Transcripts For ALJAZ Oceans Monopoly 20240712

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A suspect in that case there is no word that there is any other suspects and if you look behind me we had expected to be in that square but police told us if we were there that we would be arrested along with hundreds of other demonstrators who are in that square being cleared out by police on horseback and on foot and if that happens you you end up in those cuffs that weve seen so many people here wearing as a matter of fact if you look just over that direction there is a gentleman who just tried to walk past the police line and they said no its curfew and thats where hes ended up for the evening and we have seen police here respond in a much stronger way than weve seen in other cities they give an order to disperse and then they just start arresting people in this case they launched flash bang grenades and cleared this square with people in riot gear so police here are taking things very serious u. S. President donald trump has again refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he loses novembers election trump suggested the results could end up before the Supreme Court trump has repeatedly cast doubt on the legitimacy of mail in ballots. Well the Russian Police have again crackdown on protesters in minsk hours after Alexander Lukashenko was sworn in as president in a secret ceremony demonstrators have been detained police are angry people are angry that lukashenko has not resigned following last months disputed election he took his oath in front of several 100 government officials several countries have said they wont recognize his presidency didnt stupidity of dollars in the speech he did to the day of assuming the post of the president in all gratian day is the day of our victory convincing and faithful we were not just electing the president of the country we were defending our values peaceful life. And out independence and in this regard there is a lot to be done. By the russian Opposition Leader to kind of sky a has dismissed the swearing in ceremony saying speaking from neighboring lithuania at that that was a bomb in the. This socalled inauguration is obviously a farce in reality has just retired today it means his orders to military and Security Services arent just a myth anymore and can no longer be executed i am the only leader elected by the belorussian people task now is to build a new valeries to get the. Ball garia is expelling 2 Russian Diplomats who are suspected of spying well gary and prosecutors say they had been seeking classified military information 5 Russian Diplomats have now been kicked out of the balkan country and less than a year the European Union is proposing to overhaul the way its members deal with incoming refugees and migrants it would see tighter border controls a streamlined process for Asylum Seekers who are rejected and require each country to host at least some Refugees European Commission president of underlay and says all states share the responsibility to take the pressure off nations on the coasts. Antigovernment protesters in egypt are back on the streets for a 4th night despite a mass crackdown on dissent that has led to the arrest of 300 people demonstrators are calling for president have been fatah has sisi to step down the u. N. Says politicians in south sudan have a better hold more than 36000000. 00 in state funds as detailed in a Human Rights Commission report in the allegations come after president salva kiir fired the finance minister and the heads of the Tax Collection Agency and National Petroleum Company Last Week oceans monopoly is up next ill just. For millenia the oceans lay outside the dominion of. His states influence extended only 3 nautical miles from the coast a little further than a cannonball could travel. But then humans discovered the ocean floor. And 3rd largest land grab in welty story began. Tom apply and im in the bedroom of rodeo should in the north atlantic twice ive sold it twice in small yards and also crossed in a bottle bug in. A woman i lived on rockaway in this some people call a Survival Capsule i call it a wooden box its a house like this is my house this is a one man house i lived with a 40 days it did the job it kept the window for me i was warm and dry but dont forget im right talk the talk of the cliff its just straight down to the city. Hall mclean is one of the u. K. s greatest adventure has he crossed the atlantic. 5 times the 1st time in a globe and once in a vessel shaped like a beer bottle for his latest trip he sailed from newfoundland chicle in the smallest sailboat ever to cross the atlantic. And. Soon mclean will travel to new york in a boat built to resemble a whale. But it was more than an adventure it. Was a mission a mission done in service to mother england. Somebody said about st kilda and they go in there but so the rock or rock was right there in the middle of the atlantic and there seems to be a dispute who owns it and i thought well if i be your 1st civilian to reside on rock call that would help the case it wasnt quite so good the wind carried there. They closed in without it. Is very dangerous there now you can see how lumpy is quite dangerous. They were far from ok after that momentary triumph but then a strong work ethic the big big way down i go down there was 54 straight down into the foam flies helplessly