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Supreme Court Justice donald trump prepares to name his replacement Ruth Bader Ginsburg. And in sports the Boston Celtics are still alive in their playoff series. 6 in conference finals. So and hes been in the job just 27. 00 days but the man chosen to be lebanons next Prime Minister has not resigned sending the country back to square one in its search for a new stable government and stuff a deep says he simply hasnt been able to form a government of specialists in a country where power is shared between different sex and the former ambassador to germany was named Prime Minister designate at the end of august thats when the previous government resigned amid protests in the wake of the huge explosion in a report which killed 192 people and devastated the capital. And that the. It became clear that a cabinet according to the specifications that i put forward was doomed to failure out of concern for National Unity and its constitutionality and credibility i hereby quit the task of forming a government i wish the person next to last would form the government full success in facing the grave danger facing our country people and the economy so thats because i know how it is life for some variance and appointed a month ago under a promise that the government would be quickly in place for the whole thing is just has not collapsed. Well yes the Prime Minister doesnt that deep stepping aside citing his inability to form a government not just any government but a government to save the country those were his words there is an initiative on the table proposed by france backed by the International Community theyre demanding lebanese politicians form an independent government a government that does not have the influence of the Political Parties which have been really blame for corruption and mismanagement and running the economy into the ground but at the it was not able to do that some parties have refused to see them controlled refused to give up political power in particular the shia parties movement and the iranian backed hezbollah they insisted that the Muslim Brotherhood in in the government that the their ministers so they believe that you know the results of the 2018 elections should not be overturned and that they should have a say in the future Decision Making process they even accuse the other camp of controlling the Prime Minister something that the Prime Minister has denied so the 1st 2 condition for the International Community to bail out this country to help this country with billions of dollars and Financial Assistance in order really to save the economy which is near collapse that is to have at this point there is no government in the words of the top u. N. Envoy in the 11 on he really sold that the politicians and said you are irresponsible for the sake of lebanon and for the sake of the lebanese people you should stop playing these games and those were the words that the u. N. Envoy. Used really so its a given all of the what are the implications for the people of lebanon and the big question is whos going to take a deep place. What the lebanese people are used to months of political instability this time around theres. So much at stake the economy is near collapse the state is nearly bankrupt the central bank is saying that in a few weeks it wont be able to subsidize basic goods it wont be able to subsidize fuel and medicine and the currency has collapsed because of the lack of hard currency the lack of dollars the currency devalued more than 80 percent in recent months most of the lebanese people earn in the local currency so you can imagine how difficult it is for many to put food on the table in fact according to the United Nations more than 50 percent are officially poor and 30 percent unemployed businesses are closing down and thats why billions of dollars are needed to deal d with the International Monetary fund is needed devoted to kick start the economy but the International Community will not be bailing out the Political Class this time around theyve made this clear time hi how ya the question is if you ask the Political Class to carry out much needed reforms Like Fighting corruption fighting tax evasion or even carrying out on the hit can hurt and it can implicate the Political Class and that is why the leaders have been resisting doing this for some time but put everything on the side right now lebanon is caught in the middle of a 2 of a regional or International Power struggle between the United States and iran both those countries have local allies here and hezbollah on the pro iranian camp not wanting to give up power until the u. S. Iranian rivalry at least you know if either results itself or something becomes clearer so lebanon again the battleground people becoming more and more poor and of the political impasse as well or as i think very much indeed in the whole debate in beirut and were going to stay in beirut now because now were going to speak to jerome go soon whos a writer political analyst joins us on skype so everything that that has said is its a right isnt it and we had this brief moment didnt we when the world was looking towards a whole new future for lebanon but it was very brief in no way back to square one. Well not exactly French Initiative and that by president micro was mainly bailing out steps then that means establishment that led us here thats of one thats actually bankrupt and thats the one that seeking desperately a lot of cash to be. Pushed into the system to will keep them afloat but that initiative by the french was torpedoed immediately by the americans which who are the days after microsoft and. I. B. M. Was there nominated for Prime Minister impose sanctions on a couple of 1st former ministers. Are part of the. Ruling majority in the n r thats former ruling maturity and former government so any clear indication of what kind of government they want or they would accept or they would. Actually support which shows that there was never an International Community consensus for supporting that the government there was the end was tied to stability in lebanon given whats happened this is a very serious setback and. Money that was promised again with the political conditions that the french had said that they would want to a National Unity government that involves old us forces. Came out of their last elections which were about 2 years ago the americans had a very clear message that they will not accept some of the largest parties in lebanon and that was basically the biggest obstacle. Against