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To keep up the pressure on president Alexander Lukashenko. And disharmony in chile avi Indigenous People in boiled in a land dispute thats getting more dangerous. And i welcome to the program our top story democratic president ial nominee joe biden as Senate Republicans to do what is right following the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg speaking at a Campaign Event in pennsylvania he also said the Late Supreme Court justices wish not to be replaced until after the election should be on it President Donald Trump is that hell announce a nominee to replace series early as next week alan fischer reports now from washington. The Supreme Court has suddenly become the dominant election issue in the United States donald trump says hes going to move forward with filling a big can see this week democratic challenger joe biden says with ellie voting already underway that simply wrong the people of this nation are choosing their future right now as they vote to jam this nomination through the senate is just an exercise in raw political power. No i dont believe the people of this nation will stand for. President trump told a rally in South Carolina on saturday hes sending his nomination for consideration to the senate this week it will be a woman a very talented very brave if. You average joe is in yet but we have numerous women on the list that are thought to be 2 leading candidates amy Connie Bennett is an Appeals Court judge a favorite of conservatives and has been considered for earlier vacancies and theres barbarella go up a lot to move in from florida which would be the more Political Choice but the white house might not be able to push through any nomination before the election in the last 45 years the process has taken on average 68 days the election is just over 40 days away and theres questions about the president even making a nomination before november the 3rd texas republican senator ted cruz is in no doubt that in order for a Supreme Court nomination to go forward you have to have the president and the senate in this instance the American People voted they elected donald trump but theres potential for the court to become the center of a constitutional crisis if republicans can push through a nomination before the election let me try to do it before the inauguration on january the 20th but if joe biden wins that election that could cause problems the democratic leader of the house says the of ways to delay a nomination we have our options we have arrows in aquiver that im not about to discuss right now but the fact is we have a big challenge in our country republicans see the vacancy as an opportunity to change the face of the Supreme Court securing a conservative majority for years to come and they also believe it could galvanize support around donald trump both know and on election day and of people are talking about this theyre not talking about the u. S. Reaction to covert about unemployment or about health care all big issues before the death of a Supreme Court justice. Alan fischer. Washington. Well john hendren joins us live now hes been following this story and so it was that the problem for the democrats is that its very difficult to do anything to stop this as tight as the timescale might be for the republicans. Thats right if this nomination goes forward before the election that the republicans in the senate will have a 53 to 47 majority that means theyve got 4 votes to spare and even if they lost a couple the Vice President of the United States is allowed to come in and be a tie breaker so its really important whether they do this before the election or after afterwards there are 6 very vulnerable republicans so the senate could possibly flip to democrats you could have a democratic president and a Democratic Senate next time around so that who the nominee is depends very heavily on what the timing is and republicans have shown every sign that they are going to push this forward Mitch Mcconnell the Senate Majority leader republican held on to the nomination of Merrick Garland when that was given by president barack obama for 237 days but now he says that President Trump and the senate are both in republican hands and that therefore he has every authority to go ahead there are a couple of republicans who are wavering Susan Collins of maine Lisa Murkowski of alaska have both both of them republicans have said that they think that the nomination should be made after the election but this is really the kind of exercise in political power that weve seen over and over again normally as you heard in alan fishers story there it takes longer than the 40 days that are left before the election in order to nominate and approve a Supreme Court nominee but of course the new president doesnt take hold in the new congress until january so this could still be pushed forward in a Lame Duck Congress even if the entire process is not completed by the election bottom line republicans look very likely to push this through and unless there is some outbreak of conscience on behalf of a larger number of republicans that we have seen so far theres every reason to believe that they could achieve that of course a c 3 in coal has the capacity to affect every facet of life there in the u. S. How much of a an election issue is this going to be could it potentially play and get it what bidens advantage of people feel as though its the winner of the election that should nominate replacement. It could indeed polls suggest that a majority of americans want this nomination to happen after the election and they suggest that democrats are animated over this a f Democratic Fund raising group broke all of its previous records in the our 1st hour the 2nd hour after it was an answer Ruth Bader Ginsburg had died on friday and they have raised 100000000. 