into the sea. The landing at 1985. Told him to clean his knife. But he eventually made it to safety and flew in london and getting to the top was only the beginning however Great Britain willing to claim the law because an island it. Happened International Law stipulates at the time must remain there for 21 days old. When the boat turned to go home and leave me for the 1st time. I was glad to see them go i was on my adventure im here with iraq and the birds im happy to be here of the chiefs are making history. Gesture to remind those who may challenge it that brittania ruled these waves. For the u. K. It was about more than just claiming a lump of granite in the ocean the real objective was to secure the resource which a oh yeah oh around local the islet was to play a key lonely in british territorial claims. The main players in british Maritime Claims work in an office on the south coast of india and. Its a fascinating area of work to do it its theres not often as somebody working in oceans signs that you do get the opportunity to mix both the legal on the technical aspects and see how they Work Together almost in order to develop something on behalf of the state. But we have the United Kingdom to the east and as we further west we passed the rock all rock itself on to the plateau the land area of Great Britain of 240000 square kilometers the area that the u. K. Have submitted for the rock as 163000 square kilometers. Would be to. My main reason to go to rockall was to inhabit it and if i stayed in International Law less than 21 days im only visited i had to stay more than 21 days and by staying there more than 21 days it in fact 40 days it wasnt iraq its an oil and i made it or not and. Local. For the u. K. To claim the Territorial Sea overwhelmed along it had to prove that it was inhabitable yet the eyelids could be easily confused with any walk and tom stay was controversial so controversial that the u. K. Had to put another territory into the mix st kilda the archipelago increased the british crowns claimed 5160000 square kilometers st kilda has been deserted ever since its 36 remaining inhabitants left almost a century ago but humans lived there once and they could live there again at least theoretically. What does the u. K. Want with all this water. What do you mean by owning a piece of the ocean. The idea of the ocean has changed over time. The most from the poems to show how goods and their kotoko has one song of the world and what they flew to an ocean is very much sure what was important to them and also. Before 1492 before columbuss journey to the americas the ocean as a broad portion of the worlds surface as a as a major space that figured into our sense of the globe really wasnt there in the middle ages the world was thought to be a single large landmass a veritable mega continent without ocean. So the ocean really plays no role at all except to show a limit the ocean shows the limit of society and shows the limits of actually of gods kingdom of the kingdom on earth to the east beyond the Ocean Clay Eden lay that the Promised Land lay heaven beyond that there was really nothing baptist. For most of Human History the oceans were projection screens for the imagination of an unexplored and irrepressible loved a mighty barrier a place of terror. Despite its dangers the ocean became more and more important over the centuries. As global trade developed merchant fleets transformed the oceans into vast shipping lanes people from past centuries would never have dreamed of laying claim to the ocean for them it was a blue. Its formed with dangers and obstacles that needed to be overcome a sailors journey to foreign lands. And of course the 2 dimensional bit is ironic because the ocean is so material a 3 dimensional you know we you step into the ocean you sank yet in the 19th and 20th centuries something happened that changed our idea of the ocean for ever the seabed became a place of exploration in 858 as the transatlantic cable was being late engineers noticed variation in the oceans to. Be evidence of undersea mountains the 1st Scientific Study of the ocean floor was undertaken by the german survey vessel meteo in 1925 scientists today likened the expedition to columbuss 1st voyage which began the exploration of a towering name called nita a previously unknown land over the next few decades a picture of the undersea cosmos gradually emerged. Suddenly kind of developed this new awareness of the seabed of the underneath of course this itself is also kind of a fantasized idealisation of the ocean because youre imagining that you can see through the water column the water is missing from here the fish are missing a subtle way the topography of the seabed is quite literally brought to the surface. Of the discovery of the seabed radically changed our idea of the ocean the ocean was no longer just water it was 1st and foremost a land mass a vast expanse that belongs to no one but that could perhaps be seen just. This man had a groundbreaking idea. The president of the United States harry s. Truman a man who then flew into a war reeking of any other man on earth. Harry truman asserted his countrys influence with the north claim this ocean was a territory territory under water that could be annexed as part of the United States. Enormous quantities of oil found in the gold for mexico but the oil lay beyond the 3 miles island in which coastal states could exercise their song rights truly wanted more he wanted new terms story for the United States the superpower needed more more oil urgently oil reserves on the mainland no longer sufficed. Our dependence on these minerals and Raw Materials is so fresh and our supply so uncertain that we are moving as rapidly as we can and by every means that ingenuity can divide to expand facilities to step up production find new sources develop substitutes and bring in increased supplies from foreign sources. After to 2nd world war in 1045. 