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In response to Global Warming germany is in the process of closing down its coal industry for many years the countrys principal source of energy especially in the form of the communist east but this face all humans about the pace of that closure between those worried about the economic consequences and those who believe that Immediate Tax is necessary to come back to Climate Change so who will win germanys cold war. Only germanys just real. A region of factories smokestacks and shop its. So this is just for the visitors now just as a visitor says. And like thousands of men before me im going down a coal mine. This is stepping into the bals of modern german history. 875. Shifts were built in the 2nd world war the boots of 1st the 1st comers in this ok. The. Coal from the rule valley the dutch border helped build the steel that the 3rd reich. When germany lost the war and was split into a capitalist west and the soviet run east this cold helped to remake the west germany into an economic power. My grandfather this is like this yes this is a cold. Cold. And we use it like this to destroy big storms right. Siegel was born into this world and thought hed die and that my friend part of the mind of my father was a miner my son was in by the years but. Thats thats the end because you have gone here coal mining in burma the black coal mines anyone else how do you feel about that now the target so. I told me he was very sad areas here. This is no longer a working. Mine and some fellow ex miners run it as a tourist attraction to show visitors how life used to be so. It was. In 2018 germany closed its last black. And the rule tradition dating back centuries shot to a sun. This is the Corporate Headquarters of the rule coal giant. Its main job now is rehabilitating the closed minds the foyer proudly displays one of the last black nuggets never mind that christophe biker is the companys last spokesman in colsons this is like a piece of the berlin wall yes this is a part of a burglar or a wall for us at the last coal and we take care of this part and nobody is allowed to told to take a piece of it. Its like a baby. Germanys transition from calls started in 2007 when the cull corp sat down with the unions and politicians and agreed to close down all the black coal mines by 28 saying the deal was that no workers would be sacked that all be given early retirement or found jobs in other industries it was an heroic gult and back then it had nothing to do with Climate Change it was all about money. But the 1970s it was cheaper to import coal than to dig it up from the rules underground mines history was surviving on government subsidies politicians decided in 2007 to 2. 00 pay not any longer subsidies father coal production. And to re decided to close. With the polluters in this company and they asked us how much time you need to do that without any problems so you close the black coal industry without firing any workers yes for this you need to think of some time and money but we have had both. The. Was not in my view. Many of those workers still get together in the rule colquhoun bought their days underground or. Older miners were given early retirement younger ones will help to find new jobs. In this choir that ranges from a. Research scientist to a budding trade Union Delegates christian whos 31 is looking forward to his new life representing workers the titles like that you find me last summer with a mission to get him cycling back well let me spend this also on. To not to listen to the pain alphas said of you this i live in big. But elsewhere in the country mining continues. Because germany is still europes biggest producer of brown color. Im driving from the rule valley to the old east germany. The region of loose a show on the polish border has huge reserves of this low grade high polluting fuel. Brown coal is a big employer here and they keep the jobs. To communism collapsed in 989 and germany reunited towns like shrem big did it tough as the men christina handier explains. I had just bought. Into a further hurt. Aided hurt kept as i and then the shite and for stand in delhi hours or. As a slight us or does not there i need gunson under an industry class and mostly only textile industry. Pots and. Brown coal is profitable because it isnt deep on the ground its dug up near the surface taken to nearby power plants and burned to boil water to make electricity. But its even dirtier than black culture. The problem isnt the steam you see pouring out of cooling towers its the Carbon Emissions you cant send. In the cosmopolitan capital bloom environmentalists have been demanding politicians shouted down. We need to end fossil fuels right now we dont have any time to waste anymore we cant wait another 18 years so were taking direct action to call for the immediate phase out of college or me. Daniel hoffecker is an activist with a new kind of protest movement called. Meaning game. As a mass action of civil disobedience against cold climate injustice and germany and what were doing right now is to prepare ourselves for this action. Doesnt march in the streets it uses military style tactics to occupy col areas fielding thousands of discipline activists in strategic formations to evade police and shot infrastructure down. The movement has put intense pressure on a government already struggling to cut emissions since the paris