Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20240701

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a hollywood movie a critic of rwanda us president is arrested on terror charges. fellow venezuela's president has pardoning more than 100 of his political opponents ahead of parliamentary elections in december the government says this is a goodwill gesture but nicolas maduro his move is widely seen as an attempt to boost protests a patient in the vote the u.s. backed opposition leader has already said he's boycotting the elections because of concerns about cheating and human rights groups in venezuela say around $330.00 political prisoners are being held in the country let's get an update from our latin america editor assume and she's following developments from chile she's joining us from santiago hyla c.s.o. talk us through the timing and the significance of this decision. well everything about this has to do with the upcoming parliamentary elections which are due to be held in december as you mentioned opposition lawyer who was recognized as the interim president by over 50 countries has announced that he and most of his supporters will boycott that election and he has called on all of the opposition parties to join him in a united front to do that so clearly the response from president is to make what is to agree to one of the main demands of the opposition and has long been one and that is the release of the political prisoners however this is not enough to convince certainly why the law and probably many of the other opposition parties to to actually take part in this election which is incredibly important for president nicolas maduro he needs it so that he could it could be recognized as legitimate there's no point in having an election that you win but with no opponents taking part so that is what this is about even even russia and china are pressuring last minute to hold on lections that would at least bring on board some of the internationally recognized mainstream opposition and not just those who are called opponents but who are really under the pay or the control of the government itself so let's see if indeed this is them a concession could this be the 1st of more to come. it may be but it's this is really going to be clarified i think before the end of this week the government decided to lengthen the period to extend the period where candidates for this selection can register until this friday because the the registration period had already closed and why the law on the other hand who had given the opposition party leaders until friday also to decide whether or not to boycott the election is now at this hour we understand negotiating with in the league at that pretty list which is one of the major opposition figures of venezuela who are twice presidential candidate who almost once beat my little at the polls and he is apparently wanting to take part in those elections because he believes it's better to be to take part in in this sort of a poll to be a part of the game even if it's an uneven playing field than to just hand over the election lock stock and barrel to the government so that it can control absolutely every seat in the parliament and so that's what's being negotiated as far as i speak with you and how much more the government is willing to concede we don't know but we know one of the key thing president president bungler is apparently not willing to concede one thing and that is the control of the electoral council and that is he controls it in apparently he will not allow the opposition to have that all right thank you for that update from santiago now hamas says it's reached an agreement with israel to and the latest escalation of violence along the israel gaza border the deal brokered by qatar comes as gaza struggles under a ban on few of them ever raise which have led to power cuts harry fostered has more details from west jerusalem. well it's all coming from the hamas side which is typical in these sorts of situations israel tends not to say anything about these announcements of the escalations or cease fires but according to israeli media there are israeli defense sources who are confirming what hamas is saying at least to the extent that there is an agreement what hamas says about this agreement is that it will stop its century balloon launches an explosive balloon launches as well as that the what it calls its nighttime confusion operations were groups go along the border fence and throw explosives and cause disruption and in return it says that israel is undertaking to go back to the previous collation situation which means allowing fisherman out into the mediterranean again from gaza's ports easing the restrictions of goods coming in which had been closed down just to humanitarian goods and food and medicine and also presumably the recent restoration of fuel supplies to gaza only power station which has been lying idle for some 10 days now since the fuel supplies were cut off meaning that gaza only has about 3 to 4 hours of electricity per day and as you say they are also battling this corona virus outbreak the 1st community coronavirus outbreak since the start of the pandemic so these various things seem to have conspired to try to quell the situation as it stands with the mediation of the qatari and boy. let's speak to her again the he's a senior fellow and director of the program on palestine and palestinian israeli affairs for the middle east institute he is joining us from arlington that's and fridge and yes thanks very much for joining us on al-jazeera so of course the devil is in the details as it always is types of agreements what stood out for you. well i think the most important thing. about this new arrangement if we can believe what we're reading