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America yes from our own of course which is 225000. 00 from where we are right now how soon can you claim probably you see us around the corner based upon that project. If i didnt close up our country if i didnt stop china highly infected from coming in but in step europe from coming in far sooner than anybody else including dr found she and others wanted to and dr found she was very nice she said President Trump but a great decision we would have far more than that but maybe even more importantly if i didnt close up we would have instead of the number that you mentioned or whatever it may be were about 180. 00 we would have perhaps one and a half or 2000000. 00 deaths right now. If i went to different direction which some people wanted me to do and i decided not to do it would have to me and its now a lot of cunts. As dont reported deaths obviously china is not reporting because they had far more than we did china had far more deaths than we did in my opinion just my opinion but they dont report their deaths or they dont report them accurately and i could say i dont want to embarrass other countries but i can tell you there are other countries where the death toll is far higher than the United States but they dont report as we reported to a level that nobody reports that we also do testing and cases i watch your broadcasts and youre read your information your media outlet sperry very carefully and i look at the word cases and the reason you know its i say it a 100 times nobody wants to pick it up but we do testing at a level that nobody ever dreamed possible we have the best tests that we have by far the most test actually india as per your question before indias number 2 and theyve done a good job but theyre about 40000000 tests behind us and theyre the country of 1500000000 people. Now because of all these tests we have far more cases if we cut our cases in half of week if we cut our testing in half wed probably have about half the number of cases that we cut it down to levels or some countries that dont test a test when somebody walks into a hospital thats the test you get they walk into a hospital theyre sick that you test we have tested more and better and you just see where we now have millions of tests coming in from a Certain Company thats at a fantastic job and its going to be anywhere from 5 minutes to 15 minutes on the spot very accurate test but if we had much less testing no testing we would have you wouldnt be reporting cases but you saw this i dont want to go over the statistics you know wrote it down but you see how were doing compared to the rest of the world and you see and if you took out new york which has been a tragic situation with the amount of people that died if you want to see a major state us its still hard the United States you know im just speaking if you can you know to the point im just saying new york has been in particular. Run whether its bad the incompetently a whether its unfortunate and i appreciated Governor Cuomo saying that ive done a phenomenal job and he said very good things said bad things to you know later on when he had no really other choice but if you took out new york from those numbers you can multiply our tremendous success by by a lot but look the bottom line is that. The job weve done on coated 19 or the china virus china plague clo whatever you want in a lot of different names. But its been incredible weve also helped a lot of other countries especially with ventilators because we are now you know we build ventilators a level that nobody ever thought possible so. Were cast to par. The only person if you can hear me if we didnt do what i said we would be a 2000000 deaths right where they fit into the sun its going form of the not thinking that into account i had a choice to make if we made the wrong choice the number that you have which is less than other countries but the other countries dont report deaths they dont report them to the extent and theyre not accurate you know that and so do i because we have you take a look at some of the things happening in certain other very large countries 1st of all were a very large country but you take a look at things happening with respect to the reporting of deaths in other countries and i say. Give me a break so its been amazing but we made some moves at the beginning china big europe big but the biggest of all was closing it down. Understanding the disease and we did and now we know its the elderly its especially elderly if they have heart diabetes or they have problems and were watching it and were watching it very closely and by the way were doing super testing with respect to that super testing. But if we did it a different way instead of the number that you said but the basically the number that were at now is approximately 180000 wed be a 2000000 people right now could be higher than the. First. Thing you but i think this is a process of rather not of a mother rushing back saying im not sure we have our vaccine and our vaccine is i think its going to be the standard its going to be great these companies are incredible theyve come up with the great vaccines over the years and thats a vaccine that probably most of the people in this room are going to want to take but its a present for my question for in a 1000000000 dollars thats not from the mainstream i mean programmers are from a different person where were you considering an account has not been spent but were willing to spend it now were willing to spend it id like to get approval from congress theres a theory that i dont have to do that but id rather be up front and id like to get approval from congress let it go directly to the people it would be a great stimulus its actually more stimulus and were asking for in terms of pure stimulus this would be pure stimulus i wouldnt have to let prisoners ago some very evil prisoners go like i