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Wildfires leave a trail of devastation up and down the u. S. West coast forced more than 10 percent of oregons residents to flee their homes. Hello welcome to the program the gulf state of bahrain has now joined the United Arab Emirates in agreeing to normalize ties with israel u. S. President donald trump announced the deal on twitter after speaking with raines king hamad bin isa leaf and the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the 3 nations have hailed the move as an historic breakthrough to furthering peace in the middle east officials from bahrain the u. A. E. And israel will formalize their relationship during a signing ceremony at the white house next week. There had been 2 Peace Agreements with israel in the last 72 years this is now the 2nd Peace Agreement that weve announced in the last month and i am very hopeful that there will be more to follow i can tell you theres tremendous enthusiasm on behalf of other countries to also join and we think ultimately youll have most countries join and youre going to have the palestinians. In a very good position they want to come in theyre going to want to come in because all of their friends are in. Or palestinian leadership has summoned its ambassador to bahrain its also released a statement which acting the move saying its considers the step it stream dangerous as it blows up the Arab Peace Initiative that is the reaction that weve had so we have correspondents covering this story in washington jerusalem and ramallah 1st. At the white house so obviously the palestinian reaction very very disgruntled by this box of course off to the u. A. E. And israel normalize relations a few weeks ago it was expected that all the countries would follow suit. And theres no question given the fact that bahrain is often seen as an extension of saudi policy the question becomes will saudi arabia be next many saying that this couldnt have happened without the blessing of saudi arabia but what this does this establish a number of goals that the trumpet ministration has had for some time well it underscores the fact that one of those schools has failed and that is finding an agreement between israel and the palestinians it does at least start to it believes that achieve the goal of allowing arab nations to join israel in positioning against iran which has been a nation that this administration has been railing against since Donald Trump Took Office now its important to note of this that the administration continues to call these peace deals or Peace Agreements the agreement with to formalize diplomatic relations with the u. A. E. Israel and also israel and bahrain but neither of these countries is formally at war so it is important to note that there and the other goal in all of this that the administration is trying to do is show the trumpet supporters particularly even christians that he is keeping a Campaign Promise to make sure that israel is stable in the middle east and again that comes part and parcel with this positioning against iran that it sees this as a next essential threat to israels security. So this is something very important for donald trump to achieve in advance of the u. S. Election which is less than 8 weeks away its important to keep his supporters satisfied and potentially bring on new ones all right thanks very much kimberly elke at the white house lets get to have a full set then he joins us by skype from west jerusalem and of course harry you know the after decades of hostility that has increasingly been in recent years these shared common interests between israel and the gulf states and agreements like this one just i suppose formalized those existing links they formalize those links they also for Benjamin Netanyahu the israeli Prime Minister they very much vindicate his public position on the necessity of those links and also the this 2nd deal in less than a month gives nothing real capital in terms of his domestic status as well because israel is in the grip of an out of control 2nd wave of coronavirus pandemic kuroda virus pandemic there has been a great deal of criticism of the governments handling of it were looking at a nationwide very severe lockdown when he gets back from washington theres been some criticism of his decision to leave the country for such a signing ceremony in the midst of all that so having a 2nd deal but just the u. A. E. Deal but also this bahrain deal to sign and celebrate in washington is something the he will look to very favorably and its something that he also says will be of real benefit to the israeli people. Im going through to move this is a new era of peace peace for peace economy for economy weve invested in peace for many years and now peace will invest in us will lead to very large investments in the israeli economy and that is very important all of these agreements are made through hard work behind the scenes for years but they have been realized by the important help of our friend u. S. President trump and id like to thank him and his team for this important help a new era of peace for peace. So twice there you heard him say the words peace for peace this is very much as message this time around as it was last month with the u. A. E. Deal saying that no longer are people talking about land for peace i concessions to the palestinians in return for peace of course there has been one concession if you want to call it that which is the suspension the putting on ice of his annexation