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Agreement pushed the trade border into the irish sea and that therefore there would be no return to our border across ireland at all and the fact the British Government suggested that it might undermine the Withdrawal Agreement puts that hard border straight back on the table so lets talk to Qana Patterson whos from the near Enterprise Agency and the chamber of commerce as well. What was your action to come to germany when when when suddenly the British Government announced that it might undermine the Withdrawal Agreements and it said plainly we might break International Law but people here say that that. Shock and not like him we thought we had fixed we thought it was fixed and the argument had been understood the arguments were made by all parties and especially the British Government and the fact that Boris Johnson himself had gone into the election with says they havent ready date. Why we didnt know why this was going to be worked out in practice and that was a concern as we neared that battling this is all supposed to be in place by the force of john kerry next year nevertheless in terms of the big picture we assume that brilliance unship between a year in the u. K. Government was a good woman they would find a retired of us other than the one thing that neither side will say what they will do if there is no deal by the 1st of january but clearly somebody has got to organize things like tariffs and making sure that goods coming in from the e. U. Things the u. K. Much they stand as and in the u. K. Not on the back in much that he used hand its. Going to organize a lease checks and where are they going to be dont you and you know its 0. Sum and terms of the what are called fighting solitary checks on home food has actually the right products you know thats a big spectrum of products very very specific that this yeah im not so ready been a great and in fact as in part of the internal market so im for structure will be there are those checks will take place a slow go department of agriculture officials will do that work. How many products would need checked that was a question whereby if there was an agreement things went well it would be a small relatively small number of products and if theres a break to goes badly then were not just talking about Food Products fighting sounded 3 issues were talking about products right across the spectrum and just just a point to make that there were all of that Withdrawal Agreement doubt with services for example you know big issue for the city of london but also here in Northern Ireland because many Service Companies are trading on all island b. S. S. That was for next year. Thank you very much that there is a lot of concern not just in the European Union but inside the conservative party about all this is well to reason may who were you know trying to make it happen she said it is unconscionable for any Prime Minister of that party leader to try to break International Law and so the government in the u. K. Has got still a big fight on its hands to try to persuade itself well and anybody else that was proposing is a very good idea influential chinese real estate tycoon iran. Has been sentenced to 18 years in prison for corruption however supporters of the outspoken critic of the communist party says his sentence is punishment for his comments on the chinese president xi Jinping Katrina you has that story from beijing chinese businessmen read to china was found guilty of taking bribes embezzling public funds and enriching himself by about 3000000. 00 while working as chairman of the state owned Real Estate Company while un but many believe put really got him in trouble with his vocal criticism of the Chinese Communist party and president xi jinping this temple nicknamed the big cannon the repression on any kind of speech has been worse in the worse. As you get the president s. Response and were leaving that i thought from clear to you because Boris Johnson the u. K. Prime minister has taken to the podium inside the house of commons were going to get measured we understand over the coming 10 or 15 minutes or so what the u. K. Government is bringing in with relation in relation to covert 1000 restrictions specifically in england because thats one of the issues here because youve got devolved and then expressions and actions are wales and Northern Ireland as well lets listen in the earlier this year we were able to avert an even worse catastrophe forming a human shield around our n. H. S. And then getting our country moving again by reopening key sectors of our economy returning children to school but we always knew that while we might have driven the virus into retreat the prospect of a 2nd wave was real and im sorry to say that as in spain and france and many other countries weve reached a perilous turning point a month ago on average around a 1000 people across the u. K. Were testing positive for corona virus every day the latest figures almost quadrupled to 3100 and 29. 00 yesterday the chief medical officer and chief scientific advisor warned that the doubling rate for new cases could be between 7. 