think of it the democrats in order to get what they want and in order to give us what we are talking about. Allowing prisoners to be released prisoners that we dont want to be released so in order to that that we get money to the American People they want to say release prisoners and other things like that that are very bad and we just cant do that we dont want to do that just to follow on johns boss and i know you spoke earlier about the Atlanta Story and you referenced the number of ministers and officials who are now to the corner and we are who live in people i was just told i was just so we have 11 people there is nobody that feels more strongly about our soldiers our Wounded Warriors our soldiers that died in war than i do its a hoax just like the faked it was a hoax just like the russia russia russia was a hoax it was a total hoax no collusion just like so many other things its a hoax and youll hear more of these things totally unrelated as we get closer and closer to election the magazine is a failing magazine and nobody called me nobody called me from the magazine said you have a comment about it now they just write whatever they want to write because they figure you cant get sued you cant get sued but its very hard its a very hard bringing lawsuits but we have many witnesses and its a total its a total of just a continuation of the rich and so that it can hopefully affect the election but the American People are too smart so whether its the fake ca that turned out to be a total fraud or so many other things so many other things have turned out ive been under investigation from before i even got elected these people have gone after me more than any president in the United States in history in the history of the United States and its a shame its a shame and despite that weve done more in the 1st 3 and a have years than any administration theres been no administration thats done more when you add it all up theres been no despite all of the. Horrible political games that have been played but theres nobody thats been thats been able to do what ive done and that includes the Great Mission act because what obama passed was a joke it was a joke and we took it to a level that nobody thought possible and that includes accountability so its a disgrace that somebody is allowed to write things like that it could have been you know a lot of times the sources arent sources that dont exist and sometimes the sources suggest people that are disgruntled former socalled employees some sort of about that but no one its been missing from the house is their heart is the stuff charlie that was obviously to me all your fault and thats what our response laureus was recently and i know john calley he was with me didnt do a good job had no temperament and ultimately he was petered out he got he was exhausted this man was totally exhausted he wasnt even able to function in the last number of months he was able to function he was sort of a tough guy by the time he got eaten up in this world its a different world than he was used to he was unable to function and i told him john youre going to have to go please give me a letter of resignation and we did that and now he goes out and bad the bad mouse now there are people that are jealous there are people that are upset that theyre not here anymore there are people that weve done an incredible job the virus came in and now were doing an incredible job again were going to build it up bigger than it was before the virus came in but i dont know that it was him i havent seen that i mean i see anonymous but it could have been a guy like a john calley because he was because its going to say you understand he was a very you look at some of his news conferences what happened to him he got eaten alive he was unable to handle. The pressure of this this job was a tough job market i was doing a great but kelly was unable to do that and as far as that day i mean we have so much proof as to going to the we i went to paris and the environs and i was all set to go they had a rainstorm the likes of which youve really seen the fog was so great it was it was as dense as ive ever seen and i almost knew that you couldnt use the helicopter and because they had to drive through i guess certain parts of paris. The secret service who who by the way we have people here that were on the trip there writing a report unable to even think about it and i said nope i want to go i insisted on going it would have taken us forever the paris police said please you cant do this that have to shut down various parts of paris. And it just was not a possible situation the helicopter would have been very quick they had the helicopter all set but the helicopter could never fly in that kind of weather so and that turned out and thats all documented by the way we have all of the information from and probably will release that information but i think its a shame when a 2nd great magazine i dont read it and i know very little about this magazine but when a 2nd rate magazine can write things like that about somebody thats done much so much for the military can write things like that. And get away with it when you actually ask questions on it its a disgrace and you would be ashamed of yourself and let me just tell you i watched the interview with Sleepy Joe Biden and he didnt ask questions you didnt ask questions like that read the questions yes they were like meant for a child those questions were meant for a child smiles on faces of reporters not like israel and knew there were smiles on the report what do you think take a look at those questions that they as can they were not meant for a grown up they were meant for a child so i just want to just tell you i just want to tell you its a disgrace because you look at what ive done for the United States military i love those people ive gotten them pay raises when they didnt get anything near what ive been able to do and ive rebuilt 2. 