the French Initiative and after that it was just a matter of. A tug of war to try to see if anybody can get their way but that wasnt going to be possible because their initial premise of a National Unity government that represents all the major forces and lebanon was shut down by these sanctions by the u. S. State department so how do you see things playing out over the next few weeks in the immediate future. Well i mean now were going to go back to square one now with nominating a Prime Minister the parliamentary majority can go their own way and name someone can form a government quickly but which is what they did with the former Prime Minister. But i dont see that happening i think were going to have a bit of a stalemate right now until the u. S. Elections i guess to see if the new administration might have a different approach towards lebanon through i guess and grow to your expertise in this pressure that thanks a lot. Now egyptians have turned out for more protests in defiance of the government they came out to voice their frustrations about the economy poor Living Conditions and about corruption at least 2 people are reported to have been killed demolish l. Has this report. Despite the threats of arrest or even death egyptians took to the streets in several areas across the country on friday. They dubbed it the friday of reach to demonstrate their opposition to the rule of armed and fatah to c. C. And among the tea resigns. Slogans like this say its outloud dont be scared of sisi has to go and were heard in cairos one neighborhood. In the giza governorates which has been the epicenter since protests began last sunday police and other security personnel were deployed in force thank you this latest wave of antigovernment an anti military rule protests were triggered by ccs decision to demolish entire neighborhoods across egypt under the pretext that the homes were built illegally. These neighborhoods how some of the countrys poorest communities who have already been suffering the brunt of a faltering economy unable to cope with the impact of the coronavirus pandemic according to the world bank 70 percent of all egyptians 70 percent live under either under poverty or on the brink of poverty thats a situation thats understandable that the social and political constraints just yesterday 150. 00 appeared for the state Security Court im charges of terrorism because they were protesting in the street we know that terrorism charges in egypt are the ways in which the state clamps down on any voices of dissent. There were calls to by former Army Contractor turned opposition figure mohamed ali now an exile for people to demonstrate with september 20th marking one year since similar demonstrations took place against c. C. S. Rule that. Sisi supporters particularly those who control egypts media will claim that these protests are marginal and largely in significance but the way in which the state is dealing with the protesters would suggest otherwise egypt is now witness 6 consecutive days of protests the slogans have all been demanding an end to ccs rule and while the number of protests may be growing gradually ceases grip on power doesnt seem to be loosening. What has been nearly a decade of political upheaval in egypt beginning with the end of Hosni Mubaraks 30 year rule in 2011 in july 2013 successor that president Mohamed Morsi was overthrown in a military coup led by general Abdel Fattah Elsisi who went on to become president sisi has suppressed dissent ever since including banning socalled unauthorized protests his government has been accused a wide ranging human rights abuses journalists have been arrested including those working for this network in april last year sisi oversaw a constitutional amendments that could allow him to stay in power until 2030 in september last year protests similar to the one seen in the last week took place after accusations of corruption orphic mr for is the former chair of the Egyptian Community in the u. K. And he says president may be losing support within the military. I think is that passing through a very difficult phase particularly general sisi is not an ordinary dictator hes capable of extreme cruelty and his people and thats a big big problem and i feel the military properties that now and the causes his is mishandling of the economy mishandling of the water issue was a night where the Agricultural Land is shrinking he could only have about 67000000 acres of land in a culture land 7000000 acres likely to shrink to about 6 and its that evolved as time ticks from the presence the revolt 10 years ago was from the cities from the elites this time coming from the very poor people in the business what nothing to do and i think the system is hand in everything humans hand the crown a completely egypt had lost more doctors and more nurses than any country in the world and i think egyptian really the problem currently is collapsing theres no infrastructure hes only living in feed of daily propaganda. A protest isnt bellary so not giving up their calls for president Alexander Lukashenko to resign a Police Arrested several people in the capital meant this comes just days after he held a secret inauguration ceremony and the protests have been held for weeks since you can see and one last months election the opposition say the poll was rigged. A lot more ahead here in algeria in the news of a devastating floods the coronavirus pandemic and years of sanctions sudans leaders meet to find a solution to its economic crisis. And. Also to show that its time to take place during the pandemic coming up next ill tell you why colombia comic has a summer line and the chinese might. Come up to a perfect season for the athlete who is now targeting its 1st ever title. Right now vote counting is underway in a malaysian state election that could have significant consequences for the Coalition Government in kuala lumpur a suburb election is the 1st since the Prime Minister moved in yes and took power in a political coup in february result maybe the strengthen his position or more pressure on his administration as Florence Louis now reports. These are not just any local elections in malaysia theyre a test for Prime Minister. Who came to just 7 months ago he and his supporters withdrew support for the then governing coalition in february causing its collapse his party known as and their allies hold a razor thin majority in parliament that. Somehow. Can be steep and also to measure how people actually want of how people actually have. And. And also reflect the support