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Azerbaijan and armenia are accusing each other of violating a humanitarian ceasefire which came into force on saturday the u. S. President s doctor says donald trump has been cleared to return to work but wont confirm if hes tested negative for coronavirus it comes after trump addressed a crowd of hundreds of the white house but action is set to resume at libyas Largest Oil Field shut out a has been closed for most of this year almost all libyan oil exports were stopped in january by all of us forces based in the east balik trainers in tripoli with the latest. This comes as the International Community is trying to bridge the gap between the warring sides in libya and this is a step in the in the right direction of course as it comes a little bit late last month in september the u. S. Embassy posted that i have to gave a personal commitment of opening of reopening the Energy Sector by september 12th that deadline passed and the oil fields werent open but this is one of the fields one of the most important fields in terms of revenue coming into libya approximately 20 percent of the population here work in the Public Sector so they work for you know the government institutions so their salaries are paid through the through selling this oil we saw lots of power cuts there were protests across libya against the lack of Government Services here in tripoli for instance during the closures there were long power cuts 18 hours 20 hours a day and during the summer its very hot and add to that covert you know people have a lockdown or curfew theres a lack of liquidity in the banks so people residents would have to wait in long lines at banks and thered be a ceiling so they could only pull out a few 100 dinars per month so the oil closures cause a really a really bad deterioration in terms of the Living Conditions here according to the Libyan Central Bank on tuesday oil closures since 2013 to 2020 and between that time have caused a loss of 180000000000. 00 so thats money that the government uses to supply Government Services and salaries to the people so oil is extremely important to the libyan economy took a superior leader most of our pain she has cast his vote in the president ial election in the islands breakaway north was running for reelection was joined by his wife at a polling station in the divided capital nicosia also known as the self declared republic of Northern Cyprus is only recognized by turkey the internationally recognized government is based in the south of the island. Voters into choosing their next president with the incumbent expected to extend his 28 year rule and molly rahman cast his ballot in the capital bush on bay on sunday is among the 5 candidates running for office for european monitors say theres a lack of genuine political competition there raman has been in charge since independence and is allowed to see as many times as he wants. A train has crashed into a bus in thailand killing at least 18 people around 30 others were injured it happened about 80 kilometers from the capital bangkok dozens of passengers were on the bus as it crossed a rail tracks injuring rain more than 100000000 music fans of whats an online concert by the worlds biggest k. Pop boy band. B. T. S. Fans wave their signature light sticks and chatted online instead of going to a live show which was cancelled because of coronavirus in june the band and Guinness World record for most viewers but a live streamed performance after its 1st paid online concert drew about 750000 people those are the headlines coming up next its all to see the world good buy. If. They are not philistines and have less or that was jump off a lot of them by the outcome of payouts there are many many less well from some other part us what. The hot sauce in on the lips what among. A lot who are callous way of all that in our blessed be might help to for me to show you that if you are not going to be they are the father lula. One account a world politely anika the fall of the year. But how do we know that its going to have that hackish once i will share with him nor for more so much i thought the one of the folk at the 100 monks locked around him after the city in there and. Then on about accountable the code name ok. More of them and the father as having been called enough an obvious act on a little off for. One of. The slightly bullet. Do more yanni and i thought for sure that all the money lead on the skull to 40 was mistral i. Am very much born in also my parents were born in ma and also my grandparents were born and they still live in mom you know we are quite close Family Living here mom a special town because its a very much a border town its the bridge to europe and it has been that you know since the medieval time since basically the 14th century so people had moved out in the in from from doing the how time. And also ideas came to my lot of also the modern ideas about the modern the sation of sweden came from germany denmark to them to sweden. And efi month moment in the senate not saying or even starship insert your relationship is irrelevant just at the order of. My name and he had just what the other told that me any better than that id better not modify math and i could tell that the few mentioned it had. Little or. No one. Brain i want to kill them all boy just did the i would have