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Comply as the country sees a sharp rise in infections the fight against rising waters ensued on we meet residents forced to abandon their homes a sudanese minister will join us live to talk about the situation. Really well in the sports news is one of the top players in womens football joins one of the most famous clubs in the world u. S. Woke up when i tell you been signs for Manchester United. Hello thanks for joining us and overcrowded the greek islands camp that had become the makeshift home for thousands of refugees is now a smoldering ruin the fire is still burning at moria camp and a desperate effort has begun to work out what to do. With those now homeless a state of emergency has also been declared on the island of. Zeros johnson. Morea camp will be speaking to him in just a few minutes but 1st jonah hall begins our coverage. This is whats left of europes largest refugee camp. On the greek island of lesbos to find those tools through tents and didnt have data structures on tuesday night they were thought to have been deliberately lit by people who went up with that desperate existence compounded by coronavirus yeah i was there a few days for our 1st 38. 00. You know. Thousands of people homeless once again precious belongings hastily bundled together to fill makeshift bedding. There were no fatalities but these are lives thrust even deeper now into limbo is very very very thin for the very very different chord this across his the gulf war is really brought this. Forward purport far more was we are told me one who is living here because this is what it all but if i may be here now its the campaign had 12000 people in cramped unsanitary conditions designed for a quarter of next number of conditions in which corona virus could easily flourish there are several fires that are all over the camp. Yes corona has been identified in this camp in recent days and the number of confirmed cases have been rising many of the asymptomatic people have been put into a quarantine area on the far eastern side of the camp and that area earlier this evening was attacked by individuals who seemingly do not believe that corona is actually in the camp and that it is being seen as a reason to continue a 6 month lockdown in the camp some attacks on some vehicles to move people out of the camp or to move them around in a suit and some of the people that were in this quarantine area were fleeing from that violence and in the process of that several fires are set on the perimeter in 20152016 hundreds of thousands of people risk the mediterranean crossing in small. Boats from turkey to greek islands like lesbos they fled war persecution and poverty the European Union eventually closed its doors but the refugees kept coming many ending their journey here in morea camp a problem the greek government has long said it shouldnt have to shoulder alone. I believe that a bad experience can quickly turn into an opportunity for a better reality and this will happen unless boss wants the damage and maria has been assessed and in consultation with the European Commission we will take concrete initiatives our Party Remains the health and safety of all Vice President s and migrants with nowhere else to go there was little to do but sit and wait the government says up to 3000 people will be re housed in new tents but the numbers in need are far greater than that the still smoldering embers the cruel reminder of europes change of heart on refugees joe now al jazeera lets get a live update from johnson ruppel us who is right near the camp john what do you know seeing because reports coming through suggest that the fire is still burning. Well it is burning again the fire service had put it out this morning but after nightfall or as night fell locals tell us some people apparently Asylum Seekers relate to these fires that you can see behind me and if i step aside and allow the camera to zoom in you can see that there is a long ridge of fire on the hillside above the camp what you see in darkness below that fire is the camp that was burnt out overnight and was put out this morning but there were still some tents in the areas around the camp the over spill as it were which housed many of the people for whom there was no space inside in those boxes and container units but now i think those many of those tents will have been burned as well so the humanitarian emergency by tomorrow morning may be greater than that reported by the migration minister earlier this evening here on lesbos he said that 3 and a half 1000 people were in need of shelter because many thousands were still able to live in their tents im not sure that that will be the case by tomorrow so where were those in the full House Service has been steadily moving. At the moment the greek government solution is to bring in a ferry and 2 Navy Transport ships for at least the 1000 most vulnerable people. Families presumably with small children they will be housed on ships those ships havent arrived yet theyre expected tomorrow thursday. The rest of that 3 and a half 1000 figure will be housed in places provided by the municipality but not all of that has been spelled out the municipality does run a camp in nearby morea cut out the bit where it can put a few 100 were not sure several 100 or a few 1000 people will the. For the spending the night we saw people shifting with their luggage this evening in on the island we werent sure where they were headed and we hadnt time to stop and ask them but its quite possible that they had plans to spend the night here before these photos were released so the moment there are still many Unanswered Questions the only good news out of all of this in the last 24 hours is that there are apparently no reports of any deaths serious injuries or missing persons. All right john well let you go for now thank you very much for giving us that update from les most thank you now the amount of people escaping conflict or persecution is higher than ever before so the u. N. Is saying that almost 80000000. 