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A beach in demeans the. Protesters in south africa accuse a leading pharmacy chain of posting racist advertisements. And timely harding with your sports news Novak Djokovic is disqualified from the u. S. Open after hitting a ball that strikes a female line judge in the throat. Thanks for joining us they were convicted for their part in the murder of saudi journalist. But less than 2 years after his killing in turkey 8 men have had their sentences reduced the announcement was made by the saudi Prosecution Service which also declared the case closed last year 5 of them were given the death. For the killing but that has been cut back to 20 years in jail the others have been given sentences ranging from 7 to 10 years was murdered by a saudi had inside its stumble consulates in 2018 and saudi arabia refused all coals for the men to go on trial in turkey lets discuss this is that i mean hes the director of Global Engagement at the American University of beirut and the nonresidents a senior fellow at Harvard Kennedy school hes joining us from cambridge over in massachusetts thanks very much for your time and i mean who is so this closes the case privately and publicly thats according to a statement by the Public Prosecutor but certainly the friends and family of jamal and perhaps even the International Community wouldnt agree. Thats right i think theres a lot of concern and the International Community which has been very clearly expressed by the u. N. Special. Investigator for extra judicial killings agnes. And other bodies the cia said last year that they think that theres a direct link to the office of the crown prince and so to arabia for this killing that it was meditated already organized so there are serious concerns people in the u. S. Senate people all over europe all over the world have asked questions to get the real answers and the lead asone judicial system in its current form like many all across the region in the 3rd world doesnt really give enough protection to the accused or information to the public the trial was a done secret and close trial that there was no International Observers in the hands of the victims or the accused were not a published. And theres no more. Appeal possible so the nature of the evidence although you know every technical part of the trial almost has been questioned by. Internationally accepted judicial standards so this is not only a judicial issue its a political issue as well and theres concerns that one of the key persons so the customer who was sitting here. To the crown prince of saudi arabia why he was not. Charged and he was let off and hes still working in saudi arabia in different capacities so there are many many kinds of questions political right as judicial and otherwise that are going to continue to be raised yes a lot we dont know as youre saying and not least of course on are who these people are that have now begin been given reduced sentences and also the big question that remains unanswered is what happened to cause of this body. Well lets assume the puzzle just body was dismembered by the team that came from saudi arabia with a bone saw and other equipment to get rid of the body so that it can never be found thats an assumption that hasnt been proven thats one reason people want a more. Credible public trial based on International Standards of criminal law. And the issue of who actually ordered it thats still a big question the cia and agnes come out another say that well there was a direct link to the crown princes office and maybe to the crown prince had been some and thats an accusation it is not Proven Guilty but its a serious accusation when it comes from people like the un special investigator who carried out a very thorough investigation and the cia you have to think that there may be some evidence that makes us credible so theres a lot of questions that need to be answered and the issue of course is not just why was one person killed like this there are other accusations that the so these other people across the region Government Agencies and officials are following their critics and tormenting them and terrorizing them in some cases you know spying on them and trying to bring them home and put them in jail or in the worst case kill them as i write to her shoulders so there are many dimensions to this and i mean while i have you with us let me just tell you what the u. N. Special reports are agnes calmar has just tweeted this is part of a series of tweets but she said at the saudi prosecutor performed one more active day in this parody of justice but these verdicts carry no legal or moral legitimacy they came at the end different process which was neither fair nor just or transparent i mean your reaction. I think thats the prevalent opinion among serious interested parties around the world whether theyre legal scholars criminal investigators political personalities or institutions and organizations like the un or the u. S. Senate or others and this is a accusation that. Against the saudi criminal system that has been constant for many years and others to be fair around the world not just the saudis but in this case of such a big public event and it just doesnt go away people keep raising it people keep asking questions theres a big documentary coming out early in october thats been in the works for 2 years that theres going to be probably have some more information thats going to be relevant to this case so the reality is that this is a. Judicial and a political question and both of them are important to so these are very powerful they carry a lot of weight theyre using their weight their military might their economic might their social religious cultural power all around the world and not everybody is happy with what they do some people are some people arent so they are not just a little in consequential 3rd world country in the corner somewhere that doesnt have an impact they have huge impact all over the world and thats why i think this case has resonated because if there is as charged a possible link to the office of the crown prince of even to the crown prince of self and hes going to become king and the u. N. Agency and the