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Rock n roll hall of fame guitarist the van halen dies from count age 65. The political turmoil in kurdistan isnt easy and the Prime Minister has been replaced now by an opposition politician who was freed from jail the day before by protest theres been widespread antigovernment demonstrations which have seen opposition supporters take over most of the capitals government buildings the crisis has led to the results of sundays parliamentary election being an old following accusations of vote by lets go straight to our correspond Charles Strafford whos been following events for us from bishkek charles bring us up to date what. The latest political situation. Well the situation continues to be very tense in day there doesnt seem to be any central leadership any Central Authority in control of the situation here actually standing at the main square where we saw those big demos that were cleared out. A couple of days ago by Security Forces now representatives of various different opposition groups have been here giving speeches weve had representatives of other opposition groups. One could interpret them all almost as being rivals in other areas of the square the kind of message that weve been listening to leaders here and these are members of what they describe as a Coordination Council which was set up yesterday and representatives of that council have been demanding but the president is impeached theyve been saying that they did mounting the arrest of one of the president s big allies and somebody who was very much part of funding one of the progovernment parties in those parliamentary polls that were canceled. And they are also saying that the only legitimate all surratt see any decisions that should be made should be made through a full parliaments now this is interesting because the parliamentary session last night that voted into power the new Prime Minister this month so there are over who as you say was released from jail free from jail by a position activists a man who was serving the 11 year jail for kidnapping the members of parliament voted him in and that emergency session last night we understand predominantly government. We know that there were not many of them session which was held in a Downtown Hotel the implication is that there are a lot of opposition parties and opposition figures that do not agree with disappointment of so there is a pearl as the new Prime Minister as they say the situation is tense a weve had rival groups giving speeches in different areas of the square an interesting lead just off on the sidelines as well there are groups of men gathering together its a very kind of conspiratorial and worrying atmosphere here. This morning and took us through some of the remick ramifications of that political chaos that youve been describing because were hearing theres been an attempt snouts storm the offices of the gold Company Needs some more lights im not. Yes indeed the smalling control is a Canadian Company wholly owned by a Canadian Gold Company its hugely important for this countrys economy contributes about 8 percent of its g. D. P. We went down there to smalling to the company h. Q. Having heard reports that they were attacked by a group of men and indeed that seems to be the case the Company Headquarters were protected by security and the men were forced to leave but this is not the 1st time that weve seen this in the last couple of days that been similar attacks by unidentified groups of men on gold and gold mining facilities in various areas of the country another indication of just how potentially lawless the situation is here but interestingly last night. We began to see volunteer groups setting themselves on law and trying to to come together certainly at night to prevent things like looting we did see a little bit of looting last night businesses being attacked and as i say these volunteer groups now trying to organize themselves to try and prevent that happening in. Stark indication of a just how the situation could become here. At the very latest from many thanks. In other news senior white house adviser Stephen Miller has become the latest member of the Trump Administration to test positive for covert 19 he joins a long list of those who now have the virus and the outbreak appears to have spread to the pentagon mike hanna reports. Steven miller is president trumps top speechwriter and policy adviser and a company use of president tom the majority of his campaign and fund raising trips while the president took off his mask when he returned to the white house from 3 days in hospital have been an increasing number of infections in the building in recent days another close adviser to the president hopes picks tested positive last week shed been in close contact with most in the president s inner circle but all ringback floated c. D. C. Guidelines by not going into so of coroutine until testing negative. The press secretary Kerry Mcanany briefed reporters the day after hicks tested positive and this week she announced that she is infected along with a number of her and at least 3 journalists who work at the white house the list of those in the white house whove been infected include both the director of Oval Office Operations and president Trumps Campaign manager. The countrys top Infectious Disease expert is no longer in regular contact with the president and has not been consulted at all in recent days what went on in the white house you know i dont want to every time i Say Something thats an issue i wind up spending a lot of time ensuring phone calls and emails i should say it was not done according to what i would have recommended. A number of non white house staff tested positive buff to this gathering in the rose garden to announce president trumps nomination to the vacant bench of the Supreme Court it flouted d. C. Law that forbids any gathering of more than 50 people the white house is a federal property and outside the districts jurisdiction the day after the rose garden gathering this man coast guard admiral charles ray attended a meeting in the oval office hes tested positive for corona virus he held meetings with joint chiefs of staff at the pentagon in recent days and now the countrys most senior military leaders are in self quarantine including the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff general mark milley on monday 105 new coronavirus cases were reported in the district of columbia that is a high as daily total in 4 months the white house will not release an exact list or number of those whove tested positive but its likely to be a significant portion of the daily cases recorded in d. C. As a whole mike hanna aljazeera washington. U. S. President donald trump is facing criticism for calling off negotiations over a new coronavirus stimulus package talks had been on the way with the democrats but the president has tweeted saying hell only pass the bell after he wins the election u. S. Stock markets fell as a result by about 2 percent following the news House Democrats had passed a 2. 