of. Weaving he faces pressure from his allies to hold snap elections to secure a stronger mandate the results from sabah could have an impact on when the next general election not do you told 2023 will be called the Prime Minister is also facing a renewed challenge from Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim on last Coalition Won the last general election in 2018 but was ousted in februarys political coup this week he announced that he now commands the majority in parliament and would be asking the king to appoint him as Prime Minister to challenge anwar has exposed how fragile support for the Prime Minister is even within his coalition the president of the United Malays National organization or on no the Biggest Party in the governing Coalition Says some of their politicians have defected to anwar side. Analysts say the Prime Minister needs a victory in sabah to and show support for his coalition doesnt slip away. For voters here the power struggle at the National Level mirrors whats happening in sabah one of the few states ruled by the opposition the snap election here was triggered after several state politicians switched sides i would love to see them complete at least the 5 year. In order to give a chance. Whether or not you know they will keep their promise you know i do a better job a return to power for the party which the ports on once National Opposition could provide momentum to his challenge and leave the Prime Minister in an even shaky position that before lawrence lee aljazeera Kota Kinabalu malaysia. Want to take this on we can speak the truth so you know whos the c. E. O. Of ideas thats the institute for democracy and Economic Affairs joins us on skype from Kuala Lumpur Trisha welcome to the program is this how you say it is a big test obviously for maria den yardstick by which we can measure support for him. Yes so thank you for having me on its a very interesting day really isnt politics what were actually seeing from the i dont fish oil rig now really thats just coming out right now is that that collision at a line with the federal government. Not very tough a National Coalition that seems to have already crossed the trash will need it so far the government so they basically i dont wish anyone 37 c. Out of the 17th street and. The other side has one just dandy so essentially being right and all but one of the state governments and. Predict that a lot of analysts now will see their example aside by elections more directly did not mean what happens at the National Level so given that whats your assumption given what youre hearing. I love the Immediate Reaction is that good enough Prime Minister who was as it was way think thought the result of this election will now be emboldened and politic because as you heard he only had a very that in majority in parliament now and because of the electoral system in malaysia its a sort of win that its all done in which the victor usually dictates. The future and so all the decision about whether or not to call an election now i think that will be of a hit rather than delay it a but having said that of course there are other complications to consider that a number. Could be 1000. 00 thats away said event amount. Can p. D. You know it that was the spike because of the competing in south but so what is that going to mean for a National Level campaigning here any election so i dont think that one very well if we are actually seeing a spike and the 2nd fact its not cost is the fact that Opposition Leader on my right he did claim a few days ago that he had sufficient number of parliamentarians to bomb the government having said that i think thats again the result of this i action why do you want a stronger im not a stronger one he did it and it was saying youve got a vote of confidence in parliament that could be one possible way to go or lot of winding having a dissolution enter general election during a time of a Public Health crisis. Is an area which holds a quarter of parliamentary seats but as you say what abraham was what 23 days ago now was saying that he has the monday to. His view but to how does it all fits in to what were seeing today and the if these early results prove to be correct. Well basically you havent made it out you had one here that you have why not School Member majority in parliament at least the last time when it was passed there was a stimulus package that was passed in the act and so on that is the but thats coming up in early november so or if the budget gets the number of majority that it needs to go through then again the parliament and the government up what will be considered still that it. Probably be a thin majority so you have that to majority if you have and why that leaves then he left a majority hes claiming to have a Strong Majority in fact the not just the majority of and then youve got whats happened now in the subway elections of the only way that its not me who actually had the majority in parliament there are only 2 options why dont you actually go to Parliament Parliament to have a lot of not get in a car and i mean its not our own but often forget that when you hear the numbers are and then followed by perhaps of whats on the dance floor the Prime Minister or candidates or whether it is and why it right you must somebody else but the fight about the result of this not my election if that ultimately is. The confidence of the current government at and better that our know will be pressuring to elections sooner then later or. From ideas in one of the thanks will. You. Know sudans leaders are meeting to figure out a way to solve the economic crisis so they declared an economic state of emergency earlier this month devastating flooding in the coronavirus epidemic of compounded the problems caused by years of u. S. Sanctions imposed on the former regime and speak to the morgan is that the median cochairman here we have no International Involvement this is purely a National Conference so what are they hoping to get out of. Well nic 1st of all lets look at the backdrop against which this conference is taking place this severe fuel shortage fred short take the inflation is at an all time high here in the country these are all factors which triggered protests in 28. 