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Countless lives in 188. 00 countries and the United States we launched the most aggressive mobilization since the 2nd world war the Fact Checkers in a country that suffered more than most from cope with 19 unlikely to question those claims as the Chinese Ambassador to the un listened in the General Assembly hall the president intensified his attack on china we must hold accountable the nation which unleashed this plague on to the world china in the early is days of the virus china locked down travel domestically while allowing flights to leave china and infect the world before introducing president xi the Chinese Ambassador made an impromptu intervention complaining about bullying and. China resolutely great acts that baseless accusation against china his president in a clear contrast to President Trump said International Cooperation was the key to combating covert 19. 19 realize that were living in an interconnected Global Village with a common stake all countries are closely connected and we share a common theme which no country can gain from this difficulties on the taste of billet taking advantage of the struggles in his address the president of france expressed his growing concern about the tension between the worlds 2 largest economies new purpose for the todays world cannot be left to the rivalry between china and the United States regardless of the white in the world that these 2 great powers share regardless of the history that ties us especially to the United States the collapse of the frameworks of our cooperation. That just referenced all of that millions we must build a new order out trump speech was almost certainly the shortest ever given by u. S. President to the un General Assembly just 7 minutes long it was delivered with a machine gun like style of though there was criticism of iran china it was the main target in his sights diplomats say speeches like this do nothing to decrease the polarization on the world stage james pays out 0 at the United Nations the british Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced new coronavirus restrictions it includes curfews for pubs and restaurants but theyll only apply in england scotland wales and Northern Ireland decide their own rules malaysias Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim says he has a Strong Majority in parliament and is ready to form a new government his claim comes just months after a change that saw his party forced out of office in a backroom deal. And to government protesters in egypt have been back on the streets for a 3rd nights. These are pictures from giza just north of cairo demonstrators are calling on president clinton for the has sisi to step down at least 200 people have been arrested since the protests started on sunday. Main Opposition Party says one person has been killed in antigovernment protests Police Used Tear Gas to break up the crowds in the economic capital dollars demonstrators are calling for an end to the long running conflict between English Speaking separatists and Security Forces Independence Day celebrations in mali have been muted following last months coup on monday the on top pointed defense minister band interim president regional leaders are pressuring the army to return power to civilians those are the headlines peace and war the view from russia is coming up next on aljazeera by. Bird. Was more than a shooting at matching some of them used to be with. Still musial you put on a moose is composed mostly of she. Was supposed to should be kind of. Nice but sheesh this was some kind of the mean voice and still to me no its. To produce. This is the muslim solution hes going to seize consider this to you cant you. Should just. Digest boy youve told me to cause him to disown the islam again yet i see. A specialist they much. Poisonings cross to war us cyber and financial interference in the us and european Elections Support of syrian president assad. This is the view from all sides russia which scandalize as International Opinion but from visiting russia these are mia details all so much more frightening domestic and international scenarios. Kills a girl and i want to explore what influential russians feel about this. International perception of russia and what the consequences of this could make. Russians especially in the capital moscow have adopted the european way of life they feel part of europe but for now russian government is in a deadlock with the west. As a journalist and writer specializing in our history and politics it has never felt more important to understand these tensions since russias annexation of crimea we have headed towards a new cold war. Russia has support a separatist fighters in the Eastern Ukraine. Is accused of tampering with the us a lecture. And of poisoning a former secret agent in a british country town. Within russia there was a white range of opinion on these events but the official position is the opposite of the west and here. Deputy foreign minister Sergei Volkov deals with the russian west and relationship 1st hand. Together says shes up a. Good for this i see a loss up there with with the girls a girl theyre going to some what hasnt been any kind of michelin is dealing. With i see if yes i would be you might. Not serving as chima would not be shown. Good dog or the you know even those who miss that miss in timea room in the. Mcguckin at night because for the noise not i was in the cool of the bus you must be a shared deal is creepily. Sears and the suspect was a woman. Only because you were near to not know where she was writable got to meet new Police Stated we issued we should be seeing you pull those rates those are some. Who gave us to my view of national because we would come to