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deal ended ending nearly 2 decades of conflict rebel groups in sudan signed a peace agreement that the government. and pulling the plug on dissent we speak to 2 sound engineers from better risk who had to flee their country after playing an anti russian song in protest and only well into the sports news including coronavirus confusion on day one of the u.s. open tennis several players have had close contact with infected for more pell but they are being allowed to play on. now for weeks after a devastating explosion in beirut that killed more than 200 people a new prime minister designate has been named in lebanon restart a db as the former ambassador to germany he won broad support from across the political divide and he has now been tossed with forming a new government and that all comes as french president emmanuel back on his back in the lebanese capital less than a month after his last visit then a car has the latest from beirut. he was not well known to the public until now most of a db has been chosen to form lebanon's next government the former ambassador to germany is promising change at a time of deep crisis where we will choose a ministerial team with expertise and competency will also carry out quick reforms that will put the country on the path to recovery and end the dangerous financial economic and social bleeding. got the majority of votes during parliamentary consultations the post has reserved for a son a muslim and the country's 6 tarion based governing system that is why support from former prime ministers had a heavy who had the largest sunny bloc was essential to maintain national unity factions from a divided political landscape came together before the arrival of french president a man while mccall. the country needs to embrace the initiative of president macron because the french president is working with the international community to lift lebanon from underneath the rubble mccall returns to beirut less than a month after visiting the lebanese capital 2 days after the devastating port explosion he has become a main power broker in the political crisis leading efforts to persuade politicians to fight state corruption and push through reforms needed for an international monetary fund bailout plan. for. france. or has. in his 1st act in office the new prime minister did what no lebanese official has done visited the neighborhoods damaged in the explosion regaining the trust of the people won't be easy many accuse the political class who a. pointed a deep for decades of corruption and safely storing explosive material after port. unlike his predecessor has. resigned in the aftermath of the august 4 explosion has the support from the majority of political forces but like a db could be held hostage by a political establishment that has been reluctant to carry out state reforms that could threaten their interests but this time they have little choice the state is close to collapse and the international community says there won't be blank checks in the words of the new prime minister doesn't have time and this may be its last opportunity to save itself. beirut well for more now let's speak to sally she's the associate editor of english and she joins us now on skype from beirut sally i want to start by asking you about the timing of all of this the announcement of a db as microns in town what do you make of that. today most was assigned prime minister only a few hours before a macro actually arrives. and his 1st visit. said that it's lebannon does not form a new government and does not. i believe we've just lost sally farhad we will be trying to get her back as soon as we can well let's actually take you now to beirut these are live pictures right now right now of beirut airport you can see dignitaries gathered we do know that there is obviously a series of dignitaries in town around emanuel. there have been a number of meetings that have taken place today emanuel has been traveling around beirut surveying the damage and and the rescue efforts that have been taking place there and we have also been watching the political drama play out in beirut as all of that has been moving forward today with mr announcement as prime minister designate. well moving on now and u.s. democratic presidential candidate joe biden has held his 1st campaign event since the party's convention he used it to attack president donald trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic and his response to social justice protests across the country speaking in pittsburgh he said donald trump has been a toxic presence ever since taking office well it's now speech white house correspondent candy health that she is joining us live from washington d.c. kimberly joe biden they're clearly accusing president trump of fanning the flames of racial tensions but also making it very clear that he stands against lawlessness and violence. yeah that last bit is a kind of from donald trump's song sheet it's interesting to say that he see that both men are now saying they stand against violence and lawlessness but that's about where the similarities ended joe biden coming back swinging in terms of some of the accusations donald trump has made against him not only discounting them but firing his own criticisms against donald trump accusing him of generating hate of stoking violence and also that when it comes to the charge by donald trump that you won't be safe in joe biden's america joe biden answered you're not safe in donald trump's america right now that the violence and the looting and the and rest is happening on president trump's watch now what he also said is that there's really no reason to believe that donald trump can stop the violence as president given he is fomenting it. the job of the president is to tell it straight from the shoulder tell the truth to be candid to face facts to lead not to incite that's why i'm speaking to you today you come the president is incapable of telling us the truth capable of facing the facts and incapable of healing he doesn't want to shed light