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Donald trump and joe biden is canceled after trump refuses to have a virtual. Europe struggles to stop the spread of coronaviruses the number of infections worldwide to me. So armenia and azerbaijan have agreed to a cease fire nagornokarabakh after 2 weeks of fighting this left hundreds dead russias foreign minister announced a truce after 10 hours of talks in moscow and Sandra Janowicz got 4 is that. Its a kind of a humanitarian ceasefire with the purpose of the exchange of prisoners and other people that are detained by both sides as well as for handing over the bodies of the people that have been killed since the 27th of september when this conflict started this is to be happening on the observation not of a red cross he also said that the parties agreed to start substantial negotiations and the he also said that the parties agreed that the form of those does negotiation is not going to change which i think means that it will stay within the ois see minsk a group core chaired by russia france and United States a group that has been established in the ninetys to and to deal regional conflict that has been frozen since then so what is to follow what is for us to see is whether days cease fire is indeed going to happen as agreed if it is really going to come down to the exchange of prisoners and if the parties are really willing to start negotiating and to really return to the negotiating table to solve this decades long conflict in the garden or could i bought. A little more from soon cause you know blue who reports remove various you. Its the 1st stark contact known to have taken place between our mania and azerbaijan since the new fighting broke out in the soviet republics 3 decade old conflict on september 27th. A prechristian year again youre a ceasefire has been declared from 12 oclock on october 18th for humanitarian purposes to Exchange Prisoners in the bodies of the did it will be done under the guidance of the International Red cross the moscow talks came after that survey john foreign minister attended talks in geneva with the french u. S. And russian on warsaw thursday merely that it would nearly double were committed to a peaceful settlement of the karabakh conflict in a ready to resume the Peace Process in accordance with the recent statements of the president s and Foreign Ministers of the o s e e minsk group. But just as the talks in moscow began those are bridge on president and how malia said there could be no peace if i mean your continue to insist that no one a kind of iraq was part of its territory. By john. Well no harm of humanity karabakh is azerbaijan everyone should know this including those in charge of our media today i tell them again that if they commit fraud after the moscow talks they will regret it we will take back our lanes peacefully or through war on a quickly we want to organize it peacefully we give armenia one last chance for the last 2 days efforts to stop the fighting between our many and as our john has been held while the battles in and iraq are going to car about continue to rage it still remains to be seen whether this latest International Effort to achieve a cease fire well the successful. The fighting is the worst since 199194 war that killed an estimated 30000 people and ended with a cease fire that has been her critically violated. As a bridge on says that 31 hours there is civilians have been killed and 168 wounded since september 27th it has not disclosed information about military casualties or thirtys im not going to say 376 of its military personnel and 22 civilians have been killed during the day imperial. Aljazeera miniature resurveyed. Troops have been ordered into the capital of kurdistan of the days of chaos over the last weeks parliamentary elections the results are now be declared invalid and the president is promising to resign but hes also the clear state of emergency made fears that political rivalries could explode into violence from his child strafford. In the early afternoon on friday our 2 square began filling up with supporters of various opposition parties. President s are in by june because of said he will resign after a new cabinet is voted by parliament but many protesters here want more than that theyre angry with politicians who they accuse of years of corruption and economic mismanagement. Many want a whole scale change of what they describe as an old guard leadership that has failed this country and rig the elections by buying votes and theyre angry with this man. Who they say was illegally made Prime Minister of the he too was freed from jail by supporters in the protests. Is a full member of parliament that was serving 11 years for kidnapping. As opposition supporters of various parties chances in the square a group of his supporters bonce through the crowd of fools and stones were hurled and many people fled. The situation in the square up until 10 minutes ago it was peaceful that all changed when supporters of the new Prime Minister. Claim in there were clashes. And theyve now taken control of the statue on a small holders of other offices to bring it up here for the majority the rest is just one part of supporters insists he is the legitimate Prime Minister. This video appears to show the moment a gunman tried to assassinate cubas storms former president almas back at them by of was just that was only hours before he appeared for the 1st time in public since being freed from jail by supporters during protests over last weeks parliamentary Election Results. And some by of who was jailed last year for corruption was unhurt in the attack the Central Election Committee an old sundays Election Results of the widespread vote buying the opposition says progovernment parties were most to blame since then kyrgyzstan has descended into chaos. Just trying to feeling nobody explains anything to us and totally confused by the situation there is a great sense of our sentence here its been days now and people are afraid i dont want violence. President jeenbekov has declared a state of emergency which will be voted on in an emergency parliamentary session on saturday he says its necessary to prevent ome to confrontation between rival groups many people here say their country is on the brink stratford aljazeera bishkek. The 2nd u. S. President ial debate between donald trump and his democratic rival joe biden has been canceled it was scheduled to take place next week lets speak straightaway to kristen so that we could