00 people worldwide were forcibly displaced last year just over a 3rd of them had to cross borders to escape almost 70 percent of the worlds refugees come from just 5 countries those countries are syria venezuela afghanistan south sudan and me and maher and a new report from Brown University in the United States says about 37000000 people have been displaced since 2011 and 8 most significant wars where the u. S. Has been involved they include so malya iraq yemen libya and of gonna stop lets speak to Arsalan Iftikhar whos a human rights lawyer hes joining us from sterling thats in virginia thanks for your time 37000000 people thats a Staggering Amount of people what stood out for you from this report. Well there again i think the key thing that stood out to me that summer 2020 a growing university once again a group of our American Global war on terror was a complete and utter failure moralise and why so not only do we you know you know and decimate you know nations they go on as you write in yemen and you have got the largest eucrites thats around the world since world works you know where we know 30000000 refugees around and around the world and i think it cant be underscored enough and the detrimental impact of our american identity on the rest of the world and this report points that out so what youre saying is that you do blame with the authors where they were you do agree excuse me with the authors where they seem to be blaming the u. S. For the for these numbers why is the u. S. Going to simply because every country that didnt. Come understood and american war you know they were not for the war in abundance and we would not see the outflow of use were it not for the war an invasion and occupation of iraq we would not see you know a flood of iraqi refugees going not only to European Union but into syria which then into the conflagration of the Syrian Civil War there if not for American Intervention in the region. Simply wouldnt exist. So these reports actually make a difference when it comes to implementing or pressuring policy changes. Thats a 1000000 dollar question gary and the honest answer is no it doesnt really make it different but again. Its to be able to you know give every single living human being. Dignity that they deserve you know we talk about you know 30000000 refugees around the world weve sort of we lose the fact that theyre all human beings you know. Their native country this report showed that in somalia for example 46 percent of the population of somalia was displaced since 2002 because of American Intervention and that you have a country not living in the same homes that they lived 10 years ago so you know we cant you know we cant alter or emphasize the impact that the brown and black lives around the world how concerned should the International Community be because like youre saying beyond these numbers there are real human impacts of displacement. And thats what were going to be seen for generations very for example in the European Union you know weve seen. In countries like germany france and the u. K. And italy you know the refugees versus the migrants you know right wing you know all turn out as european politicians you know are framing this as a migrant zone these people are coming out of their free will and were under International Law if they recognize that the refugees that they are there actually afford it automatic International Real protections in their host countries and so you know millions and millions of people. Are not only at stake now in their new adopted home countries but we also have to understand the impact on the origins you know where all of these crises began right Arsalan Iftikhar we thank you very much for speaking to us from sterling thank you. Thank you very. Now top United Nations officials are warning of an increase in conflict and insecurity if more is not done to address the coronavirus pandemic secretary general antonio gets harris has been calling for a global 90 days ceasefire calling covert 19 a common enemy threatening all of mankind persons salumi has been following discussions at the headquarters in new york. The Security Council has been getting a briefing from some of the uns top officials and humanitarian affairs peacekeeping affairs and Political Affairs and its a pretty bleak picture not only is the violence continuing efforts to help conflict and do away with conflict are struggling because of restrictions placed on. Diplomats and so on because of the coronavirus so we heard from rosemary de carlo the Political Affairs corner that there was some initial cessation of hostilities in country countries after the un 1st called for the ceasefire about 2 months ago but that is pretty much fallen apart weve seen that in countries like yemen and libya where conflict and violence is still ongoing she gave an example of syria where talks had to stop peace talks had to stop before resuming because some of the participants came down with kovac but the really bleak picture comes on the humanitarian front undersecretary general mark lowcock who heads up humanitarian affairs for the United Nations said that conflict prone countries with existing refugee and humanitarian issues already make up about a 3rd of cases of coronavirus globally and a 3rd of desk globally and those numbers he said are probably much under represented in the totals because testing is so limited in these areas and we can now speak to mark local hes the undersecretary general for humanitarian affairs and emergency relief coordinator he is joining us from new york things. So much for your time giving it to us or tom and al jazeera so its been more than 2 months since the Security Council indoors the secretary generals call for a global sation of hostilities and also a 90 day humanitarian pause to help the fight against coverts what are you seeing on the ground in conflict zones in places that are most in need of aid well as my colleagues and i told the Security Council that if they were always seeing the impact of the coronavirus and then make a scene in a complex and things these humanitarian places than anywhere else in the world and also that is getting worse and the other thing were seeing as again we said to the Security Council he says that compared with previous crises the risk from the wider International Community is much weaker and same way reassuring really an alarm call to arms and encouraging powerful countries that are represented on the Security Council to do some of the things theyve done in a year crises to deal with programs especially to make great 2 years that have fantastic capabilities and results in the International Financial institutions to come to the aid of these very poor countries so what are the specific acts and then should the council take. Firstly the council should with all the Member States of the un fully fund the remaining 7500000000. 