he wants to generate heat and stroking violence in our cities and to me after all that criticism i see we're also expecting to hear from president trump again in a few hours. that's right u.s. president donald trump likes to get the last word so he has added to his otherwise blank afternoon schedule a press briefing that will take place at 1730 g.m.t. it's clear that both men have now seized on these protests that are weaponized seeing them and making accusations that one is fomenting the other is doing nothing to quell what it is that this is clearly become something that according to polling in the united states has resonated with american voter voter so what we see this now being is a centerpiece of the 2020 campaign we've got 65 days until americans go to the polls for voting day from the right and from donald trump he is accusing the violence on the part of left wing africa's thugs and agitators joe biden for his part is blaming it on right wing militias so a lot of finger pointing going on it seems that there is really no prospect that this is going to subside in fact just the opposite so we're waiting to hear what donald trump might have to say after some very sharp criticism from his opponent his democratic rival for president joe biden. can be held at there for us our white house correspondent thank you very much kimberly well in the u.s. the wisconsin state senate is holding a special session to discuss a package of police reform measures and that follows the shooting of an unarmed black man by police in the city of commotion just over a week ago they have been largely peaceful protests that since jacob make his name paralyzed after being shot in the back 7 times when our correspond john hendren is on the ground for us in john i see today's special session called by the governor but republicans saying they wouldn't show up even you said 30 seconds that's a pretty short session. that's right the legislature was called into session because the governor has the authority to demand that they hold a special session but they don't actually have to do anything and governor tony eaves is a democrat the legislature is run by republicans so they obligingly met gaveled the session and then within a half a minute put it into recess without considering any of the measures the specific measures that he had outlined for them to consider that included ending no knock warrants ending chokeholds for police requiring as state wide use of force plan and other restrictions on what police can do in the state of wisconsin the republican said no we have our own bills we'll consider them in due time among the measures in their bill is one that would punish any city that reduced its police funding by reducing state funding to that cities so they're looking at encouraging more police while the governor is looking at more restrictions on police and as you can see i'm i'm here in konoha where the national guard is still active here because there have been a lot of protests and a lot of activities despite several quiet nights but there is still daily protesting in the street asking for reform measures that would restrict what police can do in terms of the use of force now the governor responded to what the legislature did saying people want action now they don't want it in they don't want to task force they don't want this to happen months from now they're demanding action and he said he was disappointed but vats how it goes here that governor has also asked president trying not to go ahead with his visit that was planned for tomorrow 6 but that still seems to be happening how people they're preparing for him. that's right that just about guaranteed that the president would come if you want him to come someplace the best thing you can do is an invite him because he relishes a fight especially with a democrat like tony eve or so trump immediately rejected that idea the way people are preparing here is you've got the national guard troops here in the streets along with hundreds of police trying to ensure that there is no violent activity around the president's visit of course they have been here for a week now but you've also got the governor having asked the president not to come and you've got jesse jackson jr the civil rights leader has said people should stay in their homes because the one thing donald trump wants is attention and he wants to deny that to them. jacob blake sr the father of the young man who was shot 7 times by police in the back while climbing into his van the father said he wants people to be peaceful in the streets he says jacob blake would not have wanted the violence what he wants is the kind of legislative change that the governor proposed and it doesn't look like that's coming any time soon john hendren there with all the latest from connecticut wisconsin for us thank you very much john well let's now take you back to our top story on the appointment of the stuff a day of as the new prime minister designate and lebanon was strongly backed by the french president emmanuel macron who has literally just arrived in beirut is a live pictures now from the airport mccrone is in the lebanese capital less than a month after his last visit he's been playing a key role in the political crisis that came to a head with that devastation force explosion earlier this month we can now return to the associate editor of on a high english and she joins us now again from beirut sally let's go back to where we were before about the timing of this announcement of a deal as mccrone is visiting today how much of this is meant to be a signal to the international community. so as you were mentioning as it was appointed only a few hours before the presidents michel and it's very important the timing in particular because in his 1st visit to levanon macro has warned the lavinia's community the government and the president that if lebanon does not start abiding by new reforms and there's not a government that is willing to take on new reforms then the international community including france will not be helping lebannon in getting out of the