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A protected rain forest of hundreds of its animal species. The u. S. President donald trump has been back among the crowds to fire up a campaign that was interrupted by his covert 19 infection trump addressed supporters in florida without a mask a decision that has done a critic rival joe biden described as reckless and gallagher reports from miami. After a dramatic 2 weeks that seen President Donald Trump contract with 19 and to the Walter Reed Medical Center and make an apparent speedy recovery hes now back on the campaign trail his 1st stop Central Florida where thousands gathered to welcome him back following the example of the president many in the crowd didnt when masks and social distancing was nonexistent as Florida Governor rod dissenters and to the rally he gave high fives to the crowd before touching his face president. Told supporters hes never felt better i went through it now they say im a mutant i can feel i feel so powerful ill walk it was walk in iraq kiss everyone. Our kids the guys in the beautiful women and everybody yes if you have the fact is any thoughts that the president might change his tone after contract in the virus were quickly dispelled despite rising cases in many states and flu season fast approaching the president says his approach was right all along the cure cannot be worse but if you dont feel good about it if you want to stay stay relaxed stay but if you want to get out there get out. In Ohio Democratic candidate and former Vice President joe biden talked to auto workers touting his experience in tackling the economic woes faced by many he placed the blame for the coded 1000 death count now in excess of 210000 squarely with the president they didnt want to panic the American People thats why i said nothing we dont panic america doesnt panic but trapped panic is reckless personal conduct senses diagnosis has been unconscionable longer donald trump as president and more reckless he seems to get. In the coming days President Trump will travel to pennsylvania iowa and North Carolina all important states in novembers election for President Trump supporters this was a triumphant return after a warrior few days for critics yet another example of the president planting basic medical guidelines joe biden is leading in the polls here in florida a state trump must win joe biden will be here on tuesday as the election draws ever closer and gallacher aljazeera miami florida. Our own coal is to record all of the debates at the university of michigan he says the President Trump needs to appeal to voters beyond his base to ensure his reelection these rallies generally are with his base people that are predisposed to vote for him likely voted for him in 2016 but in order to win reelection hes going to need to reach out further than that to moderate independent voters maybe people that voted for barack obama in 20082012 were disaffected voted for President Trump in 2060 but then went democratic in 2018 the president s done a great job with his base but its only between 30 and 40 percent and he needs that additional 5 to 10 percent of independents and moderates and he needs to get his message a little bit further hes been off the campaign trail for 12 days and this is the most important time right now theres only about 3 weeks until the election so they have to get him out there these all these Campaign Rallies they also register new voters and get voters activated and so i think a big part of it is trying to get people that maybe didnt even vote for him in 2016 but are interested in the message coming to the rally with friends to get them to sign up and vote they need an even larger turnout of his base supporters white voters those without a College Degree that are typically considered his base even more to turn out and register to vote that did in 2016 for him to have any chance of winning reelection seniors are skeptical how seriously President Trump is treating credit iris and what his plan is Going Forward in terms of you know masks and Contact Tracing and even vaccine or submission and and theyre the most vulnerable and so yes a signal like this is not positive and seniors are a big part of the voting constituency in florida and so it doesnt send the right message and and seniors could determine this election if not florida but other states are crucial because theyre such dependable voters. In spring reported that 10000000. 00 americans have already cast their ballots in early voting in the state of georgia along lines some waited up to 4 hours some technical issues were reported including glitches that slowed down voting at one site in atlanta. Place is Opposition Leader and why bring him a spoken to the king as he tries to form a new government and was been trying to prove hes had the Parliamentary Support to replace Prime Minister seen since last month i would appeal to the good of millicents to exercise. Patience wisdom. And. The king to death. And decide based on. The experience. And good question of his highness. We must also remember that. Yes its lost. Its majority. And therefore. It would be appropriate for him to. Resign or the star from out of there as Florence Louis whos live for us in kuala lumpur so florence what happens next. Well the Opposition Leader on my brain says that during his meeting with the king he presented the monarch with documents including statutory declarations and. Statements by Party Leaders to show that hes got the support of more than 120 members of parliament 112 is needed for a simple majority now and its not clear though that on or has been able to convince the king that he does indeed have support of the majority in parliament shortly after our last press conference the palace issued a statement to say that yes indeed the meeting took place and yes i told the king that he has the support of the majority in parliament but i dont want to not give a king the king a list of the names of members of parliament who he says support him which would strengthen his claim now the Prime Ministers party as all show has also issued a statement to say that on one has once again failed to prove his claim because you remember that i make this claim last month and hes been seeking an audience with the king since then but he hasnt been able to do so until tuesday because the king was not well so this is the 1st hurdle for anwar its not clear that he has been successful then