00 since that time so theres every reason to believe that democrats will be energized theyll come out and vote on this and polls suggest they will and right now biden is leading in National Polls and hes leading in every battleground state however hes leading by small margins as little as 2 percent to 6. 5 percent and in the crucial state of florida which jim which donald trump probably needs in order to win this election there is a 1. 00 percentage point difference and we know from the 2016 election that trump has outperformed polls in the past so this election will be crucial but democrats suggest that they will be coming out in large numbers according to every poll that we have seen and theyre raising a lot of money to oppose this process thanks so much john hendren. Irans president is saying the u. S. Faces certain defeat after it made a unilateral move to reimpose sanctions. Never to yield to american bullying claiming that washingtons latest move to pressure to iran is left isolated from the International Community the u. S. Says the sweeping measures are a consequence of violations of the 2050 nuclear deal which donald trump withdrew from in 2018 but in a sign of rising tensions between the u. S. And the other world powers members of the u. N. Security Council France germany and britain argue that the u. S. Doesnt have the Legal Authority to claim that iran has 58 at the agreement nonetheless the u. S. Secretary of state might bump aoe is threatening consequences for any of the nations that dont comply with further details expected from washington on monday as a bakehouse the latest reaction now from tehran. Sanctions or no sanctions an Unprecedented Division at the United Nations is seen as a diplomatic victory by iran irans president seemingly mocking the recent us defeats at the security council. In the game today we can say the u. S. Policy of mix member less cool and legal pressure against the iranian nation has turned into mex member isolation for the United States. But if the u. S. Stops iranian vessels to enforce sanctions this was a warning from iran got all recover if the u. S. Wants to use resolution 199 to inspect raney and ships based on International Laws is considered piracy and will be dealt with and the United States will be held responsible for the consequences. And its here any response would likely be carried out the strait of hormuz one of the busiest shipping routes in the world with 20 percent of the worlds oil passing through u. S. Warships and water mains are based in the region in an already tense environment irans conservative Majority Parliament is considering further action against the u. S. If they re impose sanctions. On iran there are various ideas in iran in among lawmakers from abandoning to a 2 even withdrawing from the nonproliferation treaty or severing ties with. Iran you lawmakers have discussed all these ideas it rains already finding it tough living under sanctions but lets not rush out and were working hard from morning to night but we get nothing because these sanctions have disrupted life economy everything its very tough and that was ok to us just as well sanctions have had many impacts for example on patients the price of medicine has gone up to the increasing Exchange Rate with the dollar that even if medicine is available if we face more sanctions the lives of many patients might be at risk irans leaders are treating the u. S. Isolation at the u. N. As a victory what many iranians. Suffering called ship Donald Trumps maximum Pressure Campaign calls irans currency to use value and stop iran selling its oil accessing International Markets but what iran does next very much depends on how the u. S. Decides to implement the u. N. Sanctions are back in place with the u. S. Isolated at the u. N. Security council and the europeans wanted to preserve the nuclear deal in this ongoing diplomatic battle between the u. S. And iran iran believes it now has the upper hand. The iran. Bit of news from egypt where Security Forces have been deployed following calls for mass protests by an exiled opposition figure one of a former contractor for the Egyptian Military is behind that call to action is become well known for availing details of corruption previous protests were prevented by the secure services through the arrest of political activists. In northern afghanistan that been a series of government as strikes at which have killed at least 24 people the Afghan Defense Ministry Says 30 taliban fighters died in the attacks but witnesses told the Associated Press news agency that civilians were killed the strikes happened as Afghan Government and taliban negotiators meeting capped off a peace talks to end the decades long conflict. Now to better roost tens of thousands of marched through the capital on sunday demanding a change in government more than 200 people were detained weeks of smaller demonstrations of all culminated in mass marches on sundays as the disputed election last month but president Alexander Lukashenko back in power so awesome reports from minsk. The city center of minsk is turning into a conflict zone on sunday afternoons. Tens of thousands of Peaceful Protesters space in large police and military presence. Despite a show of force a large crowd managed to march through the city 2 hours later than planned your. System again as the world learns that is happening in our republic that is a very important findings i want all Political Prisoners released filched in a new election because they want to be part was not to do to. The rally comes less than a week since president aleksander look i shankar met with his russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in russia the embattled by the russian leader has been in power for 26 years tried to convince his most important ally that the protests were under control his main strategy. Has been to brutally detain people also today people were picked up even before the rally started in the past 6 weeks more than 10000 people were taken to police stations and Detention Centers most of them have been released tens of Political Prisoners including most of the opposition leaders are still behind bars every single one of the people here marching today on the streets of men is risking arrest and they know its. Most likely to occasions here are blocked by police the way to Freedom Square is completely blocked by armed police and also to the independence where the dollars was also blocked by protesters have been circling around the city and they are shouting they say youre helping this dictator you should stop helping this dictator were not to give you kill and rape our men who pays for this with look i shant go refusing to step down and rejecting calls for new elections the standoff between Peaceful Protesters on the one hand and heavily armed Security Forces on the other will continue stop fast and aljazeera minsk. So i have for you on the program migrants his camp and down in greece say they are being we housed in another facility thats just not ready for them. And the aftermath of sudans worst floods the government and aid agencies battle to repair the damage and prevent disease. Hello weve been enjoying some warm weather across eastern parts of australia recently basically down towards the southeastern corner through the New South Wales this cold front is going to bring some cooler air it as we go on through the next couple of days but ahead of it the winds coming in from a northerly direction sydney still seeing temperatures getting up to 30 celsius on monday that cloud of rain will roll across New South Wales roll across victoria as well as we go on into choose those temperatures starting to fall away useful rain you notice into the outback and that will continue to push its way further east was but it will be much colder in sydney as we go on into the middle part of the way still some blustery showers into victoria into tasmania i would towards the west it is generally dry perth around 21. 00 celsius and generally try to into new zealand although how wet or whether world pushing across the south island going on for choose day into wednesday wetter weather pulling away from japan meanwhile big area of cloud here thats going to continue just from doing a little further east was a lousy dry there for take a shower was very close to that eastern side of japan try and find across the Korean Peninsula but some very heavy rain coming into Central China that is likely over the next few days to cause widespread flooding. But. A face can tell a story without uttering a single word. And now england going to have. A simple time to. Inform us. The unconventionality of lying witnesses 3 demands of the human eye. Is what inspires the next. Witness documentaries on aljazeera. The old. Come back our headlines now democratic president ial nominee joe biden as Senate Republicans to do what is right speaking at a Campaign Rally he said if he wins the river of ember election he should be able to nominate weve begun ginzburg successor and Donald Trumps nominee should then be withdrawn irans president has warned of a crushing response to the u. S. After it made a unilateral move to reimpose u. N. Sanctions britain france and germany say they wont cooperate with the americans and the sanctions are ready for iran under the 2050 nuclear deal will remain in place. And tens of thousands of people have marched through the better russian capital again demanding a change in government as a large political theres a logic Police Presence in the capital with many protesters having been beaten and detained. Well now to sudan the government aid agencies and volunteers are all in a race against time to stop stop outbreaks of disease off the record breaking floods they fear the spread of water borne illnesses like malaria more than 120 people have died and 100000 homes have been damaged or destroyed the government says more than 700000 people have been affected by the rising waters and the trouble is far from over well algis there is mohammed a isnt hard to force and says there are fears about the spread of disease. Latest is that the government has revised the numbers upwards up 2700000 people have been affected in 17 or 18 states that sudan is composed of says the Government People put in many parts of the country. How small the recession of the flood waters have been mainly due to heavy rains pounding on the done but also the highlands of ethiopia where. The source of the blue nile is for the pushing more water into these tributary of the nile which has been mainly responsible for the flooding weve seen in the past weeks and months so what we see goes to action where they also stagnant water sliding around almost 17 states and there are concerns the could be outbreaks of diseases like malaria dengue fever all of them caused by the mosquito as well as call it isnt true because of thousands of put latrines being destroyed during the floods and emptying their contents into the floods that are still lingering in most parts of sudan well more more protests have been taking place calling for the resignation of israels Prime Minister its the 13th week in a row that thousands of people have been gathering in front of Benjamin Netanyahu his official home in west jerusalem demonstrators accuse him of mishandling the pandemic causing thousands of job losses while his trial on corruption charges also continues. Russian warplanes have carried out as strikes in northwestern syria they targeted an area just west of the city of where there are no residential buildings of western syria is one of the part of the country being held by rebels who are fighting against government forces. Well now people moving into a new refugee camp on the greek island of les boss of describe the conditions as horrible around 9000 people have arrived at the new settlement in the past few days they were displaced almost 2 weeks ago after the morea camp down leaving 12000. 