problems it's currently as it is also very important to malta here the french presidency man emmanuel marco has played a role in ensuring that a gets assigned as prime minister through negotiating his name with political parties who would have otherwise not voted for him and sally as you say mccrone has called for reform to the whole political system i expect we're going to hear even more of that from him on this trip candidate actually promised that. basically in his 1st appearance added that not sure any clear directions or basically clearly forms he'll be taking new prime minister but for now his 1st and foremost duty would be clearly to for a government who has said and promised the lavinia's that it would be fully off experts but when it comes to that opinion is the majority do not think that prime minister will be the change that levanon needs simply because for them here present the political party is who they no longer have trust and and for them his only iraq . previous governments but the only difference between the 2 governments is that government has international backing but has failed to get international backing now and it's comes to given that he has french backing and international backing in general this might seem that he might be able to do some reforms if he's willing to do some reform and if it's going for it is not pressure him given that it has international backing but if you does fall into that trap of the pressure is off but it's a good part is that his government will most likely fail exactly like other governments have failed lebannon and that's at them. will be watching very closely indeed sadly far out there the associate editor of english speaking to us from very thank you for joining us and i. thank you. well there is plenty more ahead on this news hour including opposition supporters celebration in montenegro after a church dispute brings a surprise election results thoughts. i'm catherine saw at lake but gloria i can you know whether what the level has been rising for the last 7 years made by rudolph several kilometers from here is also rising abhi telling you why this is a potential ecological disaster. and in sports with really a symbol of hope the olympic flame carries on display ahead of the delays potential games. now white house advisor jared krishna has arrived in the united arab emirates from israel on the 1st direct flight by an israeli carry it between those 2 nations krisna is joined by an israeli delegation and that visit follows a u.s. brokered deal between israel and the u.a.e. to normalize relations and yet to be formalized but palestinians have denounced the deal saying it betrays their rights. we can't want peace more than they want peace and so when they are ready the whole region is very excited to help lift them up and move them forward but they can't be stuck in the past they have to they have to come to the table they have to figure out how do we do something that benefits everybody and allow everyone to move forward so again peace will be ready for them an opportunity will be ready for them as soon as they're ready to embrace it. is there a senior political analyst marwan bashara explains just how the move could impact the palestinian population. i would have is rushing to make a deal with that because things the israelis have a lot of clout in washington and they think the united is better than they might be if why then is elected president and insists on returning to the new the iranian nuclear deal the palestinians think it's a betrayal we could say effectuating it is a traitor in the sense that despite the p r stunts and the b.s. that come from would that be about trying to help the palestinians not an exemption it's sort of an open scandal and everyone knows that behind the scenes i would love it and here you have been coordinating have been sharing intelligence have been working out the lions and the last thing on their mind is the palestinians and we also saw that from that the new house response to the overtures will be having not mention that as he has a lot if anything it is good that you know who over the last several weeks have been telling the israeli peace council that's call that the moderates or the centrist in israel that they were wrong all along that israel does not have to concede anything to the arabs or to the palestinians in order for israel the normalized relations with other countries and i would not be proven to be a whole correct the who are right in the sense that it has entered into a relationship and an alliance with israel. while not even paying any attention to the issue of why britain away from the arab consensus that said look we will go in my lies relations with israel but only after israel withdraws from palestinian arab lands and recognizes the palestinian rights to be free people in their own home then. now sudan's transitional government has signed a peace deal and ending 20 years of conflict they went to various rebel groups neighboring south sudan mediated that deal. from. nearly a year after the start of talks to dance transitional government and the opposition coalition the sudanese revolutionary front are signing a peace deal the administration made ending conflict across an extent priority and it's hoped this will help achieve it in the city on the promise of the me we are glad that we managed to achieve a milestone regarding achieving peace in sudan we know there are other factions that say yes to sign and we hope there will be another ranch negotiate with these groups peace is the most important thing we have for the decisional period and without it all the talks about democratic concision economic developments is not possible so we see this as a 1st step has advanced incision leading up to this deal agreements have been signed by other groups that make up the sudanese revolutionary front each are presenting a different region in sudan the groups some armed oppose the previous government of ahmed bashir who was overthrown in april last year they say their regions have long been marginalized the new deal will give