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Corruption. Also ahead a position in this ruling come parliament as the president seeks to push through a bill that would remove limits on his powers. The u. S. Has set the stage for a showdown at the u. N. General assembly this week slapping additional sanctions on iran tehrans representative at the u. N. Dismissed the move as an act of desperation President Donald Trump is expected to use his speech later on tuesday to send a strong message to iran is that ministration declared on its own that sanctions eased on to the 2050 nuclear deal have been reimposed but in all u. N. Security Council Members reject that the new sanctions mainly target those involved in irans defense sectors. Just imagine what iran would be therefore able to freely purchase more advanced weapons we have no intention of letting that happen the president s executive order announced today gives us a new and powerful tool to enforce the u. N. Arms embargo and hold those who seek to evade u. N. Sanctions accountable today i will take the 1st action under this new executive order by sanctioning the are a ministry of defense and Armed Forces Logistics and irans Defense Industries organization and its director well as tensions increase between iran and the u. S. There are calls for unity at the United Nations the annual general debate gets underway in a few hours from now but a special ceremony on monday a month 75 years since the organization was formed in his address the french president Emmanuel Michael said global rivalries are undermining the uns purpose. Our shared home is in disarray this is a reflection of the state of the world the foundations are crumbling the was a being chipped away at this and it times by those who built them to booze that were viewed as being unassailable of being breached wars of any chemical weapons use mess detentions are currently being used with impunity of rights hard won being trampled upon and International System as a hostage of rivalries and is being weakened in its ability to prosecute for these abuses well those sentiments being i could as well by the Russian Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov that is easily lead the world is tired of dividing lines dividing states into them and us the world requires increasing multilateral multilateral assistance and cooperation in other words the aims that were laid down 75 years ago in the un was founded a more timely than ever we also must restate our commitment to the un charter and the norms of International Law lets get more on this heres our diplomatic editor james bays. This was a major set piece of vent 75 years of the United Nations a glitzy video speeches by the secretary general and for leaders around the world now the pride of place as the host nation the 1st speech was reserved for President Donald Trump he didnt submit a speech and because his secretary of state mike pompei o and his ambassador to the un kelly craft were in washington for that event on iran sanctions instead it was left to a state Department Official relatively low level the acting deputy ambassador to the u. N. To give the u. S. Address the 75th anniversary of the u. N. Is the right time to ask questions about the institution strengths and weaknesses review and learn from its failures and celebrate its accomplishments it seems pretty certain that on choose day President Donald Trump will be making an address to take to address to the u. N. General assembly and people will be focusing on his comments on iran and on snapback Libyas National Oil Corporation says its restarting some production and exports the libyan all orderly for after that imposed a blockade on Oil Facilities since january but announced an end to that on friday the state oil company says there are no longer any fighters or foreign mercenaries in the car in the east and breaker in the center of the country so production can resume its waiting for safety decisions on the remaining oil ports. Turkeys president says talks could resolve the maritime dispute with greece so long as their proposals are on the table the 2 countries are in a bitter dispute over drilling rights in the Eastern Mediterranean sea. These or. The oh look we believe that there is no issue that cannot be resolved through dialogue negotiation and agreement of course this approach is valid on condition that they come in front of us with proposals that fit fairness and reality otherwise we could not evade any fight more rains in the forecast for sudan where weeks of flooding has killed 120 people and damaged or destroyed 100000 homes on top of that theres an economic state of emergency rising inflation has put food and other basics out of reach for many families. Has been meeting those people most affected is this report from hearts whom the fisa hamadan have family had hoped things would get better for them after that in move one of saddams longtime leader a model bashir. But a year and a half later prices of basic goods are still sorting an officer who is disabled and makes falafel or being cake to support our family is finding it hard to make ends meet. She added of course this life is very hard prices are increasing by the day and some days we eat some days we dont. A week ago the Sudanese Government declared a state of economy can watch and see the move for a sharp decline by the sudanese pound against the dollar since then inflation has risen to a record 167 percent with prices of essential commodities like bread and sugar rising to more than double long queues for bread are visible almost everywhere. If we are forced to wait in queues for more than 3 hours at a time to buy bread just 10 pieces of bread the elderly who cant stand for long are really suffering were all suffering the inflation has also affected the provision of aid to tens of thousands of people displaced by the weeks long flooding in 17 of sudans 18 states aid agencies say theyre forced to deal with a huge shortfall in funding actually it has been quite catastrophic if i may. When we receive lets say a dollar only 0. 