a lot heres your heres your libya joe was it do you know whether the to be are among but of us a to be our and in our sense and from us the inside without about the shore from the bottom i thought about. Trying to be so wrong so hard in those 30 year when i would do the act in the nose live and not miss the hate and so i had but one doesnt have much one of the feel myself to. Consist of an 11 year gun and you must must must my lad to sleep i still iffy on the mob and should be. Sure anyone in the house must suck told off. Faded buttonhole looking up at me about it and hes out of it and the real headache i lay helps i come but there are still hurt my feeders to hide like a freezer for is that probably within the optimal. Laws of the called love for your fellow. Standing to look at all of those little of them and their whole lives and im going to have done him good luck and dish out of the shots with a bit. Of what they will shout of women who got hold of the whole us quite a lot in this way and let him know he got a lot of sweat felt what got in ohio when i thought that a call is about gun but of heavy. By the neon on will tell me all the time. Back to how the law. Of the ticket i can look out on from account of the i did not come coffee yet im about to. Hear about this i saw. Before the 2nd world war. Sweden was the county where people were migrating from basically from scan your to denmark about trying to tell some people might migrated from spain to denmark about all to the 2nd world war it did change. The 1st migraine so refugees coming to my post refugee women coming from the north sea concentration camps we did white bassus in april 1945 that came a lot of italians and later on people from your slave and also from puerto go. As labor force coming to mom and then there was a crisis in 1956 and i came a lot of refugees from that. And in the 1970s they came in the new refuges to my from sheila for example and from latin america but they were also very fast integrated they were also very visible because they came with a lot of new meat music food things like that. Yes. One of them as you thought of this would want to put them at collection leisure time and philistine plus but in the light of a philistine not just what i can in the. Front and the homeless with but in moaning and thought of the good hit all in the world up before the steam and. Then i list the model sort of old and up to his little son i want to get a mug on will go and model for the wall so model to solve for you got me is a 100 sabi been opened that and hes an all in on the National Ticket all of you should look up on the 12th and beloved home. Side of not so i didnt always thought it was your own and then named follows the in with the theme of the family dog. If a gun sergeant and homesick or anyone you want. And god loves them and all of the stuff and you know sort of nonstop and almost got other minims that hate me. The minute i will swear. I had the melanomas movement i had problems were lucky out of in or by out me on that awful lot of pardonable before. He should get off me and generally i mean short. Of the how the devil caught up to another man one at the fidel of the welcome is the moment to walk out and i want to. Hear it in a few do you know how it is it could be a slow must be old mexico has a lot of 1st blush to his hand if it is they. Come again i walk about all covered by them unless a lot has an oil off the shore with machine. No more i love my employer and im about it one of. The ball to be held at the harbor for hell of my hourly words in total up to shift had the most amount of deed done a book called the law will be kerney i maybe should get him on the edge of the. Nation i say that sort of basic nuts to top. Over the. Chioma to the foolishness due to the domino. I thought at the end if. You have one should obviously youre one of the 100 with this but you know a lot of what i look at but look youve come into normal. And what i for him. Or her to leave and sorry to a caller is on the bus line i will most likely. Happen by draw. The decline of the industry in. In the 980. 00 s. The difference. Between that wave of refugees and the refugees coming before was by industry something more. Creative of course and your situation but it was basically not a big big problem. It was other Political Parties making a big problem. So. The difference is basically. You know quite big and immigrate party today which didnt exist before. Cant really measure any and you can have just a huge deal him as a mark on her and. A little old and a high you can bottle door gonna have in this and then he just was over to stop an account twice. Blessed that i love that i would have basically left but little to let him quote a loser will have a letter to. The actor to be on hand. But not the alum a celebrity and a highly. Thought if you looked a lot of us feel young how to tell you what sort of show in the uk and i thought another one as if from a half a sort of mobile i hope but i had then here and not as if 90. 