join us live from new york of course and say. The 2nd president ial debates to be held to its going to be virtual at one point whats the latest im thats right the commission for president ial debates had wanted to make the october 15th the big virtual because that would be about 2 weeks after the president tested positive for a coronavirus. The president refused to do that he didnt want a virtual debate he wanted to push it back if anything joe biden didnt want to push it back so the commission announced that the debate has been canceled in fact both of the candidates have rescheduled events for that evening Public Events for that evening and we heard from president charm tonight he gave his 1st on camera interview in which he talked about how good he was feeling and how he wanted to get back out there talked about how the drug regeneration had helped him this experimental drug had been helping him and also was asked about his test results from the most recent test because wed yet to confirm that he had tested negative now for the virus he gave a rather vague answer on that front saying that he was at the bottom of the scale if not completely free. Person there is also keen to get out in front of the people his name is talk about this White House Events tomorrow saturday and also the rally coming up in on monday it would not even sure if hes still contagious will. Absolutely and that is the president s. Tactic here hes trying to show that hes healthy that hes strong hes very eager to get back on the campaign trail so while refusing to hold a virtual debate hes going ahead with these Public Events including one at the white house on saturday which will be held outside the president is expected to address the crowd from a balcony the crowd is being required to wear masks and get temperature checks on the way and but some are still questioning whether or not this is the right move and hes also got a rally planned for florida on monday again the optics of concern for considering it will be less than 2 weeks since he 1st contracted the virus but the president plowing ahead hoping to maintain his image and send the message that the coronavirus doesnt have to dominate everyones life others saying thats the wrong message to be sending considering that some 210000 plus americans have died from it or a christian thanks very much for the christian salute the new york lets continue with this lets bring in Peter Matthews in los angeles hes a professor of Political Science at Cypress University piedmontese welcome to the program 1st id like to think you get your view of how you assess where President Trump is that right now and and how is it while you see him the way that is pivoting on cable negotiations canceling this virtual debate now who see a big number event at the white house with all that contagion happened in the rose garden and then a rally again on monday whats your assessment of him. Its all of it remarkable because if you think about it the person whos behind in the polls would like to have a debate normally speaking normal cant leave this time the president doesnt really want to answer questions directly from voters because this was the one debate in which the voters were asked the questions directly he didnt want to virtual debate to get also the moderates could control his response to the naked more understandable for both sides like the 1st debate so i think that he was concerned about and answered a lot of questions directly and didnt want to broach a little bit so thats going to hurt him i think because you get 73000000 people in the audience and it is the largest what is he going to have people on both sides and the middle independent voters will be listening and watching and yet he didnt want to do it i think that hurt him to not do it was such a larger extent so in theory anyone more possible opportunity to debate and thats october the 22nd in nashville i think it is which is just 12 days before the elections i think the bigger for that. That one they both confirm both sides have confirmed that there will be at the National Debate it will be our ally it all be in person its what we were to also i think present trophy was more comfortable with that and joe biden was comparably the one so that should be going on with social distancing with very strict bass wearing in those kinds of things among all the audience members so it will go on the 22nd to be very close to the election the 3rd is the election as you know and things could to you know know the swing states think about it by the middle or all right now hes got a huge advantage in the nationwide hollywood about 10 percent or more and in the states there are used to went for trump and 2016 and a vast majority biden is leading by between 3 and 7 points since like michigan pennsylvania wisconsin the rossiter so important swing states i think they think the president should agree to debate and be seen by as many people as possible but you know hes hes that good or a part of ours that we may still have it we dont know really we havent got much information about it its very important weve norris exactly work but it could explain things this is the president s political standing is taken a real hit is now down as you say down in the polls a lot so what would it take for things to turn around his way well have its very difficult a miracle perhaps and you know lets say he the code that seemed came out but thats totally unlikely you cant come up with the election and it wouldnt be safe you did so thats i think pretty looking pretty pretty bleak for his campaign. I really cant imagine this is the worst time you could have been hit by getting sick which means you cant even go out and campaign fully with the thousands of people who actually have of those airplane hangars thats setting a back also in terms of his own mood and his buoyancy its been its really been hurt so i really cant say what will turn it around to be honest with i dont see too much turning around it was point all right but it will appreciate your perspective in a sense very much indeed Peter Mathews a professor of Political Science at Cypress College thank you. Thank you yes thank you oh still ahead here on out is there a why thousands of protesters in chile are angry and fed up with a government. Losing ground fison deforestation is slowly chipping away at brazils amazon rain forest to shrink by day. But. We have some really nasty conditions now moving across japan in the form of typhoon chan home slow moving system