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Refugees but there are concerns over the suitability of their remote bangladeshi island. Bahrain has become the latest arab nation to recognize israel it follows a similar u. S. Brokered deal to normalize israeli ties with the United Arab Emirates u. S. President donald trump announced the move hailing it as an historic breakthrough to achieving peace in the middle east palestinian leaders though call it a betrayal a White House Correspondent kimberly hellcat reports. Following a friday phone call with the king about brain and israels leader the us president made this announcement on twitter israel and the kingdom of bahrain would be establishing full diplomatic relations bahrain now joins the United Arab Emirates after its announcement last month that the country would be establishing full diplomatic ties with israel which includes opening embassies in both countries both leaders also agree that bahrain will fully normalize and diplomatic relations with israel trumps now encouraging other arab nations to consider similar steps and leaders that the future can be filled with hope and does not need to be predetermined by conflicts of the past the agreements to end hostilities with israel are set to be formalized on tuesday at a signing ceremony at the white house and will advance the trumpet ministrations goal of realigning arab nations with israel against iran 1st i want to thank you for your leadership on this issue your trump son in law and Senior Adviser jared cushion or helped broker the deal following failed efforts to strike a peace deal between israel and the palestinians the palestinians have rejected the trumpet ministrations peace plan released in january in a statement palestinian leaders called the deal with behind a betrayal which supports the legalisation of israels ugly crimes against the Palestinian People but ranes actions are often viewed as an extension of policy of saudi arabia whose ties with the United States have strengthened under President Trump indeed trump has protected the kingdom repeatedly even as the u. S. Congress sought to block weapon sales and take punitive action against the Saudi Crown Prince following the death of journalist. Trump has hinted the saudis could be the next country to. Strike a deal with israel so he arabia was doing things that theyre not doing anymore and so are other countries and neighbors they are doing things that they just. Would never have done the agreements come less than 2 months before the u. S. Election and already President Trump is touting the deals as a major Foreign Policy victory can really help get aljazeera the white house. Meanwhile the Palestinian Authority has condemned bahrains decision on ordered some bastard to return home describe recognition of israel as a betrayal and normalization of illegal occupation you know abraham from ramallah palestinians are saying that even when they you we deal with israel has boasted that it has put annexation on ice for the time being its really practices on the ground are ongoing so for example probation hasnt ended and the beheading the statement of normalization agreement today he did not he didnt give anything to the palestinians so they feel that theyve been left out alone against what the arab and the previous resolutions were in specific the Arab Peace Initiative which calls for the normalization between arab states and israel but after israel and its occupation now the palestinian president has recalled the Palestinian Ambassador to beheading weve seen a similar move to. Win the u. A. E. Find peace deal and of course the fear now among many palestinians is that there at the u. A. E. Is the deal has been a green light really for more arab states to normalize with israel and weve heard also many palestinians saying that for years theyve been seeing. These radio lawyer in the region that it is really a partner but now they see it as israels agent specifically saying that because trump is the one who has been announcing these deals normalization between. Me and you and israel on the other hand. Afghan government im taliban negotiators are in qatar for long delayed talks which are due to start within the next hour or so its more than 6 months since the u. S. Brokered a deal and the ending americas longest war for his appointment in 2016 President Trump pledged to end the conflict and hes hoping to follow through on his promise head of novembers election. Secretary of state mike pompei i was also attending the innovation event on chamberlains mall made one on one today with hope and confidence we are heading to doha to build and have guns turn were no more guns go off and we hope the values of the republic our strength and and the people of afghanistan achieve the Economic Development they deserve its crucial that all afghan leaders and members of the International Community do Everything Possible to make the peace of reality we obviously stand ready. To help i think obviously one of the there are many Critical Issues that will have to be looked at but i think one that always needs underscoring is to ensure that the rights of women and girls in afghanistan. Are not overlooked and that they have their voices their rights and their lives or respected and protected desperately needed a it is finally being delivered to hundreds of thousands of sudanese devastated by the worst flooding in the countrys history the Global Support comes days after the government declared a state of emergency and a plea for help mom of the doe reports now from car too. Aid is slowly trickling in for the hundreds of thousands of flood