in the in the press besides the the general agreement to return to the status quo ante is that there is this arrangement to supposedly regularize if you will deliveries to gaza which which is not something that we've seen in the past so in addition to opening up the border or easing the border restrictions are a little bit to allow movement of goods and medicine in and out of gaza we're seeing you know talking about a gas pipeline there's talk about. regularizing fuel deliveries so on that gaza is and so vulnerable to these. complete blackouts that happen when when fuel is cut off to its one and only power plant right so from a humanitarian perspective then this is a significant agreement for the people in gaza. it is will have to see you know so the devil is in the details but the devil is also in the implementation we've seen in the past many agreements. between palestinians and israelis whether it's how masson israel or the palestinian authority or the p.l.o. and israel and very often those arrangements are agreed to but never implemented and so we'll have to see what aspects are implemented in the coming days and weeks and if it's implemented then of course we'll also be looking out for whether it will stick because we've been here before. absolutely we're not only been here before this is like a routine it's like the movie groundhog day where. it's the same event happening over and over the only variation is how deadly and destructive the escalation is but you know just a few months ago in the fall we were in this very same position and of course we've seen multiple wars in the past several years since your own posed its blockade 13 years ago so there won't be any real lasting stability in the gaza border until there is an end to israel's blockade and while i have you with us let me just ask you about the latest u.a.e. israel deal and so if you take a look at that broader picture of what's happening now with the palestinians do you think that rival factions rival palestinian factions are going to be able to set aside their differences and come together in the face of this u.a.e. israel deal. well theoretically both and the 2 main political factions. in power time are in agreement they're in agreement in against normalization by the u.a.e. and any arab state with israel without some sort of movement toward ending israel's occupation and so the green principle. and theoretically you know those kinds of maneuvers of normalization are always a threat to the national movement zoomable the brain decides to gather about what we're seeing is a lot of talk about national unity and very little movement in that direction. going to we thank you very much for speaking to us on al-jazeera thanks for having me well the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has now invited a delegation from the united arab emirates to visit israel that's after the 1st flight by its national airline touched down and i will dhabi with the white house adviser jared custer and other u.s. and israeli officials on board a u.s. brokered deal to open up relations between israel and the u.a.e. it was announced 3 weeks ago that he and have denounced the pact as a betrayal. we came here a senior representatives of the israeli government and me the humble one and a direct historic commercial flight we came here in broad daylight and before the eyes of all in a plane bearing the plague of israel along with their american friends who have played a key role in establishing peace. u.s. president donald trump says the departments of justice and homeland security are setting up a joint operations center to investigate left wing civil unrest that protests as he steps up promises off law and order ahead of the november election trump said 200 people have been arrested including 100 in portland and he blamed leftwing protesters for violence and claimed his democratic rival joe biden had given moral aide to vandals but the president's critics have accused him of inciting his supporters to violence mike hanna is following the latest developments from washington d.c. and the president continues to project himself mike as the law and order candidates ahead of the november election. indeed yes those words law and order have been tweeted by president trump in high caps for a long period of time and at his news briefing in the course of the evening that was the platform from which he attacked his democratic party contender in the presidential race joe biden saying that biden was weak on law and order where is he president trump or strong here cues joe biden off siding as he put it with the left wing who president trump has described as anarchists and looters so certainly this is going to be an ongoing theme in president trump's attack against joe biden and the fact that the president believes that he's soft on law and order this is what president at to say. is a writer's these are dangerous people these are killers they kill a lot of people and they don't even think of verdant they wake up the next morning that even think about it this is the extreme left agenda for america they want to appoint radical persecutors judges in vero visuals who rules criminals freed and biden himself has gone on the attack mike he had some strong words for the president. there's joe biden held his 1st campaign meeting in person campaign meeting since he received the nomination as democratic party candidate for the president and he certainly lashed out very strongly against president trump criticizing him on a number of issues the inability as joe biden put it of president trying to effectively deal with the pandemic which has destroyed the country in recent months and also on the very important issue in terms of president trump's position on these nationwide protests