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Tougher restrictions are rolled out the Prime Minister warns that normal is still months away. And remembering the past but looking to the future molly marks 60 years of independence from france. For 1st time in history leaders from around the world are meeting virtually for the annual u. N. General assembly that is of course because of the coronavirus and on choose day the fight against covert 19 it dominated speeches from Global Leaders most of them called for united fights and for the United Nations to repurpose itself in response to a world permanently changed by the pandemic but its also exposed a rising tensions between the u. S. And china donald trump accused beijing of spreading what he called the china virus and chinas leaders paying said attempts to politicize the pandemic should be rejected so lets bring in our diplomatic editor james phrases of course at the United Nations and of course weve heard today james covered 1000 becoming really the latest crisis to divide World Leaders between those who favor nationalism and isolationism and others who are trying to to reject that approach. Polarization on view at the United Nations certainly early on that we have the speech as we always do the 2nd speaker is the us President Donald Trump i think this will be probably was the shortest day of a speech given by a u. S. Leaders to the u. N. General Assembly Just 7 minutes long it was a machine gun style delivery and the u. S. President seemed to have just one country in his sights china. Like all the other World Leaders speaking at the u. N. President trump speech was prerecorded his words were as controversial as ever we have waged a fierce battle against the invisible enemy the china virus which has claimed countless lives in 188. 00 countries in Fact Checkers in a country that suffered more than most from cope with 19 are likely to question those claims as the Chinese Ambassador to the un listened in the General Assembly hall the president intensified his attack on china we must hold accountable the nation which unleashed this plague onto the world china in the earliest days of the virus china lock down travel domestically while allowing flights to leave china and in fact the world china condemned my travel ban on their country even as they canceled domestic flights and locked citizens and their homes before introducing president xi the Chinese Ambassador made an impromptu intervention complaining about bullying. China. Li rejects the baseless accusation against china his president in a clear contrast to President Trump said International Cooperation was the key to combating covert 91. During cold at night and realize that were living in an interconnected Global Village with a common stake all countries are closely connected and we share a Common Future no country can gain from this difficulties on the taste of billet taking advantage of the struggles. And a postscript to the comments you heard from the u. S. Leader and the chinese president in the last hour you live here on aljazeera president of france let me just quote you what he said todays world cannot be left to the rivalry between china and the us regardless of the weight in the world that these 2 great powers we must build a new order. And james we have also seen throughout the week there is clash between the u. S. And other wild powers because. Position of u. S. Sanctions on iran what is the feeling towards the United States at the u. N. Right now. Well certainly old that particular issue as you heard the president of iran president rouhani say the u. S. Is isolated he was making a big point of that and he said it was humiliating for the United States to find itself in this position certainly the u. S. Took a ploy i think a diplomatic ploy to try to push this idea of snap back to try and trigger something that in the Iran Nuclear Deal to bring back all the International Sanctions on iran and triggered snapback they said but the rest of the world said no you havent they said you left the nuclear deal 2 years ago you dont have the power to trigger snapback since then weve seen the u. S. Put more of its own sanctions in place the rest of the world is looking at that and believes that it may have some effect particularly sanctions on people who do business with iran but for now i think most people are looking ahead to november because the biggest test of all of this situation is the u. S. Election if you get a president youre almost certainly going to get some sort of effort by the u. S. To come back into a nuclear deal if you have a president then where are we going next and the fear of many here at the u. N. Is the only possible direction is towards conflict thank you very much our diplomatic editor james. A closer on the top story this hour the u. S. Death toll from coronaviruses pos 200000 other 115 deaths reported on cheese day chose to put more of a spotlight on president on chinas management of the crisis head of novembers president ial election john hendren brings us the story now from chicago. At Washington National cathedral the bell rang 200 times once for every 1000 lives lost in the u. S. To the global pandemic. 