See the human cost of the conflict hospitals in the disputed region of the gonna cut about a field with victims of the war between armenia and azerbaijan. So the World Health Organization has announced a record one day global jump in corona virus infections nearly 339000 people diagnosed with covert 19 in the past 24 hours is the Johns Hopkins University Track of the total in red on the left and also pos in 36000000 the number in white the more than 1000000 people who are known to have died but lets not forget also the 25000000 who have coverage. The pandemic are getting worse in europe as winter approaches france has recorded more than 18000 new cases for the 2nd day running there is pressure growing on hospitals especially in and around paris germany which of course was praised for its response is now seen 4000 new cases in the past day and in the u. K. They considering even more restrictions as its 2nd wave accelerates more than 17 and a half 1000 new infections in the u. K. The virus spreading particularly fast in the north of england from oldham integrated Manchester Jonah hull has this report ive come from so street by street door to door this is what it takes to contain an outbreak because this figure arise in this particular area with a team of testers with us these are mainly unpaid volunteers working with the council in oldham Greater Manchester an area turning the tide on rising code infection rates while the rest of manchester remains the current u. K. Hot spot i think its brilliant and i hate it and just. Think its brilliant should do it this everywhere manisha. This doorstep testing here but severe testing shortages elsewhere confusing local restrictions are having little effect so oldham is doing for itself what the government is struggling to keeping people safe the Central Government needs to learn from those in oklahoma about what weve been doing and whats been successful they did turn to listen to us and rather than doing broadcast survivors room where they tell us what we called what is there in which its not always clear whether or not its backed up by the science that dialogue needs to be 2 way we need to be feeding back into the government what were doing on the ground thats working and then they need to learn from that and roll out some other areas rather than imposing kind of top down restrictions that are not always but by the science and appear illegitimate to vast numbers of people. Another aspect to why infection rates are spiraling so alarmingly up here in the north is that when the National Lockdown was lifted to or in the summer it was done on a london centric basis leaving infection rates still uncomfortably high in parts of the north well social and economic inequalities have combined since then to do much of the rest its known as the north south divide higher levels of unemployment overcrowding and poverty that are now contributing to rising hospital admissions to the northwest reaches of all. Places for example thats fairly rapidly started but it was. Used in off west and but at that moment it got about. About you could say almost a factor of 10 increase and there are students lots of them back on campus since september most now confined to cramped apartments and halls of residence a predictable wave of student infections increased manchesters overall rate 10 fold some may be tempted to think this is all happening a long way from the capital but as the government prepares to announce new lockdown rules that could be economically disastrous up here the predictions are that london could be just 2 weeks behind jonah hill aljazeera manchester. And out on mccain in berlin reports on the situation in germany and elsewhere in europe. This is the reality of covidien ukraine another life claimed by a virus whose 2nd wave is now sweeping across europe here in the town of stepanek a hospital designed for 100 people now has 106 corona patients alone. We are catastrophic li short of doctors the pressure is incredible and the Infectious Department we have one doctor per 47. 00 patients. Around the continent the number of new infections is surging austria has announced its highest daily figures so far in poland 2 unprecedented numbers of people are testing positive for the virus prompting the government to say it will introduce a general mask rule for all people outdoors and perhaps impose a state of emergency elsewhere as here in belgium the spike in cases has forced ministers to say no more than 4 people will be allowed to meet together in public but in spain the rate of new infections has slowed in recent days that a partial lockdown for the capital has been thrown out by a madrid court which said it infringed peoples fundamental freedoms whilst in germany a surge in cases is causing deep concern at the highest levels. Of the Current Situation worries me a lot we dont know how things will develop over the next few weeks its possible that we will see more than 10000 cases a day its possible that the virus spreads uncontrollably in the german capital Officials Say that Testing Capacity has reached 95 percent with little scope for greater testing if numbers continue to climb. One of the measures being suggested the whole country is already in place here in the socalled triple traffic light Warning System with 3 different poses criteria on. The number of intensive care beds occupied by corona patients the awful reproductive rate of the fires and the number of info. Sections 100000 residents for the moment the federal government believes its existing measures are enough. Germany so far managed this crisis well when you look at the map of europe youll see until now germany is a solid rock in this pandemic but we are seeing rising numbers across europe so far theres no suggestion of another National Lockdown politicians are perhaps fearful of the damage such a step would wreak on an already suffering economy and they know there are many people here who believe the existing measures are too strong dominant kane aljazeera berlin. In the United States democratic Vice President ial nominee. Once again criticized trumps handling of the pandemic just as she did in her debate with Vice President my parents. Refuse all to contain the virus as a great havoc on americas economy while this present course didnt bring the fire is to our shores is reckless disregard for human life. And for the well being of the American People has allowed it to spread the way we have seen and the casualties have been in. So lets not make any mistake his refusal to contain this fire is what has wreaked havoc on our economy. In iran hospitals are running out of beds in their intensive care units the worst affected the middle Eastern Countries reported another 230. 