00 a day year ends global humanitarian Response Plan Council Members should use their influence which is huge collectively. Ok full compliance with the cease fire as the sector general has called for and Council Members should use their influence to bring the International Financial institutions march more fully to the aid of these poor countries who are suffering huge economic contract and no witness saying a disastrous decline in their basic health and other services. What about the 90 day humanitarian pause in your opinion should it be extended yes i think that would be very valuable one of the consequences mostly unintended of a lot of down measures countries have taken is that its been much harder to keep from i know you were. In a in the front line of course conflict and find saying simply adds to the difficulty of keeping those people when they are thousands all stuff in the u. S. And have called the coronavirus some of lost their lives in trying to come to the aid of a release have those people also attacked by men with guns and. Its really a terrible thing at this time when what everybody should be focused on is saving lives and protecting the vulnerable and trying to recover from the pandemic and when you look at countries like yemen for example desperately in need of aid whats that need to be taken to improve humanitarian access there. While all of the parties in yemen need to live up to their own think ations under International Humanitarian law the man with the gardens and the bombs need for them them but the other thing we do need as you alluded to a proper funding for our appeal for yemen weve had to haul off the number of yemenis specially women and children who we give food to every month because were running out of money were closing. Stations way closing clinics way of closing down lots of programs that would keep people alive the same because weve been asked and money and i do think that the countries in the gulf region where you are speaking to me from today have a particular responsibility to. Lifesaving programs at the level they date in 20182019 because the problems are not better all right so i will leave it there mark local thank you very much for speaking to us on aljazeera. Much more to come on the aljazeera news hour including laying it down in the new book that reveals how donald trump concealed the real threat of coronavirus defying government orders ethiopias to agree region goes ahead with Regional Elections despite the Prime Minister calling the vote illegal. And sports news the you know messi continues his reintegration of course alone after failing to force a move to another club. But 1st severe flooding in sudan has killed at least 110 people with the nile river reaching unprecedented high levels hundreds of thousands of people forced from their homes are desperate for help ever morgan reports in the capital hearts. This is how i never had to arrive to the doorstep of her home these days she comes to see if the water which flooded it nearly 2 weeks ago has receded the yard which was once dry and where she used to spend most of her evenings is still covered with water from the river which is now steady after rising to levels not seen in more than a century they have slowed down in the senate in ways that we were surprised this year when the waters entered our neighborhood and we didnt know what to do there are no sandbags there is no want to come and help us with whats happening we decided to act on our own lives and bring sandbags but we found the water coming in from all directions as much of never had a neighborhood in the southern part of sudans capital khartoum is now flooded some homes have collapsed as a result of the force of the water as the river which was once nearly 3 kilometers away became one with the area the levels of the nile started rising 3 weeks ago causing destruction as it flooded its banks and flowed into villages and towns more than 100 people have died in the past month as a result and more than 100000 homes have been damaged or destroyed more than half a 1000000 people have been displaced most left their homes with the help of their neighbors who also lost their homes in bad guys are ready the people here are struggling despite all the difficulties were helping each other out because we cant abandon each other we grew up together so we cant just turn our backs on each other and we have to make sure that everyone here gets out so i flee because were part of one neighborhood one neighborhood in the midst of dozens that have seen the same devastation those affected by the flood they most of the response so far like the building of this makeshift barrier using sandbags has been their own volunteers have also formed groups to assist helping with food and collecting donations and all have criticized the government thing considering floods from the mild happen every year its response has been far from enough sudans government declared a 3 month state of emergency days ago and now its the country is now a Natural Disaster zone it says that while. Plans were put in place to respond to this years floods the levels exceeded expectations with them in our new home were using sandbags to block the areas that are being swamped however we cannot use them along the whole river over the past few days water levels reach records high even bridges were flooded residents in affected areas have been evacuated and warnings were sent to those exposed after the destruction and loss of lives then molly slowly starting to recede but hundreds of thousands of people are now desperate for shelter and aid they see the hope the government will soon get them out of this crisis. Is their own heart so lets now speak to share shes the minister of labor and social development and head of the High Committee for management of floods impact shes joining us from her to him very much for a time with us on aljazeera so the floods as were seeing have had a devastating impact on many sudanese families what sort of government assistance are they being provided with. Thank you very much i think that what youre