00 and that eventually led to the ousting of former president im going to show you an april 29th seen now the situation of the inflation has gotten worse and the issue of fuel shortage and pressure as it has been persistent ever since so in light of that the government of sudan has come together bring together members of the executive Council Ministers from the executive Council Members of the Sovereignty Council as well as members of the resistance committees Civil Societies and the forces of freedom and change Coalition Economic experts that they say theyre hoping to try to bring together so that they can come up with a single resolution so that theyre all on the same page with regards to how to implement how to reform the economy now this is because the executive branch of this government has been trying to leave subsidies which takes up more than 35 percent of the budget and thats something that the the the forces of freedom and change coalition thats the governing Coalition Coalition has strongly rejected so with what this conference this 3 Day Conference is aiming to achieve is to try to make sure that each and every policy that this government comes up with to try to reform the economy and try to have Sustainable Economic Development like the Prime Minister said early in his speech is agreed upon by all sides of the Transitional Government and members of the Sudanese Community were about the sanctions on sudan who birds are planned to try and have them removed. Yes indeed now the hopes were high when u. S. Secretary of state mike on pay a visit in the country briefly for a few hours last month and discussed multiple issues with the Prime Minister and the head of the Sovereignty Council now apparently what happened was that they offered to lift the sanctions and return of sudan normalizing ties with israel the Prime Minister earlier touched on that subject when he gave his speech and he said that he has repeatedly told the u. S. That those 2 issues should not be connected to each other and that it needs consultation a broad consultation amongst the people here in sudan before they move on with the issue of normalization with israel now theyre also meetings that have been taking place between the u. S. And sudanese delegations the latest being in the u. A. E. Last week but that did not that did not basically reach or provide any conclusive results as to whether its sudan would be lifted of the states sponsoring terrorism was that something to dances it desperately needs so that it can attract Foreign Investors to improve its economy that is very much in dire need of foreign assistance here thanks for the morgan reporting there from khartoum. An ambush on a state governments convoy has killed at least 30 people in nigeria broke her arm and suspected to be behind the attack which happened near the northeastern town of bugger the governor of borno escaped unharmed. Cover well know his journey a seasonal change in europe there you go you say so well nic youre absolutely right yes a lot of rain and some snow but so yes not much sunshine this is the satellite look at all these cattle can see we have had some brightest fell schools the far eastern end of the med but that right is just about it plenty of snow as well this been coming down for last couple of days here we are in austria than a we are at the mountain as well so theres lots of snow and there is more in the forecast theres also more very strong winds stormy conditions through Northern Spain not just here weve had some stormy conditions retreat the west end of the med as well the bally air exists abode you can see here the remnants of us anyway washed up on shore and look at some of these wind gusts 1st of all across into corsica 158 kilometers an hour and then into southeast of france 140 kilometers an hour and at the same time weve had this storm come through the u. K. And its made landfall really across areas of belgium some again a wind gust of 115 kilometers an hour and the has been reports of widespread travel disruption to a lot of a belgium because of that storm so the winds will stay strong as we go through saturday coming in again through the bay of biscay southern areas of france and again through the mediterranean the rain will be particularly heavy further to the east across the balkans but also you know it is a massive blow here across germany those winds are still strong funneling down the north sea eastern side of the u. K. North as strong as they were but mix that with the rain and it really does make for a family and pleasant weekend set by sunday more of that rain working its way south of france and again a very vigorous storm system in the central med heavy amounts of rain and again some strong winds the rain will accumulate the snow will also accumulate and maybe some people are happy with the snow but for the most part i think the rain nick not quite as welcome as the snow to the mountains or autumn is upon the north jenny thanks a lot thank you. Still ahead here in aljazeera families of actually workers persecutory brazil to take ship celebrate a landmark victory thanks for talking. With look at the bold move by afghanistans protests. That is brachial lol helped her boob. And in sport well hear from the defending french open champion whose study strangely are happy ahead of this years event. Corruption it is that invisible behind a wall of silence. Against corruption corruption is not something to be taller than it. Is on the african. Country his email lets destroy this wall. In 2020 the free space award encourages the heroes who are fighting against corruption this helps our communities to save the resources that we need in order to address the burning problems that affect us all. Shine a light on your Anti Corruption here and. Nominate now. Hi im Steve Clemons and i question his keys days its hard to filter out the newly sinking track of whats really important to the bottom line tackles the big issues the United States its people its economy and the way it deals with the rest of the world the bottom line only on. How do you want to remind our top stories this hour and lebanons Prime Minister designate thats his stuff has quit saying he hasnt been able to form a government comes less than a month after he was named Prime Minister a key question now is who will replace him and who would want to draw. People across egypt have defied a ban on protests and demonstrated against governments that angry a deteriorating Living Conditions and one president uphill fight l. C. C. To resign. Fact canting is under way in a malaysian state election that could have significant consequences for the Coalition Government to quote among the polling is the 1st since the Prime Minister you didnt yes in took power in a political coup in february. President donald trump says hell name his pick to be the new u. S. Supreme Court Justice on