00 coronavirus deaths a new infections are also about 4000. 00 for 3 days in a row restrictions are being tightened and masks will become mandatory outdoors in teheran from saturday. Of the of the restrictions on public gatherings i didnt stop thousands of iranians from flooding the streets of tehran to mourn the death of a legendary singer hundreds gathered outside the home of mohammad reza. Hed been barred from performing and releasing albums because he supported the antigovernment protests back in 2009. The the 2 time grammy award winner died at the age of 80 jet ins career spanned more than half a century his voice was regarded by many as one of irans National Treasures he sang in support of irans Islamic Revolution in his early career. Still with iran and the u. S. Is tighten sanctions on the countrys Financial Sector measures against 18 banks that were already under american sanctions have now been ramped up they have now effectively been cut off from the International Financial system irans foreign minister zarif immediately tweeted his response he said that the United States wants to sabotage irans remaining channels for buying food and medicine and maintain that iranians would survive the sanctions he also said that conspiring to starve a population is a crime against humanity and that those who block iranian money will face justice rosalyn jordan with more on this story from washington d. C. Perhaps the biggest criticism of the trumpet ministrations sanctions regime against iran is that the culminating impact is that this is hurting the iranian people certainly we have seen that criticism coming not just from e. U. Nations but also from a wide range of humanitarian organizations around the world now the Treasury Department went in announced this latest round of sanctions against these 18 iranian banks said that these banks would still have exemptions so that they could bring in funds to facilitate the purchase of emergency food and medicine to serve the iranian people of course people have criticized the u. S. For making it much harder to get that sort of humanitarian aid to the iranian people but leave no doubt the trumpet ministration has made one of its key Foreign Policy objectives the International Isolation of iran because of what it says is irans attempts to develop a viable Nuclear Weapons program and it believes that by cutting off all avenues of getting cash into the hands or the under the control of the iranian government that the trumpet ministration ultimately will be successful but we have not seen that at least not as of right now. Corey mills with us now a columnist at newsmax in the middle east and Foreign Policy expertise in washington d. C. Corey thanks for your time increasing sanctions new sanctions on iran from the United States is nothing new but when you go. 18 banks and really increase it to this level is this do you think going to make a real difference for the iranian people really hurt them. Well thank you so much for having me 1st let me just comment by saying if the United States is not intending in any way to hurt the iranian people as you saw from secretary of nukes in the 2nd carriage treasury we have issued general licenses so allow humanitarian aid to the flow the french or the issue that we have is that we must target the Iranian Regimes malign activities we know that theres been a continual uptick and rocket attacks against u. S. Interests as well as personnel in iraq peter fox of militias we know that the u. N. Nuclear watchdog has said that they have now 10 times the amount of allowed here any and enrich uranium within their cause if you have exceeded the dates if you know if you mean its almost all asians and you know theyre continuing to utilize fights in militias in yemen to target the u. S. And allies in the area and we know that yemen is a key area theyve been shipping the mid range Ballistic Missiles out captured normal climbs and route from iran. We know they are continuously or has will and others in lebanon so the u. S. Looks at this as again a continual furthering of economic sanctions and diplomatic isolation and an effort to curb irans regimes line activities in the reef but then you have to have the foreign minister saying you know hitting the remaining channels for buying food and medicine now that doesnt affect the iranian people i mean the United States can try to put sanctions to stop the actions of the iranian government but theres a trickle down effect it will affect people. Well again this does not stop you know it is there to be the 3 says fuck your lives as you caves and stuff others who utilize it generalizes to get humanitarian aid its necessary in a country again we know that Mr Foreign Affairs as can gauge and not only just misleading in fact began the Information Warfare but that he to spread lies about the us is intent while he ends up backyard deals with china for 400000000 dollars former 1000000000 dollars over 25 years infrastructure involvement as well of working with russia and others in the assad regime yeah so again i go back to what is what is irans role purpose here if they want to come to the table make want to have assured real discussion they can have you know that company or have you got it by saying it will only add to your lead sanctions will you release sanctions under the j c p o way and resolution for he 31 and that did not stop their line activities that actually increases their line activities i think that president is was for his administration has had no other choice but to do this trying for bent any further harm to u. S. Interests to our allies and also to working on the roof so you talk about allies and you mentioned the 83 nations the european nations which as you say doesnt stop them from carrying on but doesnt it put the u. S. And their european allies on a collision course they have their their their at their at cross purposes when it comes to iran. There trust purposes i understand what youre trying to say here but again if the ether of the European Union is intense in trying to achieve this for with regards to humanitarian aid and other things i dont see where that would be or its direction i dont think that we should be looking at the lifting of sanctions to allow iran to