a role in the transitional government and hand over more power to local governments it also paves the way for the formation of a transitional legislative assembly the deal mediated by south sudan would also restart sudan's 39 month transitional period imo we affirm the commitment of south sudan and sudan's journeyed to peace because sudan peace is south sudan's peace there are still 2 more groups that are yet to sign a deal and we will continue on the issue of peace until there is a comprehensive peace in sudan we don't want any more war in dar for negotiations to end the conflict in the western region of darfur has taken the longest the war there began in 2003 and has resulted in the deaths of 300000 people and the displacement of $2000000.00 the forces of the armed groups will be integrated into the sudanese army reparations will. paid to those affected by the conflict and those displaced will be allowed to return home and even if you're not a biome and we've been in these came since 2004 we want the conflict so we can go back to our. home but we've not been properly consulted on the deal that's taking place all represented and so we concerned it may not hold. the deal is not the 1st attempt at peace in sudan's conflict zones but sudan's transitional government and the sudanese revolutionary front see this time there's a political will to make it last people morgan of his era but it's all. a man who hid and protected hundreds of people during the 190481 time genocide has been arrested on terror charges poor as a beginner was detained abroad he has been living in exile he is accused of forming in leading what rwandan authorities call terrorist movements he says a beginner one multiple human rights awards for saving lives during the genocide when an estimated 800000 rwandans were killed in 100 days his role was celebrated in the 2004 film hotel rwanda and our correspondent malcolm webb is across this for us from the kenyan capital nairobi he says government critics like recess the big tolerations want to. well hollywood does he said betrayed him as a hero but rwanda's investigation bureau has said today that he's been arrested and he's been charged with funding terrorist groups and organizing attacks within rwanda from abroad now it's made these kinds of allegations against him for many years it was back in there during the genocide in 1904 when he was widely reported to have protected hundreds of ethnic to seize in an international hotel where he was the manager at the time 12 years after that he published a book criticizing the government of president paul kagame in the wonder saying that it favored the small ethnic tutsi elite and was marginalizing the hutu majority the kinds of ethnic divisions and marginalization that with the events in the previous decades to the genocide he said these kind of things were still going on and that led to a public feud between him and president paul kagame he also accused wonder's government of denying and covering up the massacres of ethnic hutus that took place at the same time he said that no one's been held to account for these event now it's certainly not uncommon for all these kinds of views are very rarely tolerated really tolerated in rwanda rich. only i spoke to a clip on the she's an expert on transitional justice in rwanda and also a senior lecturer in criminal law at king's college london she says recess a beginner's arrest comes at a time when there have been several high profile arrests. again it is a hugely controversial figure inside of rwanda today so his status as as rescue a hero in 1904 has has been contested by a range of actors inside of the country including some of the genocide. who sheltered in the milk in which is which is the concert famously known as as hotel rwanda but i think what's key is that this is a rest comes at a time with have been a large number of international arrest warrants that have been enacted in a range of countries against rwanda diaspora so this is the 3rd high profile arrest in the last 3 months i think what we're seeing is a growing international support for the rwandan government in getting. in executing international arrest warrants that they're issuing and i think it's also important to note that in this case resistivity now is not being charged with any allegation of involvement in the 9094 genocide against the tootsie but rather he's being a legit to have connections with f.i.f.a. in which is an armed group opposed to the rwandan government and based in the eastern democratic republic of congo and burundi and it's this group that's alleged to have attacked and killed one and sit as citizens in the south of the country in 2008 and is being described by the rwandan government as the armed wing offices of the keenest political grouping the m.r.c. t. which is the rwandan movement for democratic change still ahead here on al-jazeera with beatrice trainee and still reeling from what's become known as the black summer. and a thrilling festival of b.m.w. championship nehra behind everything. hello there's been another injection of moisture into the clouds over yemen southwest saudi and amman the result and thunderstorms have been quite pretty in summer itself and they'll be more to come in fact is the motion spreads up into saudi arabia further up the mountain chain you'll see thunderstorms maybe up into towards mecca for the most part this easterly push me is that there's not much of a breeze coming down from the dry desert of iraq there has got the easterly breeze it means it will be humid for the next 3 days just fairly typical admittedly other than that the little change to be honest as the how diffuse still blowing in salalah fairly consistently now drizzle on the overhead cloud. over africa this time do you get as you die big showers that move slowly west woods and leave into the atlantic they're doing that now there is follow also sudden mauritania mali moving out through san diego but the shells are pretty big always through syria young for example and increasingly showing up in cameroon and the sas is that as well if you