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The polls to the president of attentions over Gas Exploration in the Eastern Mediterranean. Pass voting underway in tajikistan where one of the worlds longest serving leaders is hoping to extend this 28 year rule. Least 8 people have been killed in the latest fighting over the disputed region of nagornokarabakh as a way Officials Say the city of ganja was struck by missiles overnight both jan and our media are accusing each other of violating the cease fire which came into effect on saturday the deal allows them to Exchange Prisoners and recover bodies in heavy fighting in the region for the past 2 weeks so of course all is in gander as a debate jan where theres an ongoing search for survivors. This morning between 3 am and 4 am ganja city was targeted again by they say noise and rockets and one of them was a torch go you which hit this residential area right behind me you see the everest of the. Rockets and the building that was hit is totally destroyed according to officials there are 7 kills and 39 injured in this building and me and my cameraman were able to witness at least 2 bodies being found and taken out in bags in body bags and relatives all those people who have been killed they were crying because they were waiting outside this area hoping that their beloved ones may become come out alive from under this destruction this is not the 1st time thats going to city has been targeted the 1st start the 1st one was in october 4 again 2 civilians were killed but tonight even less than 20 in 24 hours at most a game just it was hit by a Ballistic Missile and. Which is also another important big city of ours our bridge on was hit a couple of times and again the Officials Say that it was a Ballistic Missile that hit me over as well and we were able to hear the sound of the explosion and it even shook our hotel. Smith is in daraa samir he says the citys far was wobbling overnight but its largely holding on sunday morning. Earlier this morning the president of nagornokarabakh r i asked her attorney and he was giving a press conference he was asked actually about ganja he was specifically asked about this and he didnt make any comment but there has been shelling overnight of stepan archerd the main city in the goa no karabakh and also of this is a town to the south which a couple of days ago there was about johnny president claim that they had taken back but they havent because there is still fighting going on for it they might have taken part of the province rather than the town i am told that this morning it is quiet in step and other parts of nagornokarabakh so the ceasefire warbling heavily over night but quiet it seems this morning we got a chance on saturday to go and have a look at stepping in that gap in the cease fire was beginning to take that. Step and occurred has taken a battering these last 2 weeks as a by john has thrown the latest high tech israeli and turkish supplied weaponry at this town and the surrounding areas of nagornokarabakh the ceasefire has allowed people to risk emerging from their shelters theres. A ceasefire these good certainly but the problem must be solved you cant have a cease fire and several years later war again a cease fire must solve the problem that is our independence. Independence is very unlikely this is internationally recognized as azerbaijani territory but its governed by Ethnic Armenians a previous ceasefire lasted more than 26 years but the status of Nagorno Karabakh went on resolved a ceasefire allows both sides to assess the capabilities of each other and for the armenians there must be a new appreciation of the technically advanced and destructive weaponry that the adversary hands. What has surprised armenians in karabakh is turkeys open support for azerbaijan if one of the results were a direct involvement of tokyo and i dont see that told hes going to pull out from the region it means that we have to somehow you know change some geopolitical approaches so far with state strengths and. For the string strengthen our relations with brows of countries but also. The United States iran and china. In the is very town of tartar these buildings were hit by armenian artillery before the ceasefire we dont support the ceasefire our enemy shall face what they deserve maybe 10 times more than what they did to us before these were homes built for some of the 10s of thousands of his areas displaced from territory next to karabakh that armenia talk in the 190124 war now theyre on the move again i would say that they should is that an International Community or a Serious Group or chairs should take responsibility and transforms that current moment dont change momentum of status quo into the durable peace is a particular focus on israel of the armenian friends are quite that if there is a president. So russia says armenia and azerbaijan have agreed to substantive peace talks for them to work both sides will have to make the sort of compromises on territorial sovereignty that theyve never been willing to make before. We let it. Burn its make aljazeera step out of kurt nagornokarabakh. Stock that says the president s been cleared to return to work quote wont confirm if hes tested negative for coronavirus it comes after trump addressed a crowd of hundreds of the white house claim the pandemic is disappearing on the day the u. S. Recorded the highest number of new coronavirus cases nearly 2 months a White House Correspondent can but how come reports. With his recovery still in question donald trump emerged from the white house to address supporters its the u. S. President s 1st official appearance since contracting cold with 19. Times physicians will say when trump last tested negative for cope with 19 only that hes been cleared to resume campaigning and while the white house insists saturdays event wasnt a Campaign Rally it sure seemed like one attacking his opponent former Vice President joe biden multiple times Sleepy Joe Biden has betrayed black and latino americans if you think you can run this country youre wrong track was addressing black and latino