saturday afternoon American Media are reporting that its likely to be Amy Kenney Barrett who is a chicago judge considered a conservative shall fill the spot left vacant by Ruth Bader Ginsburg who died last week and a guy who is joining us now from miami i doubt if i stop what we know about trying to pick. Well he hasnt made the official announcement yet that will come later on saturday but it seems all but certain that judge barr will be confirmed she is a devout catholic someone who was a clerk of anson on scalia a former supremes Court Justice who died a couple of years ago is considered a highly conservative supremum Court Justice she goes along with same line she is a devout catholic someone who says that life begins at conception someone whos backed President Trumps immigration reforms and the advancement of gun rights so she seems to be a Firm Favorite among religious groups on the other side the democrats are extremely worried about her religious leanings and this is a very contentious issue this close to a president ial election the appointment of a supremes coat justice will dramatically change the makeup of the Supreme Court making it a 6 to 3 majority in favor of conservative justices so there is a lot here at stake but it seems old but certain that the Republican Party will be able to confirm or it may be a scramble d that maybe some attempts by the Democratic Party to slow the process down but President Trump has the votes to do it despite of course Ruth Bader Ginsburgs dying wish was to not be replaced until after november president ial election and i mean how significant could it be if President Trump gets his way. Well whats at stake kidney are some of the biggest most contentious issues in this nation things Like Health Care gun rights and of course the really big one the roe vs roe v wade 973 ruling that gave women had a right to have an abortion thats whats at stake and also i think the more important point is President Trump is already calling into doubt this upcoming november president ial election with the mail in ballots hes questioning that already setting the stage for a very contentious president ial election in which hes already threatened not to leave office now if that does happen they all to meant to sit in on whos won that election will come down to the Supremes Court and if hes loaded the courts up remember this is the 3rd justice hes appointed all conservatives that could very well work in his favor so the Democratic Party are aware of what is at stake here they will do their best to try and stop it but it doesnt look good for the Democratic Party because the republicans are the ones in power they will ultimately have the deciding vote for and you will see how the afternoon progresses that thanks very much needed to go to miami now tigers Prime Minister and his government have finally resigned the coronavirus emergency delayed the announcement following the reelection of president for us in may earlier this year election observers were barred then and results disputed i think they extended his 15 year rule changes were made to the constitution. That women in afghanistan have achieved a significant breakthrough with the president a crane that the names must be included on the childrens Identity Cards up until now only the fathers day was documented make it difficult for women to prince right over their own child she has this. Dont to america rees divorced and see washes her only son but on his National Afghan Identification Cards are nearly her husbands name a show in leaving her guardianship unrecorded now prison gunny has signed a decree that a mothers name must also be included in the division that that that its symbolic but im happy that step by step were getting out of the stage where there was no identity for us we have taken initial steps and theyre excellent but there are still some women who are nameless and who will die nameless and all their children are called by their fathers name none of them are called by their mothers name attests cara college is the primary form of identification for afghans used for proof of identity resiliency and citizenship many mothers say they have faced discrimination over their rights related to their children because they were not mentioned in official documentation including the mothers name on the test cara cars will allow women to legally challenge for those rights and will also help thousands of widows who have lost their husbands to the war and who struggle to prove their relationship to their own children when i may acknowledge that it is true women have support but we want the full support of our government which is yet to be achieved the government must have a plan and place for womens rights we can see some support in media but its often superficial maybe it will take time but the government must bring equality in the system. Gunnies decrees a bold move in a country where saying a womans name in public is often considered dishonorable and to form a taliban commander. Says the law is an islamic arguing that allows for a woman to have rights shes not entitle to undershoot area law he ends many afghans may choose not to register for id cards to avoid recording the mothers name publicly because you know that you know a lot of us if we call someone by their mothers name they will be obsolete generally we know and by our fathers name in Foreign Countries where they dont know who the father is they call a child by the mothers name because theres a lot of illegal 6. The nor is being introduced as the taliban in an afghan delegation a debating the future of afghanistan including womens rights during peace talks in the capital of qatar. So will afghan women may have won this round for recognition many say the fight is far from over shall it ballasts. Well if explore this further we can speak to Shinnecock Erica Hill whos a member of afghanistans National Parliament a member of the parliamentary women caucus and joins us on skype from kabul and should i welcome to the program whats your reaction to this its a major victory for afghan women isnt it. Thank you for having me at i think it is a its a new thing and its a great state taken by the government because when we insist. That we had to come here and i did but i think it is my name so i think and also supported by what went on and finally government took a step and we should educate happy womans name or mothers them as a new id i think afghanistan is very much work by i think by so that they so wanted and they made them and dominated society and even calling on