00 trillion dollar relief bill on thursday but Senate Republicans rejected it is known for watching it because he has abandoned our children we had such great provisions in the bill not that they greet all of them yet but on a path out workers need to do for americas working families they band in our fight to crush the virus which they have heard and not really missed you know and they are going to hear us Jason Nichols is a democratic strategist he says the president has bailed on helping those struggling to make ends meet during the pandemic. I think it reflects really poorly on this president he is somebody who prioritizes himself hes getting the best care government subsidized care but doesnt want to public option for the rest of us for the rest of us to get the kind of care he got and as a result 210000 people have died under is leadership you see him spreading this kind of this information somewhere between 12 and 60000 people die from the flu but yet as i said in less than a year weve already lost 210000 people very famous and powerful people have lost friends and family members and more importantly or should say more importantly but also lots of working class people their families are struggling theyre losing family members they cant feed their families at night or during the day or at any other moment theyre having a tough time keeping a roof over their heads paying their bills and the president has bail were going to do this after the election you know after you know all the negotiating chips are in my favor because youve already won thats not prioritizing the American People thats prioritizing his agenda and himself the mexican resort town of cancun is bracing for a direct hit from hurricane delta which has strengthened to a category 4 storm tourists have moved from hotels into shelters the hurricane could be the strongest to strike the mexican state of new krypton in 15 is cuba is also bracing for the storm and has evacuated coastal areas archangels has expected to head to head to states of louisiana and the u. S. Later on this week in pakistan more than 1000000 people are struggling to recover from 2 months of devastating floods the province of sindh has been the worst hit solid but us reports. The rains began in august in the southern port city of karachi they were the heaviest in almost a seam tree they lashed the surrounding province of sindh for 2 months monsoon rains fell on already salt and ground resulting in devastating floods the Wood Food Programme in Sindh Government believes that more than 1200000 people have lost more than 90 percent of their belongings and crops used to go to. 20 families live here and our village has been swept away we havent received any tents or rations yet now we are under the open skies seeking mercy from god. Residents in rule since say they feel abandoned by the government they have been worst hit most families have lost livestock nearly all their crops are ruined and 2 thirds of irrigation infrastructure is damaged that the b. B. I got. We lost everything in these flood waters our house our cattle and our belongings we hardly saved anything there isnt any help from the government and were faced with starvation and we dont have any money to rebuild our house this isnt government declared a state of emergency in late august they say theyre assessing the damage to infrastructure like roads and communications that are overwhelmed africa come on i strongly protested with the federal government about their epiphanes towards this disaster i asked them several times to Call International agencies and friendly countries to help at this crucial time to reach out to these poor people but there was no response. Hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced some have found safety on a bank means although there are widespread who had use of food and clean Drinking Water residents lack basic amenities including toilets the Wood Food Program says it is particularly concerned with winter approaching and the 3 of water borne diseases we expect to systems can too. At least through to the end of november and perhaps into the middle of december at least in terms of relief support for those people who lost their lost their homes this will be a critical. Part of an ongoing effort right now in an area known as the breadbasket of sindh there is little to be harvested these people rely on the rain for their livelihoods but this year it took much more and it gave charlotte dallas which is here and. Part of a breakthrough in. Progress. But. We have yet another spell a very wet some windy weather tumbling in from the atlantic that run across the British Isles france all the way down through the out sanaa still area of low pressure here thats going to face in very wet weather out of italy running across northern parts of the balkans just pushing across croatia towards. The south which could even see some wet weather gradually pushing across into northern parts of grace eventually that will make its way towards to somewhere so whether further east but take a look at bucharest 27. 