cia and others think that he ordered this premeditated assassination of Soda National thats pretty serious stuff yeah so the real issue is how can we find out so hes innocent till Proven Guilty the other people that have been charged we dont even know who they are right on their sentences are almost certainly going to be reduced this this this will go on and on ok i mean what are we thank you for speaking to us on aljazeera. Now the European Union has condemned bella recent government for what it calls repression of the people after the disappearance of 3 opposition activists maria calas nick over who has spoken at many major rallies as missing after being taken away in a van by an identified people shes been a Campaign Manager for opposition politicians and a vocal supporter. Taken of us kaya who is now in exile in lithuania this is completely unacceptable to you it was very very clear in our statements that to be considered the actions of the authorities in belarus unacceptable we are deeply concerned about the continued repression and intimidation of the population by unexplained artists very often arbitrarily arrests arrests of artists which are motivated politically this is unacceptable we call on all people who have been detained based on political reasons and arbitrarily to be deterred to be released immediately lets bring in Bernard Smith his joining us from neighboring leith we know his monitoring those developments so what more do we know about this alleged abduction and any clarity on where she is. Well Maria Kolesnikov a was the last of those 3 main Opposition Leaders to be still able to move around freely in mens it seems not anymore we know the witnesses that they saw of being bundled into a van earlier today she drops a mobile phone they say during the scuffle about was picked up by one of the people who shoved her and so. They drove off shes not been heard of since on a couple of colleagues havent been heard of since i. Was one of these main Opposition Leaders she launched a Political Party last week cold together and she knew and it spoken all of the risks of what she was doing of the risks of standing out from the crowd on the wrist that she might be detained by the authorities so this was always a concern of callie. Who is here in vilnius she has said this is the regime she said is it is engaged in terror. She says the regime to derail the Opposition Coordination Council and also here in the in salinas. Sees the foreign minister he has said that the outgoing leadership he strives to shank this government is cynically eliminating opposition warmed by war and he says whats happening is reminiscent of the stalinist secret police. And bernard what about the protests that have been taking place in belarus are they still a strong as they have been. Well despite the intimidation that you would imagine the government is hoping will put people off it out if anything it hasnt put them on the numbers on some day of the protest we saw would easily as big as any of the protests theyve had over the last 4 weeks the intimidation housing creased as those protests and did on sunday much demand wearing civilian clothes and police started picking off protesters as the crowd started getting out seemingly arresting people running them and taking them by away for questioning but it hasnt affected people in but one cafe that was smashed up yesterday by the police trying to drag protesters out of it well its been a picture on social media today of huge shoes outside the cafe as people support the owner whos got to try and fix the glass table because together so still no indication that people have been put off protesting all right thank you very much for that update from lithuania. The russian Opposition Leader alexina vali is now responsive after being taken out of a medically induced coma thats according to doctors at the hospital in berlin where the vollies been treated since last month german experts say he was poisoned with nerve agent navi chocolate for a domestic flight in russia and doctors say his conditions improving but its too soon to tell what the long term effects will be. There with the news hour on aljazeera coming up. An inquiry into the Manchester Arena bombing is due to begin as survivors seek answers as to whether it could have been prevented. Played football with judy holmes. Fighting extradition and the wiki leaks founder Julian Assange refuses a u. S. Request to have him extradited to face trial on espionage charges in sports Le Bron James leads the lakers to victory in game 2 against the Houston Rockets well have the action a little later in sports. But 1st nearly 300 Rohingya Refugees have been rescued from a beach in indonesia after drifting it seemed for 6 months at least 30 people died on the journey from bangladesh those who survived have been moved to a temporary shelter but its not clear if theyll be allowed to stay in indonesia just a washington reports from jakarta. After 7 months at sea these children are exhausted and traumatized they survived a dangerous journey to safe in an asian province of. Nearly 300. 00 bridging the refugees disembarked in indonesia but at least those who died on the long trip from bangladesh will be a natural fortunately we came to indonesia indonesian people are really hopeful towards us local authorities are working with the uns Refugee Agency to provide support including medical care. That. I couldnt stretch my legs when i slept we were just sitting so it affected our legs so much that we almost got paralyzed some of the group told al jazeera they were trying to get to malaysia not into a lot of fun at the bridge i have my sisters in the can. So i wanted to go to malaysia to earn money to support them i have come here from the camps of bangladesh they came ashore at beaches along on chinese coast overnight huddled together in darkness not knowing what would happen next hours later they were moved to a temporary shelter. Hundreds of thousands of for him to have fled from myanmar where they face violence and persecution to bangladesh from then many tried to reach Southeast Asian countries by boat to escape poverty in crowded refugee camps. Community groups are trying their best to help with