plans in return for these kinds of normalization deals but even when you talk to settlers as a as we were during the course of this week there are many there are even some of the hardliners who see the benefits in terms of the the economic ties and removing settlements the occupation as a hindrance to israel normalizing its relationships with various countries around the world especially these arab nations for Benjamin Netanyahu he says very much as a vindication of his attempt to really put the palestinian issue to one side say it really doesnt matter we can move ahead with International Relations and firmer ties without solving that long running conflict thanks very much for westerners then force it thats had to need every time now she joins us live from ramallah in the occupies that west bank and of course as harry was saying he was mentioning there the the arab land for Peace Initiative and of course palestinians have cited that in their recent statement this is of course supposed to be the basis for israeli arab peace making into but of course the palestinians are completely absent from this agreement and absolutely theyre not one step closer to any kind of serious negotiation with israel either. And at the same time palestinians are saying that even when the u. A. E. Deal with israel has boosted that it has put an execution on ice for the time being because really practices on the ground are ongoing so for example occupation hasnt ended and the beheading any statement of the normalization agreement today is not it didnt give anything to the palestinians so they feel that theyve been left out alone against what the arab leagues previous resolutions where in specific the Arab Peace Initiative which calls for the normalization between arab states and israel but only after israel and its occupation now the palestinian president has recalled the Palestinian Ambassador to behave and weve seen a similar move to that when the u. A. E. Signed its deal and of course the fear now among many palestinians is that there at the u. A. E. Is the deal has been a green light for more arab states to normalize with israel empowered by the arab league latest. Meeting in which it failed to adopt a palestinian resolution to condemn. Any normalization between an out of country with israel and weve heard also many palestinians saying that for years theyve been seeing the u. S. That is radio lawyer in the region that is really a partner but now they see it as israels agent specifically saying that because trump is the one who has been announcing these deals normalization between then and you. And israel on the other hand now for many palestinian officials they say that the way forward now is in the words that they should really be focusing on the unity weve seen that lately have meeting between different palestinian factions and it was attended by islamic jihad. And have asked the those in which weve seen its all come out the that is not in the head were talking in front of the. Palestinian leadership we also had. An interview that that was published on the palestinian t. V. This is something we havent seen for years but healthy lives are saying that theyre losing kind of the Regional Support that the arab support than they really have nothing to do but to reunite thank you very much from ramallah i need to thank you. Or when you some other stories that were covering this hour in the Afghan Government and taliban negotiate is a converging on caps off a long delay peace talks on that country which is due to begin on saturday now its more than 6 months since the u. S. Brokered a deal and ending americas longest war before his appointment in 2016 president onil trump to end the conflict and hes hoping to cash in on his promise of the election in november of course now secretary state my own peo is attending the inauguration it. Michael how difficult discovers this to be among the heavier but its theirs for the taking of their country. To figure out how to move forward and make a better life in their series of fix it now about it made it very easy all right our ability to deal with syria is conditioned on executing their obligation to the degree its very clear about their responsibilities that lead to terrorist activity taking place in afghanistan that is plotting against external external operate body its their operations. Thousands of migrants on the greek island of lesbos the demanding authorities allowed them to leave for the mainland off to 2 fives destroyed the overcrowded refugee camp peaceful protests were held in front of Police Cordon which was set up to stop the homeless migrants reaching the islands main town more than 12000 people have been sleeping on the street since mori account was gutted by fire earlier this week greece wants to build a new facility but local residents are not happy about that and the demonstrators say a desperate to leave or johns raw placentas this update from last boss where refugees have been sleeping outdoors for the past 3 nights. Right now the demonstrations seems to pieces out for the time being but it seems to be a recurring one as well so it may flare up again definitely the feelings of persistence among refugees who want to be allowed to leave and at the moment that being denied it seems even basic comforts people who fled moria because because it was burnt on tuesday and wednesday nights have now camped out here on avenue that runs through an Industrial Zone on the island and as you can see that bearing down on concrete