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Pandemic a massive debt and a Failing Health care system having on knowledge and teeth. So its a decision thats being described as outrageous and offensive a grand jury in the United States has decided not to charge Police Officers in louisville in kentucky the death of Briana Taylor but medical worker was killed in march when police raided her home protests have been held in several cities to denounce the criminal Justice System the grand jury did indict one of the officers for endangering his neighbors 100 reports now in louisville. Anger in a sense of justice denied spilled over into the streets of louisville. Police who have faced off with demonstrators in one American City after another. Acted quickly. Think its a slap in the face to everybody who believes in justice and goodness and rightness. Its the least of the charges that you can imagine happening. And naming of the charges that dont even mention. Names its not just it is not justice kentuckys attorney general announced 3 charges of Reckless Endangerment against Brett Hankerson one of 3 officers who fired into the home of Briana Taylor in march she died seconds later theres no doubt that this is a gut wrenching emotional case and the pain that many people are feeling is understandable i deeply care about the value and sanctity of human life deserves protection and in this case a human life was lost. We cannot forget that the charges were for firing into the neighboring home of a white family of 3 not for the shooting of taylor the officer who fired the fatal shots was not charged. He said enough. Thats not enough taylor died after Police Firing their weapons stormed her apartment in march carrying out a no knock warrant for evidence against a friend of taylors her boyfriend Kenneth Walker says that moments before they entered he had fired a shot through the door at what he thought were intruders taylors family had hoped for murder charges the charges should have been murder a rest the cops all the cops should have been arrested how can you worse in the someones home fire. Kill them and not be charged with murder downtown louisville has been boarded up for days in anticipation a curfew set for 3 days on the car behind me you can see people including the shirtless man who are among the 1st people arrested in Louisville Police asked them to disperse they did not and then they ended up in handcuffs. Armed sometimes angry men and women walk the streets with assault rifles. Police say theyve arrested a suspect after 2 officers were shot during the evening both officers are currently undergoing treatment at university hospital. One is in alert in stable the other officers currently undergoing surgery in stable. State lawmakers are not waiting representative adic of scots Briana Taylor law would end no knock warrants already banned in louisville and require officers serving warrants to wear body cameras im disappointed but not surprised justice was not served today and so thats why we will continue to fight for Brianna Taylor and her family and so that no other person is murdered by police with impunity its a start taylors mother told al jazeera in june that her daughters legacy would endure this isnt the way i would have wanted it to be. Still way inland but. In definitely still be helping people so definitely sustained in a war. That changes come at an unimaginable cost to her family and in the view of the crowd in the streets far too little cost to the officers who left her dead in her own home John Hendren Al Jazeera louisville kentucky well its enough for my zip brian whos the executive director of u. C. L. A. s black policy project and he says the grand jury decision is a failure of the criminal Justice System but its not surprising. We have a long history of failing to have officers accountable when things like this happen theres a number of Different Things that have been changed in the situation to prevent this from happening its a tragedy and we should all mourn detain the family they have been a number of progressive piece of legislation across the country i think with the breathe act i think about a number of other bills looking critically about the role of Law Enforcement institutions in our country they havent gotten the traction that they need we need to deal with structural violence thats what causes problems for everybody and thats rooted in systemic failures and i Education Systems and a Public Health infrastructure and i divestment from the institutions of health and well being while we invest in our cars will systems and louisville a disproportionate d share of the city budget goes to hyper policing when it could go to system to care for the same systems of care that are preventing black communities from divers and especially in the covered 1000 crisis we have more that we can do and if the point for the success of pushing for the legislation to organize we have to mourn we have to grieve and then we have to look at policies not more should exist should be fired from one department of jurisdiction and a lot of work in another jurisdiction should never disappear fortunate share of our civic resources going to our systems of harm while i systems of care are completely under the you know under funded we need to think critically about these moments in our history because i dont want to have another unknown person another black person another black woman die at the hands of Law Enforcement we could be investing in systems of care that would prevent the east and said this is from occurring with the u. S. President ial election just over a month away told trumpets refused to say where the hill except to peaceful transfer of power if you lose his front was evasive when asked the question during a white house briefing. Well have to see what happens you know that ive been complaining very