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Covert 19 death toll they are in 1000000 governments are struggling to control the own break. Calling for sanctions against Alexander Lukashenko out of new says Opposition Leader appears before european parliamentary panel. Thats going to new york where the United Nations is marking its 75th Anniversary Event is coinciding with the annual General Assembly meeting this week that brings welby this together for the 1st time this year it will be done virtually because of the corona virus pandemic and his opening address u. N. Secretary general antonio protest urged wildly this to be united and said the u. N. Is needed now more than ever. Climate calamity looms Biodiversity School lapsing poverty is again rising hatred is spreading geopolitical tensions are escalating and Nuclear Weapons remain on hair trigger alert transformative technologies have opened up new opportunities but also exposed new sets and the covered 19 pandemic as laid bare the worlds for the g. T. S. We can only address them together. But among all the World Leaders there was one noticeable absence u. S. President donald trump decided not to mondays event instead the acting u. S. Deputy ambassador to the u. N. Is representing the host nation the u. N. Has proven to be a successful experiment. With notable exceptions its convening power brings much of the world to the table. Despite some unfortunate failings the uns blue helmets have worked to maintain peace for decades to missions around the world. An organization such as the World Food Program saves lives and improves futures every day the United States has played a central role in these successes. As a mayor also addressed leaders and dignitaries who called on nations to reaffirm their commitments to a collective u. N. Among the idea i left it all the way the United Nations has made Great Strides in achieving the goals agreed upon by the International Community has been able over the past decades to make many contributions for the advancement of humanity saving millions of people and changing their lives for the beta through its various institutions and organizations which are no longer conceivable to imagine a contemporary World Without them but it is still full and short of finding the necessary making isms to impose its principles on its members while the right of might still outweighs the might of right in the different regions of the world and in different areas of life. Lets go live to our diplomatic editor james bay says that the United Nations james what should we be reading into that the deputy ambassador for the u. S. Making the address on behalf of the u. S. Rather than the president. Certainly diplomats were scratching their heads because it had been printed in the advance information that was given to ambassadors but they were going to hear from President Donald Trump this is a set piece a vent a very important commemoration of 75 years of the u. N. With a video showing all the uns achievement the secretary general and then a line up of World Leaders one after the other and yet the coveted 1st speaking place the 1st speaker among the World Leaders was given to the host nation the u. S. Is the host nation with the u. N. Headquarters here in new york and yet President Trump did not speak and in fact he wasnt represented instead by his secretary of state marc pompei o or the u. S. Ambassador to the u. N. Kelly craft and instead it was chair Norman Charlotte who is the deputy ambassador to the u. N. And in fact the acting deputy ambassador a Career State Department official who gave the statement now the reasons maybe it was deliberate or baby was simply that the u. S. Was not focused on this event all because the u. S. Has been focused on iran and snapped back and the same time this was taking place President Trump was not involved but his secretary of state his u. S. U. N. Ambassador as well as his secretary of defense were all attending an event related to snap back that i think is the reason were they trying to deliberately stop the u. N. Its a question we dont know the answer for how to talk a little bit more about that snap back in those sanctions in a little while but i want to talk to you about multilateralism its being bandied about by a lot of the speak is at this commemoration event how challenging a goal is multilateralism for the u. N. Right now in the middle of a pandemic. Its a one keyword but its what this is all about multilateralism its about all the countries in the world working together and achieving. War has a whole world role as individual countries doing things on the road and of course it was born out of world war 2 the un never again the what we going to have a world war like that on the way to avoid it was to have a new overarching International Structure called the United Nations certainly those were the ideals of the un in the early days and many believe that they are certainly having some problems now in the 21st century with the rise of nationalism in many countries of the world and particularly this year this was the year the 75th year the secretary general i think had hoped to reinvigorate the idea of multilateralism instead covert 19 is come along to test the un and the World Community and its a test most observers believe they failed because during the early stage of the pandemic every single leader it was looking out for themselves in their own country rather than working in a global way. Ok james ok to stand by for us as james i mentioned while the senior u. S. Leaders gave the u. N. General assembly a skip u. S. Secretary of state mike pompei in the past hour announced a raft of new sanctions on those involved in irans Defense Sector has 27. 