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A full lot. More protests in thailand west keeping up the pressure calling for a new constitution. So that its a decision thats been described as outrageous and offensive a grand jury in the United States has decided not to charge Police Officers in louisville in kentucky for the death of Brianna Taylor. Yes protests have been held in several cities for the black medical worker who was killed in march when police raided her home demonstrators denounced the criminal Justice System grand jury did indicts one of the offices for endangering his neighbors john hendren reports now from louisville. Anger in a sense of justice denied spilled over into the streets of louisville. Police who have faced off with demonstrators in one American City after another acted quickly well i think its a slap in the face to everybody who believes in justice and goodness and rightness. Its the least of the charges that you could imagine happening. The naming of the charges that dont even mention Brianna Taylors name its not just it is not. Justice kentuckys attorney general announced 3 charges of Reckless Endangerment against brett one of 3 officers who fired into the home of Briana Taylor in march she died seconds later no doubt that this is a gut wrenching emotional case and the pain that many people are feeling is understandable i deeply care about the value of human life deserves protection and in this case a human life was lost we cannot forget that the charges were firing into the neighboring home of a white family of 3 not for the shooting of taylor the officer who fired the fatal shots was not charged. Said enough. Taylor died after Police Firing their weapons stormed her apartment in march carrying out a no knock warrant for evidence against a friend of taylors her boyfriend Kenneth Walker says that moments before they entered he had fired a shot through the door at what he thought were intruders taylors family had hoped for murder charges the charges should have been murder or rest the cops all the cop should have been arrested how can you worse in the someones home fire. And not be charged with murder downtown louisville has been boarded up for days in anticipation a curfew set for 3 days on the car behind me you can see people including the man who are among the 1st people arrested in Louisville Police asked them to disperse they did not and then they ended up in handcuffs. Armed sometimes angry men and women walk the streets with assault rifles. Police say theyve arrested a suspect after 2 officers were shot during the evening both officers are currently undergoing treatment at university hospital. One is in alert in stable the other officers currently undergoing surgery in stable. State lawmakers are not waiting representative adic of scots Briana Taylor law would no knock warrants already banned in louisville and require officers serving warrants to wear body cameras im disappointed but not surprised justice was not served today in. Ghana taylor and her family and so that no other person is murdered by police with impunity its a start taylors mother told al jazeera in june that her daughters legacy would endure this isnt the way i would have wanted it to be. Still way it landed. Him in for definitely still be helping people so definitely sustained in a war. That changes come at an unimaginable cost to her family and in the view of the crowd in the streets far too little cost to the officers who left her dead in her own home John Hendren Al Jazeera louisville kentucky. Well lets hear now from isaac braun whos the executive director of u. C. L. A. s black policy project and he says the grand jury decision is a failure of the criminal Justice System but its not surprising. We have a long history of failing to have officers accountable when things like this happen theres a number of Different Things that have been changed in the situation to prevent this from happening its a tragedy and we should all mourn detain the family they have been a number of progressive piece of legislation across the country i think what the breathe act i think about a number of other bills looking critically about the role of Law Enforcement institutions in our country they havent gotten the traction that they need we need to deal with structural violence thats what causes problems for everybody and thats rooted in system and failures and i Education Systems and a Public Health infrastructure and i divestment from the institutions of health and well being while we invest in our cars will systems and louisville a disproportionate d share of the city budget goes to hyper policing when it could go to system to care for the same systems of care that are preventing black communities from divers and especially on the cover 1000. 00 prices we have more that we can do and its important for the success of pushing for the legislation to organize we have to mourn we have to grieve and then we have to look at policies not more should exist should be fired from one department of jurisdiction and a lot of work in another jurisdiction should never disappear fortunate share of our civic resources going to our systems of harm while our systems of care are completely under the you know under funded we need to think critically about these moments in our history because i dont want to have another unknown person another black person another black woman dying at the hands of Law Enforcement we could be investing in systems of care that would prevent these and so this is from occurring. But the u. S. President ial election just a very month away told trumpets refused to say whether he would accept a peaceful transfer of power if you lose his truck was evasive when asked the question during a white house briefing. You have to see what happens you know that ive been complaining very strongly about the ballots and the ballots are a disaster