strongly about the ballots and the ballots are a disaster and that people are writing to you commit to making sure that theres a nice little word for all of the want to have get rid of the ballots and youll have a very transpo have a very peaceful there wont be a transfer or frankly there will be a continuation of the ballots at a control you know it and you know who knows it better than anybody else the democrats know it better than anybody else. Well democratic president ial kind of it j. Biden has expressed disbelief over trumps comments he says the most rational thing i. Dont want to say youre not surprised. When i tell her friend who is in more than a republican strategist he says the trump comments are less about the transfer of power and more about his concerns over a fair election. The president has consistently said throughout the last few weeks that he is concerned about the election has said at rallies that hes not going to necessarily say right now means going to agree to the results because of the potential for fraud and it might be contested just as the democrat thats contested it 20 years ago and i might add Hillary Clinton the vice former candidate for the presidency has told by his President Biden that he should not concede under any circumstances so i guess he doesnt have power but hes unwilling to concede or shes telling him not to concede even if its clear that he lost so thats undermining democracy its very polarized in our country the president is just simply saying lets watch out for voter fraud through mail in ballots and no im not going to commit to an election that hes uncertain or if you look at paterson new jersey where we have a lawsuit in and an already decided that lection needs to be run again because of mail in and and invalid ballots thats just very recent weve had situations in clark county recently in nevada where weve had more ballots sent than people are on the registered rolls the same thing in Los Angeles County all democrat strongholds so the president is clear about something weve never had universal mail in voting at these suggested levels in states that have not tested the system in our history and yes there is concern it is not just the president is the attorney general the United States has voiced this and a number of other officials i will tell you this secretary of state of Washington State a democrat said that state took 5 years to perfect their mail and voting no bad is proposing to do it in 6 weeks of course the president is correct. Israel is imposing strict coronavirus measures after a surge in infractions over the past few days its been less than a week since it imposed its 2nd nationwide shutdown of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the restrictions are necessary to avoid the country from being pushed to quote the edge of the abyss lets take this all makes me cross want to hurry for city joins us from west jerusalem and harry tell us more about these restrictions what further restrictions have been put in place. The biggest one is essentially and in most complete shuttering private business in the country it was up until this decision and since seemed to lock down that was announced last friday possible to private businesses that werent public facing to remain operating pretty much as normal now they will be forced to close is there also restrictions on travel and protests all synagogues to be closed with a potential limited reopening for the holiest day of the jewish calendar coming up on sunday into monday the day of young people still to be announced exactly what those restrictions will be but other than that people have to pray outside in groups no more than 20 at a maximum distance of a kilometer from their front door and the same thing with protests no more we have these big protests and protests close to the Prime Ministers residence here in west jerusalem instead people will have to protest in numbers no more than 20 no more than a kilometer from their home and also there is a consideration about the potential to close down the Main International airport bengurion airport to departure is that something that will be discussed in the coming hours so im very very severe restriction more severe than what we saw back in march april and its something that took a long time and very lengthy overnight meeting in a special smaller cabinet that was constructed just to get this arranged and a very divisive meeting that was with the finance minister saying that this was unprecedented in the world concerns about the impact of this economically indeed be coronaviruses are the commissioner whos been appointed to steward israels response to the pandemic he is also concerned about the Financial Impact of saying that it would have been enough just to take business is down to 50 percent but as far as Benjamin Netanyahu is concerned. There is a huge spike in new cases yes 70000 and if you think that earlier this year youre saying if things got back to 100 today that would be a requirement thats severe restrictions being imposed search shows just how far out of the numbers have gone and he says that the government needs to make obviously ari thanks for that their investors. Still ahead here on aljazeera. Both causes far inspiration in central nigeria to people calling for. 3 of their family members were gunned down by indian soldiers why the military has begun Disciplinary Proceedings against their end. A lot of west some windy weather sweeping in across northwest europe now you can see this by and the cloud rolling across the British Isles is going to sink its way for the south which is a swiss as we go on for the next couple days the best of the sunshine remains further east to temperatures in moscow getting up to 23 celsius a good deal woman that in athens at around 30 celsius be coming to those central areas will possibly get heavy showers longer