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Through the white house more positive tests raise concerns about an event suspected of being the super spreader. The fight for Nagorno Karabakh the battle for the disputed area intensifies with both azerbaijan and armenia accuser targeting civilians. And taking a step towards peace sudans government and on groups sign a deal but some groups shunned the agreement. And im peeved scimitar school turns to kenya for the 1st time since the pandemic began the world verdicts continental is in nairobi and we will have the latest from inside the stadium. He suffered fever and fatigue now u. S. President donald trump is receiving experimental treatment for covert 19. The 74 year old was hospitalized on friday afternoon this is where hes being treated the Walter Reed National military Medical Center and maryland that has just gone 90 and there the last update out of the white house was that the president did not need any supplementary oxygen to help him breathe weve heard from trump whos tweeted from hospital that things are quote going well i think and hes been thanking supporters now mike hanna is at the hospital in maryland were going to be speaking to him in a moment but 1st his reports on the developments that have put us politics into new territory. Dressed in a suit and wearing a mask President Trump walked to marine one on assisted minutes before he tweeted out this 5000 to thank everybody for the tremendous record i move into Walter Reed Hospital i think i knew he very well but were going to make sure that these were the 1st ladys doing very well so were thank you very much very appreciated very good they are here. Here right at the ball to eat and once again walked unassisted to a waiting car on his way to a special suite to the hospital where his staff say he will continue to work for the next few days. Democratic challenger joe biden stood on the same stage as the president on tuesday he tested negative for the virus on friday and sent his best wishes tweeting julan i send our thoughts to President Trump and 1st Lady Melania Trump for a swift recovery we will continue to pray for the health and safety of the president and his family trump has several risk factors that put him in danger of complications from covert 19 hughes in his mid seventys and overweight we had the way for the next few days and. You know for some people get really sick within hours but you know some people dont get sick until week after and still we have to really be carefully observing the situation trampas often chosen not to wear a mask including at his own rallies where many of his supporters reject the Science Behind the idea. His Team Including family members went masculists at the tuesday debate trump even ridiculed democratic candidate joe biden for wearing a mosque as recommended by virtually all Public Health experts i dont wear mess like him every time you see hes got a mask he could be speaking 200 feet away from him he shows up with the biggest mask ive ever seen thanks especially in the social where the president may have become infected have also turned to a ceremony in on off Supreme Court nominee amy coney beret which took place at the white house rose garden last saturday several people who attended that largely mosque free event have since tested positive House Speaker nancy pelosi sent to best wishes to the president but said this was a lesson to be learnt this is chad its very sad but it also is something that again going into crowds unmasked and all the rest the sort of a brazen invitation for Something Like this to happen its sad that it did but nonetheless hopeful that it will be a transition to a saner approach to what this virus is all about the white house doctor has confirmed the president received one dose of an experimental drug regeneration it has not been through final Clinical Trials and was administered on what is called a compassionate use basis this is the only way a drug and not approved by the f. D. A. Can be administered to a patient who is not part of a clinical trial. Ok lets not talk to my condo in maryland might you were outlining in your report there be events that brought us to this situation with President Trump in the hospital thats behind you lets talk about the political ramifications of this how are both sides of the political divide in the u. S. Adapting to this brand new situation. Well it has completely thrown the political situation into chaos the Campaign Underway with the elections being held in the everything to an extent has been put on hold the other candidate joe biden has continued with his. Im sorry about that we seem to have lost our feed to mike outside the hospital in maryland lets move on ok so what are the treatments being given to the president who will run this of you is an antiviral drug that was previously tested for bola its not approved by u. S. Drug authorities but it is being allowed for patients with a severe 19 its the only medicine proven to help people recover more quickly around 4 days on average according to one study but the same data shows it does not reduce fatalities and the other treatment is an experimental antibody combination made by regenerate the company says its trials show the cocktail reduces viral load and associated symptoms it too has not been proved but the company can give access for compassionate use well dr khan is a senior lecturer at the university of leeds school of medicine hes joining us in skype from there good to have you with us what can we read into the experimental drugs that the president is being given does it give us any indication about the president s condition. Yes well were being told the president from has got mild since and the vast majority of people with mild still sems should be told to stay at home self isolate and not intersex of the book President Trump is not a normal person like you or i and hes been taken to hospital and hes been given these experimental drug the 1st one rendez there is an antiviral drug its been showing in studies to reduce the name of the illness caused by coke at 90 from an average of 11 days to about 9 days. But its still experimental its not a magic bullet it doesnt cure all the disease it just reduces the length of the disease and the way it works is by tricking the virus into thinking it is a body cell in which the virus can enter and start