there is a 2nd head of the king has the discretion to dissolve parliament which would trigger snap elections if hes advised to do so by the sitting Prime Minister yes and now its not clear that this will go down well with malaysians considering that the country is now going through a 3rd wave of corona of of the Novel Coronavirus and this has in part been blamed on state elections held in state now if an what is unsuccessful there is still another option for him he could propose a motion of no confidence when parliament sits again in november but whether or not that motion of no confidence is accepted is another matter florence many thanks to George Clooney live for a scene in kuala lumpur british welsh is an Honorary Research associate at the university of nottingham in malaysia she joins us via skype from kuala Lumpur Richard good to have you with us on the point that florence was just making that if abraham says that he has the numbers in parliament why cant he just call a vote of no confidence in the government. Well for for now i think the department is not in session in till the beginning of November November 2nd and so you know he can call for it but the fact of the matter is that this has to be determined within the setting of parliament when it is in session and it is currently not in session so. Running to get the king involved why why does he have to do that why cant he just wait for parliamentary process. So well he the king generally would have to at could potentially for allow a new person can form the government in the sense that if they show that they have the numbers what were abraham today did as he showed he claimed that he had the numbers but he didnt show the names of who was actually in the list and he received it at the palace sent a note saying in a statement saying that he that the names were not there or so in the sense that he they would signal that the net the numbers were not there were 5 so there is a process that has to happen and there are certain procedures that have to be followed and one of those is that they have to have a verification of the names that are legitimate and in order for a new government to potentially be considered by the king what is all of this doing to im lost credibility right now well i think its been badly affected it why i present the numbers without the names and there are also a serious questions about who are actually in that list in order for it to reach the numbers that hes claiming over 120 this is the perceptions are that this involves some members of no we used to lead malaysia before 2018 for decades but particularly from the party are the individuals who have charges against them and when asked whether or not they are people who have charges against them in the list of the answers have not been so clear because theres a lack of transparency of who is in the list for honors names could still to project many thanks indeed for being with us project well. In kuala lumpur a weather update thanks to an al jazeera then. We have worked with local leaders to counter local spikes with targeted restrictions the u. K. Government defends its efforts to limit the pandemics rise in northern cities. However it rained heavily yesterday in the balkans as this frontal system with waves on the edges slowly eastwards its a cold front this cold air behind it this is the highest figure of 525 millimeters now thats enough of this possible for flash flooding for landslides potentially and thats likely to happen a bit further east a bit further north today as this wave runs up this system now its not abnormal for this to happen this time of the year but this is heavy slow moving right running out through the ukraine having gone through remain here and is sitting now in austria which means that backwash cold will be felt in vienna for the next 3 days it should be 50 degrees on average were down tonight and its a windy 9 on wednesday so you will feel the wind chill as well which is likely to affect germany the low countries denmark southern sweet was quite a strong wind during wednesday and that cold is already invaded much of western europe weve seen snow already and one interaction the warmth the western med is doing so again more heavy rain seems like to be edging on its way towards its in and thats all happening over land so then you got the dry bit always through north africa there are still shells far north to south sudan and off the west coast for us far north as the gambia but i think when quiet. Global community we are having this conversation. Craze is the response that looks like. Part of the debate can jump into the conversation right away when no topic is off the table youre not afraid of anyone taking we just point. To 3 targeting richer and the poor getting poorer its not kill destroy the system its just to look at this as. This stream on out is the era. Again this is al jazeera thats for much of the main news the u. S. President of trump is back with the crowds trying to fire up a campaign that was interrupted by his covert 19 infection trying to took to the stage without a mask to rally supporters in florida and some of the white house talked to confirm that he tested negative. Around 10000000 americans have reportedly already cast their ballots since early voting in the state of georgia there were long lines some waited up to 4 hours. And malaysias Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim has met the king as he tries to form a new government he says that he has the Parliamentary Support needed to replace Prime Minister putin yes. Several islamic organizations in indonesia throwing their weight behind a protest movement against a new law on jobs and workers rights the socalled omnibus law was passed last week its intended to cut red tape and regulations and encourage Foreign Investment but unions say that it will road workers rights and Environmental Protection sits the 2nd week of protests against the measure indonesias largest Muslim Association says that it will also challenge the law in court why have knowledge of. Just there as jessica washington for us jessica just how big are these protests. Well its early in the day here in indonesia and these protests so far have attracted a crowd of around one or 2000 mostly people who have some who are supporters of these hardline islamic groups here in indonesia but we can see the crowd is growing we have young demonstrators pouring in attempting to join the