00 then us president truman issued a proclamation. Declaring that the Natural Resources in the. Seabed and subsoil belong to the United States of america. In convincing the world that the american president not only had no will but also the right to incorporate undersea territory truman used an argument that built on a recent discovery in some areas of the seabed oceanic others a continental. The us had to have this kind of basis of a jew logical link between its land mass and the land mass submerge and lead to its territory. Andy an idea of the geological Continental Shelf is the basis which the us saw as. A legal basis as well they had to finally end the bases that they found most convincing most of course science. But the. Odds of being at sea and im not so cursed by ever use it was there should be. 15 year tours like this name years. In. Our business in the us we are by to get. The argument that the continent continues on made up the core of trumans justification this was more convincing because the historical events that legitimized this theory which by far into history. Possibly far. Entire do if keep this. Time in. Terms. Of the korean talent left by medion minimum. Will feed your cat is a geophysicist at the Alfred Baker Institute in play my husband alfred vega noticed that the coastlines of north and south america seems to fit together with those of us and africa like pieces of a puzzle. Indeed carnegie lookee in differ on found on one of the dark was just a comment im on to some. Pianist. In record scientists today believe there was once a supercontinent that at some point began to drift apart in the early 20th century this idea seemed completely preposterous. This being water sanitary. Just it. Could turn. Out adamas got kind of supervised and. This is on the continent on them in the atmosphere to nothing we only out working with us afaik the american doctors and indian. Muslim if. One does this to cure the present. Indian. Its here. To cost us a con invite not. Back these are but i hear thats where the quote entire. Went on he has only climate delegates has as a. Were these are up or kunder that get deemed. To form yet on this have to be done article sausan of the field of. Grass but. They did it this submerged land mass is really a prolongation of your land territory you know its who can argue that this would not be partly right territory. The more people became aware of large quantities of oil and gas in the ocean floor the more coastal states tried to claim it for themselves they called for an International Law based on the geological definition of a Continental Shelf yet many states resisted the earths history has not favored each country equally to brushless learned how to answer by can share. Financier mind us as if we were few not part. Africa to acquire a particular made up artist dozens i didnt want importing Context Group or a picture of us learned. To balance out the geological differences that emerged over hundreds of millions of years the nations of the world abandoned the geological definition of a Continental Shelf in favor of a Legal Definition that applies to all coastal states uniformly the godless of its undersea geology every country is granted a Continental Shelf extending 200 nautical miles out to sea its exclusive economic zone. So these did they be of these 200 as a magic number became acceptable to many states at the conference but the broad margin states did not accept this because of course they were as far as theyre concerned they would come out as a loser and its not just the us and it also other states such as canada russia is also one of those states so they were not willing to give this up. Ultimately states with a wide Continental Shelf prevailed a clueless with momentous consequences was quietly appended to the law of the Sea Convention the clause in question is article 76 it says that the state can lay claim to his geological Continental Shelf in addition to his legal Continental Shelf provided that the state can supply data demonstrating the shelves outer limits within 10 years. The time limit triggered a veritable one on the worlds oceans and the largest Land Allocation in world history. For the 1st time in the history of humanity a land grab occurred based not only more on. Traditional forms of cholera but rather on geological findings. Scientists have a special role in the case of the ocean because the geo physical difference isnt as obvious its not as experienced if youre on an island detention oh youre on an island you can experience where land meets water i have no idea where the seabed ends you know where the Continental Shelf fans and you know nobody does from every day observation. So i would like to explain you now actually article 76. 