reproducing and replicating itself actually once the virus has entered it stops it in its tracks so that how how it works the antibody treatment again boosts the recipients and odone to bodies or stimulates antibody production as well as giving then and to fight off the virus all of this is experimental all of it is you know been shown in studies but hasnt be proven in large scale trials so so what President Trump is using is largely experimental or like you say been used in compassionate use and there is a suggestion that the president is in some way expected to if he does recover from this in the virus doesnt get any worse the symptoms dont get any worse that is expected to recover from this and therefore will be about fairly quickly but if i understand it correctly in this age group and given that the president s physical condition is actually very unlikely that thats going to happen in fact there could be some level of hindrance if you like that the president will have to face even though he may be eventually declared free of the virus. I think its important to say even older people do make a full recovery from corona virus but being older and being overweight does put you at higher risk of getting complications the issue is older people have an older immune system that takes time to respond to any kind of virus or bacteria and so the virus has it has time to get avian really start replicating itself and then the other issue with the weight President Trump and said to be obese hes got a body mass index of over 30 and what we know about obesity in the virus is that obesity can make you something called immunocompromised which means your immune system doesnt react as well and if you combine that with his age thats a very slow immune system but also being overweight the fat cells actually cause a permanent state of what we say is inflammation in the body and youve got these rise in these white blood cells so proteins calls cytokines which way overstimulated which the virus can do can cause something called a cytokine storm and that can lead to problems with breathing saluting the loans and failure of organs all over the body so that the risk to trump now even if he has no sense even if you get out of the you know short period the acute phase of the illness there is a risk that we can have some of the long haul symptoms of coronavirus that were seeing lots of people who had even the mildest of symptoms the doctor can stay with us because i want to just talk viewers through the background to how the president may have caught the virus one possibility is lost the last saturdays event in the white house rose garden or at least 7 people who attended trumps Supreme Court nominee ceremony have tested positive on tuesday trump was in ohio for the 1st president ial debate with joe biden on wednesday the president flew to an election rally in minnesota with his aide hope pics she tested positive on. State now despite diagnosis from within his inner circle the president held the white house Media Briefing as normal and attended a fundraiser at his bed minster golf club in new jersey former white house counselor Kellyanne Conway and Trumps Campaign manager bill stepien also tested positive conway was at the rose garden event last saturday and want to bring back in dr dr khan lets talk about the Contact Tracing process for this now were talking about a series of events over the last few days or so in which the president and his family and his immediate circle have been in contact with a very large number of people how difficult is it to try to track the process of the virus through such a large group of people. Its a hugely complicated process and were talking about very influential people who are likely to be going to the meeting or conference or dinners after did as parties after parties where they need a little with with other people its really important that anyone who has been in close contact with anyone whos tested positive really could put some self forward for a test but more importantly sell for isolates the 10 to 14 days depending on where you live and what we see is actually theyre not doing that that they are in close proximity with these people and they going about their business as usual and what we can see from a lot of the pictures that are coming out from these events is that they not Wearing Masks and its now 30 established that masks not only protect other people from your doctors but they can also protect the wearers well so its going to be a really tricky process and just because they have tested negative doesnt necessarily they havent got the virus it could be very early on where that the test hasnt picked up the virus and so self isolation is key through that really. Phase where the virus doesnt have any symptoms in people a doctor can youre a doctor at the n. H. S. Service in the United Kingdom as i mentioned youre a senior lecturer at the leeds school of medicine and we know that this is a president who has consistently rebuffed of the advice of medical professionals about the spread of coronavirus for new and your colleagues had the news about the fact that the president had got this virus what was your reaction. But i wasnt surprised you know we see him events not Wearing Masks getting very close to people even mocking those with with masks oh so its sad to see it my politics that you dont align with donald trump in any way but it is sad to see that hes got the virus that the years and well that is news and well and i think everybody. Wanted to make it a speedy recovery regardless of what your political view is but we were surprised and what we know about this is you know it doesnt matter who you are where you want. To so take the social distancing handwashing mask wearing seriously is important but every Single Person on the dr americana is good to have you an aljazeera thank you very much indeed for your time sir thank you ok i want to take you back to mike hanna who is outside the hospital in maryland where the president is being treated and mike we were we had a few technical problems you were broken off earlier when you were starting to tell us about how both sides of the political divide in the u. S. Are adapting to this new situation that are finding themselves in. Well certainly its thrown a complete bomb into the whole political process with the election coming up in november questions now