25 of that maximum is what we are able to use because of the inflation last july inflation was at 144 percent in august was almost 167 percent so that means our ability to buy things is only 25 percent sudans Transitional Government blames the decline of the currency on what it calls a systematic operation to vandalize the economy by those opposing it well in the guy when have it in for has when we will crack down heavily on those trying to manipulate the markets we wont be united in doing this as a government we will also introduce regulations for import and export of god and yet some people are blaming the government itself for the crisis. The minimum wage from 5. 00 to 60. 00 just paid us in the countrys history broken with no resources of its own the government opted to fund the increment by printing more money so i think that done on a perth before the economic decline us secretary of state mike pompei old recently raised hopes of better economic prospects here when he announced the possible removal of sudan from its role of state sponsors of terrorism perhaps even before the us elections in november that would allow sudan to shed its pariah status attract Foreign Investors and once again access credit from institutions like the i. M. F. And world bank but diplomats say thats hinged on sudan 1st normalizing relations with israel a bitter pill it may be forced to swallow to ease its own domestic problems without the world has either heard of tom sudan. Mollies former defense minister has been appointed as interim president by the military judge into colonel as to me going to be his deputy diplomats from the regional bloc have been pressuring the army to return power to civilians since president abraham resigned last month after the military took power the Transitional Government says elections will take place in 18 months time a critic of the chinese president xi jinping has been sentenced to 18 years in prison for corruption hes ranging jiang he is an influential former Property Executive and chairman of a stay tuned and well Estate Company has been critical of the governments response to the corona Virus Outbreak country to us following developments from beijing. According to a beijing court a rendered child has been found guilty of taking bribes and embezzling public funds to the tune of 2900000. 00 now they say that he did this while he worked as the chairman of a state owned Company Inquiry on which is a rather large real Estate Company which he headed for 21 years and according to the beijing court rain has voluntarily confessed to all these crimes and he warned be appealing this verdict so he will be spending the next 18 years in prison for this many believe that despite this charge in fact the main thing that did get him into hot water with the Chinese Communist party was his outspoken comments so much so that he was north here in china as the big candidate and unlike other dissidents he criticized the policy from the inside he was always a Chinese Communist member a very widely respected businessman and supporters say criticize the policy because he wanted it to improve its governance and he was known as a very popular commentator on way well which is like time his facebook he had more than 35000000 followers but in 2016 his account was actually suspended because he criticized president xi jinping has called for the Chinese Media to be more aligned with the communist party and he received a sort of rap on the knuckles and a warning but he continued to be outspoken any run a very popular elite book club where you promoted independent thinking. The leader in hong kong says 12 prodemocracy activists detained on the chinese mainland should be tried there they were arrested last month as the attempted to leave hong kong for taiwan but yet it was to be held for illegal entry into chinese waters the issue with suspects on the mainland spot months of protests last year. They have run away from their legal liabilities but in the course of running away from illegal up on liabilities they committed an other crime in another jurisdiction so isnt it reasonable and fair that these trials people should 1st face that legal liabilities in that jurisdiction according to the north and thereafter of course we will arrange for them to come back to face const consequences. Still to come here on this program anger in Colombia Police kill a man for breaking coronavirus restrictions protesters say pretends he is systemic plus. Im just a washington in indonesia when locals are coming together to protect this coastal area by replanting thousands of mangroves. Hello that summer sunshine is being rather squeezed to the east across areas of europe still plenty of kiss guys in the law but it is not really going to laos plenty of cloud to the old bringing the rain with us and some or all the heavy rain and thunderstorms further to the south as very nice weather for the great harvest into southern areas of the netherlands in the south coast of the u. K. Also enjoying the nice warm sunshine it is going to come to an end me one across Southern France the rain that have already been rolling in and this is a situation through tuesday more of out across the south much of italy seeing rain and sun a souls push across towards areas of the balkans to the north of there it is mostly clear well see this rain quite heavy at times pushing in across northern sections