00 trillion dollars every build the United States military now including space force nobody has done more for them and then when i have to have a report read like that from a 3rd rate magazine thats not going to be in business much longer i look at that and i think its a disgrace and then when i watch biden getting asked questions that are really meant for a child to answer anybody could answer and i look at the level of question that you people ask i mean honestly its disgraceful so i want to thank you all very much we appreciate it and were doing very well were very very proud of whats happened with respect to the economy and i think that before the election youre going to see a 3rd quarter announced the 3rd quarter will be at a level that our country has never seen before next year were going to have a year that was better than last year and i feel very certain it will be better than last year it will be the greatest year weve had and the whole reason this is working out this way is because we set a foundation for this country like weve never had. Before so next year is going to be a fantasy game but remember this the 3rd quarter is going to be announced sometime prior to the election by a few days actually and i think its going to be record setting type numbers on g. D. P. And other things thank you all very much. Right so weve just been listening to u. S. President donald trump really giving a Campaign Speech about a number of different issues speaking towards the end there about the state of the corner me of course this was supposed to be an advantage for president going into the election this year with some very positive figures have that has been a drop in the Unemployment Rate in the latest figures released for august bought the coronavirus pandemic has certainly dealt the economy a blow that will come as a disappointment to President Trump because the figures that we have now are not as positive or a strong as those that we had just a few months ago in the month of july so lets go to our White House Correspondent kimberly how kate has also been listening to all of this and he also did speak and billy about the coronavirus and you know with everything going on in the u. S. Right now the Economic Issues protests Racial Injustice Police Violence perhaps it is the corona Virus Outbreak that will be a defining issue for President Trumps legacy particularly his predictions early on that the virus would just go away by itself and of course questions about whether peoples lives could have been saved if the crisis had been managed differently thats going to be crucial in the election. Yeah its definitely going to be an issue that is going to come up in this election who can help this recovery it was interesting there that donald trump kind of brought the reporters questions with regard to cohabit 19 suggesting that in fact when it comes to questions that people should be asking questions about china why it didnt do more to prevent the virus that has decimated so many jobs in the United States and the reason he brought this up is what he was doing was essentially deflecting initially although he came back and answered the question directly about a concrete response with regard to the russian Opposition Leader alexina vali you know there was a question about now that these toxicology reports from germany have come out saying conclusively that he was poisoned by a soviet era nerve agent that in fact should there be a response from the white house and this is something that donald trump kind of brushed away initially sort of rambling about Foreign Policy before coming back to say that hes not sure whether or not this is true he hasnt seen these reports from germany but if he does you know hell be very angry and what you should really reporters be talking about is china not russia because Everybody Knows that donald trump says ive been tough on russia that has been disputed he admitted in that answer that he says he gets along with latimer putin. At least as political opposition here in the United States believes that at times that has clouded his vision when it comes to taking a stronger stance against russia on a myriad of issues now the other big news headline that was in this is the one that the domestic news will be following took a long time to get to it appears the president is kind of selecting reporters almost as if he was trying to avoid the question that did come out eventually and thats all that i think is going to be played on American Television screens and on the radio mass the issue of. Has these allegations in the atlantic news Magazine Article that has reported that the president called military Service Members losers and suckers the president disparaging the magazine once again as he has been doing on twitter and also once again sort of playing a victim saying that this is just another example of a hoax just like the russian investigators and against him that ultimately showed there was no couldnt collusion between his president ial campaign and russia he says that just like that hoax he says this is a hoax now i can tell you what the problem is in all of this is that donald trump did in 2015 call senator john mccain a war hero a loser and on twitter and also the Fox News Network has corroborated that least the sources for this atlantic article stand by their story that the president did make these claims about Service Member so you heard the president in there saying that his desire to not go to the cemetery outside of paris was one based on whether or not the preference that everyone buried in that cemetery Military Cemetery was a loser and hes promising the report from the secret Service Detail and the calling off of this official visit because of weather so expect that thats the question that reporters will be digging into now is the president going to release this report that would vindicate him or is he