Climate Change agreement of 2015. Germany cant hope to meet its paris targets unless it closes all this so a commission representing politicians corporations using local government has just sounded the death knell for brown call but crucially in whats called the call compromise the going to be given nearly 2 decades to adjust the plan is that by 2038 at the latest the last brown coal mines and all the coal fired power plants will be gone for good. You might think people in new say she would be horrified. If the course is it and how they feel and im feeling to do it does is it. Was one of the members of the Coal Commission threshed out the compromise. And i am molly because i have to have. Told us. Was a. Big smear insists its much better than waiting for cold inevitable long term decline. The government has agreed to kick in to see 1000000000 euros to kick start new industries in the brown coal region. And. Auntie in a given of her end result at a starched and enzyme household fire may arden paul ya boy be outside and most us ima. Get is just counting on this is tell her i know and. Spec and get leaked the region is already seeing the fruits of germanys embrace of Renewal Energy Wind Turbines and solar farms sprouting up next to power plants germany still relies on domestic and imported coal for about a 3rd of its electricity but around 40 percent comes from renewable energy. The imus to make that 65 percent by the end of the decade. In a given me i have also come to tense in a in a game at home. And there in a title. The reagan hoping to turn the old coal fields into an eco tourism destination as disused mine pits a rehabilitated into artificial likes. The 2038 deadline should give the region plenty of time to adapt. But many activists insist the world cant wait. We have to phase out poland germany right now if we dont do that its going to be quite another for the the end of the world as we know it the i. P. C. C. Tells us that if we continue burning coal were running into catastrophic Climate Change. As the transition details of being worked out and to go in there announces its next mass occupation will be loose aysha. The announcement doesnt go down well with most locals. For all. Our. Excellent work on. One. Trunk safe route is a Security Guard at a coal plant hes as passionate about to say shia as he is about hunting im like oh my god blesses us oh. So my god. Well theres with many loose ations e had to find a new way after communism ended and state subsidies dried up as well as working security for Energy Companies he runs a Small Business selling preserved meat scripts kills. Us as a senator who is going to be zamata and i know youre going to hear. Somebody who doesnt. But my data. Says fleischer yeah this is very important for those of us. Bronx a field believes the east was hard done by after reunification between have been avoided by a few hours of my knowledge tom in a micro cough or deal to come home fuming you when you try to devalue are not happy about you have a dog. Vomit fall foul child. People learn to rely on each other and they dont like being pressured by outsiders less food i know they get on these details its Just Marketing dollars its a hoax the law is a does is. It. Fine charged as this is a mild and i guess by my last part animal from god it does on my part i didnt either. Mustang can see. The day much harsher words of jesus and the condition vanzant of was your heart of the. Former. Why doesnt. Do you believe new orleans. On good as a spend. 2 days before the threatened protest to say shit this staging a counter approaches theyve set up a vigil at a power plant slated to close early in 2028. Banners proclaiming we live from coal not great fairytales. Known. Then and then argue. Started. And then a coil of pop like i get on the phone here. I dont get older than me. In the mainly sation town of compost theres a growing Police Presence and then not just keeping an eye out for and again and. While its the day before the big protest and by coincidence across Germany School students are going on strike for Climate Change though in this coal town its a little more difficult right now the millennial are almost outnumbered by police. In many other cities tens of thousands of students are marching the organize a hear constantine go to bed ski has kept his expectations low or. So constant how many people do you think that much you think i am content at all 250 maybe if we had in the. Year that states could dance a lot less than other german cities yes is it difficult to do a protest like this in this cold down yes it does that mean youre already had demonstrations against virgine is uncommon in every other job and city i think. So do you feel a bit divided being from a cold community but protesting against poland and not because we all know that we have to end color the question is how fast you have to do it and. In my opinion that you have to stop it this is also idle. Mr gandhi mustnt be jaded now you know and there you are. All nicked him you know that although we didnt see these a protest you know me and we can but its all i can do you. Know on the net never get my attention. You know only the bush budget thats been on my. Own been on my mind and getting home this weekend and given it given the good news now im in a corner. But the only ones thats who goes there that. I know i was in. And thats down here the 5 i dont think was out that