that have been taking place joe biden insisting that president trump is more concerned with supporting rightwing figures militia armed militia. rather than attempting to end the ongoing violence on occasion joe biden saying directly that he believes that rather than dealing with the violence that has broken out at some of these protests he is intentionally fermenting it this is what joe biden had to say we've arrived at a moment in this campaign we all knew including the press in front of me knew we'd get to. the moment when donald trump would be so desperate to do anything to hold on to power dollar trump has been a toxic presence in our nation for 4 years. how we talk to one. poison and how we treat one another. in the values this nation has always held dear . poison in our very democracy. now just a little over 60 days we have a decision to make will we rid ourselves of this toxin or will we make a permanent part make it a permanent part of our nation's character. well some within the democratic party have been criticizing joe biden for what they call his muted response to the ongoing attacks by president trump but clearly in this campaign speech that joe biden made today this has changed from here on it's going to continue to be a bruising battle with joe biden indicating that he is going to give as good as he's got all right mike hanna thank you. well the republican controlled state senate in wisconsin did not take any action during a special session to discuss a set of policing bills the session started and recess them both the senate and assembly in less than a half a minute there have been black lives matter protests and can suffer more than a week after a police officer shot jacob block a black man in the back 7 times leaving him paralyzed. still ahead on al-jazeera from embassador to prime minister lebanon picks the man who will lead the country which is recovering from a major explosion and facing a severe economic crisis. and the weather conditions across the west of the united states of improved of the last few days that is helping with those firefighting efforts exhibit a cow just beginning to push down and further to the south you're seeing quite a lot of showers and thunderstorms in fact that also flash flood warnings across areas of our zone a more of that as we go through choose a time it is much better $36.00 celsius in phoenix 28 across in los angeles this is where the weather is across the southern plains it will work its way east as you go on into wednesday and we could have some severe thunderstorms developing certainly late in the day on wednesday but not too bad across the southeast we've got one to scout achiles in florida and as i say out across the west there's no real healthful rain but temperatures are not as high as they were the winds also have calmed that we had down to central america and the cowra been this massive cloud you can see here this possibly could develop into the next tropical storm but for now it's producing some very heavy amounts of rain it'll work its way west was through the caribbean says we go through tuesday so it already take quite a few heavy showers and thunderstorms across into cuba and into hispaniola meanwhile out across western mexico there is more rain in the 4 calls that is actually moving further to the north but some very heavy downpours at all some warnings in place by wednesday it is an improving picture and elsewhere a case of scattered showers. frank assessments what are you seeing back in yemen. like the green suit this informed opinion is ethiopia on the verge of a breakdown in many parts of the overall media region are actually under a de facto state of emergency and critical debate of that is a proxy because not everything be enters the bill of your people in-depth analysis of the day's global headlines inside story on al-jazeera. the. other guy here with al jazeera here's a reminder of the top stories this hour and as well as president nicolas maduro is pardoning more than $100.00 people including several of his political opponents the government says it's a goodwill gesture but it's seen as an attempt to boost participation in december's parliamentary elections which some opposition politicians are boycotting. hamas says it's reached an agreement with israel to end the latest escalation of violence along the israel gaza border the deal brokered by qatar comes as gaza struggles under a ban on fuel deliveries which have led to power cuts. u.s. president donald trump says this partment of justice and homeland security are setting up a joint operations center to investigate what he called left wing civil unrest trump also said his democratic rival joe biden has given moral aid to vandals. for weeks after a devastating explosion in the lebanese capital that led to the government's resignation the country has a new prime minister designate. a db as the former ambassador to germany and he won broad support from across the political divide xenophobe that has more from beirut . he was not well known to the public until now most of a db has been chosen to form lebanon's next government the former ambassador to germany is promising change at a time of deep crisis where we will choose a ministerial team with expertise and competency will also carry out quick reforms that will put the country on the path to recovery and end the dangerous financial economic and social bleeding. got the majority of votes during parliamentary consultations the post is reserved for a son a muslim and the country secretary and based governing system that is why support from former prime minister assad had 80 who heads the largest sunni bloc was essential to maintain national unity factions from a divided political landscape came together before the arrival of french