00 entities and individuals have been hit with new measures including the Iranian Defense ministry pay was also announced sanctions on venezuelan president Nicolas Nicolas maduro who has built a close relationship with terror on just imagine what iran would do that for able to freely purchase more advanced weapons we have no intention of letting that happen the president s executive order announced today gives us a new and powerful tool to enforce the u. N. Arms embargo and hold those who seek to evade u. N. Sanctions accountable today i will take the 1st action under this new executive order by sanctioning the year in the ministry of defense and Armed Forces Logistics and irans Defense Industries organization and its director lets go back to james bays james the sanctions announcement by the u. S. This was expected wasnt it. It was expected i think theres always global issues taking place at this time of year when World Leaders normally are gathering here in new york theyre gathering virtually this year and this is very much of the issue the issue of snapback taking about 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal there wire is that iran wouldnt comply with its terms and would secretly keep trying to pursue a Nuclear Weapon and thats why they came up with this strange mechanism called snap back they knew that if arar did something wrong it would be very hard to reimpose all the sanctions that were against iran one by one through the u. N. Security council to take literally years so what they did is they lifted them all but they also said that if iran didnt comply that any of the signatories could trigger what was known as snap back in all the sanctions all at once would all come back the problem is that iran was not the one that was the 1st to break any provision of the deal that was the u. S. By pulling out in 2018 and its the u. S. Despite pulling out this now triggering snapback every other player in the International Community says that the u. S. Has pulled out so it has no right to trigger snapback it has done it it believes International Sanctions are in place no one else believes they are and now with that backdrop the u. S. Is really up to its own sanctions and put new sanctions in place announced by secretary of state. And other Senior National Security Officials of the United States were telling you theres been a flurry of activity here in new york those new sanctions a letter by the u. S. Ambassador to the u. N. Kelly craft has been sent to the president of the u. N. Security council but i can tell you there are 11 other letters from members of the Security Council or a joint letters from that the number of members of the Security Council all saying the opposite say they dont think snapback has taken place and there are no International Sanctions back in place the u. S. Very isolated certainly at the u. N. On this issue. Ok thank you for that talent is there as diplomatic as head james bangs. Well i said big joins us now from tehran for the iranian reaction and have we had any reaction to these latest sanctions from the iranian leadership. Well we heard foreign minister zarif say that these new sanctions are nothing new the intention of the United States was to bring the population to its knees and they have failed but what the real question is how iran will respond to the United States and how the United States decides to impose the u. N. Sanctions as they see it now within iran theres lots of political differences the president has and rouhani and his reformists are defending the deal domestically because there has been some opposition to it but the conservative and hardliners who make up the majority of Parliament Well they want a stronger response if those sanctions are put back in place in fact the head of the commission of Foreign Policy and National Security has said that iran should return to. A Nuclear State which means that a high level of enrichment more centrifuges more advanced centrifuges should be used and nuclear propellant should be used to aid irans navy and theres also suggestions from some of the conservatives here. Should reduce its cooperation with the i. A. E. A. In terms of reducing or limiting the amount of inspections that take place but president Hassan Rouhani is very much vested in the. 2015 nuclear deal and hes policy and hes allies policy is wait and see what happens and then looking forward to the u. S. Elections but ultimately irans response will come down to how the United States reacts of what the United States does if they start stopping iranian ships and also how the United Nations and other countries around the world will react if they willingly or reluctantly start to give in to u. S. Pressure and start imposing these sanctions then we could very much see a very tough or a tougher stance a response coming from iran. I think that as a big there live from tehran a regime Opposition Leader to kind of skier says the e. U. Must impose sanctions on president Alexander Lukashenko she spent a day meeting with Top European Union officials in brussels the government of belarus is accusing the e. U. Of interfering in its Domestic Affairs comes after tens of thousands of people marched through minsk on sunday demanding the president s resignation im also asking you to demonstrate solidarity with their people support biller a Civil Society and media organizations that remained under constant pressure by authorities consider criminal investigation against those individuals involved in human rights crimes in bill rose such as rapes and tortures. I have compiled the list of people who participated in their brutal crackdown sanctions against them can be adopted under european magnitsky act. Still ahead on aljazeera there are hundreds of mysterious. Scientists believe they know whats causing it. Replacing Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg find out what dont trump had to say about replacing. The weathers looking pretty quiet across the middle east charles