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About exposure at the debate earlier this week. Also. Says it could be open to a ceasefire as fighting rages in the disputed corner of her back region and. Crowds in india defy a ban on protesters anger grows over the gang rape and murder of 2 women. So the white house says donald trump is in isolation and is experiencing mild coded 900 symptoms officials are now rushing to find the president has come in close contact with in the past few days the 1st lady and a senior aide have also tested positive a month out from election day theres new uncertainty over the campaign traumas democratic rival joe biden and his wife have tested negative for the virus there were concerns about explosion exposure during an choose days debate. The president does have miles sent to him and as as we look d to try to. Make sure that not only his health and safety and welfare is good we continue to look at that for all of the American People he he continues to be not only in good spirits but very energetic weve talked a number of times this morning well the 1st lady also has mild coronavirus in sims however she said in a tweet that shes feeling good and thank people for their concern and lets cross live now to an official whos been monitoring events at the white house said whats the latest on. Well the big news in the last vote is of course that joe biden tested negative he was tested this morning after he phoned from the news that the president had actually tested positive for a covert that been no communication between the white house and the Biden Campaign even though the 2 men shared the stage on d tuesday and of course there was concern that if the president had been exposed that he might possibly have exposed joe biden the president coming early in isolation in the building you see behind me thats the residence there thats where he lives thats the east wing of the white house to my left is the west wing which is where the oval office is we were told in the last couple of hours the dont trump would be conducting business as normal he was due to be on a Conference Call with governors to talk about guess what treatment for seniors we are led to believe that that was led by mike pence that the president was not involved and not a toll we are told as well that the president is suffering minor symptoms that he has got a lack of energy and has a bit of a cold and a sore throat that what is interesting is that he was told that he had been exposed to the virus just before he left for a fundraiser on thursday night at his bed minsters state in new jersey but still continued with that fundraiser so theres going to be a lot of Contact Tracing going on know that there has been this dramatic news from the white house as my colleague kimberly how could no reports. The shocking news came in a late night tweet from the white house President Donald Trump wrote tonight the 1st lady and i tested positive for coded 19 we will begin our quarantine and Recovery Process immediately we will get through this together its not known how despite elaborate precautions and caustic coronavirus testing of white house officials the press corps and others in contact with trump how he contracted the virus but earlier one of trumps aides hope pics was confirmed to have tested positive for hicks a Company Trump to the debate in Cleveland Ohio on tuesday trump phoned in to a Fox Television program on thursday and talked about hicks having been exposed its a tough kind of a situation its a Terrible Bank so i just went for it and well see what happens i mean who knows the white house physician sean conley said trump and the 1st lady are both well at this time that the White House Medical Team will maintain a vigilant watch molony a trump later tweeted we are feeling good trump has several risk factors the put him in danger of complications from cope with 19 hes in his mid seventys and overweight. We have to wait for the next few days. Some people get really sick with you know some people dont get sick until. We have to really be carefully observing the situation travis declined to wear a mask on many occasions looting at rallies where many of his supporters also scorned wearing a mask his entourage including family members went without masks at the tuesday debate trump even ridiculed democratic candidate joe biden for wearing a mask as recommended by virtually all Public Health experts i dont wear masks like him every time you see hes got a mask he could be speaking 200 feet away from it he shows up with the biggest mask ive ever seen if trump became seriously ill and was unable to carry out his duties the constitution provides for Vice President mike pence to take over temporarily pence said he is praying for trumps recovery and on friday tested negative for covert nighty there can be no spin you can be you know harbor ups there has to be clear understanding of what is going on with this persons president United States because otherwise hes not to take care of the business he will have to be by the 25th amendment transition has to occur. But a glaring question now is how the news will affect trumps Reelection Campaign hes already trailing nationally in certain key swing states it would seem the truck can ill afford to stay out of commission for a quarantine period of 2 weeks trump joins other World Leaders including brazils president and the u. K. Prime minister who have also contracted the virus worldwide the death toll from cope with 19 has exceeded 1000000 can really help aljazeera the white house. Well House Speaker nancy pelosi said shes waiting for test results and hopes the president s illness brings about a change in policy towards the disease this is tragic its very sad but it also is something that. Is going into crowds unmasked and all the rest this is sort of a brazen invitation for Something Like this to happen its sad that it did but nonetheless hopeful that it will be a transition to a saner approach to what this virus is all about well its pretty hard to deal for franco who is a republican strategist has been in touch with the Trump Campaign team today joins us live from washington d. C. Via skype mr franco welcome to the program and naturally of course the chief concern will be the president s full and speedy recovery but how concerned will he be will his Campaign Team be and weve spoken to them today how concerned are they about the potential damage this does to the president s reelection chances. Well were not really concerned at all and as you know the Vice President the