00 of why not something i said officially alamo still among you and sort of come on how bad the flu not so dont look at them saline tunning was of my own sort of how this article and or not but not how theres always deed. Yeah i mean her luck lee. Looking at all of us a little in la the man on the one short of a mom to got through with all the monocle had a shia because of the new lies obama those of us who has it on have alternate cut off. Visit in libya members as they light body or behind locked up part of the soviet on a much more tedious and i bought a 5000 little some bloody blown up missile behind a load of office so highly highly as a bonus why hide number one from my by then i have been assured i dont say no no no no no 100 years as it us mr dean you know its a kind of he has a heart by the heart of the new york loss with. A damage or her own personal time in short order labor for her by then and the many 13 and for you to shine a bit of that you know i dont mind if i let them come up ill be a minion i will be home she dont doubt a bit stubborn muffy though its the ive been ill and it was the thought that a lot lot of people are just chemists and i said to short of them to impulse bush hadnt made the lawsuits or shorter than ship to the heart of the letter from one on 8 and 2nd. My. Muscle already cushy mind the a. S. U. Mind you on that day yes you look at 1000000 or. You only slide up in this below you say they help us are the pelvis but there are bad habits going to the mini a kidney if you mean youre the only one what the last bus harlem of you might call your own plane and my car. That. Died in the dark at a club amongst the hay i wish to show our. My mother and dishwasher but out of order but open on monday ellie i referred by number mahatma. That it has a. Number tied me a house and some of the fuck sucker on i look but. For this i thought and the police and their 1000000 hell but the lady at the mike mccann went on and off slightly my. Forefoot on the police got to learn all city and let it slowly out of boston even better mind the mccann mind the mind the ac and the body high at what the less said. But im of course shoot for the bullies would go up but how come i wouldnt know what the one winner call been that it has. Yall. Study for who is swedish lebanese and yet i mean that in a lot of unload and yet i mean im of the thermal shattuck if. The main menu of cut the modem wants them i had to be from autonomy who are more often a slower and more than a late asli found in what the who will eat your share take. It feel the hot and wish them out or feel. The water and wish them out or when out of a sweet. Little way down its all maek in no big this a hole bucked off and high and of out of the knob. And about a big issue hated about me to feed. The many a subliminal but as i said. Ana forgot what that in all snotty wrote now hustle for you for office is thought of stone was a somalian a kind of model to honk until for how that isi. And us lot of old. After all the other halves of the show that we had that. Could be your father ill hire and how youre hired to deal where im even is not an old 100 model what one is the boss who album of the last 3 it and i have shit on of out of the question. Its been. Hard but then i cant help but get the sense really for the last give a lot of egypt a high shelf is that thats what. Keeps the things off a little old. I think you know they use other things to create some kind of image of refugees what has happened during the last 2025 yes is that has been quite strong although its for 1st 2 years of very strong neo liberal politics those social welfare systems which should secure safety into society has been taking down piece by piece by piece in basically all the counters also in sweden that has here those people who are you know. Well frightened to be on the employed to have been unemployed and you know the benefits are not like you got before you dont get that help that you got before because the taxes are sort of being taken down and you can use this situation when people feed and sick you to say thats you know without the immigrants you would have tried to Better Living thats thats not true it has nothing to do with that but thats how the make the politics. Of most of the home of Khaled Mashal the hell if you do you actually as in full swing mom. You want it all not exactly sure what sort of way out of the car i still come on and believe your mother thought a lot of you were had gone and i. Remember as again a. Bust a little of that as an homage to swank about the look at me to the head of the. Coffee shop on the at the top of the world had nothing but the. Hustle the sort of the Common Knowledge of a lot of the law. And charter let. He if youre really an offender just follow a filter. A little the lot of the not any other can follow steenie look thomas will have been out of the house the other shore all of them for the competition. But heres the. Thing to bludgeon joe when you hear the toughman who seems kirk. Noted what fork is the mother. Looked before cook she was a turn on for cook she and im back down the she. But. The female left for. Forgotten if we sit under our seat high in the hollow and they say lie love. To her come up mum my brother my he live with the mob boss near the home in her. Sorrow mr she said you had. Not enough to have a sideline on one of my few no mention of. Ole k. Money ive gotten and not done much of the mystic to you from wisdom of a sword or god other than the magic with the money and im going to bite us in all i said ill go under most gun laws im. Sure he has bought it but in all that means you can buy the whole and all the law and my niece and me me enough and