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It was snapped back to show that i am the United States reimpose its Nuclear Sanctions on iran but all other permanent members of the Un Security Council including close allies are rejecting the action so will this help iran strengthen its case and is Donald Trumps strategy of maximum pressure against iran achieving its goals this is inside story through my. Hello and welcome to the program im how im here dean its a measure that threatens to leave the u. S. More isolated and raise International Tensions the trumpet ministration has brought back sanctions on iran and its threatening consequences against those who violate them russia is calling the action reckless and close european allies are saying that washington has no rights to be impose any penalties since the u. S. Withdrew from the 2015 nuclear deal well americas top diplomats has dismissed the agreements calling it silly the snapback sanctions that might pump a 0 has announced mean the 13 year old conventional arms embargo on iran will no longer expire immature 18th un Member States will have to comply with a ban on iran in rich in uranium and activities related to reprocessing and implements the prohibition on iran testing and fell upon Ballistic Missiles as well as said biden by sanctions on the transfer of nuclear and missile related technologies to iran among other states might come pale says additional measures against iran are on their way and those violating it will face consequences. Well hours after the sanctions claimants effect the uns Nuclear Watchdog has said iran has compliance with demands for access to sensitive sites the International Atomic Energy Agency says it has been able to win back cooperation for moran and will continue to inspect its Nuclear Facilities my. Well lets bring in our guests from not play in new jersey is Steven Rogers a member or donald j. Trump for president s Advisory Boards joining us from tehran will stouffer a an Iran Affairs Analyst and in london by Lester International sanctions lawyer at the british courts chambers thank you all for joining us on this episodes lets start over in the u. S. Steven rogers the United Nations has announced snapback sanctions but the rest of the world appears to be ignoring america given the steve feel that this maximum pressure strategy is working because the only country that appears to be isolated at the moment is america. Well it is working keep in mind that the president of the United States from the day he began to run for office back in 2016 made it clear to the American People that every policy that he set forth whether it be domestic or foreign would be in the best interest of American National security so here in the United States it has not negatively has not impacted at all on him negatively that with regard to whats happening around the world its working irans currency is nosediving and frankly the people in iran theyre fed up with their government they want to see their government become part of the policies that are going to bring peace to the middle east and around the world and not war so its theyre working to be frank with you they are working but but but whats the the endgame here because how exactly has implementing these sanctions changed irans behavior people may be unhappy in iran but theyve been unhappy in iran for a long time and they mostly seem to be unhappy with America America finds itself in sanaa in the isolates and that may be a good political point for the president in the run up to the election but certainly if you look at the International Perspective these actions appear to be having the opposite effect. Well i would suggest that thats not fact the president of the United States just made us magnificent historical agreement between the u. A. E. Israel and iran i believe that the World Leaders are in favor of that they support that the isolation is really not a guess United States iran is isolated we dont see people running to the borders of iran saying look were going to help you drew this storm that were facing its the complete opposite their leaders may be verbalizing somewhat this content with america but at the end of the day if you look at our history they all come running back to the United States that martin are with the United States i say so let me put that point sima stuff. Iran can perhaps claim the moral high ground here but this latest episode but in practical terms this could kind is a whole victory because tice is sanctions a looming and what i lie 7 has left are being forced to pick sites and Steven Rogers says when push comes to chuck of our allies going to sides with america hes more powerful or iran. Well hello thanks for having me and for a matter of fact its not denial there is no denial that the sanctions have made a life difficult for virtually any and for me myself and many other citizens but this does not mean that d the United States has made a major breakthrough or has been successful with regard to its maximum pressure policy. The maximum for us a policy is a formula that was a started under obama and Obama Richard matthew who was the architect of the whole sanctions regime specially against iran theres a whole thread on several occasions that it would work for no more than 2 years since the end game bringing iran to the negotiating table was a 2 year long period and in many several months ago and iran you know g. D. P. Shows that it has earned you know positive g. D. P. In the last 34 months despite the very fact that the whole world has been experiencing and negative g. D. P. Or g. N. P. Because