modernize its weapon or if it sees you know lies some type of way to get tanks and attack helicopters as well as for other things which they can then get into the hands theyre proximal issues and we know whats going on is indisputable and so again our target getting on stage and certainly in a trap. Is not to her trying to target the iranian people but to actually try to target Iranian Regime to curb their online activities and again were not looking for any of you know conflict or confrontation but the same time you cannot allow them to continue to drive without any type of you no longer any type of active core emails joining us from washington they say corey thank you they appreciate your time thank you so much you have your leisure. In the news heads will tell you about an alleged plot to kidnap a governor of a state in the United States. And the streets of indonesias capital turn into battle zones as the anger rises against the governments labels. Once again welcomes another look at the international forecast of course we are now looking to see whats Hurrican Delta has in store for southern parts of the u. S. You can see it regaining strength its a big system this one about a 1000 kilometers wide and its pushing up towards louisiana it will eventually easiest way across much of our console this is sea level Mississippi Valley pushing up towards the Tennessee Valley seeing some very heavy rainfall over the next few days and as a major storm of course damaging winds and well of course also concerned about the storm surge low lying land this course and that will gradually make its way little further north which an ace was heading towards the east coast as we go on through sassy over towards the carolinas to the north of that is not too bad because some wet weather into eastern parts of canada and some western weather towards western parts of canada and there we go along last araby since im right pushing into Northern Areas of california forces not sinking as far south as me might like but temperatures do fall away 2324 degrees over the next day or so showers falling back in the process the northwestern quarter by the time we do come to sunday wetter weather coming back across the eastern seaboard then as what is left as delta moves into the open waters. Frank assessments if American Public opinion piece betrayed by social media platforms after november. Well i would be cautious if you believe that there is a row simply to our democracy one obvious solution is to break the law informed opinion look at shake his dont go anyway the protesters arent going anywhere either its ability to get revolution people indepth analysis of the days global headlines who is it thats really out there on the street inside story on aljazeera. Route. To. The top stories this hour on aljazeera the World Health Organizations reported a record daily rise in global coronavirus cases more than 338000 of them in 24 hours and 5000. 00 deaths. He says warnings are sounded about rising cases across europe france reported 18000. 00 new cases in 24 hours u. K. Infections surged at 17 and a half that. In the us as times and sanctions on irans Financial Sector measures against 18 banks that were already under american sanctions have now been ramped up they have now effectively been cut off from the International Financial system. Russia has invited the Foreign Ministers of armenia and azerbaijan to moscow for peace talks to try to end an increasingly violent conflict mediators from the u. S. Russia and france have also been holding their talks in geneva to find a resolution at least 30 more soldiers are reported to have been killed on thursday the 2 sides are fighting over the disputed region im not going to cut about officially part of us by john but ethnically armenian from the smith report from the regions main city is the panic and. Well. Theres not much time for anything else but dealing with new casualties at stepan curts main hospital its 10 times busier than normal since the 1st shells started falling 11 days ago the head of the emergency unit was telling us as this patient came in more than 350 armenian soldiers have been killed and hundreds more injured since the start of fighting with azerbaijan theres aries do not release figures for their killed or wounded soldiers. Some of my friends were injured in our 1st and 2nd wars and i can say that then we had more gunshots or rather like williams now they using different types of missiles and the wing did have big injuries but we have not stood still in either medicine has improved so we try to save lives and human organs and not leave people with disabilities the stress is etched in the faces of the medical staff here the human cost is mounting on both sides after the collapse of an easy 26 year long ceasefire this modern hospital and stuff and i heard has been for stretched to the limit by the bombardment of this town a day early convoy of people injured. During the fighting in the bombardment. Armenian missiles have hit towns and villages in azerbaijan well away from the conflict zone this is barbara around 20 kilometers from the line of contact that separates nagornokarabakh from azerbaijan. And this is gone boy more than 30 kilometers away. Karabakh uses ary territory but has a selfgoverning Ethnic Armenian majority. Wants to restore its sovereignty that. A shell fragment came and hurt my arm and also killed the animals as you can see we are staying at home women and children we have not left we are not going to run away why should we leave our lands. Russia france and moscow have been holding talks to try and bring about a ceasefire but with tensions rising between armenia and azerbaijan the hopes of sima shattered as the missile deborah littering the streets Bernard Smith aljazeera step on kurt nagornokarabakh. And as the war goes on as the attempts to stop the war go on these are the pictures weve just had from. Washington. D. C. Not actually this is washington d. C. Near the white house its than armenian protest going on trying to draw attention of whats going on in the going to cut about 2 players in the United States these pictures just in from the from washington d. C. Now russia is warning that kurdistan has descended into chaos following sundays disputed elections results of which were later an old moscow also says its obliged by a security treaty to prevent a total lockdown in the country stands and has failed to get enough members together to agree on who should be Prime Minister protesters are continuing to gather in front of the Parliament Building in the capital bishkek. 