about the campaigns particularly President Trumps campaign he has felt front and Center Getting out to speak to people if you held a number of Campaign Rallies in recent weeks joe biden has held a number of rallies too but most of them have been virtual so the question now is whether President Trump is able once he recovers to carry on with such events may be very unlikely so now he has to turn to something that the democrats have been doing all along and that is a largely Virtual Campaign avoiding large gatherings something that President Trump has been doing so certainly a number of questions are arising out of the situation now and they are going to be many ramifications for the campaign and indeed a massive impact on that election in november you know mike in your report earlier you were referring to the fact that one of the central. Places for scrutiny in terms of how this might have spread was the white house rose garden that was when tom Supreme Court nominee ceremony to replace lets talk about the Supreme Court process because there is a lot of speculation know about what is actually going to happen with that ahead of the election on november the 3rd. Well rob you mentioned earlier that at least 7 people who were at that rose garden event tested positive with the corona virus among those 7 are 2 republican senators who happened to be members of the Judicial Committee which is supposed to be sitting on october the 12th to begin the nomination process for President Trumps new Supreme Court justice nomination amy barrett so now this has all been thrown into question the democrats already are saying that the hearings can take place now before the election that they cannot be virtual that they have to be postponed until after the election this is something that the democrats have been pressing for before this recent chain of events republicans continuing to insist that their nomination process can be held in a virtual process but the very fact that 2 members of that Judicial Committee the senate Judicial Committee have tested positive for the virus raises all sorts of issues in terms of the nomination process itself now that is just another ramification that has emerged out of this that democrats believe they have got ammunition to postpone the nomination of a Supreme Court justice until after the election allowing perhaps a nother administration to put up its own nomination so all sorts of factors have come into play but also to really emphasize the fact that that nomination ceremony in the rose garden at piers it would appear from all the data merging to being a super spreader event now thats exactly a week ago that that happened the incubation period of the virus is anything from 4 days to a little more than a week so once again great concern about Contact Tracing the Contact Tracing of everybody who was at that rose garden the ceremony given the fact that such a high proportion of people there have already tested positive for the corona virus so all sorts of issues are merging out of this with impact on the political process and with impact on that crucial Supreme Court nomination mike hanna live for us in maryland mike thanks very much. Plenty more ahead on the news hour including roads homes and bridges are swept away after heavy rains caused severe flooding in france britain bishkek ahead of kurdistans parliamentary elections which have been dominated by a debate about people whove been forced to go abroad for work. And coming up in sports well tell you about the technology the use of the London Marathon to ensure social distancing. Armenia and azerbaijan are trading accusations of shelling residential areas in the golan okada buck fighting has continued into a 7th day lets see how this translates on the ground armenia and azerbaijan went to war over nagornokarabakh between 1991 and 994 the contested regions internationally recognized as part of azerbaijan but the majority of the People Living in these red areas are ethnic many in these parts a controlled by a 1000000 forces many as were displaced or during the war in the ninetys the socalled lion of contact you can see it there in the green it separates armenian and is that the armed forces the majority of fighting is happening on either side of that line now were going to get the latest from sin and cos. In azerbaijan 1st lets to speak to Bernard Smith is that halakhah its in iran or back bernard just bring us up to date with the point the situation is where you are. Rob the mood here has darkened considerably in the last 24 hours and thats because last night friday night stepan archerd was hit by large scale weaponry mortars we think and again that happened this morning on saturday and thats the 1st time this major city here in this major town has been hit since the end of the war in 1904 thats made people very nervous many women and children are being sent away others are taking shelter underground in bunkers now the military says its launched a successful counter offensive although its not telling us what success is what gains or losses theyre making but we do know that there is very intense fighting along the 182200 long kilometer contact line that separates north. Visit before the fighting creased some of the towns and villages along that line of contact. Its the safest place in town but everyone here is scared for 5 days the women and children of martini have been hiding in the towns bomb shelters nothing is going to get it and ive been here 6 days how should we feel my sons are on the front line sometimes he managed to talk to them were waiting for peace and for a victory and for sons to return. Throughout the night or when the air raid siren goes off this is where people run for cover. Above ground martinis largely abandoned the 1st mortars hit on sunday thats when fighting flared again between azerbaijan and the selfgoverning armenian enclave of nagornokarabakh is the most serious confrontation since a ceasefire ended a war in 1904 that killed nearly 30000 military personnel. These rockets landed just short of man to these art school and you can see the extent of the devastation there this is right in the center of a martini in this town not far from the front line between azerbaijan and armenia has been hit regularly since sunday by as air force. One i like it so i know up there on the floor im lucky my head didnt blow off russ make background