mentioning my father and a wife d is the most of the accept that but somehow a woman suffer i think by having a man or my going to think that psychic prodded and grandfather me and a gun and its a its a terrific mission for a woman as an equal partner and also if you have the equal citizen to because from ignorance to acknowledge you make this a big step and so because i think womens modesty and said i think its a make or let much is that most of the look at this is not right like it was thomas or president but more about that is those real life consequences of the change what difference briefly if you would what difference will it make to a womans life in afghanistan. Because in the end ive got to said even if you dont have our own i can take it even our children never need or called after i was like when i children named after their mother is a bigger connection it gives the sense that joe cannot belong to the fighting but not being black ringback or mother or maker brink or hardship of mother or the end she get the name of their own child. Because your mother has been its a its a big state its not fun it will never come said because in this country like in france and even women have no i didnt even that i have a student a woman because when somebodys calling toward name a day early age or for that price this is a put up even for a good many much more might have done that because i was named by different name brandon and thats my original name so i think its a big step and so i said i have a meaningful look i understand that this is an weekend and what not but slowly slowly slid to other rights i think what i was going to say. I was going to say with the other rights what else could it lead to is there a cultural shift taking place do you think because we did just hear from the former taliban commander who said that theres many who do not approve of this. Well this is probably my we cannot get you that that huge that mentality of the on the men like ben but it may be that its not so i didnt notice this from inside the parliament but this is a point you can for those who do start to have him i dont think its a good idea its appreciated by lincoln it isnt as if you did by so many intellectuals by by so many good men in a country gentleman in the country i think you cannot change the country but not we need to wait for the movie is once a good beginning we have to start from somewhere but actually i think my going to him and said the idea is this is a big step because so many women cannot approve this truck truculent of all because of the benevolent but such as well because they havent got one but this womans need got cases. Dividing property so many other issues that their mothers name is yet different occasions she were some of the dozen property as well there is so many good cases d even taking her child and i think the admission and said it was good but she could not let this whole child to look at mitchell it out as a permission i mean the husband even died the end he was not willing to take the child to this but how demand that this child belonged to her and she was getting at with him for her child in the school theres so many benefits well i want this i do want to give it to the woman yes a major step forward in womens rights in afghanistan and well see how much further it can go to kind of how do we do appreciate your time thanks very much indeed richard plane crash in Eastern Ukraine has killed at least 22 people the aircraft was landing at a military airport nick talk of around 400 kilometers from the capital kiev then a top aircraft was reportedly on a training flight with cadets from an Aviation University run by the Defense Ministry the cause of the crash is being investigated. The brain. Is attracting large crowds and it is the 1st major trade event of any industry since the pandemic began manufacturers see the exhibition in china as a glimmer of hope for an industry that suffered a multibillion dollar losses katrina you has been to see whats new to drive. New foreign luxury models are among the almost 800. 00 cars on display at the beijing. The 1st Major International trade fair during the current virus pandemic. This year there are fewer exhibitors but crowds still gathered for the unveiling of new models including b. M. W. s latest offering the german cars make a is one of many expanding operations in china. To events here in china as it becomes a very special meaning. To beijing. Its a symbol. Week sales in the u. S. And across europe have forced several International Manufacturers to close factories and sack stuff many are relying on chinese consumers to improve their bottom line. They realize china is still a goldmine luxury cars and ultra luxury cars have a huge market in china and this is also their only International Arena to show off their vehicles other auto shows geneva detroit and tokyo have all been called off analysts say the 10 day event points to the chinese governments confidence in having contained the carbon 1000 outbreak it also hopes will help to spur the sluggish economy chinas Auto Industry is worth 1. 3 trillion dollars and employs more than 33000000. 00 people nationwide cost sales plunged by almost 80 percent at the height of the epidemic in china in february but sales have recently returned to preplan demick levels electric vehicles and cars using ai and Internet Technology are in the spotlight this year. 2025 chinas government wants 25 percent of all cost else here to be electric so chinese and International Brands are racing to produce hybrid and electric models in order to meet government course. Government is in krishna determined to invest in electric Vehicle Infrastructure attracting more investments creating a better market and a more incentives for people to choose electric to. Be held against the backdrop of the trade war with the United States. Among Companies Suing the Trump Administration this week for imposing what. 25 percent tariffs on imported chinese parts. So demanded the north further investigate the killing of a government officer he went missing from a fisheries patrol boat and was shot by north korean soldiers in the sea near the disputed border on tuesday the body of the suspected defector was then burned in line with the north coronavirus rules can join in the shoot a rare apology describing the killing as a disgraceful event. Retainers family is calling on the Kentucky Attorney general to release the transcripts of this weeks grand jury proceedings they want to know why no one is being held accountable for the march