of the u. K. Holmes will scandinavia that will sweep across much of the u. K. Into the low countries as we head into wednesday so we are becoming very unsettled there is that rain again through these little central areas it really is just the far east of europe where it is fine and dry as the conditions in london for the next few days will see rain showers wednesday and thursday time which is coming well down in fact below the average for this time of year me one in paris it is quite a few days ahead of scottish maybe a thunderstorm in the time which is not quite as low and then it takes a bit longer to get there but the rain arrives on friday. Local community we are out. Obviously should go up over the top but the whole crew says the worst boss there are folks like be part of the debate is your niche if you can jump into the conversation right away when no topic is off the table youre not afraid of anyone taking power we just. Use is 3 to getting richer and the poor getting poorer its not to destroy the system its just to look at the system and. This tree on out is there. Ok welcome back lets recap the top stories for you so far this half the u. S. Has placed the dish and all sanctions on iran targeting its Defense Industries and that follows a declaration from washington that was rejected by most nations irans u. N. Representative called it a desperate move. More rain is forecast in sudan where flooding has killed at least 120 people and damaged or destroyed 100000 homes rising inflation has put you would not the basics out of reach for many. And a prominent critic of the chinese president xi jinping has been sentenced to 18 years in prison for corruption ran. Into the former chairman of the state owned real estate. It draft bill that would amend the sri lankan constitution to give the president extra powers has been put before the parliament if its passed it will allow the president go to buy rajapaksa to dissolve parliament and give him full immunity against prosecution its set to replace a bill from 2015 that strengthen the role of the parliament live. And also serious correspondent. And how contentious is this proposed legislation. Its drawing mixed reactions peter for sure i mean essentially in the building behind me the Sri Lankan Parliament is where its all happening at when the justice minister. Table that draft with the 1st reading he did it to howls of protest by the opposition obviously the amendment seeks to kind of close back all the sweeping powers the executive president lost in the last amendment of the constitution brought by the previous government now this is a once again creates an all powerful presidency and that is an issue that many quarters have expressed concern with talks about the removal of any monitoring in the checks and balances against the executive president hes able to sack the parliament after a year hes able to me appointments to my officers very sensitive officers the chief justice the heads of armed forces the heads of independent commissions which was the fruit of sort of the previous government and the constitutional amendment these are things that are concerning a lot of people particularly the fact that with these changes the president essentially can run the whole show himself the Prime Minister and the cabinet become sort of bystanders he does not need to seek their approval or sanction he can go on with the business of government and this is what is creating concern concern that we saw voiced by opposition m. P. s they came to the will of the house 5 some carrying placards howling in protest somewhere in blackshaw as a play on the rajapaksa. Basically protesting these changes and the impact it will have on democracy how much of a push back is there against this. Well like demonstrated 9 a short while ago by the opposition. Concerns and they are demonstrating that but to be quite frank with you even if you look in the parliament youre talking about a massive majority for the rajapakse as for the president go to bed rajapaksa his brother the Prime Minister so its almost approval of this amendment and the proposed changes it will bring is just a matter of time they have 149. 00 seats that just one short centrally want to short of a 2 thirds majority and that they will get its almost a given power however having said that there were concerns expressed even within the Government Camp obviously that a different constituent partners and initially when the draft was gathered and it was announced we did see differing opinions some kind of dissenting voices talking about some issues the government then reacted by saying they would really work on the draft they would bring a new draft which would be garroted all of that got swept under the table after a Cabinet Meeting to read by the president the president s stand was let this come to parliament were not redrawing the gasket and when it goes to parliament and there is Committee Stage whatever changes can be discussed then so there is sort of concern even one constitutional expert i spoke to yesterday described this a centrally as the removal of all constitutional checks and balances against one man a powerful executive president and therein lies the concern but for the people of this country who have been through a number of governments the last one voted in to bring change failing miserably they seem to be wanting to give the rajapaksa as a try once again you know thank you very much milton and columbus. Ok lets go back to the states to washington the u. S. President on will trump says hell announce his pick for the Supreme Court in the next few days that would be before Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg is buried this is from the Republican Party wants to confirm