a deal with receive the jungle without leave us muslim move a muslim. No at the crania she would have to strain yeah most privileged people no problem but its just a shame that i shes going to probably. Will be at 9000000 this year usually pretty clear after the for tea party cheek you know with at the hoover he would in the top marginal so. In the diplomatic. Way to explain that. He. Is supposed to do move to produce kurdish sure you should get excuse again you silly me and there was no surprise you who was in the middle didnt knew pretty. Nice to be able to go in the stooge chima would not have to tell you was me but then and then since shes rowlett at the most you just called on us read yorks most primitive past you. Not only other new tensions but all the diplomatic victories between the 2 superpowers are coming undone. Russia blames the usa for withdrawing from the intermediate range Nuclear Forces treaty while the usa accuses russia of doing the same with its intimidate range and you claim asylum the night am 7. 00 to 8. 00 russia has jeopardized the United States security interests and we can no longer be respected by the treaty while russia shamelessly violates we cant be put at the disadvantage of going by a train limiting what we can do what somebody else doesnt go by that train and i must turn you over to this theyre going to see english not their exposure to be with you more likely to be releasable so just because ive been there seen here i see a motion just like it was a. The gold boys sang the ocean not ocean no more the. Same with their wish. But in. The past. In the war of words and images the state own channel russia today is the kremlins response to what is perceived as dominant western media. Its editor in chief is margarita simonyan. Yeah. The substance mauga shares their basement when my radio was still there was meant to live for the interest of the sound where you got all the gnashing his up of the. Government a reason that this is a look at america. I see. One of these. More where hell no way and im as good as he is up to them on the bill like hes mr. Black is besides to those english for me to. Absolutely believe me to. Even still will give advice to i mean us they had a strapped around their little pink is and i mean you can hide it. Me you were the shim equally bad to me when you being a mediocre move over with a softening me. Out at the most and we didnt. Get one vote. But if the bill istana id talk National Experience on what the court as i used should only report the piece of paper which. The roots of todays tensions can be found in russias recent history. President s gorbachev and reagan start of the process of dismantling the iron curtain. Me as office and as you say i dont see any threat for us from the west for the troops withdrew from is to europe peacefully they were dismantling their own them by a it was the end of the cold war years of isolation and separation from the west were at and then the berlin wall fell to jubilation in the west. Boris yeltsin russias 1st elected leader transformed the country from the one party is for the system to a multiparty democracy. So what went wrong. Way the west treated russia would play a powerful role in the course the country would follow my good friend Alexander Bono expert of the Carnegie Moscow Center has been considering these issues for a long time. But it would. Or im glad by them of the whole man not the one in on the i can steal the russian. Stock and come behind your watch that option more than you bitch. And going yeah because of dollars i trash you see. This one nurse says. Anything near city or similar simply things that doesnt your miles doctor sending you mostly just. In the middle of his general state of shock. Nor is the wish that i mean what. At the even though. Sources jims. To watch it you know. What my a time machine that i shipped over to an admission is going to spot that youll only. Hold the demand that we get right on the only we scott you get a lot. More. Than what africa speech from american speech and dummies creation speech with the pledge buttons he looked like she did the copy. The road to capitalism was sudden and shocking for the vast majority of the russian population. Not going to. Believe me. Today were a fully fledged capitalist country but the tide is turning back to state control this is alpha bank one of the only top banks in moscow that is still privately owned. Alexa su if vice chairman of the board was the deputy Prime Minister in the yeltsin era electical is just the. Thought if i want that of him in the store what. Will you sleep with me to. School board thought that the will was absolutely if that is the. New mom. Or. The. New. Buzzword or a she told her she was not there im always granted he was free there were always around 2 and i will. Strain your money. Is what they are not there to throw. You can let me show you speak you. Some more. New teachers all you. Need it to be will do. The stream president. By his 2nd election Boris Yeltsin was struggling to maintain his popularity while communist Party Leader Gennady Zyuganov was getting ever more supporters its widely believed that the elections were manipulated to save russias democratic experiment from failing. Really becomes a. Group. Or. You know im going to. Be hurt there as reacher so. You pull us to push we dont actually you can win used to. Washington heights youre not old it is always in the premarket you mukherjee with the police just you know what as we just saw what you do sloan. Would know we are now. Pushing from them would you encourage this we should use it. At the end of yeltsin 2nd term he appointed a successor who has become very popular in russia but who is no disillusioned with the west. You know i hear. You. For. All