food and other essentials coming up but i know they said they were from bangladesh and going to malaysia but the boat became broken so they stranded and akshay at chinese welcomed them with open arms. As they get Health Checks announcing its not clear if theyll be allowed to stay here in indonesia thats the i think that theyll be kept here for the time being in tents and in the building the u. N. H. C. R. And government when we just each of them. Many of those we spoke to have made the same plane after the english out of it if the indonesian government allow us to study we will stay and if they dont allow us then maybe america or australia or canada want titles they desperately hoping they can make a new home for themselves wherever theyre accepted to School Washington aljazeera jakarta. West African Leaders are holding a summit in his share that will focus on talks to form a civilian government in neighboring mali the 15 nation regional bloc ecowas has imposed sanctions on mali and closed its borders its pressuring the military leaders who took control of the country last month to hand over power to civilian rule the military leaders who overthrew president to bring him. Say they will step down after a transition period so if you take a closer look at what happens in mali after months of protests led by officers and groups soldiers seized power and all. 18th and forced mollys president Ibrahim Boubacar ikeda to resign he was detained for 10 days before being released to get medical treatment his advisors say he is now in. West African Leaders initially called for it to be restore its office but have since dropped that demand and theyre now calling for a prompt transition to civilian rule. Military leaders have pledged to give up power after a transition period and are now in talks with opposition groups lets get more on these talks and bring it on the other 3 cities joining us from the nigerian capital so what are the main points of discussion then with the opposition omnes. And there in its about how long this transition would last and who and who would be part of the Transition Program remember the Economic Community of West African States had insisted that the Prime Minister and president of the Transitional Government must be either civilians or retired military personnel but not serving military officers so initially the for such of talks for support stuff started more than a week ago but what quickly abundant after the m 5 the main opposition that spearheaded the come pain to push it kate out of power was rejected and said that it was not fully involved in the process and the military did not consult widely so right now since saturday the military government in mali has been spreading its wings at cross the various regions of mali a consulting various take orders to come and be part of the process they insisted since the start of talks with the Economic Community of West African States that the issue of transition how long it will take and the who will be a member of the Transitional Government is entirely the responsibility of money and not. It has nothing to do with outside as the they were fighting to the Regional Economic group they could have a community of West African States so this is where they are now and the talks i understand will continue over the next few days before they reach a decision and what else is being discussed at the summits. Well the summit looked at the various issues confronting the region 1st of all the escalating violence in the region in the sahara in the Lake Chad Basin i remember there are many countries in the region mali burkina faso nigeria and. Also cameroon by the way are suffering from a touch by armed groups some linked to isis some linked to al qaida and the homegrown book. Group in nigeria and theyre also looking at the single currency some countries in the region have already announced their decision of go ahead with the cole the regional currency to introduce it to replace the c. F. A. The funk of the been using in west africa ask in the other members to join and if theyre not ready they are willing to go ahead apart from that theyre also looking at they also discussed in the coming elections parliamentary and president ial elections in countries such as ivory coast faso. And a host of others that have their own elections coming up from this month and sort of from october to the end of the year countries like guinea countries like ghana and broke in a fossil so we discussed all these and heads of states that were responsible for these brief other heads of state at the meeting including the nigerian president who leads the west african effort in curbing 19 so they all briefed the meeting and we expect them to issue a resolution or a communique in a short while ok i did that is well cross back to you a little later thank you for that update from boucher was just mentioning guinea and a leading Opposition Leader delhi india has now announced plans to run in next months president ial election the former Prime Minister says he wants to stop president alpha clown day from winning a 3rd term 82 year old condit is approaching the end of what should have been his 2nd and final term but hes running again after pushing through changes to the constitution. Russias foreign minister is calling for International Help to rebuild syrias economy after he held talks with president bashar assad take a look at Sergei Lavrov thats his 1st visit to damascus in more than 8 years as it says hes keen to boost trade ties with moscow his closest ally in the face of new crippling economic sanctions by the u. S. An inquiry into the 27000 bombing of a concert in the broader city of manchester has wrapped up for the day 22 people were killed when an attacker detonated his explosives at a concert by singer Ariana Grande day the inquiry will examine possible security failings in the lead up to that attack family members of victims and survivors will also make statements last month the bombers brother was jailed for life for his role in planning that attack paul brennan is just outside the Manchester Court with an optics well theres certainly a high level of expectation from the relatives that they will get answers to exactly what