conservatives who are part of a movement known as blacks it or black accept the movement believes the Democratic Party has betrayed communities of color and is encouraging them to vote republican if the left gains power theyll launch a nationwide crusade against the Law Enforcement and theyve already done that. Trump is playing on voter fears the sometimes violent unrest that grips several u. S. Cities for months this past summer following protests over the death of george floyd a black man. And killed while in police custody. Trump hopes his law and order message will help him win over white suburban voters in addition to minority communities hurt by the violence but time is running out for a president currently trailing joe biden in the polls right now American Jews are actually voting their early voting either in person or their mailing in their ballots so theres not much time for the president if hes going to turn this around to do so prior to cope with 19 trumpet built on historically low unemployment for minorities but since covert 19 those jobs have been wiped out and once again communities of color are suffering economically in greater numbers than white americans but with little clarity about his own covert recovery there are questions about whether trump should even be on the campaign trail i think if the board had to make it all. That they could be focusing. On the president trouble began holding large public rallies beginning on monday and again on tuesday and wednesday as he targets 3 battleground states it really helped get out 0 washed production is restarting in libyas Largest Oil Field shut off as being closed for most of the year because of the blockade imposed by well all have to be used to produce more than a 1000000 barrels of crude today generating an import stream of income maddox is in tripoli the latest. This comes as the International Community is trying to bridge the gap between the warring sides in libya and this is a step in the in the right direction of course it comes a little bit late last month in september the u. S. Embassy post said that i have to gave a personal commitment of opening of reopening the Energy Sector by september 12th that deadline passed and the oil fields werent open but this is one of the fields one of the most important fields in terms of revenue coming into libya approximately 20 percent of the population here work in the Public Sector so they work for you know the government institutions so their salaries are paid through the see through selling this oil we saw lots of power cuts there were protests across libya against the lack of Government Services here in tripoli for instance during the closures there were long power cuts 18 hours 20 hours a day and during the summer its very hot and add to that cove it people have a lockdown curfew theres a lack of liquidity in the banks so people residents would have to wait in long lines at banks and thered be a ceiling so they could only pull out a few 100 dinars per month so the oil closures caused a really a really bad situation in terms of the Living Conditions here according to the Libyan Central Bank on tuesday closures since 2013 to 2020 and between that time have caused a loss of 180000000000. 00 so thats money that the government uses to to supply Government Services and salaries to the people so annoying is extremely important to live in economy. Turkish cypriot leader must suffer kinja has cast his vote in the president ial election in the islands breakaway north again joe who is running for reelection was joined by his wife at a polling station in the divided capital nicosia also known as left course near the self declared republic of Northern Cyprus is only recognized by turkey the internationally recognized Greek Cypriot government is based in the south of the island. Has take a closer look at some of the issues at play in this election then the island of cyprus has been divided since 974 into the turkish speaking north and Greek Cypriot south incumbent president is standing for a 2nd term he supports the federal accord with the south that contrasts with his rival Prime Minister. Who is closely aligned with turkey and present threat of tiber to the one on the 1st day that are open the breach in town of each other in the town of varosha which has been off limits since the 1974 conflict broke cypriots condemned the move the European Union said it violates the u. N. Cease fire agreement and so is and is the head of the Political Science and International Relations department in the Eastern Mediterranean versity he says the election can act as a trigger to resolve regional tensions. This election is particularly important because there is already a poll that is ation in the island between those who support a federal based solution which has been going on since the 1970 s. And on the other side of the. Polarization are those people who believe that for their oil solution is no longer viable we should look for alternative. Methods or alternative solutions so thats why its important but as you know the un secretary general already declared that after the election process he will call for a 5 part meeting which includes a 2 cypriot side as well as the 3 got on their powers Turkey Greece and united kingdom. In order to see whether they can jumpstart the cyprus negotiations where they collapsed in crown montana 3 years ago i think thats important because solving the cyprus problem in my opinion can be an important he can be an important trigger in solving the other. Pending issues in the Eastern Mediterranean region which has been a Battle Ground who are attention in the recent times. Still ahead of al jazeera kyrgyzstan names a new Prime Minister only days ago was serving a prison sentence for kidnapping. And agger in nigeria against a Controversial Police unit thats accused of brutality. Of. How typhoon chandhok never made landfall in japan but its close enough to throw an awful lot of rain over honshu this caused quite a lot of damage than slides in particular this is a result of one up in the north of honshu as searching for somebody lost