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Protests against the president in peru but opposition lawmakers failed to win enough votes to impeach him for moral incapacity. Hello everyone u. S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died at the age of 87 she had been battling pancreatic cancer ginsburg a pioneer and champion of womens rights she was the leader of the courts liberal wing she served there for 27 years and was actually only the 2nd woman appointed to americas high as they go body and so people have gathered outside the Supreme Court in washington to mark the passing while both President Trump and democratic nominee joe biden have made statements expressing this sadness however her death does give President Trump a chance to expand the Supreme Courts conservative majority remember the president ial vote just over 6 weeks away. But its also been revealed ginsburg dictated i should say a statement to her granddaughter before her death and she said my most fervent wish is that i will not be replaced until a new president is installed more on all of that shortly but 1st alan fischer looks back at the life and legacy of Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg. They started to gather on the steps of the Supreme Court in washington as news of Ruth Bader Ginsburgs death broke they brought flowers and candles the number swelled people marking a loss they felt personally. Ruth Bader Ginsburg was physically small but her presence loomed large on the court she was a blunt talking liberal who often challenge her conservative colleagues on the bench born to jewish immigrants in Brooklyn New York in 1033 ginsburg was a brilliant student she was one of only one woman to enroll in Harvard University law school in 1956 later transferring to Columbia University where she graduated at the top of her class the skins broke told one Television Interviewer no law firms wanted to hire a married mother i had 3 strikes against me when i was jewish. I was the mother of a 4 year old. But as the sixtys and seventys launched the Womens Movement ginsburg found a place in academia then as cofounder of a womens rights project for the American Civil Liberties union she wrote the 1st Supreme Court brief on gender discrimination after 12 years as an Appeals Court judge in washington d. C. President bill clinton appointed gives birth to the u. S. Supreme court in 1993 ginsburg proved to be a consistent liberal voice on the increasingly conservative high court she supported abortion rights and gender equality she also advocated using International Laws to shape u. S. Laws there spoke in gettysburg for several battles with cancer her dying wish was the vacancy her passing creates will not be filled until after the election. Id say the court one trump supporter with a megaphone the president to move quickly he was joined by the chants of others the president has already unveiled a list of people he wants to put on the court if he wins a 2nd term but leaving a rally he only praised justice ginsburg. Facing life. What else can you say she was an amazing woman. She was an amazing woman. And 2016 Justice Antonin Scalia a republican choice passed before the president ial election the senate refused to confirm a democrat successor named by president obama democratic candidate this time around joe biden says there must be no decision until the election has passed voters should pick the president and the president should pick the justice for the senate to consider this was the position of the Republican Senate took in 2016 when there were almost 10 months to go before the election. Thats the position the state senate must take today the republican leader in the Senate Mitch Mcconnell says he will press ahead with nomination hearings if given a name by donald trump that is almost certainly going to happen now he might not be able to get confirmation hearings done by the election in november but could possibly push them through by the inauguration in january and if joe biden wins the election that could create a constitutional crisis here in the United States ginsburg strive to maintain strong liberal voices on the Supreme Court to balance the conservative ones now her own voice has been silenced that balance under threat alan fischer aljazeera outside the u. S. Supreme court some thoughts now from. A democratic congressman who explains the potential consequences of fast tracking a replacement for ginsburg before the election tragic death. Sure d lady best actor but again on the bench for america. Everyone gravitated towards her particularly young people felt a keen interest in her and she was just tremendous storage. The sentinel and supporter of the curse to sion the nation is very divided right now there are strong feelings on both extremes i think we need to take a deep breath and move for expeditiously carefully and of course. Weve seen the ports play a pivotal role in the last 3 and a half years in our democracy the courts have pointed out they have to step in to decide issues of our own right importance to the American People of great importance to the American People and very often they have held the president i checked we have even seen some of his appointees take positions that are not that were not very nice of his liking but an attempt to fast track this nomination 47. 00 days before the election and to stack the deck that ideologically even want to wait. Will really up put some damage toward democratic process and in a democratic system so the composition of the Supreme Court now becomes a much bigger election issue with the vote just 6 weeks away voting actually began in 4 states on friday Virginia South dakota wyoming and minnesota where both President Trump and his democratic rival job identifying the votes john hendren has more from minneapolis. From the shores of its 10000. 