of the krona by iran in the experiencing an improvement right now many an oil official d about yesterday that in coming months in iran all exporters all will improve and the conditions will improve well as a matter of fact we could see on the global scene that 13 u. N. Security Council Members are standing against the United States interpretation as you just rightly pointed out this is the u. S. That has been isolated and even john bolton who is a calmer some actually and who is a hawk he even acknowledged 2 months ago that the u. S. Maximum pressure policy same thing may because they could not cause a collapse of the iran need or they could push their run to surrender and they fantasize a lot theyre running the Still Standing could that is that they will insist on. Of. The road im sorry to cut you off there and you know john bolton may be coming round to realizing the pressure isnt working as i said before iran has the moral high ground but life is difficult how much longer is around prepared to sit and wait the signs. Well as i just mentioned iran is now moving towards you know of bettering of our economy because of the data shows that iran is improving right now despite the very fact that krone of virus which engines and the consequent Economic Impact not life more difficult. These are the numbers that are speaking and the further very fact of the gun pointed ministration meant because of the protests in iran we just saw that in the last one half year or one year this never happened after the last unrest that was more than one year ago and it was very limited in size so even with a come to realize something thats very important that that saw was d some experts in the u. S. Were really afraid because donald trump played this formula of arna this containment policy through sanctions that wrecked their enough neatly and in an inexperienced way they pushed around towards surgery in an economy that you know was afraid of doing too well several decades ok under shah they were afraid of cutting the spenders and always now theyre wrong is being forced to cut dependence on oil totally so the situations going to improve when they start selling more oil in future as theyre cut off all dependence on oil ok lets turn to you know my allies and the snapback sanctions they are being legally dispy seeds. I mean honestly touch the point there is a practical element to all the status it doesnt matter hes technically right or hes on the right side of the law here the u. S. Is more powerful and when push comes to shove the europeans are likely eventually to sign with the americans is that a Fair Assessment. I dont think that is a Fair Assessment so the european perspective on this is very much this is exactly why really go to the nuclear day or so the purpose of the nuclear day or ago she ate in 2015 was precisely to deal with issues like is iran complying is iran sticking to levels of enrichment contemplated under the deal and all the other parties sticking to the deal there is a dispute resolution mechanism under that sale which both iran and the 3 thats the u. K. Germany and france have triggered and their perspective is lets deal with this in the context of the deal that we negotiated now when President Trumpery famous may call this the worst 11 ago she decided to pull the u. S. Out of the deal in 2018 and reimpose the u. S. Sanctions that had been lifted and he said that the u. S. Is no longer participating in the deal what the u. S. Is now doing at least according to the permanent members and the e. U. Is trying to have its cake and eat it having said were pulling out and reimposing very powerful u. S. Sanctions what theyre now trying to do is say to the United Nations we think that u. N. Sanctions should be snapped back because iran is not complying and the perspective of the e. U. And indeed the other u. N. Permanent members is you cant do both you cant say were not in the deal mechanism but we want u. N. Sanctions to snap back so thats where the legal legal dispute lies meanwhile what the u. S. Has done is said fine forget this legal dispute we will act ourselves in the u. S. As if sanctions have been reimposed and we will say that we will impose our very powerful worldwide u. S. Sanctions nothing to do with the United Nations if we think that people of breaching sanctions on iran so what the u. S. Is doing is using its own legal powers which are very powerful in the world because of worldwide reliance on the u. S. Dollar but thats the dynamic there is a big difference between what the us is able to do itself and what the u. S. Can do as part of the International Community well if it seems. That the u. S. Is abandoning the International Community and going here alone there will thing these powerful sanctions do you think the e. U. Is prepared to be sanctions if it continues to engage with iran well it will be very interesting to see what happens but the e. U. Has absolutely consistently they that facilitated the whole negotiation of the day the e. U. Has consistently works to uphold the deal to try to bring the u. S. Back into the fold when the u. S. Hasnt done so its tried a few things to try to shore up the deal to try to make so im sure its starting so it has tried to block to some extent the effect of u. S. Sanctions its try to facilitate lawful trade with iran but its also really important to stress that the e. U. Has its soap expressed concern about your rainy and perceived noncompliance with the deal so the e. U. Is not simply saying you know we fully support everything that iran does in this field and not the u. S. The e. U. Has