his nominee as soon as possible but democratic opponents say its too close to the election of them but the 3rd ellen fisher has more from washington leaving for a Campaign Event in ohio President Donald Trump revealed he to shortlist for the Supreme Court vacancy and he wants a vote before the election 5 women are being. Looked at in very very carefully. By. And will make a decision probably saturday but friday or saturday its been confirmed the body of Ruth Bader Ginsburg will lie in state on capitol hill on friday the 1st woman to be given that on or the capitol hill is also the place where the arguments about her replacement continue the leader of the republicans in the Senate Mitch Mcconnell says there will be a vote what is telling he said by the end of the year not november the 3rd the date of the president ial election. And the fact that the senate will vote on this nomination this year the American People realize that our majority in 26 say theyre trying to look further and 28 day because we pledged to work with president tropp on the most Critical Issues facing our country. The federal judiciary was right at the top of the lurch today i am nominating chief judge merrick bryan garland to join the Supreme Court back in 201610 months before the election president barack obama named Merrick Garland to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court it was caused by the death of a conservative justice the republicans refused to push for a voters nomination insisting the election should be held 1st it was Something Senate democratic leader Chuck Schumer insists that a publicans should remember the senate has never confirmed a nominee to the Supreme Court this close to a president ial election if that was how leader mcconnell and Senate Republicans just to find their mindless obstruction of president obamas nominee surely they must abide by their own standard while donald trump wants the vote by november 3rd Mitch Mcconnell understands the politics at play here he knows that donald trump one in 2016 largely because of his promise to reshape the Supreme Court to put more conservatives on the bench and that same issue might just drive more supporters to his side come november the 3rd democratic president ial nominee joe biden has also been on the campaign trail but in his speech the Supreme Court vacancy never got a mention hes concentrating on covert unemployment and Health Care Issues he believes makes donald trump more vulnerable in november election alan fischer aljazeera at the white house. Belarus and russia have started joint military drills on belorussians soil around 2000 russian soldiers are taking part last week exercises were held in russia moscows backing president Alexander Lukashenko whos facing mass protests against his rule. With corona virus infections in the u. K. Rising sharply the government is advise and people to work from home schools will stay open the Prime Minister Boris Johnson is holding an emergency Cabinet Meeting and will this a later address the house of commons englands chief medical officer says theres a risk of 50000. 00 infections per day by the middle of next month. The president of the philippines has extended a socalled National State of calamity by one year as part of the governments efforts to counter the coronavirus pandemic roderigo deter had initially announced the order in march to allocate emergency funds and strengthen lock down rules for the peons has become the epicenter of the outbreak in Southeast Asia with more than 290000 cases. Brazilian officials are debating whether the annual carnival can go ahead in february the event is hugely important to the countrys economy brazil is one of the worst hit countries in the world with more than 4 and a half 1000000 infections. Demonstrations against Police Brutality in colombia once again turned violent officers fired tear gas to disperse crowds anger has been building after the death of a man in custody in bogota 11 days ago is manuel or apollo. Another round of protests in colombias capital. On monday Security Forces deployed tear gas to disperse hundreds of people who had gathered at. The plaza the demonstrators say its the police that theyre protesting against and. Were marching against Police Brutality because its necessary to reform Columbus Police it is militarized police that are not trained to respond to street protests and treat social protesters like criminals. The unrest follows the death of 44 year old have yet to adorn is on september 9th. Vodafone wrote a video showing a lot of the news being beaten and repeatedly taste by police went viral on colombian social media. Or done his pleas for help set off several nights of protests were another 13 civilians were killed after police opened fire on demonstrators. Hundreds more were injured in at least 2 other major cities. Since then tries to reform colombias Police Forces have only grown Public Policy experts say the recent unrest is rooted in the countrys history of armed internal conflict. Colombias been defined as a country at war whether it be a war of secession a drug war a war on terror or all of the tools of the states or in the function of that war the result of this is that citizens who protest or who do not agree with the public order treats criminals delinquents central terrorists. While the officers involved in the death of have yet ordered on years have been arrested colombias president even due game has drawn criticism for downplaying the allegation. Ins of systemic abuse by the countrys Security Forces joey im glad that the institutions functions that they have arrested those who have dishonored their uniforms but also that our Security Forces continue to be brave and only as defend the National