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Protesters are injured in Eastern Libya while calling for the resignation of one of waterloo fastest Security Officials. Because my only concern was to get my books out so that i can study and sit my examinations. On meet the sudanese students determined to succeed in the face of devastating floods. Were going to start though with the story out of russia this hour millions of people casting their ballots in a series of local elections theyre electing members of Regional Parliaments of municipalities and governors as well on the 3rd and final day of voting held over several days because of the pandemic. Well these elections are being held a year ahead of parliamentary polls and are seen as a referendum on president putins popularity the poisoning of russias main Opposition Leader alexina volleys cast a shadow his supporters have been campaigning for candidates who will challenge the government in the elections. This is the 2nd time russians are voting in a major election during the pandemic with a struggling economy and millions of people unemployed there are rare protests as well in the far Eastern Region of cutoffs theyve been happening for a couple of months now theres even a suggestion the unrest in belarus could have an impact the universe got about this in moscow so tell us about i guess the significance of these elections and the fact that. They are going ahead even with the Opposition Leader not not part of them. Well yes indeed these move to level regional local elections that are happening for 3 days in russia are happening in times of economical crisis and then make theyre happening on the backdrop of a couple of months of revis in the far east but also in the face of dropping Approval Ratings of russian president Vladimir Putin and his party united russia now they are seen as a test as what might happen next year for the duma elections and that is for for couple of reasons 1st of all because indeed there were protests and are still protests in the far east of about of earlier the last year there were other process in other regions of russia on the different issues however showing that this at this faction with the authorities on the local level now there are a couple of regions where we might expect some changes because there is a candidates that are backed by the opposition and these are siberian regions and say we are has shown in couple of last years to be very reactive and to have a higher process but then szell than some other parts of russia one should not expect any surprises for eastern for instance in the southern european parts of russia where the local authorities are running tights ships but what we are hearing exactly from these regions is reports of irregularities these irregularities are concerning about like protocols having more votes than actually voters showing up on a concrete polling station or organized voting it is hard to a now estimate of the magnitude of this irregularities but they are recorded and that the opposition has been warning that 3 days of elections actually makes it very difficult for the independent observers to observe and observe them and opens more possibilities of tempering with the votes so but the main point still of this election is to see how certain regions like the hunger in the north of far north of russia. Or 2 regions in the busy same b. Area will go on their governor and Regional Parliament elections whether position candidates will win there or at least entered a 2nd round which in some cases is basically a show of failure for the ruling party even so is it a difficulty for the opposition with everything stacked against that the fact that its major Opposition Leader figure is not there such a big country trying to find some cohesion across that big country against a very strong opponent. Well yes indeed come on you know what this is exactly what the valley has been trying to do for a couple of years already opening the Regional Headquarters across the russia he himself cannot candidate for anything because he has a suspended sentence which basically revokes for years to come his right to be elected on any position his party was not allowed to register it but what he is doing this is a project called smart vote which basically means that they choose a candidate who has most chances against the candidate of the kremlin and they rally the support behind this candidate and this is exactly what he was doing in the novel. Before he was poisoned before he fell ill and the fact that he is one of the main oppositional figures however russian opposition is we can small and the fact that he is now in the hospital not able to a multiday to voters to come might affect the outcome of these elections on the other hand it also might serve as a motivator as brought us to vote exactly because this has happened to him after all in these places say bierria it is not about voting for someone but voting against the on for a team. And its got for with the latest on russias local elections thank you the greek authorities have started moving refugees to a new site on the last bus after their camp burned thousands of refugees have been sleeping rough since the morea camp was destroyed nearly a week ago many are demanding humanitarian assistance and have been refusing to be relocated greek police fired tear gas at protesters on saturday so Stephanie Decker with us now live from Los Banos Stephanie tell us what people are trying to do there. Well as you mentioned the authorities here are trying to get the refugees to move into. A hastily constructed camp that camp or total test base for officially around 3000. 00 people of course is around 12000. 