00 of the convention actually works and its all about natural. Laws so we have. Actually the lab continues under water or Something Like this everything is decided by the point where the continental gradient drops off at the foot of the continental slope this spot is used to calculate the shelves outer limits the state can choose between 2 formulas it can extend its borders 60 nautical miles or 100 kilometers from this point see woods tran be more advantageous however to use the sediment thickness will because the settlements on the mainland to the states has a territorial claim to this part of the seabed the thicker the layer of sediment the better according to the think list will the Continental Shelf extends until the point where the thickness of sediment amounts to one percent of the distance from the foot of the slope. Because no one only chests understand geological data only thing. Determined to follow the state so when winds extend over the initial pence the commission of acts to respond to deal with the Global Community recognizes the states and the suffering bullet is involved 1. 0 nonsi business wiped out by mickey. Or. Commission on the limits of the gun. As pows idiotic and zap it is as is g. s e is g. To join you bob keep then join just head busy sure if we had each really involved. Would. Call him names helped build this commission yes now he is among the fiercest critics. G. Home in your. Paper for. Lemar spot. Yeah its bad when father that our white mocked our dinner tonight in president. The 21. 00 geologist of the Continental Shelf commission was building d. C. To the United Nations plaza filming it is full. Of the members may speak to the public in spite of precisely because of the fact that their decisions can change maritime nations. Easily. I am confidentiality the. Best i have seen the. Hotness. Joe busy ron have you noticed that joe. A dent in the debt needs. By this time to end the. Plague of confidentiality for father night but does ice just rise you know house. From out cheery on liberia ponderous and cameroon aljazeera world means for writers and performers this past week journeys to europe have changed their lives i cant use the force. Im talking about we will be we are moving fleeing persecution seeking a safe haven and creative freedom a hard road from home journalists and activists on aljazeera. Examining the headline that said to me business virus can run in the watch it on the news and i think if i was the kid for unflinching journalism or how relevant is the debate here in this day and age how he characterized the protest movement i would say that we have served as they are waking over the nation sharing personal stories with a global audience. To explore an abundance of world class programming the world is watching on alexs era. Water an essential resource for all humankind across europe pressure to recognise water as a human right and put its management back into public hands is increasing i think that the European Commission would be very very that was a problem with us is shit on anybody if they only feel. Those people who see every 2 years something to invest the profit of a 1. 00 up to the last drop on aljazeera. But im not clock in doha the top stories here on aljazeera and 2 Police Officers have been shot during protests in the u. S. City of louisville is anger after a grand jury ruled that officers involved in the Fatal Shooting of black were going to taylor used to justify it for 100 has the latest from louisville. And we know that theres a lot of anger in the streets here hundreds of protesters filled the streets its now an hour after curfew so many civilians you see here are violating that curfew and. Everyone we talked to who had been out in this street demonstrating told us they were dissatisfied with the outcome in fact no one was prosecuted for shooting Briana Taylor the prosecution for wanton recklessness in the case of one officer who fired 3 shots fired into a neighboring apartment where 3 people lived that is the only charge to come out of this u. S. President donald trump has again refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he loses novembers election from suggested the results could end up before the Supreme Court trumpets repeatedly castanets on the legitimacy of mail in ballots israel has announced coronavirus lockdown restrictions off of cases over the past 2 days only essential businesses such as pharmacies and supermarkets will remain open the new measures come into effect on friday. And government protesters in egypt are back on the streets for a 4th night despite a massive crackdown on dissent that is led to the arrest of 300 people the demonstrators are calling for president. To step down. The police have used water kind of to clear protesters in minsk it happened it was off to Alexander Lukashenko was sworn in as president in a surprise ceremony several countries have said they dont recognize because as leader. German doctors say a russian Opposition Leader lecturing of on the could make a full recovery be released from hospital where he was being treated for poisoning him and he says he has a long rehabilitation ahead. Flood areas explaining to Russian Diplomats suspected of spying well gary and prosecutors say they had been seeking classified military information 5 Russian Diplomats have now been kicked out of the balkan country in less than a year yesterday the headlines here in aljazeera now its back to oceans monopoly. Before the commission of expats