happened in that bomb attack and the lead up to it there are some concerns that the Security Services will be able to give evidence from behind closed doors. The relatives will not be allowed to have a representative in the room. During that testimony but they are giving the benefit of the doubt at the moment to John Saunders whos the inquiry chairman to give the the m i 5. Witnesses. A full interrogation to try to get to the bottom of exactly what the Security Services knew thats just one part of it but the actual bombing on the night doesnt actually need to look a lot wider of what happened before that because it seems red flags are being raised about some of his actions even before that how much a feat is the chief executive of the Ramadan Foundation in manchester and he says authorities ignored legitimate concerns that were raised before the attack. The time of the bombing no i said quite clearly that as a youth worker who saw a baby at the rate the mom who was speaking against isis in the ideology and that was reported to the Counterterrorism Hotline there were other examples of other people in the community from within the Libyan Community who were also concerned about that reported that as well so we need to know what happened who knew what and i think the other aspect of it which is really important is that ultimately the person responsible for this heinous crime is the terrorist and his brother but overall weve got to learn lessons to make sure that it doesnt happen again and if god forbid it does happen again our intelligence agencies our police on Emergency Services prepared for that eventuality in this case we want to hear what happened what information was given to the authorities and what the aftermath was once the bombing happened how did Emergency Services respond we know Police Officers and ambulances werent allowed to go into did we need to treat people so families one and says on that but i think theres one aspect that we havent discussed and im just a shame that we havent in our public debate and that is our involvement in the war in libya selman a baby his family and many of the libyans were allowed to travel to libya to become hardened criminals to be brainwashed into supporting terrorism in libya fighting khadafy and we as in the United Kingdom we turned a blind eye to that we doubted to come back to this country and we dont know what what safeguards were they put in place to screen these people on their return are thats a big red herring that hasnt been addressed up until now and the latest stage in Julian Assange just legal battle against extradition to the u. S. Has resumed in london the weekend leaks founder is wanted for espionage in the u. S. For leaking secrets related to the wars in iraq and afghanistan lawrence lee reports he. Wont go home and the resumption of the extradition hearing and the many in vocal supporters. Of jude in the sun sure out in numbers again sanjay arrives in a prison van from the high security jail on the edge of london where hes being held. In one sense none of the arguments of changed the u. S. Says hes guilty of spying and wants him to face a court in the states his backers say these cases are threats to the rule of law and to the foundations of proper journalism what happens. To people like you before me. Not everybody because most journalists would comply. With those who are not who are real. Challenge or call up for. Governments to. Reveal secrets to do. But not always on the street. They will be approved the latest attempt to destroy the case is based on claims that the cia illegally monitored conversations between the sanj and his lawyers it is now confirmed that legally privileged conversations between julie and his lawyers were spied upon and the recordings of that were were delivered to United States so that in itself should. Lead to dismissal it is a very long time ago that wiki leaks published the Video Evidence of American Forces attacking john lists and other innocent people in iraq evidence that in another context would be applauded as the uncovering of war crimes and classic Public Interest journalism 7 years holed up in the Ecuadorian Embassy and a huge toll on a son has mental and physical health have offered him the status of a free speech masa to his supporters if not to sections of the british media and the governments a full 160 lawyers have signed a joint statement saying that there are no grounds whatsoever for this extradition to. Continue so its hardly a fringe issue really the concern is that its supposedly democratic countries criminalize Investigative Journalism then what hope is there anywhere else barring any surprises the case will run for 3 more weeks it was almost loses he will appeal barnsley aljazeera london still ahead on the aljazeera news hour well tell you how student led protests against the government in thailand have forced some companies to pick a side and the coronavirus pandemic pushes ecuador to the brink of economic ruin find out why economists say there may be little the governments can do. However the weathers looking pretty quiet across the middle east by quiet hot and dry when the waves are looking largely light across europe is some places a cloud further north up towards cork city might just catch a shower or 2 over towards that east side of the region so some showers there for george or armenia azerbaijan south of that generally dry still hot interesting 34 celsius to 31 the 4 pirates still getting into the upper fortys for iraq and also for kuwait here in doha temperatures 42 degrees celsius a similar value as we go on through where to stay further south we have got still a little peppering of showers just around the southern end of the red sea sliding across into the ethiopian highlands some big downpours coming back into uganda northern parts of kenya seeing some lively showers from time to time of the showers destruction the way over towards the nigeria cameroon might see a little bit of localized flooding as a result of this but to the south of that it is generally dry not see bad now for cape town reporters with temperatures getting up into the the low to mid twentys here type to go on through wednesday by wednesday you might