00 people homeless many dont want to go to the new camp demanding instead to be taken to the greek mainland well stephanie deca is at a less boss camp. People are trying to settle into a camp which seems to be pretty much not ready for the around 9000 people who were put in here over the last couple of days part of that greek Police Operation to get them off the streets since mori account birddog almost 2 weeks ago now so weve been seeing people throughout the day they are free to come and go as they please more or less at some point today where they were told to close the gates but in general they are free to do so until the sun sets getting mattresses and supplies to try and make these tents somewhat more comfortable there is no nothing on the ground at sandy ground pebbles a lot of people telling us you know where they have to sleep theres just very thin blankets and they can feel the stones its getting colder you can see its incredibly windy its getting colder already you can only imagine what winter will be like which is only a couple of months away the question is this is supposed to be a temporary camp but i think i think its safe to say that there wont be a new count built in the next couple of months and the weather is only going to get worse so i think that is certainly a challenge ahead. Now the chief medical officer for england is that the country is at a critical point in the coronavirus pandemic with a challenging winter ahead it comes as the u. K. Recorded just under 3900 new cases of the virus Health Minister says that if people dont follow social distancing rules new restrictions including a 2nd National Long down could be brought in coronavirus case in the u. K. Have risen sharply in the past few weeks on saturday the Government House fines of up to 13000. 00 for people in england breaking self isolation rules. Or now to developments in thailand tens of thousands of protesters have ended a new round of demonstrations by presenting a set of demands to the monarchy it calls for the kings power to be limited with a new constitution and elections. Criticism of law nikki is illegal in thailand demonstrators placed a plaque next to the grand palace in bangkok declaring the nation belongs to the people more protests are planned for thursday and a general strike next month when hay is in bangkok and says the location of the protests is symbolic. Well the significance 1st of all is the location where the protest was held tens of thousands of people turning out on saturday and where this park has been placed just across the road from the grand palace its a Historic Site thats been the scene of many royal ceremonies for centuries and it used to be a place that was open to the general public to use during the day as well but in recent years thats not been the case its been off limits to the public so the protest leaders made it clear that that was one of their targets they wanted to retake this park for the people and thats exactly what they did and in the early hours of sunday morning they dug up a section of the concrete in the park and place this plaque into that area and now the significance of the park itself is that it commemorates the 1932 revolution that turned thailand from an absolute monarchy into a constitutional one so the plaque says that thailand is for the people not just for the king 3 years ago an official park in another location nearby mysteriously disappeared overnight so that was seen by many certainly the protesters here and as another sign that the king was strengthening his power and perhaps turning thailand back into an absolute monarchy again. One hour to a centuries old conflict over land and discrimination that is escalating in southern chill a the struggle pits the indigenous might push a people against the government and private landowners well now younger man approaches are organizing and some are taking up arms to expel the people they view as foreign as latin america is to be seen human was given exclusive access to the map which a communities in southern chile and filed the 1st of 2 special reports. This vast landscape is just part of what many call my walk in the land of the indigenous. Rich for trial region stretching south of the bill beal river for 400 kilometers today its part of chile but as these mapuche of flags indicate so. Some of the land is being reclaimed increasingly by force. In the last 4 months theyve been nearly daily arson attacks on trains trucks and Forestry Companies that now own the lions share of the land but also against farms in homes owned by ordinary chileans and people on both sides of the conflict are being killed in the war outside of a jail in angora a push a Community Leaders announced will fight by any means necessary for the release of those they call Political Prisoners of chile accused of carrying out attacks that we are being persecuted and imprisoned for the morning our land for many years we were repressed but now weve learned to organize and defend ourselves with the muppet you went again or Spokesman Says new deployments of Chilean Special forces units to the region are escalating the confrontation its getting dark hair and well and were starting to see