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A white escalation Foreign Ministers from armenia and azerbaijan commit to talks on a ceasefire nagornokarabakh. Unrest in athens after the leaders of the far right golden dream party are found guilty of running a criminal gang. The stage is set in corona virus measures are in place we take a closer look at how the pandemic could influence the tone of the upcoming u. S. Vice president ial debate. 2 men have been jailed for their role in a mass shooting at a Nairobi Shopping Center a kenyan court found them guilty of helping al shabaab fighters massacre 67 people at the Westgate Mall in 2013 a 3rd suspect was acquitted catherine soy has more from nairobi. 7 years after the Westgate Mall attack trial happened chief magistrate francis and i read out his verdict over 3 and a half hours to the prosecutions case he says for most. It was given by 4 to 6 witnesses prosecution lawyers used call logs of telephone conversations between the 3 accused and the gunmen who were killed in the 4 day siege in 20132 men up to and Hussein Hussen were found guilty of conspiring to support their talk and having materials linked to terrorist activities in the present case i find that there is a strong link. With the past and what there was in their communication to the attackers that they were involved in the us one of the accused lieben abdullah maher was acquitted of all charges. Benmore has been waiting for the judgment he and a friend were driving into the Basement Parking of the mall when the hard the 1st blast then gunshots whats a little more ties is being lost is where i was hiding theres a Security Guard who was right next to me was shot in the head. And i didnt realize i was injured until a few hours a rescue team arrived and as i was trying to get out thats when i realized i had to block that Security Guard was among the 67 People Killed in the talk 4 gunmen stormed the upmarket morning and was surrounded and killed by Security Forces the Armed Group Alshabaab based in neighboring somalia sayed its men carried out their talk some security analysts say this trial has a stake in too long if we are difficult laws the do more to allow us to its been dyed to justice especially for to resume we need lamentable smalls and make them conform with our times because the times we are ina become terrorism times the magistrate will deliver a sentencing on the 22nd of october we did speak to the prosecutors right after this ruling and this is the happy with a conviction and will be pushing for the maximum penalty of 20 years we also expect the survivors and those who lost their loved ones to give the testimonies ahead of that sentencing the Westgate Mall was reopened 5 years ago but some survivors and families of the dead remain too traumatized to visit those we talked to say they wanted justice and hope the decision by the court will help them find some way to come to terms with what happened catherine saw aljazeera nairobi. The Foreign Ministers of armenia and azerbaijan will meet separately with the u. S. France and russia over the coming days the talks in geneva in moscow aimed at convincing the warring sides to negotiate a cease fire and then to go into a karabakh region hundreds have been killed during 11 days of fighting and both sides have accuse each other of targeting civilians see them closely or blue reports. Or was a teacher she was killed 2 days ago when a source very johns and should bear to city was hit by rocket. She was struck by fragments in the back and other parts of her body on National Teachers say. Her sisters are mourning saying that they got. Big you showed the atrocity against civilians here she died in her own house quote i know were all ready to die for our lands. In the backyard of her house her neighbors gather to honor her memory the rocket left its traces on the ground and on the walls. Hours rather so ill guard was also caught in that attack he shows or his house was also hit by a rocket and then called fire. These paper boxes were scattered after day explosion his son collects and sells them to make a living. Situation whatever we were at home 3 rockets hit this way then i went out my son told me it would be dangerous we were 9 people at home 5 were our guests displaced from elsewhere all family members are staying with our relatives around here just as. The Azerbaijan National agency for mine action or out of us a stone rockets hit the city Affairs Office over 5 a day you want us or break john accuse our menu of indiscriminate the targeting several cities an accusation our menu has also leveled against us our base jump in their conflict over knock on the car of our. Nagar knock out a box main city or step on a carriage suffered the most intensive not time more bargeman since the previous weekend according to the car about where its been more than 70000 people or 50 percent off now going up car bucks population loss to women and children are estimated to have been displaced russian president Vladimir Putin has called for the end to what he described as a tragedy and free but i do it all fathers and brothers everyone will fight to the end thats it our people wont be broken this land is ours was ours and will continue to be