trying to do is to bring coordinated efforts from the beginning all the different ministries in the different relevant authorities were on the ground trying to get the needed help and were talking about basic needs right now were talking about shelter were talking about food were talking about water and sanitation and were talking about also you know its autumn so victor Vector Control i think there is a lot of a lot has been done and i heard a little bit of the different repartee and i think people have been you know i think when youre hit hardest hit when you lose everything you think that whatever is being done is not enough the government has to gather committees so that we have a coordinated effort across private sector with you and agencies in Civil Society so that we are better able to coordinate so as the head of that committee then what are you i was asked are its beyond as head of that committee what are your priorities right now. Our part is that right now our i think were talking about food were talking about water and sanitation were talking about Vector Control and of course were talking about shelter whatever the government has done and thats why you call that an emergency in a Natural Disaster is hasnt been enough and thats why were calling for assistance and support so that we are better able to respond to the people i think its a where i adopted a human centered approach where people come 1st and how can we help them its its been very different feeling its the worst in a 100 years its worth in our floods in 88 and 46 and people remember that but this is way above that and the damages have been huge but also the interventions have been huge but i think when youre talking about such we have you know its been devastating over 1818 states right now so its pretty difficult so with the state of emergency now in place for 3 months what does that actually mean for the people how will that impact people on the ground i think and then you know its its basically saying that we need all efforts we need all hands on deck to help people to help people go back to their lives to their livelihoods people lost a lot its not as i think a lot of people think that you know weve called 900. 00 as an extra added burden to the whole situation people thought that maybe its around you know for have curfews its one of the its not that really its just basically this is an emergency and we need to make sure that everything all the resources are going to help people and so that we can save lives and save property and save animals and save you know this is this is what this emergency is about do you expect the situation to get much worse. Well. You know the river nile basically river 9 old sold the waterfall or rainfall i think weve had more rainfall in the last few days and this is also we have people lose their homes because they just basically collapse and what were expecting is that its getting steadier its still very high you know so people are interest maybe a little bit of the d banks living on the banks and then weve got a couple of states river and of state in the northern states because you know were expecting a higher also levels of the river nile as well but hopefully things are going to get steadier this is the forecast in the ministry of area but i think whats really important now is how are we responding to peoples needs its going to get you know over the next few days were already talking about different diseases because of its autumn because of the water stagnant waters. How can we support the different families are talking about also were going into different exams for the secondary school exams so its just this is this is our main concern right now is you know getting people to comfortable state i mean and were talking about people who may have lost everything. Ok well leave it there we thank you very much for joining us and speaking to us from parts room thank you thank you fire warnings are in place along the entire west coast of north america from mexico to Canada Wildfires that began in california are now also raging in the states of oregon and washington there are the largest ever seen in the region strong winds and unprecedented high temperatures are fueling the spread hundreds of people have been airlifted to safety and entire towns have been destroyed. Afghanistans Vice President has survived what appears to have been yet another assassination attempt which killed at least 10 others. Unharmed and thank Government Security forces for what he called their fight against terrorism sara higher at reports. A familiar scene in afghanistans capital. Roadside bomb explosion this time told getting the Vice President. The attack happened during the morning rush hour as a roll of solace convoy was traveling through the town money area of kabul. He survived was appears to be an assassination attempt but several others are dead and at least a dozen injured were rushed to hospital jordan heard an explosion happened near the shops selling gas cylinders my push cart was on the road i just heard the explosion and rushed to the street leading to my home and then i found myself covered with blood and whatever that i was in the car i lost one of my brothers and the other one is hurt what kind of government is this theres no ambulance and the police havent even arrived yet ive taken a child to this clinic when the blast happened. The Vice President and former intelligence chief is one of the most targeted men in afghanistan back in his office with his hand bandage he had this message to his attackers but. I want to assure you in a message that im fine and safe but some of my security guards are injured and they are in hospital i do not know about the casualties about our people and once again im sorry about this and i want to thank all of those who say in their messages about my health i want to thank all the Security Forces were fighting against terrorism and acting as a shield to face these terrorists attacks and im proud of them no ones claimed responsibility the taliban was quick to denounce the latest attack on saleh has managed to survive a number of assassination attempts over the years they included the storming of his office in kabul last year by 3 gunmen who killed 20 people including salles family members. Hes part of the government the station team with the song upon with