claiming majority support in parliament by at least 5 opposition m. P. s one not aligned with anwar have filed motions of no confidence against parliament and hoping for it to be debated when Parliament Reconvenes in november now apart from that just a couple of days ago the Biggest Party in the ruling bloc the united lays National Organization known as m no has said it wants to renegotiate the terms of its support for the Ruling Alliance leaders in the eastern chinese city of. Less than a week they finished testing the citys 11000000 people for corona virus that was sponsored by the discovery of a handful of new cases only about a dozen people were found to be actually infected katrina your reports. Chinas coastal city of qingdao is known for its beaches and beer but this week it made headlines for a coronavirus cluster the 1st local transmissions discovered in months authorities responded by testing the citys entire population of 11000000 over a period of 5 days after her there are in the us mint still in people to protect themselves and social distance people are sticking to the rules the testing aims to reassure residents thousands of medical workers worked 16 hours a day to complete the mass testing a few cases have been confirmed the patients relate to the qingdao Chest Hospital where overseas arrivals with carven 1000 were being treated the head of the hospital and the citys Health Commissioner have been fired several neighborhoods locked down and close contacts traced in quarantined officials have played down concerns of a large scale outbreak. Qingdao cases have many appeared in hospital and we have concluded that the scale of the damage its a likely to be as large as that happened in beijing and according to official figures china is coronavirus cases have fallen drastically but the country remains on high alert up to criticism of its mishandling of the outbreak and we have to see if the Chinese Government is under pressure to respond with a new local case its authorities have put cities into what theyve told us i might follow the discovery of previous classes elsewhere in the country i think they did learn a lesson i mean there was clearly some missed opportunities at the local government level at this point its a National Government level they have a very clear chain of responsibility in command and they moved very very quickly in may officials tested 11000000 people in the city of one the original epicenter of the outbreak following the discovery of new cases. Chinese state media has contrast to chinas recent coverage 1000 response to that of the us and european countries. Democrats directions across china have largely eased during chinas golden we call it a last week more than 600000000 trips were made nationwide. Qingdao have also been ordered to take coronavirus tests katrina aljazeera teaching. For nearly a decade the japanese government has been trying to figure out what to do with more than a 1000000 tons of radioactive water from the fukushima Nuclear Plant although no formal decision has been announced local media reporting its been decided to gradually release it into the sea the plan was destroyed in an earthquake and tsunami in 2011 the Utility Company that runs focus has been storing contaminated water on site that says it will run out of space next year representatives from the japanese fishing industry averred to the government not to do so in south korea still has a ban on imported fish from the fukushima region sean bernie is a Senior Nuclear specialist with greenpeace and runs the Nuclear Program in japan he says dumping at sea may be the cheapest option but its also unnecessary. Well the thing to understand is that the government in japan would have everyone believe that its only one type of radioactivity so called city and thats in the water again thats also not true there are many different people who plights in the water including strontium 90 which is the bone sticking cancer causing isotope. That will be released along with all the other radioactivity in the water over about 30 years starting possibly in 2023 if we can stop them and that water then spreads through washing currents but the reader activity depending on the type of activity concentrates in different marine life and sea weeds and ultimately in the human food chain unfortunately they have just missed the alternatives did not use the best Available Technology and they have this crisis of over a 1000000 tons of contaminated water. The alternative is very clear which is to continue to store in more robust tanks the japanese governments own committee in february issued a report were acknowledging that storage on site after 2022 was possible it ruled out because they said to put them it would take time to negotiate theres also the land outside the Fukushima Daiichi site which of course is highly contaminated and will not be inhabited by most people from that era for the foreseeable future so the storage option is clearly the grassed option other than rather than releasing directly into the environment and thats what weve been telling the guy japanese government and thats what well be demanding that they do this is not over the governments making a decision but it doesnt mean its going to happen. Now swimming with dolphins may be a lifelong dream for some but the thought of seeing them in captivity can be difficult for many now the Company Behind hollywood films like free willy says its found a realistic alternative Energy Innovations says its robot dolphins will soon replace captured mammals and marine parks in china is also wants to do this with great white sharks and even animals from the jurassic period. Lets take you through some of the headlines here now just here and now police in thailand have used Water Cannons with liquid that stings at antigovernment protests in the center of bangkok thousands of demonstrators have been defying a ban on gatherings for a 3rd day weve been calling for the Prime Ministers resignation and reforms to the monarchy so high levels that. Protest organizers seeing big business and visually over for the evening what we can also say definitively and that is that the gloves have come our approach has made the decision to go

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