drop even further than of late winter interest has been showing up here is a very active frontal still for the eastern side of south africa and for southern parts of mozambique sharers and i a pretty frequent thing. for . what is left of the last ditch of this knowledge. of the americas is a sultan for centuries. has embark on a journey of discovery and reach a remote village mexico's mayan. but who has more to learn about the ways of the world. a roots movement suppose contemporary records and its mystery past you follow your blood says at this time as you. investigative journalism i got my day look this is my day i'm from the press club down area looking like global ex-pats and discussion should reparations be paid to the conversation is about time people losing their support the freedom of the people if you can leave giving voice to the voiceless it's like you're going to do why don't every time you want programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on the al-jazeera. why. the. the. now again you're watching i was there let's remind you of our top stories here this hour lebanese president reset our own has named ambassador moustapha deve as the new prime minister designate that he was strongly backed by the french president emmanuel macron who has literally just arrived in beirut you're watching live pictures now you can see mark around there entering your screen next to the lebanese president michel aoun has been paying playing a key role in the political crisis that came to a head with that devastating porch explosion earlier this month. the u.s. state of wisconsin is holding a special session to discuss a package of police reform measures that follows the shooting of an unarmed black man by police in the city of commission just for a week ago. and sudan's transitional government has signed a peace deal with rebel groups to engineer the 2 decades of conflict south sudan has been mediating those talks aimed at stopping violence in many parts of sudan including the awful. well several baltic states have imposed travel bans on senior fellow russian figures including president alexander lukashenko meanwhile thousands of people continue to demonstrate against and many have had to seek refuge in neighboring countries as smith reports from the capital of neighboring with you when you're filming us. a few seconds of defiance against the government of russian president alexander lukashenko cost kirill got a lot of lost their jobs and their freedom i thought we'd play the song $1.00 of the bosses would come in and say what the hell are you doing and we would turn it off no problem and it would just be something irritating but we would be honest to ourselves and when in the future i look back i wouldn't feel any shame for taking part in this event with. state sound engineers who'd been forced to play music at a government concert just before the presidential election. but they slipped in a famous song from 1986 used by anti soviet groups. i still have them then you're super want to do this the next moment there was this explosion of emotions people were singing along and i realized it would have risen and i knew i'd be arrested and one journalist ran up to me and said give me the number of one of your relatives because you know now you'll be arrested and asked the national the general kirill and vladislav were tried and found guilty of resisting arrest despite video released by minsk police showing engineers complying with the arresting officers they were jailed for 10 days they have a deal of credit for it and for all that's over. i spent 5 days in jail in the small cell that stank of chlorine made your eyes water it was so strong it was really hard to breathe properly and i didn't sleep at all now they've been given visas by neighboring lithuania and they're here with their girlfriends who wanted to come with them yeah yeah i'm happy that my friends and family can sleep well knowing that i was safe and no longer in danger i left the country because it didn't have any other way out so my. all of them say they want to go back home to belarus but not while xander is there these are dark to restore politicians just 4 of the hundreds of thousands of people who have dared to dispute the president's claim that he want to 80 percent of the vote in the election in early august the baltic states of introduce largely symbolic travel bans on alexander lukashenko and other senior members of his administration the 66 year old leader is continuing to resist calls to step down and he seems to have the backing of the kremlin which on monday said the situation in belarus seems to be under control bernard smith al-jazeera vilnius. now to opposition leaders attempting to join the ivory coast presidential race on tuesday despite being barred from running both of them are living in exile and of had their candidacies rejected by the electoral commission president alassane ouattara is running for a 3rd term but critics say that's against the constitution several people have been killed in recent weeks during protests against him there is a method to has this update from the bench. in fact that the deadline for the submission of these papers candidacy papers is about 2 and that's the reason why they support is wanted to make sure that the election commission put them on the ballot so if the election commission refuses to put them to put their names on the ballot a lot of people feel that they could be some kind of porter just across ivory coast especially from their supporters and that leaves the fuel to 2 key gladiators in ivory politics or president already called a big year and understand what their aims of so their supporters are eager to see that whatever it takes their names are on the ballot but from the looks of things that could be a very difficult proposition already security forces are prepared right now that the pictures we see out of ivory coast police have been deployed around the election commission vent violence spreading inside the headquarters of the elections remember the elections i just 31 days away. or rather. 