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In relations to trade in northern arms this morning the commission has decided to send a letter hommel notice to the u. K. Government this is the 1st step in an infringement procedure. The letter invites the u. K. Government to send its observations within a month. And besides this the commission will continue to work hard towards a full and timely implementation of the Withdrawal Agreement we stand by our commitments. Armenia and azerbaijan have rejected International Calls for talks to end fighting over a disputed region is every president since a 1000000 troops must leave nagornokarabakh before any negotiations can happen. Thousands of police are out in force in hong kong to deter protests on Chinas National Day its the 1st major holiday since beijing impose its National Security law on home combe. Indian police are accused of committing the body of a teenage girl against her familys wishes the 19 year old died after she was gang raped its promote provokes renewed anger over Sexual Violence in india and layoffs have begun for more than 30000. 00 airline employees in the u. S. American and United Airlines say they need another 25000000000. 00 in aid from the government to reverse the cuts it is governments is accused of not told in Security Forces accountable for a violent crackdown on protesters Amnesty International say at least 50 people were killed protests began in october last year when alpha conde announced plans to run the game those are the headlines people in power is up next. Hi im Steve Clemons suit and i question what these days its hard to filter out the newly sinking track of whats really important to eat the bottom line tackles the big issues this is shaping the United States its people its economy and the way it deals with the rest of the world the bottom line not only on aljazeera. How has north korea one of the poorest countries in the world managed to evade u. N. Sanctions and pay for its Nuclear Weapons program the answer is through a secretive Government Organization known as bureau 39. 00 which obtains Foreign Exchange to fund kim jong uns regime in the 2nd of 2 investigations how insurance scams Computer Fraud and illegal arms sales keep the money road again. North korea is like game of thrones but without the dragons. Society is capitalist and everything is geared to make sure that theres as much cash for kim as is possible. Not a. Shoot out war yes in that he is going to. 39. 00 he is involved in everything that makes money for north korea selling arms smuggling of drugs guns are free to go for us bills this is about hundreds of millions of dollars a year. And every 3. 100 you dont. Make dollars. Hamburg germany. Until a few years ago the north korean state Insurance Company k n i see how to branch in an innocuous looking apartment block here. 6 north korean officials made deals with major european insurance companies. Or jungle. Paul one and theyre all. On another dont you know there was a. Helicopter there. The head of my age and any of. Some a time or all were to me as a. Terrible reverse of lloyd the jungle lloyd to me theres a chair ball and then. Peeing you guys youre more of your former ball. Alas you can bet that i you know someone down there could be. Worries you guys are helicopter car so puzzling me and even my element you know my other larger war one case among many in 2015 the European Union put the north korean Insurance Company on their sanctions list the accusation co financing of the Nuclear Weapons program through bureau 39. 00 experts estimate that with crashed helicopters and similar tricks the kim regime and several 100000000. 00. But how does the kim regime an itch to transfer the millions it makes to pyongyang the answer is simple through diplomatic channels who are holding their tears was of course who were there who were annoyed theres a way as well of the goods it is over there to look. For her. The subject was it in your own words or through word through that. North korea uses its Worldwide Network of embassies to ferry money back to pyongyang north korean officials enjoying diplomatic immunity carry the money in cash and their flight back each a simple but efficient way to ensure the cash flow doesnt stop. When those with embassies diverted from cymbalta its often mainly serve the real. That the 2 things of this financial is also illegal mainly. North korean diplomats are basically cas carriers for came. Into for the 1st bases where they may be drug lords and maybe weapons workers that they carry defer the cusswords so they called us. Right in the middle of the city lies the north korean embassy. The North Koreans have been renting out one of the buildings as a hostel for tourists theyve been earning 38000. 00 euros per month in rent. Using Embassy Grounds for such activities is against diplomatic practices and contravenes un and e. U. Sanctions. Like any other country the main goal of the embassies is to sort of the state in the north korean states priorities in particular so because sanctions are so comprehensively much of the activities conducted in these embassies may be prohibited. Providing military supply training and much of that has been done through north koreas embassies particularly in africa and the middle east so out of all the countries in the middle east current Syrian Arab Republic as the greatest levels of prohibited cooperation with north Korean Military and. Half is. The father of the current syrian despot and kim were friends from the 1960 zone back then the North Koreans helped the syrians during the war against israel and supplied them with weapons and ammunition an important source of income right up till today. Using tactics similar to those of 18th century pirates bureau 39. 00 runs ships under folks flags. And fake names according to the Un North Korea has thus managed to send large numbers of weapons to syria. Between 20122017 at least 40 shipments from north korea passed through the suez canal but in 2018 the un managed to have one of them intercepted. So we found something called go on its way to syria these were us of resistant tiles involves which could be used in chemical Weapons Development but also missile fuel is highly corrosive and such tals could be used for Ballistic Missile programs as well the bill of lading clearly gave as an address in syria to stop bush from company for serious Scientific Studies Research Center the s. S. All see which is responsible for serious Ballistic Missile and chemical Weapons Development program the russians that ensued the chemical weapons produced in these laboratories has been used by syrias dictator assad against his own people for years and says many of those who died in agony. Its a little known fact that the syrian chemical Weapons Program was created with the help of north korean technicians and scientists some of these sites were all meant by the United States. The purpose of our actions today is to establish a strong deterrent against the production spread and use of chemical weapons. Well and the americas the chemical there were stories they bugged the North Koreans there whether they knew their bombing there were screens i dont know that they did as the north korean the essence is syria is really much of the report is a deliberate. Thats. One 3rd of all buildings in syria have been destroyed a tragedy and a Business Opportunity the Syrian Regime hopes but billions from International Donors for the reconstruction of the country the necessary work brigades to come from north korea the 2 countries signed a contract as a meeting in june 2019. Between despeaux. The money to service by office 30. 