200000 dead and i hear about 200000 deaths is just a benchmark of sadness for me and for us as a country i think about the individual people that are here or who have died and then i think about multiplying that comes to acknowledge that its just hard to read even rouse the amount of. The Johns Hopkins university the United States with just 4 percent of the worlds population has more than 20 percent of the nearly 1000000 kovac 1000 deaths worldwide the number of coronavirus cases in the u. S. Is now 6800000 prison a trump says a vaccine could be available as soon as the november 3rd president ial election that is not a view widely shared by medical experts. Its a view the president shares often with thousands of largely unmask supporters at his rally we are getting crowds and this is pandemic and were rounding and were rounding the corner of the bed. His rival for the presidency Democrat Joe Biden has urged americans to wait on a scientifically proven prevented. The treasury due back in february that this was an extremely dangerous Communicable Disease think about how many people across the aisle. How many empty chairs around those. Because of his negligence and selfishness. How many lies lives lost many medical experts say a National Strategy including a mandatory mask mandate could have reduced the pandemics toll considerably the big mistakes that we made at that point 3 were surely not being one unit and one unified approach throughout the entire day with the number of cases and deaths still far from under control which direction the u. S. Takes in the coming months depends on the outcome of the november election john hendren aljazeera chicago ohare the government has brought in iraq to new restrictions in england with the Prime Minister warning that life might return to normal for at least another 6 months or as johnson said person has reached a perilous point in his fight against the virus as he announced the measures they include extending the use of face masks tightening rules on gatherings and encouraging people to work from home if barker reports britains back where it hoped it wouldnt have to be not the full lockdown of march but facing strict controls on the lives and livelihoods of millions measures that could last for 6 months for the time being this virus is a fact of our lives and i must tell the house and the country that our fight against it will continue we will not listen to those who say that the virus rip nor to those who urge a permanent lot done. We are taking decisive and appropriate steps to balance saving lives with protecting jobs and livelihoods among the raft of measures bigger fines for not wearing a mask and face coverings are now mandatory for shop staff taxi drivers and passengers from thursday pubs bars and restaurants must close at 10 pm theyll be restricted to Table Service and takeaways the hospitality sector is still reeling from months of lockdown. Theres also a u. Turn on encouraging workers back to offices people are being told to work from home if possible but businesses schools and universities will remain open the government says it wants to limit unnecessary social interaction a maximum of 15 people will be allowed to attend weddings 30 at funerals parallel measures have been announced across the u. K. Has devolved nations but scotland and Northern Ireland went further imposing bans on people meeting in each others houses the backdrop to all of this is an infection rate thats doubling every week hospital admissions are up to and are likely to increase towards winter but this trajectory is not written in stone providing urgent action is taken now and that means extra powers to enforce the rules police and local authorities will be given more money and the option of drawing or military support if theres no progress the Prime Ministers promised more firepower for now he stopped short of introducing a suggested 2 week for lockdown to slow the spread of the virus that could still come any measure will need to be delicately chosen to protect lives in the countrys battered economy barca aljazeera london. Well Global Airlines are calling for a predeparture coronavirus test for all International Passengers the International Air transport association i are to blame scoring Team Requirements for scuppering a recovering Global Travel they say antigen tests which produce results in 15 minutes are expected to become available in the coming weeks and should be rolled out on the Global Standards the test can be administered by nonmedical staff and cost as little as 7. 00. It was al jazeera live from london much more still ahead on the program risking a return to the irish troubles why brecht order arguments could cost more than trade. And a driving force for change basketball great Michael Jordan announces hes touting his nascar team. But. How where to stay at the start of astronomical alterman crying on cue weve got some autumnal weather sliding across northwestern parts of you have ahead of it quite a rash is showers in sioux fronts pushing down across the alps easing into italy and the balkans some wetter weather coming through here and could cause some localized flooding must again pressure pushing over towards craze the best of the sunshine is going to be further east over towards ukraine into that western side of russia come back towards the west theres a line of rain that will make its way across england temperatures in london take back to around 18 celsius and 40 by the time we come to thursday temperatures and higher than around 15 degrees Say Something like a 910 degree drop in temperatures seen on recent days that wetter weather that windy weather that autumnal whether it will continue to push its way further south with temperatures falling away just about everywhere actually some wetter weather there she can see making its way back into northern italy southern parts of france adding to the flooding problems that we have seen in recent days across the medicine not so bad lots of warm sunshine as is the case too across northern parts of africa further south the show is continue across Central Africa into the gulf of guinea some wet weather sliding across southern parts of mali or the way across into senegal. Water an essential resource for all humankind across europe pressure to recognize water as a human right and put its management back into public hands is increasing i think of the European Commission would be very very true would probably on anybody is the only field. Those people who see every 2 years something to invest a profit of the 1. 