the latest talk teeth to be held in court that the wife president with a strong wife n. P. Taliban wife and also having an influence on the ongoing Peace Process is certainly going to become much harder in his stance in terms of negotiating with the taliban which is which is expected lee going to have some sort of impact but as far as the its best art of negotiation is concerned i dont think it will work with the heart the process the negotiation process should proceed as the 2 sides agree to move on because right now there is a slight hurdle that there is a difference of opinion between taliban and the Afghan Government on the release of the handful of prisoners son a young son was reportedly with him in the car and his own home the blast area is cordoned as investigative. Sort of heightened i just didnt. Coming up on the news hour the u. S. Sanctions that could drive a wedge between hezbollah and its lebanese political allies in sport iommi osaka moves a step closer to another final at the u. S. Open tennis. Hello there are no extremes at the moment its still quite warm where the sun is full shining well yeah its given places like the levant so drew slams at 35 or 40 in dire hans a very humid there has a massive plant here not generating much in the way of showers than the Higher Ground in the western side of saudi or yemen so it has been shared as yet more floods in yemen from these big showers that form briefly and then die against a daily event and the sheriff is still blowing into still hours still raining there not much but point 2 millimeters per day which is par for the course west africa a series of clumps of cloud to turn to tropical cyclones this is what they do this time the it also brings flooding to africa youve seen it in senegal for example in nigeria and in sudan is just more in hearts this year and theres more to come although it looks briefly quite quiet but i may get to friday theres more forming here in and you still got the last 2 on their way out through southern mali and beyond for the sounds and its still winter in Southern Africa so the weather could potentially be quite active start especially be around the cape it is an onshore southerly start that cold but it is cloudy and went. Corruption it is that invisible behind a wall of silence. Against corruption corruption is not something to be taller than it. Is on the average in. The country his email and lets destroy this wall. In 2020 the free space over encourages the heroes who are fighting against corruption this helps our communities to save the resources that we need in order to address the burning problems that affect us all. Shine a light on your Anti Corruption here and. Nominate now. One of australias most loved make it out of the woman is under threat from an agonizing decision but one wildlife can create a is dedicating a lot of deciding what i want to east makes the woman Whose Program on aljazeera. On the other top stories of the aljazeera news hour a fire on greeces main refugee camp is still burning a state of emergency has been declared on the island of less oppose the fire began on tuesday night and has left thousands of refugees without shelter. Afghanistans Vice President has survived what appears to have been an assassination attempt at least 10 people were killed when armor of us saw the convoy it was bombed in kabul. The u. S. President donald trump knew how contagious and deadly the code with 1000 virus was even while telling americans it was no worse than the seasonal flu well thats according to a new book by veteran Journalist Bob Woodward he interviewed trump in march and in his own words the president said he wanted to always play the virus down lets go to our White House Correspondent kimberly halakhah to tell us more about what trump has reportedly said. Yeah there are apparently 18 different interviews tapes that reveal the president s own words that the virus was much more serious much more threatening to american lives and much more deadly than the president indicated in his Public Comments the president in this interview in advance of the release of a new book by bob woodward the legendary journalist says that it is deadly stuff that its 5 times more deadly than the flu and this is really in stark contrast to the president s Public Comments at the time given the fact that he was really downplaying the risk of the virus to the American Public essentially saying that its going to disappear and things will work out by now at the press briefing that was held just of the last hour or so with the White House Press secretary reporters challenge the press secretary and whether the president was not lying she denied that he was and simply said that President Trump was expressing calm the president has never lied to the American Public on coded the president s been very the president was expressing common his actions reflect that on january 6th the c. D. C. Issued a travel notice for any confirmed u. S. Cases among another a number of other actions and id refer you to dr founts you who said that this president has an impressive response i cant imagine under any circumstance that anyone could be doing anything more that is the record of this president so the president hasnt really been shy about dont playing the pandemic so is this revelation a surprise then. Well its a surprise in that the timing of it because you have to remember if you look at the time line one of the president s own tweets from march really seems to shrug off the severity of the virus when the president tweeted that essentially there were only 546. 00 cases at the time in the United States now its well well beyond that but at the time just 546. 