demonstration and this is one of those rare issues in indonesia where we have islamic organizations workers unions and human rights activists all speaking out with the same perspective saying that the government has acted in a way that is unconstitutional by policy in this law in such a swift manner to give you an idea legislation can often take years or sometimes even more than a decade to get through into the palm and the government has endeavored to push this through in a matter of months and some politicians did not even read the final version off the legislation before they passed it into law. I was there is just a washington lived in jakarta many thanks jessica. Russias foreign minister says that turkey which supports azerbaijan will not be involved in peace talks over the disputed region of Lobato Karabakh the Foreign Ministers of armenia russia have been meeting in moscow armenia and azerbaijan accuse each other of violating a cease fire with casualties on both sides i was 0 as part of the smith reports now from goddess in armenia. When an armenian missile hit the apartment block where an urchin ali have lived there was supposed to be a ceasefire. This was another brick 9 people died in this attack on ganja on sunday azerbaijans 2nd largest city here they have no interest in a ceasefire. If you let me go to war mom im going im going that chanting turkey is giving azerbaijan its full support in its fight to reassert sovereignty over the Ethnic Armenian enclave of nagornokarabakh an adjacent land occupied by armenia now he is very president wants turkey to be involved in talks to find a solution to the conflict but russia isnt interested. Also miss them saving it because theres a new statement confirms that unchangeable nature of the negotiation process and its format minsk o s c e group consists of a fairly large number of states with this but it has delegated the management of the negotiation process and mediation to the 3 cochairing states russia the United States and france. But in almost 30 years the minsk group has failed to find a solution to the status of nickel on account of back. Talks with his armenian counterpart following a similar meeting with his airy foreign minister last week. On monday in karabakh maine town of panic at the air raid sirens were still alerting people to the shelters despite the cease fire the anger here as wrong as it is on the other side of the conflict. Jessica is one of them who would be here next to me i would strangle him i would strangle him without a weapon i have lost my husband and now i could lose my grandchild and relatives why 5 armenians were killed on sunday and how drought in the south of the go on a kind of back as azeri forces attempt to capture the town about 50 kilometers in that direction is the Ethnic Armenian town of how dry it now theres been intense fighting going on there as both sides a seemingly trying to cement their positions while moscow increases the pressure on armenia and azerbaijan to fully implement the humanitarian cease fire burn its an aljazeera chorus in armenia. Pharmaceutical company in the final stages the stages of its covert buying team vaccine trial supported study after a participant became ill johnson and johnson says the unexplained sickness is being reviewed the final stage of the trial involved 60000 people its not the 1st company though to suspend a trial in september british drug maker astra zeneca briefly put its trial on the whole also when a participant fell sick. Well the corona virus could be here to stay put its been the warning from Health Experts for months but as we near a year since the 1st cases of merged just how do we keep alert but officials including those of the World Health Organization are concerned about public fatigue over restrictions that expand over time but experts say a 3 step middle path can be replicated around the World Without the need for repeated lock downs step one is to remind people to maintain hygiene and physical distancing too is to focus Public Health systems on tracing cases and tracking outbreaks with better resources and the 3rd is to make guidelines between different governments clearer and more consistent dr David Nabarro is the special envoy of the World Health Organization director general on covert 19 he says the best way to contain the virus is to follow Strict Health and safety measures. The most important thing that everybody has to do is to hold this virus a way and that does mean people behaving in a way that restricts the ability of the virus to infect of Public Health services that enable everyone to know where the virus is and help with getting with local spikes as they build up and then consistency inside countries and between countries so that the world can get moving again and the middle path is our way of trying to help people to understand a little bit more about what were saying we dont want everyone to be in lockdown for the foreseeable future but we all said think its very dangerous just to let the virus go where it wants to because we know that that will lead to overloading of Health Systems and a lot of death thats why we go over the middle part of keeping the virus of ballet the testing for this virus is not easy it uses a complex test that requires regions that are scarce in some places so its not straightforward but it has to be the mainstay of getting ahead of the virus if you dont know where the virus is its very hard to mount an Effective Response and having enough Testing Capacity so if you compare couple spikes quickly and then react very very fast when youve seen them is absolutely central to this we are seeing good testing and tracing in many parts of the world including some places in europe. The most serious. Level is on the way for one of englands largest cities liverpool is being put in the very high category from wednesday with social mixing banned in pubs and Leisure Centers shut reports from newcastle. In Northern England living on borrowed time in liverpool serving food will be forced to close from wednesday night the city falling under the highest risk category of a new 3 tier system of covert 900. 