want to shower supper around the caucasus otherwise lots of hazy sunshine winston pick up as we go through the next hour or so spilling out of iraq down at least the side of saudi arabia might see some lifted dust in the scientists heading towards the gulf states as we go through the next couple of days here in doha temperatures at around 37 degrees celsius as a loss of hazy sunshine the sunshine stretches across the red sea wanted to show spilling out if ethiopia that western side of ethiopia pushing across also down into the gulf of guinea by showers starting to sink a little further south with even northern parts of angola seeing some showers or longer spells are fine for much of south africa on the other had to slip to battle so fine and a lovely sunshine big blue skies coming through here theyll be some showers some showers coming up into mozambique maybe the eastern side of zimbabwe for a time as well not a little further north which rain really peping up you notice up towards wealth east in tanzania and eastern side of kenya over the next down so we could see some flash flooding as a result of that rain continues to linger here as we go on through the afternoon. But. Russia has jeopardized the United States security interest we know what you are doing and you will know. Succeed perceptions from the outside. Of the picture from the inside. I think russias Foreign Policy is too soft. This motion is going to be a train not. All knowledge is in. The or her the it. Goes beyond is there a reminder of our top stories this hour the u. N. General assembly is celebrating its 75th anniversary in new york secretary general antonio terraces called for Global Solidarity to tackle the many challenges facing the world. All that was happening at the un senior u. S. Officials gathered in washington to announce new sanctions on iran 27 entities and individuals have been hit with new measures including the arabian defense ministry. Of asian Opposition Leaders fed lana to kind of sky says the e. U. Must impose sanctions on president Alexander Lukashenko he spent monday meeting with Top European Union officials in brussels. U. S. President donald trump says hell announce his nominee for the Supreme Court by saturday he says hes looking at 5 candidates to replace the late liberal Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg who died on friday with more on that lets go live to our White House Correspondent kimberly how it. Can really present donald trump is moving very quickly on this then. He is it appears to be an accelerated timeline we know that he was working over the weekend consulting with advisors as he prepares to make what we now know will be an announcement some time before saturday now we were told and we have heard and has been widely reported that Ruth Bader Ginsburg it was her dying wish that this announcement of this appointment be made after the u. S. Election given that we are so close less than 2 months now until the november president ial election the u. S. President donald trump casting doubt on that being her dying wish of holding off on that appointment as he spoke and made the announcement that he would be working quickly now we should point out that how also has been and now is that Ruth Bader Ginsburg will be lying in repose in the Supreme Court for 2 days on wednesday and thursday then in the great hall a family ceremony will be held in the u. S. Capitol on friday she also lie in statuary hall prior to that so that americans who many who felt that she was one of the most beloved justices on the bench will have the opportunity to pay their respects so in the midst of all of this the president kind of hanging back well those ceremonies and respects are paid but again moving very quickly but even some in the Republican Party the president s own party pushing back saying that this should be delayed and we should just remind viewers some Historical Perspective when president obama had the opportunity to make a 3rd Supreme Court pick just as president does now republicans held that up arguing that the American Voter should be able to weigh in and have a say on that and Merrick Garland was never confirmed to the highest court now a democrat saying and making the same argument it has galvanized both the left in the right in this country making the already divison of Political Climate in the United States that much more with just weeks until the u. S. Election ok White House Correspondent kimberly helka thank you. And you go down has come into force in the spanish capital as cases rise across europe well then 850000 people in the worst hit districts of madrid are affected theyre only going to leave their areas for work School Health spain has the highest number of corona virus infections in europe more than 640000 confirmed cases. New rules are also being implemented into french cities deemed as a virus red zone france reported more than 10000 new Coronavirus Infections on sunday down from a record spike the previous day or the number of deaths is rising for the 1st time since a nationwide lockdown was lifted in may. There is following the latest developments across europe. Well it is cause for concern because in the past 24 hours weve seen 10000 new cases of corona virus being registered and weve seen cases climb steadily over the last few weeks what we havent seen until now though is hospital admissions really going up but that does seem to have changed doctors in some cities including mass same bordeaux is seeing and saying that theyre seeing so many people coming into hospitals now that their intensive care units could be under serious pressure very soon if that continues to be the case now the french government is continuing to tell people to be extremely vigilant and what its done in order to try and avoid a National Knock down because thats something that the government