was founded in new york with the Global Community recognizes states and suffering borderless as pows who do you got their cards out is as d. Z. Is due to join bob peeped. For the 1st time in the history of humanity a land grab a cut based not anymore on traditional forms of cholera but rather on geological findings. The experts who tipped the scales a lot about maritime territories a notoriously unforthcoming one members agreed to speak about the commission on the condition the team meets has new hell put in which to me in frons. Form personally i always felt that we could do an effort to actually be more transparent and to communicate. So my name is walter roost and im reading your physicist work at it from here in france and im a member of the Un Commission on the limits of the Continental Shelf. Well the 1st thing i should say is that you know the work of the commission yes its true its quite. 3 that very confidential fashion and the main reason behind that from the beginning while the 2 reasons one is that were dealing with sovereign rights of states secondly many of the states submit data that are actually confidential data derives from Petroleum Industry francis so and those data they have to be treated with a very high level of confidentiality there were powerful interests behind the states petitions seabed data have Enormous Economic significance this information contains important clues for where Natural Resources might be located d industries and states are not inclined to share this information which can be worth billions i think what we did what i could say is that as members of the commission i think we consider ourselves really scientific and technical experts but we also. Cautions of the fact that our recommendations or decisions that we make have huge impact both politically economically. And so on so is it possible to distinguish those 2. For geologists in the commission to have the job of evaluating Continental Shelf data submitted by countries officially the commission only makes recommendations but since their conclusions are not cooperated by anyone else they have de facto or pfoa t. To decide which nations get which territories. 5 nations that border the arctic ocean are in a bid to extend their software in why its in the direction of the north pole denmark canada us norway and russia each wants as much territory as possible the area is best. Managing to contain 10 percent of the worlds oil was. Due to friday who of. Me id sue you shipped. If. For. Us were doing is hes hince has put down. Russians. That. Russia understood how to take advantage of the new. In 2002 he was one of the 1st countries to submit a claim to the Continental Shelf commission the russians asserted lawyers to no less than the entire essential arctic an area of 1500000 square kilometers including the north pole coal hinz was known as the man who shot down blushes claim on account of insufficient Scientific Evidence employed a trick that many states are using to push through their claims even after they are which. Is and is a country and. This is a boat. Or d. L. C. Este. Ron. Im a fresh one of. The. Missions. In the race to control the worlds oceans data is key if a claim that nations can have just collect more information this effectively allows countries to circumvent the commissions 10 year deadline governments can submit new reports until their claims who approved each additional geological submission brings with it a fresh womb for interpretation the name of the game is if you want to have the best answer for your time boundaries. Nor the best answer for your extended Continental Shelf you go out and collect the best modern day data possible to go in use for your final application for law the seed to ensure that the answer is the best that it can be. Russia has since submitted it refines to data to the Continental Shelf commission but canada and denmark want to know home to. How can other countries with the same scientific arguments claim the same territory. Is an ocean and what is a continent it is a question of just speak to the commission evaluates the Scientific Data and makes a decision if the for or against a states claim once a claim is approved it is binding and cannot be reversed. I dont know i mean we have no. If we replace all members of the commission that the cleeve we have 21 new members and we would give them the same case it would be get the same result i can be quite certain we will not get exactly the same result so i. I dont believe that the commission can be a 100 percent right because 100 percent right does not exist in Natural Sciences were talking about interpreting based all relatively sparse data. The commission is a coupe of textbooks selected by the. Nations of the 21 members on the commission 19 come from countries that others like the territorial expansion to National Interests play decisions of its members what is certain is the recommendations and tested. And the facts learned so good as your name. On top of. This is that the work that charm in every age i my. My country or they have put all your lives over a problem is your nobody. Wiking son well there were 2 candidates. From malta. And all i can say is that jamaican want. My kulacz puts the International Seabed to. Say it is a type of executive council of the ocean floor they supervise one of the states on able to get their hands on with Continental