00 lakes minnesota looks to serene to be a battleground but joe biden and donald trump are treating it like one billionaires in america doing as pandemic you may know 300000000000 dollars here but i just sent in the middle of the pandemic that the left to wonder as a consequence ordinary folks. Whos looking out for me biden has even pledged to terminate our travel ban jihadist regions jihadist regions theyve already been doing that to you have opened the floodgates to radical islamic terrorists. Long reliably democratic stronghold minnesota hasnt voted for a republican for president in nearly half a century but it came close in 2016 when donald trump did better than expected in rural and suburban areas his Campaign Says the state remains in play this time around the 1st test of the election came on friday when voters in minnesota and 3 other states cast the 1st in person ballots of the president ial polling. Bidens Campaign Says he will be making a couple stops a week focusing heavily on the really voting states with the polls open both candidates are campaigning in the Northern Mining area known as the iron range once a democratic stronghold more recently the site of a pro trump rebellion biden wants to hold on to a traditionally Democratic State for trump if he can win here in minnesota he can lose in one of the other swing states he won last time and still have a path to victory. The death of george floyd in minneapolis fueled racism demonstrations across the country and trumps call for law and order when the far left riders rampage across minneapolis and they rampage across your state. How about your Police Department lets just run for your lives at the south therefore they were told to do you have a good police to pop and you have good police but theyre not allowed to do their job the Campaign Stops on friday showcase the 2 mens views on the pandemic bidens cautious crowd was socially distance masked and sparse while Trump Supporters were largely masculist close and crowded trump has given up and even for tended to do is jump. Almost 200000 lives lost in the last 6 months polls show biden ahead here as they showed Hillary Clinton ahead in 2016 but trump is confidently telling voters to ignore the polls in cast their ballots for him this time in minnesota is well john hendren elgins era minneapolis minnesota the chinese social media apps tick tock and we chat will no longer be available for download in the u. S. From sunday night President Trump is banning them of a National Security concerns and as i watch house correspondent reports from washington tick tocks Parent Company by downs is still trying to finalize a deal to sell its american option operations. A stir rebuke from the u. S. President were not going to do anything to jeopardize security. The white house alleges the popular chinese based apps to talk and we chat are stealing american users private information and handing it to the government in beijing on friday the u. S. Commerce department announced we chat will be banned in the u. S. Starting sunday well new restrictions on tick tock will also go into place a full ban on ticktock could come into effect in november after weeks of bidding tech giant oracle submitted a proposal to run the apps in the United States but before was approved the u. S. Government moved ahead with the ban we have some. People who have the security that we need we have to have the total security for. Us social media apps like facebook and instagram are banned in china but ticktock Officials Say this decision could affect the entire industry there vallon to fight the new restrictions in the courts vanessa pompous tick tocks general manager in the us is inviting facebook and instagram to publicly join our challenge and support our litigation this is a moment to put aside our competition and focus on Core Principles like freedom of expression and due process of law we chat has more than 1200000000. 00 active users but less than 2 percent are from the United States. The biggest impact could be on u. S. Companies like walmart starbucks nike and amazon they all use we chat ecommerce platform in china to conduct business this weeks move is part of a bigger fight the Trump Administration continues to wage with beijing recent weeks the u. S. Has taken multiple actions including rejecting chinese sovereignty over disputed parts of the South China Sea blacklisting chinas. Largest tech company while way and cancelling the visas of thousands of chinese grad students and researchers in the United States one analyst argues the move by the Trump Administration could have unintended consequences one of the principles there in the cold war is we tried to get as much information in to communist countries as we could we dropped leaflets we asked the radio and now were cutting off one of them made mechanisms we have for telling people about democracy in the rest of the world. This latest fight with china is a risky one for trump with just weeks until the u. S. Election 20 percent of tik tok users will vote for the 1st time in november and trumps move is likely to be unpopular kimberly how get aljazeera washington. In the news ahead local restrictions are imposed across europe as france records the highest number of coronavirus. That story and the headlines to come. Had a fairly quiet picture across much of the middle east the way things have been lies and they will stabilize again over the next few days not really even much in the way of clouds now one the area will see some activities across into turkey through southeast and shahs across Northern Areas they could