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A step towards peace sudans government and on the group sign a deal but some shunned. So the team of doctors treating the us president say they are pleased with his progress but cannot give a timetable for when hell be released from hospital a donald trump was admitted to the Walter Reed National military Medical Center in mary land on friday hes been receiving its very mental treatment for covert 19 earlier President Trump tweeted that things are going well i think and hes been thanking his supporters just 72 hours into the diagnosis now the 1st week of it and a particular day 7 to 10 of the most critical in determining the likely course of this illness at this time the team and i are extremely happy with the progress the president has made. There is a he had a mild cough and some nasal congestion fatigue all of which are now resolving improving support and that the president s been fever free for over 24 hours we remain cautiously optimistic but hes doing great and the president this morning is not on oxygen not having difficulty breathing or Walking Around the white house medical unit up stairs. Hes an exceptionally good spirits and in fact as were completing our multidisciplinary rounds this morning. The quality he left us with was i feel like i could walk out of here today and that was a very encouraging comment from the president or lets cross to of course one of my kind of he started by firsts in maryland and mike a very positive report on the president s state of health. Indeed yes a very positive diagnosis from that felling saw doctors and nurses who briefed the American Public thered been a lot of criticism about the lack of information concerning President Trumps treatment and certainly now a lot of aunt says given a lot of issues were addressed critically there we heard the doctor referred to the fact that the president has not had a fever for the past 24 hours that is oxygen levels are good all the science of somebody who is coping well with the virus it would appear they say that they do not want to put any hard data as to how long the president will remain in the hospital the initial target date was some 5 days no indication that that has changed the president will continue to be monitored closely as he struggles to deal with the virus now another very interesting point is that the doctors specifically mention that on the one hand they are treating the results of the coronavirus on the other hand they are also monitoring the therapies that they are using in particular the experimental cocktail drug that was given to the president 24 hours ago this has not been passed by the f. D. A. It hasnt even been in the final Clinical Trials so doctors making very clear that 2 specific issues of the monitored 1st of all the progress of the covert virus but secondly the impact on the president of that experimental cocktail that was administered to him but the bottom line according to the doctors the president at about hes walking hes cheerful hes performing his functions of a president in the executive suite of the hospital behind me here so all in all a very good prognosis at this particular stage right as you say we wont know we dont know yet its when the president will be released he has said apparently i feel as if i could walk out of here today and as you say hes been carrying out his g. T. E. As they say. And presumably casting his mind forward to the upcoming election in one months time which will be very much weighing on his mind though with. Very much so the impact on the selection is considerable with the hospitalized patients of not only a sitting president but also the candidates in this coming election our president trance campaign has been based on the impact of mass meetings hes held a series of Mass Gatherings some that airports but at least one in a closed environment now this will obviously have to be reviewed given the fact of the president s positive coronavirus status the trunk campaign is going to have to rethink what it is going to be doing in the weeks ahead they going to have to break away from that pattern of Mass Gatherings that has been the absolute staple of the president s campaign so this is a very difficult issue for them and of course for the president no doubt to this is something being considered at this particular moment but here the democrats had largely been waging a Virtual Campaign the democratic candidate joe biden very few mass meetings any meeting has been with social distancing with the vast majority of people Wearing Masks and the like in the Trump Campaign but they have an edge in terms of the fact that they have been operating on the basis of a Virtual Campaign for weeks now that the Trump Campaign may have to pivot away from its Mass Gatherings no social distancing very few mosques within the crowds to a campaign that is rooted in the reality of covert 19 a reality that has struck a very fiercely at the very heart of the Republican Campaign that being the president of the United States or mike thanks very much mike hanna reporting lets speak now to dr daniel new see who is our joint professor of Infectious Disease that Georgetown University joins us. Scott from hanover in New Hampshire go to d. C. Welcome we were talking about this just before the statement from Sean Connolly and discussing the risk factors the president has being 74 and overweight it seems as if hes in pretty good shape. Yes based on the press conference that we just heard by a group of 10 of his Health Care Providers doctors and nurses and clinical pharmacists. It seems that he is stable and perhaps has improved a bit in terms of less cost no fever not on oxygen at this time. His blood tests were reported for his liver function and for his kidney function and for his heart. Report is normal by his doctor dr. Donnelly so those are good good updates im glad they provided that information these experimental drugs. As if it and the drug the antibody treatment provided by region are on. In a sense donald trump has become one of the guinea pigs isnt a test see them out how important do you think the decision might prove to have been to administer those drugs to him. Well 1st let me just say. Its a small point perhaps but to me its important to that they use the term guinea pig i wouldnt say that. For the president because the rent disappears been given to many thousands of people around the world and it is a given emergency use authorization by the food and drug association. Agency im sorry food and drug agency in the United States and then this Monoclonal Antibody which is actually to markland out the bodies monocle it just means directed right at the virus not against anything else. Its in Clinical Trials it hasnt been given any kind of emergency use authorization by the f. D. A. But its been given to him apparently close to 1000 people already of whom 275 were preliminarily reported on this past tuesday september 29th by the general and the company that makes it so i didnt use the term guinea pig here because a lot of other people have received both of these treatments but we hope that theres some benefit the benefit with them does appear has been reported to be fairly mild reducing the number of days of hospitalization from 15 to 11 on average. And generally in a body i think its worth noting that theres 3 separate studies that general has been doing to test this double antibody if you will monocle have to money and theyve only reported on 1. 