a much more nuanced position which is we are still working within the terms of the deal it deals perfectly with the dispute resolution mechanism and we are not going to go it alone like the u. S. Has done so at the moment it seems that the e. U. Is sticking very closely its that position of suring up the deal. Steven rogers let me turn to you the Trump Administration seems determined to implement these sanctions it seems to charm to go it alone to use its powerful sanctions to bring iran into line if the europeans and the chinese and the russians. A continuing to try and work with iran is the trumpet in the station that this points prepared to sanction countries like france germany and the United Kingdom well i dont believe and i hope it wont come to that i believe that france and germany and other nations that are very close to the United States will sit down with President Trump and well discuss this issue and hopefully support the position of the United States any leader of any country will be looking out for the best interests of their people their National Security and therein lies the platform on which President Trump has consistently stood on hes looking out for the best interest of the American People that is his job they will look out for the best interests of their people and hopefully President Trump will be able to negotiate with them and bring them on board he doesnt like nothing in the negotiation though if youre saying that there wont sing in france germany the u. K. To agree with america an adult its position well its either side where the highway and i. Well well well well not not were going to tell you what maybe maybe not but i believe that at the end that if they do you side with a nation that has a history of financing exporting terrorism a mission that has not added any value to peace in the mideast or you decide would a nation that is looking for not only the best interest of its own people which is america but the best interest of people in the mideast President Trump has demonstrated recently that he has made significant moves to bring peace to that region and we all know that no one can deny that so the question is who are you going to side with either you side with the United States and or you side with the rant and theyre going to happen make that decision moving forward ok i believe historically theyre going to theyre going to side with the United States my hear were trying to respond to that so just d to make things clear here i dont think its going to be a question of the u. S. Sort of imposing sanctions on from germany the e. U. But what the u. S. Has already been doing some many years and i think will now set me continue to do so is it imposing sanctions on those that it sees as pursuing unlawful trade with iran and those sanctions are on nonu. S. Persons that the u. S. Already says any want anywhere in the world and that set me trades the European Union that engages in sanctionable conduct in us to will be counsel from us Financial Markets now that is a very powerful tool but when people talk about the u. S. Sanctioning its allies what its really doing is saying if you dont play by own rules you will be subject to being potentially consul from our own dollar system. Well then so in this happening that is nothing new its simply more of the same its more exercise of u. S. Unilateral power without the International Community being behind it its worth also saying that the position of the United Kingdom is slightly nuanced and interesting here because Boris Johnson and the foreign secretary dominic were of have both expressed a bit more of consideration to changing the nuclear deal in some way its not clear what theyre considering but it could be that the u. K. Has more sympathy with the President Trump concession that there are problems with the deal but certainly no one at the moment in the e. U. Is taking the view that the deal should simply be called up and i think the controversy at the moment is that the u. S. Has said very publicly we do not want to participate in this deal anymore but its now coming along and saying actually when it suits us we want to act like a participant. Must offer let me get your view on this at this point do you feel that this chase appearing deal is worth saving because the u. S. Is working unilaterally european allies are starting to have concerns and have had concerns for quite some time about irans compliance and conduct why is iran still adhering to the studio at all if its falling apart so spectacularly. Well lets remember that of the europeans theyve been in support of the deal only through their political positions and the wars and not inaction despite the very fact that they met and promises after the u. S. Discarded the deal to coffer it with iran under the 11 areas of Economic Cooperation that never began and can support of the deal to give your on the economic merits and was out on the deal but. Lets remember that the the Un Security Council members opposition to the us resort to the freaking mechanics and meant that the whole world has come to realize that iran cannot do or shoot the way or and then other that. Differences could be a result through deals and negotiation thats why everyone is trying to say. But the point here is that the us is working unilaterally making a mockery of the Un Security Council actually and the mechanics them because if it were another country like iran vietnam iraq or anyone else the us Security Council would start immediately to punish the country as soon as it violated for a solution 2031 that would be decision of the Un Security