00 up to the last drop on aljazeera. Rule. Youre the will. Come back our main story this hour president all trump has used his speech at un General Assembly to attack china over the crown of ours and demick the u. S. Leader accused beijing of failing to share information when the outbreak 1st began. Meanwhile the u. S. Death toll from the virus has passed 200000. 00 the country has 4 percent of the worlds population but 20 percent of the total 40 occurred in 1000. 00 fatalities and then here in the u. K. The government has brought in a raft of new restrictions and warn the bike might not return to normal for at least another 6 months measures include extending the use of face masks tightening rules on gatherings and encouraging people to work from home. Several people have been injured in an explosion in southern lebanon the blast happened at a hezbollah arms depo in the village of qana the group says the blast was the result of a technical error. And all the stories of following police in cameroon of use tear gas and water cannon to disperse hundreds of protesters in the Economic Center of the country to demonstrate is a calling for an end to the long running conflict between English Speaking separatists and Security Forces which has left 3000 people dead protesters also demanding that president pull be a step down the 87 year old has been in power now for most 40 years well mali is marking 60 years of independence from france but the anniversary celebrations have been muted off to last months could soldiers laid a wreath at the palace of a place of independence in the capital bamako diplomats from the regional book eco wash have been pressuring the army to return power to the civilians since the president abraham buba cock a 2 was removed from office last month the defense minister on a door was appointed as interim president on monday will nicholas is following the story form for us from decca senegal and explains the challenges and he leader is likely to face. During a military parade celebrating mollies independence the leader of the joint colonel see me going to address the crowd saying its a new beginning the return of the state and the end of corruption a new president has been has been announced to the International Community wanted to see a civilian well it is a retired colonel seamer defense minister under him her kate. And that has been announced in the recent into office on friday the giunta are not leaving power though the Vice President has been nominated and its going to himself will be in charge of security and defense while they have to succeed where the former government of kheta has failed which is to bring back peace in the center in the north of the country where groups such as al qaeda affiliates among unsubtle the slum was the mean and these nomics in the greater so far have been launching attacks and theres been an uptick of violence especially in the Center Region of mup t. V. Thats one of their challenges but theres others half of the population is dependent on humanitarian aid it is the most expensive u. N. Operation in the country a 1000000000. 00 a year and 14000. 00 u. N. Soldiers adding to the 4000. 00 french soldiers that are on the ground and some of the critics say its because of the presence of the heavy presence of these actors that there hasnt been enough investment in in Good Governance and in the states being present in the north in the center so thats the challenge ahead no new response from the echo osce or france the former colonial power in terms of the announcement of these new leadership but clearly theres a lot of work ahead for a semi going and the new president bind out. Well now to developments in sri lanka a draft bill that would amend the countrys constitution to give the president extra powers has been put before parliament if passed it will allow president got to pacs a to dissolve the parliament and will give him full immunity against prosecution it would replace a bill from 2015 that strengthen the role of the parliament when alpha and his brings us more now from columbia in the building behind me this reluctant parliament is where its all happening at a whim the justice minister. Table that draft for the 1st reading he did it to howls of protest by the opposition obviously the amendment seeks a kind of cruel back all the sweeping powers the executive president lost in the last amendment to the constitution brought by the previous government now this is once again creates an all powerful presidency and that is an issue that many quarters have expressed concern with talks about the removal of any monitoring any checks and balances against the executive president hes able to sack the parliament after a year hes able to meet to high offices very sensitive offices the chief justice the heads of. The heads of independent commission which was the fruit of sort of the previous government and the constitutional amendment these are things