going to just dismiss this is more sort of political fodder trying to hurt his reelection chances in advance of the november election right now you mention the animosity toward Senate John Mccain of course we all remember the comments that were made then and i suppose the question is whether these new remarks that have surfaced. He made whether this alleged contempt for the military will play out in a different way in november compared to 2016. Well the problem for him is hes behind in the polls compared to 2016 when it comes to the military vote according to most polls is trailing joe biden by about 6 percent its interesting you bring up the comments about his remarks toward senator john mccain because he says i stand by those comments i say what i say i didnt agree with john mccain so what we didnt hear in all of this is an apology from the president which his rival joe biden has called for because the president maintains he never made these comments but he doesnt back down about his differences with john mccain and he also didnt back down and disparaging general john kelly his former chief of staff whose own son was killed in conflict and is the soldier that has been buried so many people are going to find those comments also equally disgraceful given the fact that he essentially said that john kelly a decorated general and highly esteemed in the military community he said he couldnt handle the job he wasnt up to it he was exhausted those are not going to play well with the military vote that youre trying to get so while the president is trying to tamp down one story in many ways he put an accelerant on the fire in terms of the controversy by disparaging his former chief of staff general john kelly thank you very much White House Correspondent kimberly thank you can. Or bring you some other stories now and of course weve been following developments in lebanon today the country fell silent to mark the moment exactly a month ago when a catastrophic explosion tore through the capital beirut was caused by almost 3000. 00 tons of Ammonium Nitrate which caught fire and blew up after being improperly stored for years official figures say 191. 00 people died 6 people still missing and of course thousands were injured and harder reports from beirut. The 191 victims of the devastating explosion that tore through the lebanese capital were remembered one months on a vigil was held outside the port where nearly 3000 tons of Ammonium Nitrate unsafely stored in a warehouse ignited one of the largest nonnuclear explosions in history one minute of silence was observed at the exact time of the explosion 6 o 8 pm it was a moment many still vividly remember. Going to. Port and customs employees have been arrested but many lebanese believe senior officials as high up as the president should be the ones to be held accountable they were aware of the highly explosive material and did nothing about it today is about just this launching 20 years old she would. See literally worth every single day you know that is the thing financially. Its a bit like. The glue i think a kilometer away a desperate search for life underneath the rubble of a building that collapsed from the impact of the blast sniffer dog alerted a team from chile that were. Surveying the damage in the neighborhood specialist sensors then detected breathing 18 breaths a minute which gave hope 24 hours later the breathing slowed significantly rescuers refused to say when they last had had proof of life but they did promise not to call off the search until they have answers its unlikely someone could have survived for a month under the debris but it is not unheard of and while many remain hopeful it was yet another example of the state feeling its people a month later were still being out bodies why did it take so long this is another you know commemorative moment where we have to Pay Attention to how the situation was dealt what it was in a very haphazard manner nonprofessional manner and honestly i say this with absolutely no conscious and no feelings and no humanity there was already much outrage over how the authorities handled the crisis since the port explosion they have been absent in the rescue relief recovery and rebuilding efforts theres volunteers local and international n. G. O. S who have taken the lead and yet again it is them on the front lines of lebanons latest calamity many wonder if it was false hope or whether there was a real chance to find life amid all the darkness so in. Beirut. An armed group has returned to its base in the democratic republic of congo off to a standoff outside a prison around 300. 00 fighters with the socalled cooperative for the development of the congo and to the town of bunia on friday they had initially given the army a deadline to release fellow members who are being held in jail theyve since left after negotiating with the military although its not clear what was discussed the u. N. Says the group is behind the deaths of more than a 1000 civilians since december 2017 aljazeera is following developments for us from nairobi. Hundreds of fighters piled into the town they were demanding the release of prisoners and also demanding the terms of a provisional deal that theyve made weve some factions of the army to be upheld they want to be demobilized they want to be integrated into the army for fighters to be given food rations this is something that they say theyve been promised and that the army and the government had failed to deliver the armys going to try to defeat this militia who could echo since the beginning of the year they failed to do so to the militias said you know if you can give us positions in the army food rations and so on we will come out the bush now they said this has been failed to me and failed to deliver when then it is seems that the reason for this is that there isnt backing for this kind of agreement from the capital kinshasa there in just 2 days ago the uns chief in congo said that they would not support this kind of the mobilization because they dont know they have done this kind of thing many times in the path they now dont want to be in a position along with the International Community where theyre seen to be rewarding people for taking up arms and for killing civilians and many civilians have been killed by these groups in that area in the last year or 2 many people have fled their homes many people have been displaced because of this escalating violence now just a quick bit of news on the krona virus frances record its biggest single day rise in corona virus infections since the beginning of the pandemic nearly 9000. 