spells of rain scandinavia also joining the makes all the way over towards the Baltic States 16 celsius in london and then paris go on into friday colder still temperatures know how to run 14 or 15 with a key normally way that really will feel quite bitter along the north sea coasts here some lesser weather started to push his way down towards the low countries lots of very heavy rain just around the balkans central and southern parts of italy too could even see a little bit of snow there into the alps for good measure across the net there is more in the way of sunshine here but still some of those showers a lot of sunshine to across northern parts of africa out of africa central or same big downpours some areas of nigeria cameroon seeing some lively showers over the next couple of days showers pushing all the way up towards senegal and easing out into the open waters by friday. Frank assessments seeing that. There is. Life being superficial informed opinion is ethiopia on the verge of a breakdown many calls on the only have region are actually under a de facto state of knowledge and see critical debate of that is a proxy he does not going to rescind the enters the bill if you feel indepth analysis of the days global headlines inside story on aljazeera. How to get you what you know is there are none of our top stories this hour and hundreds of people have been protesting in louisville and other cities around the United States after a grand jury decided not to charge 3 officers for the killing of Brianna Taylor the family called the decision outrageous and offensive. U. S. President donald trump has again refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power if you lose his never enter election trump has repeatedly cast doubt on the legitimacy of mail in ballots. Israel is announce treaty coronavirus restrictions after a search of cases of the past 2 days has been less than a week since israel impose its 2nd nationwide lockdown only essential businesses will remain and. Now a south korean official who went missing from a fishing patrol boat on monday was shot dead and then burned by north korea thats according to the south Korean Military who says the man was trying to defect across the maritime border when he was spotted by north korean troops right is following developments from solid rock what more do we know about this. This is turning out to be a very serious incident the as we know now had a very gruesome outcome this all unfolded over the course of a couple of days at the start of this week it was on monday that the crew of this south korean patrol vessel discovered that this official had gone missing and then discovered on tuesday they say that he was spotted on some sort of flotation device or raft but in north korean waters just north of the boundary of the maritime boundary between north korea and south korea and had been intercepted by a north korean patrol vessel and now south korean officials tell us that there was a lot of radio traffic between the north korean vessel and its headquarters presumably because intelligence had been listening in to that traffic and of the reveal that later on tuesday thats when they discovered that this official was shot multiple times and that the north korean soldiers on board the ship then set fire to his body now this has caused a as you would imagine a very angry reaction here in south korea south Korean Defense officials have condemned this as an act of brutality weve had a meeting thursday of the National Security council with the president s office also issuing a condemnation and calling for a full apology from north korea and announcing that as as of now security measures are now being stepped up on the border theres always of course its always very tense between the 2 koreas but more so right now. Thats right the level of tension seems to reflect the current state of play in relations between north and south korea and as we know the last few months relations have soured and thats part of the problem at the moment is that because of the souring of relations north korea has cut all of the hotlines across the d. M. Z. So its very difficult for south korea to make its. Displeasure felt in north korea and get any kind of reaction and response or even an apology from north korea and it also does seem to indicate the level of paranoia that north korea seems to have about the covert 19 because we know from south korean officials that apparently the crew of this north korean vessel were wearing gas masks and the fact that they burned the body seems to be in indicate that they were taken extreme measures not to import covert 19 of course it remains about the only country in the world that claims it doesnt have any of the coronavirus and it wants to keep it that way of course big given all of the myriad problems that it faces from sanctions and failed crops because of typhoon damage etc and it does seem to indicate the measures to which they are prepared to go to make sure that they dont get coated 19 or rob thanks for the insult. But it was simply said again crackdown on protesters and make. It sound like a shank who was sworn in as president in a surprise ceremony Security Forces use water cannon to disperse crowds because shanker has been under mounting pressure to resign after last months disputed election in several countries say they will not recognize his presidency hes called his inauguration a victory for him but mainly as more. Another day of confrontation between police and protesters imbalances kept. Men who show how did who is counted as the police attempt to disperse crowds still im willing to budge. People calling for a campaign of civil disobedience. Orcus election and so president Alexander Lukashenko sweep to victory was raked hundreds of thousands of people taking to the streets and. Now made more angry by looking surprise a new creation online