6 people have been charged with trying to kidnap the governor of the u. S. State of michigan the f. B. I. Says the men were planning to take Gretchen Whitman from her Vacation Home and go to buy explosives and try to make improvised bombs the details now with alan fischer. Thank you attorney general Michigan News of the season last night the f. B. I. And Michigan State Police Arrested 6 individuals charged in a federal complaint with conspiring to kidnap the governor of michigan Gretchen Whitmer a man whod been attending 5 years having links to michigan Militia Group called the wolverines the democratic governor of the state was their target according to the criminal complaint he plans to kidnap her at a hall of the home and try her for treason fox and craft in particular according to the complaint discussed detonating explosive devices to divert police from the area of the home and fox even inspected the underside of a michigan highway bridge for places to seat an explosive. The complaint further alleges attacks purchased a taser for use in the kidnapping and that the Group Successfully detonated an improvised explosive device wrapped with shrapnel to test its antipersonnel capabilities as they were meeting to pull money to buy more explosives Law Enforcement moved in the f. B. I. At an undercover informant armed men members of socalled right wing Militia Groups staged protests at the Michigan State house earlier this year they were carrying swastikas and nooses when governor whitman and stay at home orders to combat the spread of covert 19 donald trump gave his support to the protests to sing out liberate michigan the governor thank the f. B. I. For keeping her family safe that said the president s words encouraged actions like this just last week the president of the United States stood before the American People and rich fused to condemn White Supremacists and hate groups like these 2 michigan Militia Groups stand back and stand by he told them stand back and stand by. Hate groups heard the president s words not as a rebuke but as a rallying cry as a call to action and big concerns about the growing influence and the strength of Militia Groups in the u. S. And some of those from michigan have appeared in protests in other parts of the country if convicted 6 men face a sentence of up to life in prison alan fischer aljazeera. There are questions over how war even if donald trump and joe biden will debate each other again before next months election the president refused to participate in next weeks head to head off to the organizes decided it would be held virtually his challenger joe biden says the debate should be delayed by a week and held in person which is something the trunk campaign agreed to but that was on the condition that the 3rd debate be held in the week just before the poll which bidens team has rejected a kidnapped politician and french aid worker have landed in malis capital bamako after being released as part of a major Prisoner Exchange somalia say was kidnapped by gunmen while kids campaigning in the Northern Region of timbuktu march so if you ran a charity for children was abducted near the Northern City of garwood 2016 the exchange was announced by the countrys new Transitional Government on tuesday. In the thousands of students and workers have fought with riot police in jakarta they were protesting against a new indonesian law which critics say will hurt labor rights and the environment this report jessica washington. State. The government hoped to pass its new labor legislation quickly and quietly saying its needed to encourage investment but it provoked anger on the streets outside a luxury Shopping Complex in the city center a group set fire to a bus station and thousands demonstrated across the country to voice their anger against a law they say would take away workers rights was the right were all afraid of coded 19 but now were more scared of the only bus law because the lives of labor isnt others are 0. 03 now on the 3rd day of nationwide protests demonstrations arrived in the capital despite covert done restrictions banning gatherings of 5 people or more around the country violence broke out between some young people and the police. Tens of thousands of students protested had gathered here in jakarta including high school is to protest against these controversial new law but Security Forces are trying to clear this area and have fired tear gas at the teenagers the government says changes a needed to encourage big businesses to invest in indonesia and boost the economy but critics say the build removes some benefits from the chloes that could lead to reduce wages severance pay and leave in title meant for millions and also waters down safeguards that protect the environment in nearby bogor military personnel got caught in a skirmish with demonstrators legislation normally takes years to get passed in indonesias palm and but this bill was approved in just a matter of months why has this new job. Is. So only 61. 00 of us are operating. In. There are. Some business groups say the legislation is necessary as indonesia faces its worst downturn since the Asian Financial crisis it could be here if other countries offered much lower severance pay than indonesia and in tunisia wont appeal to investors and want to attract investment. Factory workers and cities on the outskirts of the capital trying to get to the countrys parliament but were blocked by police d the deal is president joker widows signature Economic Policy and its unlikely the government will revoke it but some demonstrators say theyll take their fight to the Constitutional Court if the government doesnt listen just to washington aljazeera jakarta. On one of the biggest honors in World Literature has been awarded to an american poet it came to me one night as i was falling asleep that i had finished with amorous which. That is the ways gluck a professor of english at Yale University the 16th woman to win the nobel prize for literature since the accolade was launched more than a century ago her work focuses on childhood family life and the bond between siblings. There are these are the headlines the World Health Organizations reported a record daily rise in global coronavirus cases with more than 338000 cases in 24 hours and 5 and a half 1000 deaths the says warnings are standard

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