president a man while mccall. the country needs to embrace the initiative a president macron because the french president is working with the international community to lift lebanon from underneath the rubble mccall returns to beirut less than a month after visiting the lebanese capital 2 days after the devastating ports explosion he has become a main power broker in the political crisis leading efforts to persuade politicians to fight state corruption and push through reforms needed for an international monetary fund bailout plan there is also support. for the ship or by france. because. it is. or has. a new role for the next. in his 1st act in office the new prime minister did what no lebanese official has done visited the neighborhoods damaged in the explosion we gaining the trust of the people won't be easy many accuse the political class who a. pointed a deep for decades of corruption and unsafely storing explosive material after the port. unlike his predecessor has done yeah well resigned in the aftermath of the august before explosion has the support from the majority of political forces but like a db could be held hostage by a political establishment that has been reluctant to carry out state reforms that could threaten their interests but this time they may have little choice the state is close to collapse and the international community says there won't be blank checks in the words of the new prime minister lebanon doesn't have time and this may be its last opportunity to save itself. beirut sudan's transitional government has signed a peace still in that ending nearly 20 years of conflict the agreement was reached with various rebel groups neighboring south sudan mediated the deal have a morgan reports in the capital hard to. a historic day for the dam as its transitional government and the opposition coalition the sudan revolutionary front find a peace deal the agreement was reached after nearly a year of negotiations and aims to end fighting across different regions a goal sudan's government says is its top priority. the deal we signed today is a commitment from us and the groups that signed it to the sudanese people who have suffered from the consequences of war such as destruction displacement and then looking for stability and basic living it's also a commitment to get through the crucial times the country is currently going through the country is facing times which need real commitment to the post revolution needs and we hope sudan and its people reap the benefits of real change in this suffering. various groups that make up the sudan revolutionary front sign the deal each representing a different region the groups some armed had opposed the previous government of ahmed bashir who was overthrown in april last year they say there. regions have long been marginalized the new deal will give the group's 3 seats in the sovereignty council and a quarter of the seats in the executive council of the transitional government it also grants more power to local governments and autonomy to the southern states of blue nile and south kordofan the resources of the states will be shared between the local and federal governments it also paves way for the formation of a transitional legislative assembly with the sudan revolutionary front getting 25 percent of the seats. today we presume that rudy is today and he will i distinguish he's already not resist underdress is the roots of the crisis and conflict you see down and providing basic decisions and yes sometimes i want to share and when i was 30. and we didn't really forms i just didn't want governance the war in the western region of darfur has been going on for 17 years it's got 300000 and displaced 2000000 from their homes amid reports of burning of villages and human rights atrocities the deal paves way for compensations to those affected mediated by south sudan it will also restart the 39 month transitional period and it will allow for the rebels to be integrated into the sudanese army during this period but some rebel groups have yet to sign a deal with the government we family believe. that military solution. to sudan's internal conflict is nor do a viable option. as. the leader of if a country that made you. from going for you. i must say we have. our good you've got a country where local. rejection of do not use of force in resolving. in resolving disputes the deal is not the 1st attempt at peace in sudan's conflict zones but the transitional government and the rebel groups say this time there is political will to make it to work people morgan all just khartoum. a man hailed as a hero for saving people during the 1994 rwandan genocide has been arrested on terror charges paul reeses a beginner has been living in exile for more than 20 years he won several human rights awards for his actions during the genocide when an estimated 800000 rwandans were killed in 100 days malcolm webb reports. was paraded in front of journalists who rely on this investigation bureau in the capital kigali for years it's accused him of trying to attack rwanda through rebel groups something he's consistently tonight wanted to answer charges of crime including terrorism financing terrorism and. as fun kidnap. and murder but the trip to again another innocent run down through video on the rundown territory. it was hailed as a hero for saving more than a 1000 lives during rwanda's genocide in 1904 he was the manager of an international hotel where hundreds of people sheltered from massacring soldiers and militia about 800000 people died in the killings the majority of them ethnic sees it is very exciting his role was documented in the 2004 hollywood film hotel rwanda here he's seen attending a screening of the movie in berlin he won multiple humanitarian award but he became critical