victims in sudan at the tombs International Airport military plane has just protein essential supplies for the displaced who are hungry and in disparate need it couldnt come sooner than i thought the heart we brought with us aid said to the people of sudan by the owner of qatar his highness shaikh tamim been hamad al tiny the aid includes medicine medical supplies food and Household Items simmias sudanese officials turned up to receive the aid consignment on behalf of the government and this world. We have thankful for the assistance received today from qatar theyve already been helping with our efforts to combat coburg 19 an hour here with more support for the flood victims is a clear indication of our close an historic relations. The floods have already displaced mold on the hof a 1000000 people and also destroyed or damaged more than 100000 homes across a gun the government has declared a state of emergency and ses and a little help they can get from and a part of the world is welcome to ease the effects of what is being saved to be the worst flooding in a century the u. N. Aid Coordination Office or ses the needs of sudans flood victims solve vost in the capital khartoum alone more than 100000 people in need of shelter after losing their homes many are living in the open with limited access to clean water. Im an 84 year old man and in my lifetime ive never seen anything even close to this i only managed to escape just the clothes on my back. In the rainy season is sedan usually last still the end of september and more rain is focused in the coming days and weeks in a country thats already struggling with crushing debt and political instability following almost 3 decades of dictatorship this is almost too much to bear how would i do ill just sit at home too. Refugees on the greek on in the demanding permission to leave for the mainland after 2 fires destroyed the overcrowded camp more than 12000 people in all sleeping on the streets and say they dont have enough food and water john reports from the last boss. A refugee protest attempts to put a Police Blockade behind that blockade thousands of Asylum Seekers from the incinerated morea camp are sleeping on the highway they hope to be allowed to leave lesbos and reach mainland greece but the government wants them to remain here to reduce the risk of spreading covert to camps on the mainland and to be able to deport them to turkey if they dont receive asylum the situation here is very tense police have placed 2 roadblocks on this highway one behind us and one further down the road attempting to contain the homeless from morea camp in a certain area in that area there exists another refugee camp which is run by the municipality and they are trying to set up tents in that area however many refugees and Asylum Seekers seem to be determined to break out either to go back to moria or to make their way into mytilene the town the islands capital and the police are not going to allow that to happen not Everyone Wants to leave he said dean has asylum and could travel but without job prospects he prefers to stick to the Somali Community in moria. Just right. After state. No food no water this syrian woman has brought her newborn to Doctors Without Borders which still has a clinic in morea others struggle back through sheer force of habit this afghan family isnt camped on a bluff overlooking moria camp even between the Police Blockades food and water hasnt reached everyone 3 days i didnt eat i didnt have rights here i dont have. I dont have nothing i sleep outside and a quiet life in moreas olive groves is arguably better than the tension of a standoff with police one that refugees cannot swim after the percussion died down the government moved in bulldozers to extend the municipal refugee camp and chinooks flew an army tents to set them up the overcrowded and overburdened with asylum applications morea was clearly no paradise but neither is the street jumps at all plus aljazeera lesbos. Time for a short break here now jazeera when we come back a call for the u. S. Congress to take action against saudi arabia the night of the German National assumption stay with us. Again the prevailing breeze is very light so weather around the gulf states is fairly humid its 40 degrees and sticky in their house an example the still a light breeze coming to us a lot of the hoof is still more or less in time and this here this grayness is some cloud gets the potential for thunderstorms and the mass of the west and saudi but theyll be a rarity typically there is still quite well when its warmer than maybe it should be at this time of the year for example in the levant or in iraq and down towards q 8 if you took the example of amman in jordan which broke a record low or go were still above average though not by much 34 to 35 degrees and thats because theres no on shore breeze down here as it is slowly a cool feature. Even though the monsoon rains a slow you start to die and i weve still got a flow of breeze going up the coast of kenya and somalia and this is becoming increasingly most recently you if youre anywhere near for example mombasa charges are to be overcast and occasionally raining each day the biggest showers are in the land of course just catching both parts of the cape west and the east in south africa youve got this frontal system is rather difficult to move it gives warm weather of 1st importance and then it cools to. A passion for supporting local communities. And pioneering innovative african science and Technology Projects how his how beautiful how glorious we are all of us on this planet not just Africa Aljazeera front as a leading by a