00 and it goes straight into the coffers of the leadership. It is used on the one hand to provide for luxury items it is used to pay for the mercy of these beds cars that somehow found their way into the earth korea despite the sanctions but it also is also used and this is probably more important to deliver the best actors you can you can trade. As early as the mid eightys came in joe ill start a training the most talented children to become cyber hackers theyre also good money or run somewhere like the other crossfires for example is considered to come from the North Koreans it is the biggest cyber attack the world has ever seen hundreds of thousands of computers around the world in about 150. 00 countries rendered useless now the u. S. Government is publicly placing the blame for that cyber assault uniquely dubbed want to cry squarely on kim jong uns army of hackers and so Computer Specialists are hot on the heels of north korean hacking simon choi works as a consultant to south korean intelligence agencies. Who. Experts estimate that the tween 61300 hackers work for kim or. Color king arent. Up well appearing on t. V. I think. Their lives are also not going to become in a. Couple of our get our one last. Call i would sit on a hunger experts estimate that up to 2000000000. 00 have been stolen by young highly trained north korean hackers. North korea has developed an official Education System for its upper middle class. Here at Pyongyang Middle School the children who will later be Computer Specialists scientists and engineers are trained to shape the future of the country like me to find the advantages of that i dont think and this exchange is the last until the students also learn how to use computers they have access to a very limited north korean version of the internet uncensored variety is strictly forbidden. North koreas rulers know that once the doors to the Digital World have been thrown open they can never be shut again but despite all precautions in 2007 or korea face the 1st digital data leak in its history the danger of pyongyangs municipal registry with more than 2000000. 00 entries professor brighter obtained a copy and is currently analyzing it using special software. We never had this kind of. Information ever. If you understand the system in the party and can are actually go and allies in a mapping. For the 1st time there were no longer dependent. People who tellers were all the buildings are. Reconnecting see whos inside the buildings what companies are what departments there are and races local to the data proves the Main Building of bureau 39. 00 is close to the seat of power right in the middle of pyongyang just a stones throw away from the headquarters of the workers party. Its divided into 6 main departments and employs several 1000 people in pyongyang alone they have their own fleet of vehicles kindergartens a golf course an ostrich farm and even their own bank these 6 main departments are in turn responsible for hundreds of individual companies throughout north korea they control iron ore and diamond mines jewelry factories and textile companies theyre mainly specialized in exporting goods abroad other companies in the bureau and Foreign Exchange through forced labor arms smuggling and Insurance Fraud but one rule applies. To all the named bureau 39 is never mentioned outside north korea so it remains invisible impossible for u. N. Sanctions monitors to detect. Tyrion have already occurred on here as the rewards are there who say where they were you know how because you do your war some schools say were here in ours it all around. Me. Hold. The current. Their money. Put their perhaps because you guys will get them there. You know buy a home from work to come ali see its a 1000000 of his own. Its my money they were. Tired and everything well you havent you dont. Make dollars. North korea is changing an impoverished socialist state has turned into a country with a highly flexible shadow economy in many ways north korea is run like a commercial company all that matters is cash became the workers here are no longer slaving away for the revolution but for the wealth of their leader and his cronies the gap between rich and poor is widening while the population in pyongyang enjoys a constantly growing prosperity 40 percent of the rural population still suffer from malnutrition whats their way shows beyond any doubt is that office 39 other only exists and though it can prove what it does it alls companies it operates these companies in their force all kinds of things. That is why the boards and development in understanding how north korea manages to earn money abroad we know know exactly through what kind of Companies Office 39 does this. The kim jong silk silk spinning male named after kim jong uns grandmother a model factory 1600. 00 workers are employed here most of them women they sought process and boil the cocoons of the silkworms to obtain the precious young. This opens come from a province south of pyongyang about 200. 