2 months away so this is a very tense moment for most people in ivory coast especially supporters of the opposition speaking of elections in montenegro is rolling posse has not really won the parliamentary election that despite suffering its west results since the country won independence from serbia 14 years ago the pro-west and policy of president minute you kind of edge secured 35 percent of votes the possibly an opposition party trailed behind with 32 percent but that means it could still form a government if it can reach consensus with monta neighbors to other opposition parties even packages in the capital punctuates with more on what those results mean for montenegro. the day after the elections linton ego is in some kind of state of disbelief of whether a dispositive or negative for the 1st time in its modern history in this country is faced with a possible change in power for the last 3 decades there it was ruled by the same party the d.p.'s of current president wheeler joe kind of which this party let's count 3 is 2 independents to a nato membership and now it's leading towards european union membership but now the ruling party could easily be replaced with tools presumably an opposition bloc beach would love to have and to see more of closer ties of montenegro with neighboring syria as well as with russia however these 2 a process of being blocs don't have enough hands in montenegro parliament took a day or their own government so they will need help from their 3rd partner and the 3rd partner is proceeding collison called order which stands for a pro lesser path of the country they say that for sure that this country is going to face the more divisions and more uncertain political situation montenegro he saw . right now where a well very divided country and it's going to be like that for the next couple next couple of years about the it's a totally new political situation and climate in the country and. certainty in within the country how it's going to lead this country that in the next 4 years. india's economy has contracted for the 1st time in 40 years as a result of the coronavirus pandemic g.d.p. shrank by 23.9 percent in the 3 months from april to june followed an unprecedented nationwide shutdown the country reported more than 78000 new cases on sunday that's the biggest single day jump in the wild. another news india says it's disrupted what it's calling provocative military movements by chinese troops at a disputed section of the border the indian army says it happened overnight on sunday in the east in the dark region near the so-called line of actual control there's a problem is in new delhi with more. the indian army has released a statement the indian government in fact saying bash late on saturday night in the early hours of sunday morning that chinese troops violated a consensus that was agreed to in military diplomatic engagements during an ongoing standoff between the 2 countries in the region of east in the dock and that china tried to carry out military movements to you need naturally changed status quo they said that indian troops preempted this activity on the southern banks of the pabulum so. they also said that india is committed to maintaining peace through dialogue but equally determined to protect its territorial integrity and that there are now commanded level talks going on to try and resolve the issue now talks have been going on between the 2 sides since may 2 dissolve these escalation in tensions and the border dispute between india and china goes back decades they both have territorial claims 3 to half 1000 kilometers of land they often have soldiers often have clashes along that unofficial boarded the line of actual control but what changed was despite these talks going on despite a military buildup being seen in satellite imagery there was a very violent clash on the 15th of june and 20 indian soldiers and an unknown number of chinese soldiers were killed in mid june and since then these talks between the 2 sides have really ramped up and yet the latest statement from the indian army would indicate that there is still far from a resolution to this. we are getting some breaking news that the palestinian group hamas has announced a deal to end the escalation with israel and gaza well that's straight to our correspondent ari for such a more he joins us on the phone from west or is some kerry was there any indication at all that something like this might happen. well yes there were certainly efforts on the way on a number of fronts to try to calm the state attention that's been. present and growing for the last 2 or 3 weeks we heard from the u.n. envoy to the region who talked about the very severe danger of things escalating out of control just a couple of days ago and indeed there has been the qatari envoy madela mahdi as well as taking in tens of millions of dollars in cash which qatar has been doing for. several months now and as recently extended that commitment he was also shuttling between israel and the gaza strip mediating between the 2 sides and so what has been announced now has come from hamas it is saying that through the qatari envoy they have managed to broker a new cease fire agreement and that this will include stopping all of the border activities such as the flying even century balloons and what they call the might confusion efforts along the border where they throw explosive devices and the like and in return israel will reopen the crossings presumably that also means restoring fuel deliveries to gaza's only power station which has been down to just a few hours or just the a day being supplied to the gaza strip because that housed action is being shut down that also reopening the sea so that gaza fishermen can once again resume work and as well as that hamas is saying that that israel is going to facilitate various . infrastructure projects and job creation projects funded by qatar that is a sticking point for hamas that they say that similar commitments have not been honored in the past and that was widely seen as the reason reason for the resumption of