Shelf claims the i. S. A. s official is that the deep sea bed is the common heritage of mankind they believe that the ocean belongs to everyone the common heritage concept includes. A number of basic ideas the 1st idea is that. Its an area over which no single state can claim sovereignty and it has to be administered for the benefit of all mankind. The seabed over 40 years the tosca distributing witches that are not in the sovereign areas of National States if a country or Company Makes a profit from Mining Minerals the i s a ensures that poor countries and countries without coastal borders receive a share. When founding the i s a states agreed to make environmental regulations as strict as possible for deep sea mining in International Waters because no one knows its effect on the merits of the ecosystem. So the i say has no standing in the Continental Shelf commission its not an observer to the commission it has no right to object to a recommendation of the commission. The commissions recommendations go only to the coastal state that is making the submission and not to anybody else. The ocean compass ever 360000000 square kilometers almost 3 quarters of the earths surface. And. Over 40 percent of this area has been assigned to legal continental shelves. Claims on expanded geological continental shelves make up another 10 percent of the ocean. It is now projected that around 57 percent of the oceans will eventually be under the control of the coastal states. In the year 2000 and thats the latest set of figures that we have the International Seabed authority which is based in jamaica they came up with an ask them it as they saw that governments were starting to work through this more recent component for a lot of the sea for the extended Continental Shelf they have a figure just just below 12000. 00 us trillion dollars is the insitu estimate of seabed resources in the expanded continental shelves. Estimates about the quantity of Natural Resources buried in the seabed are highly speculative but if the figure of 12000. 00 trillion u. S. Dollars is white it would be enough to every person on earth a check for one and a half 1000000. 00. For this is one of the countrys leading the charge to claim a piece of the pie like current nothing has a leg up over many other states a colonial past. Please leave. Blues. In a realm of. Say they flee she. Do or do we do. Not want to feel at least one of. The. All. Well out. Of the famous to its colonial past france administers islands in almost every ocean of the world now it stands to gain substantial Maritime Territory in each. Currently france has 11 claims pending the Continental Shelf commission. Says it is on t. V. It is. Jacqueline regularly do not print says is. Different. They are duplessis up. France has claimed territories amounting to some 12000000 square kilometers around 20 times the size of continental farms if the claims are. It will become the worlds 2nd largest maritime nation its sovereign rights stretching over an area of the ocean almost as large as the entire arctic less yasith also. You know there are a little him all the daily limahl and bulldog. Us a good. Leader of our blood to want you know how it is just remarkable man all because i do security doing it dont drive or. Duplicate control some of the predict not pass up class. Which is going to. Be not a of a city despite your. Clearly. Thats your daily look at the courts not bad or last disease do put in his shell see day go off or send decision t o. S to that button off that theres the down to the point. That up on the shelf here is. Called force here needs. Something for. The sort of group to want their machine are better may i meet our. Dont walk away from scot do some unity bus will shut either the boat different base support for sunni shock even. When a boarding is you also where you need the forces not best. Served up or didnt see 4 sets up off. The grid new. Orleans represent a crucial trump card in the battle to control the worlds oceans its all about geometry because islands are surrounded by water theres software into a drawing extends around them in a circle even if an island were just a small block its maraton so it would be larger than germany. If a group of islands forms and ill keep a common base line around the entire cluster violence is used to calculate the Maritime Territory. This man is japans hope in the race to claim the wont oceans he cracks the genetic code of a life form the could help japan id say 400000 square kilometers to its territory. Is a geoscientist in the university of tokyo he specializes in cold. Isms that display characteristics of both animals and plants. Going to the mall all of them up and its ok with a lot they get it up in a causal step that we all. Yet kayani has delved further into their biology into the secret of their reproduction and found a method for breeding them on a large scale. Aussies on the go to the mall. At the bottom of it its akin to what i mean out of the often this is echoed argument about other unions. Mass produced coles 60000. 