this one that is the position of the storm at the moment just easing to the southeast of key issue would have oran through that eastern side of honshu as we go on through sas day with some very heavy bursts of rain as a face slow moving so we are going to see huge amounts of rainfall 200 millimeters of right certainly a possibility for some as we go through the next 24 to 36 allison said it will lead make its way out into the open waters have warmer in tokyo around 22 degrees brighter skies coming back in at that stage try and bright you notice across a good part of the Korean Peninsula much of a china looking fine and dry following the stand just cross at the eastern side of china and down and to the South China Sea just see how those winds moving in for more by the northeast the direction driving some very wet weather towards central and southern parts of vietnam as saves a big downpour say recently the little circulation joining up with that northeast the fate of the wind thats going to bring some really heavy downpours further friday sunday looks a possibility at least inside of vietnam and heavy rain also maybe into eastern pos of india. My main job is my serves and i enjoy as much as we all try to look for finds the beauties brown stood out towards me he doesnt say we need to walk over to sports news or is this just weve just seen the club. I am legend ive only done this hand off that you could pick a. Nigerian on algis there. Ok youre watching out 0 remind of our top stories this hour and armenia and azerbaijan have agreed on a cease fire starting on saturday countries have been fighting over the disputed the corner of her back region russias foreign minister Sergey Lavrov amounts of troops in moscow after 10 hours for. The president has declared a state of emergency in a bid to end on the rest following the disputed parliamentary elections the military has been deployed to the capital bishkek to enforce the measure of. A 2nd u. S. President ial debate between donald trump and his democratic rival joe biden has been canceled it was scheduled to take place next week organizers wanted to hold the 1st actually up to tropical coronavirus but president refused. Now the number of new daily Coronavirus Infections worldwide has passed 350000 for the 1st time its really was the 1st country in europe to be hit hard by covert 1000 and had managed to get its outbreak and under control but now the number of new cases is surging again to its highest level since march and it is the same story in france where infection rates are at levels not seen since the start of its outbreak it recorded 20000 new cases on friday alone and spain has now imposed a state of emergency on its capital madrid to try contain a new wave of infections there people are barred from leaving the city except for work for school or for medical reasons lets speak now to geoffrey slow going to choose the Deputy Director for the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University he says the increase in infections is not surprising. With other coronaviruses a lot of other respiratory illnesses we do see a seasonality we see more transmissibility as temperatures go down as humidity goes down and its not clear exactly whats going on here but evidence is pointing in the direction that we may not get quite as much mileage out of the social distancing that we have been in the summertime where temperatures are warmer you can do more outside activities so so we have to keep an eye on whats working and whats not working and also not make the assumption that just because it worked the 1st time around its going to be sufficient the next time its going to have to be driven by the data and its going to have to adjust as the conditions within communities within nations and across the world its all been this ongoing pandemic theres a number of different sort of thoughts on this theres some evidence that some bias is actually transmit easier when you have these lower temperatures and lower humidity theres also people are indoors a lot more theyre not outside able to do as many outside activities theres even things with just the immune system with the lower angle of the sun less vitamin d. Production things like that so theres theres a variety of different factors that could come together precisely which weighs on how much particularly with a novel virus remains to be seen but we do know that we do see the seasonality with respiratory illnesses and i have been concerned about this since the beginning of the pandemic that although we were seeing this wave in early spring very late winter that the fall and the winter of 2020 was very likely to be another wave in a tough season and unfortunately signs are pointing back way with this latest data cuba will reopen to International Tourism starting next week the island nation closed its borders and managed to contain the spread of crude a virus Prime Minister. Says the majority of provinces will be open to tourists but the capital have will remain closed. The u. K. Government has been warned that tens of thousands more lives will be lost to cancer unless it does more to reduce a backlog of screening and treatment hospitals have been forced to drastically reduce Counter Service is due to the pandemic under simmons as more. How long will i be around here. And. Our kelly smiths magnetic personality brought people together on social media sharing a zest for life they all have one thing in common cancer with covert cases prioritized her treatment was cut short along with her life even though we knew that the cancer she had could not be cured. The chemotherapy was life extending and rage you know especially not shes got a 6 year old son every day is precious the death of his daughter with his grandson left behind led craig to organize a campaign pressurizing the u. K. Government to do more about cancer care its fronted by a leading cancer specialist its desperate and its still desperate and my heart goes out to these people the government need to put pressure on the senior n. H. S. Manages to get and give them the resources to do it but we need some action the need for treatment is daunting government targets to reduce a backlog of 3000000 people waiting for screening arent going to be met the Campaign Includes demands for a 450000000. 