and people are writing to you commit to making sure that theres a nice little word for all of the want to have get rid of the ballots and youll have a very transpo have a very peaceful there wont be a transfer or frankly there will be a continuation of the ballots at a control you know it and you know who knows it better than anybody else the democrats know it better than anybody else. Or democratic president ial candidate joe biden has expressed disbelief over trumps comments and says the most rational thing i. Dont know what to say what is not surprising. Its rail is imposing even stricter coronavirus looked on measures officer infractions it comes less than a week after a nationwide shutdown was declared Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the restrictions are necessary to keep the country from being pushed to what he calls the edge of the abyss are a force that has more from west to receive them. It was up until this decision and since the the lockdown that was announced last friday possible to private businesses that were facing to remain operating pretty much as normal now they will be forced to close there are also restrictions on travel and protests all synagogues to be closed with a potential limited reopening for the holiest day of the jewish calendar coming up on sunday into monday the day of young people still to be announced exactly what those restrictions will be but other than that people have to pray outside in groups no more than 20 at a maximum distance of a kilometer from their front door and the same thing with protests no more we have these big protests and you know protests close to the Prime Ministers residence here in west jerusalem instead people will have to protest in numbers no more than 20 no more than a kilometer from their home and also there is a consideration about the potential to close down the Main International airport bengurion airport to departure is that something that will be discussed in the coming hours so im very very severe restriction more severe than what we saw back in march april and its something that took a long time very lengthy overnight meeting a special smaller cabinet that was constructed just to get this arranged now the crowds are gathering outside the Thai Parliament as politicians inside discuss whether to amend the constitution that the latest in a week several protests calling for reforms including the resignation of the Prime Minister. Lets speak to wayne he joins us from outside parliament a way this is just the start of a long process that what might come out of todays session in. Yes youre right this is going to be very long and complicated process if we are to take some steps towards amending the constitution on those dollars then this will be just the beginning and it may not be the steps on the right direction that the people who are gathered outside parliament want to see the country take you out what weve seen over the past 2 days are proposals put before parliament both the upper and lower houses of parliament you want to change the constitution 6 different proposals put forward by Political Parties and so what will see later on thursday is both the upper and lower house of Parliament Voting on whether they think those proposals should go to the next stage now there is the possibility that none of the proposals will see and not support in parliament to go to the next stage but just to give you some background this is a constitution that was written by the military after the coup in 2014 yes it did pass through a public referendum after that in 2017 but that was a referendum that was held under some pretty questionable conditions which is why so many people see it as a document that needs to be changed if thailand is to become a more democratic country in the future and what about the protesters way and will this help satisfy their demands. It was i think the short answer is no again we may not see any of these proposals passed through parliament with enough anough votes from the members of parliament and also the 250 senators as well and it may not be the right sort of change if we are to see one of the proposals accepted was yes well see many protesters on the streets over the past few months again obviously outside parliament here calling the changes to the constitution one of the main problems sic critics all of this military draft would charge ahead is the powell all d those 250. 00 senators they were handpicked by the military and they have a lot of power including the power to hand pick an unelected Prime Minister so that is one of the sections of the constitution related to the power of the senate that many of the opposition Political Parties and of course these produced is want to change but the proposal that is likely to receive the most support in parliament when the vote takes place later on thursday is the one backed by the ruling party and of course the 250 senators are also voting on these changes so its unlikely theyre going to want to vote themselves out of the job rules or limit their powers or a way one side to win hey theyre in bangkok. Still ahead here on out there a call for support mostly because the European Union to help stop armed groups who forced tens of 1000 people from the. Trip their family members were gunned down by indian soldiers what the military has begun Disciplinary Proceedings against the. Very unsettling central areas of indonesia this is where the heaviest rain is going to be for the next couple of days we have had some very heavy rain across areas of tyler look at this in bangkok the streets several centimeters of water as you can see but its been a little bit drier than that it should stay at it a bit more settled as we go through friday but some very heavy rains across born here the Malay Peninsula areas of sumatra and again becoming widely unsubtle across much of the philippines quite discussion