your. Prayers bear but i was. Very. Impressed by youll be. To call us to do was call but isnt it a legend because i want to be there as she was with all. The news because all you need is yours you sure itll actually it was for us you drop the reform has got to be good to you. Which would be a short rescue doc of only 2 but a story with. The dimmer put in is no interest for film office hes still popular and his attitude to the west has only hardened. Russian society though is divided in its attitudes to the west. We teach a scum. Discourse rest see. One noncombat hoarded by those nearly money as that some as they actually mean some west in the me i deal in the near. East each year just to list it. Is was more than it was a total Business Loan and with us is it your sense ignored us and even will be at the bar what was up about would somebody. Even with those i start to slowly cannot they deserve it because machete less than that. You know you dont even think. Of my hue from iraq or the dilemma as witches carry adults nearly words that are mildly dust oily strongly carlos are not this does not a mildly of the royals going to the grow their family star noir the total media made by at eco pollution she was there with interests of the russian aesops ebook about your sort of russian eally should connect beyrle mr dawson which vignettes niblets just very good deal with c e. A sheer substance a. She will be a she of those that are way outside at it she was the minister at the dump or what to that as the other no new person the pretty little thing you believe because literally little do so any been much the got to look at it it has had some as they are to listed issues and the ability to scoot option one as does that would push it would all the disgusting yes theyre still in it but its going to come back a dissertation and got honestly. We hope by sheer dumb resonate across the horizon and probably a movement in us theres a diversion in order sure of news new political initiatives the mothers name would crush. My Old University teachers the diplomats of tomorrow. These slogans were here in my day. When i started and thought here it was a more liberal time. These students will have to cope with a new era of mistrust. The rector of the university is also chair of the board of channel one russias most popular channel controlled by the state and im told theyre going off is also a former ambassador. He should still go out at or i see some police me almost like hes going to his ease a girl of some across the Convenience Store owners up at the nearby you might pursue an establishment used to go to jail with all clear look if you should. Get out of the bush or. It was up a bit of caution goes up with him were going to. Sway you. So cool im not going to go were suddenly. The 1st threat to russia sphere of influence was the move of some former soviet republics towards the west. Disputed elections in georgia led to mass protests and the selection of a young western educated lawyer as president. I believe that nato would benefit. With georgia being a member of nato and i think georgia would benefit. A year later a pro western leader came to barbara in the ukraine. Bearing stone in latvia lithuania mania slovakia slovenia. Time again they have demonstrated their desire and ability to defend freedom against its enemies. And now it is time to make them allies by treaty. Nato absorbed 7 members of the all 4 that Alliance Georgia and the ukraine were in the queue to join them. At a security conference in munich putin clearly sets out his resistance to the direction things are taking. This will remain at the heart of his Foreign Policy until the present day today actually does really mean the emir of napoleon and their mother did you good can you believe what you have shown us emotional us living even. Marlon the last really buzzing sitting in that city isnt it an issue an option when you meet kenyas democracy but i wish to migrate to the gulf as the list positions throughout. Egypt of Human Evolution slow. Down would be. Globally visible just. Netscape getting precious to look at the near of you mean you avoid the super merely be where each. Year to go or not to believe in sr. My mens obsession young got borders got wider which. A crowd behind me which. I want but also with the shit you probably chant gargan that is god or store in my post if she wasnt. Going to. Get. Stuck. d i thought it speech was very aggressive but i thought president putins comments were quite provocative it was a follow up i think a lot of what theyre actually disappointment. In 2000. And 13 european leaders met to discuss a future Association Agreement with the ukraine. Like them americans they didnt consider that russia had any place at the negotiating table so some of you by your style if youre going to score the potential loss of lives in your post over a period go water. City blues could see a lot of sales of which should go into your shoes composes those are sleeping a thorough across the grill or should i call them were going to them scioto at the lesser of mushroom bacillus i see system. She had with me at the post but. Only since youre going to the shop those deceased dreamland i was introduced soloists i secretly miscues in to solve those do gooders a politically. With those words the fuck them mo because in too subtle for a Bilateral Agreement between you peon union and great. Yes should be no trilateral for. The times of limited sovereignty over in europe. Most life president again of course each had returned to power and refused to sign the european agreement. Unfortunately we did not manage on these occasions to sign a necessary sion agreement the offer of signing the most ambitious Agreement European Union has ever offered to a