00 tiny coal babies are being artificially poor at a farm on a small island off the coast of okinawa but for walked her does. Look in a trollish him a is located 1700 kilometers south of tokyo it is a small cold battle during high tide it clears the surface by a mere centimeters japan regards it as an island but the existence of a q notorious under threat. And i see him in ga and he just said. Yourself with a lot of us going to the mall is one of the. So you kenya us. Japan just decided that kinda true or you know foundation its maritime area which presents a massive territorial expansion bringing with it so when whites over fish and other Natural Resources. To get. Them. There. And so you think you know. Nothings. Fall in. This territory be lost if the wheat disappears. Coals being used to save the ad told thousands of them have been shipped to a canoe torrie to preserve that we find make it as large as possible a Pilot Project on the island to taiwan is studying what might one day look like things to coles. Soon ok natori could become the real islands like the Pilot Project. Which consists entirely of cargo. Pants whistles fulness is not being welcomed by everyone however its you Maritime Claims of tensions with his powerful neighbor china which its a face currently involved in island territory disputes with the whole of countries. States attempts to extend their maritime zones as far as possible Many International conflicts have arisen. Require. In the South China Sea 8 countries a fighting phone only Business Value to 100000000000. 00 as. There is no part of the world that is safer than others in other words with 53 percent of all maritime boundaries within the easy. Were seeing conflicts raising up to volatile levels driven predominantly by Resource Development for the off shore typically will end up having a coastal frontage area that looks like this and lets say that we have a Land Boundary were country a is sitting here and country b. Is sitting here back in the seventys when we were moving from oil and Gas Exploration on land to the marine area they may have negotiated a provisional boundary that sort of allowed them for country a to issue offshore oil and gas blocks and country b. And lets say in a so in a more recent scenario an extremely large discovery is made and lets say the neighboring country country b. Then all of a sudden size wed like to have some of that so they are starting to propose new boundaries as this initial line was not even a modern day accepted boundary lines. Have become contestants territories the well. Everyone wants a piece of the design new boundaries of being tooling for dividing up the switches powerful industries on the move in the deep sea no one can predict the consequences of this industrialized nation of the wilds bhushan. They are the consequences of a whiff aleutian that began years ago and has mostly gone on notice to the ocean is being defined you dont like. And. You also have to realize that the ocean is our future so we need to have some way of. Deciding who is responsible for walk and where and when. And so. At this point in time this is maybe not the ideal solution but this is the solution that was created with the convention. The worlds oceans final move on its continents build with a cohesive ecological system a sensitive continuum in which what happens to one can affect the office. It is now up to the lowest nations whether they want to take the sponsibility of a new unity a quiet maritime territories. Or. How i weve got to brought in freezing weather across the middle east losey try a little bit of cloud one its a shallowest around the caucuses as per usual to see what it says show started to push away over the next couple days as i said they breezy and thats a strong wind at times that will blow out of iraq down across into that eastern side of saudi arabia maybe a little bit a lift the dust and sand even here in qatar temperatures getting up to around the high thirtys maybe touching the 40 degree mark from time to time chance of a shower at say just there on the western side of yemen pushing over at the other side of the right say easing across central parts of africa some big downpours coming in here could see some lively showers as we go through the next couple of days longer spells of rainy see just pushing their way into that eastern side of the democratic republic of congo will see some showers there into uganda as well cameron still say. As long spells of rain the showers continue to start the way a little further east which as we go on through friday to the south of that it is generate but we have got some shallow was in the full cost of the mall in the way of cloud and grain coming through one of the northeastern parts. But as Financial Life im now in south africa. To he not Global Community we are i think this conversation elbow. Criticism what response that looks like the part of the debate issue in each if you can jump into the conversation right away when no topic is off the table if youre not afraid of anyone taking just what. You says 3 targeting richer and the poor getting poorer its not kill the story the system its just to look at the system and. This street on out is there there are some of the media stories a critical look at the global news media spread of this on aljazeera government shut off access to social media. Will there be justice for Brianna Taylor protesters out again in the u. S. Just 3 policemen escaped charges. This is. Also coming out of raising doubts about a peaceful transfer of power President Donald Trump wont say if hell accept novembers Election Results if you loses. 7000 coronavirus cases in one day israel is now

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