police raid that led to that protest is in the city of louisville return to the streets for the 3rd night i will say they will continue to demonstrate until all the officers involved between 5 someone is charged. And julie rocks have been thrown in water cannon fodders police confronted protesting Health Care Workers the demanding more paid holidays fewer working hours psychological support during the pandemic protests against inequality and demands for a new constitution a bill held who. Got sport coming up in a few minutes details of an incredible turnaround in form for this baseball teams are will be here about story. Frank assessments. Like links with this informed opinion is ethiopia on the verge of breakdown many pots of the old will meet at region are actually under a de facto state of the nijinsky critical debate after it is a proxy he does not understand the interest of the a few people indepth analysis of the days global headlines inside story on aljazeera. Now there is a procedure thats never been before in the wild animals but conservationists in kenya hope to use it as they try to save the white rhino the mammals are near extinction and campaigns are underway to save them across the border in uganda the efforts are paying off as katherine soy explains. Meat born last month as you are running a sanctuary in uganda increasing the number of rhinos there to 52. 00 in what conservationists as one of the most successful rhino breeding projects on the continent his mother was a man 6 endangered southern white rhinos brought from kenya and the u. S. In 2005 until the early 1980 s. There were rhinos in uganda and much of the region but are killed off by poachers during the civil war this hobby falls have come a long way the fast one was born in 2011 nearly 30 is after the last one was spotted in the wilds we have 24 hours when you tearing physical monitoring on the right where the ranges go out records everything that iran is doing of the day here and help us so much more to know the behavior of the rhinos to land these rhinos in 2 days and know which a rhino is doing and which father is which car. 1000 why trials are listed as threatened the north and white ones are on the brink of extinction only 2 females remain in the wild and theyre in kenya at the old project a consultancy in the Central Highlands sand. Extract eggs from the gene and had built a pattern more than a 1000 have been retrieved since last year and 3 embryos created with spam preserved from 2 males who have already died the santas planned to do something that has never been done before with wild animals in vitro fertilization and when we collected the eggs last year in december we had not planned to come again on the ground can we not get natural but it happens sometimes in kenya. Police and. What. The items are just mentioned you know welcome or letting my eggs well perhaps when i did. There would be a transfer are going to have been identified that would be sort of we were supposed to do that. But because of the Global Pandemic all those who. Shared they were postponed indefinitely they were hoping to implant the embryos into style than white females its too risky for the last stop the north and whites to carry the pregnancy to term as the scientists in all picture time and germany do what they can to save this species back in uganda their brain just celebrate another birth raud want to lawyer just weeks before they say the right not in africa may be endangered killed for its horn but here in uganda theyre thriving and on the course to be introduced to the wilds i 2022 Catherine Sawyer aljazeera. What is a fascinating story is not an affair now from curtis a bun youre whos a chief executive of the African Wildlife foundation and he says the governments a key in protecting the injured animals we evolved into the project out here where we were introduced a blood rhino started to be free in the 98. 00 hes now the 300. 00. Block right also in suffolk but he suddenly wrote process isnt quite as governor it was governments of a lot of soul required government participation would require as the good party says are to be placed such treaties can be provided but the subsidies need to be for example to what in subtle is will be that National Park where we created a successful only right ones got it trade forwards but that governments role is very very important here straight down was breaking the International Corporations because that dubai b. C. To national is out of africa so the plan is done now for support us i just sold into that of the International Markets so governments role in britain that the rest of the world. Has a vision is very very important you know and so the police is under so since all right lets get on to the sport has for nick thank you so much in the last few minutes winning formula one World Champion Lewis Hamilton has secured pole position at the russian grand prix on sunday the championship leader will have a chance to equal Michael Schumacher his record of 91 grand prix wins organizers hope that around 30000 fans will be able to attend the event the Boston Celtics are still alive in the n. B. A. Playoffs the miami heat to force a game 6 and these are conference finals the celtics came back from a 1st half deficit jason tatum had 31 points and time rebounds jaylen brown at a 28 lead in boston 21212108 when miami so lead the series 32 and are just one win away from reaching their 1st championship final since 2014. We do is we knew on the 1st. Point what about energy. In this crowd all over which is that. We have the right marci if youre going to look at all over for us and we know settle down a little bit at this and its a city were going to force. Rafa nadal says hes facing up to the toughest playing conditions and his career at the french open a tremendous starting 4 months behind schedule dudek run a wireless the 12 time champion believes the weather and even the match will make life difficult in paris any richardson reports. Ambitions of winning a grand slam title a normally over by this time of year but this year is anything but normal. The french open was meant to start in may instead it will be getting underway on a chilly sunday in september to play longer hours in september in those that then where its a little bit we but its nice that we have the chance to play these still in a moment in the we here we should actually think if you won for a fighting so hard to do it possible top level turners was suspended for 5 months due to coronavirus and many players including rafael nadal decided