be quite heavy at times but this itll system here this is known as a medication this is a hearken that is full in the mediterranean some very strong Hurricane Force winds and torrential amounts the right tends to really sit and Impact Greece for the next couple of days eventually through sunday drops for the south was but those winds could find their way through the eastern end of the med and this kind of been moisture calls in his that we could see want to shout into all central and Western Areas of turkey but no real showers elsewhere maybe just wanted to later the day into the fall south and west of yemen bunch of shines through Central Africa and lots of cloud as well weve seen a quite a few showers the last few days into areas of develop again as we go through saturday Northern Areas but then to the south of there its actually very warm temperatures well above the average particularly for this time of year but it does stay dry but this is what i mean touches the averaging 30 celsius it really does begin to come down but even so a few days ahead of that cool off the similar scenario in johannesburg for the next couple of days temperatures in the twentys but certainly cooler in capetown which showers on sunday. Myths to struction and despair a group of friends resist. Rescuing books from the rubble they build a refuge for freedom and democracy. A secret library of hope from which they endeavor to rewrite their story and that of their country. To witness. And my brand of bombs on aljazeera. Oh. Top stories on aljazeera this hour u. S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died of complications from pancreatic cancer yet the 7 year old had been a champion of womens rights in the leader of the courts liberal wing tributes are being paid from across the political divide people gathered outside the Supreme Court in washington to mark her death and both President Trump and democratic nominee joe biden have made statements to present their case. But the republican excuse me Republican Senate majority leader Mitch Mcconnell has already said whoever president nominates as Bader Ginsburgs replacement will receive a vote in the u. S. Senate even with the election just 6 weeks away that was in the case 4 years ago though when the president was a democrat in february 26th in Justice Anthony scalia died he was 79 years old and had served on the court for 3 decades it took just one hour for Mitch Mcconnell to say quote this fake ensues shouldnt be failed until we have a new president at that. Stage the election to replace president obama was still 9 months away even so obama nominated Merrick Garland a moderate to fill scalias position but the republican led senate refused to hold any hearings or votes and left his nomination to expire then after donald trump won the election he nominated neil goal such a conservative for that still vacant posts he was easily confirmed by the senate in april troubles a window into nominating confirm another conservative Supreme Court judge in july 20th and that was Brett Kavanaugh if i celebrations of Sexual Assault prior to his confirmation well john malcolm senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation explains to us now how controversial the process of replacing Ruth Bader Ginsburg is likely to be we have a republican majority in the senate and a republican president that was not the case in 2016 this is of course the end of dollar terms 1st term president obama was finishing up his 2nd term so we knew for a fact that president obama was not going to be returning to the oval office but look at democrats are going to say that the republicans are being hypocrites and mcconnell will have to work very very hard if he is going to keep all of his republican colleagues or enough of his republican colleagues in line in order to actually go through with the confirmation process in the you know the wake of the fact that we have an election thats imminent so when you know gorsuch replaced Antonin Scalia you could more or less speak in broad terms say this was a conservative replacing a conservative when Anthony Kennedy was replaced by Brett Kavanaugh you could say we had a conservative leaning justice with a lot of libertarian instincts being replaced by conservatives here we are talking about a liberal icon who did lead a remarkable life and an incredible legacy being replaced by a conservative and we havent seen that i dont think since Thurgood Marshall was replaced by Clarence Thomas and it will certainly be a very contentious confirmation process. On to other news and president has survived an Impeachment Vote thats taken place in congress to have been accused of corruption but he denies interfering in an investigation into government contracts awarded to a musician who is a friend of. His is in lima with the latest from the congress has indeed been rejected the impeachment but now many questions begin to rise how is it possible that only last week just one week ago the Opposition Congress passed a majority of them passed a motion to impeach the president and now they voted against it so what happened during this week or what exactly did they where are they thinking when they decided to impeach president of the disco era the question is was there a conspiracy to oust the president and that will soon of course be revealed many people are already talking what happens with president martin discover now its very difficult that he will have a very difficult time governing until july of next year with this where theres a lot of animosity in congress his image has been very affected and the image of congress as well very affected after this past week of having begun this political crisis in the middle of the worst health and economic crisis in the country in more than 100 years so a lot of questions to ask however theres already been a reaction from the Justice Minister who wants to put things in a positive mode and she has said that there is a victory this is been a victory for the people and a victory for democracy. To Police Officers accused of killing a 46 year old man has been arrested in colombia theyre facing charges of aggravated homicide and torture the death of javier or done their spark violent protests in bogota after a video showed police pinning him to the ground and shocking him with a stun gun police say the law student had violated coronavirus restrictions. 