tells us. You know hit him and shattered his shop and home as he sat down for lunch ross make is a veteran of the 1st war here which broke out when armenian majority karabakh broke away from azerbaijan during the breakup of the soviet union. Your bottom line we survive somehow we found some bread its enough what are we going to do im staying because everything i own is in the house and i want to look after it all. Towns and villages all along the border with azerbaijan there in the firing line no one was home when this cluster of 4 homes was blown apart. Myrtle knows that this is our village our home or should i go my children ask me why are you walking out in the village i say if i hear the sound of the bomb its best if it hits me i wont even know it why should i be frightened and over this turkish animal. The leaders of armenia and azerbaijan say theres no immediate likelihood of talks so theyll be more of this. And for those waiting for news of their sons and husbands plenty to worry about. Bernard smith al jazeera in a gone back. Well both sides have been accused of bringing in outside help to turn the tide of the battle for media has pointed the finger at turkey saying johns ally has funneled thousands of mercenaries into the combat zone this has been backed up by french intelligence its tracked fighters heading from syria through turkey and into by john. Has denied the accusations but so far turkey hasnt commented on the other side of the conflict tell us about john has accused armenia of calling on its extensive diaspora to join the fight Ethnic Armenian leaders in lebanon and syria have denied is sending fighters. Well so im calling. John shes joining us from belgium just tell us where you are and whats been happening. Well we are in very good this is one of the most all the cities of azerbaijan activate and this is called the right on one of the 7 veils regions like this a surrounding in the go no korea and 6 of these. This regions very yongs were occupied by the Armenian Forces and we are here we have we were here 2 days ago too but today is the front because since yesterday there are shells rockets hitting the villages of florida as well the bad guys next to tara tirade which is the biggest which is one of the biggest crayons and which has the longest contact time with the girl in a car and tie far is that is a very long which has never been occupied by hours of the forces and today when we came to the area they told us that we wont be able to enter terrorists are because of the security reasons and many of the People Living in the villages and i have the town center of territory have moved to about a day where we are im right now in the city center town center the fire that just a few hours ago i the sense in my visit a school of public buildings where the displaced people were sleeping for the last couple of days and they say there are no places that they can stay thats why most of the public buildings are spared for the internally displaced 2345 families sharing one room all one floor sharing one bathroom and they are saying that they didnt have anything with them except for the clothes on their slippers or shoes and they are waiting to go back when the attacks finished but i have to say that people are very emotional here because they say they are attacked. In their own soil from their own soil and maybe they say they have no problem with their 1000000000 people but of course it will be it will it will take some time to see how this conflict is going to shape up rob cinema thanks very much indeed that simcoe life for us and in azerbaijan. Every storms in Southern France have swept away homes and left others teetering on the edge of cliffs at least 9 people missing the mountainous region around the city of nice on the French Riviera so almost a years worth of rainfall on friday roads and bridges and more than 100. 00 homes have either been destroyed or severely damaged. Well its time for the weather and heres everton the fact that theyve got a years worth of rain in a day is absolutely extraordinary but i know thats in europe and youre looking at another part of the planet yeah thats right rob were going to have a look at the other side of the well beyond the atlantic that that situation in europe was awful were talking trouble still storm alex and much of western europe being hit by those nasty storms on the other side of the atlantic we can expect to see some pretty nasty weather just around the yucatan peninsula with some flooding coming in here over the next couple of days but further north just just a contrast things we have got a drought worst drought for about a decade in chihuahua in northern parts of mexico weve not seen any rain really for quite some time and theres no rain in the forecast the west whether its a real contrast the wetter weather is further south and here we go this is storm gamma making its way up towards the yucatan peninsula its just been named it will intensify further to go on through the next that 24 hours or so but its expected to stay as a Tropical Storm looking its a winds around 100 Kilometers Per Hour certainly Strong Enough but lots of heavy rain 3 millimeters of rain possibility of life threatening floods coming through and also some mudslides so the system makes its way further northwards runs across the yucatan peninsula eventually pushes out into the bay of campeche just following on behind incidentally this next clip just storms lining up towards haiti cuba jamaica that could produce some rather nasty weather could become a tropical system as well about a 1020 percent chance of that but in terms of damage thats going to continue making its way further north woods and west was very heavy rain coming into 2nd southern parts of mexico meanwhile that ongoing drought up towards the north rob thanks very much indeed well still ahead on aljazeera an increasing number of civilians are being tortured and to be headed in mozambique we hear whos being accused. Of limiting who goes in and out of madrid new lockdown measures for spain is capital which opponents. It will create chaos and in sport its taken 22. 