else the fighting is the worst round of violence between the 2 countries since the early 1990 s. Then 30000 people were killed and thousands displaced un resolutions and International Organizations have demanded the whats role of the Armenian Forces from the ground and that jason does there is citys many World Leaders have called for a sea. Fire however as our bait john and Ethnic Armenians both claim these lenses of their ears their battle has spilled over into cities far from the front line and neither side seems to be ready to step back because all of aljazeera mean each other as our picture. Theres confusion over who has taken over as keg stands Prime Minister falling following backdoor unnerves resignation a replacement was named after a parliamentary session on tuesday but a group of Opposition Party says that choice is invalid and hes nominated that only one for the job the uncertainty follows the inno ment of sundays parliamentary election that many say was rigged Charles Stratford is in bishkek and says there are concerns the opposing parties could become more entrenched. A group of 13 opposition parties calling themselves the Coordination Council but council was formed yesterday theyve come out with a statement this evening saying indeed that they parliamentary session that voted for the new Prime Minister. Yesterday they describe that is invalid they have put their own man forward and they d want to trying to organize a session of parliament to be held to the secret location so the votes can be taken on the issues. Weve been standing outside the Prime Ministers quarters here in the biscuit for a few hours quite dramatic scenes actually a lot of the the new Prime Minister supporters here. The theories is that we could be witnessing the beginnings of a standoff between the vast amount of supporters for the new Prime Minister and opposition groups that the dont want to be in power and a nominating their own person their own man that is a concern as an indication of just how rather list this country feels at the moment president jeenbekov hes given fairly on a dying statement he said hes called on all parties to come together for negotiations but he said im waiting for concrete action from all parties involved certainly speaking to people here that hasnt had much impact on them. Greek police have fired teargas and water cannon to break up protests after a court declared the far right Political Party golden dawn a criminal group there were rival demonstrations across the country following the verdict leaders of the party have been found guilty of running a criminal gang wednesdays ruling effectively bans golden dawn which was once greeces 3rd largest Political Force the greek Prime Minister says the verdict ends a traumatic period in the country. With todays decision by the 3 Member Criminal Court of appeals on the actions of golden dawn it from Arctic Circle in the public life of the country comes to a close his political dimension his fortunately been charged by the victory of the republic. To denounce the formation from parliament now with the independent judiciary give its own. Theophanous exit acting losses a lecture in european politics at the university of sorry he says this wont look the end of greeces far right wing political movement. They do have Political Representation theyre called the greek solution they are a faction of older right wing from ations in greek politics and they captured certain sentiments of racism and immigration feelings and so on within greek politics they are much lighter than golden dawns the left or right for mation but at least they dont think gauging vigilante activities and and openly violent activities against immigrants know we may have sealed the fate of golden dawn with this decision this landmark decision in the court but we have definitely knocks down the sentiments of the far right wing in greece so they are expressing themselves they were in parliament their size is quite small. Snot comparable to golden dawns parliamentary representation for example but its still considered as part of the of the parliamentary Political Forces within the full political spectrum. The 2 candidates to be the next Vice President of the United States are preparing for a showdown in Salt Lake City utah in the coming hour as the debate between mike pence and Commodore Harris is set to focus on president trans health and his administrations handling of the coronavirus pandemic rob reynolds has mall. Amidst the head spinning events of the past week the Vice President ial debate on wednesday takes an unprecedented significance this is going to be a critically important debate usually v. P. Debates are sideshows with the candidates earnestly discussing issues and tossing the occasional verbal zinger but as Vice President mike pence and sen kemel harris take to the stay. Agent Salt Lake City the main issue is literally a matter of life or death i think theres going to be an enormous focus on the president s health mr bidens health as well frankly they are the 2 oldest president ial nominees in American History a book right now with the president ill and some questions swirling about how truly ill he is it really puts into stark contrast what this debate is