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Islanders the Korean Peninsula is hit by its 2nd typhoon in a week. Thanks for joining us President Donald Trump is threatening to cut funding to cities that he says allow an arche in violence he says cities under review include Portland Seattle new york and washington d. C. Trump has been rallying with the democratic mayors off those cities over protests against racism and Police Brutality hes criticized them for not stopping violence but federal troops significantly worsened the level of violence and destruction when they went into portland meanwhile the u. S. Attorney general William Barra says there is a false narrative that White Police Officers kill a lot of unarmed black men he made those comments a day after visiting to know so with the president its been the site of protests since police shot jacob blake an unarmed black man 7 times in the back. Well get to the story with william barr in a moment with mike hanna whos joining us from washington d. C. But 1st let me ask you about trump now threatening to cut federal funding whats this all about. Indeed years well the white house has released a memorandum which President Trump has sent to all federal agencies asking them to review the money that they pay into a number of cities among them new york city Seattle Washington d. C. And Portland Oregon President Trump says in the memorandum that he wants to review where these funds are going he says that he does not want taxpayers money going to funding anneke as he puts it these are c. Federal agencies to report back within 30 days to his budget director to take a look at the budgets with a view to cutting off funding to cities that President Trump says are unable to maintain law and order well the mayor of new york has been very quick to react bill de blasio held a urgent News Conference saying that this is nothing more than a political stunt of last year saying that President Trump is not the king that he has no legal right to stop funding to specific cities particularly these cities that he refers to are all run by democrats and must be know to too that a large amount of federal funding going to cities goes to things like medicare and social services so this could have a major impact on the cities but theres likely to be a lot of legal action before it becomes a reality and my choir have you with us let me ask you about william by the attorney general because hes been speaking to us media what has he been saying. Well william bar held the interview with c. N. N. An exclusive interview in which he expressed the rather surprising thought that there is no racism in the policing the no attempts at racism within the actions of police he says that this is a false narrative that this does occur this despite statistics that are provided by a number of independent organizations such as universities and news media which indicate that African American is 2 and a half times more likely to be shocked by a policeman then his white counterpart so certainly the figures would not appear to bear out william bias assumption but this is just in the trend of what the attorney general has been doing hes entered the political fray wholeheartedly very unusual for an attorney general to do this basically backing up president trams politics at every occasion in interviews to the media hes been sharply critical of democrats including those who run the cities that President Trump is now reputedly investigating so william barr is taking overt political actions this interview that he was just giving appears to be yet another such case where hes backing President Trump in his political opinions ok mike hanna thank you for that reporting from washington d. C. And youre heard my talking a moment ago about trump threatening to cut federal funding to cities that hes designating as lawless lets expand on this and speak to Melanie Sloan shes a former federal prosecutor and previously minority counsel for the House Judiciary Committee shes joining us from washington d. C. As well good to talk to you and al jazeera so i suppose the 1st question is it is an obvious one can try and do this is it legal. No its not legal it violates the 10th amendment to the constitution and trump knows that this is purely political theater hill put out this memo and part of the memo says that they all investigate for 30 days what actions they can take and in the meantime cities will immediately go to court and they will get injunctions preventing the federal government from taking these actions just look at the memo right now when the president is saying that hes taking action to protect American Communities from rioting violence and destruction well its hard to see how hes going to be protecting American Cities when hes going to be defunding cities these trying to take money away from things like housing Medicare Health insurance all sorts of benefits that that americans get and also you have to keep in mind that all of this money that hes wants to hold back is tax dollars and the people in these cities pay there are better all tax dollars that moneys coming back to them so for so many reasons this is completely ridiculous this is typical of President Trump he makes a Statement Like this is he puts out a memo it plays to his base all the people who hes trying to convince that American Cities are falling apart even when that is in fact not the case i live in washington d. C. And theres no anarchy on the streets here you can