pavements beside the asphalt there is a road block on either side of this section of the road both to protect and to protect the Asylum Seekers here from traffic and also to prevent them from leaving because the government wants them to stay here and to have their asylum cases heard out here because that way if any are rejected it is easier to deport them back to turkey but also because less force island has now become a vector for corona virus and it is feared that if these people are relocated to camps on the mainland then they may spread the virus among refugee populations there is well this has in fact happened in the last year weve seen it happen in a camp in the fall of unease which had to be locked down as a result. Meanwhile 10 you countries have agreed to take a more is 406 unaccompanied minors with most of them going to france and germany but the camps all the residents have been told about have to stay put and the greek Prime Minister has called on the European Union to shoulder more sponsibility in the ongoing my Current Crisis so my guy has our point. This is the reality for the thousands of refugees on the greek island of last boss caught between the streets and an even more precarious future. And these are the politicians who are tasked with finding a solution to a crisis that has been gnawing at the European Union after 5 years of attempts and that knowledge went from brussels that has so far failed to come up with a comprehensive plan by 2016. Because a number of its. Green. Leaves off nor euro. Shushan on this show but to me this is where that failure is being felt most on the roads makeshift tents housing those left with nowhere to stay but only 10 Member States have offered to take in the most vulnerable of those left stranded body s. 406. 00 unaccompanied children with france and germany taking up 150. 00 each they are the only ones who will be able to leave the island for now germanys interior minister defended the decision not to take in more people. If we as the federal republic of germany believe that we can solve the european asylum policy on our own then the year 2015 will be repeated because there wont be a european solution anymore. There are also worries over the spread of coronavirus at least 35. 00 people tested positive for the virus last week and only 8 have been found since the burning down of the camp poland austria and denmark are among the 17 e. U. Members who are giving assistance to greece the shelter and medical equipment these tents were set up on the islands military base local residents were loading paste. Angry with the increasingly overcrowded camp of play that not enough has been done to help those refugees stuck in less boss situation is a happy time for us and for the other greek who have been admirable since the beginning and welcoming the refugees and now quite rightly i got. You know. Of having to shoulder for the rest of the European Union at least 33000 people have crossed the Mediterranean Sea to europe so far this year holding cows for those wanting to escape war and hardship have failed to provide a lasting solution and it is a problem that is not going away anytime soon so aljazeera. In watching out is there live from london more still to come on the program well tell you about rising anger and a growing death tell colombias defense minister apologizes for the taser death that sparked National Outrage also. Remembering the day that changed the United States should be paid to the fountains who died in the 911 attacks. Hell i was about to feel not quite so autumnal for Northern Europe it may not be immediately apparent still plenty of cloud coming in from the atlanta you see which means a lot more rain for tickly for scotland for norway a little bit for denmark and sweden sweden that will be flooding in the west side of scotland and there still wandering showers in the western med and ill be wandering round trip instead east was the last 2 or 3 days so the threatened on saturday is probably still have a sardinia tunisia and maybe towards sicily as well with a few of these showers and the alps as well but between i mean look at that nice warm slowly warming up in actual fact in many places but theres more rain to come for scotland sunday and for the away and for sweden and in fact you know further west and take a close look at the temps she is saying yes its definitely not looking with time to be right to think got a good part of Northern Europe is seeing a bit of a mini heatwave at least after this weekend london for example has 20 maybe 30 the average is 20 not a record but certainly nice and warm for september and the southeast corner has been mauled for a while now despite this persistent wind down through the chain to east emotions cool things down near the coast a return to 32 it is quite hot in this part of the world especially of course in iraq. His mom some money in a. Home too extraordinary funny. Dealing with Health Issues the ones in some of the toughest Living Conditions you. Cant you see follows the lives of the remarkable people who werent. Listening on aljazeera. Welcome back quick check on the headlines the gulf say a buffer is join the United Arab Emirates in agreeing to normalize ties with israel u. S. President donald trump announced the deal on twitter the palestinians have condemned the step as extremely dangerous. Afghan government and taliban negotiators are converging on cattle off the long delayed peace talks which argue to begin on saturday. And thousands of