actually about in it it is making sure that a person is ready to become president at a moments notice in terms of substance the debate will almost certainly focus on how the trumpet ministration has handled the pandemic that puts pince who chairs the White House Coronavirus task force in a difficult spot he ran the task force he was chosen by the president to do it he was responsible for those early you know statements about just flattening the curbs i mean i imagine those that are working with kind of iris in preparation for this debate are spending a lot of their time coming up with creative ways to lay this all at the feet of the Vice President and the president the style of the 2 candidates is quite different pences stoic unflappable and unlikely to get rattled on stage hes a seasoned debater and his experience as a radio talk show host in the 1990 s. Prepared him to think on his feet harris a former courtroom prosecutor has shown her ability to disconcert Administration Officials in Senate Hearings i wouldnt i wouldnt. Yes or not a trick if you repeat that question i will repeat it with great uncertainty over whether the 2 remaining president ial debates will take place at all the showdown in Salt Lake City may be the last debate before election day in a campaign full of unpredictable twists robert oulds al jazeera we will go live to a White House Correspondent kimberly hellcat who is in washington d. C. For us but we had that the debate could focus on Trumps Health and weve had an update on the president s condition from his delta what more do we know. Yeah dr sean conley the president s physician updating the American Public although we havent heard from the president except for those videos that hes released what the physician is saying is that donald trump continues to improve that he has been fever free for 4 days and as well he has been symptom free for 24 hours but what we know and the medical experts have said is that the president is not in the clear just yet in fact it will be at least monday before we know if he could potentially have a relapse and this is cause many to be concerned about the president s behavior while he has been recovering at the white house particularly his twitter feed which has been for a number of days now erratic that he has been sending out a storm of tweets many of them angry and people questioning whether or not the president may be experiencing some side effects of some of the therapies experimental therapies that he has been treated with and given the fact that we know that the president has been demonstrating almost a sense of euphoria that is just underscoring some of the concern now the u. S. President continues to also appear agitated that hes not on the campaign trail we know hes dispatched his children to least his son eric trump will be as well as Donald Trump Jr will be headed out on the campaign trail in some of those battleground states not the big mager rallies that we typically see of donald trump but some smaller scale events to try and keep the momentum going will the president recovers and he insists that hell be in Miami Florida for the next president ial debate but joe biden his democratic challenger says as long as the president has kovac he doesnt think thats a very good idea now one of the other concerns that there is about the president s behavior has been his suggestion after halting those covert relief negotiations with members of congress on capitol hill. Then he abruptly said that he would sign a sort of stand alone bill that offered 1200. 00 for americans what the president doesnt realize is this is something that was already proposed and rejected by the other side so this is yet another worrying sign now in the midst of all of this we are looking ahead to the Vice President ial debate but weve got some numbers in terms of the National Race in the match up between joe biden and donald trump and this is also worrying for the president the latest poll numbers showing that in the battleground state of florida the 2 are in fact no longer neck and neck but joe biden has taken the lead by 4 Percentage Points there the battleground state of arizona biden again ahead by 2 Percentage Points and when we look at the sort of handling of the 2 candidates biden has an edge when it comes to coronavirus but when it comes to the economy donald trump is still in the lead albeit narrowly so we look ahead to this Vice President ial debate expect as rob reynolds was reporting there that kamel harris the Vice President ial nominee for the democratic side is going to hit mike pence hard on his handling of the covert task force here in the United States something that we understand will be all pandemic all the time in the debate stage but we know that mike pence is going to hit back trying to characterize calmly harris is being reflective of the more extreme section of the Democratic Party and in some polling with regard to the Vice President ial debate it appears that come what harris has the edge 43 percent think shell win the state compared to 37 percent for mike pence White House Correspondent Kimberly Hackett thank you for that update from washington d. C. And you can watch live coverage of the Vice President ial debate right here on