00 program to increase radiotherapy it will be made available in covert free Outpatient Departments but even thats a drop in the ocean the n. H. S. Is a free for all service but it cant cope with demand and the covert situation has made things even worse the number of cancer sufferers trying to get private treatment isnt an old time high but so many people cant afford it online appeals and crowd funding show the desperation wendy peak had been on a free Clinical Trial with the n. H. S. Yes in the hope of curing a rare cancer ocular melanoma it was cancelled because of coated her daughter started fundraising its been a roller coaster its been in motion the drinking age but it was the best yet they didnt say whats cool simon did you raise the money legs when eating right if you dont raise the right wendy is now on 1. 00 round of treatment costing 50000. 00 if she can raise more money shes been told theres a good chance of staying alive so many people like her wont even get this far Andrew Symonds out 0 manchester at least 4 people have been killed and several others injured in the explosion and fuel type foreign lebanons company happened in one of the most densely populated districts and parents because its not known a city still recovering from a massive explosion at the port and oldest which killed more than 200. 00 people and injured more than 6. Protesters in chile are rallying in central santiago to demand a new constitution and then to Police Brutality anger has been mounting all through a video emerged last week that appears to show teenage boy forming from a bridge while being chased by the Police Neumann is that. This was the president s to the super delegates that began here in the last year i was told 48 teeth was devastated was hurled. 5 policemen camped out at least. You have to show that think that thats one of the battle that probably i came because things like that cannot continue im also here to fight for the changes that chile needs. The president said must m. P. s says the key public order is now his number one priority so. d the security of our citizens is essential for freedom and quality of life. But we need to be propped up by protesting russia. Right now at least to keep the back. Seat. So youre out by the hundreds despite the state of emergency declared at the start of the condemning which makes it illegal. For tests to make house with police with water tear gas. Earlier the attorney general told the president the stronger signals needed to be sent following the Death Threats against the prosecutor who ordered the arrest of the policeman who is accused of attempted murder for throwing a demonstrator over the bridge is the face of the planet because of the. First street on the way. That it will do thats why. Security forces in nigeria fired tear gas at protesters rallying against Police Brutality in the capital of budget demonstrations broke out across the country after a video circulated last week which appears to show members of the special anti robbery squad known as sauce killing a man the Police Pledge to reform the units but protesters of have called for it to be abolished. The African Union has lifted its suspension of money which went into effect after president abraham who called cape there was ousted by military leaders in august comes 3 days after the west African Regional bloc echo us announced the lifting of sanctions following the military takeover sanctions included border closures and a ban on commercial trade. Delta has weakened up to making landfall in the u. S. State of Louisiana Residents and businesses have been boarding up windows while some schools and government offices have closed the latest in a series of strong hurrican to strike the northern gulf this year much of the region is still recovering from a category 4 storm in oldest. Brazils amazon rain forest is experiencing is where spate of fires in a decade are mental activists blame the president jaya bolton are failing to control deforestation monica reports now from rio de janeiro. Brazils amazon rain forest is shrinking by the day. Last year it lost 10000 square kilometers to fires land grabbers and loggers this year it may lose even more according to new data just released by brazilian space agency. During the 1st 9 months of 202076000 fires tore through the rain forest the most for that period in a decade where all were brazils worst the forestation record was in 1905 when 29000 square kilometers of the amazon was destroyed we had managed to reduce that number to 4000 square kilometers in 2012 but since then destruction has been on the rise. Illegal logging and mining are problem but the main culprits are cattle ranchers who set fires to clear the land for pasture. Indigenous activists amandla from the set out in a way tribe blames president also matters right wing government for easing environmental restrictions. I came either the fires make me very sad because were losing so much territory if the forest goes we will die. President says hes doing everything he can by sending the military to put out fires and helping Indigenous People fight the qubit 1000 pandemic he says n. G. O. S are exaggerating the destruction and hes criticizing Us Democratic president ial candidate joe biden for saying during his recent debate with President Donald Trump that brazil should face repercussions if it fails to protect the amazons. Biden seems to wants to break up their listen to between the met states and brazil because of the amazon reno that some countries have interest in the amazon and we have to dissuade them from doing this by having all armed forces ready. But fires are still out of control in the rain forest and in brazil spend time at. The Worlds Largest wetland pointing at risk endangered species. Brazil signed the Paris Agreement to fight Global Warming and promised to reduce deforestation by 80 percent this year but we are very far from that goal in order to fulfill its promise brazil should have a limit to deforestation in the amazon to less than 4000 square kilometers but according to a implicit latest data by the end of december it will probably have destroyed 3 times that amount monika an i. Q. Of aljazeera rio de janeiro. Time for a quick check of her knowledge is there at all media and john have agreed on a ceasefire starting on saturday its been fighting over the disputed to go to curb back region russias foreign minister Sergey Lavrov announced a truce in moscow after 10 hours of tools Alexandra Steele janowicz go for has more from moscow after more than 10 hours off talks and negotiations between the behind the closed doors mania and as i read john had agreed for a cease

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