00 of them the 3 of them are people who are very 2nd hospital people who are not so sick so theyre not in hospital but they have the virus and then people who are not even in fact that but theyve been around somebody like a Family Member thats been infected so the only group that regenerates told us about the effect of the body and again this is past tuesday september 29th its on the general and web site they had a press release its only on the non hospitalized group which is you know thats to present trying to fit into. Before he got hospitalized. At the white house he got the dose of the general and and the effect is that it seems to decrease the amount of virus and decreases the number of days until your symptoms go away so hopefully thats going to happen with the president rather than get it depends a lot according to the general on the effect of the end of a treatment on whether you have already made your own antibody and therefore decrease the amount of virus before you got the region around the body it was more effective if you had not made your own antibody and you still had higher levels of virus and no one has asked the president or doctors im sorry no ones asked his medical team to my knowledge yet about that in terms of any press interviews and that was not something that was addressed at all by my is not a team just now rubbish and see how that develops beforehand before being infected donald trump of course as we all know to say the least was not one to take advice medical advice to seriously unscientific advice to seriously this treatment has left him so far in pretty good shape one wonders if hell change his position his stones on medical advice and so forth and how important you think it is that his messaging does change. But i do think its very important. For him as a president this country of the answers for america and also for the many other people that have gotten the infection do have the infection now and unfortunately many many more people in this country other countries around the world perhaps even china will get this virus infections or his leadership is essential and i hope he continues to do very well i think theres one or 2 other things are too much and really i think are very very important. In my view adequately addressed in the press conference just now by his medical team. Particularly theres a question at the end that dr shah dami didnt answer which is is a patient receiving a methadone or its a type of a what we call cortical steroid use yes only given if you were in hospital and having trouble breathing so apparently is not having trouble breathing as oxygen saturation was reported up there on a normal range but if you do receive x. Amount of zone for any reason then it. Will take away a fever so we were told he has no fever for 24 hours so as long as he hasnt been on ducks about the through on its own or some other steroids thats very good news but if he has been under the amount that song or any other steroid then that will. Make a fever go away so thats important and then the other thing is blood clots theres a question about that and dr chandran he said that theyre following International Protocols for following to evaluate for blood clots i think its important to ask but it wasnt ask if youre receiving any therapy to prevent blood clots or to treat any blood clots and might have been identified for example on a what we call a cat scan our c. T. Scan of the lungs again that question wasnt asked we were told that he has been getting ultrasounds thats very different than a cat scan and for me its certain its it would be. Beyond plausibility if he has not received a cat scan or more than one of his longest already i dont really see how were going to leave it there we do appreciate your expertise on this where we got a kind of preview before dr conleys announcement and we go to the press to say thanks very much indeed for that appreciate it and you can hear well its not clear how the president caught the virus but one possibility is last saturdays event in the white house rose garden at least 7 people including 2 republican senators who attended trump Supremes Court nominee ceremony have tested positive they dont choose day trump was in ohio for the 1st president ial debate with joe biden the president s onto raj including Family Members they didnt wear masks in the debate moderator has said that donald trump did not arrive in time to get tested before the event took place and on wednesday the president flew to an election rally in minnesota with his aide hope hicks who picks tested positive on thursday and despite that diagnosis from within his inner circle the president then attended a fundraiser at his bed and its the golf club in new jersey former white house counselor Kellyanne Conway and Trumps Campaign manager bill stepien have also tested positive a conaway was at the rose garden event last saturday well dr american is a senior lecturer at the university of leeds school of medicine and he says in this case Contact Tracing will be a hugely complicated process. Were talking about very influential people who are likely to be going to meeting or conference or dinners after dinner is atis up to parties where they mingle with with other people its really important that anyone who has been in close contact with anyone whos tested positive really puts himself forward for a test but more importantly self isolates the 10 to 14 days depending on where you live and what we see is actually they are not doing that that they are in close proximity with these people and they going about their business is usual and what we can see from a lot of the pictures that are coming out from these events is that they not Wearing Masks and its now thoroughly established that masks not only protect of the people from your doctors but they can also protect the wearer as well so its going