just catch one or 2 coastal showers into southern parts of mozambique. On mexicos busy roads there are those whove had enough. Cyclists are taking to the streets on mass. Their objective to make the streets safer alternative cleaner forms of transportation but when it proved to be an uphill struggle for this group of activists over the wheel do you find that on aljazeera. All i work to stay with most stable my wife arrest internment and mass indoctrination all we were children are now in a process of reeducation or chinese assimilation forced labor and the use of high tech surveillance were being complicit in the human rights abuses that are occurring in an australian investigation into chinas systematic repression of the weakest tell the world on aljazeera. The. Top stories on the aljazeera news hour a prominent protest leader is missing about the roofs after an incident in the center of the capital minsk there are reports maria color was taken away in a van by unidentified people. Saudi arabia has reduced the sentences of 8 people involved in the murder of a journalist. In turkey last year 5 of them were given the Death Penalty for the killing but that has been cut to 22 years in jail. Nearly 300 Rohingya Refugees have been rescued from a beach in indonesia after drifting at sea for 6 months they were bound for malaysia but were pushed back as boarders tightened because of the coronavirus pandemic. A leading Retail Pharmacy in south africa has been forced to close some of it stores after accusations of a racist advertisements so cliques pharmacy is under fire for posting this on its websites that describe black hair as though dry and damaged while calling white hair fine normal in flats it since apologized and pulled down the images but supporters of the Economic Freedom fighters party want the retail chain to shut down for 5 days we are yet only. If you want peace you dont want problems. Until friday then the will not be the only problem with police if you dont want to close your shops gleeks suspects and the people who were involved in projecting black people as actually people who can lets bring in from a similar shes joining us from johannesburg so where do things stand right now. Well at this stage to remove those protests that we saw outside several Clicks Stores across south africa did force some of them at least to close for the day and cliques when confronted with the spirit of protest by the Economic Freedom fighters that say it there on monday business would continue as usual that certainly wasnt the case now immediately after that ad was put on its website last weekend people then criticized clicks for what it called racism clicks did issue a statement its c. E. O. Said im deeply disappointed that we allowed insensitive and offensive images to be published on our website and then went on to apologize undeservedly for the hurt and anger that those images had caused but many people including a party like the saying thats not enough because for a country like south africa that has a history of colonialism apart and is still trying to navigate its way through being one of the newest democracies in africa just over 25 or 26 years old it is still a very sensitive period in south africa where there are a number of issues around Race Relations and black african saying that with its corporate south africa with its institutions or even the government at times that they have been prejudiced theres prejudice against them racism and that this is still an environment where black of whites are not adequately protected and understood and this again is an example where that has come to the fore we black people say black identity has been undermined in south africa with that but like that ok for me to think you for that update from johannesburg. Protesters in thailand have persuaded Large Companies to pull advertisements from a t. V. Network they say is progovernment these student led demonstrations have been taking place for 2 months and theyre calling for the Prime Minister to resign new elections to be held and controversially reforms within the monarchy scott heiler reports from bangkok but one problem is that were not that much the better its the young faces that separate the current prodemocracy protests in thailand from the political divisions of the past as this movement is run an organized by students their method stay true to their generation theyre not only deploying their efforts to the streets but also online with concerns about their future and the protesters dont feel the current leadership represents them so they recently targeted advertisers of nation multimedia a news network they say is progovernment an Online Campaign urges supporters to Boycott Companies running ads on the network theyre demanding changes in the government and monarchy and that flies directly against what the Network Stands for according to its chairman we love our country we love our way of living we love. It its in and we love to use this social bully against us. Right through the sponsorship sponsor i think this is a wrong. And. Very unethical. Behind what nation t. V. Calls social bullying a 1st Year University student in her twentys summer says her personal details have been previously published by the network so were not showing your face here i think our campaign is a partial success we still have many things to do down the Big Companies dot support but it will be difficult because big business is practically running the country. But big name brands have pulled their advertising like the owner of the burger king franchise in thailand. And app driven food Delivery Platform food panda both saying they did so because of Customer Feedback Digital Marketing Experts Say Companies that react to protest or boycotts might not necessarily be picking sides but choosing to stay with their key market i think for the Startup Company our Digital Companies get more on the young people so if theyre not pleased if theyre not taking an action that seeing that whole me as a young brand on the same site i ask you might be a baker is for them with a protest organizers are going to aim for the next round of boycotts are going to some of the largest and most politically connected