nonmember state is still under. Koreans came out in large numbers to protest the failure of the criminal. Court. At. The protest last to several months until info. February rioters clashed with police resulting in dozens of fate teletubbies and thousands of injuries. Present yet of course flare marks the end of strong russian influence in kiev. Weeks later russian soldiers in unmarked uniforms rived in crimea and installed themselves at the airport train stations and administration buildings. Rendon was a hastily called by moscow the people voted to rejoin russia the russians had taken over crimea in the east in the ukraine referendums were also held much fighting erupted between separatists and Ukrainian Forces and. Russia is accused of supporting the separatists militarily which he denies despite overwhelming evidence. That. The fighting in the Eastern Ukraine the dont pass is ongoing and there is a strong indication in countless testimonies that official Russian Forces were involved. The west has responded by introducing sanctions against russia for violating the sovereignty of the ukraine if the russian leadership stays on its current course together we will ensure that this isolation deepens. Sanctions will expand and the toll on russias economy as well as its standing in the world. Will only increase. Since these events in crimea and the ukraine the relationship between russia and the west seems to have been irreparably damaged. It could be the biggest land grab in history. As powerful nations lay claim to territories under the ocean 21. 00 geologists are secretly plotting new borders. As the struggle for resources intensifies some of the worlds most powerful scientists speak out. Oceans manakin on a. Be the hero the world needs. Washing. For centuries egypt to sort to come on power over the nile if in doubt but we dont homing any of the nile basin countries and they dont need the oil they get they lose that from nature boss upstream this dominance is being challenged by countries who want to great a share i know that some people in egypt on fashion and yes this circumstances have changed intent whatever struggle over the nile on aljazeera. This is aljazeera im dating obligato with a check on your world headlines malaysias Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim says he has secured a Strong Majority in parliament and is ready to form a new government his claim comes just months after a change that saw his party forced out of office in a backroom deal donald trump has used his speech to the u. N. General assembly to attack china over the coronavirus pandemic us president accuse beijing of failing to share information when the outbreak began. We must hold accountable the nation which unleashed this plague onto the world china in the early is days of the virus china locked down travel domestically while allowing flights to leave china and infect the world the Chinese Government and the World Health Organization which is virtually controlled by john and falsely declared that there was no evidence of human to human transmission later they falsely said people without symptoms would not spread the disease the United Nations by this whole giant accountable for their actions and shortly before president speech was played at the un the u. S. Death toll from the coronavirus past 200000 the country has 20 percent of the total reported cope with 1900. The british Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced new coronavirus restrictions it includes curfews for pubs and restaurants but theyll only apply in england scotland wales and Northern Ireland decide their own rules johnson says infections are again rising exponentially and warned an even tougher response may be needed antigovernment protesters in egypt have been back on the streets for a 3rd night. These are pictures from giza just north of cairo demonstrators are calling on president ive been fatah has sisi to step down at least 200 people have been arrested since the protests started on sunday. Cameroons main Opposition Party says one person has been killed in antigovernment protests Police Used Tear Gas and water cannon to break up the crowds in the economic capital de waal demonstrators are calling for an end to the long running conflict between English Speaking separatists and Security Forces you have today to the headlines its back to peace and war the view from russia next on aljazeera thanks for watching bye bye. Relations between russia and the west have never been as tense since they ended the cold war. The fighting in the Eastern Ukraine is ongoing and after 5 years there are 13000 deaths and 30000 wounded. As a result the west has imposed harsher and harsher sanctions on russias businesses abuse assume some super merely various ptolemy injury he was due to stall i mean sure. This was just for becoming you stole the good of the world. The premier bunker. Was responsible for to you but it was just after. The slurs told us we should hear. Which of those goes wrong the 1st woman as long as also football. Neuroses korea would be a really good thing is missional. Was because she when youve been a mild the czar leaves consensus what is your legitimate passkey leading you know what script was going to be up when you might join in youve been you might at any point in my own store you know we up with the ring and i see you see your was which were as hes going out of his machine here so absolutely didnt you see all the bits of the horse that would lead to fall it was the one to predict human i want to talk about and stuart im sorry and i mean mr needham sounded not splotches good or cuckoo so he has read of one solution which in its own 3000000 celebrate an Unusual School class because of a national the muslim holy god have shared with me been why shouldnt she and thats up to the stone you know gods will to predict which in which country thing i ought to goes in is me to open the genius in that chair. To. I mean even most of us used to in this edition of the industry with a woman. Last to fill in the for the room we used to witnessing u. S. T. V. Since it was 20. 