to be a really tricky process and just because they have tested negative doesnt necessarily mean they havent got the virus it could be very early on but that the test hasnt picked up the virus and so self isolation is key at through that really. Phase where the virus doesnt have any symptoms increase my politics that we dont live with donald trump in any way but it is sad to see that hes got the virus that the years on well that is news and well and i think everybody here if they get a chance want him to make or a speedy recovery regardless of what your political view is but we werent surprised and what what we know about this virus you know it doesnt matter who you are where you are and still infecting so taking social distancing handwashing mask wearing seriously is important but every Single Person on the. Still ahead here on aljazeera india becomes a 3rd country after the u. S. And brazil coronavirus just exceed 100000 and torture them beheaded in mozambique we hear whos being accused. The weather doesnt look too bad for japan over the next couple days but there will be some rain in the fall causing see this long line of cloud coming in across. The a china sea into central parts of China Shanghai seeing some baked apples as we go through sunday possibility of some localized flooding as results of that not all just push its way a little further east which as we go on into monday night is rather more showers for a time at least across honshu still staying a little unsettled blustery showers rattling across a cada best of the sunshine will be for the south into q 2 the Korean Peninsula not bad notice russia showers pushing down towards Southern China as we go through the next couple of days now plenty of showers along the spells of rain affecting that eastern side of in the a little circulation still in place in the northern parts of the by have been golden thats been lingering here for the past few days are driving those showers on shell up towards bangladesh towards west bengal pushing up towards bahama dishes seeing some heavy showers as well myanmar also seeing some lively downpours western side of india still seeing some showers weve got the on the show a breeze feta some very heavy rain and took on atika there not in the way up towards maharashtra and on towards mumbai. But. North korea isolated and heavily sanctioned yet earning billions around the globe here and 39 is involved in everything that makes money for north korea. To carry defray the cost for its take on tyson. The money this year and it goes straight into the coffers of the leadership a 2. 00 part people in power Investigation Bureau 39. 00 cash for came. On and. But again youre watching out is there a reminder of our top stories this hour and the team of doctors treating the us president say they are pleased with his progress the cannot give a timetable on when he will be released from hospital donald trump was admitted to the Walter Reed National military Medical Center in maryland on friday hed been suffering from fever and for take with a physician say that fever has now gone and that donald trump is not having any difficulty breathing and just one little add to that were hearing that the former new Jersey Governor Chris Christie has tested positive for corona virus and will be receiving medical treatment Chris Christie of course very much within the president s a close on to rush of people and that he was there at that rose garden event last saturday which many believe may have been this kind of super spreader event that led to the president s infection and that of others too all right lets move on Prime Minister says his country faces a decisive moment on the 7th day of the latest fighting with azerbaijan through accusing each other of shelling residential areas in the disputed region of nocona karabakh dozens of people have been killed and wounded despite International Calls for a ceasefire but a smith has the latest from the regions largest city if the panic. The military here says that now 198 soldiers have been killed since fighting started on sunday and 14 civilians now they wont give specific details on advances or losses on the military front they say for security reasons but the military says the fighting has been and remains very intense all the way along the line of contact that says some 182200 kilometers down the eastern side of nagornokarabakh and on the other side as a john hare and step and the main city in a go no karabakh the mood has darkened considerably over the last 24 hours and that is because this city has been hit twice now with a series of attacks of large scale weaponry into episodes and thats the 1st time that has happened here since the war ended in 1994 and weve seen more women and children trying to leave the town and more civilians sheltering in bunkers within or from sudan because theyre losing. Shes been meeting with those displaced by fire. Many of the People Living in the villages and the town center of tarts are having moved to where we are im right now in the center of town so far than just a few always the so if i visit a school of public building where this place people were sleeping for the last couple of days they there are no places that they can stay thats why most of the public buildings are for the internally displaced 2345 families sharing one room to hold one for sharing one bathroom and they are saying that they didnt have anything with them except for the close on and their slippers or shoes and they are waiting to go back when the attacks finished but i have to say that people are very emotional here because they say theyre attacking their own soil from their own soil and they say they have no problem with their 1000000 people but of course it will be it will it will take some time to see how this conflict is going to shape up now President Trump is just one of hundreds of thousands of americans who have been infected with corona virus at the United States is the worst affected country the world just over 48000 new cases where reported on friday alone and youre a spade is limiting who can get in and out of the capital as part of a new lockdown the its being imposed by the Central Government spent madrids Regional Administration pushing back and india has recorded its 100000 deaths from cavan 900 nearly 6000000 people that have tested positive for corona virus lets hear from dr john whos a Public Health expert and consultant to the World Health Organization he says the death toll in india is likely to be under reported but the spike that the countrys mortality rate is relatively low. It is quite clear that you know the kind of infection that its happening in india its not quite