00 rules but at long last year the San Diego Padres have one of baseball playoff series it is going to be here its all about action. Or. Corruption it is that invisible behind a wall of silence. Against corruption corruption is not something people being told and that it. Is not the african. Country his email lets destroy this wall. In 2020 the free space over encourages the heroes who are fighting against corruption this helps our communities to save the resources that we need in order to address the burning problems that affect us all. Shine a light on your Anti Corruption hero. Nominate now. Cut through the noise kernel of the Hacker Community find a way to go. For the record im fine with because were live here monitoring the media listening post on aljazeera. He wants the mind of our top stories this hour u. S. President donald trump has been moved to a military Medical Center where hes being treated for cold 90 the white house says hes doing very well trump has had to spend a mental treatments but is not receiving extra oxygen. A media and azerbaijan are trading accusations of shelling residential areas in nagano fierce fighting between their militaries is underway for a 7th day both sides are reporting civilian deaths in. South sudan is hosting the final signing ceremony of a peace deal between sudans Transitional Government and rebel groups the agreement aims to end 17 years of fighting across different regions including dar for which killed 300000 people and forced to 1000000 people from their homes various groups some of them on that make up the Sudan Revolutionary front a jew to sign the deal with the Transitional Government the groups opposed the previous government and president Omar Al Bashir who was overthrown last year now the deal gives the groups 3 seats in the Sovereignty Council and a quarter of the seats in the executive council of the Transitional Government is also grants more power to local governments and autonomy to the Southern States of blue nile and South Kordofan. Or he will morgans following developments for us live from khartoum this seems an all encompassing deal but it does seem as though there are 2 or 3 groups which are not part of those just talk us through what the situation is. Yes indeed rob while this signing ceremony today that is happening in the south sudanese capital juba includes various armed groups and the sudanese revolution Front Coalition there are 2 major groups that are not signatories to this deal we have the sudans liberation Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement led by abbott has these and hello who has strongholds in the Southern States of South Kordofan and Blue Nile State now he has signed a declaration of principle with the Transitional Government last month this paves way for negotiations for the start of negotiations between the spear lemon drops and as he said hello and the Transitional Government but the dates for that are yet to be set now he has made many major demands that has already been and compas in that declination of principles one of them being separating states of state affairs from religious affairs saying that the country should be secular and that they should have the right to selfdetermination or referendum if you like the other group is the sudans Liberation Movement led by hamad noor who is currently in france but has strongholds in the Central Darfur region now he has described the negotiations of this deal that is currently being signed and the process as similar to the previous process of civil and similar to previous deals that have been signed between the previous government that was overthrown in 2019 april 29th team and various other armed groups he says that this does not guarantee peace in sudan and that it does not address the root causes of conflict so in light of the absence of these 2 major groups it doesnt look like this peace deal is comprehensive but the sudanese Transitional Government and those who have signed it are celebrating it saying that it paves the way for economic and political stability now weve heard the Transitional Government leadership. Repeatedly calling on those other groups that are yet to sign or to start negotiating to join the process so that this peace deal can be complete they say that while this one guarantees relative stability it will not be comprehensive and till the other 2 groups join so until those 2 groups of sudans people Liberation Movement north and theyre at that as he said hello and sudans Liberation Movement led by that will happen hamad nor do join the Peace Process and sign deals with the government this peace deal is incomplete which is something that the Transitional Government says it is going to work on to make sure that they to join the Peace Process david thanks very much indeed thats why morgan bring us up to date from hard to talk about in afghanistan has killed at least 14 people it exploded near a government building in the town of bani hull in the province Security Forces have been battling the attackers for several hours no one has claimed responsibility but the interior minister has blamed the taliban a spokesman for the local government said at least 38. 00 people were injured. Lets go back to our top story President Donald Trump is just one of hundreds of thousands of americans whove been infected with coronavirus United States is the worst affected country in the world just over 48000 new cases were reported on friday alone india as the 2nd highest number of cases reporting its 100000 virus related death in europe spain is limiting who can get in and out of the capital as part of a new lockdown its been imposed by the Central Government but madrids Regional Administration is pushing back more to her is in the capital madrid with the latest. We are right now in your one of the most charity touristy spots in in across spain this square normally busy with tourists and locals have now 30 percent of the terraces and restaurants close in march at 13 and all the uncertainty uncertainty of not knowing where they will be reopening again these will be permanent also there will be travel restrictions in all these areas affected by these partial Lockdown People will be able to enter or to leave all these areas and for these the National Government has deployed 700 Police Officers that will be monitoring and controlling all these movements the feeling right now is quite disappointing cow people are not havent got really clear what theyre allowed to do or not because the general government despite rejecting the order from the Health Ministry but implementing aid they have appealed in court this decision so they get some