00 restrictions announced by the Prime Minister in recent months we have worked with local leaders to counter local spikes with targeted restrictions. But this local approach has inevitably produced different sets of rules in different parts of the country that are now complex to understand and to enforce infection rates are soaring in parts of the north and other cities like manchester and leeds and newcastle interior to know they could be next but critics question the Science Behind bans on the hospitality sector already struggling to survive but weve seen whats happened over the last 4 weeks of school this big gulp sewage and it call in saves i dont think who incidentally with the retune of students with 3 to one of the children to school it has yet to be sure and. Where in this deal there is not available is not being presented where this alleged sudden increase within hospital is common i think its very convience science and there are questions about the effectiveness of these measures including travel restrictions and bans on household mixing with evidence that the National Test and trace system has failed to trace contacts effectively and to enforce isolation the government has promised to confer more power on local authorities who say they can do the job better here in newcastle theres relief that theyve escaped 3 for now but theres also a lingering worry that the rules seem to overlook another big threat the enormous rate of infection among students. Universities in the north with the crowded halls of residence have been huge drivers of infection rates are said to be up to 7 times higher than surrounding areas after students were encouraged to return to campus last month theres plenty of blame to go around here and from the universitys point of view i think they were told were going to have a world class test interest facility were going to have this were going to have that and so forth and have we actually have those things that we were told would and may and june and so forth and the decisions that they made might have worked out by and like so much to do with covert 19 if only joe know how aljazeera Newcastle Health care workers in china are testing all 9000000 residents of an entire city in just 5 days theyve done 3000000 so far and expect to be finished before the end of the week the coastal city of ching dollar reported a dozen cases linked to a hospital treating coronavirus patients norbert madly reports an ambitious target on an epic scale Health Workers in the port city of xing dow are hoping to tame an outbreak of covered 19 by testing the entire population of 9000000 within just 5 days Testing Centers like this one are open from Early Morning to late at night across the city and some areas along down sing downs in chinas eastern coast and the beach is a popular with locals and tourists especially during the autumn festival season but some experts the questioning the efficiency of the math testing can take if there is a real christian in a contagious disease even a pandemic i can gauge is there what you really want is a test which actually did kicks you during the period of contagiousness and whether joran is doing that or not we can tell they have a long history of lying they covered up at the beginning. On sunday a dozen cases the bars were linked to this Chest Hospital in qingdao doctors have treated patients confirmed to have contracted covered 19 after returning from overseas the hospital is not down an all star for immediately tested its not the 1st half in the scale in china 700 kilometers north of beijing more than 7000000 of the capitals 22000000 people were tested 4 months ago that followed a result of the virus traced to a wholesale food market supplying most of beijings meat and vegetables and they may almost all of the 11000000 People Living in were tested within just 10 days the city where the virus 1st emerged in december was locked down for 3 months and its Health System stretched to the limit but the chinese governments aggressive push to trace and suppress the virus seems to have paid off with daily numbers drastically reduced just over 85000 cases are so far confirmed its a week since the golden week holiday when millions traveled across the country back inching down results the testing are trickling in authorities will be hoping to stop any spread of the virus quickly nor about the man the al jazeera environmentalists in uganda say that are protected rainforest is being destroyed to make way for a sugar plantation the Forest Reserve is home to hundreds of species of animal including endangered chimpanzees there as well can web reports. The potomac tropical rain forest preserve in western uganda is home to hundreds of species of trees some of them racks and many animals like these. About 500 endangered 10 pansies live here today. Environmentalist say the forest is being destroyed to make way for sugar plantation. Constantino tessa rain runs a lot for tourists who come to see the wildlife he says some of the Forests Protection has been removed by a regular Court Rulings he campaigned against it it is a very uncommon and probably no way of the world that we can see a government telling us that in writing and then going to show that this is a 3rd. And thats why people have come to invest and following the thought but that there are sort of sousas to exist without an explanation. The campaigners say part of the forest has been given to a Company Called jolla sugar sugar says if using only privately owned grassland next to the forest Sustainable Development and mental protection can quit that weve got. To use sugar cane. Or ugandans contribute to the tax base of this nation what. Maintaining a placidity that is i mean i think the only crime were committing now is that we im neighbors to come 1st the activists say the site is guarded by you can 100 special forces and that suggests powerful politicians are involved because theyll be sure that. The government should be. Destroyed. The activists also say hoya sugars owners are hidden and its records have been removed from the public registry so you dont its Public Knowledge so investors who are these investors i dont have that off my back and such. Chicken might get a rope and the. Villages living around the forest have already cut down some trees to make space to grow sugarcane they hope to sell to the company the environmentally safe nothing is done the rest of the forest will eventually suffer the same fate malcolm webb aljazeera. Its good to have you with us hello Adrian Finighan here in doha the headlines on aljazeera u. S. President donald trump has been back but the crowds trying to fire up a campaign that was interrupted by his covert 19

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