in this particular landslide now the rain could still be falling even on monday in spite of home she has we spoke about sendai area this is the same prefecture and the rain is heavier probably talk but things do improve by the time we get to choose a rained out of the way its fine behind is fine balance right mr china as well with some rain sweating out of sichuan but not particularly heavy now thats to confide to sascha see in my edge up towards hong kong by the end of tuesday and thats part of the monsoon trough which of course is going sized but its going south erotically in india as Andhra Pradesh contac and probably go in south where the area of flooding is quite likely to be the case this is try to develop into a tropical depression in the by a by go which is not unusual when you see a retreating monsoon trough which of course is slow moving this year but still going in that direction as the middle east dry and find there is a slight freeze in the north but nothing much to talk off. The. Stories of struggle stories of achievement. From opposite ends of europe contrasting past and stories of arab refugees seeking a new life abroad. Aljazeera world travels to australia and sweden meeting refugees and those who welcomed them. A place of refuge. And nichelle still on aljazeera. Youre watching out just here time to recap our headlines now at least 8 people have been killed in the latest fighting over the disputed region of nagornokarabakh. Officials say the city of ganja was struck by missiles overnight as that by jan and armenia using each other of violating a cease fire deal. The u. S. President s dont to says donald trump has been cleared to return to work but wont confirm if hes tested negative for corona virus comes after trump addressed a crowd of hundreds of the white house. Production is set to resume and libyas Largest Oil Field shara has been closed for most of this year almost all libyan oil exports were stopped in january by wall Khalifa Haftar us forces based in the east. Voters in tajikistan are choosing their next president with the incumbent expected to extend this 28 year rule. On cast his ballot in the capital the chan day on sunday hes among the 5 candidates running for office for european monitors say theres a lack of genuine political competition there Victoria Gate and the reports. Of this struggling to keep his coffee shop a pretty shabby International Airport being placed for the last 6 months because of the crane virus and that means everything on able to improve his regular supply of coffee he says whoever is elected president needs to help small businesses. More than it. Needs. We order a lot of stuff for our business from other countries due to covert. Air traffic is blocked it would be great if our government appreciated up problems and gave us some help it would benefit us tremendously. President ial candidates are promising to grow the economy and create jobs to take a stand is the poorest of the place save the state a lack of work opportunity at home more than a 1000000 men and women to find jobs the brute. Along the shallow machine. We want to see job growth especially for those who are unemployed and there are enough jobs here men will not look for opportunities in other countries theyll stay here with their kids. 4 years ago the ages induced changes to the constitution which scrapped the limits of 3 president ial terms thats allowed current president animosity ruckman to stand again hes been in charge of to take a stand since independence from the save the union in 1980 analysts say political and economic reform is vital if the country is to avoid the instability and violence its experienced in the past. Yet those will be much we need to initiate drastic social and political transformations Economic Reforms reduce government corruption and ensure access to Mineral Resources for this it is necessary to adopt a new constitution. Many bitches expect direct man to win the election the any question for them is whether the 68 year old will serve out the full 7 year term victoria. Or. As we mentioned earlier. On has been in power since 1992 thats longer than the belorussian president Alexander Lukashenko and both of them were in charge of collective farms during the soviet era after the nobs government launched several Major Projects over the past 2 decades including the construction of the worlds tallest hydroelectric dam but Rights Groups say corruption is widespread with opposition activists and journalists routinely targeted and jailed for man believes himself a muslim believer but theres crackdown on conservatives slam backing forced beard shavings and banning him jabs in schools and Public Places so you can stand is the poorest country in central asia but is strategically located with afghanistan to the south and chinas province to the east there are reports that china has a military presence there Hugh Williamson is the director for europe and central asia a Human Rights Watch he joins us now on skype from berlin good to have you with us so i guess this is not the freest and fairest election then. Another planet allowing me indeed europes most reputable election monitoring zation of the organization for Security Cooperation in europe there were 3 network the final actions in the post so were it in 30 years time or 3 and so im afraid we dont expect this want to be that way either indeed most predictions seem to be the man will be reelected one of the 7 year term what do a position candidates journalists face the reality of working interjects stand. I mean if you interject this town its almost impossible to mount a straightforward protest to picket on the street in the kenyan journalists are regularly harassed to phone into prison with documents there are several of those cases this year. The internet is very heavily controlled. And you know the. Opposition politicians are either by the fled the country or are also in jail this election that is significant because its the 1st one since the Main Opposition Party a moderate Islamist Party was bombed in 2015 so actually the situation is even bleaker now than in