i got it and the a bill. At the sites named this with. Corruption it is that invisible behind a wall of silence. Against corruption corruption is not something people be told it. Is a friggin. Lowcountry his email lets destroy this war. In 2020 the free space award encourages the heroes who are fighting against corruption this helps our communities to save the resources that we need in order to address the burning problems that affect us all. Shine a light on your Anti Corruption hero. Nominate now. It was a war that united egypt and syria had against israel but in the heat of the battle that different agendas soon became apparent i suppose that really was to then defeat tonight in 67 when president sadat came to he told us just give me 10 centimeters of land in the east the 2nd of a 3 part series israeli population but told that their troops were on the west bank of the su is can exploit the 2nd week of the war in october on aljazeera. One day i might be covering politics as usual and the next i might get up micro tossing from serbia the hungry whats most important to me is talking to people understanding what they are going through so that i can convey the headlines in the most human way possible. Here at aljazeera we believe everyone has a story worth hearing. About this and in doha the top stories on our jazeera but at least 8 people have been killed in the latest fighting over the disputed region of not going to black as the Officials Say the city of gun job was struck by missiles overnight theyre going to cut a box military officials have denied attacking gaza and say the territories army is observing the cease fire meanwhile i mean he is accusing the forces of shelling theyre going to cut a box most Populated Areas including the largest cities to panic out both azerbaijan and armenia are accusing each other of violating a humanitarian sees far which came into force on saturday the u. S. President s doctors says donald trump has been cleared to return to work but wont confirm if hes tested negative for coronavirus it comes after trump addressed a crowd of hundreds of the white house. Production is set to resume and libyas Largest Oil Field was closed for most of this year almost all the libyan export oil exports was stopped in january by warlords Khalifa Haftar his forces based in the east well its traina has more from tripoli this comes as the International Community is trying to bridge the gap between the warring sides in libya and this is a step in the in the right direction of course becomes a little bit late last month in september the u. S. Embassy posts it that after gave a personal commitment of opening of reopening the Energy Sector by september 12th that deadline passed and the oil fields werent open but this is one of the fields one of the most important fields in terms of revenue coming into libya. To actually took a cypriot leader most of hakim she has cast his vote votes in the president ial election in the islands breakaway north the self declared republic of Northern Cyprus is only recognized by turkey the internationally recognized Greek Cypriot government is based in the south of the island voters into not choosing their next president or with the incumbent in mali rahman expected to extend his 28 year rule european monitors say theres a lack of genuine political competition there. Beller russian president Alexander Lukashenko has held an unexpected meeting with all physician activists in prison save media says he discussed constitutional reform with his political rivals they were jailed for challenging looker saying because we lection those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after all just see the world goodbye from the. Yes. And disease because 50 percent of deaths of children and. The box truck. And child to get. People to see. The. Doc. Says. I. Hope. Horse. Medinas for marquis i will go to the derek so i dont know then kill it off so you can. Lead light on the senate. I dont know i can cut it mike on cost can lead to a model. Cannot force lower condemned the dollar to activate the lets innovates noble plot i let this always in to the rest that the senate to develop just suffered a lot of blood mother fear for us. When my trophy house quite good i can not live g. s to get a d. N. A. Or any part of you though i should look rather than what i mean ive done theatre and film a part of the. Sympathies of you can read them doesnt matter what i feel for blood clot that. He would help to build my own effort but i need only the want of less power i dont. Know what luke was a criminal plot a lot of the repeal something. Ive said after mike in jail can tell ourselves we can molybdenum a misnomer so good on you have to lay any. Point down on me how. I missed that one so you clearly are. A local mccarney mode with sienna. I know there are the people. Im so we lost. Cause. Its minutes. And i dont know what. Im travelling. And night and. Its been man who. Does his sip 10 kilometer from here and fear it on a huge hard enough meter stuff to have a fit for from one. Nickel stuff hes saying carrying what leak counts and that in that he should set not make his stuff ours is the austin as is and has said there needs thirst that i know this is how when they couldnt see off me is this not who for that also. Saw god as he is a man how to care and then. Also is that i thought maybe if