now out military trucks passing by this is right below ground level of course the gaza strip and were also seeing here trees that have been chopped down to try to block the roads so the cars can pass and it will get worse as the night goes on as it becomes darker because its part of an Ongoing Campaign a sabotage on the part of those who say that they have to expel the political obvious up their land for hundreds of years neither the spaniards knew or the subsequent chilean state was able to conquer the comeback of my. But by 880 chiles army succeeded in driving them off most of their land destroying their Rural Economy and plunging them into deep poverty that persists to this day. Now many communities are trying to take back what they lost like this property owned by chiles largest forestry company. But they say its also about countering 140 years of humiliation. Today theyve gathered for a game of policing and incest or a sport played between 2 communities in order to reinforce their ethnic and cultural bonds 32 year old susannah subtle says that like many mup which is her grandparents took up spanish names to try to offset deep racism and discrimination by chileans in my wildest dream only one that you know some of us may not have names anymore but we still have blood and we arent ashamed of it we are from a new generation that has the strength to rise up again. More than 12 percent of chileans identify as much yet chiles constitution does not recognize their existence as Indigenous People supermarket owner did if incise says he too belongs here he takes us to see the remains of his familys country home just hours after it was burnt to the ground by unidentified armed men whether some sort of. I feel nostalgic anger knowing they burned down something that belong to us nearly 100 years we can through build our memories but im going to rebuild the house right here because no one can throw us off our land. Those resorting to violence are a minority. But miguel until melech jail says theyre part of a larger and conflict that the chilean state is refusing to address except with force. Thats a military plane with state of the Art Technology to intercept telephone and radio signals over flies day and night when you see things like verse who can deny that this tear a tree is being militarized possible. Which also become obvious is that there is no easy solution to a complex dispute to which most chileans were oblivious until now that its become impossible to ignore lucy in human aljazeera chile without conflict escalates in the summer hoping that there could be a new constitution and it could lay the groundwork for peace and reconciliation so do tune in on monday tomorrow for the 2nd part of a report from southern chile. Now a memorial concert being held in lebanon 40 days after a huge explosion devastated the capital. These issues have banded together to perform outside beirut so museum in one of the worst affected neighborhoods museum has been closed since last months blast which killed at least 190 people another 9 people still havent been found. So quick recap of the headlines now democratic president ial nominee joe biden as Senate Republicans to do what is right after the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg speaking at a Campaign Event in pennsylvania he also said the late u. S. Supreme Court Justices wish not to be replaced until after the election should be respected President Trump said hell announce a nominee to replace or is a really is next week the only rule im going to follow related to the Supreme Court nomination was the constitutions obligation for senators to provide their voice and their consent to the president s judicial nominee. But it created a new rule the mcconnell rule. Absolutely no hear and no vote for a nominee in Election Year period no carvey arts. And all the headlines irans president has warned of a crushing response to the u. S. After it made a unilateral move to reimpose sanctions on rouhani vowed never to yield to american bullying claiming that washingtons latest move to pressure to iran is left to isolate it from the International Community but britain france and germany say they wont cooperate with the americans and that sanctions are ready for iran under that original kleeman will remain in place. Tens of thousands of people of march through the better russian capital demanding a change in government with some estimates putting the turnout above 100000 weeks of demonstrations of culminated in a mass march on sunday since the disputed election last month but president Alexander Lukashenko back in power theres been a large Police Presence in the capital with many protesters being beaten and detained the internet has also been shut down by the authorities. Security forces have been deployed across egypt following calls for mass protests by an exiled opposition figure mohamed ali a former contractor for the Egyptian Military is behind that call to action hes become well known for revealing details of corruption previous protests were prevented by the Security Services through the arrests of political activists. Thats it for myself and the team here in london coming up next witness the mortician of middle of thats the program and then theyll be more news from doha after that about 30 minutes stay with us. On counting the cost an aging population soaring debts and recession from japans new Prime Minister fix the economy famine property an uprising is as the prime demick wipes out a decade of Economic Growth plus pakistans asias best performing stock markets are counting the cost on aljazeera. And. The local. Law. Only go over legal i mean im not i am. Going to. Write. Here very much on

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