aljazeera thats from 01 g. M. T. On thursday morning. Still to come on aljazeera to form a i saw members arrive in the u. S. To face trial for allegedly beheading americans and only the 4th time in its history the nobel prize for chemistry is given to 2 women for that were developing the ability. We got a good westerly flow across much of year now cloud and rain are rolling in from the atlantic sweeping across pretty much all policies because through the next couple days or somewhat the weather theyre moving across the British Isles through the low countries through scandinavia whats the weather further east as well weve got some heavier busts of right pushing a crusty ukraine into power essentially pushing that with was moscow somewhat whether thats just around bowl garia sliding into that western side of to even though and possibly could see some wet weather as because through thursday come friday that cloud of rain that will make its way further east which still possibility of some localized flooding around the shuls of the black sea further west another pulse of rain coming in across and in wells pos youll see some wet weather there out ahead pretty scotland season out and right somewhat with it see how to make its way across the low countries know in policy front central areas of charity but to the south of that at last yes we have got some sunshine in the full cost and that sunshine stretches across northern parts of africa central areas still continue to see those showers i was there its a southern nigeria into southern gonna ivory coast easing across into liberia and sierra leone and thats so making us well little further north even as far as mali. But for. The crime that shook japan or people get killed on one occasion you know as bloody a massacre as this was on the tracks a lot of reporting there was just a current drumbeat who did it who did it who did it the hasty conviction that led to the worlds longest held the throw prisoner and his sisters 47 year long battle to save him from execution witness to come out of japans death row on a. A reminder of the top stories here on aljazeera 2 men have been found guilty for their role in a mass shooting at a nairobi Shopping Mall which killed 67. 00 people the suspects have been charged with helping alshabaab fighters to watch the attack and 2013. Talks have been announced in a bid to end the fighting between armenia and azerbaijan that claimed more than 300 lives Foreign Ministers will meet separately with representatives from the us france and russia. The 2 contenders for u. S. Vice president will go head to head in the coming hours mike pence in Carmel Harris will be separated by clear plastic barriers for the 90 minute televised debate. Governments across europe a struggling to balance the health of the people with the well being of their economies in coronavirus cases means new restrictions have been imposed in belgium and scotland while its now the law to wear masks outdoors in italy france has reported its highest numbers of daily infections but in baba reports. Not so long ago they were being applauded every evening for their lifesaving efforts now front line workers at a law passed hospital like others in madrid a staging launched on strikes with coverage 19 cases of deaths on the rise again theyre exhausted if we act the everything up in their effort minute im here to represent my colleagues and our battle for better working conditions for our rights our salaries our hours to be able to have a Work Life Balance to be able to spend time with our family. Since last friday almost 5000000 people in and around madrid have in theory been under new restrictions. But fines for traveling outside the area other than for an essential reason such as work study or visiting a doctor are on hold until a legal challenge is heard. In britain the Opposition Labor Party is questioning local restrictions in parts of Northern England pointing out that 19 out of 20 areas under restrictions for 2 months had reported rising infection rates the Prime Minister really needs to understand that local communities are angry and frustrated so will he level with the people of barrie permian bolton and tell him what does he actually think the problem is here from friday pubs and restaurants across Central Scotland have to close for 16 days with a new 6 pm curfew elsewhere together with the scotland wide ban on visiting other households these add up to the toughest measures anywhere in the u. K. The reason were not closing in the hospitality completely is that we know the benefits in terms of reducing loneliness and isolation of giving people particularly those who live alone some where they can meet a friend for a coffee and a chat but in belgium they are shutting down all bars and cafes in the capital brussels from thursday after a spike in infections i understand why. But i think its a bit long for months the months have flags a local service so its a bit sad here for students at these. Meanwhile in italy wearing a mask outdoors is being made compulsory the National Infection rates actually among europes lowest but the countrys recorded its highest daily increase in new cases since the peak in april across europe governments face a challenge how to prevent the Health Sector from being overwhelmed again while trying not to shut down completely nadine barber aljazeera. 