00 cases were reported on friday so just forced at least a dozen schools across the country to close thats just days into the new Academic Year r. C. Say the rise is partially because of a rise in testing. United states has an outside actions on 4 venezuelan officials accusing them of trying to rig parliamentary elections in december many venezuelan opposition parties intend to boycott the poll which they say is an attempt by president Nicolas Maduro to take control of the National Assembly to raise a bar has more. On. This stunning get our gas has become a source of water for people in venice where less capital. People here call it the beach. Comes here a few times a week because theres no Running Water available at home just like many others in venezuela these days italys has lost hope and thats why shes planning to not vote in venice way less legislative elections in december. The general on is again are these are going i dont want to watch the news anymore the controversy is always the same politicians dont solve our problems i am not going to vote this situation is terrible there are people with nothing to eat i have Free University with a look at where i am are you this week president announced a pardon to at least 100 members of the opposition some of them have been hiding in foreign embassies inside the country. The move analysts say was meant to divide the opposition events in the past week show the president s strategy worked. Over 50 countries including the United States recognizes venezuelas president says the opposition wont participate in the elections he has been trying to run a parallel government but has not succeeded in moving goal of monger from office. We have a part thats a call to action to protest to mobilize an agreement with the a and transit towards democracy not to participate in fraud not to participate in a trap by maduro. But why they always facing a rebellion by 2 time president ial candidate and. Who says the opposition has to fight the government in the ballots guppy list is banned from participating in the lections but there are other candidates in his party who are willing to run. He says boycotting elections means losing all a position representation in congress now he was hoping that nobody can be surprised what is happening people are screaming for an option in acts of desperation we have to change that the plan we had is exhausted the agenda we presented to the country had failed its over but as the political battle rages on in venezuela there is also a fight for survival where millions have lost hope that their situation is going to improve any time soon. And a c. D. F. Main story this hour u. S. President donald trump has been speaking out saying that allegations he called Foreign Military personnel loses are politically motivated President Trump has dismissed the report cited in the atlantic magazine saying that he has the highest respect for the military there is nobody that feels more strongly about our soldiers Wounded Warriors our soldiers that died in war than i do its a hoax just like the faked us year was a hoax just like the russia russia russia was a hoax it was a total hoax no collusion just like so many other things its a hoax and youll hear more of these things totally unrelated as we get closer and closer to election. Meanwhile President Donald Trump has announced that former balkan rival serbia and kosovo and normalizing economic ties the leaders of both nations signed the deal in washington kosovo declared independence from serbia in 2008 but is not recognized by the serbian government or its allies trump says serbia will also follow its controversial diplomatic policy and move its embassy to jerusalem while kosovo will establish ties with israel. Jacob blake the black man who was shot by Police Last Month in the u. S. City of kosher in wisconsin is appeared in court on a video link blake faces charges of Sexual Assault and Domestic Abuse charges unrelated to the incident that led to his shooting he was paralyzed after an officer shot him 7 times in the back and was initially shackled to his hospital bed it triggered days of protests in can osha and other cities in the u. S. As well. And lebanon today has been marking the month since the catastrophic explosion that tore through the capital beirut people fell silent in a moment of remembrance at 6 o 8 pm thats the time almost 3000 tons of Ammonium Nitrate ignited in the port sending a devastating blast wave across the city around 200. 00 people died thousands more were injured well thats it for myself from the team here in london counting the cost is next. Rewind returns. With updates on the best account is a missed documentary by the compelling onion we havent done in the sweetest bar the hard. To the on to to rewind continues with losing louisiana what was once a thriving community. Whats up with murdering your. Evil why dont the southern tip of the museum that lies submerged 30 feet below us on aljazeera. And im commit ill this is counting the cost on aljazeera your look at the world of business and economics this week as Oil Prices Slump economies shrink and austerity kicks in is this thing

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