00 refugees that are that are on the streets we are in all of growth kemal unfortunately i cant show you as much as id like to show you because our single is very very weak but to describe you know people are sitting around under the all of groves theyre trying to construct their tents theres some pulling up to protect them from the hot sun of the day you know theyre making little fires there is some food that gets distributed but its very haphazard nothing is easy and i think. Better than anyone to describe what its like feel theres a community of africa and families here people averse their lives to come here and lets talk 1st of all. Me you came just over a year ago and its described to our audience what its like for you right now. Let me explain for you i think that are you involved. In a logan that. Every time temporarily and temporarily i want to. Go out myself take myself off here but i cannot. You see we are in a jungle yes we are in the jungle all day there has many trees many plants growing plants in normal time i should be happy but believe me. That. I just see all of the around of my eyes dark. Because i dont even know that i am me im here about 4 days. Even now i cant i cant believe that this is my situation. Its about more than one years that im here. We just moved here because of this that our life was under danger in our country. We just we just calm here because a Better Future but that Better Future future that the. You are going to come to that is not is not this you were telling me that its not about feeding your stomach right you were telling me youre worried about your mind oh yes and you know some guy says. They are thinking that oh my god they are hungry he doesnt have any votes. They need they need another thing. So please you tell me whats about emotional whats about our brain. Then for example then you have a cold we just its just need. You should be relax for today or maybe 7 days after your heads will come back but whats about emotional things whats more do stings that for one years youre here after that or you dont i dont believe that. When i go another countrys even in my country i can be that before person a life person because of this that my. My psych as tired. We do we dont need food so necessity we dont need water so sincerely we need humanity we need some persons that support us about future. Let me see you that if your you are thinking that if you will be in our country we will be hungry we will we will not have any food we will not have any water will not have any food or cleaning things no you have everything at home we have every every round of war has everything. But the humanity. Is this that we are. Searching for debts. You know im single yes but. Around off me for family they are very near me we are a very family with me because of my Good Behavior to them. They are saying that they are. About the future of their babies their childrens evan me last night. For a. Few times i just woke up of my is when i was sleeping ive woken up suddenly because i. Some guys in the fascists are. Escaping and they are one to fighting fighting trents but then i cant come out of my trained eye just so you know everybody is silent and thats was that was just a dream in this morning when i sowed this thing to my heart my friends the day to sit me that those children has woke up suddenly. People are afraid yes never afraid we view you you know then in normal time then you see around a few you just see everything is good this guy is blue the cords are white and the threes are green but. In our mental in our brain in our eyes every time everything is just like a modish like a locum. Its just a dark things we just the the just. Improve trying to be a life but until then i want to thank you i want to just youre talking about the young generation here and there is at the ladies 11 years old. You know youre a lot of and youre so mature we were talking earlier tell me about whats it like for you you know its a bad situation is too hard you know when i sleep at night you know i have prayed that if they will attack on us and they will burn down everything with that he had its too hard you know. They are thinking that youre animal but were not there i mean there is people we can you know i dont want to stay here anymore with my family i want to go to another country i want to have a normal life im going to have better roi i want to go to school can you believe that i have never been to school but youre in love how did you learn english and english is incredible i learned it from internet just by phone on the phone a lot a lot of people have been telling us here also theyre trying to learn languages one young gentleman from afghanistan whos saying im sitting with some somalis and some people from syria and iraq because i want to learn languages and people here want a future i think we really have to remember that when we talk about the numbers of the 12000 refugees that are here trying to figure out where to go you know people with dreams with hopes trying to educate themselves they had jobs they fled their homes so i think this is britain just yes yes. We want to see this. I know that the governments. People are talking about the future but. They are right yes your country. But we dont have any very i respect them all of the people peoples and break. Governments but believe us. If there was or there be any v. A. That. We can do and they can hide their contraries the bill do that. But its not our fault. We just disagree fusions all you guests. About one year is 2 years or the some guys about 6 months but. We just want to leave here. Billys help us. For a bit at a place this is what started running out of time this is what everyone saying obviously they want to leave they dont want to be moved to a new camp thats going to be the same as theyve had here for many many years now they want to move on they want to have a future so of course this has to do also with their migration policy these are very serious issues but at the moment certainly you know no one here is getting off this island anytime soon. Extraordinary reporting and incredible 1st hand stories. From refugees and thats whats with Stephanie Stephanie thank you. Really incredible stuff there right the rest of the days news coming up. Tensions running high in the australian set of victoria where police are manning pandemic lockdown checkpoints i will get an update on these a landmark talks trying the Afghan Government and the taliban here and back in a moment. Remind. You of the onion the future spot the hot. Button. To put on india 10000000 children brought in bondage by the victims of trafficking in one day and the large number of very very big numbers on aljazeera. Examining the headlines that said to me business virus can run in the watch it on the news and i think you guys the community carefully unflinching journalism how relevant is the debate here in this day and age how he cherry to ice the protest movement i would say the 3 observers they are waking all the nation sharing personal stories with a global audience. Explore an abundance of world class programming the world is watching on aljazeera. All. As there are these are the top stories have started moving refugees to a new site on the island of. Camp burned down on tuesday refugees have been demanding humanitarian assistance and many are refusing to be relocated and millions of russians are voting in local elections widely seen as a test for the governing United Russia Party but also overshadowed by the poisoning of Opposition Leader alexei madame. In the coming hours and other protests expected in the belorussian capital minsk against president Alexander Lukashenko it follows a demonstration on saturday which so police violently detaining dozens of women more than 10000. 