time they gain some time and delay the implementation of these restrictions which means that people have to be able to be fined by Police Offices if they dont stick to these new restrictions they allege that these new restrictions will cost. Him packing in madrid regions economy. Cause a loss of 7 over 700000000 euros and a job loss of 800000 weekend. Human Rights Groups are increasingly concerned at the number of civilians in northern mozambique who are being beaten tortured and beheaded Government Forces have confronted armed groups fighting to create an Islamic State in kabul gado province for the past 3 years both sides are accused of targeting civilians in their battle for control larkham web reports so so were calling him to protect his identity he says he was on his way to the market in northern mozambique when military Police Stopped him and beat him. Labor filmed it on a mobile phone government Security Forces are fighting armed groups in taba delgado province. Is one of a growing number of civilians who complain of uses by police and soldiers. One of them called me hey come here he had a gun on me he asked me about my id card and at that moment i didnt have it he told me to lie on the floor and he told his colleague to hit me with a baton he hit me 14 times on the head and the buttocks before i was sent away and. Government troops have been accused of consistent abuses against civilians since the conflict began 3 years ago the fighting armed groups known locally as alshabaab you say they want to create an Islamic State. This video which circulated on social media last month appears to show mozambican soldiers. The naked woman of being a member of alshabaab as she tries to run away shes beaten and then shot dead. Rights group Amnesty International says its analysis has verified the video and that it proves government rights violations. Government condemn the killing and other abuses against civilians but often blames them on the armed groups and. The military never violated human rights in the north an area of operations killing a terrorist. Is not a violation of human rights videos of men in mozambique in military uniforms committing abuses such as lethal beatings and beheadings have become common on social media in recent months the government says rebels steal and wear military uniforms Rights Groups say nobody is held to account well most all just think that what theyre not. Going to do but theyre very sure that nothing is going to happen to them because the mail on demand. All of those we love. And the actions of. The armed groups are accused of widespread abuses to including beheadings and burning homes. Theyve made significant gains this year taking control of some towns as seen here in the center of one of them the government struggling to fight back violence has caused more than 200000 people to flee their homes Rights Groups say if the people cant trust the government and its soldiers the conflict will only get worse malcolm web al jazeera i drown out of anger is director of the center for democracy and development in the capital of port au and he says the government seems to be looking after its own interest and neglecting civilians. Government is now i mean we and a social one week approach to combine with its immediately. We probably all transparent and or for option i dont stall or the problem in government schools sauve every morning and not. With government least asking us sport from beginning to be only union one class the situation there but we have been expecting back in which the court arent subject which is close. To the European Union police d. C. Used to be in government or. So is it at the moment it is not clear that action and that will be the way out what the situation in what it went up to us but well see if the government seems to be more interested in working it just or being International Oil Company Wants bankrupt it. Badly will be if not properly or to that of that market the latest kind of on a Central American migrants attempting to reach the United States is having difficulty leaving Guatemala Police roadblocks in northern guatemala have stopped around a 1000 mostly honduran migrants mexicos president has deployed troops to prevent migrants crossing the border under smuggler Lopez Obrador says its strange that so many of them are trying to cross weeks before the u. S. President ial election. A court in italy is deciding whether former deputy Prime Minister met yourself in should stand trial for kidnapping the case stands from an incident last year when he refused to allow a coast guard ship with more than 100 migrants to dock in sicily that left him stranded at sea for 6 days the far right leader is also accused of abusing his power salvini could face 15 years in jail if found guilty and may be barred from Public Office this great hollywood Film Producer Harvey Weinstein has been charged with 6 more counts of rape and Sexual Assault the latest charges in the signs of these relate to attacks the date back more than a decade weinstein was convicted of sex crimes in new york only this year and sentenced to 23 years in jail the new charges carry a possible sentence of 114 years sunday is parliamentary election day in kurdistan campaigning has focused on fixing the economy and cutting decades of high unemployment lack of jobs has forced thousands of kircus to seek work abroad just traffic has more from the capital bishkek mother of 3 mirrors up because over hasnt seen her husband since he went to russia to find a job 3 years ago she prepares the car which she uses to sell fruit juices in her neighborhood in the curious capital bishkek. Her husband lost his job as a construction worker in moscow because of company cant banks as the virus spread through the russian capital. She says he cant find another full time job so rarely sends money anymore. Probably american they currently get back during the lockdown we often had little to eat we had to ask for credit from our local shop so i could buy food im now in debt luckily the community is so close so we help each other out my only prayer is that my husband can come back from moscow so he can work here and we can live together its estimated that around 800000 kirghiz men and women because of the lack of Job Opportunities in kyrgyzstan are forced to work abroad and the World Bank Says that the money they send home represents around 