walk safely down the street but this plays to the president s base and thats the whole reason for doing it and sadly you know as an attorney general whos willing to support him at every turn one of the things that these that thats in the memo is even the definition of what an anarchist city is they go through a laundry list but then say anything else the term the general thinks so its clearly only about politics and not at all about protecting American Cities or protecting americans or kind of pushback that as expected. Oh i think youll very quickly see these cities go into court and they will ask for injunction of injunctive relief preventing the federal government from withholding any funds although the 1st that these memos that have gone out and the president has asked the ops of management and budget what kind of funds can be withheld and so the memo comes out today doesnt mean that actually anybodys going to be actually to withhold funds for any anytime soon but if in fact there is an effort to actually withhold funds cities will go to court ask i do is to stop them prevent them from withholding the funds and dont when all right Melanie Sloan we thank you very much for giving us your analysis from washington. Now the u. S. Centers for Disease Control has asked states to get ready to distribute or potential coronavirus about facts seen by november 1st it comes amid concerns President Trump is pressuring the food and Drug Administration to approve a vaccine before a Clinical Trials are completed meanwhile more than 70 wealthy countries have committed to fair access to any future vaccine the u. S. Is not participating in the global vaccine efforts which is led by the World Health Organization and the u. S. Federal budget deficit is projected to hit a record 3. 00 trillion dollars due to over 1000. 00 costs and the recession triggered by the pandemic thats more than triple the 2900. 00 shortfall and double the worst level during the 2008 economic crisis according to the new estimates us that levels were will surpass the size of the American Economy next year. Russian Opposition Leader alexina volley is the victim of a murder attempt in the kremlin must answer difficult questions thats been the message from the government in germany one of only remains seriously ill in the capitals hospital he collapsed 2 weeks ago during a flight to moscow doctors say they have proof he was poisoned now dean barber reports. Should be done such as not the grounds of which alexina valmy in a video filmed in the siberian city of novosibirsk days before he collapsed on a flight to moscow now the German Government says tests carried out in a military laboratory have produced unequivocal proof the russian Opposition Leader was poisoned with a nerve agent nabil chalk and chancellor merkel says it was attempted murder alexina of any thoughts in circulation alexina valmy is the victim of a crime he was meant to be silenced and i condemn this in the sharpest possible manner in the name of the entire German Government. Germanys foreign minister heiko mass has summoned the Russian Ambassador saying its urgent that those responsible in russia be identified and brought to justice in a valley whos 44. 00 was airlifted to germany late last month 2 days after being taken to a hospital in the siberian city of all. The Charity Hospital in berlin says hes still on a respirator in intensive care and although the symptoms of his poisoning a declining it cant rule out long term consequences novacek is a group of soviet era nerve agent such as the substance used to poison the former russian spy sergei script and his daughter in england in 2018 they survived but a member of the public dont sturgis died after handling a discarded bottle containing novacek on wednesday the kremlin said russia was ready to cooperate fully with germany open of on his case but his long time strategies lay in it volkoff says it was clearly an action carried out on behalf of president Vladimir Putin he tweeted in 2020 poisoning of valmy with novacek is exactly the same as leaving an autograph at the crime scene like this chancellor merkel says germany will update its European Union and nato partners about the results of its investigation how the west reacts could depend on whether Russia Office any cooperation something thats not being forthcoming in the past nadine barber al jazeera. Still ahead on aljazeera. Theres not much fun at the fair we look at steps to help businesses battling to survive in argentina. And how an ancient beekeeping culture is enjoying a revival in western georgia. Hello whilst most of china is fairly quiet weather wise now in the East China Sea we have the thai food my stock now that has reached its full strength is die slowly die but its still a major storm is heading toward south korea and guess what its going to be overland overnight it comes in with enough strength to cause damage in the south the onshore breeze breeze onshore strong wind from all we have the east coast is like to be potentially damaging at least with the storm surge and the huge amount of rain that by Daylight Hours of course it goes north through north korea into the northeast of china at least behind fine and quiet weather then theres a gap and then your eyes are drawn down here yes hi sharon has already formed this will be a typhoon pretty soon and guess what its course is its forecast course over the next few days takes it up to south korea this wont be exactly right but its still a