migrants on the greek island of lesbos have prevent protesting demanding that they be allowed to leave for the mainland after 2 fires destroyed their refugee camp. Now in other news were following today india and china have agreed to deescalate tensions days after shots were fired across the disputed border for the 1st time in 45 years countries committed to working towards peace and tranquility following a meeting of Foreign Ministers in moscow tension has been rising along the himalayan border in recent months 20 indian soldiers were killed in june during hand to hand combat with chinese troops in the ladakh region. Now there are growing concerns over the economic damage caused by ongoing flooding in sudan which is the worst in a century at least 100 people have been killed and 100000 homes destroyed or damaged many families have been left starving as the sudanese pound plummeted in value by 40 percent of food prices continue to soar that prompted the government to declare an economic state of emergency on thursday the floods are also threatening one of sudans most treasured ancient ruins from the mariel to empire volunteers have been pumping water and piling sandbags at the royal city of the kings its hope that efforts will protect the island of marea which is a unesco World Heritage site it will morgan isnt hard to him and says that people are worried now about the spread of disease. Sudanese officials are reporting that the water from the nile river is receding gradually and that they expect the levels to return back to what they see is normal within the coming 2 weeks but the concern right now is the amount of stagnant water that has gone into neighborhoods into villages into areas where people are residing their concerns of water borne diseases medics have been reporting an increase in the number of cases of the horrors here and they say that people have been complaining about. Watery diarrhea and theyre concerned that there will be cholera especially because of the poor drainage system that most of these areas have had prior to the floods now the other concern is the Economic Impact of the floods are weve seen over the past few days here in sudan the Exchange Rate of the sudanese pound to the dollar has been rapidly climbed been which has led the government to declare a state of emergency and economic state of emergency on thursday evening there the prices of commodities in the market has been increasing people have been saying that they can no longer afford market prices they can normally go for buying vegetables food and feed their family even after losing their properties after getting their homes destroyed after being displaced from their homes so theyve been complaining about that the government has declared a state of emergency an economic state of emergency and they say that anybody who. Is found to possess a foreign currency or who is suspected to be dealing with foreign currency will be prosecuted up to 10 years in prison if found guilty they say that thats because the sudanese pound has lost more than 40 percent of its of its value colombias defense minister is apologize for a fatal case of Police Brutality which sparked tonight so violent protests 13 people have died in the unrest now triggered by video of a man being repeatedly tasered who later died out of town drunk at your ports from bogota. For a 2nd straight night demonstrators clashed with Security Forces as they rallied against the killing of an unarmed man by the police was protesters hurled rocks blocked roads and attempted to burn Neighborhood Police stations and. This is happening because people are fed up at some point the pressure explodes and if people need to die so be it but there has to be a solution ok the mayor of. This urged protesters to refrain from violence but compared to the Police Response to the worst days of colombias armed conflict. The indiscriminate use of firearms cannot be considered police abuse this is a direct attack on unarmed citizens civilians the vast majority of them are young people. Just the protests were sparked by this video of 43 year old. Being pinned to the ground by 2 officers for violating coronavirus ruled. The agents repeatedly tasered him as he begged please no more he died soon after. His sister in law says that or dont use was assassinated and demanded justice we know this wasnt in the peace it was murder agents killed my brother in law and it cant and in a disciplinary action it has to be a penal one my brother in law was killed by the violence and the hatred we have nurtured in colombia the last thing we wanted was that his death sparked more violent. The government said abuse of power should not be tolerated but insisted. Massive acts of vandalism and violence many. Demonstrations show peoples anger goes beyond the issue of Police Brutality and we need real fundamental change in this country and the vandalism doesnt help but is a way to call the government in the p. Close attention because this year weve seen many human rights leaders killed the economy falling apart we need change its clear that peoples frustration has reached a boiling point with the killing of dawn yes the question now is if these protests will be the spark that will revive the kind of mass demonstrations that have rattled the country at the end of last year i listen to them. All 4 former Police Officers charged over the death of george floyd have appeared in court dozens protested outside the Family Justice Center in minneapolis as the hearing took