2 members of eisel known as the beatles are expected to pair in a u. S. Court for their alleged involvement in the beheadings of 4 americans. Shaken alexander coty where u. K. Citizens but the British Government withdrew their citizenship wasnt jordan joins us live from washington d. C. Well we know that britain handed over evidence to u. S. Prosecutors on the condition that these men would not face the Death Penalty what can we expect from this trial well you can expect a rather gruesome testimony from the prosecution witnesses you can expect that the defendants who have already given the media interviews before they were all bundled up and brought here to the United States to deny those accusations that they were actively involved in the beheadings of these 4 americans who were in the middle east at the time of their capture they said that they have been involved in the work of isis but that they were not involved in the murders of these 4 americans president jordan thanks for the update from washington d. C. This is nobel prize in chemistry has been awarded from Major Development in genome editing to female scientists received the award for finding a way to alter d. N. A. In plants animals and people the 1st 2 women to win the prize is less hunting reports sue called genetic scissors can cut through plant animal and human d. N. A. Removing disease and imperfections and altering the code of life its a discovery thats earned a manual of france and american jennifer do this years nobel prize in chemistry. Did you check newness crisper cast 9 the tool can be used to cut single genes out of a d. N. A. Strand contributing to new Cancer Therapies and offering the possibility of curing hereditary diseases. Duda says these genetic scissors are like using a Word Processing Program to fix a typo in a document but there are lots of genetic diseases that you could potentially use this kind of technique to start to try and treat or you can use it to create a little so that we can specifically test out medicines much more easily more effectively the path from discovery to prize has taken less than a decade a relatively short period by nobel Standards Committee 1st published her findings in 2011 after studying bacteria and how they fight viral infections that same year she joined forces with from the university of california berkeley in the us to recreate the bacteria as genetic scissors in a test tube the Crisper Technology has already been used to change the d. N. A. In the cells of mice and monkeys other organisms as well chinese scientists showed recently that they could even use the Crisper Technology to change genes in human embryos and scientists in philadelphia show they could use crisper to remove the d. N. A. Of and integrated hiv virus from infected human cells but this new technology is not without controversy some are concerned that altering human d. N. A. Could lead to questionable practices including creating socalled designer babies together with my colleagues i have called for a global conversation about the technology that i coinvented so that we can consider all of the ethical and societal implications of a Technology Like this the pair are the 6th and 7th women to win a nobel prize for chemistry and today casper casts 9 is a common tool in biochemistry and molecular biology labs only imagination sets the limits for what this chemical to us too small to be disappointed with our ice. Can be used for in the future perhaps the dream of curing genetic diseases will come true. Heard in aljazeera the top stories on aljazeera 2 men have been found guilty for their role in a thanks for their role in too many being found guilty for their role in a deadly mass shooting at a nairobi Shopping Mall in 2013 the suspects have been charged with helping our sabbat fighters launched an attack at the Westgate Mall in kenya capital a 3rd man was acquitted of judgment comes more than 7 years after gunmen from the group massacred 7 people 67 people talks have been announced in a bid to end the fighting between armenia and azerbaijan thats claimed more than 300 lives Foreign Ministers from the 2 countries will meet separately with the u. S. France and russia over the coming days have been 11 days of fighting in the disputed nagornokarabakh region all the french of that are going to be talks on thursday in geneva and on monday in moscow of the minsk group this is fronts russia and the us the group that was set up to try and work out as a solution for Nagorno Karabakh after the end of the war in 1994 it hasnt done the last 30 years now aljazeera understands that in fact it was an idea a suggestion to have these talks about 23 weeks ago and they were going to set a date up before the fighting started will now are those 2 dates have been set up an aljazeera also understands that the Foreign Ministers of azerbaijan and armenia will go to these talks of one of the Foreign Ministers will go to geneva and the other one will go to moscow the power vacuum in kyrgyzstan is persisting with rival groups failing and attempts to take control

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