20 days with the possibility of tens of thousands of new infections next month i wish i could reassure the house that the growing number of cases is merely a function of more testing but a rising proportion of the tests themselves are you doing a positive result. I also wish i could say that more of our people now have the antibodies to keep the virus off but the latest data suggests that fewer than 8 percent of us are in this position its true that the number of new cases is growing fastest amongst those aged 20 to 29 but the evidence shows that the virus is spreading to other more vulnerable age groups as we have seen in france and spain where this has led to increased hospital admissions and sadly more deaths in the last fortnight daily hospital admissions in england have more than doubled tens of thousands of daily infections in october would as night follows day the to hundreds of daily deaths in november and those numbers would continue to grow unless we act and as with all respect to viruses cove it is likely to spread faster as autumn becomes winter yesterday on the advice of the 4 chief medical offices the u. K. s coded alert level was raised from 3 to 4 the 2nd most serious stage meaning that transmission is high all rise in exponentially so this is the moment when we must act. If we can curb the number of daily infections and reduce the reproduction rate to one then we can save lives protect the n. H. S. And the most vulnerable and shelter the economy from the far sterner and more costly measures that would inevitably become necessary later on so were acting on the principle that a stitch in time saves 9 the government will introduce new restrictions in england kathy judged to achieve the maximum reduction in the our number with the minimum damage to lives and livelihoods i want to stress that this is by no means a return to the full lockdown of march where not issuing a general instruction to stay at home we will ensure that schools colleges and universities stay open because nothing is more important than the Education Health and well being of our young people we will ensure that businesses can stay open in a coded compliant way however we must take action to suppress the disease 1st we are once again asking Office Workers who can work from home to do so in Key Public Services and in all professions where home working is not possible such as construction or retail people should continue to attend their workplaces and like government this house will be free to take forward its business in a secure way which you mr speaker have pioneered 2nd from thursday all pubs bars and restaurants must operate a Table Service only mr speaker except for takeaways. Together with all hospitality venues they must close a 10 pm and to help the police in force this rule im afraid that means alaska closing and not just calling for lost orders because simplicity is paramount the same will apply to take away as though deliveries can continue there after and im sorry that this will affect many businesses just getting back on their feet but we must act to stop the virus from being transmitted in bars and restaurants 3rd we will extend the requirement to wear face coverings to include staff in retail all uses of taxis and private high vehicles and staff and customers in indoor hospitality except when seated at a table to eat or drink for of in retail leisure and tourism in other sectors are keeping secure guidelines will become legal obligations business is will be fined and could be closed if they breach the rules fit now is the time to tighten up the rule of 6 im afraid that from monday a maximum of 15 people will be able to attend wedding ceremonies and receptions though up to 30 a can still attend a funeral as now we will also have to extend the rule of 6 to all at our indoor team sports final we have to acknowledge that the spread of the virus is now affecting our ability to reopen business conferences exhibitions and large sporting events so we will not be able to do this from the 1st of october and i recognise the implications for our sports clubs which are the life and so community is and my right and her friends the chancellor and culture secretary are working urgently on what we can do now to support them mr speaker these rules these measures. Will only work if people comply and i there is nothing more frustrating for the vast majority who do comply the law abiding majority in the sight of a few of brazenly defying the rules so these rules will be enforced by tighter penalties weve already introduced a fine of up 210000 pounds for those who fail to safe isolate and such fines will now be applied to businesses breaking coded rules the penalty for failing to wear a mask or breaking the rule of 6 will not double to 200. 00 pounds for a 1st offense we will provide the police and local authorities with the extra funding they need Greater Police presence on our streets and the option to draw military support where across that required to free up the police the measures ive announced all apply in england and the devolved administrations are taking similar steps i spoke yesterday with each of the 1st ministers and again today and i thank them for their collaboration the health of everyone in these islands depends on our common success already about 30000000 people across england living under various local restrictions over and above National Measures we will continue to act against local flare ups working alongside councils and strengthening measures when necessary and i want to speak directly to those who are shielding early in the pandemic and who may be anxious about being at greater risk following advice from our senior clinicians our guidance continues to be that you do not need to shield except in local lockdown areas and we will keep this under constant review. I must emphasize that if all our actions fail to bring the are below one then we reserve the right to deploy greater firepower with significantly greater restrictions i prefer. One to avoid taking this step as do the devote a ministrations but we will only be able to avoid it if our new measures work and our behavior changes mr speaker we will spare no effort in developing vaccines treatments new forms of mass testing but unless we power probably make progress we should assume that the restrictions i have announced will remain in place for perhaps 6 months for the time being this virus is a fact of our lives and i must tell the house and the country that our fight against it will continue we will not listen to those who say let the virus