rough idea i dont think its going to very very much so it gets in late in the weekend south of this and the showers are showing that they really want to because of the wet season of the rainy season once again so throughout malaysia and indonesia downs pretty sundry nuts extends all went to thailand and me and ma but now it includes java and yes jakarta as well. Chinas new National Security role has tightened beijings grip on hong kong and stifled protests that rocked the city a year. With prodemocracy candidates now disqualified from running elections and activists fearing imprisonment or worse does this spell the end for one country 2 Systems People in power investigates hong kong and. On a visit to the. Moon. Oh. Hello again this is al jazeera on the top stories President Donald Trump is threatening to cut funding to cities that he says allow anarky and violence trump has been in a rally democratic mayors of Portland Seattle new york and washington d. C. Over protests against racism and Police Brutality. U. S. Attorney general william barr says there is a false narrative that White Police Officers kill a lot of an ardent white man he made the comments a day after visiting genosha alongside President Donald Trump where an unarmed black man was shot in the back by Police Germany says it was unequivocal proof russian Opposition Leader thats in a vault he was poisoned with a soviet era nerve agent is being treated in a berlin hospital after falling ill last month berlin says the kremlin must answer difficult questions. The United Nations on human Rights Groups are condemning u. S. Sanctions imposed on the chief prosecutor. Other official of the International Criminal courts its been prompted by an investigation into whether u. S. Forces committed war crimes in afghanistan the u. S. Secretary of state my pompei a has described the i. C. C. As a kangaroo courts political home reports. Did u. S. Troops torture people did they commit war crimes here in afghanistan to the taliban or the Afghan Military the International Criminal court has been trying to find out and now a new move from the Trump Administration to try and stop them at least when it comes to us for sales the United States will designate i. C. C. Prosecutor for 2 bensouda and the i. C. C. As head of jurisdiction complementarity in Cooperation Division buckey so much to go for having material assisted prosecutor bensouda individuals and entities that continue to materially support those individuals risk exposure to sanctions as well that means the chief prosecutor and the head of an i. C. C. Department could be frozen out of the International Banking system have any of their u. S. Assets frozen human Rights Groups are outraged the practical effect could be if again for these individuals but i think we also have to see how damaging it is have a u. S. Administration take the stand and that kind of a fall fall a fall full of all thats regard for the global world that using these actions. The spokesman for the u. N. Secretary general says the move raises concerns the i. C. C. As you know and especially the prosecutor are independent of the secretary general and of the u. N. We have always stood for the need for International Justice and for the issue of accountability and the fight against impunity the u. S. Has often used its vast power in the financial industry to punish war criminals now using the same tactic to go after the very people who are charged with punishing them political hane aljazeera. The 2nd typhoon to hit the Korean Peninsula in a week has made landfall with winds of 162 kilometers an hour south koreas Weather Agency says typhoon mesa will affect most of the country its already flooded roads and brought down trees more than 2000 homes on the island of jeju have lost electricity robin wright is covering this story for us from tucson and south korea were also hearing that a cargo ship has gone missing in the East China Sea is that due to the typhoon is as well rob. Thats right we dont know at the moment whether the disappearance of this vessel is linked to the typhoon what we do know is mainly news reports that are coming out of japan particularly from 2 news organizations there that are reporting that this is a life stock carrying vessel a ship that was taking cattle from new zealand to china with the crew on board of 43. 00 mainly we understand filipino seafarers now its understood that this vessel put out a distress call when it was in the south in the East China Sea south of the japanese islands and this was some point after the typhoon would have passed through those waters and that is the last that anybody has heard from the vessel a large as a search operation has been underway coordinated by the Japanese Coast Guard and the latest we understand is that a person a survivor from this vessel has actually been picked up alive from the water but that is as much as we know at the present and how are people coping with the 2nd typhoon that hit in a less than a week. Thats right it made landfall here close to busan this is south koreas 2nd city in the early hours of thursday morning with the predicted winds and also rains quite strong winds well over 150 Kilometers Per Hour but people here had been prepared they had to raise the highest alert level so lots of mitigating bases had been put in place in this city there has been some damage but its fairly superficial around the bigger concern i think is possibly the torrential rains further north that it is