of said repeatedly it wants to do it is given a thorough tease in the regions and the local regions to put in place local restrictions across europe this is difficult balance that has to be met by governments on one hand trying to keep economies afloat on the other hand trying to protect peoples well being and their health and more is saying in spain a country that was so badly affected in march and april at the height of the pandemic then were seeing cases rise again rapidly in the madrid region local authorities there putting in a partial Lockdown People are being urged to stay at home in many districts but they can still go out to work so again trying to keep the economy afloat trying to keep people in jobs but nevertheless these restrictions will affect more than 800000 people u. K. Chief medical advisors have warned the country could see up to 50000 coronavirus cases per day of urgent action is not take it the country is battling a rapidly growing number of new infections. Lets say that there were 5000 today it would be 10000 next week 20000 a week after 40000 the week after and you can see that by mid october if that continued you would end up with Something Like 50000. 00 cases in the middle of october per day 50000. 00 cases per day would be expected to lead a month later so the middle of november say to 200. 00 plus deaths per day. Of sudan are bracing for more heavy rains says the cleanup from earlier floods continues more than 120 people die or at least 100000 homes have been damaged to add to the difficulties sudans currency is declining against the u. S. Dollar thats leading to inflation and an increase in food prices have a morgan has this update from chicago or a town along the river nels banks. The river nile is starting to recede here in sudan after causing devastating floods which has affected more than 770000 people countrywide and destroyed more than 140000 homes now most of the damage has been along the areas that lie on the banks of the nile river one of them being this area of chicago and river and i would state now people here say more than 100 homes have been completely damaged you can see some of the damages here they say that last rains have completely collapsed resulting in sewage water coming out and this is the what level for the past 12 days now they say they have not seen the water receding yet and theyre concerned about water borne diseases they said that they wanted the government to come and spray pesticide insecticide so that they can kill the moscow lover now that all hasnt happened and theyre saying that they dont know what will come next because there has been no plan given to them by the government in terms of compensation the government says that the effects of the damage will be felt for months and its very hard to conclude how much was lost financially and how many people will be affected long term by the floods but people here say they know what their needs are they know that they need shelters they know that they need medications and they know that they need pesticides so many demands that they say the government needs to respond to in time so that the effects of the floods are not felt for a long time to come. There have been protests in several egyptian cities calling on president up the fatah ill say say to step down Security Forces had arrested more than 1000 people ahead of the demonstrations to stop the taking thanks of reports. Defying government orders to stay home thousands of egyptians marched on sunday to express their anger about deteriorating conditions and called on the president to resign. South of the capital cairo and giza demonstrators were hurt chanting against the military police later fire tear gas to disperse the crowd of stone throwers. Security was heightened ahead of the demonstrations after actor and businessman turned opposition figure. Called for mass protests against president abdel fatah sisi from exile in spain to how do most egyptians unite out of love for the egyptian people take back your country again dont leave it in a c. C. S. Hands down with the sisi regime down with the sisi regime dont go home do not go hard if you go home they will detain us dont go home were in the streets and now we need to stay there and. There were similar scenes one year ago after all the accuse the military run government of widespread corruption and stealing millions of dollars of public money thousands rallied then and thousands were arrested after in 1. 00 of the biggest crackdowns of ccs rule more than 2300 people according to Amnesty International this time the rates came 1st it was over a 1000 preempt the tensions that metro stations bus stations areas like this and theres been a crackdown. University students citizens all agree and larger. I think whats important here is not. Their size that theyre happening at all in such a tightly controlled situation and really. I know. This is just the anniversary of the protests last year some answered alis call to march but not the millions hed hoped for still its proven that many egyptians will find a way to vent their frustrations and call for change d no matter the cost and aljazeera. Mollies former defense minister who has been appointed by the military during turn as the new interim president could it is made the announcement on state television have also named Vice President a seamy quarter a group of 15 nations known as ecowas has been putting pressure on coup leaders to move forward on plans for a Transitional Government the military jointer now has 18 months to hand over power completely to a civilian government. Wildlife officials in botswana think they know whats behind the mysterious deaths of hundreds of elephants theyre blaming something called fire a bacteria thats a type of bacteria found in water at least 330 elephants have died over the past year in botswana all in the