of rain showers and thunderstorms that as we go through suffered a the rain is becoming heavier again and come back and again all new way into these Northern Areas of borneo and that is the southeast of australia this is where the rain is that not just the rain some very cold air coming through some very strong winds as well and even here this could turn to snow even lower elevations temperatures well below the average very strong winds as a say not sure about friday across new zealand weve also got a fairly good day across into Western Australia not bad on saturday wanted to showers pushing through quite cloudy touches and itll bit lower but it does begin to clear away from the southeast at least on saturday but those temperatures as i say little bit cool for the next few days we should begin to warm up at adelaide by about monday touches just a bit above the average melbourne stays unsettled for the next couple of days. But. North korea isolated and heavily sanctioned yet earning billions around the globe there are 39. 00 is involved in everything that makes money for north korea. To carry defy the customers take on tyson. The money this year and it goes straight into the coffers as leaders have a 2. 00 part people in power Investigation Bureau 39. 00 cash for kim parked one on a 0. But again youre watching out 0 remind of our top stories this hour and hundreds of people have been protesting across the United States after a grand jury decided not to charge 3 officers in the Fatal Shooting Brianna Taylor a family has called the decision outrageous and offensive. Israel has announced right to coronavirus restrictions after a surge of cases over the past few days to be less than a week since israel imposed a 2nd nationwide lockdown only essential businesses will remain open. The crowds are gathering outside the type parliament as politicians inside discuss whether to amend the constitution the latest in weeks of protests calling for reforms including the resignation of the Prime Minister. A south korean official who went missing from a fishing patrol boat on monday was shot dead and then burned by north korea thats what the south Korean Military believes it says the man was possibly trying to defect when he was spotted by north korean troops Robert Bright is following developments from seoul. This is been one of the most serious incidents to take place on this tense maritime border between north and south korea in a number of years and it unfolded over a couple of days at the start of this week south korea says that the official went missing from this patrol vessel on monday and that on choose day they detected through different intelligence sources that he had drifted north of the border clinging to some sort of flotation device or raft had been intercepted by a north korean patrol vessel was being questioned and that soldiers later that same day then shot him multiple times and set fire to his body there has been a strong reaction from south korea of condemnation you can. Only condemn such an atrocity and strongly demands north korea provide explanations and punish those who are responsible south koreas president ial office has called for an apology but part of the problem across the d. M. Z. At the moment is because relations have soured north korea has cut all of the hotlines between north and south the incident also seems to indicate the fear that exists in north korea of covert 19 because south korean officials report that the soldiers on board the north korean vessel were wearing gas masks and the fact that they burnt the body of this official seems to indicate they are prepared to go to extraordinary lengths not to allow the coronavirus to be brought d into north korea mozambique is turning to the European Union for help to stop attacks by ice a linked groups in the north the president wants the e. U. To train its forces to battle armed groups which emerged 3 years ago uncovered delgado since then the rebels have stepped up the violence and have seized important towns and also targeted the military. Belonged. In the face of terrorist attacks the government has responded firmly on the one hand with the support of local people through actions to defend sovereignty and territorial integrity as well as to protection of people and their property on the other hand the government has mobilized humanitarian assistance for the internally displaced people and promoted Socio Economic Development Activities for the communities lets picture malcolm where hes following the story from the kenyan capital nairobi and malcolm what kind of help do the movement between government want from. Being government asked for is specialized military training and logistics for counterterrorist operations and for medical assistance in the combat zone as well and this is because as he said theyve struggled to mozambique an armed forces have struggled in their fight against the armed groups in that area attacks began about 3 years ago but this group has grown considerably bolder last month they took control of the port town of muslim but the prior military havent been able to flush them out of there since and this is of particular concern to the government of mozambique because 10 years ago vast reserves of natural gas were discovered off the coast of cover delgado province there were about 50 1000000000. 