30 percent of the countrys g. D. P. And alice say that Economic Growth job creation is vital in this country is going to avoid the kind of political instability and violence it has experienced in the past. Its believed around a 100 people were killed in the political unrest that overthrew president could a man back but in 2010 many more died in Ethnic Violence a couple of months later the man who then became president almas a big item by a steps down according to the constitution in 2017 was arrested in 2019 and hes serving an 11 year jail term for corruption. The presidency isnt up for grabs in sundays parliamentary elections but the issue of kyrgyzstans Migrant Workers abroad is a priority slogan for politicians once again. Economy doesnt work in normal way in a corrupt system unless you have some big Natural Resources with some resources about not gas we dont have thats why. We must rely on a business process to generate some benefit for the country but in a corrupt system so difficult there are no Major Industries and little investment creating jobs in kyrgyzstan for Migrant Workers to return home to there is a lot of rivalry ongoing even during elections and between elections and that has led. To instability in terms of laws inability of the government to. Sustainably provide security of investments security of property even and even though my margins you might say its Getting Better over time the specially property security i think the instability has really been a i curse on. Larger scale investments and. A moral hazard to send money she aims to her husband in moscow while he looks for another job she says she will vote in the election but has little faith in politicians promising to build a better economy in kyrgyzstan so he can return and find work closer to home. Bishkek is the 30th anniversary of german reunification a Church Service in potsdam was part of scaled down celebrations during the coronavirus pandemic germany split into the communist east and capitalist west as the 2nd world war ended that symbolized the Cold War Division of europe which ended with the collapse of the soviet union in 1990. Still ahead in sports the only lakers were a step closer to the n. B. A. Championship action from the game 2 of the finals coming up. Of all my friends and coworkers who were detained by up to one survived they were waiting for news of the men for clues only one word on their lives just saw a boy killed in his fathers arms i saw a man killed next to his song i have only once in my life see man was scared to death one of the bosnian war was darkest secrets bosnia the count on aljazeera. Examining the headlines that said to me Business Wire is going round and they watch it on the news and i think implies the communal good for unflinching journalism how relevant is the debate here in this day and age how he characterized the protest movement i would say that 3 observes they awaken on nation sharing personal stories with a global audience. Explore an abundance of world class programming the world is watching on aljazeera. The room the all who. Have to support his peter thank you so much well start with athletics in the 1st major sporting event to be held in africa since the coronavirus pandemic began the final leg of the world athletics continental 2 is being held in kenyas capital nairobi because of restrictions only up to 6000 fans are allowed inside the stadium to watch live and the actual numbers on the day appear to be lower than that nevertheless athletes from all over the world have travelled to compete in the meeting which is important not only for kenya but for africa as a whole a correspondent catherine so is there and only a spoke with sports analyst any a small. Actually this is more than i can anything its an african immigrant and it comes from you know not all points of view because we have to them only it is that. Last year there were complaints about some events being dropped out of the dam on the thats the 5000 meter this trip which is for men and women the triple jump which i have not been for that into these jumping ship you know they continue to tour and youre having a more kenyan more african participation so its more than a can an event its really an african event. To the african athlete who dont have a pitching need to. Be paid elite competitions like the families and so on you know its very important like now youre just saying that a National Program is running theyre not for clocking a couple of hours youre playing that International Window open so its an opportunity for the Young Athletes to showcase their talent really a springboard for them to get into the big competitions in a down one league and also after a long layoff because of lack of 90. When its an opportunity an opportunity for them to test out their feeling or physically out their speed then d. R. S. And generally the performance is systemic how the crown of our tactics not just us people of color but on the continent its been a major major problem with their 1st event you know since march in kenya and its been very positive if you look at the attendance from the foreign at least we have about 97 for an athlete we have 30 countries represented its the biggest representation by nations on the continent or to our right across this open event this year started in finland went to tokyo Czech Republic rhodesia theres not been a mix of foreign at least as many as nairobi so its a pity that you know fans are not allowed to you know come much remember the socialists or singers you see the number of media created it is also low just because of 19 but i must say its a very good way to get out of the lockdown if you like sticking with athletics and there you can chalk as a London Marathon defense is going to be the easier of these main rival withdrew from the race ethiopias can anything be caylee pulled out with a cough injury which she blames on overtraining the 2 time berlin marathon was hoping to mount a serious challenge to keep children whose aiming to win the london race for a 4th time in 6 years the marathon is being held with just elite runners and no fans this year because of the pandemic but a new technology is being used to help ensure social distancing obrien has more. Last year the London Marathon involved 45000 runners and 3 quarters of a 1000000 spectators crowding the streets of london scenes that the coronavirus has