00 tons of silk are produced here every year. A luxury product expensive and labor intensive the factories entire production is intended for export abroad but the supervisors are unwilling to disclose who the foreign customers are im not sure anymore who suffers the say says. Its a hassle im sure for North Koreans but i do find ways around that one of the problems is that neither thai that nor russia. Is helping in enforcing the sanctions could omens or underscores that its and. I dont see that here once youre not on and on the. Ground when jet hit them he saw you during the day one totally doesnt believe she waited until my and the very moment. When evil madonna is going to have a missing mom with him number more you dont moment mom will cause you really. Gave her head to come who. Wont even let people comment fake turkey. Textiles are the 2nd most important north korean export product after coal. Or core you move. Toward the sea you ought. To be used is the. Force of. The whole whom 0 in the world goes. To juggle how to hobble who was. Getting the food the only wall the. Whole school who are followed you know to the other. d then dont china. North koreas gateway to the world. And a symbol of how few tile the un efforts are to dry up kim sources of cash. The sino korean friendship bridge across the yalu river its one of the few ways to enter or leave north korea every day trucks queue in front of the customs checkpoint smugglers traders and also the agents and entrepreneurs of biro 39 theyre all hoping for a quick deal here china is by far north koreas most important trading partner Financial Experts estimate that 90 percent of north koreas exports go to its powerful neighbor in the north. Thousands of North Koreans are said to work in textile factories in the region. Disguised as businessmen and equipped with hidden cameras we film in one of the factories chinese textile Companies Hire North Koreans because their wages are lower than those of Chinese Workers the same stresses work day and night. Often sleep on the company premises. Theyre likely to be locked up for years far away from their families. Together with a team of labor lawyers trade experts and Data Specialists remco broker tries to find out whether european brands work with Chinese Companies that directly or indirectly employ North Koreans these letters to prove the existence of a significant amount of north korean slave labor in the supply chain of some of the worlds leading Clothing Companies that more than that chinese factories outsource to north korean factories in north korea basically in europe and then in the u. S. Weve come to an agreement that we no longer wish to find slave labor or child labor in a supply sense but if you look closer at some of these producers you find that sometimes up to 90 percent of their production does not take place in china. It does not take place in the factories where the european and the americans all that are scalded sequitur think this is are these and yes they are in those factories that thats only worth 10 percent of the products as well as the other 90 percent. Of korea his team investigated one Chinese Textile Company more closely its called von dest their list of customers reads like a whos who of International Fashion brands the website features a mens jacket next to it it says korean imported the buttons carry a label a money genius. Using trade databases brought his team analyzed wrong desks business relations between 20132019 the databases used customs data showing which goods are sent back and forth between companies in Different Countries so in a sense the material 2 legs certain types of clothes 2 or 3 or one lower they are the subject and the socalled outer and then you have figures close those close are going to shift to say the netherlands or to germany or to america from there this route into our stores between 2013 and december 26th dean. Sent around 10000000. 00 worth of fabrics and room materials to north korea during the same period from desk received finish garments worth almost 25000000. 00 from north korea. Customs classified textiles by socalled h s code we take a closer look at h. S. Code 6201 it stands for mens anoraks and jackets via money jacket on the website. Between 2013 and december 26th one dest imported garments with. 12000000. 00 with this coat from north korea the same code is also used for deliveries from von desk to europe and the u. S. Among the customers a money. A money jackets that look exactly like the one on von desks website can also be bought in europe this one costs 219 euro it cant be proven beyond doubt whether garments like this one are made in north korea but cannot be ruled out we ask the fashion brands a money right we confirm the phone desk is one of our suppliers and as such is regularly subject to checks and inspections the result of these checks being that no finished products are manufactured in north korea like all our suppliers its also required to declare which subcontractors it uses and where these are concerned its also the case that none are in north korea weve also contacted von desta in writing the Company Offered no explanation as to why and to what extent it trades with north korea. One thing can be said for certain well known fashion brands have their goods manufactured by a Chinese Company that cooperates with north korea a country where workers have no rights where human life counts for nothing. His investigation shows that this is not an isolated incident for years and years weve heard testimony from north korean escapees who are in cars and racing go so they have been forced out to produce textile for export workers i think for the 1st i was then able to corroborate as an external source of the through the testimony in this database. The department of bureaucratic department that is responsible for. As saying the production of textiles for was to cause inflation comes from god it means that we other only buy clothes produced by forced laborers there is a slave labor really may even buy clothes all for year in america thats lost legs in cars and facing cars by people in there for see the light of day again these are the kinds of constance you dont leave until your debts that is just too horrific to to prove their worth and reckon pleasants. Hundreds of thousands of men and women secretly ensure the survival of the dictatorship their futures a sacrificed for the luxury of the regime and for our prosperity. Kim jong un runs his country like a company. His bureau 39 does business with everything and everyone. Including us. When if your peons rose and forced them all to cross the cruise you from power to the new administration aim for unity through an Ambitious Program of political reform. But 2 years on. People in power are asked whether the countrys diverse ethnic interests will ever be reconciled. The battle for a sealed up on a. The latest news as it breaks the high thing battle to confirm any current beric now move to the republican controlled senate. With details covering governments across europe wrestling with a worsening Health Emergency and only going to come home a crisis and feel is generalism from around the world today student protest as i continue in the call of the pretty decision is for structural for the to change. This is aljazeera. Hello im rob matheson this is the news our live from doha im coming up in the next 60 minutes breaking the rules over brags that the European Union is launching legal action against the u. K. This trough is by its very nature a breach of the obligation of good faith and laid down in the Withdrawal Agreement. They say its not the time to talk on

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