companies in the country as they see it any firm the support of the government is fair game. And while they will continue to front their boycotts online they will also continue to come out for the cause its got other aljazeera bangkok. India has surpassed brazil to become the country with the 2nd highest number of corona virus infections in the world its had the Worlds Largest daily number of infections for nearly a month now but with more than 4000000 confirmed cases that represents just point 3 percent of the population the spike the spike the governments continuing with its reopening plans. And reports from new delhi. The delhi metro had been transporting millions of people every day until its closure and march on its 1st day of reopening the few people on board were relieved the service had resumed it has been really difficult because were late for services were not sure what next one because so i fear this is being ready to be amazed that it has started well and might do a study come to where i like to be because they look very good in. Metro Train Services have reopened and most of indias biggest cities including chennai and hyderabad would limited routes and times to avoid crowding passengers must have their temperatures taken before boarding and where mosques while maintaining social distancing despite india recorded more than 90000 cases a day more lockdown restrictions are being eased alcohol can be served again in delhi from later this week which comes as a big relief to restaurant artists who say theyve lost at least a quarter of their revenue want to ban was in place on the day with the ordering food they want something to go along with it and the families you know theyre good they want to be along with it to the north about 2530 per cent so weve got something coming back over there but you know the players will it will depend like their songs on open up to the start so you know it opens up again so its like a big hit for those people. Its because of the lockdowns impact on the economy that the Indian Government is continuing to ease restrictions but while cities the slowly returning to normal the virus is spreading to india is remote. More than half of the 9000 cases recorded and oldest came from rural districts 65 percent of indias 1400000000 people live in rural areas of the less developed tend to land has only 20 percent of the countrys doctors and 40 percent of its hospital. Doctors say thats a big concern. That they are not getting a Proper Health care professional 2nd thing even if they reach a Proper Health care professional like that but i am ready health and. Community Health Center there the facilities are not. The divide between india cities and villages has always been big Health Experts say its now imperative to bridge that gap by spending more on Rural Health Care if they get the coronavirus under control Elizabeth Rodham aljazeera you daddy. Economists estimate the latin america is at risk of losing up to 45000000 jobs because of the Global Pandemic ecuador has been one of the hardest hit economies in the region with more than a 1000000 people in need of fork and another 5000000 fighting to keep their jobs are latin america editor of c. N. N. Reports. 3 years ago dorrans have been struggling to keep their heads above water in a troubled economy 8 months ago only 4 out of 10 people had full employment. Now with the pandemic the job market has collapsed. Susannah bias takes is a what she calls a depressing trip down memory lane this is where she used to run a modest but successful cafe with 4 employees. This was a bustling area where people gathered on weekends there were lots of tourists this was my coffee shop which i had to close to feel terrible sorrow when i see all of this all of us entrepreneurs who put our hopes and dreams and energy into this in order to live now were struggling just to survive. The few who are still open like the one it caught on in dont know how much longer they can hang on the most gorgeous and working for this employer i know loads of people who are unemployed and who are forced to update their contracts and work for half or 80 percent less if theyre paid at all because of the community that is an astonishing 85 percent of ecuadorians are now either unemployed or in preparing his jobs like ball and food none the less because of an increase both lost their jobs as journalists and are trying to survive selling Blood Pressure meters soap and face masks they have 2 children miss one meant in a sort of one of a 1000000 misses them as a family we need roughly 900. 00 for the house food and pensions now i cant manage to even make 200. 00 i dont know what well do. If we do it cant access credit because of its enormous foreign debt unlike in other latin american countries the government has continued pain creditors leaving almost nothing for emergency aid for the needy. Economist and there to a cost that says its a structural problem. The parallelization of the productive apparatus the pandemic the drop in the consumption and the governments recess of economic policies have created an extremely dangerous cocktail which is reflected in the employment figures. And in a country where massive demonstrations over the withdrawal of fuel subsidies nearly brought down the government last year its not just the economy but the governability of that wood door thats now at stake. See a new man al jazeera. Brazil is marking its Independence Day with scaled back celebrations due to the global covered 1000. 00 outbreak last month the Defense Ministry canceled the Independence Day parade due to crowd concerns in the past 24 hours brazil has recorded 447 new covert 1980 s. Increasing the death toll 2126650 the Health Ministry is concerned thousands of people will flock to various beaches to enjoy in the festivities. South korea is being battered by a 2nd major storm in a week typhoon hyson brought heavy rains and strong winds but has now been downgraded to a Tropical Storm rob mcbride has more from pole hang in south korea. Hi sharon came howling ashore pummeling this southeast corner of south korea the 2nd destructive typhoon within a matter of days. This sea front restaurant was already extensively damaged by typhoon my sack last week the same family have been running it for 40 years and say theyve never experienced storms like these pople had the water that you get up on things are completely wrecked im at a loss i dont know where to begin life is already tough before this. Like typhoon my sag this typhoon 1st pounded the main Southern Japanese island of q shoe with winds gusting up to 200 Kilometers Per Hour prompting an order for nearly 2000000. 