00 and preparations have been made ever since for extraction of that natural gas and the armed group is now getting closer and closer to those gas extracting facilities the important question i suppose is this is whether or not the e. U. Wants to get involved in the conflict. Well for many years the European Unions been involved in in somalia for example where theyve supported the government in its fight against the armed groups they trained soldiers somali soldiers and they provided other supports these also been involved in the conflict in the sa and the kind of support that the government of mozambique is asking for now sounds to be exactly the same kind of same kind of thing thats been provided by the e. U. In those other conflicts that we dont know what its already been discussed or agreed behind closed doors but we do know that there are significant european commercial interests in this area one of the biggest investors in the natural gas projects there is. Just a few days ago the c. E. O. Met with mozambique and president philippe new sea in the capital maputo hotel said that they discussed security among other things but were waiting to find out from the European Union in the days ahead if they are going to get involved and exactly what kind of support they will provide for a market. In nairobi the French Health minister has unveiled stricter coronavirus measures in some areas but has stopped short of a full lockdown. Necessary to break the chain of infection before the Health System gets overloaded bars and restaurants in the region and the overseas department of guadalupe will close for 2 weeks france has reported more than 13000 new cases on wednesday and the British Government has launched a Smartphone App to track the virus in england and wales for months behind schedule cases there are surging with almost 6200. 00 infections announced on wednesday and that takes the total to more than 410000. 00 mr johnson unveiled tighter restrictions on tuesday which he said could last up to 6 months. The Indian Military has begun Disciplinary Proceedings against a few of its soldiers in kashmir after admitting that they exceeded their legal powers in june they gunned down 3 young men this rare admission of wrongdoing came after a family to follow the complaint accusing soldiers of killing them in a staged gun battle stratford as its report says. John sits with her family at their home in regime in the himalayan region of indian administered jamu and kashmir son. And his 2 cousins were killed by Indian Army Soldiers on july the 18th. But its been over 2 months that we remain here and there we forgotten to be forgotten to live and forgotten to take care of our cattle i miss him always wherever i go i miss him those who are involved in killing our children they too have children how can they do this brutal crime they were all innocent and had all the necessary documents with them required for identification this pride that they were killed says the young man who travelled from their homes in germany to shop ian in kashmir to look for work this is the building where they were killed the families say the army staged a battle and allow filming of a security operation to cover up the killings an inquiry ordered by the army concluded that soldiers acted with Excessive Force and recommends Disciplinary Proceedings against those involved but Rights Groups say indias Armed Forces Special powers act grants almost total immunity from prosecution for security personnel operating in socalled disturbed areas. They believe one of the reasons why an inquiry was awarded into this particular incident is because the 3 victims had family members in the indian army but the inquiry report says they suspected involvement in what it describes as terrorism is still under investigation. I had said it earlier as well that justice will be done i think the people here have heard the comforting results and will continue to hear more of the same. Its been a violent 12 months in indian administered kashmir in august last year the Indian Government cancelled a constitutional provision for the past 70 years that guarantee limited autonomy to the region the ruling sparked widespread protests Rights Groups say the indian Army Crackdown has been brutal the organization general Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society says Indian Security forces have killed at least 32 civilians since january. This human rights lawyer says the indian army will never be fully held to account for the killing of the 3 men army is not saying that they are discerning ins and as far as my experience is concerned you know. Promised 30 years and these fake and contras have been continuing. And unfortunately it will continue. Good reasons because there is complete impunity due to the army tens of thousands of people mostly civilians have been killed since the uprising began 30 years ago in indian administered kashmir demanding greater selfdetermination there are fears the military crackdown after the government ended the regions old sodomy is forcing some men to join armed groups sify jan says her son and his cousins had no connection or involvement with such groups she wants the indian army to exuma his body from the undisclosed location of his burial so the family can bury him close to their home chance trafford aljazeera. A un report accuses politicians in south sudan of embezzling more than 36000000. 00 in state funds Human Rights Commission report says the laundering was abetted by International Banks and fears the amount may be higher becomes 6 days after the president salva kiir fired the finance minister and other officials south sudan is struggling to cope with the aftermath of a 6 year civil war that has crippled Oil Production and that accounts for the majority of the states revenue. Venezuelas president says the United States represents the most serious threat facing a multi centered world and those were very made those remarks during his virtual address to the United Nations General Assembly is facing renewed scrutiny following a recent u. N. Report accusing him and his cabinet of crimes against humanity. As the. Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro in the international spotlight speaking before a virtual un General Assembly once again had the u. S. Firmly in his sights told me the north america the United States of america far from taking a positive or proactive leadership position conducts south resolutely under a government thats intransigent and hostile to diplomacy and high politics since it openly disregards multilateralism and any type of preexisting global rule on behalf of the topic of venezuela is of particular importance at the u. N. G. A. Report before the United Nations Human Rights Council accuses mothers government of crimes against humanity and alleges cases of torture and murder by the countrys Security Forces a u. N. Fact finding mission cites hundreds of cases of arbitrary detentions forced disappearances and violence with the u. N. Describes as the policy to silence venezuelas political opposition. The report adds that quote the president made a little and the ministers of the interior and of defense were aware of the crimes they gave orders who would need activities and supplied resources in furtherance of the plans and policies under which the crimes were committed. A human document contains more than 400 pages and 7 as well and it can be quite distressing to read the document which highlights some very terrible and difficult cases we all want to solution to the situation as well as for the people mentioning that report to face justice we face some of the virtual General Assembly has given me a rare. Opportunity to address the International Community without stepping foot in the u. S. Where there happens to be a 15000000. 00 bounty out for information leading to his arrest a. Mother whose attendance at the u. N. Has been condemned by his political opponents the Opposition Leader one is recognized by at least 59 countries as venezuelas legitimate president it wasnt he who spoke on behalf of venezuela at the u. N. G. A. Though he did host a live event over social media at about the same time and when the only way to get out the north the free and democratic world recognizes that Nicolas Maduro has illegitimately used force to usurp the presidency of the republic parsa kitting citizens who oppose him your state resources to finance Drug Trafficking and terrorist mafias that support him to maintain control despite the suffering of millions of venezuelans. Continues to navigate through a seemingly never ending power struggle between Nicolas Maduro and u. S. Backed one. The uns human rights report against the ongoing economic crisis and a recent increase in corona virus cases along been as well as border with colombia are among the reasons why been his way lower ranks so high on the General Assemblys diplomatic agenda i wonder is it happening aljazeera arraf on whos the Vice President of the council of the americas and sensible bearer should be looking inward. I would say it was an impressive speech for an alternative reality i mean accusing other governments in latin america of corruption when hes heading a regime that has literally stolen hundreds of billions of dollars over the years this is quite a feat quite an impressive display but you know in some its all level it was quite expected i mean the attacks on the United States the praise for russia china and cuba the alignment or the attempt of alignment with the Global Environmental community all of these things are things that we would anticipate from them in their own regime whether or not theyre true or not is a different question. So this is a desire and these are the top stories a 100 people have been protesting across the United States after a grand jury decided not to charge 3 officers in the Fatal Shooting of Brenda Taylor a family has called the decision not rages and offensive u. S. President donald trump again refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he loses novembers election trumpets repeatedly cast doubts on the legitimacy of mail in ballots democratic president ial candidate joe biden has expressed disbelief over the comments. Says the most rational thing. I dont know what to say that surprises. Israel has a not street to coronavirus restrictions after a surge of cases over the past few days its been less than a week since israel imposed a 2nd nationwide for a force that has more from west to east. Up until this point public businesses had been able to stay open a private businesses rather as long as they went public facing they didnt serve customers well now thats changing all but essential businesses will be shut down as well as their new measures on prayer and protest people wont be able to go beyond a kilometer of their front door to pray they will have to pray outdoors in groups of 20 the only exception to that will come on the holiest day of the jewish calendar sunday night through monday young people or synagogues will be opened up but only for groups of 10 or fewer south korean official who went missing from a fishing patrol boat on monday was shot dead and then burned by north korea thats according to the south Korean Military and says the man was possibly trying to defect when he was spotted by north korean troops. Mostly because turning to the European Union for help to train its forces in their fight against isis linked groups emerged 3 years ago in Kabal Delgado and since then the rebels have stepped up violence and they have seized important towns and also they have targeted the military. Stay with headlines here not 0 we got news coming right after people in power i think. For we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the wound. Center magellanic or hand out is iraq when you the names and kind of famous that matter. How does the. How is north korea one of the poorest countries in the world mannish to evade u. N. Sanctions and pay for its Nuclear Weapons program the answer is through a secretive Government Organization known as bureau 39. 00 which obtains Foreign Exchange by any means possible to fund kim jong uns regime in the 1st of 2 episodes investigating how its done we reveal how Money Laundering and slave labor raise cash for kids

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