13 people were killed and hundreds injured in the several days of protests after that mexicos president intends to comply with the water treaty to supply the United States despite opposition from farmers under a 76 year old agreement mexico needs to send more than 300000000 liters of water to the u. S. For toby 24th protesters in the drop stricken state stormed the compound of the day its been used to divert the water 2 people were killed when the National Guard was sent in to disperse them. Well police on the greek island of continuing to move people into a new refugee camp but sanitation facilities there are already reported to be breaking down around 6000. 00 people have been resettled so far after the previous camp on the island burned down this report is from stephanie deca. Its a crush of broken hopes this suffocating heat not making their wait any easier on the 2nd day of a greek Police Operation to move refugees into the new camp on the island of lesbos we saw them rounding up hundreds of people in various areas making them wait before joining the long queues and. The situation is bad we are unfortunately affected by problems created by others for example the afghans they do awful things who were put in the same basket theres no justice now the police came to our tents and kick us out what can we do as the day went on this road once packed with refugees and migrants almost empty. Some try to argue that there is no point. The last few finally making their way to the new camp they prefer to sleep on the streets rather than move into the new facility aid agencies are concerned it is problems with the conditions. Especially today where the camp is not ready for the people of the 10012002 be taken to it what is it for are we talking about 2nd morea with the people piling up the terrible conditions or talking about a reception camp for transit of the population on their way to other places but were extremely worried that in fact its just a containment policy thats going to be maintained that is just come to keep people there for months on that or even years and in conditions that are going to be worsening more usually this would be an ideal location nestled on the shores of a greek island but these tents are a symbol of broken policies of delayed bureaucracy as well as broken spirits and lives on hold most people have now been moved off the streets where they were sleeping to this new camp many of them reluctantly many have told us they dont want to be here fearing that this camp could be worse than moria because it simply isnt ready the next few days will tell how this camp deals with the influx of thousands of people Stephanie Decker aljazeera thats most island greece britain france and germany say u. N. Sanctions relief for iran will continue beyond the 20th of september last month washington triggered a 30 day process of u. N. Security council pressing for a return of u. N. Sanctions on iran by saturday but remember the u. S. The Iran Nuclear Deal and 2018 and so britain france and germany say that means u. S. Action would not have any legal effect. Egyptian Security Forces are cracking down on protests ahead of the 1st anniversary of the largest Anti Government demonstrations for 5 years officers arrested a group of demonstrators in suez province on friday others have been detained around the square the epicenter of the arab spring protests back in 2011 critics of president. Calling for rallies across egypt on the 28th of september they accuse sisi of corruption and destroying the economy and demanding he step down. The indian army has concluded its soldiers wrongly killed 3 men during a gun battle in indian and minister kashmir 2 months ago initially the army described the men as pakistani terrorists but their families said they were laborers in far the complaints indian soldiers in the region of sweeping powers to search season even shoot suspects this report concluded the soldiers exceeded their legal powers coronavirus news on the top Health Agency in the us has reversed a guideline on covert 19 testing after widespread criticism since august the c. D. C. The centers for Disease Control and prevention had said people didnt need to get tested if theyd come in close contact with an infected person but didnt feel sick themselves prompted objections from scientists who claim the revised rules came from trump appointees or the surgeon coronavirus cases forced several governments to reimpose some of their restrictions with infections worldwide now topping 30000000. 