00 people to evacuate their homes. John battered the Southern Islands of japan it lost some of its intensity but by the time it reached the Korean Peninsula it was still a powerful typhoon bringing destructive winds and torrential rain. Already drenched from successive typhoons and then usually prolonged seasonal rains theres been more flooding especially along the pinin chillis east coast extending up into north korea the countrys leader kim jong un has taken a prominent role in directing the cleanup of earlier typhoon damage and punishing officials for failing to prevent the flooding of the main eastern city of one son that city has been inundated once more by high fashion back in south korea attack one inspects the damage to his fish distribution business if a more powerful typhoon is there now the norm he says maybe the country has to adapt to the new reality. Government should build sea defenses along discoursed as a priority to start ways of the size in the future he and his neighbors wait anxiously to find out what the surrounding seas might throw at them next rob mcbride aljazeera pohanka south korea. Theres been a dramatic rescue in california after a fast moving wildfire trapped hundreds of people at a popular camp sites the States National guard was forced to step and the region has also experiencing a record heat wave thats fueling the fires rob reynolds reports from los angeles. They barely made it out alive a galloping wildfire trapped more than 200 people at a remote campground in the rugged Central California mountains when fire blocked the only road out the california National Guard mounted an emergency nighttime rescue mission sending in helicopters to airlift the campers to safety this picture shows dozens of evacuees crowded into a National Guard chinook helicopter that fire grew so quickly so fast it trapped people at mammoth pools reservoir up in the mountains the creek fire broke out on friday evening and quickly exploded in size by sunday it had burned more than 18000 hectors tinder dry forest and underbrush fed the flames several small communities in the area were evacuated as hundreds of firefighters battle the blaze Authorities Say 63. 00 people were hurt fleeing the flames 17 were admitted to local hospitals and injuries including both broken bones lacerations scrapes bruises those going to things another blaze called the eldorado fire is threatening homes near San Bernardino east of los angeles it broke out on saturday and grew rapidly burning more than 1200 hectors and forcing some residents to evacuate the multiple fires are burning as a record smashing heat wave scorches california and other western states a Community Near los angeles reported a blistering 49. 4 degrees celsius why. Al jazeera los angeles. Sports news is coming up in just a moment he is back in training leo how the story is live in a messy returns to barcelona. Or. Rather were going to historic changes underway in montenegro officer a pro serbian and the progress in parties declared victory in parliamentary elections last week but supporters of the nato friendly governments are worried about the change in power. Or. After 30 years of being ruled by a single party montenegrins are at a crossroads for the 1st time since a multiparty system was introduced in 1990 the Democratic Party of socialists wont be forming the next government and many are worried that lots of us a lot to get out today i came to the capital of montenegro with my friends and my family to support our state to help many people remember what their ancestors did and what they died for and that is for justice ana and the freedom of montenegro. Supporters of president milosevic on a bitch and the d. P. s rally by the thousands on sunday they were alarmed by what they saw after the august 30th elections serbian symbols and the 3 finger salute that accompanied the opposition coalitions declaration of victory. I am a solicitor there could be a really sure how they put the scare i think people have given here to support pace harmony tolerance rather than sube nationalist interests we all live in harmony as brothers we dont need divisions among the negro and because of that i support my log but i am against any other flag being waved in our country by any and bosnian serb in turkish german any other except for the montenegran flag. D. P. S. Is pro western and pro nato and saddled with corruption charges and accusations of becoming increasingly authoritarian the pro serb pro russian parties that ran under the banner for the future of months negro are likely to change course away from the west and towards moscow and Belgrade Bureau in the premiers trip djukanovic accuse serbias president aleksander fi chip shot in the Serbian Orthodox Church of interfering in the election and in an attempt to revive greater serbian nationalism. The real fallout from the election is yet to be seen at the minorities that depend on montenegro stability and ethnic harmony want to make sure theyll be protected by any change in power and. Many repeat of the past and i deserve. A time for all the sports news with thanks daryn well tennis world number one Novak Djokovic has been disqualified from the u. S. Open in new york the serb struck a ball that ended up hitting this female line judge in the throat peter stone at reports. With Roger Federer and rafael nadal absent in new york Novak Djokovic was the outright favorite to win an 18th grand slam title that was until this happened game going anywhere. After losing a game is 4th round match against public at any a booster he had a ball in frustration which ended up hitting a line judge accident or not it is a legal as per the grand slam rule book and after a lengthy chat the tournament referee was left with no choice but to default jack of age he loses all prize money and ranking points earned at the tournament the 33 year old left flushing meadows immediately without taking questions before posting an apology on his Instagram Page saying the whole situation has left me really sad and empty i checked on the lines person and the tournament told me that thank god shes feeling ok im extremely sorry to have caused such stress and there are those out of there as. This kind of sings never likes i think. The referee and sugarless are into their i think despite a 26. 