3 years before sanctions were imposed russians came out in force to protest against what they said were rigged elections and government corruption. I. I i opposition politician alexina volley lead the movement. Right. Now much of your choice to what appears a horse but is dont die soon alexina bali was prevented from taking part in the president ial elections in 2008 team but continues his work best to getting the corruption of the president s closest associates and has a popular you tube channel with a large following among Young Russians i like the bottles to someone in the low as im sure war. In the stance of bring him up over the us all. The new year not so new with which of the new year with a new or not so new pope chastain i see school. To deliver thought only and absolutely that if theres going to put it on we have a short political question as most will not all of the year is going to lose me a year the years of but i see people stay on the your view. For new movies this new gun will certainly you got caught so yeah because it was. Good it was just. A jaws in them but the. Way hes putting me at that. I know i do what i seem to. Do that. Is me. My mentor. Just. Willy and yet not. In yeah with the fluff that it out of the leader of a couple to put a general says up on the post and you know what it. Might end of not quite a lucky one so a little survivor knew for sure if she was with whats beautiful vicki vine of you for all this beauty some miley what i groom theyre going to. Make but keep it in the political process list up to what. Which of them a grasp of math can put out. The question is whos on it its got. To lose not. Yet. Is that misguided and it is short years later would know what machine year. You know what machine you superstar live dollars that are not of my league just me luthe not a money businessman theyre. Looking over some of that i need to know what. I snored was to be a new conservative what is wrong with my little bit so sue me me bullshit its illusions are quite silly. And so nobody gets to eat what she cuts youll still look pretty crites even the gun use the previous to close up of the post of this is. Russia business men are close to the president several are on the us and european sanctions. Charke a former president ial candidate in 2080 views 40 of the russian elite. The father and italys soft chart was a leading liberal mayor of some but his group in the early years of russian democracy he was also put his boss. He died in 1918. C. I see that i was up which is. Why i dont wish to die i knew when you watched the me i was the one the from now you get france the body to achieve this from his point there in your home i just think that weve got to watch the last of them to build which its a Little Package bomb on the hudson when the mighty will. Get that i need that comfort of my god im sure not to lose should you miss but thats the back with your point. Which you know sure still soaps. Garc one is meal so theres a good. Way oh yes you used to go for her glove the enemy of the young blood was everywhere here to us to meow the newest the one just it wasnt the severity its there miss see on the chaise which i havent got that had to be athenians that i seen on chanel 6 im going to use them at the most in the by the by younger so this one of the most because there was a full. Dust in the machine can you keep. Us there was the only one with stood still and dealing with a lot of touch with the reality. Of the new toy story and. It talked a. Lot to me about the one. That doesnt want to hear it or. Much rather than eyes and so once the toys you meet it goes into the soul of islam again yet i see news instead of following you but that was. To come i mean just to win the game its law but i see you i need you know what i see. The more you. Know you want me at the bottom with the problem i knew i think the more this. Would be a chance stop that influence it. Could sort of block the stone. And you want. Me to the chest and i sees the elite the. Most easy of i got. To join by yes. Rebels. In 2010 protests have broken out across the middle east leading to the fall of governments in tunisia egypt and libya. People of libya today are inspiring the people in tehran. In damascus and even in beijing and moscow they continue to inspire the world and let people know that even the worst dictators can be overthrown and replaced by freedom and democracy. What should the fate of libyas gadhafi buton drew conclusions regarding u. S. Foreign policy we didnt. Used to but it was the way it worked with me feel a nuke. And because of this deal if youre good you will know if i dont mean you continuously shows what i see. On. Just a minute as a lesson. From sleep then youre going to have to put it down well this is a good thing to do i mean because crystal i mean youre not going to be stunned but im fussin your name a good each. No need to look you in this i dont know details of. I should know. Russia wanted to avoid regime change in syria and has backed her ally president assad since the beginning of the war she brought in her air and land troops into 1015 proving that she was back on the world stage ready for combat. Ice year order that would normally be. At the but if. You study there was a. Little the reason i noticed that image was night but you more that let us know. What usually. Means that sawyer but i will of. Iraq leave this year. But i just dont know how