bringing to the Korean Peninsula because this typhoon might sack has now gone out to sea again and this made landfall once more but further north actually into north korea itself we understand that it has inundated north koreas east coast especially the main city of one son that there has been extensive flooding there and of course north korea and south korea have only just been recovering from last weeks typhoon type which again broad quite a lot of damage and this of course all comes on the back of these seasonal rains summer rains that have gone on for weeks longer than people here had expected and theres more bad news because a 3rd typhoon that we know is developing in the western pacific due to come here to the this peninsula in the coming days all right thank you for that update from. Argentinas president Alberto Fernandez has announced new measures to help businesses survive the pandemic the economy is already into its 3rd year of recession and is expected to shrink even more this year its left millions of people trying to prevent bankruptcy terrorism reports from santa fe. Muscle has a vivid memory of how many times argentinas economy has collapsed through the a years his grandfather started building carousel 60 years ago but in this past months he has been forced to sell some of the horses in this cairo sell to make ends meet. In good associate oh there is iraq to vittie i have never seen anything like this before i understand the pain damage and the situation but everything weve built is disappearing im selling the horses to pay bills the horses sell for around a 150. 00 each bell massa says in argentina doing business is not easy because the rules of the game are constantly changing with the administrations what i can but there are going to chino we cannot compete with china 1st one government bans exports the next government allows you to export more taxes now this Exchange Rate controls and the wider situation i had dreams that i could export my horses but i feel its all over for us. I didnt know the con army was already in trouble prior to that and then make with inflation with session and Exchange Rate controls the government has announced that it has reached an agreement with foreign creditors on it solving that many people here hope that this will help we activate the economy and help this country put an end to it and then make economic troubles you cannot make situation is so dire Small Businesses are shutting down poverty and unemployment rates are on the rice and Foreign Companies are leaving the country on wednesday precedent out of out of the for a man this announced credits and other measures to assist the industry sector and says hes government has a plan so that it but only money love they will have what we needed to solve or did crisis because we didnt have a horizon knowing we had to pay 48000000000. 00 did in 5 years now youll see our budget and youll see watch we believe we can do what our physical objectives are and you will know our rules no nothing is being improvised it is a difficult job in the worst scenario but analysts say the government has a bigger problem elaine. Mary. I mean we were trying to get from trucks so it did wind on getting. A ship to the reception with on. Me i am a. National. Government a. Guy you know. Because. I got my. Hope is what most argentines like the muscle feel these days in a country struggling with epidemic and with a history of the canal mix train that is how will send the thing argentina. Russias foreign minister is accusing outside forces of meddling in bela roosts circuit lavrov says activists from ukraine are trying to create violent protests but he doesnt provide evidence list waning us foreign minister has told aljazeera that what he calls russian weakness may be behind the kremlins decision to back president Alexander Lukashenko Bernard Smith has more from the capital. Looking emboldened with messages of support from russia Alexander Lukashenko says theyll be a bloodbath if hes forced from the presidency if bella rips the approach of the shitty i want to protect what we spent 25 years creating there are thousands millions of people behind me theyre the ones im worried about im not worried about power as some in russia say luker is clinging on with blue hands i dont want them to cut my country up after i glued it together after the broken pieces of the soviet empire. That been 4 weeks of peaceful protests in the capital minsk. Said he won 80 percent of the vote for his reelection the e. U. U. S. And u. K. Say voting was neither free nor fair. Russias foreign minister says without providing evidence that what he described as 200 extremists from ukraine have infiltrated the protests and the trying to stir up violence. Suppliers for additional we have confirmation that this is being directed from ukraine turturro there are nongovernment organizations working to provoke radical offense and other battles towns but it russia has been in conflict with ukraine for 6 years lavrov who matters belarus counterpart on wednesday said nato and e. U. Calls for new elections are destructive. Lithuanias foreign minister told our jazeera he thinks russia is making a strategic mistake by backing lucas unfortunately russia still continues to support for this compromise leadership not understanding that only the process complete out of this situation and what the air is an ink its another question maybe they believe its a weakness of the it will give up or somehow to