these activities by hamas and so that will be something to be watched very carefully to see if that actually does come through or how a force that bad correspondent in the west or from the would be bringing bringing you more on that as it happens thanks very much for that. oh china has arrested in australian citizen who's a t.v. anchor for chinese state owned channel c t n a stranger's foreign minister has confirmed the high profile arrest of chang lay now the reasons for her arrest remain unclear it comes amid growing tension between china and australia over the coronavirus pandemic and beijing's handling of the outbreak. astray as a commission has borne the government to be prepared for more frequent and intense natural disasters in the coming years it's released its 1st report on the summer bush fires that burned through millions of hectares of land and visited the community of braley me at the capitol canberra to see how recovery efforts are going. it's now known as the struggle is black thelma months of raging bushfires devastated the country southeast claiming dozens of lives and destroying everything in its path scientists believe nearly 3000000000 animals were killed or displaced the heartbreak and the devastation that with us is nearly indescribable there was so many of the businesses that were lost there's so many of the beautiful homes that were lost here as well 8 months on al-jazeera has returned to some communities with fire caused widespread destruction in broward least sue and mark perry haven't rebuilt their home yet but most of the debris has been removed they had stayed to defend it but the inferno was too strong it virtually exploded once it hit the. massive train coming towards us after months of repairs they're hoping to reopen a gift to be with next month which were badly damaged and the return of some bird species is bringing new hope with financial support i ding the return of wildlife. nest boxes erected into some of the trees where the possums and. them to be in this council area alone nearly 500 homes were destroyed and about 80 percent of this land and it's quite incredible they'd see just how quickly the landscape is recovering but the trauma that people went through is still very rewarding. some who lost everything a still living in tar vans and tents and businesses are operating out of template buildings findings from a royal commission into the fires have been delayed due to code that 19 is an interim report says better coordination is needed between different levels of government and work on updating bushfire warning systems should be prioritized. eagan he lost his home wants action on climate change to be included in the final report in october when a turd reduce emissions quickly and fast we don't have the technology played. a political will to to get beyond it the commission's report also want to strike fear is likely to experience more frequent and intense natural disasters in the years ahead nicola gage al-jazeera proudly while still ahead here on al-jazeera they were open tennis is on the way behind closed doors in new york but not without controversy. ok cutting. player plays. september on al-jazeera the trial of those accused of helping in the 2015 charlie hebdo newspaper attacks begins in cars as the world plans to move to was a green energy a new documentary examines the fresh environmental challenges this will cause following the postponement of parliamentary elections due to coronavirus iranians returned to the village england's one i want to east investigate in-depth stories from across asia and the pacific as u.s. president donald trump's executive order banning we check china's most popular app comes into effect across america will this put drug a strain on u.s. china relations september on al-jazeera. welcome back rights groups say thousands of political activists journalists and human rights workers in pakistan have been taken against their will and held in secret but speaking to al-jazeera as has some of our prime minister iran can't defend it his country's record on media freedom and forced disappearances although warned any independent and independence to sion do just in these 2 years in pakistan do an assessment of freedom of speech as in the papers or on on media i can tell you that no country in my country's history nor government has taken such criticism. criticism i don't mind but blatant propaganda against the government like it has happened against us so do you think these accusations are literally motivated. please explain. almost 20 years of my life in england i know what freedom of speech is in england some of the things that have come up in the media against me and my government ministers had that happen and in england we would have claimed millions of dollars of damages unfortunately it's us the government and the ministers who feel unprotected it's not the media there is not one instance maybe the some journalist we don't even know what the reason was he was picked up for a few hours in these 2 years it's unheard of what do they call intimidation i mean if someone published a fake news against the prime minister and the prime minister then takes them to the court. is that is that intimidation it happens everywhere in the world and you can watch hashim the full interview with imran khan on talk to al-jazeera that's at $730.00 g.m.t. on fast a teaching and none. now rising water levels along kenya's great rest have forced thousands of people from their homes there are also fears of a looming ecological disaster now 2 lakes are growing closer together and make contaminate each other threatening wildlife and livelihoods catherine soy explains . this is late but korea in kenya's rift valley an alkaline lake which is home to some of the largest colonies of flamingoes in the world and this and hot springs but something has been changing in the last few years the water level has been rising causing the lake to expand about 8 kilometers since 2013 it has covered most of the keys as and submerged territory that once had homes hospitals and roots james a game