00 match winning streak that included victory at the Australian Open djokovic has had a difficult year image wise he organized the doomed adrian to in the middle of a pandemic which was subsequently abandoned after he and 3 other players tested positive for corona virus brockovich is also launching a breakaway Players Association which has received a lot of criticism. Because we now know there will definitely be a new mens major champion for the 1st time since 24 team with dominant team Daniel Medvedev and alexander said of the highest ranked players left in the draw now i think of the time where it gets really interesting and. You know. I know who is where and enjoy and work and play i know who the rest of the guys can play. And. Were see where we go from here. As djokovic has troubled time in new york comes to an end he will now todays attention to the next grand slam the french open coming up in paris later this month he distended aljazeera. Barcelona superstar lionel messi has arrived for training for the 1st time since making a u. Turn on his decision to leave the club messi will train by himself for a few days as per the spanish leagues coronavirus protocols the argentine told barcelona he wanted to leave after the team was humiliated in the Champions League quarter finals last month when his teammates returned to training for the new season he stayed away in an attempt to force a move but last week he decided he would stay at garcia its looking like over 1000. 00 will continue to impact europes football leagues manchester citys has an american ports have both tested positive for the disease this comes just a few days before the new English Premier League season kicks off so he will be back in action on september 21st after extended rest following their climb to the Champions League quarter finals. In the n. B. A. The l. A. Lakers pulled out a win to level the Playing Field at the western conference semifinals star player Le Bron James scoring 28. 00 points and 11 rebounds against the Houston Rockets they opened a 21 point lead in the 1st half then gave up 41. 00 points in the 3rd quarter to fall behind then they were able to regroup with some impressive plays by james the that hes known for at lakers feet the rockets won 171 and im. Always good to be able to play. You know beautifully big or small. I mean between. You know we know that from the beginning and. Always. It was an example that being able to go to the. And for the Milwaukee Bucks they beat the miami heat and game 4 after losing the 1st 3 but in the 2nd quarter they lost their star player younis to an ankle injury gets him there of course middleton picked it up and led the way with 36 points after going into overtime the bucs held on to win 8118115. And i saw cuba dallas stars defeated the vegas cold nights in game one of the western conference final the only goal of the game was scored pretty early on in the 1st period by John Kling Burge Vegas tried to come back but had 25 of their shots blocked by a Single Player final score 10 the best of 7 win this series. With just one round to play a Golf Championship world number one Dustin Johnson is firmly in control the american shot a 6 under par 64 on sunday at the east lake golf course in Atlanta Georgia that places him on 19 under overall as a result johnson is 5 shots clear of the chasing pack going into mondays final round. Of the games and good for my go out of confidence you know everything im doing right now. You know i played well over the last you know for but you know im comfortable in a spot that i. Will see if you can hang on and do it well thats it for me was for tenure back up or to during the i thank you very much for that and thanks for watching the news hour on al jazeera back in just a moment with much more off the days news all the days top stories coming up see you then bye bye. Building a wall was the promise made in the bid for the white house 0 tolerance approach the southern border became government policy detaining children and separating families the stark reality of picture too much to bear for Many Americans in a country that was built on immigration. Follow the key issues of the us elections on aljazeera and the global fight against Financial Crime banks rely on databases for customer checks and it requires you to sure that youre know who the person is and you understand the risk of that person brings to the bank in terms of Financial Crime algis or well it investigates big Financial Data and what can happen if you find yourself on a list where us terrorists the database on aljazeera. I care about how the u. S. Engages with the rest of the world were willing to fit in taking you into a place you might not visit otherwise it feels that you were there 967. 00 and the 6 day war was at its height a u. S. Spy ship the u. S. S. Liberty monitored the conflict from International Waters suddenly she was attacked by the warplanes of americas closest regional manager israel over 200 were killed and wounded the front part of the ship was just read with but what happened that day has long been the subject of cover up and mystery amount the truth can be revealed the day Israel Attacked america a Major Investigation on aljazeera. They were convicted of murdering journalists. Inside a saudi consulate now 8 men have had their sentences reduced. To watch al jazeera live from a headquarters in doha im dana bill gates also ahead a high profile bellerose Opposition Leader is grabbed off the street and many scots are war mass protests and arrests. A harrowing journey at sea ends for nearly 300. 00 roving got 6 months after setting sail they

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