rip nor to those who urge a permanent lockdown we are taking decisive and appropriate steps to balance saving lives with protecting jobs and livelihoods i know all of this will have profound consequences for our constituents so the government will give the house every opportunity to scrutinize our decisions in addition to regular statements and debates on will members will be able to question the governments scientific advisors more regularly gain access to data about their constituencies your constituencies and join daily calls in my right arm or friend the paymaster general after 6 months of restrictions. It would be tempting to hope that the threat has faded and to seek comfort in the belief that if you have avoided the virus so far then you are somehow immune i have to say the disease that kind of complacency that could be our undoing if we fail to act together now we will not only place others at risk but jeopardize our own futures with the more drastic action that we would inevitably be forced to take mr speaker no British Government would wish to stifle our freedoms in the way in the ways that we have found necessary this year even now we can draw comfort some comfort from the fact that schools and universities and places of worship a stirring it shops can serve their customers construction workers can go to Building Sites and the vast majority of the u. K. Economy can continue moving forward we are also used to speak up better prepared for a 2nd wave with the ventilators the p. P. The dexamethasone nightingales to those and 100. 00 times as much testing as we began this epidemic with so it now fools to each of us and every one of us to remember the basics wash our hands cover our faces observe social distancing and follow the rules then we can fight back against this virus show to our economy for even greater damage protect the most vulnerable. In care homes and hospitals safeguard. And save many more lives and i commend this statement to the us i dont call the leader of the opposition heres. A thank you mr speaker i want. Boris johnson sitting after what 10 minutes of taking us through what theyre going to do secure starmer the the leader of the Main Opposition Party in the u. K. The labor party he delivered a Virtual Party Conference Speech 3 hours ago so that he made a quick run back to the house of commons to reply to what mr johnsons announced it basically boils down into 6 points a few of them people in the u. K. People in england pardon me not in the u. K. In england if they can work from home they must do so all pubs bars and restaurants Table Service and they will must close at 10 pm not last orders so no ones going to go ding ding ding come up to the bar and buy your last drink they must shut and theyre also extending the facemask regulation regulations rather to include retail store outlets taxis members that kind of thing and he also is saying that covert security becomes a legal thing that means that if say a company or a gym or a facility a place that people go if they break the strictures surrounding this push by the government they will feel. I guess the arm of the law at some point and the last point was the last point as of monday maximum 15 people at a wedding up to 30 go to a funeral he said as well of elderly people and in target areas for cove it you do not need to shield that jars a little bit quite honestly im not quite sure where theyre going with that one kind of saying you know if youre old and youre High Risk Group you dont need to shield thats a reaction to the way that telling older people that you might have to shield ice stay at home for a long long time. And that was so unpopular in march april may time this year that maybe the government feels the need to back away from that lets talk to me barker hes our correspondent tracking all the news out of the u. K. Today welcome back to the Program Needs for sure reading of what weve got from mr john snow or make no mistake about it this is a stark and serious warning from the Prime Minister coming only a matter of weeks i suppose after a voice johnson triumphantly announced that the tide had turned that the war against covert 19 was being won now a very very different message that comes hot off the heels of syrias data produced by leading officials the scientific officer in the medical officer appearing at downing street on monday to confirm that the infection rate is doubling repay shifts pace every 7 days or so the hospitalize ation are increasing significantly as well that this isnt just a virus affecting the young between the age of 20 to 29 but its spreading to the wider point relation to older more Vulnerable People that may find themselves having to go into intensive care and that raises the specter of an increasing death toll as well so a rally in court again war time rhetoric used by so many leaders across the europe a few across europe has resurfaced again with Boris Johnson talking about using new fire power if there isnt any kind of real evidence that the our rate the rate of infection is starting to go down when these measures are introduced also what weve seen in the past a tension between what constitutes his advice and what now is a legally enforceable arrive to fines will be dealt out to people breaking the rules whether that be on an individual level if youre not wearing a mask in a certain place or businesses defying regulations to shut. He was also talking right at the top of the speech neave he was seeing fewer than 8 percent of people whove come back from corona virus and there are a lot a lot of them fewer than 8 percent of them have antibodies and that i mean thats a significant statistic in itself but this from the Prime Minister who i think it was in late march early april was saying look it will be herd immunity itll be ok itll move through the population and then we all develop