00 women had initially defied the government crackdown to rally in the city had been demanding look at his resignation ever since he declared himself the winner of last months disputed election there critics say the vote was rigged. The husband of a british Iranian Charity Worker serving a 5 year sentence for espionage in iran has told al jazeera the new hearing on fresh charges against her has been postponed theres been no media comment from irans judiciary and says radcliffe who faces new charges of spreading propaganda against the state of iran in an instant was made when she was close to completing her sentence after being released early because of the pandemic and he was arrested in 2016 was visiting her parents and was charged with working for organizations trying to overthrow the government. Several demonstrators have been injured by police in Eastern Libya and it happened in the moderate region which is under the control of the world cup. The protesters were calling for the resignation of one of half the Security Officials who they say broke up an earlier round people in the region demanding improve Living Conditions and an end to corruption. Well after a day of ceremony and statements of hope the taliban and the Afghan Government will now get down to the hard work of trying to end their decades of war but as the meeting got underway in cutters capital there were multiple attacks back in afghanistan the government says there were taliban attacks in 18 provinces and the taliban says there were 10 government assaults despite these accusations the sides are being urged to seize an opportunity to secure peace for future generations some of binge of aid with more on these developments 1st of all some of whats going on back in afghanistan is the starkest of remind is that you can talk as positively as you want but the violence can so easily still go on. Welcome all weve been hearing from god the government that 18 provinces have been the time these attacks vary from small arms attacks on of outskirts to a major attacks on posts and checkpoints as well we spoke to the taliban spokesman here from the Political Office and he said he does not have details of these attacks but he also said that this could be part of the government tactics to try and pressure the taliban ahead of the talks there is a large trust deficit on both sides remember that it is taken printed years for them to come to this table so far is no meeting which is being shared you and yet there has been informal interactions between some members of the government led delegation and the taliban but theyre still waiting to formalize how will this go forward is there going to be a 5 Member Committee from each side will that be acceptable to both sides who are the best going to be right now behind me a. Head of the gun delegation is meeting his team members they are trying to devise a theyre trying to come up with their strategy on what theyre going to do Going Forward and something similar is happening in another corner of the taliban are meeting so yes it has been a landmark day for the taliban and the Afghan Government where they have come together but the real work begins now and as you mentioned these attacks and guerrilla tactics have been this way in most of the conflicts that weve covered i remember in syria remember in yemen remember in afghanistan that whenever you were going to words negotiations each side would try to up the ante so the so that it has the upper hand going into the negotiation then asked of the abdullah this last night when i spoke to him and he told me that yes it is going to be difficult the road is going to be bumpy but he is hopeful of a resolution. If there is one lesson out of the recent history of afghanistan recent past 2 decades thats that there is no military solution and our hope is that both sides have recognized this that message to send that this is stage will be late the message to the in this conference that we want we have different views we have a different version for the country but we want to make peace but one then that in order to help our own people and also look at the suffering of the people look at the losses of the people look at the pain that the people of of. Tolerating referred to the numbers in the past few months only since the signing of the agreement with you between the taliban in the United States which was. Which was the main fundamental reason. That the 2 can and situation that we were talking to one at that that is still there when i am talking about the number of casualties its high on both sides its not just one side in to be billeted 2. To 2 q. Their wounds of the people to recover will be sign of strength not inflicting casualties on the people. So there you have it from the leader of the delegation saying that we need to put the Afghan People 1st but both sides have differing views the Afghan Taliban want a set up which is inclusive and have them. At the table which controls power in of learned stand the Afghan Government wants an immediate cease fire obviously there are other Member States at here at stake as well where theres a group of 5 nations which are meeting in the her special representatives from 5 countries including qatar to try and help these negotiations you have to remember that all of these interlocutors have taken a back step it is going to be an afghan on afghan led process neither easy nor quick and it is going to try and resolve d these differences for the last 2 decades and come to words lost in peace in of guts some of been covering the afghanistan peace talks here in doha thank you. Sudan now where hundreds of