00 celsius the on widest i make the most of that because calm thursday 20 degrees in the cloud and the rain some heavy downpours coming in at that stage is that whats the weather pushing into western positivity cools a little localized flooding see how they stand this way up towards. The does come back in behind so we will see some better conditions coming back into the balkans coming back into italy much of france north america front still seeing some showers along the spells of right best of the song will be down towards the southwest by imports cool front quite nicely over the next couple of days. The parts of africa and more just keep things a little fresher than it has been recently but showers there just around southern nigeria god are pushing all the way across into liberia and also up towards the gambia. Well im not happy when the president of the. United states speaks out the rest of the world takes notice. Aggressive negotiation on trade deals. Unparalleled military might International Agreements hanging by for the next u. S. Foreign policy put america 1st. And be a Leading Light for the world at large. Some of the key issues of the u. S. Election. On aljazeera. English. Youre watching aljazeera or mind top stories this hour the Prime Minister has been replaced by an opposition politician who was freed from jail by protesters is promised constitutional reform and elections within 3 months sundays result led to widespread anger. Was counseled. White house adviser Stephen Miller has become the latest Top Administration official to test positive for coke at 19 around a dozen white house officials have now tested positive including the president. Aid agencies in southern pakistan appealing for help 2 months after devastating floods hundreds of thousands of people remain displaced after flooding destroyed homes and farms. Theres been fierce fighting the noise as armenia and azerbaijan continue their battle over the disputed in the golan a cutback region people in the territories main cities took shell to shelling from azerbaijan the azerbaijani side says armenia has also launched attacks on several regions resulting in more than 20 civilian deaths and the smith has the latest from gorgeous in armenia. Amidst the burning wreckage of a bombardment of stepan aka the largest city in the goanna karabakh evidence says on the City International cluster bombs explode in the air scattering hundreds of smaller bombs indiscriminately more than 100 countries have bombed them but not as a by john or armenia. Civilians in the going back in azerbaijan have been caught in the middle of 10 days of fighting between the 2 sides here in armenia displaced people from karabakh a picking up donated food god help it we just heard the air raid siren took the children and left now were here with 2 families 10 people 8 children living in a relatives house we hope for peace everything will be good the one that is not a woman our sons are fighting back of their my husband stayed home to defend our village and were staying here with my sister we wait for good news because our sons are fighting like eagles. This school in azerbaijan is one of the refuges for the 10s of thousands of displaced People Living near the line of contact most of the 65 families here are from tartar out of turn to classrooms into bedrooms food is provided by donors and the local government and not let their governors have they began shelling everywhere our houses were hit most places were damaged old mothers like me and children came here we had to leave only with the clothes that we were wearing have said i am even yet figure we were at home when they started shelling and we had to jump out just as we were we hardly saved our own lives shame on the Armenian Forces that attack civilians despite the fact that they are living on online its. A ceasefire still seems a distant prospect turkeys foreign minister was in the is there a capital back who on choose day. A solo question what the point of a ceasefire would be when theres been one for the last 30 years and armenia still hasnt withdrawn from azad. Territory it occupies. These areas military says theyve seized a half abandoned village in a goal no karabakh very close to the contact line that divides the own play from ours or by john armenias government didnt immediately comment the russian and French Foreign ministers and the u. S. Secretary of state have condemned what they call the unprecedented and dangerous escalation of violence in and outside of nagornokarabakh and they say that recent attacks on civilian centers in the gorno kyra back to armenia and azerbaijan are disproportionate and constitute an unacceptable threat to the stability of the region. But its an aljazeera doris armenia. A green court is set to pass judgment on more than a dozen members of the far right Golden Dawn Party take a look at these live pictures from athens where thousands of left wing protesters have gathered outside the court to a wait that theyre ticked which were expecting any moment now the court will decide whether the group is a criminal organization something the party has denied it follows the killing of the musician in 2013 by a golden dawn supporter musician was known for his anti fascist songs and his killing sparked outcry across the country and will bring that for you as soon as we get it. Representatives from libyas rival administrations have agreed on the appointment of several high profile positions m. P. s from libyas un recognized government in tripoli and the eastern base to brook government have been holding talks in morocco the new appointments include the Central Bank Governor chairman of the National Oil Corporation and a general prosecutor the names must still be endorsed by both houses of parliament. So says a told al jazeera the 3 members of the Turkish Red Crescent are being detained in yemen by a u. A. E. Backed fight is the humanitarian team was stopped at a checkpoint controlled by southern separatists in the city of aden their whereabouts are unknown. Anger is growing until layoffs of Police Officers were filmed throwing a teenager from a bridge it happened almost a year since massive protests erupted against inequality thousands were arrested and indicted demonstrators say brutality is systemic the cname and reports from santiago. It took only a 2nd a special forces policeman appearing to hurl a 16 year old student protest or over this bridge 