same area harmattan says following the story from her in zimbabwe the elephants in botswana were found in the ark of van gogh delta which is a popular tourist area but swan is home to one of the largest herds of elephants in Southern Africa during the dry season these animals moved from country to country in the region looking for water and officials in zimbabwe saying that the scene is something similar in the past few weeks or months dozens of elephants have died mysteriously and if this is the scene samples to south africa and United Kingdom for tests a missile waiting for results of those tests because the cause of 90 National Parks in zimbabwe has been closed for months rangers have been told to go home which meant that a lot of patrols in the parks were not able to be done so officials can actually assist i mean isnt that actually being affected parts of now reopened if which is the hoping to restart those patrols and possibly even use drones in zimbabwe practically every year elephants driver many from cyanide poisoning with poachers with cyanide in the water to kill these animals when park officials find these dead animals they find them without the tusks this time is in the end of elephants are being found with their tusks on it is the suspect they could be dying because of the bacteria thats king elephants in botswana. A clock installed by a thai protesters next to bangkoks grand palace has been removed was meant to symbolize the countrys transition to democracy and was put in place as tens of thousands of demonstrators turned out for an antigovernment rally over the weekend they want political reforms and limits to the monarchies power criticism of the king is illegal in thailand. At least 10 people have died when a building collapsed in the indian city of thing just outside mumbai a search is under way for more than a dozen people feared trapped or the 20 others including children were rescued its not yet clear why the 3 Story Building fell down. Farmers in northern india are protesting against government plans to allow more competition in the industry theres been anger after Indias Parliament passed 2 bills to loosen regulations whilst opposition parties are against the new law as well as some allies of Prime Minister de rigueur modi but supporters of the bill insist they will make it easier for farmers to sell their produce hundreds of farmers in mexico have gathered to protest against a government decision to divert water from a dam to the us the treaty signed more than 75 years ago obliges the country to deliver about a years supply of water to the us before toba the farmers say theyre facing a drought in the north these 2 People Killed earlier this month when the National Guard cleared protesters occupying the dan. Scientists are racing to save 250. 00 whales stranded off the australian island of tasmania 625. 00 have died in whats been described as one of the worst beach in events in a decade already say the whales got stuck on a sand bar in harbor Scientists Say tasmania is used to dealing with mass whale stranding but not on this scale. You can always find much more on all the top stories on our web site the address for that is al jazeera dot com. This is al jazeera and these are the top stories the un General Assembly is celebrating the 75th anniversary in new york secretary general Antonio Guterres has called for Global Solidarity to tackle the many challenges facing the world but the leader of the host nation u. S. President gone from skip to mondays event the acting deputy ambassador to the u. N. Spoke at his place while that was happening at the u. N. Senior u. S. Officials gathered in washington to announce new sanctions on iran 27. 00 entities and individuals have been hit with new Missions Including the Iranian Defense Ministry Just imagine what iran would do therefore able to freely purchase more advanced weapons we have no intention of letting that happen the president s executive order announced today gives us a new and powerful tool to enforce the u. N. Arms embargo and hold those who seek to evade u. N. Sanctions accountable today i will take the 1st action under this new executive order by sanctioning the already ministry of defense and Armed Forces Logistics and irans Defense Industries organization and its director. O. Version Opposition Leaders for atlanta to come a skier says the e. U. Must impose sanctions on president Alexander Lukashenko she spent monday meeting with Top European Union officials in brussels government in belarus is accusing the e. U. Of interfering in its Domestic Affairs their 3 weeks of mass protests of the disputed reelection of president Alexander Lukashenko. Hans im so donna bracing for more heavy rains says the cleanup from earlier floods continues more than 120 people died and at least 100000 homes have been damaged to add to the difficulties sudans currency is declining against the u. S. Dollar thats leading to inflation and an increase in food prices. A new lock down has come into force in the spanish capital as cases rise across europe more than 850000 people in the worst hit districts of madrid are affected theyre only allowed to leave their areas for work school or Health Care New rules are also being implemented in 2 french cities deemed as virus red zones report of more than 10000 new corona virus infections on sunday down from a record spike the previous day. Was the headline things continues here on aljazeera right off the inside story stay with us. Snapback shows their own the United States really pulls its Nuclear Sanctions on iran but all other members opinion Security Council including close all eyes are rejecting the action so will this help iran strengthen its case and the. Strategy of maximum pressure against iran achieving its goal this is inside story

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