in the city center they were able. To write quite brutally right and now people are coming from different from different parts of maine. Who commissioned a secret you know gratian ceremony immense was a quiet affair in contrast to the scenes outside a few 100 senior officials heads of state bodies on representatives from coach and sports attendants didnt stupid any of those in the speech the day of assuming the post of the president the Inauguration Day is the day of our victory convincing and faithful we were not just electing the president of the country we were defending our values our peaceful life our sovereignty and out independence and in this regard there is a lot to be done. Opposition leaders that man its a goodwill skier who had gotten a through in your following last months disputed election the ceremony of false. Lost but in reality has just retired today it means his orders to military and Security Services arent legitimate anymore and can no longer be executed i am the only leader elected by the belorussian people task now is to build a new batteries together and polands president. Used his speech to the Un General Assembly to speak out about human rights abuses in belarus yeah most of it is gog repression of political opponents mesta tensions of Peaceful Protesters violence and torture being applied to them cannot be tolerated in any state belarusians like any other free nations have the right to shape their political future in a sovereign way without external interference. I can only. Think the towns president protests continue to show food. On both sides is showing little sign of backing down. On the aljazeera. At least 23 people have died after a fuel truck exploded in nigerias central kavi state the victims include several schoolchildren a truck exploded when it overturned near a bus stop start a fire along the highway. Protesters in argentina have gathered outside the Supreme Court in response to a controversial judicial reform bill and aims to limit the power of federal judges based in the capital one of the areas president Alberta Fernandez promised to reform the judiciary when he took office and 29000. 00 saying it will be a tool to persecute political opponents demonstrated say the plan is an attempt to protect politicians from criminal charges. All the time economy contracted by record 19 percent in the 2nd quarter of the year and thats mainly being caused by the current of our us pandemic meanwhile the number of people dying continues to rise despite a 6 month lock down which is one of the longest in the world for this one of the reports now from us. This shot is a down in these normally bustling streets customers with less money to spend being asked to stay home unemployment at 13 percent and the 15 year high that. Georgina reform a teacher with 5 children was homeless before the pandemic this is a noticeable increase in those joining her. In the official we ask for money and people help us to have some more crops up we do it being on the street people dont give us much room because theyre scared of discussed it but we survive the. Monitor uncork a have kept their downtown restaurant open with lockdown restrictions no sit down customers just take away males another theres nothing you serve 4 or 5 meals what can we do. What that it doesnt cover our costs were at our limit and ready to pack it all and. Similar stories are told across latin america its particularly bad in peru brazil chile and mexico where many work in the Informal Sector what the pandemic has done is exacerbate existing structural problems right across latin america lack of investment in health and education a massive inequalities and nowhere is that more severe than here in argentina already saddled with crippling debt and barely recovered from previous Economic Crises and one in being of any president a birth often and this is calling for long term measures to tackle deep rooted problems addressing the United Nations General Assembly on tuesday he said the countrys debt burden should be eased my home by play but no country can pay its debts at the expense of its own people without being left with no Health Education security or growth capacity. Ocean tina recorded 470 more coverage related deaths on choose day bringing his total to more than 13000 when he says his priority remains Public Health it still has to keep the economy functioning the only way to keep it going and hope for. Economic reactivation even the i. M. F. Itself is through massive government subsidies to the private sector to individuals to try to keep things afloat so that eventually once we have a vaccine or whatever. And can start going back to normal. Argentina pays 5 percent of his g. D. P. On those subsidies wondering like everyone else how much longer a consisting of such a delicate balancing act. When osiris. Canadas Prime Minister is unveiling what speaking called a bold plan for economic recovery from the pandemic Justin Trudeau his announcement comes as unemployment rises and experiences a 2nd surge of Infections Health Officials Say the country is at a crossroads with more than a 1000 new cases being reported daily. The British Government has launched its Smartphone App to track the virus in england and wales for months behind schedule cases there are surging with almost 6200. 