thousands of people displaced by heavy flooding are calling for more help their homes were destroyed by the worst flooding in a century among them tens of thousands of students lives have been disrupted ever more good reports from khartoum on how theyre struggling to keep up with their studies just hours left before ryann japhet and her colleagues sit for sudans general High School Certificate examination in the capital how to if the requirement to be able to get into university but after she and her family lost their home in the floods that prospect seemed almost impossible. Because my only concern was to get my books out so that i can study and sit in my examinations its hard weve lost everything weve lost a house and that is hard we were inside and the river just flooded and we lost everything. Her colleague had also lost her family home in the floods that had village in the northern part of how to a week ago said its unfair that out too soon the homes the floods came in and took away everything homes were destroyed then we ended up on the streets near the main road the government gave us tents and people from the area gave us a place to stay and study and so we can prepare for examinations the examinations which are usually held in march every year have been postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic so then the government sets up demba 13 as the new date more than 150000. 00 students will take part in the capital alone a rise in the river to levels not seen in more than a century caused devastating floods in many parts of sudan its led the government to declare a state of emergency and announced the country as a Natural Disaster zone more than 100 people were killed and hundreds of thousands displaced schools in several towns and villages were among the damaged properties tens of thousands of those displaced by the floods are School Students and many are due to sit for their high school general certificate this year but for those students sitting for examination to guarantee seats in universities in the future is hard when their families have lost most or all of their belongings. So dan has set up a committee to deal with the impacts of the floods the head of the Committee Says the government is working to ensure that students around the country take the exam as scheduled every day theres theyre basically checking on on all the ministries of education in the different state. The centers that people need to go in exams what is the situation were talking about the people the fact in the numbers of the people who are going to different exams and they said theyre assessing the situation on daily basis so hopefully hoping that you know its going to be something that fits the needs of the people the levels of them have started to drop but those affected see what theyve been through already is enough. I didnt want the exams to be held at a time like this its hard she and her colleagues see theyll have to sit for the exams and hope for the best despite their very difficult circumstances people morgan all just their own hearts. The state of victoria is renewing a state of emergency after recording 41 new coded 19 cases the restrictions of printed angry protests police have been setting up checkpoints in some areas this woman was stopped at one of them in melbourne. She filmed her struggle with police as they pulled her out of her car they say because she refused to identify itself. Your state of oregon has prepared for mass fatalities as wildfires rage across the west coast dozens of people have been reported missing and half a 1000000 ordered to leave their homes the death toll is at 27 and in california 3 of the 5 largest wildfires in the States History are still burning. Half past the hour and these are the top stories greek authorities are started moving refugees to a new site on the island of lesbos after their camp burned down on tuesday refugees have been demanding humanitarian assistance and many are refusing to be relocated millions of russians are voting in local elections which were widely seen as a test for the governing United Russia Party but also being overshadowed by the poisoning of Opposition Leader alexander validate from moscow alexandersson of which called for and explains what these elections mean for both party and president their rating has dropped rapidly for instance their disapproval rate is 43 percent but also what is happening is that the ratings of russian president the most popular politician in russia dropping so the trust rating is down to 23 percent while the Approval Rating of his work is around 60 which is a drop since the beginning of the year so in this case in couple of regions of russia namely in siberia and the far north there will be a test. As i say it is a sort of a vote of confidence for kremlin on the local level in the coming hours another protest is expected in the belorussian capital minsk against president Alexander Lukashenko it follows a demonstration on saturday which saw police violently detaining dozens of women more than 10000 women and to find the government crackdown to rally in the city. Several demonstrations and injured by police in Eastern Libya it happened in the margin region which is under the control of all orderly for half the people have been calling for improve Living Conditions and to corruption. And the husband of a british Iranian Charity Worker serving a 5 year sentence for espionage in iran has told aljazeera that a new hearing on fresh charges against has been postponed theres been no immediate comment from the iranian judiciary. Faces new charges of spreading propaganda against the state of iran the news hour its coming up in a little over 25 minutes time thats what they did. Coming up next though the latest edition of rewind. Debt crisis and the. Troubled road to becoming the worlds biggest gas exporter and an epic battle challenges apples grip on it and the rising prospect of a currency war. On al jazeera. Hello and welcome to rewind im come on santa maria here on rewind were opening up the aljazeera archive to bring you some of the most powerful documentaries of the past decade and news of how the story has moved on since in that last decade india once thought of as a country of more than a 1000000000 People Living in poverty has seen its economy boom and

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