antibodies and thats now just not the case. That was not the case and Boris Johnson made clear that they have learned lessons over the course of the past few months that what a positive level means that they are ahead of the curve i suppose excuse the pun when it comes to understanding how the the virus spreads within a population they are also better informed when it comes to the kind of therapeutic approaches that can be deployed to help people recover if they do end up in hospital but also a gaping hole when it comes to off full understanding of how to control this virus without a name vaccination in place of course that leaves the prospect of the country having to develop some sort of National Immunity herd immunity which was the theory several months ago but the proof is that its not working as the government had hoped it would such a sliver of the population only 8 percent showing that having had the virus they have immunity and that immunity is very sketchy it doesnt appear to be a long lasting immunity it may trail off within only a matter of months so in the absence of a vaccine in the absence of National Immunity or greater level of immunity the only thing the British Government can do is roll out these measures one after another after another. And thats what were seeing happen play out but of course the government deeply worried about the impact on the economy and the possible negative effects on peoples lives and livelihoods there was talk or 10 days 2 weeks ago neave about having socalled coronavirus marshals on the streets of england and hes talking here about enforcing this new legislation people will be fined and they will go to court etc does that mean that well have coded marshals i mean who will these people be of these special constables of the traffic wardens are the are the local busybodies of the local councillors who will be who will be who will be get to fill those roles. Well just taking a look at the the local council where i live in london ive actually seen some job adverts posted on Council Websites encouraging people to apply for jobs in the same way that youd apply to become a traffic warden so clearly people are looking to take these pages jobs there are the governments also asking for for there to be much more of a concerted effort across society to Pay Attention to what your neighbor is doing Boris Johnson was very quick to say that he didnt like the idea of a nation of snitches peering over garden fences to see exactly whats going on next door to see whether people are breaking rules but then of course pretty to tell the home secretary responded by saying well she would very quickly alerts the police if she felt that those living near her were breaking rules so a mixture of message is this conservative government doesnt want to appear to be an a liberal draconian kind of government but inevitably if they are going to see any kind of progress its going to require a concerted effort across the board from ordinary citizens and from people doing it as a job ok you need many things need barker a correspondent there so the house of commons in london if youre just joining us here on aljazeera has got you right up to speed weve had a special session being taken by Boris Johnson the u. K. Prime minister that announcing 6 new structures guidelines if you will but they are legal guidelines people will be taken to court he says people we didnt in effect that we did see was that people will be fined facemasks become obligatory in certain new locations if people can work from home they are being asked to work from home pubs restaurants etc they have to shut up shop at 10 oclock in the evening elderly people high risk people are being told they do not have to as a matter of course go into self i see. Adrian has more news for you from 12. I will see you very soon about. Global community we are out because obviously you know both but so how crazy is the response that looks like be part of the debate if youre in each if you can jump into the conversation right away when no topic is off the table youre not afraid of anyone taking power we just call him what he lives in the least in the world uses 3 children a richer and the poor getting poorer its not kill destroy the system its just to look at the system and adapt it to the modern world this street own out is there a. Rewind returns. With updates on the best around to see this documentary. Needs. To. Remind continues with uncomfortably you know this is gaza central jail and this is the section where theyre holding prisoners on one charge its users and dealers here theres a 120. 00 of them in 3 different cells on aljazeera. Ahmed number out of his parents house after he got married he says he found more space living in biscayne after a run of eating it last year its now his home along with his wife daughter and health but the Israeli Government said the key was to be constructed weve gotten permits and issued the demolition order last month our interview were cut short as he hears that the israeli army has a right. In the village with the bulldozer resident faithful just gave them one minute to get home it took the found me months to build their brick house and nothing an hour demolished. For. A low wage or instead of getting here in doha before oceans monopoly a summary of the main news on aljazeera the u. K. Government has brought in a raft of new restrictions and england in a bid to limit the spread of the coronavirus announced the new measures which would include limitations on hospitality businesses and grace of fines for those who dont comply he also warned that the country has reached a critical turning point in dealing with the virus the new restrictions could last for as long as 6 months the government will introduce new restrictions in england caffrey judge to the

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