the city of matters its got there it is what it. Still means deal you put on the list is composed of us. Is the oh yeah sure to your doom or your usual with lesleys to police could you show us the new will the muslim will be his dessert. For us to cook again this premier of no long would suppose a shim you got about. You know but at the source of the busy year which bush bush has again yeah. Hes up with our ship it got the world. Order basis but its it would seem that little by the by one usually with this little bastard hiroshima some jaded. Media who would support. And be a constant. Jerk boy to take any blame i had were going to see which sought to rest on the. Joke which is also just on the porch at the start like a pretty good job so again a war for. Prosecutors from the c. S. Counterterrorism division have concluded to charge Alexander Paynes on president bashir off to a russian nationals with the following offenses conspiracy to murder said guy scriptural attempted murder of sir guy smith will use the composition of nova chalk country to the chemical weapons act and causing grievous bodily harm with intent to you yes cripple im nick bailey. The museum of the most of the city but across the world. And. All of the features crew are. Coming is there. Any of the sub or. A bit of war on the i mean youre going to go up to europe on the moon you. Mean. Its not just in the west that this story isnt believed but also by some in russia. But we do believe most of this mission or you have nobody me im not just yet. That is the challenge that you know is that our serene youre still my yes but im not. At stoplights from the study just consider it now when you stumble across the most which is the most that any human do it was in you might say you dont do it and what the only looks i came to spits it out same it doesnt use the muscles tense and you shouldnt. Say live with us to get new correct you got quick when you look shouldnt we should have missed that only in the 1st i groom that post i see we did that. I was told just what i see apostleship. Void in is only the best i like in this case will be taking the low besides business and usually pretty just people who knew 2 of which a bit of logic lose it must be happy goodbye that have to bite z. Near the whole the machine leaving here at the probably of which im most likely to search the most of. The native place you want of so. Maybe my grandma gave me by simply going me you might be able bring me by sammy me. By. The electronic band i speak have millions of views for the music on you tube because they have captured the mood in the country. I think that its an obsession and that this is. An excuse for good to hear that those should the worst of people probably we did that and you could go in. Do you just need your shirt would you put one of the hole in his leader difficult to fit into and used to be. Nice looking. At something. Funny. And. I speak were harassed and arrested during their tour of russia there was intimidation of the venues where they were to plea but this is just us and you sure sure dickies drunk just another but you got. It thank you for glenn whos now a new national. Book win states you but why did you do the most good so slow so you know us trying to catch all this you know sitting in there with a man could do worse than a spokeswoman. For infamous on the view. If the question is bush is the worst of the concept but i dont know what we know. About it and serious enough social took a bush would use one of us here to push for a d. I speak before him at a demonstration against new legislation which they feel will restrict internet freedoms absoluteness to National Playing have done a really good nationalist as to your notion of what your notion of version notions here is almost any. Good is going to get the ball with defraud took the do its going to smash legends person. Out of touch with some natural process just for the story of those 3 me im. More than calling him sometime there. Wouldnt consider the western influence on russias young people just. Strong and destructive and needs to be stopped. Then what does it usually would you put a bit of yes i mean some of us. But the woman is and used to listen to what happened. With the day we. Know it will be for no. Good it is good to give simplistic nor was appreciated yes when you said worse than us and if we do it could go to much of the bush era should have now returned to the did you know that pushed us to just put us natural gas thats very new to us now. To be sure the religion religious music has many additional costs of. Evil empire as it appears in the us to court of national over a go if you would its their. New. Song going to mean yeah. Voice im starting. To previous when. Theyre all 17 intelligence agencies reported publicly that russia was engaged in which a cyber activity to erode Public Confidence in our democracy. We want to make America Great again for ours and i we believe based on the scope insensitivity of these efforts that only russias senior most officials could have authorized these activities. To stumble you know you look at this because we look. At that hes our 3rd. Daughter. Well you know look its pretty soon youll be mostly no idea that the norm. Always at the what doesnt kill it would still if you. You know what i mean because up in the shade democrats have been reading what i she knew which democracy now getting and who should. Only still teach. It diesel to commit it said mr mansion could teach us and you could keep us so really other some gentle blood into the new cool of the new does not some of these india so it is always it that those you look. To do just the problem with these 3 how they knew was that i was new cool at the preaching on this but. Should not i