Interests because we cant let the institution be stigmatized we have to individualize those responsible and make an example of them critics of the colombian president say the countrys problems go far beyond police abuse pointing to a recent uptick in violence nationwide. There have been at least 17 massacres recorded in the last 2 months alone and attacks from paramilitary groups are becoming more frequent. The recent protests highlight the concern many share that the violence of decades past is returning to colombia. Others worry its a situation thats growing beyond the governments ability to control. Aljazeera indonesias coastlines the home to more mangrove forests than anywhere else they protect land from erosion and they absorb Carbon Emissions as jessica washington reports now from east lampung the governments now promising to do more to protect the. Thousands of trees boarded this Coastal Region but this is more than just a visual spectacle these mangroves help protect the land from erosion and the livelihoods of the community. Not our own god. If there was no mangrove forests the land would a road that would be very bad for our livelihoods without the forests there are a few a fishing crabs i care about the forest because its for the future of my children and grandchildren suba says many of the mangroves in this area would damage in the ninetys by Water Pollution and erosion as the forests depleted there were few a fish to catch and the community struggled. Now he coordinates the areas mangrove revitalization efforts nurturing the seedlings and replanting them when theyre ready i dont. People now understand the importance of the mangrove forests he wouldnt dare to cut even one tree. With more than 50000 kilometers of coastline across thousands of islands around a quarter of the worlds mangroves are found across this vast archipelago but across the country many mangroves have been cut down to make way for farms and tourist resorts indonesia has more man groves than anywhere else in the world and Scientists Say preserving them is one of the cheapest and most efficient ways of reducing Emissions Research shows the soil beneath mangroves can store more carbon hector than rain forests indonesias government has pledged to restore 65000. 00 hectares of mangrove forests this year. As part from Natural Causes the biggest cause of damage to mangroves comes from people who dont understand how to protect them for example how to start a problem farm without damaging the mangroves. Government data shows more than half of engineers just mangroves are damaged by. Their many locations where we cannot replant because the environment is already too damaged. Scientists welcome the plan to revitalize the coastal forests but say more action is needed. If the forest basin. Or east. These forests are not just beautiful but vital something this Coastal Community knows it firsthand just washington. Indonesia. Ok lets recap yourself stories for you so far today the u. S. Has placed additional sanctions on iran irans representative at the u. N. Called it a desperate move it follows a declaration from the trumpet ministration that previous sanctions have been restored a move rejected by most nations just imagine what iran would do therefore able to freely purchase more advanced weapons we have no intention of letting that happen the president s executive order announced today gives us a new and powerful tool to enforce the u. N. Arms embargo and hold those who seek to evade u. N. Sanctions accountable today i will take the 1st action under this new executive order by sanctioning the are a ministry of defense and Armed Forces Logistics and irans Defense Industries organization and its director more heavy rains in the forecast for sudan where flooding has killed at least 120 people and damaged or destroyed 100000 homes rising inflation has put food and other basics out of the reach for many Libyas National Oil Corporation says its restarting some production and exports the libyan warlord he fafsa had imposed a blockade on Oil Facilities january but in an instant about on friday. A prominent critic of the chinese president xi jinping has been sentenced to 18 years in prison for corruption and junk in the former chairman of the states Real Estate Group a draft bill that would amend the sri lankan constitution to give the president more powers has been put before parliament if its passed it will allow mr rajapaksa to dissolve parliament and give him full immunity against prosecution. By the recent russia started joint military drills on belorussians soil around a 1000 russian soldiers are there moscows backing president bush is facing mass protests against his rule the u. K. Governments advising people to work from home as coronavirus cases by the Prime Minister Boris Johnson is holding an emergency Cabinet Meeting a meeting of the cobra committees they will address the house of commons later those are your top stories up next its the stream i will have more news on this channel in 30 minutes see that. Remote area liberia ponderous and cameroon aljazeera world means for writers and performers this personal journeys to europe have changed their lives i can use the force about women who are out there to tell me about we we we are moving fleeing persecution seeking a safe haven and creative freedom hardrock from home journalists and actors on aljazeera. I am funny ill tell you welcome to the stream out of under god United Nations General Assembly this week and Im Limited Edition serious the stream is teaming up with the u. Granted bringing some of the most important issues around now of course we cannot say that without isa we are going to be on

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