made unthinkable this year is just elite athletes on an enclosed course. As the runners checked into their prerace accommodation this week they found something new in their welcome pack its called bump and the runners and staff are all wearing the devices to maintain social distancing and minimize infection risk this is really for everybodys safety and it is it incredibly good piece of technology it is just helped us enormously over the last week to have the athletes keep them safe. Building this environment here on the mile to do that for the contract is at its heart the bunch of ice is a relatively simple proximity alarm so a safe distance away and the lights stay off but moved to within 2 meters of somebody else wearing the bump on the lights turned blue letting you know how close you are stay within one and a half meters of the person on the lights turn red and alarm sounds warning you to move away. To monitor effectively the system works best in an enclosed area like a workplace where everyone within can be given a bumper device but that also makes it ideal for theatres galleries music venues and sports stadia many of which are facing financial ruin unless they can find a safe way to welcome back audiences and spectators company which makes the devices is already expanding production is a lot more United Nations which are unable to rid minutes and having you know effective with real time and situation management provides would also really reduce truck and train community we can open more of these environments safely im also increased the cost in the critical final preparations are being made for a very different London Marathon this weekend the 1st and hopefully last time that spectators are absent paul brennan aljazeera london the l. A. Lakers are closing in on their 1st n. B. A. Championship in a decade Le Bron James and Anthony Davis inspired them to another convincing victory over an injury hit miami heat putting them to nothing up in the series they would start reports bama pile with what will not play tonight for a drug attach for the 2 while games the miami heat with out of 2 of their best players but the lakers were full strength and their biggest stars took full advantage bron james and Anthony Davis combined for 65. 00 points in game 2 they were wearing the black mamba jersey in honor of lakers legend kobe bryant who died in a Helicopter Crash earlier this year the james Davis Partnership is now being compared to that of kobe and Shaquille Oneal who won 3 championships together at the lakers in the early noughties davis tries again and pretty davis who like to get up in arms to be in a high school and watching the kobe. Do all was good most dominant do all that i have personally seen in my life. They were very dominant in what they did on the floor so to be in a conversation with old guys are very humble and. We can be even mentioned with those greats myself and maybe were not were not satisfied. With you know just know when we want to be great which tell us just the man james knocks down the 3 greatness might not be far away for the current lakers g. O. s another dominant display of a 10 point victory and leads them to nothing ahead against the heat halfway to the championship but david stokes aljazeera. Over the french open tennis world number one Novak Djokovic will be in action later in the meantime russias 13th seed andre rieu play this through to the 4th round in paris defeated Kevin Anderson in straight sets of rolling out 6362 and 63 to the russian who moves on to a match against either Tiago Monteiro or martin food. One of the most famous and feared baseball pitchers of all time bob gibson has died at the age of 84. 00 gibson spent 17 seasons in Major League Baseball with the st Louis Cardinals he helped them win 2 world series titles and was named m. V. P. In both those seasons gibson would finish his career with more than 3000. 00 strikeouts he died of pancreatic cancer. Meanwhile his old team the cardinals have been eliminated in the wild card playoffs for the San Diego Padres on thursday levada is one game 3 for nothing to win a playoff series for the 1st time since 1998 would you believe san diego face the Los Angeles Dodgers in the next round that one starts on tuesday. And the Miami Marlins are another team that have ended a long wait for a playoff series win thing victory over the chicago cubs mark slaters postseason series triumph in 17 years they have in fact only ever featured twice previously in the playoffs and both occasions they went on to an injured ruled series by replay the Atlanta Braves next. Ok thats only the sports news for now ill be back here again a little bit later with another update rob peter thanks very much indeed and that said for me for this news hour more on the web site of course al jazeera dot com im going to be back in a moment with more of the days news stay with me if you can. The health of humanity is its stake a Global Pandemic requires a global response. W. H. O. Is the guardian of Global Health delivering lifesaving to lose supplies and training to help the worlds most Vulnerable People uniting across borders to speed up the development of test treatments and of that seed keeping you up to date with whats happening on the ground in the wounded and in the land now more than ever the world needs w. H. On making healthy a world for you. To everyone. Rewind return. Its on the best aljazeera documentary i would compel the koolaid onion album done in the future spot the heart of the old city. Motown. Be it out here in the soil learning about health by eating Good Business train like i cant imagine doing Something Else on aljazeera. My name is my. Manager as much as we all like to look finds us beauties brownstein joins me live he doesnt see the need to call you for the just for you just see its glad. I am matching ive only done. All of. My nigeria on aljazeera. Every. Experimental drugs for the us president who was in hospital last to being infected with covert 19. Come about this and this is all just a real live from doha also coming up. I moved you more to really hospital i think im doing very well how far has the infection spread through the white house more positive tests raise concerns about an event suspected of being this super to spread out. And fight for not on a cutback intensifies with both us

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