00 spain is limiting movement in and around the capital madrid and the british Prime Ministers want to 2nd wave is inevitable its from that in barber. Early on in the pandemic spain was hit just about as hard as anywhere in europe now in the capital madrid the Health System is under a new pressure with covered 19 cases rising one in 5 hospital beds in the region is now taken up by someone with corona virus. Were set youre a good with people who need health care and patients that need care were doing the best we can but we need more Health Workers we need more resources. Spains one of many european nations now bringing in localized lockdowns worried about a 2nd wave of covered over winter months for this bus driver bringing his son in for a test its the right approach and i understand that we need to save the economy and move forward the health is the most important thing without health we dont have money in the Czech Republic there were more than 3000 new cases on thursday adjusted for population only spain and france within the European Union have seen a bigger jump in the last 2 weeks now bars are having their Opening Hours reduced and in prague people will have to wear a Face Covering it Outdoor Events with more than 100 attending in the u. K. Covered cases have doubled in a week and Health Officials are worried about rises in infections and hospital admissions among all ages next week people in more regions will be told not to mix with other households just like nearly 2000000 in the north east of england have i think its a fast because and one hand shift of people can go on holiday yes if the people who can go into james if a paper that were going to restaurants import to 10 oclock at night but you cant have your own family tree house i mean i dont understand this wheres the sense in it was the logic of the other night if we had to come out of lockdown actually of people that are being checked more north. We wouldnt be in this position now weve been so they dont know along the u. K. Governments considering warnings from its scientific advisors that restrictions may have to be imposed across england next month to drive down transmission we are now seeing. The wave coming in that we saw and seen in france you see spain of course across europe its been absolutely im afraid inevitable you would see it in this country in scotland the 1st ministers calling this the most decisive moment since march we may not be on a 10 airlie or a stage or a similar path to that that has been taken in recent weeks by france so our task is to make sure if we can interrupt that and we dont end up were the hour now here in london the mayor city con is warning that the citys about 2 weeks behind those regions of england already under local lockdown hes also hit out at problems experienced by londoners needing a covered test citing government incompetence across europe governments are having to act fast winters approaching and with it predictable pressures on Public Health facilities but persuading the public to abide by new curbs on their freedom could prove a tough challenge the dean barber aljazeera london funny the story from romania where police have recovered rare books stolen from a sophisticated heist in heist in london back in 2017 theyre worth over 3 1000000. 00 and include 1st editions of works by Galileo Galilei and isaac newton they had been just buried on the floor of the house in brewer mania. Half past the hour these are the top stories u. S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died of complications from pancreatic cancer the 87 year old had been a champion of womens rights and the leader of the courts liberal wing tributes are coming in from across the political divide these are people gathering outside the Supreme Court in washington to mark her passing but President Trump and democratic nominee joe biden have made statements expressing their sadness more from alan fischer whos outside the Supreme Court with her passing that of course challenges the democratic minority and they could become an even bigger minority it could be a 63. 00 split on the one person Supreme Court here in the u. S. They started together just after news of her death broke you can see that there are no hundreds of people here on the steps of the Supreme Court where the very small Ruth Bader Ginsburg loom very large over proceedings here in fact the road in front of the Supreme Court has no being closed the flags flying at half staff people have been lighting candles and quietly talking the other headlines in paris president has survived an Impeachment Vote thats taken place in congress not in his car ive been accused of corruption but he denies interfering in an investigation into government contracts awarded to a musician whos a friend of his. Egyptian Security Forces are cracking down on protests ahead of the 1st anniversary of the largest antigovernment demonstrations for 5 years demonstrators were arrested in suez province on friday others have been detained around Tahrir Square the epicenter of the arab spring protests in 2011 critics of president. Calling for rallies across egypt on the 28th of september demanding he step down spains capital madrids going back into lockdown after a rise in corona virus cases in the u. K. The Prime Minister says a 2nd wave is inevitable and that the lockdown might be necessary and israels imposed a nationwide lockdown for the 2nd time it comes at the height of the jewish Holiday Season in a blow to already struggling Business Owners israel apparently has one of the highest infection rates in the world there you go youre up to date with the headlines on aljazeera women make sundance is next. Im Steve Clemons i have a question how these days its hard to filter out the noise and keep track of whats really important the bottom line tackles the big issues this is shaping the United States its people its economy and the way it deals with the rest of the world the bottom line only. Its going to be choppy by say 2 of them i was kind of the lead to the 2 teams and then whoever is most experienced and then within just. And when we observe we observe all kind of as well but we really focused because we were on the dole in 80 and it will be

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