they head out there is a generational divide. The kids dont remember communism and they dont see a future in an industry thats heating the planet for now they can tend to make their point in peaceful street much as. God. Oh you are either. Home. Before you are you though that night coal mining families gather at a power plant to show their support for the coal compromise its. Giant videos praise the industry and accuse end the glenda of intimidation that i was its. The same. For the wealthy this was my point. This was the night that i will follow both and happy as they come in plenty to stand on point to christina him a the mayor of tells them they wont be pressured to stop cold sooner. Will miss stanley i was going to handle to have him that i know get endows as i did can speak to you then beat it ok thanks. From 4 am end the girl in this activist start assembling at berlin Central Station ready to board a train to say show the. Sounds yeah. He doesnt feel like a gathering of football hooligans they insist its only the police who use violence theyve lost faith in peaceful. A little bit anxious that because of course doing these blockades of civil disobedience its a different form of protest because weve seen that marching doesnt you know bring a change if we need to if thats the form of action i take. And but were going to be like thousands of people so im really looking for today. None of them know their assigned target its coordinators will use an encrypted app to message them to make it harder for police to stop. An hour into the journey they start putting on red beautiful eyes this is just one of 6 groups heading for the new sation coal fields. So in order to be more flexible and more effective with our pockets trend were splitting up the direction offering urse actor colors for the record we are out of maybe perhaps here in the strength of. One of the reasons for the uniforms is to make it harder for police to identify. Many ask us not to film their faces and start scratching out the fingerprints and then. Just leave it for you to flee a scary thing else give our i. D. s. Arriving at the station they still havent been told their destination but at a given signal they split in 2. I woke up. That one group rushes down the road to drool the main police force away while Daniels Group cuts into the forest. Of. Police awaiting at the forest a. Bit of flour use both players lets the crowd rush through. Suddenly were at the age of a giant coal mine and theres not enough police to stop the. Frustrated some resort to pepper spray and back and. I. Love. My last times oh you. Guys. Know. I was just part dual but the 1st action has been successful and youll keep our belief of the mind but the entire mind is now full staff and elsewhere in the region there are 5 other things is talk of the other mines power stations and wildlife crossings its going to be up. For the next 10 hours they bring moose say she is cold industry to a standstill c. Its a symbolic act colleagues struction and burning soon resumes. But the message is as much for the government as the corporations call is going to end so now. The German Government wants to support to call industry but theres a huge social movement in the way if that and what we see in germany is that the. Change for Climate Justice didnt come from the government it was fought for and won by a strong socialist we are part of that in fact the government is under intense pressure to show the transition the green party is demanding a maximum of 10 days but germany is still light years ahead of countries planning to expand to coal production. Its not a question of if coal goes the way. The end. All i want to stay with most stable my wife rest internment and mass indoctrination all we were children are no due process of reeducation or chinese assimilation forced labor and the use of high tech surveillance were being complicit in the human rights abuses that are occurring in an australian investigation into chinas systematic repression of the weakest tell the world on aljazeera i care about help the u. S. Engages with the rough the world were willing and fit in taking you into a place you might not visit otherwise and feel that you were there out just a year ago this beneath the waves with a team of women determined to save the dolphins we all share the same it was a really needed because i think laurie by that time a thing on it was using a variety of scientific techniques to study their behavior we can monitor them for their vocal photos and behavior were able to how theyre adapting to their new environment women make science dolphin sanctuary on aljazeera. Building a wall was the promise made in the bid for the white house 0 tolerance approach the southern border became government policy detaining children and separating families the stark reality of picture too much to bear for Many Americans in a country that was built on immigration. Follow the key issues of the us elections on aljazeera. Direct peace talks for the 1st time Afghan Government on taliban leaders begin negotiations to end decades of fighting. We are here with good intentions of your allies durable peace negotiations should move forward with a lot of patience. Are watching aljazeera live from headquarters in doha im tell you now ok theyre also ahead. Security forces and other routes violently break up a woman

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