the last president ial election in 2013. And is it because of its strategic position and what he represents for regional and global powers escapes much of the spotlight yes a good question. If you are indeed overshadowed a little bit by some of its neighbors but i should not be the case i mean you know the e. U. Countries European Union countries the u. S. For instance the e. U. Itself have some leverage over what had to get out of this of course countries weve heard. And. Therefore and then its dependent on on economic support economic aid we heard in your piece that the country really needs its population needs economic support and an economic recovery particularly given the impact of coded. And and and a greater here was to rule of law and human rights bring stability economic stability allows greater investment so. In our view your opinion in countries for instance should be linking. What happens on the human rights front on implementation of of fair laws with economic support in the future. Weve seen the social democrats boycotting the vote now. Thats usually not a good sign is there any sign though that perhaps some of the sort of the spirit that seems to be engulfing other post soviet countries in belarus in kyrgyzstan may be spilling over the border indeed the social democrats is the only remaining smaller independent party they took part in power in elections in parliamentary elections in march and basically was squeezed out. Its a good thought i mean obviously the level of Authority Area unruly significantly higher in tajikistan than in kurdistan. We should note that there is a small but by brand courageous Human Rights Movement Civil Society organizations in tajikistan and often harassed or if they focus on political issues but they do they are active on other issues womens rights for instance other Economic Issues so you know with a little bit more breathing space from the government they would be they could play an active role so there is there is potential there lets not be too pessimistic but i think in the short term its too dangerous essentially it would be bad to be go out on the streets as they did in kurdistan because they can they would feel immediate crackdown coming or its good to get your thoughts on that thanks so much to williams. But russian president Alexander Lukashenko has held an unexpected meeting with opposition activists in prison state media says he discussed constitutional reform with his political allies they were jailed for challenging look at his reelection which triggered weeks of mass protests thousands of people were detained in the violent crackdown that followed the disputed poll in august. The protesters are demanding dialogue i thought based on the criticism of your followers in the most radical proposals we shouldnt only focus on the constitution and i know half of you here are lawyers and perfectly understand that the constitution cant be written in the streets and im trying to convince both your supporters and society at large that we must have a broader view towards these problems a politician freed from prison by supporters just days ago is the new Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Parliament confirmed sunday of jump of following nearly a week of violent protests against the now or now election result just out of supporters celebrated on the streets of the capital bishkek where state of emergency is imposed he says he expects president s run by june back of to resign within a few days. Protesters in nigeria are demanding the abolition of a police take used of torture and killings and in various reports from the capital of. Violence as demonstrations against alleged police brutality. Demonstrate to say this man was shot by Security Forces but the video cannot be independently verified. In the capital more than 100. 00 protesters have camped out in front of the countrys Police Headquarters demanding a police unit known as the. I. Q. Of carrying out extrajudicial killings and extortion be disbanded. Brother in Police Detention in 2012 the family assumes hes been killed and for no reason. His sister says the familys petition to the police for access to him dead or alive was ignored we never had an opportunity. To norwalk. One detail on why he was killed. So its not a reason for me to be here and i think i was the only one not just me but a lot of young veterans in nigeria for the stories of them being young people until these are inside the country funny as the it was they leave police unit set up to tackle robbery and Violent Crime cisco over the years been accused of murder extortion and disappearances. After the recent allegations nigerias police chief ban the unit from t. Patrols and setting up road blocks saying such crimes were not routine in the force the special unto robbery squad has been banned 3 times before but each time theyve managed to reform protesters nigeria is mainly in their twentys and pretty has. Been particularly targeted by this elite Police Force Unit but security Officials Say this is the age group that is mostly involved in online fraud. And its each group mainly impacted by high unemployment you see young men yours who have high for the recently and want to look good once you since you were well enough indias economy or you are even if you didnt the technological system of this country i thought it was up to meeting the countrys most Senior Police officer president Mahmoud Abbas he called for swift investigation and punishment to police men responsible for the killing that led to the current round of violence. But many protesters say the only action that will keep them off the street is the government doing what its failed to do so far. Is bending this. Court for good. Aljazeera. Lets take a look at some of the headlines here now just here and now at least 8 people have been killed in the latest fighting over the disputed region of nagornokarabakh as area Officials Say the city of ganja was struck by missiles overnight as a very john and armine are accusing each other of violating a cease fire

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