simply because of our Demographic Dividend we have a pretty large young population in the country so that the number of super who are infected quite severely limited unlike in many other countries and that is also the one of the reasons why we need all or what that it delayed in india compared to many others just leave it to the population with the low median age compared to many other countries. This is a clear reason why the number of itself is quite low compared to most other countries elsewhere one of the things that the government would have done right from the beginning is to really ramp up the testing of all the people but the testing has been lacking quite a bit by from the beginning and i think its clear from many ways that it happened recently one of the surveys by the countrys top medical board i see a marked with that of a study across the country its just that the actual number of cases 20 times higher than the number of which clearly mean there are a lot of cases of that with im the director and that both cases were clearly missed because of a lack of sufficient testing. Students Transitional Government to sign a peace deal with rebel groups at a ceremony in south sudans couple of juba the deal agreed in order to end decades of fighting thats left millions displaced and hundreds of thousands of people said. 2 groups have signed up to morgan has been watching developments from the sudanese capital to. This signing ceremony today that is happening in the south sudanese capital juba includes various armed groups and the sudanese revolution Front Coalition there are 2 major groups that are not signatories to this deal we have the Sudan Liberation Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement led by abbott as these who have strongholds in the Southern States of South Kordofan and Blue Nile State now he has signed a declaration of principle with the Transitional Government last month this paves way for negotiations for the start of negotiations between the as he said hello and the Transitional Government but the dates for that are yet to be set now he has made many major demands that has already been and compas in that declination of principles one of them being separating states state affairs from religious affairs saying that the country should be secular and that they should have the right to selfdetermination or referendum if you like the other group is the sudans Liberation Movement led by abdullah had Mohammad Noor who is currently in france but has strongholds in the Central Darfur region now he has described the negotiations of this deal that is currently being signed and the process as similar to the previous process as civil and similar to previous deals that have been signed between the previous government that was overthrown in 2019 april 29th team and various other armed groups he says that this does not guarantee peace in sudan and that it does not address the root causes of conflict so in light of the absence of these 2 major groups it doesnt look like this peace deal is comprehensive but the sudanese Transitional Government and those who have signed it are celebrating it saying that it pains were for economic and political stability. Before we move on just to say theres been a lot of talk about the functioning of the u. S. Government after the raft of infractions of the top level of the administration now were hearing that the senate the u. S. Senate has canceled legislative work until october the 19th so what thats 2 weeks will say after these positive tests weve been seeing among lawmakers and raising fears of a Virus Outbreak that may go above and beyond what were seeing so far so as a lot of talk about the french and u. S. Government now were hearing that the senate has canceled all legislative work until october the 19th. Human Rights Groups say theyre increasingly concerned that the number of civilians in northern mozambique who are being beaten tortured and beheaded Government Forces have confronted armed groups fighting to create an Islamic State in kabul delgado province for the past 3 years welcome where has this report. So were calling him to protect his identity he says he was on his way to the market in northern meson peak when military Police Stopped him and beat him. And later filmed it on a mobile phone Government Security forces are fighting armed groups in cabo delgado province. Moose is one of a growing number of civilians who complain of uses by police and soldiers and. One of them called me hey come here he had a gun on me he asked me about my id card and at that moment i didnt have it he told me to lie on the floor and he told his colleague to hit me with a baton he hit me 14 times on the head and the buttocks before i was sent away. Government troops have been accused of consistent abuses against civilians since the conflict began 3 years ago the fighting armed groups known locally as alshabaab you say they want to create an Islamic State. This video which circulated on social media last month appears to show mozambican soldiers. Cues a naked woman of being a member of alshabaab as she tries to run away shes beaten. And then shot dead. Rights group Amnesty International says its analysis has verified the video and that it proves government rights violations. Government condemn the killing and other abuses against civilians but often blames them on the armed groups. That is the military never violated human rights in the north an area of operations killing a terrorist is not a violation of human rights videos of men in mozambique in military uniforms committing abuses such as lethal beatings and beheadings have become common on social media in recent months the government says rebels steal and wear military uniforms Rights Groups say nobody is held to account well my soul just went down. But theyre very sure that nothing is going to happen to them because the man wont demand that. All of those we love. And the actions. The armed groups are accused of widespread abuses to including beheadings and burning homes. Theyve made significant gains this year taking control of some towns as seen here in the center of one of them the government struggling to fight back violence has caused more than 200000 people to flee their homes Rights Groups say if the people can trust the government and its soldiers the conflict will only get worse malcolm webb aljazeera. So this is aljazeera these are the top stories and the team of doctors treating the u. S. President say they are pleased with his progress but cannot give a timetable or when he will be released from hospital donald trump was admitted to the walter reed

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