former Vice President has conducted much of his campaign and its been a Good Campaign hes been conducted Spirited Campaign virtually and i am better to say the president will mount replace where in the midst of this discussion this morning will replace much of its campaign of course and then at least for the next 2 weeks or so to be done virtually i think youll hear from the president later today. And you will see he is d in very good spirits and very actually very good health so this is no different for the president up fortunately fortunate seems to be no different than a mild case millions of people who have recovered from this very quickly and have had symptoms in some cases far less than the seasonal flu we hope that is the case and if that is the case the president will be able for at least the next 2 weeks to be doing this for 2 and he doesnt tend to remain here the final 2 weeks of the campaign to be back on the road and to be doing live in person a band saws are still going to go ashore what do you think this does to that is those undecided voters him who may have decided eventually to to vote for donald trump but given particularly the president ial debate his open mocking of joe bidens ma squaring and then just days later ends up testing positive for covert 19 on they going to think is this the right guy to be president given the. Well during the debate as you might recall the president took out his mask out of his suit code says i wear it when its necessary and he what he was mocking is i believe as you cover here correctly when joe biden this is just 100 yards away im doing that using it as a prop millions of americans are going out every day to grocery shop carrying on in their lives everyone virtually unless youre very much in the elderly category interacting with people all the time and many people are Wearing Masks when theyre interact with people directly but not when theyre going for walks or exercises and thats just the reality of america so i think americans are not only this kind of an action is not going to post positive tests would give the lights of the sensibility of the well the what were doing the testing based on the recommendations on terms of hot spots and we dont want people to be to be tested all of the time theres a lag time and so forth the utility of the test is questionable in this regard you could test. You could test you to get to get test today most of the chest return 4 or 5 days and then you dont know for exactly the period of time that youve been contagious so the tests are important if you have been exposed i believe youve been exposed or in a very high risk category but testing just generally and constantly it isnt doesnt really fully protect that what does fully protect people of course is to follow the guidance and the president has follow the guidelines washing your hands social distancing and masks as appropriate and when appropriate and theyre not necessary 24 hours what what about the guidance the governments own guidance to isolate once you come in into contacts with a positive case do you think it was sensible for the president to continue with his schedule even once he knew that hicks had tested positive. Well you know thats a curious question i think most people understand that they probably he she when theyre the course of their ordinary lives until they are actually tested youre coming into contact with people all the time that actually have folded if youre interacting at all the president has to be present in that states so that this i dont think it is a real issue whatsoever with the president now is doing that he has tested positive he will quarantine and he will make sure that hes in contact with no one at this period is is over at least at a safe distance or through the appropriate protocols until this is passed but we just dont know ordinary people are coming into contact with people all the time and you just cannot live in a cave when youre president of the United States its impossible all right as well frank appreciates your perspective on the thanks very much david over frank a republican strange thing left up to thank you thank you well donald trump is not the 1st well needed to contract the virus brazils president john polson urged to supposed to back in july and british Prime Minister Boris Johnson was moved to an intensive care unit in april to comb trying to get on johnson has tweeted and to wish a President Trump and his wife a speedy recovery i mean bubba has more from london. Boris johnson has been one of the 1st world d leaders to put out a message of support for President Trump and his wife in the last few hours based not just on that close friendship a verse struck up but based on Boris Johnsons own personal experience of being in a hospital with covered 193 nights of his hospital stay being in intensive care leading to dark days in which in his words things could have gone either way lets have a listen to what he said just a few hours ago well obviously i think we all want to send best wishes to the president and the 1st lady and ive done that this morning as you can imagine and im sure that theyll both stage a very strong recovery where Boris Johnson is to some extent and a changed man after his experience when he came out of hospital he paid tribute to medical workers who he said had saved his life and then started a fitness regime including daily runs and he has lost weight and just this week in fact reporters asked him whether he had fully recovered from coverage 19 he said that he was far healthier than he had been previously due mainly to losing weight and in the last few months hes actually trying to start an initiative to fight the big problem here in the u. K. Of obesity at the same time initially what he went through seems to actually increase his personal popularity ratings into april but then theyve actually started to go down following controversies over the way the government handled things like testing for coronavirus things like protective equipment for frontline workers and other issues so i think there was a lot of public sympathy for Boris Johnson as well its not clear exactly how his experience will compare to the u. S. President s but certainly Boris Johnson has taken the whole danger the whole fate of coronavirus more seriously one can say van for example president also noro in brazil. Still ahead here on out 0 why critics say the french president s plan is to strengthen secularism will end up stigmatizing muslims. How low weve got some right in the forecast for pos of the middle east generally