chemist determined to use his scientific knowledge to africa women make science from the lab to the field on aljazeera. Welcome back a quick amount of our top stories this hour bahrain has agreed to normalize ties with israel its the 2nd gulf state to do so after the u. S. Decision last month the Palestinian Authority has condemned the move as a normalization of illegal occupation. Refugees have been demonstrating to demand permission to leave the greek island of next boss and go to the mainland thousands have spent another night without shelter the 5 destroyed europes largest refugee camp only this week. That humanitarian aid is finally being delivered to hundreds of thousands of people devastated by the worst flooding in sudans history at least a 100 people have been killed. Now the u. S. House Intelligence Committee has heard testimony on the security relationship with saudi arabia and the killing of Jamal Khashoggi its been nearly 2 years since the journalist and u. S. Resident went missing after entering the saudi consulate in istanbul multiple investigations have concluded he was killed and dismembered by a team of saudi operatives aljazeera how does your cast reports to the fellows at the un special rapporteur on executions agnes callum ard told the house Intelligence Committee friday that Jamal Khashoggi still deserves justice mr cash and to do counseling on the tree a ranch to obtain i know for sure documents so mr cassilis killing was premeditated and one of the branch of the gun store was a printed edition ease of presence of the foreign sheik doctor after. Whose. Role outdoors eventually fall she dismembering and disposal of the body she denounced saudi arabias trial of 8 of killers that just ended judges commuted 5 death sentences to prison time the International Community has widely considered the secret proceedings. To be a sham punishing the hitmen but not the saudi officials who gave the orders the skiing of of mr cassidy by the state of saudi arabia in my view points to a dangerous recklessness a couple of weeks of the me she finished that comes only when power if she makes jean we see him she. Telling the panel there was quote no doubt Saudi Crown Prince mohammed bin solomon was involved calmar its conclusion is supported by u. S. Intelligence officials but u. S. President donald trump has consistently defended the Saudi Crown Prince bragging to the american Journalist Bob Woodward in his upcoming book i saved his expletive i was able to get congress to leave him alone i was able to stop them saudi government officials maintain his killing was a rogue operation an explanation trump appears to accept a mike the president this committee is not in the practice of taking self interested in the possible denials. And im confident either democrats nor republicans in congress are going to stop insisting on accounting and accountability for his murder in 2018 Congress Passed a nearly unanimous resolution labeling mohamed bin selman complicit in the murder of. A year later the role that saudi arabia played in the journalist killing helped convince congress to block u. S. Arms sales to the kingdom used to commit war time atrocities in yemen a President Trump quickly moved to veto that legislation that came up with trump in the white house theres little political will to take more action against saudi arabia but Security Experts continue to press for direct u. S. Sanctions against the Saudi Crown Prince the moment that we give up. People like him will win and thats why we cannot give up and thats why we need to send a message that you cannot do this to fellow human beings heidi castro aljazeera washington theres been a Memorial Services across the u. S. For nearly 3000 People Killed in the 911 attacks 19 years ago hundreds of people paid their respects to those who died after 2 hijacked passenger jet slammed into the twin towers crowds are limited to because of the coronavirus pandemic democratic president ial nominee joe biden and Vice President mike pence were at the ceremony donald trump observed a minutes silence while on the president ial jet air force one. Well known 11 is also a significant date in chile protesters in santiago have mocked the overthrow of the 1st socialist president 47 years ago Salvador Allende was killed during a u. S. Backed through latin america at its odyssey and human as i riot police were out in force using acid laced Water Cannons and tear gas to disperse demonstrators who come to mark another anniversary of chiles military coup it was the largest demonstration since a state of emergency was declared in march because of the pandemic well lets remember you a country without a memory is a country without history we cant ever forget what happened here on the state. The bombing of the president ial palace and september 11th 1973 the 1st 911 a gate most chileans cant forget. On this anniversary of the military coup reads related to door where president s day and this body was brought out that day. The coup was followed by a bloody 17 year military dictatorship this is the statue of Salvador Allende the worlds 1st democratically elected marxist president and he is facing the same president ial palace where he was overthrown 47 years ago but for so many people the military coup feels as though it happened yesterday. I was a congresswoman and trade union leader and i wanted to resist but that day santiago was overrun by tanks and soldiers the concentration camps and killings that followed were terrible for free and i. Like thousands of chileans fidel majendie was forced to go into exile are all but on this anniversary many hope that a new