00 cases and now its a wednesday that takes a total to more than 410000 Prime Minister johnson unveiled tighter restrictions on tuesday which he said could last up to 6 months. The Indian Military has begun Disciplinary Proceedings against a few of its soldiers in kashmir after admitting that they exceeded their legal powers in june they gunned down 3 young local men this rare admission of wrongdoing came after families had filed a complaint accusing soldiers of killing them in this stage gun battle for reports says. John sits with her family at their home in rouge in the himalayan region of indian administered jamu and kashmir son. And his 2 cousins were killed by Indian Army Soldiers on july the 18th. But its been over 2 months that we were roaming here and there we forgotten to be forgotten to live and forgotten to take care of our cattle i miss him always wherever i go i miss him those who are involved in killing our children and they too have children how can they do this brutal crime they were all innocent and had all the necessary documents with them required for identification this pride that they were killed says the young man who travelled from their homes in germany to shelby and in kashmir to look for work this is the building where they were killed the families say the army staged a battle and allow filming of a security operation to cover up the killings an inquiry ordered by the army concluded that soldiers acted with Excessive Force and recommends Disciplinary Proceedings against those involved but Rights Groups say indias Armed Forces Special powers act grants almost total immunity from prosecution for security personnel operating in socalled disturbed areas. They believe one of the reasons why the inquiry was ordered into this particular incident is because the 3 victims had family members in the indian army but the inquiry report says they suspected involvement in what it describes as terrorism is still under investigation. I had said earlier as well that justice will be done i think the people here have heard the comforting results and will continue to hear more of the same. Its been a violent 12 months in indian administered kashmir in august last year the Indian Government cancelled a constitutional provision for the past 70 years that guarantee limited autonomy to the region the ruling sparked widespread protests Rights Groups say the indian Army Crackdown has been brutal the organization general Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society says indian Security Forces have killed at least 32 civilians since january. This human rights lawyer says the indian army will never be fully held to account for the killing of the 3 men army is not saying that they are discerning ins and as far as my experience is concerned you know. Promised 30 years. And these fake and contras have been continuing. And unfortunately it will continue. For good reasons because there is complete impunity to the army tens of thousands of people mostly civilians have been killed since the uprising began 30 years ago in indian administered kashmir demanding greater selfdetermination there are fears the military crackdown after the government ended the regions old sodomy is forcing some men to join armed groups sify jan says her son and his cousins had no connection or involvement with such groups she wants the indian army to exuma his body from the undisclosed location of his burial so the family can bury him plus to their home chance trafford aljazeera. Said this is out there these are the top stories and hundreds of people have been protesting in louisville in kentucky and other u. S. Cities after a grand jury decided not to charge 3 officers for the killing in reality a family called the decision outrageous and offensive. U. S. President donald trump has again refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he loses left embers election trump has repeatedly cast doubt on the legitimacy of mail in ballots that were credit president ial candidate joe biden has expressed disbelief over trumps comments. Says the most the rest. I dont know what to say what is not surprising. Israel is announced strict coronavirus restrictions after a surge of cases over the past few days its been less than a week since israel imposed a 2nd nationwide lockdown only essential businesses will remain open. A south korean official who went missing from a fishing patrol boat on monday was shot dead and then burned by north korea thats according to the south Korean Military who says the man was possibly trying to defect across the maritime border when he was spotted by north korean troops. Police have used water cannon to clear protesters in minsk it happened hours after Alexander Lukashenko was sworn in as president in a surprise ceremony as several countries have said they do not recognize the new leader. The plenty of those this president that a day of assuming the post of the president in all gratian day is the day of our victory convincing and faithful we were not just electing the president of the country we were defending our values peaceful life our sovereignty and independence and in this regard there is a lot to be done at least 23 people have died after a fuel truck exploded in nigeria central clearly states the victims include several schoolchildren the truck exploded when it aired turned near a bus stop and started a fire along the highway. Protesters have gathered outside argentinas supremes courts this is a very controversial judicial reform bill that aims to limit the power of federal judges based in the capital one instance of president Alberto Fernandez promised to reform the judiciary when he took office in 2019. All right youre up to date with the headlines here on out certain got more news coming up right off the inside story. If. China win it by the mob would be largely the American People failed to do his job on track they dont call him sleepy joe for nothing ok he still doesnt have a place to see this christmas one of the planks president ial t. V. Debate on aljazeera. Facebook says it has a plan for fighting misinformation if the u. S. Election in their words descends into chaos but all facebook and other social media platforms doing enough to stop the spread of fake news and insights plenty of violence this is inside story. And i welcome to the program. Social media shape the way people across the

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