i flew in for coffee in the thick steel put out on. The lids and see a thief whooshed expensive on good field here in d. C. Im halls. Don had. Some sort of 1000 from ft some a survey about doing it i answered. On the being done time for him to give oxen or the him anguish story but. Ok oh. Yes. What the. They are how call me. In the suburb of heart of. The little fan what about bosch the shot of lost in the iraq war. But the jet of. The shot a sabbatical you. Want to try to turn over the. The logic shift in order to get out of the hollow of a sort of a la belong to the net. But a lot of the names ability to look venus are. Part of the jungle. So on and i can pop jello but. So the ability. To both be hellish to be one i really want to. Be unconcerned. With water but chicken army hello my concern mr and kind of the. Evil and the she is my honey in law thought the one in a bit long would rather. Use the trouble issue here margo she is my honey. Sort of a hand that could have a lot more. That a lot on. Jani but a little bit be. Right. Along with full theater. In washington he can well sort of the sugar look that he. Called him on us the public feels tired he will. Pass on that. But he took the departed mark pesce how to conduct more good than it can compound that but he. Knew that he. Knew how we saw you could look up what he saw. Thought of so hard and thoughtful. Of them for the whole to do. All for the. Company one for as the whole one can still. But as long offered the accomplice sort of feeling on the. Board up on the little. Bottom of the. Eye line ups are there with and. Long so to you if you love with. The mob for quite all my love them you can. I was born. In the farming hollers in the sauce in the bed of my mother no hospital oh and i was there really was a very easy birth for my mother that the robbers came when i was growing up. I grew up here in the cosmos you know my father was a farmer and i grew up with a lot of animals with horses with pigs 3 scholars with chicken. When i was 18. When i finished school. I couldnt even before i couldnt stand it anymore. Because i had other ideas i was always looking beyond to what he saw i wanted to see the world. I was in the in the late after the 68 year we would be i was in france was 14 years spotted dick and student revolution so i was reading books like 3 lots of shoppers out there it was 1516 years old and the. Front sign on was 18 and old is. Sure to World Literature philosophy and karl marx. And then later when i started to rest on what my mother was so afraid. Of anything from around the world and never come back. So my mother opened me that jans door opened this restaurant here. At this time i was already in france the jazz music my baby. And my mother wanted to make me stay at home he said you were you know youre not studying youre not working if you do nothing only traveling through i would linger over ling where can the little bit of working in construction jobs were doing and this i did ok we can renovate this building and you can and you can take it over and. I said ok but i have some ideas that i can do i can open a music club with live music. And i will never and that their kids and i take make to. Make to close up make their shopping and things like that but i dont want to work in the kitchen. Thats not my job. And off to do 2 months and 176 there were 22 years old i have to do months that i had to cook and he was he was too much drinking and not really on not to air late in coming to work so i kicked him out and i had no coke so i had to go to the kitchen and start by myself and things that im working in the kitchen things forward to youth. To begin a nazi on are there not be a rock on the ets meet their very heavy food in flood zone and him house. Is namely to begin show on n. B. C. Nice cheery. And this here. I am furious is this talk i need a slant and under us. Sean darcy can he have spared the mange binge on him or on. The sequence of a familiar heart a surveyor and. Buys for me saves. That criminals. Working late sitters airstone marga scene hardly seemed safe tempus onan. Common law to Young America is worse off so what. Is in me so and here for us in film odds are going to be good or the. Instinct for this we have to lecture on the beast cancel feel other element does it can does nice day again. If he. Does see. Standing and i can. Only on. Living in a in a small border town and this was always what makes me looking beyond the borders of beyond towards what is behind what is what is behind the next hill of what is behind the next hill and we were always cut up you know with the iron curtain after the 2nd world war 2 there were these iron fans i still remember when there was a real wood in good old days dispense. With where they were where they had lent mines in it and when we were working on the on the field direct under direct on the border and it was done done it was explosions and when an animal you know went through the fence and they were come from. This refugee crisis many many years later im talking now about the 1601060 5 or so when when the when there was still the russian soldiers at the Border Control them with their machine guns and they do 1015 you know not even now 2 dogs and 18 men did trying to put up fences again. You know and. Stopping people to come in that reminds me on this time when there was a really cold war