constitution to replace the one written during the dictatorship will herald in a new period of social change well because we have. The opportunity to probably close the transition period by going to vote for a new constitution in a plebiscite on that doing a fearful over 3 dont like the 2nd im like 1973 we believe that today we can find a democratic nominee to the dreams of the chilean people without bloodshed by building a new pact a social justice. While predictable many were angry that they could not can memorize an event that left an indelible mark on chile even for those who hadnt yet been born you see in human aljazeera sunday. Now the association of Southeast Asian nations is wrapping up an annual summit dominated by tensions between the u. S. And china is being hosted by vietnam although most meetings have been held the need because of coronavirus Foreign Ministers from nearly 30 countries attended north korea the South China Sea and regional Infrastructure Projects have been high on the agenda as scotland joins us live now from bangkok scott so this summit has move a shadowed by tensions between the u. S. And china but what else has been on the agenda as leaders wrap things up that. There and yes it has when you have 2 superpowers the 2 largest economies in the world participating in these meetings yes they will take the oxygen out of a lot of the discussion over the last 34 days but whats interesting is that you know there have been talks about that but you know to kind of counter the increased tension those 2 nations as well as other nations that participate with the Foreign Ministers in bilateral meetings. Japan australia south korea theyre also been taught theyve also been talking about Development Programs and things but also something that has been brought up in most cases commending how the on these 10 nations of us here have dealt with 1000 crisis theres been a fund started by the nations here the 10 nations to contribute by those 3rd party and. To help things move forward but there are still some issues in dealing with covert 19 and the impact of it in this region to discuss this further we bring everyone gil who is with the International Commission of jurists here in bangkok. Talking about this you know when you look at over 1000 and how its impacted these 10 nations of for the most part it has been mild when it comes to the impact the Public Health impact but as you and i were discussing the human rights impact is there though it is the power to find it and it hasnt been a main point of discussion among the Member States in this meeting scott so there has been a lot of discussion on the economic the profound Economic Impact of covert 19 in the region but there hasnt been a discussion on coordinating responses in terms of human rights among the Member States and this is important because 90 highlights are emphasizes the social inequalities of people in the us. There was a. Mention how cool that 19 impacts the livelihoods. Of the vulnerable groups however there was and that you mentioned specifically which while never able groups were being mentioned and discussed in these meetings there was also a mention and i think i should be able i should point this out there was a mention on how Migrant Workers and refugees were impacted but it was in the context of the Self Assessment of us in Member States and how they into the met the consensus on the protection and promotion of the rights of migrants were Migrant Workers and theres no word as to how this Self Assessment was made it would be interesting to know for instance how did its own Self Assessment in terms of protecting the refugees and Migrant Workers in there in its in its country considering. Now that malaysian authorities have been going after Migrant Workers and refugees when you look at this look at this in kind of a grander context has there been any kind of a vent that has impacted because this is were talking were talking about years of economic recovery for all these nations but obviously that is going to greatly impact how these nations and companies in these nations hire migrant and imMigrant Workers so obviously this is going to be a very big hit have we seen anything like this in the near history and and it based on that what can we expect do you think were going to get any more reaction was are going to be kind of status quo for now i think for now it is status quo and you can see that the priorities of the based on the discussions and based on the joint communication that was issued recently you can see that the discussion this mainly towards the companies and there wasnt really a consideration of the impact on those at the at the lowest level so you can see the discussions for instance on Business Travel but there wasnt any discussion about travel of refugees are you know how refugees may be protected theyre welcome in the Member States thank you very much i went in there and as you can hear you know there are a lot of kind of micro issues that really have been brought to the fore in these last several days of meetings because its been overshadowed because of the Economic Impact from covert 1000 but also because china the United States but moving forward is im saying hopefully some of those smaller issues will be dealt with scott thank you. Now the Bangladeshi Government wants to relocate more than 100000 rangar refugees to Remote Island in the bay of bengal but some are opposing the plan while u. N. Agencies are questioning whether the new site is suitable this time the child very. Passionate island is where 100000 growing as will be moving to if the Bangladesh Government can persuade them to