see the high teach me that you have to keep in a picture speaking to go out to vietnam go i start asking is according to new need to go back in with you will skip on that i. Q. Explodes as a chest by for once the baikonur blow up. So it seems russia has no grand plan and the west tends to exaggerate the russian threat after the annexation of crimea the intervention in the donbass the darling of image 17 the cyberattacks the concealing of chemical weapons in syria chemical weapons attacks in syria. Hacking the bundestag interference in elections. There are not too many countries who have felt the destructive and malign behavior of the russians state russia has reasserted itself aggressively invading and occupying ukraine threatening europe and doing nothing to aid in the destruction and defeat of isis so i have a very simple message for russia we know what you are doing and you will not succeed russian officials remain adamant in their denial of the wests accusations to his store. But i see a doctor. Will shut up with a morsel emotional post zealots so far you stand yeah i knew the story of somebody on the mission. Does not mean but it is. The reason she saw no known results at national news. Shows the medium eve shows them we should just a missile lucian. Iii absolute no. Business using their. Offensive some lesions as they are the issue of britain know it him when you have desires just the brazil. I have goes loser stock or diploma but you know its we have a. Beach. But there was no need to produce go to shows worst we do you think you knew we knew. We knew what the group its totally new. To me she should have. Listened to those lots of nothing else up on the matching the live shots yeah. Yeah stupid if for. Some wins youll still not moved and i was glad they didnt slip because its usually what they said thoughts a couple to use what i said. They said. Mirroring that on the outside of the. Deal with why you must come back at a young you come when. I win but also by the actually easts like im on the lawn you bet im a scout. The easiest option was to receive support from the group and literacy for the boys and would for sure. Of course to shore trolling because it is toward a tradition you use here. Gentlemen to clean the roots. You sleep with and talk to. You tell me what. Youre doing talk a good. For some the generation that knew the soviet union legible to put in his restored russias standing in the world for others hes taking the country backwards along the path to isolation. Did nothing to a new study for those who are going. But its a political issue in your case you have missed it when you pretty much just wouldnt use it when the same. Not on the phone because it in any way you can use son to still use different procedure not just the money from just the it will bite you in they will boost your scores if youre sure. With their lists but be sure to speak with one of the cool when. Youre a snitch is the director so you know no worse. Despite what his rhetoric russia isnt as big a threat to the west as they think. But the resulting isolation could become a tragedy for russians themselves. Hello welcomes all the look at the International Focus i think some of us will find the place picking up over the middle east over the next couple of days that aside is lossy sunshine hazy sunshine pretty much everywhere there will be a few showers just around the coax it from the black sea and the caspian sea a little further south new hot sunshine into baghdad into kuwait that wind piling out of iraq picking up in the process sliding down towards a concert just around at least the side of saudi arabia just notice i would say was a levant temperatures a rather more comfortable 29. 00 celsius the beirut and for jerusalem a nice cup of dice about values coming through here similar conditions down towards temperatures at around 36 hours just the wind is to say these are the prices of picking up you might catch a shower to around the western side of yemen over the next day also the showers continue across the heart of africa over towards the gulf of guinea will see somewhat to weather once again pushing towards camarena showers now started to push away into northern parts of angola some showers to around eastern areas of kenya over the next day also some heavy downpours there also just around the democratic republic of the congo for Southern Africa what is generate trial that we will see one of 2 showers into central parts of mozambique. North korea isolated and heavily sanctioned yet earning billions around the globe here are 39 is involved in everything that makes money for north korea. To carry defer the cusswords so they come to us and. The money this year and it goes straight into the coffers as a leadership a 2. 00 part people in power Investigation Bureau 39. 00 cash for kim park one. Overthrow and exiled they appoint say if you will all this race between you an intimate film about the struggle of the elected leader of madagascar to return to his country and reinstate his presidency you know is that true is true and we will not negotiate french position is that all the long winter change this return of the president on aljazeera. Unprompted and dunn interrupted discussions. From a london broadcast center. On aljazeera. The new power play in malaysia Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim says he has the backing to topple the Prime Minister and form a new government. And this is our desire life and also coming up. We must hold accountable the nation which unleashed this plague onto the world President Donald Trump attempts to put the focus and blame squarely on china as u. S. Coronavirus test passed 200000. Chinese tech giant weiwei says its

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