sacrifice of this we that which is totally compromised but theyre also going to have this backlash that both home and frankly also risking to. Spoil relations with the people of the lot was because they are not on their russian. Lithuania latvia and estonia have imposed travel bans on lucas and 28 other members of his government and want the rest of the e. U. To follow suit. For on thursday russias Prime Minister heads to mend and on friday bell arrest defense minister is in moscow all indications that the kremlin is sticking by Alexander Lukashenko the European Union hasnt taken sides but it has called for new elections and for the imposition of sanctions on those it says are responsible for Election Fraud and violence against protesters. But its meant aljazeera vilnius an ancient culture of harvesting honey from while b. Is enjoying a revival in georgia and production is no longer the exclusive preserve off men have been forced to walk or explains from the mountainous region of. Does whats traditionally expected of a woman in her community and. Something that used to be a job only for men. Inside hollowed out tree logs schooled gyrus cook asian great beets have made their hardships. With help from her son. Collects their harvest colored man alas its a very hard job its a mans business but i was left alone my husband died the children were small and i had to continue the Family Tradition. Only takes half of the honeycomb and leaves the rest for her bees i am on false nick was put going to me i love these i often come to see them i understand them their needs and the problems they have. The bees seem to be quite calm now and i hope im keeping it sufficiently safe distance away from the high but as i can see the honeycombs are being made the way they would in the wild so while it may not be the most efficient way to harvest honey it certainly seems to be one of the most natural. The honey is sold along with its nutritious honeycomb as a unique organic product helping to make jarrod beekeeping a tradition once in decline profitable again. Last year we collected 1. 00 tons we expect more than 3 tons this year the process is growing the interest of beekeepers has also increased because their incomes have gone up. By in the mountains i went to see how some hives are still being kept the ancient way. Through i mean he just keeps his hives where the beds work for him as. This is not the 1st time ive climbed this tree this is a Family Tradition starting with my grandfather then my father. Well there you have it a tree house for b. Ive never seen beehives quite like this. I climb the tree often to set up the jar of hives to check on the bees and to collect a honeycomb. They would just 54. 00 known to be keepers in this region 2 years ago no there are more than 80. This beekeeping from the past still has a future robyn 1st. A job. Have you ever dreamt of owning a flying car well its a step closer to liftoff after a successful test flight by a japanese manufacturer so sky drive launched its manned vehicle equipped with a propellers and netted area for 4 minutes the head of the Company Hopes the car thats costing more than 300000. 00 will be on the market by 2023. We. Read much more about that flight as well as the days top stories by heading to our web site al jazeera dot com. Hello again the headlines on aljazeera President Donald Trump is threatening to cut funding to cities that he says allow anarky violence he says cities under review include Portland Seattle new york and washington d. C. Trump has been rowing with the democratic mayors of those cities over protests against racism and Police Brutality u. S. Attorney general william barr says there is a false narrative that White Police Officers kill a lot of on black men he made the comments a day after visiting alongside the president where an unarmed black man was shot in the back by police the u. S. Centers for Disease Control has asked states to get ready to distribute a potential corona virus vaccine by november 1st it comes amid concerns President Trump is pressuring the food and Drug Administration to approve a vaccine before Clinical Trials are completed. Germany says it has unequivocal proof russian dissidents alex and of all knew he was poisoned with a soviet era nerve agent hes being treated in a berlin hospital after falling ill last month berlin says the kremlin must answer difficult questions alexina by any alexina wagner was a victim of an attack of a chemical nerve agent of the north. This poison could be identified unequivocal tests so its clear that alex you know the victim of a crime he was supposed to be silenced and i together with the entire German Government condemn this in the strongest possible terms this is disturbing information about the attempted murder through poisoning against a leading russian opposition figure the United Nations and human Rights Groups are condemning u. S. Sanctions imposed on the chief prosecutor and another official of the International Criminal court the us secretary of state my pump a accuse the court of illegitimate attempts to subject americans to its jurisdiction the hague based i. C. C. Is currently investigating whether u. S. Forces committed war crimes in afghanistan. Most of the country thats already flooded roads and brought down trees and more than 2000. Today for the headline. The way we see the world. Serve the interests of the powerful it. Gives you the. Viewfinder

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