government leaders say the Remote Island 60 kilometers off shore in the bay of bengal is better option than the worlds biggest refugee camps in coxs bazaar more than 300 Rohingya Refugees are already here after being rescued in may 1000 and in me in my we suffered a lot of atrocities which is why we escaped to bangladesh then we tried to go to malaysia because some of us got engaged in there and wanted to better life but the Malaysian Navy refused us and she and forced us back into the sea we drifted for months until the Bangladesh Navy rescued us and saved our lives we are a 10 lee grateful for it. Was in the delegation of running a Community Leaders were recently ferried to the island to survey the facilities manager talking about a one month because of this research is fine and happy to see all the good facilities the government has created but we have a serious concern about flooding yes we can live there but it will be more like a prison here at least were able to move around more freely and be with our families other refuges confined on the island protested during the camp leaders visit they want to return to coxs bazaar i dont find much an argument we are appealing to the International Community please help us to reunite with our family members in coxs bazar we are in anguish. U. N. Agencies and Rights Groups also questioned the viability of the location saying it is vulnerable to flooding tidal surge and site loans and they say it will be costly to provide services there but bangladesh Officials Say theyre confident refugees can be persuaded. To move. It up theres a better than the crammed in groups and we expect the comments from those there after the months. Around 700000 growing up let me on my 3 years ago in a government crackdown on the Muslim Minority men murders later genocide but the un says the Army Campaign was a textbook example of ethnic cleansing many bangladeshs are sympathetic to the plight of the running of refugees but after 3 years that getting increasingly concerned about the economic burden on the country they want a National Community to put pressure on me on my trip back to those who want to go back. As well as been stateless and homeless the coronavirus pandemic is worsening the plight of the rohingya with no legal status their future seems more on certain than ever country children dhaka bangladesh. The governor of the u. S. State of oregon says dozens of people have been reported missing as massive wildfires burn across the state 1000000 people have been ordered to leave their homes as fires threaten bonaire is the city of portland is shrouded in smoke and now has the worst quality of the worlds major cities. Further south in california the remains of 7 people have been found by firefighters the state has been ravaged by dozens of fires for several weeks and 15000 firefighters are battling blazes across the state fires have already burned through 1250000 hectares. All the news of course on our website everett is on your screen the address al jazeera dot com 0 dot com. A quick check of the headlines here and aljazeera bahrain has become the latest arab nation to recognize israel it follows a similar u. S. Brokered deal with the United Arab Emirates the Palestinian Authority has condemned the move as a normalization of illegal occupation there and then 2 Peace Agreements with israel in the last 72 years this is now of the 2nd Peace Agreement that weve announced in the last month. And i am very hopeful that there will be more to follow i can tell you theres tremendous enthusiasm on behalf of other countries to also join and we think ultimately youll have most countries join and youre going to have the palestinians. In a very good position they want to come in theyre going to want to come in because all of their friends are in. This deal is a danger to the palestinian cools and Arab National security this is a new political state down by bahrain it supports the occupation and it supports the zionist right wing the ration the rain should hold back immediately its a huge political scene. Refugees have been demonstrating to demand permission to leave the greek island of less bourse and go to the mainland. Thousands of spent another night without shelter after fires destroyed europes largest refugee camp earlier this week 10 e. U. Countries have agreed to accept 400 of the company children. Humanitarian aid is finally being delivered to hundreds of thousands of people devastated by the worst flooding in sudans history at least 100 people have been killed Afghan Government and taliban negotiators are set to begin their 1st round of direct talks in qatar its part of an agreement brokered by the u. S. Talks were delayed by 6 months as details of a prisoner swap were worked out the u. N. Expert on extrajudicial killings addressed the u. S. Congress and condemn saudi arabia for the killing of journalist. Agnes kalamata hold the house Intelligence Committee the murder demonstrates recklessness and demands a u. S. Response so those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after a woman makes science a statement thats a watch and often are. Free education for all was the promise the reality provoked a generation. Of those. Drugs enough blood to want to get on the brink of how a protest over education feeds. Morphed into a National Results that is dont do it is dumb its got. Everything must for. A witness documentary on aljazeera. When i was working in oxford which buttons on my crit was really a pinnacle moment my mother was very proud and shes like but you know. What do you think you can do

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