against a trip to new york for the recent u. S. Open the 12 time champion is sounding unusually pessimistic ahead of this tournament even the choice of match ball has been upsetting the spaniard ball completely different ball this sort of. Very called. Slow conditions of course the preparation have been less than then usual but you know what i am here to fight. Novak djokovic was in new york he managed to get himself disqualified for accidentally hitting a lone judge with a ball that opened up the jewel for austrias dominant team when so on to win his 1st grand slam title a lot of pressure this. Has gone from myself that vent the judge guess but then this is a sport where everybody begins from ciro basically every week Victoria Azarenka last ounce in the womens final at the u. S. Open against no you know me you know soccer or soccer has pulled out of this offense with an injury but as a rank it has just about made its a paris. Its awfully to quick to transition but im happy to to be able to play i feel right now you know i feel its right now it feels a little bit different than years and years before. Unlike in new york some firms will be in attendance organizers had hoped to welcome more than 20000 a day but thats now being cut to just 1000 and the richardson aljazeera the United Arab Emirates has been suspended by world equestrians governing body the country has been found guilty of staging 2 international in durance competitions National Events in an attempt to get around the new rules and investigation sound like too many foreign riders have taken part in the races its the 2nd time that the u. A. E. Has been sanctioned in recent years and 2015 the couch was suspended over Horse Welfare issues and a statement the f. E. I. President said its extremely disheartening that we have had to revert to the suspension of the National Federation the always clear intent to avoid the application of the new rules at the biggest events in their calendar was reflected in their actions and we cannot allow individual federations to apply the rules only as and when it suits them. The Tampa Bay Lightning are just one win away from clinching hockey stanley cup kevin shatter kirk scored a power play goal in overtime to give his team a 54 win over the dallas stars the victory gives the lightning a 31 lead in the best of 7 series game 5 is coming up in edmonton later this saturday. Weve got a job to do here its still not finished and. You know obviously any way i can contribute whether its scoring goals or you know playing solid defensively whatever it might be whatever the team asks. You know thats thats what i am to do every night pole vault world record holder armando planters has completed a perfect season in the event on friday hes cured his latest victory at the Diamond League event in cats are the 20 year old swede won all 16 of his meetings in 2020 as well as breaking the world record twice deplaned his will be targeting his 1st olympic title in tokyo next year. And finally the Miami Marlins have claimed it unlikely spot in the Major League Baseball playoffs the miracle marlins as theyre being called are the 1st National League team to reach the playoffs one year after losing 100. 00 or more a game as well all ends meet the new york yankees 43 to complete their journey from the lead to the worst team in 2019 playoff spots in 2020. Ok and that is all your sport for now nick back to you 4th grade thank you very much think you know the families of the workers persecuted during brazil to take issue whove welcomed a settlement deal from the german car make it wont work and this year the this week i should say the car company acknowledged its role in helping identify subversives among its workers of the years of legal wrangling its agreed to pay millions in compensation want to have hands its. Might have been internally and her grandson attend what many believe to be a long overdue ceremony her husband liz who live in bernie was one of 60 former votes that employees who were persecuted during brazils 20 year dictatorship most who died last year but the few who survived and their families are celebrating a landmark victory. The german car company has agreed to pay a 6. 00 and a half 1000000. 00 compensation to make up for its participation in crimes committed by the military who ruled brazil from 1964 to 1985. Was one of the victims with gallup volkswagen persecuted workers shut us up inside the factory and handed it over to the military in the department of political and social order the company kept tabs on all employees suspected of being political or Union Activists for years madeas has been let the victims in a legal battle to hold volkswagen accountable for its actions before his death bed and then you described how he was arrested inside the factory 972 and beaten there he was then taken to the secret Police Headquarters where he was tortured and then in prison for 19 months. The torture began in the factory they slapped me around kicked me punched me they wanted me to give names of people who were militants in the factory i said i did nobody one. Lets take you to the United Nations General Assembly the u. K. Ambassador in new york is about to introduce the british Prime Minister or as johnson of course its a Virtual Event the u. N. General assembly this year does the 75th and lets listen to history our species not since the almighty tower made. Has the human race been certain obsessed with one single topic of conversation weve been following the same debates researching the potential of the same drugs and time and again weve been taping the same word into the Search Engines cooed coronavirus has united humanity as never before and yet the crisis has also been an extraordinary force for division weve all been up against the same enemy the same tiny opponent threatening everyone in much the same way that members of the un have still waged 193 separate campaigns as if every country somehow contains a different species of human being across the world theres been an infinite variety of curfews and restrictions and closures and we fought in a spirit of so to keep the peace its been so urgent the pressures so intense that each National Government democracy or otherwise is decided entirely understandably to put the interests of its domestic population 1st weve seen borders spring up between friends and allies sometimes without consultation seeing the destruction of Global Supply chains with chip book wars on airport tarmac says nations vied with need

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