up around northern parts of the region up towards the black sea it was a caspian sea just around the coaxes you can see this little line of shower tabs seen some showers recently in armenia into georgia pushing a little further south northern parts of iran could see some showers as we go through the next couple days all the wises so much a case of hazy sunshine temperatures into the low to high twentys across parts of the levant by rita 27 celsius in the temperature there for jerusalem still touching 40 degrees there for baghdad and for kuwait 38 in doha 14 back to about call it chilly 35 degrees celsius here on sunday a pleasant 35 shall we say a little more cloud across the western side of Saudi Arabian a chance of wanted to showers between mecca down towards that western side of yemen always with a good chance of showers across Central Africa of course and there are rolling off the ethiopian highlands some heavier downpours now pushing across northern parts of democratic republic of the congo still some showers into central areas of angola whats the weather up towards Lake Victoria still seeing some other weather across the southern cape and also the eastern cape it does turn drought in the south but showers continue. Frank assessments if American Public opinion is betrayed by social media platforms after november what would be good because if you believe that there horowitz into our democracy one obvious solution is to break up informed opinions look at checkers dont go anywhere the protesters arent going anywhere either its ability to get a revolution people woke up in depth analysis of the days global headlines who is it thats really out there on the street inside story on aljazeera. Were going to watch the ads there are micro top stories and the white house says President Donald Trump is suffering from mild symptoms of coronavirus after testing positive is now rushing to find other officials who might have been infected the 1st lady and a senior aide also tested positive democratic president ial contender joe biden and his wife have tested negative there were concerns about exposure from tuesday to face tuesdays debate with trump. Several senior officials have confirmed negative tests including the secretary of state might compare using croatia he says he plans to go ahead with his aged trip next week the Vice President mike pence has also tested negative. Democratic House Speaker nancy pelosi said plans for continuing government are in place and that its tragic trumps habit of going to crowds about a mosque was a brazen invitation for something to happen. Now french president of mental macron has called it radical islam the biggest threat to French Society through a trip to paris he also claimed islam was in crisis around the world as outlined proposals for a new anti separatism law aimed at improving integration and combating religious divisions in the country natasha the reports now from lemuel. The french president arrived in the paris suburb of liminal hall to deliver a speech on separatism emanuel mackerel said there was no place in French Society for divisions of along religious lines the biggest threat to frances values and secular law he said was radical islam to acquire new desires or to keep what we must fight is islam is separatism its a conscious theoretical social political project its repeatedly it all is with the values of the republic and often leads to the creation of a counter society. Mike ross said that is long around the world faced probably. He said he wasnt stigmatizing muslims but some disagreed what some people tell me here is that rather than focusing on socalled separatism model michael would do better to work more on reducing unemployment and poverty reality the plan post people on the margins of society. Its a subject that hides a real mystery its likely to creating the facade of a building might not be in sight yes that is crime but creates that its a lack of projects or jobs for young people local association have no money my not a bit or not helped enough and some neighborhoods just ignored neighborhoods like this one at a Charity Food Bank it survival not separatism thats on peoples minds. And the separatism religious divisions but for some the proposed legislation is more likely to reinforce them mike ross speech comes one week after an attack in paris outside the offices of the charlotte paper 4 years ago 2 Police Officers from the new hole were killed by a man who claimed allegiance to eisele the new anti separatism law aims to raise religious divisions but for some the proposed legislation is more likely to reinforce them with aljazeera. From. The United States has become a latest country to impose sanctions on belarus following its disputed president ial election is targeting 8 officials including the interior minister earlier the you announced sanctions on 40 nationals all accused of falsifying the result president Alexander Lukashenko is not currently on the list but the head of the European Council has warned that could change. Rights groups have renewed calls for an International Inquiry into the murder of saudi journalist marcus o. G. Activists gathered outside the kingdoms consulate in istanbul work a saudi was killed 2 years ago last month a saudi court jailed 5 people for 20 years over his death in a movie Rights Groups called a travesty of justice. Armenia says its ready to work with mediators to reestablish a cease fire new going to care about i mean announced by john forces have been fighting over the disputed region for 6 day the United States russia and france of called for the resumption of talks they cochair the minsk group set up to find a peaceful resolution to the decades old conflict from an forestay walker is following developments from neighboring georgia and has this update. In azerbaijan we can start there 1st today in the republic in the main as their territory we know of at least 4 villages all settlements that came under fire from the side of the Armenian Forces and also on the median held territory of the disputed territory of going to karabakh a number of places struck with missiles or other forms of munitions shell fire in particular step panic at that city the regional capital i mean in school and there they were saying that it was the worst that they had experienced since the fighting began on sunday so the fighting very much still in full swing in the Foreign Ministry of armenia made a statement that there would be considered the idea of a ceasefire if under the under the terms under the conditions of the minsk