00 cases and there were more cases the Previous Year of seasonal flu so the president was downplaying it and it wasnt until april so a month later essentially the president struck a somber tone saying that there could be as many as more than 200000 lives lost but again striking that upbeat tone saying but if i had to shut down the economy it would have been 2000000 so you heard in the press secretarys clip there she was referencing dr anthony found she he has just given an interview to fox news here in the United States in the last few moments and he was asked if the president was lying if there was a contrast between his public and private statements dr foushee the top Infectious Disease specialist in the United States says he never noticed a distortion he says that in fact what the president said publicly what was said at the taskforce briefings were in fact consistent but again he says that he was just one small part of the pie and the president may have had other information that was not disclosed all right kimberly halakhah thank you very much oh england has announced new coronavirus restrictions as it tries to control the rising number of infections they include limiting the number of people at social gatherings without wont apply to schools offices weddings funerals or organized sports Prime Minister Boris Johnson says these stricter rules will help avoid a 2nd lockdown the government also plans to appoint monitors to enforce the measures or in sleep has more from oxford. To the point of the u. K. s got is the same as you know the European Countries summers over kids are going back to school. You know the autumn is on the way just not just england but countries are the Czech Republic the netherlands elsewhere suddenly st rises in the infection rates and the problem that the u. K. s got and theyve been identifying this is the 1st time in several months that Boris Johnsons held a News Conference like this with both his chief scientific advisor and his chief medical officer and the seasons of advisors showed at a number of slides looking at the rise in rates of the last few days in the demographics and the in the age group saying the biggest rise in caseys is young people between 18 or 20 and 29 thats a steep rise old people its fairly flat but the messaging that the governments been trying to say to them look you might not get ill but you might kill one of your grandparents that hasnt been working and interestingly they showed some slides which demonstrated that the rise in the u. K. In england im sorry is very similar to that of france but belgium they said had taken what they call Decisive Action and immediately that with the rate started to flatten out again and so based on that they say theyve had no choice but to bring in these measures to try to avoid a full lockdown but they will put much bigger restrictions on people as you say from the start of next week the limit on gatherings up until now ive been 30 as of monday is going to become 6 and that might last until nearly so was christmas according to the government this morning trials for one of the worlds most promising coronavirus treatments are on hold because of the unexplained illness of one of the participants developers astra zeneca and Oxford University in england started late stage testing last week the World Health Organization says safety is the primary focus for Clinical Trials and that it is routine practice to investigate when unexplained illnesses occur thousands of patients in britain brazil south africa and the us are taking parts. Bella roosts an investigator say 2 senior opposition. Leaders are being held in custody accused of destabilizing the country lawyer maxime the latest to be rounded up by masked men earlier on wednesday maria disappeared on monday and reportedly ripped up her pa support to avoid deportation to ukraine zoonotic was the last prominent activist still free and by the roots just a few days ago he spoke about the escalating escalating crackdown on dissent. You know shows. Such things happen every day no according to the ministry of indian alone faces more than 600 people but detained on sunday dissipating in Peaceful Demonstrations there will be trials for those who are in the least the list of Political Prisoners is growing voters in ethiopias northern to grey region defied a federal governments order to cast their ballots in a local election theyre choosing members of the 109000 seat Regional Parliament even though the government declared it illegal the poll is part of the general election which was suspended due to coronavirus Prime Minister abu ahmed ruled out military intervention all to grey Officials Say any interference would amount to a declaration of for. For the 1st time the u. S. Government has sanctioned lebanese political allies of hezbollah 2 former government ministers are having their u. S. Property assets frozen they rein in back group condemned the move saying the u. S. Wont achieve its goals xenophobes are reports from beiruts. Alley hasnt a close associate of the speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri is among 2 former lebanese government ministers sanctioned by the Us Administration it says they provided material and Financial Support to hezbollah yousif in beyond us a member of the christian marriage the party is the other they have dismissed the accusations it now means their properties in the u. S. Have been frozen and dealing with them risks being sanctioned the u. S. Has been targeting the iranian backed group with sanctions for years but this is the 1st time its targeting political allies. Where it goes for me to go over. There on. Where you. Are before. You. Want to. Rush. The 2 week deadline set by french president Manuel Mccall for the formation of a government is at the halfway stage france and the u. S. Have made it clear International Financial assistance will depend on a cabinet willing to carry out economic and political reforms but they seem to have differences of opinion the sanctions could help bring about a deal or harden positions these times has basically to send the message that u. K. And the u. S. Has while the French Initiative is based on the promise that you know in order to acknowledge to start over the country in order to achieve some we you need to acknowledge the status of france unlike the us. Views hezbollahs military and political wings as separate entities hezbollah says the us campaign is politically motivated and aimed at forcing concessions the us has been going after hezbollahs money supply for years but recently a few of the big boys in the states resources the us treasury alleges former ministers in lebanon government enabled hezbollah firms to win bids for state contracts and helped circumvent sanctions by moving money from ministries to hezbollah institutions. U. S. Officials are promising to go after any politician who assists the group in what could be the beginning of a new policy in dealing with lebanon its a strong message to politicians that