Council members of together so the us is undermining you know the mechanics them of the Security Council and if the cons a model role model for other than other members with also vote for the same approach whenever they dont like a decision of the Security Council and there will be chaos felt the un security should rush to rescue or not only the case if your way but also its own you know sovereignty and its on will rule will all help in i believe in them in the people have been arguing this for not just on the every mean issue but the syrian issue and all sorts of things you could argue that the Un Security Council has been on their minds and powerless a quite some time now my question to you is is this deal worth saving given the us is going it alone and given there are so many challenges to it. Now im coming to your question here is the work the u. N. Security council or the sake of its own rules or regulations they should support their solution to this mission was the nuclear deal wrong assman physically we only have 13 minutes left we only have 3 minutes left on irans massive russian realty russia let me run rush to the conclusion 1st of all this issue to start doing deals with iran the only marriage left for to run is the removal of on straight bandaids going to be removed actually and on october the 18 so they should stand up for their own you know 31 year with lucian and deals with iran thats the only i mean removal of the. Sanctions is the only merit left port iran if iran doesnt see that mary also a country then it would give up the nuclear deal it would be requested by the public there are many requests in the government to discuss going to me at the all 2nd they should rush the stuff that you are from escalating the situation through exercising the Congress Area recently so illegally because very clued inspection of uranium on those ships and planes and along would not hesitate to defend. Ship and cargos and its an interest ok for there would be escalating tensions and wrong if the u. N. Security council does not the u. S. From violating International Rules and regulations on lucian 2231. 00 ok and final question to all of you know because we are on the side of time and Steven Rogers how do you see this ending after President Trump is reelected in a month or so a ramble come to a census and they will join the world in trying to solve this problem in the mideast ok mustapha question how do you see this ending. All i just made my point if the whole trump comes to office i do believe that just the pure way would be because you would not allow iran to think america then we would be business think more and more attention escalation and war definitely not iran when donald trump said he would arrive at a deal with iran but then im a realist that actually demand that he would change is d a strategy towards iran if israel like that because he has already experienced the clear and if the use of its maximum pressure policy ok my the final salute to you. Do you think that the outcome of this rests largely on whether President Trump is reelected so arista still any hope at all of saving this agreement. I think that obviously the u. S. Elections are very important but i think if President Trump is reelected we will simply see more of the same which is not in my view the deal being torn up and its not in my view the u. N. Security council being undermined the u. S. Is attempts to undermine the Security Council and have u. N. Sanctions are imposed have not been successful the u. N. Has ignored it and said this is too legally ambiguous were going to continue with the status quo biden has certainly said that he is more keen to turn back to the deal but i dont think whoever is elected weve seen the last of the nuclear deal by any means ok so a lot of hope there and on certainly if youre in favor of the j. C. As ever these things or appear to hinge on what happens on the u. S. President ial election a fascinating discussion from all 3 ever guess id like to thank you all my thank you to Steven Rogers mustapha and thank you also my leicester and id like to thank you for watching remember you can see the program again any time by the saying our website out to 0 dot com and seen get further discussion from our Facebook Page thats facebook dot com forward slash a. J. Inside story you can also join the conversation on twitter our handle is at a. J. Inside story the treaty directly at. Night for me and the whole thing about. This is a story about a small village the society that inhabits it on 2 of its most important characters the village is a telephone and its a mexican cheapo. Discovering new film making talent from around the globe to find on latin america delves into this cuban market culture its only longing for the outside world people calling on aljazeera. 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But the coronavirus pandemic has seen resurgence replaced with a recession as the world eagerly watches zone to see out there president ial candidates might revive the flagship u. S. Economy. Details coverage of the us elections on aljazeera. Our actions today are warning that should be heard worldwide. The u. S. Goes it alone in imposing new sanctions on iran despite objections from u. N. Security Council Members. The announcement was made as the u. N. Called on countries to Work Together while walking at 75th anniversary. Welcoming peter w. Watching aljazeera live from doha also coming up more rains expected in sudan where flooding has already affected hundreds of thousands of people

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