7 and a half meters down into the river the youth survived but the alleged culprit has been charged with attempted homicide and other officers who were trying to cover it up but the timing couldnt have been worse for if someone did not respect louis i should of course be sanctioned accordingly but the support for our police force is key especially because we need peace in. The 25th. The interior minister is referring to this months constitutional referendum but the protests are already heating up ahead of october 18th the day that marks the start of last years social uprising. Its led to thousands of charges of brutality on the part of riot police this is the bridge from where the demonstrator was hurled into the river last friday and despite a state of emergency thats been called because of a pandemic which forbids demonstrations there have been nearly daily protests ever since but the public outrage is also being fueled by what is widely regarded as sweeping impunity that. Phillipa to get me and well see a model or shouting democracy cannot survive with so much impunity. There among the 450. 00 chileans who were injured in one or both eyes by riot Police Shooting pellets or tear gas canisters often at point blank range over that hill a matter tells us he was trying to help a protest or who was being beaten by police when he was shot this. July kalmus says many are now suffering from untreated depression and panic attacks they protested at us i suffered an eye injury and fracture of my skull and i was told. I was a qualified welder now i cant support my family to stay as a band of us in terms of Promise Health care and in terms of justice. To these institute for human rights says that the vast majority of cases of violations committed by Security Forces remain unpunished of the 2500. 00 cases of abuses presented by the institute including sexual assaults torture and murder only 32. 00 officers have so far been officially charged. The government must take firm action to ensure effective reform of the Police Institution as well as substantially increase the budget of the dis reprints so it can do its job unfortunately i dont see the political will. Its a vicious circle at a time when trust in chiles institutions is added historically low the only going abuses are likely to fuel get more social unrest you see illumine aljazeera sent out. Thats the candidates vying to be the next Vice President of the United States are preparing for a showdown and Salt Lake City the debate between mike pence and come on a harris will likely focus on president obamas health care mishandling a coveted 19 brunells has more. Amidst a head spinning events of the past week the Vice President ial debate on wednesday takes on unprecedented significance this is going to be a critically important debate usually the debates are sideshows with the candidates earnestly discussing issues and tossing the occasional verbal zinger but as Vice President mike pence and senator camel harris take to the stage in Salt Lake City the main issue is literally a matter of life or death i think theres going to be an enormous focus on the president s health mr bidens health as well frankly they are the 2 oldest president ial nominees in American History a book right now with the president and some questions swirling about how truly ill he is it really puts into stark contrast what this debate is actually about is making sure that a person is ready to become president at a moments notice in terms of substance the debate will almost certainly focus on how the trumpet ministration has handled the pandemic that puts pince who chairs the White House Coronavirus task force in a difficult spot he ran the task force he was chosen by the president to do it he was responsible for those early you know statements about just flattening the curbs i mean i imagine those that are working with kind of iris in preparation for this debate are spending a lot of their time coming up with creative ways to lay this all at the feet of the Vice President and the president the style of the 2 candidates is quite different pences stoic unflappable and unlikely to get rattled on stage hes a seasoned debater and his experience as a radio talk show host in the 1990 s. Prepared him to think on his feet harris a former courtroom prosecutor has shown her ability to disconcert Administration Officials in Senate Hearings i wouldnt i wouldnt. Yes im not. Its true that i will repeat it with great uncertainty over whether the 2 remaining president ial debates will take place at all the showdown in Salt Lake City may be the last debate before election day in a campaign full of unpredictable twists robert oulds al jazeera. And you can watch live coverage of the Vice President ial debate right here on aljazeera from one g. M. T. As to morning. One of the greatest guitarist of all time Eddie Van Halen has died at the age of 65. 00. This summer says he had enjoyed a long in audience battle with cancer the band van halen is among the top 20 best selling artists of all time it was inducted into the rock n roll hall of fame and 2007 well magic is a musician from Oakland California he says van halen leaves behind a strong legacy. Eddie van halen is considered. Up there with jimi hendrix amongst the. Rock guitar gods most influential rocket taras i think though the main Technical Innovation that editing him and did that very few people done before him was he played the guitar almost like a piano you know he did the finger tapping on the song eruption with classical virtuosity and the soul of blues music and that that really set virtual high level amongst guitarists from from then from then on. I think bringing his signature charisma into that as well you know that combination of the blues music and and his liveliness all all really will live a strong legacy. Of the top stories. Prime minister has been replaced by an opposition politician who was freed from jail by protest as is promised constitutional reform and elections within 3 months on those results led to widespread anger and was eventually an old tell site that has more from. People you can see behind me

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