of the government of president paul kagame e he said it protects an elite minority have to seize it marginalizes the hutu majority and failed to bring justice for hutus who also massacred. the hotel rwanda narrative was once accepted in kigali but loyalists of president paul kagame e began to criticize it after restart a beginner criticized his government others who've disputed the official account of the genocide have been killed or jailed. you know. accuses me of impunity for crimes committed during the genocide this is the point where they cannot agree gummi says he didn't commit any crime when everybody knows as well as rich as a beginner that elements of the game his forces were behind the atrocities that took place from 990 and after 994. beginning lived in exile for more than 20 years it's not clear exactly how he ended up back in kigali in handcuffs. the investigation bureau said there was international cooperation but gave no further explanation malcolm webb al-jazeera. an investigation into witness tampering by colombia's former presidents of arabia is being handed over to the general's office the 68 year old are suspected of trying to silence allegations he had links to paramilitary groups. a reboot resigned from his senate seat this month after becoming the 1st ex-president to be put under house arrest is defense team successfully argued his case shouldn't be handled by the supreme court's. thousands of opposition supporters have rallied in montenegro's capital for a 2nd night claiming victory in sunday's parliamentary vote the crowds gathered outside the main serbian orthodox church in the capital. the church urged people to vote against the ruling pro western party which won the most seats but not a majority the opposition alliance says it has enough support to form the next government. russia says it will not send troops into by the roots because it believes the political crisis is under control that's despite protests entering their 4th week president alexander lukashenko is accused of rigging this month's elections to continue 26 years of for thora tarion rule tens of thousands marched through the capital on sunday demanding he resign. the headlines on al-jazeera venezuela's president nicolas maduro is pardoning more than $100.00 people including several of his political opponents the government says it's a goodwill gesture but it's seen as an attempt to boost participation in december's parliamentary elections with some opposition politicians are boycotting how mass says it's just an agreement with israel to end the latest escalation of violence along the israel gaza border the deal brokered by qatar comes as gaza struggles under a ban on fuel deliveries. the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. excuse me has invited a delegation from the united arab emirates to visit israel that's after the 1st flight by its national airline touched down in abu dhabi with a white house adviser jared kushner and other u.s. and israeli officials on board the u.s. brokered deal to open up relations between israel and the u.a.e. it was announced 3 weeks ago. have denounced the pact as a betrayal u.s. president donald trump says department of justice and homeland security are setting up a joint operations center to investigate what he called a left wing civil unrest trump also said his democratic rival joe biden has given moral aid to vandals. is a rioters these are dangerous people these are killers they kill other people and they don't even think about it they wake up the next going to get even think about it this is the extreme left agenda for america they want to appoint radical prosecutors judges and better of a shows who will sit criminals free. of any as politicians have named. as the new prime minister designate a db is the former ambassador to germany and he won broad support from across the political divide the previous government's quit on august 10th after the explosion in beirut people in power is up next but by. this is one of them both just down doing technological revolutions and all of this make our planet pretty good we have to meet the c o 2 emissions targets electric cars are made of mitchum in motion they need to be mindful when people are just talking about the sun or is it that's going to solve the problem at home or the world of business in the congress is driving the energy transition it's the promise of clean energy and illusion the downside of green energy. on al-jazeera. alaska's far north as one of the world's last pristine environments but now the trumpet ministration wants to let the oil companies drill here as campaign is take on the white house and the energy industry indigenous communities are divided between those who want jobs and those who want to preserve a unique landscape and way of life.

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Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , Qatar , United States , Alaska , China , Yemen , Russia , Ethiopia , Mexico , South Sudan , Montenegro , Santiago , Regióetropolitana , Chile , Kordofan , Shamal Kurdufan , Sudan , Kigali , W09 , Rwanda , Khartoum , Al Khartum , Hollywood , California , Serbian Orthodox Church , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Lebanon , Cuba , Florida , Wisconsin , Colombia , United Arab Emirates , Germany , Beirut , Beyrouth , Gaza , Phoenix , Arizona , France , Venezuela , Berlin , Darfur , Gharb Darfur , America , Rwandan , Sudanese , Qatari , Israelis , French , Lebanese , Israeli , Palestinian , American , Sona Muslim , Nicolas Maduro , Jared Kushner , Jared Custer , Alexander Lukashenko , Mike Hanna , Joe Biden , Abu Dhabi , Malcolm Webb Al Jazeera , Los Angeles , Benjamin Netanyahu , Malcolm Webb ,

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