and in the in the sixtys and the old days fantasy around us 5 kilometers from here and there really 6 kilometers from here to her little rock and border and i would like you can never cross them. It was 2 different worlds and now its now its even worse and now were living in 2018 and and this this world is going down the bullet. So stupid. I dont know what theyre afraid or. Why do i for a though of people i dont care about the religion and believe in every religion every day that we should be equal it will be. Valued. I dont ask to be somebody from the old from one planet. And it should be equal rights for everybody. Kept. Me on and to eat and calm my nominees marianna fired. Off diffract over a huge order on c. B. S. Survivor and proclaiming to me i have a validation for all pain. And see me as my must see and keep this kind of proclaiming that the mom is him and for all. We have in kenya put up a man with salmon. This is. To me a mama saga but is he showing any k. V. s is for crowd now so mia other is weird to me. Marianne asako the chef inside know that a guy named then. Yeah mama is not illusion. It was known to me oh shit the muscle. Memory that security because of the. Pollin true. Because there should be 2. Months ago an ok for bomb. Club bar. One and you see a lot of girls will only wish to see the hey can love. In tickets your own pet lighted for me hes been his see here films it has survivor. So she has moved on. And p. C. N. Own survey mentality that so fish and then socialize make a bit sickly pink take care this is for me he michael says feral plame. You know what he thought of them more as modish that will. Be one of the learn to be a little but. Dinna lessen the little. He may may have that. He doesnt have that will not devoting saudia. Im for going to watch the show and cost meaningful. Bottom of the body you got it and then the last thing will cost seniors the. Bins of household absolutely i will think about. How about on the. Most on the road. Hes 1st of order to get along with old people you meet could be patient to be quiet wait. And offending over but every car trip. Has hes rights. Too so why have. A not be the thing wish to. Know but then there was if you are educated and if your understanding of the code because you dont do that just sort of be approached. As of defiance it really touched my heart deeply when she started. The aljazeera world remembers a palestinian singer who reached audiences beyond middle east born into a creative family in nazareth she sang out a powerful and Emotional Message the story of. The voice of palestine on aljazeera. How the wind is still screaming around cape horn thats my big surprise i know but just to the north of it this thing here is developing into that circulation Southern Hemisphere sickos in that direction clockwise which will make that part of argentina rather wet and tatty for a while but rather than the thing more and they often do develop this thing is going offshore so by some get to monday rain of the water are left is fine weather behind and north of that nice improvement the showers and so have been to the east side of brazil for a while now are heading back west to watch the ponds now which is of course where the files been bad this season theyre not extensive yet but theyre still showing up as for the caribbean the gulf of mexico we said goodbye to the harken downs its well over the u. S. There so its just watching shows which are concentrating in the next day or so probably incensed mexico in the coming south of the south so in some places they are daily and heavy but the most their light and they are passing. Now the rain from deltas go a long way northeast are only not succeed board is extensive from ohio down towards georgia but not particularly heavy in fact been heavy on the coastal for a specific coast so Washington State but come monday look at the f a midwest. Building a wall was the promise made in the bid for the white house 0 tolerance approach the southern border became government policy detaining children and separating families the stark reality of picture too much to bear for Many Americans in a country that was built on immigration. Follow the key issues of the u. S. Elections on aljazeera to cut through the noise to go back when there can be intricate few hours and listen journalist the fact that there are 5 ways tell this story one of the problems that theyre just really hard a lot of people of power who are making the Murdoch Press run highfaluting all of the effect already for the rest of monday we know that because you never know where they will find the listening post monitors and in tougher its the media on aljazeera. The keenest never convicted and yet incarcerated fiends. Confined in his own be in prison weakness fun is the journey of a man. Who after losing his freedom and his memory. Is left to mend it with concern. Over the few tunes hes doing. The reminding. On and as you. Aljazeera. And. This is aljazeera. Hello im rolled by the sun and this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes. Grief and anger on the front line a fragile cease fire between azerbaijan and armenia is threatened by reports of attacks from both sides. Voting is underway in tajikistan where one of the worlds longest serving leaders is hoping to extend his 28 year rule

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