that are concerning a lot of people particularly the fact that these changes the president essentially run the whole show you insert the Prime Minister and the cabinet becomes sort of bystanders he does not need to seek their approval or sanction he can go on with the business of government and this is what is creating concern. Now the European Union has repeated its warning that it will take legal action against the u. K. If it doesnt back down on its threat to break International Law and breaks it negotiations the collapse of the talks is creating huge anxiety for communities around the border between Northern Ireland and the republic of ireland the fault line in these talks arent reports. You need a long memory to understand why the roads between Northern Ireland and the republic are such a flashpoint on this stretch of road alone dozens of people have been blown up or shot in fighting between the british army and irish republican fighters they even blew up an Army Checkpoint on the railway line under the road and it all began with the u. K. Putting customs posts to check on the movements of cops they were attacked and then along came a large amount of policemen or you Syrian Forces to protect them and then when deer attacked in there was many attacks and then along came the british army. And there were subsequently attacked so and then all of a sudden build up a huge military infrastructure here along the border the biggest in the west. Army helicopters army troops in the grain it became a war zone really putting a trade border in the irish sea was the agreed solution to avoid a return to the past but the collapse in talks in the u. K. s insistence that it might rain aid on parts of that agreement it signed up so you has once again put enormous fear into the people who live and work on the border what breaks it is now boil down to is a massive says have disagreements about how to organize cross border trade between the European Union and Northern Ireland in the u. K. And vice versa both sides insist that they will not reintroduce a hard border cutting ireland in 2 because he would breach the terms of the belfast Peace Agreement but what neither side can say is what they will do if by the end of this year there is no deal ministers from across the e. U. Mess again for more talks on how to solve the riddle of the u. K. s changing position they certainly dont sound like they think its their place to be flexible police dear friends and london stop the games time is running out what we really need is a fair basis for further negotiate. And we are ready for that the British Government position is being used by supporters of reunification of ireland as the best example of that cause half a lifetime ago the skies here were full of British Army Helicopters in the hills here the irish republican fighters risking a return to all deaths because of arguments over trade tariffs remains an implication of brics it lawrence lee aljazeera on the irish border. An influential chinese real estate tycoon has been sentenced to 18 years in prison on corruption charges run junge has been under investigation since march shortly after writing an essay that was said to be critical of president xi Jinping Katrina you has more now from beijing chinese businessman rented child was found guilty of taking bribes embezzling public funds and enriching himself by about 3000000. 00 while working as chairman of the state owned Real Estate Company while un but many believe put really got him in trouble with his vocal criticism of the Chinese Communist party and president xi jinping this and him the nickname the big cannon the repression on any kind of speech has been worse in the worst. The presidency. So its not you know does the trend is there the 69 year old was a member of the communist elite board a revolutionary parents he befriended current Vice President one she shot at an early age and gave top trade negotiator leo her one of his 1st jobs but these connections werent enough to protect him from xi jinping loyalists in 2016 his way bill page a social media account with over 35000000 followers was taken down after he criticised president shes called for the Chinese Media to serve the communist party but he continued to speak out holding popular book clubs where he discussed western values and promoted independent thinking in march he wrote a widely circulated article criticizing beijings had like of the crowbars outbreak saying there was a cover up that read also referred to xi jinping as a clown and a brit he was quickly detained and in july was stripped of his Party Membership and charged with corruption unlike other chinese dissidents renda tongue was a long time member of the communist party and a widely respected businessman rights advocates say this that it proves that even the countrys elite also knew from the Chinese Governments increasingly rampant a crackdown on freedom of speech and interest has always been a party so his criticism towards party came out of that he hopes the party to improve its governance so its not like that but hes a dissident he wants democracy he wants to come east he wants the party to be better but even that is not a tolerated and now a beijing court has sentenced to 18 years in jail saying he has confessed to his crimes and were to appeal the decision. Aljazeera beijing. See i have marked the anniversary of the death of the found. In pakistan its the 1st year of commemoration since a visa free travel card was opened between india and pakistan to allow pilgrims to reach the holy site of and qatar poor and yet indians were not bad charlotte dallas explains. The this convoy of sikhs in southern pakistan is on its way to one of their holiest sites devadasi here. Is where they found a guru nanak spent the last years of his life and this is the anniversary of his days. The pilgrimage their own is seen trees olmert but the road is near a 4. 