process thats the thats the group that has been traditionally responsible for trying to find a peaceful solution to this conflict has been going on for decades but again no sign from the very start that that is going to be entertained and again were hearing from turkey from president repeating his assertion that the only way out of this is if the armenians leave nagornokarabakh all together and the armenians have no intention of doing that so it looks as if we still face continued fighting and an intensification of this war in the region. People in india are defying a protest in the state of utter pradesh following the recent gang rape and death of 2 women from the marginalised del it Community Cases a rick nothing to the National Debate on Sexual Violence and they discriminate 3 car system so hot has this report was an emergency lockdown and a ban on protests havent stopped people from gathering at this village in indias northern states of its a pradesh this is where a 19 year old one of 2 women from the marginalized community was gang raped recently resulting in her death was scuffles broke out between opposition politicians and the police im not gathered there are done it joy. When we were going to meet the doll it family they didnt let us go this policewoman pulled my blouse and beat one of our legislators with a baton she fell down. The 2nd victim was a 22 year old who died on her way to the hospital and she stayed the same day as the 19 year old their cases have caused a National Public outcry was the. Protest is a blaming the Governments Police and what they say is a deeply entrenched discriminatory cost system for what happens in minority women. While the suspects from an upper Castes Community are in custody the police chief on thursday ruled out rape allegations in the case of the 1st victim just. It was clearly stated in the report of the Forensic Science department that the samples that were collected didnt show any trace of sperm this makes it clear that some people used this case to try to stir cast tensions in the state was a claim refuted by Forensic Experts in the victims families who accuse the police of destroying evidence and cremating the body of 19 year old victim without her familys permission. Facing heavy criticism the government has promised to fast track the cases its human rights activists and the opposition blame it for allowing police to use Excessive Force against protesters including the detention of Congress Party leader a whole gandhi and his sister on thursday. Accountability is also completely certainly its not in the Public Domain if its happening its happening only in the level of the department and that doesnt build public trust it would build public trust if the Police Reported to the public this is why we had to take the action that we take. Student pritish reid says police in delhi mistreated him during a protest on wednesday police it seems you know is functioning with complete immunity there is really dont care if you file cases there really dont care if the media covers i personally feel that you know delhi is on the word of becoming another don when kashmir where you basically waste your democratic opinion and you are welcome to the Police Station or the jail. Sexual violence against women was at the center of widespread anger a nationwide protest in 2012 that led to changes in the rule. But 8 years later women here still face a significant risk of Sexual Assault according to the governments own National Crime Records Bureau a woman is raped in india every 15 minutes. Set aside it and. Tribes in northern thailand has spent decades fighting for citizenship tourism was one of the few ways that many of them like the current tribe and their livelihood thats dried up because of the pandemic and its forcing some to consider heading back across the border to me in ma and the homes they fled could hide the reports now from my tearing into flight my prey has for the last 3 decades since fleeing her home in myanmars state she readies for her day of selling handwoven fabrics to tourists after her parents died and with no work nor land to cultivate she left for a better life in thailand but that living has been brought to a halt because of kobe 19. She lives in a village with others from the korean hill tribe made famous by brass rings the women wear around their necks giving them the nickname the long necks they make their livelihood in tours to villages posing for photos and selling crafts while most of the men work with elephants at nearby camps. Tourist hill tribe villages in elephant camps are viewed by many human and animal Rights Groups as exploitive but its one of the few ways the hill tribes people can make a living like the other ethnic hill tribes in thailand generations of korean have been fighting for thai citizenship my play has been waiting 15 years on me now but i guess nobody is helping me i want to get citizenship i tried so many times but they say im too old the ethnic hill tribes are some of the most marginalized people in thailand theyre decades long battle for citizenship now coupled with Economic Hardship because of the pandemic their meager earnings from tourists have been decimated. Not teach also fighting for citizenship realizes the pandemic has slowed the process shes willing to cut her losses but can. I think of leaving if the borders but they arent open now. On jai fled fighting between armed groups and the Government Forces in myanmar shan state in the 1980 s. Hes also seeking citizenship and is part of a group helping others to do so. Since they are not making money its tough for them to pay for expenses like travel this means they are unable to pursue their citizenship local immigration Officials Say that even in the best of times its a slow process to investigate cases due to understaffing many who cross over dont have passports or birth certificates in the current religious district normally 500. 00 cases will be processed monthly because of covert 1000. 00 at most 20 per month are completed. So the career long necks hope and wait for more people to come and see them at least giving them the chance to earn some money while they wait got tyler aljazeera made time tyler. So this is out there these are the top stories and u. S. President donald trump is in one salacious to testing positive a cave at 19 the white house is now rushing to find who else might have been infected the 1st lady and a senior aide also tested positive president does have. As we look d to try to

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