could drive a wedge between hezbollah and its allies and affect its growing political power that. Beirut anger is growing in egypt over the demolition of homes that were both illegally the Government Campaign began last month with president. Threatening to deploy the army if needed it sparked where protests in several cities with crowds accusing off already of squandering public funds most people live in poverty some of the properties were built up to 40 years ago. The u. S. Has announced the withdrawal of more u. S. Troops from iraq the head if u. S. Central command said the number of soldiers will be reduced to 3000 this month the withdrawal is in keeping with president Donald Trumps promise to bring troops home in a bid to end what hes called americas wars. And the u. S. Justice department has asked to take over Donald Trumps defense in a Defamation Case brought by a prominent american columnist who accused him of freight the unusual move means government lawyers would defend trump at the expense of american taxpayers the lawsuit was filed by advice columnist Carol Carroll says he sexually assaulted her in an Upscale Department store fitting room in the 1990 s. Called her a liar and claimed hed never met her while the attorney general william barr has defended the action saying its routine in cases involving federal employees this was a normal application of. Clear it is done frequently and the tempest thats going on largely because of our political environment which we live Melanie Sloan is a former us federal prosecutor and attorney she says this intervention by this part of justice is unprecedented and has no merits. I dont think they have any like to stand on were talking about President Trump talking about conduct that occurred before he was president and referring to conduct before he was president and basically their argument is that anything that the president says therefore he is 1st of all an employee of the government which is actually a question thats not settled but also that he has absolute immunity for no matter what he says and the real reason that the department of justice has done this is to delay the case the state court case was continuing it could have proven embarrassing for mr trump before the election with documents and a deposition and even the d. N. A. And now with this intervention the case will be delayed while it goes to federal court and the federal power dismissed make a decision as to whether it belongs there or goes back to state court all of which well undoubtedly be after the election this is clearly the president using the department of justice for his personal treating it as his personal lawyers and that of course is yet another Shocking Development the department of justice has never been used this way before and mr trump has a very willing accomplice in the attorney general whos been willing to take take whatever the president asks and go forward and do it and i think most americans would be very unhappy to realize that the department of justice is now basically acting as the private lawyer for President Trump sports news is coming up after the break and one of the worlds richest sportsman the boxer atenolol alvarez gets ready for fights in courts. From. Fort. Hood oregon tough the sports those wiggly. Thank you very much we start with a big transfer in womens Football Team u. S. A. s to tie world cup winner tobin heath has joined one of most famous clubs in the world Manchester United a 32 year old winger is leaving the american scene portland phones after 7 seasons shes played in europe before into spousal power as asian man haith has played a 168 times for the u. S. And as well as 2 world cup wins she also has to pick gold medals now to a player who didnt get the movie wanted lino messi is continuing his reintegration at barcelona and as that was joined his teammates after a few days training you nice elation message tried to leave but has been forced to stay because of a huge buyout clause in his contract despite the very public as well as he remains the captain of bass under a new coach when all came and they start their Spanish League season on september 27th having been given a few weeks actually to recover after reaching the champions the quarter finals where they were humiliated by venture champions byan munich in france passenger man began their new League Season on thursday but without 7 of their players who have contracted coronavirus they include the biggest stars killian in back pay and neymar. On the most important thing is their health of course we need to do things very responsibly having them on the pitch is not the most important thing what matters most is to stay vigilant and act responsibly towards them. For less than 2 years ago mexicos boxing superstar Carlo Alvarez signed the biggest deal in the history of the sport but hes now suing news 29. 00 partners for white champion agreed to an 11 fight deal where 3 165000000. 00 was now filed a lawsuit against promoter oscar de la hoya and streaming Service Design for not being able to agree terms for his next fight hes not for sense november and is seeking damages of 280000000. 00. So the tennis and Serena Williams is just reached the semifinals of the u. S. Open course so meet niamey or soccer in the final for a 2nd time asako made light work of her semifinal match as peter start reports from japan. Naomi ozarka is a woman on a mission since the western and southern open she has decided to protest racial and social injustice shes also in hot pursuit of a 3rd grand slam singles title and on tuesday american Shelby Rogers was dispatched in one hour and 20 minutes 63 and 64 after the match osaka used her mosque to pay tribute to george floyd who was killed by a policeman all of the matches are really tough the scoreline might not suggest it but ive had a really a couple really hard matches i think that. Made me really grateful to be in this position right now. Osaka will face another american in the semifinals jennifer brady. Brady is challenged to call. Game 7 british. The 28th seed was a straight sets win against you put in savor of kazakhstan 63 and 62. In the mens draw alexander then it will be the 1st german in a u. S. Open single semifinal since boris becker in 1905. Found himself 6142 down inside the 1st half an hour but for back to take the win in 4616767663. 