6 kilometer therof area between india and pakistan it is the 1st of these a free Border Crossing in the 2 nations history it opens last november the ran moment of cooperation between a Nuclear Armed rivals was meant to allow sikh pilgrims to visit holy sites on either side of the border. That covered 1000. 00 restrictions put a stop to that and much now pakistan is allowing the pilgrimage to continue but india is not yet gets excited excited. Yet sad. About the way that people from india. Brought the water. And like a salad at the restaurant. That if you bothered for. The feds. Was india stops the pilgrimage citing concerns about the spread of covert 19 is now experiencing a Record Number of infections with around 90000 new cases every day. None of them and all the pilgrims here believe that we are absolutely saved by the grace of baba good enough pakistan has come out of covenanting so we believe that we are safe here and nothing will happen to us the india is concerned about the spread of covered 19 because this is a 3 day commemoration with thousands of pilgrims few people when mosques and social distancing rules have largely been ignored was that if we dont use a mosque no to be followed the other precautions. Because its against our ritual or the pogroms who believe that nothing will happen to them and they are safe here at the shrine indian sikhs have struggled for more than 70 years to visit the sacred trying and wont political disputes on this issue have been resolved the road boobs one obstacle remains coated 19. Now basketball legend Michael Jordan is entering the world of motor sport it is for his own nascar team alongside his friend and current nascar Driver Denny Hamlin the team will feature sports only black driver wallace earlier this year jordan pledged 100000000. 00 for initiatives combating Racial Injustice in the United States no team name all conovers been announced just yet but its expected to include the number 23. 00 off to jordans famous Chicago Bulls jazzy on his team will have one driver and that job goes to Bubba Wallace this summer he led nascars fight against Racial Injustice of course in the wake of the death of george floyd he successfully campaigned for the sport to ban the Confederate Flag as well and then also competed in a car with a black lives matter paint scheme well everything on all of our top stories right here plenty of comment analysis there that takes you behind the headlines and then you can watch us on on life streaming to aljazeera dot com. Main story this hour donald trump has used his speech to the un General Assembly to attack china over the coronavirus us president accused beijing of failing to share information when the outbreak 1st began chinas leader in paying said attempts to politicize the pandemic should be rejected but trump has called on the United Nations to hold china accountable. We want to hold accountable the nation which unleashed this plague onto the world china in the early use days of the virus china lock down travel domestically while allowing flights to leave china and infect the world china condemned my travel ban of their country even as they cancel domestic flights and lock citizens in their homes the Chinese Government and the World Health Organization which is virtually controlled by john and falsely declared that there was no evidence of human to human transmission later they falsely said people without symptoms would not spread the disease the United Nations was hold giant accountable for their actions well of course the other big story today the u. S. Death toll from the corona virus has now passed 200000. 00 the country has 4 percent of the worlds population but 20 percent of the total reported covert 1000. 00 for tallaght is a pandemic is the 4th deadliest major event in u. S. History behind the spanish flu pandemic civil war and world war 2. Police in camera interviews to gas and Water Cannons to disperse hundreds of protesters in the walla demonstrators a calling for an end to the long running conflict between English Speaking separatists and the Security Forces which has left 3000 people dead protests as are also demanding the president pull be a step down 87 year old has been in power for almost 40 is. And several people have been injured in an explosion in southern lebanon the blast happened hezbollah arms dep and the village of ain of qana the group say the blast was the result of a technical era so going to bring you much more from the u. N. General assembly in new york thats going to be coming throughout the evening but in the meantime the stream is coming up next looking at how misinformation around the pandemic can be stopped. I have a welcome to the limited Edition Series the stream of United Nations General Assembly we are teaming up this week United Nations to bring you some of the biggest issues in the world right now these are conversations we are not intending to have by ourselves so we are on t. V. We are on instagram we are on you tube but you know what today you could just jump into the comments section and you too can be part of every conversation this week so today we are looking at misinformation around over 90

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