place prosecutors argued that the 4 officers should have their trials combined to minimize the trauma inflicted on floyds family but their lawyers say that could impact their right to a fair trial the judge is deliberating whether to move the trial outside of minneapolis because of concerns its been jeopardized by pretrial publicity. Or in other developments firefighters have recovered the remains of at least 7 people in california takes the death toll from weeks of fires up and down the u. S. West coast to at least 24 in oregon alone around half a 1000000 people have been ordered to leave their homes as fires burn out of control party culhane brings us the latest. San Francisco Don thursday in ominous sign of what the day would bring buyers chewing through hector after hector pushed by fast moving winds devouring the dry land in its path and destroying everything entire towns gone. Horrible terrible absolutely terrible you dont know whether your home is going to be there when you get back we have animals that we couldnt bring with us there are countless hopefully we have place to live because of our stuff burns down thats i mean im on a fixed income millions told to be ready to flee some making the narrowest of escapes as there is there is a fire 360 degrees around me among the dead to found a car that didnt make it through the wall of flames in oregon and a one year old baby boy in Washington State to put this in perspective in the last 3 days we have lost more acknowledged to 2 fires then any single entire year in the history of the state of washington except 2015 leaders are warning residents the death toll will surely climb there are almost 100. 00 fires burning throughout the west the vast majority of them uncontained and growing the fires that are going on in the western United States right now are unprecedented even to our most Senior Leadership and senior most tenured people on instant management teams in this country we have not seen this before tens of millions of people impacted even those far away in los angeles the pollution level reached a high not seen in 26 years and by all indications all of it is just going to continue to get worse in the coming days pedicle hain aljazeera. Memorial services have been held across the u. S. To honor the nearly 3000 People Killed in the 911 attacks 19 years ago about 200 people paid their respects in new york where the names of those killed when 2 hijacked jets flew into the twin towers or at aloud a 3rd plane hit the pentagon crowds were limited for the 1st time because of covert 19 democratic president ial candidate joe biden Vice President might pence were both at the ceremony President Donald Trump observed a minute of silence on his air force one jet he also attended the flight 93 national morial in shanksville pennsylvania where another plane was brought down by the passengers or relatives of those lost shared their enduring pain nearly 2 decades on i was thinking how old my brother would be he was 38 you know really kind of you know it gauged to be married thinking about starting a family saving up money for a house that i was i was thinking about it i was thinking hed be 57. You know you think about that or do you know how much we miss now. Devastating you are my flesh and blood. Cant believe that. It was more real with you are really going to be very. Very. Common story this hour the gulf state has joined the United Arab Emirates in agreeing to normalize ties with israel u. S. President donald trump announced the deal on twitter after speaking with behinds cain has been east. And the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu officials from behind the u. A. E. And israel will formalize their relationship during a signing ceremony at the white house next week. There had been 2 Peace Agreements with israel in the last 72 years this is the 2nd Peace Agreement that weve announced in the last month and i am very hopeful that there will be more to follow i can tell you theres tremendous enthusiasm on behalf of other countries to also join and we think ultimately youll have most countries join and you can have the palestinians. In a very good position they want to come in theyre going to want to come in because all of their friends are in. Our other headlines thousands of migrants on the greek island of lesbos the demanding authorities allowed them to leave for the mainland after 2 fives destroyed their overcrowded refugee camp will than 12000 people have been sleeping on the streets since mori account was gutted by fire earlier this week 10 countries have agreed to take in more as 406 unaccompanied minors the camps all the residents have been told theyll have to stay put despite a growing infection rate france has reduced its coronavirus quarantine period from 14 to 7 days and is still aiming to avoid a 2nd lockdown france has recently been between 9 and 10000 you quantifiers cases each day. And there are growing concerns over the economic damage caused by ongoing flooding in sudan which is the worst in a century at least 100 people have been killed in 100000 homes destroyed or damaged the sudanese pound has plummeted in value by 40 percent while food prices continue to rise a jury selection is coming up next looking at how Health Workers are fighting to beat the disease as most affecting their communities. Obviously you my family were not aware of. My gosh im a child i was saying you had to go. And learn. And learned that

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