3 said score one i mean look obviously i didnt play well. I was down 6142 after about 28 minutes. Its not a secret i didnt play my best but i found a way of on a way to win thats a concern and i feel like thats the most important variable face public out in your in the final 4 was. The spaniard spent more than 4 hours on court in a 5 setter against canadas denis shopov a lot of. Eventually winning 367676 love 6 and 63 to reach the u. S. Open single semifinals for the 2nd time he has limited aljazeera. So after the u. S. Open finishes players will stop preparing for the french open in 2 weeks time while number 2 rafael nadal will be aiming for a lack all extend doing title outline and douse the spine it is preparing his comeback to the sport starting with the italian open he hasnt played in sat moments. Savain is pretty much knowledge continues to lead the top of farts off the stage 11 stage when itself once was tried in wider kaleb year and virus finished 2nd victory and thats all what glitch maintained he. Secondly viral the n. B. A. And the miami heat bay the Milwaukee Bucks its a punch that tickets so the Eastern Conference Finals they were on fire by jimmy a double double for him 17 points and 10 rebounds for 5 of these teammates also managed double doubles final score 10394 eliminating the box just 5 kinds seemed game that way are you. But a win is going to me tell you how we can get it talked about wont be an art but i think that this was what so many. Everybody is really ready to. Lets finish with an all time great Le Bron James hes got 36 points as the i like to speak the Houston Rockets in the western conference and hes taking a 21 lead in the ses the braun was on vintage full broken and the most playoff wins 160. 00. Its a noted i said it at the top of most wins for any individual. You know is very humbling and its of that i never dreamed of but it never came into the league or other kids and i want to be number one employer whence. You know what we said i want to be a part of it when he called her and be a winning player and do whatever it takes to make when this is the result of it but it doesnt happen without you know much he made over the years michel just as a coach to have already years. You know everyone from top to bottom. Thats so from abroad and from a lighter all right level see you later on thanks very much for apple i phones are popular worldwide and iran is no exception but as iranians suffer from u. S. Sanctions and the governments could pull the plug on imports explains from toronto. Its a global recognized brand the i phone is seen as a luxury item here in iran but the political and spiritual leader of the country seems to have taken issue with the company voted go to be right here excessive imports a dangerous sometimes import is a luxury product meaning there is no need for it of heard about half a 1000000000. 00 was spent to import one type of american cell phone last year of course the private sector does it but the government must prevent it the average wage in iran is around 300. 00 a month the cost of an i phone is out of reach for most iranians this iphone cost around 1000 dollars in the u. S. But here in iran youre likely to pay at least 40 percent more for it sanctions the cost of importing phones and the weekly rate in currency are all factors in the high prices if people coming into the country bring in a phone they still have to pay for the registration again increasing costs but thats not putting everyone off for 4 months i have a pro max i chose it because its high quality and you can use it for years unfortunately we have lots of fluctuation in the dollar rate so if you want to buy a knife and the seller should make phone calls and check the price and then sell it to you its very expensive now apple makes up 5 percent of the phone market some think its loss wont have a great impact for the whole scenario banning i phones will make no change in iran since american sanctions tighten 2 years ago apple restricted access to some of its products here many i phone applications dont work its difficult to get an apple idea or buy software were in the middle of an economic battle with the United States based on an official report last year 700. 800000000. 00 was spent on i phone imports but the share is only 4 to 5 percent of the market its not logical economically under the current circumstances were giving our money to the American Workforce talks of banning new imports of the i phone have already driven up prices and criticisms from some hid the supreme leaders russian language account tweeted his statement on objections to look american cell phones from an i phone to is also blocked in iran but political officials routinely used a platform to get their message across its led some to accuse the political establishment of double standards for now iranians can still buy i phones but in the future they may have to turn to other brands for a touch of that cheery aside baig aljazeera the iran. Thanks for watching the news hour on aljazeera well have much more news coming up in just a moment stay with aljazeera but by. Corruption it is that invisible behind a wall of silence. Because of should clear up sharon is not something to be told that this. Is going to african. Country his email and lets destroy this wall. In 2020 the free space award encourages the heroes who are fighting against corruption this helps our communities to save the resources that we need in order to address the burning problems that affect us all. Shine a light on your Anti Corruption hero. Nominate now. A passion for supporting local communities. And pioneering inoperative african science and Technology Projects his child beautiful how doris are all of us on this planet not just Africa Aljazeera front as a leading by a chemist determined to use a scientific knowledge to say africa women make science from the lab to the field on aljazeera. Aljazeera where every. Day thousands of lives are left in limbo after a fire sweeps through europes largest refugee camp on the greek island of lesbo us. On our intake of this is our jazeera live from london also coming up the u. K. Government rolls out new coronavirus restrictions in england as concern grows that the social distancing message is not getting through. Wildfires fuel

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