warden shows us how far the lake has come and tells us how worried he is. used to be that the formula but. for the. the lake gets most of its water from a river whose main source are forests in the central highlands environmental climate change before station and unusually heavy rains have made things worse this is one of the rivers that feed like korea and our game warden says the big problem is right here because if the water from the lake which is rising gets to this point then it cooled reverse the cause of the river mix up with swamps downstream which connect with burying a freshwater lake they facts to the ecosystem will be disastrous lake very good 13 kilometers to the north has freshwater the 2 lakes were 20 kilometers apart not too long ago lake baringo is rising at about 2 and a half centimeters a day its water has increased by up to 12 meters in the last 7 years where we are running past and used to be driving around dr lizabeth my horse has lived here for 40 years she and her husband run a program 3 habitate. are a gland she says even water from the 2 lakes makes their contaminate each other and affect the lives of hundreds of thousands of people deforestation really has to be looked at so that the flash flooding is stopped and catchment areas are preserved. another thing very important is that this lake fluctuates it goes down it comes up so who knows given climate change how it will fluctuate seeing lin a point is one of thousands here who are in trouble now they by ringo has reached his doorstep the water was far when i was coming here my previous house is now submerged now i'm trying to figure out where to move next only god can help us. he doesn't know it yet but even late but goriot contaminates baringo all the water life including the fish she depends on for food and money will die the suggestions by some scientists and government workers to build a barrier between the 2 people who've been watching the lakes well for yes say enough of talk a solution needs to be found quickly catherine soy al-jazeera lead but gloria kenya . it is now time for sport. thank you the u.s. open tennis has started in new york but there's confusion surrounding the tournament coronavirus rules we told you on sunday that french player bonior pair had tested positive in the bubble in new york and was subsequently withdrawn but a number of other players have been confirmed as having had close contact with the pair will not be removed as things stand in a departure from the original rules which they should isolate for 14 days they will instead be kept away from others regularly tested but crucially still allowed to compete and train some of them of course already without knowing whether they're positive or not for this has not gone down well with some players australia's doubles player alan parents said the new protocols are misleading disrespectful of what if any of those close contacts back a positive test everyone takes action upon these reckless and dangerous protocols this isn't a game. so the action has started us on course with ash party and simona halep opting out of their own carlina chris culliver is top seed and she enjoyed a straight sets win over and helena cobban a year in the 1st round. once again there was no sign of you know messi is barcelona began their training for the new season fans waited to get a glimpse of the players as they arrived but when it came to their main star replica shirts was as good as it got messi has told the cop he wants to leave for free but they insist that interested teams must pay and i $133000000.00 buyout as he continues to send a clear message through you also skipped a coronavirus test on sunday. beginning a new era under ronald koeman who left his job as netherlands coach the dutch courts have been training ahead of their upcoming nations league matches against poland and italy cuts in virgil van dyke understands coleman's decision. to do almost and. i'm not disappointed in him at all i know that job was his big dream with cope at 19 we still don't know if the euros is going to happen when a chance like this comes along i understand that he took it it's a pity for us but we wish him all the best. you name or your wife has confirmed that hypothetically teams could end up forfeiting nations they going to if they're struck by covert 19 and can't field enough players if not the same is deemed responsible for an outbreak the result would be decided by the drawing of lots it's been confirmed that the italian football league season will start on september 19th and veteran forwards him of age has extended his contract with milan for another year according to reports the 38 year old swede returned for a 2nd stint at the italian club in january on a 6 month contract and i finished 6th after 13 much of bait and straight you know competitions it was enough to secure the europa league falls. you have another prolific scorer cheero immobility has extended his contract until 2025 it had been due to expire with $22.00 to $3.00 in mobile he scored $36.00 in salary others say isn't much the italian league record or the former head of european football michel platini has been questioned by swiss prosecutors over $2000000.00 payment he received from world governing body for the payment into its $11.00 that's his removal as you wait for president putin is officially a suspect in a 5 year long investigation into the criminal mismanagement misappropriation of forgery that blatter the former head of the for who authorized the payment is due to be questioned on tuesday by part silly blood deny wrongdoing but angeles clippers star forward has that he's tainted the n.b.a. western conference semifinals with a 33 point performance against the dallas mavericks before the action tipped off the players were black wives' matters t. shirt and took a new jury in the national anthems of protest racial injustice and it was the start of the show for the clippers who would win game 611-1297 they took the series 42 they will face either dead but nuggets or utah are jazz met and it was a night to remember for don't close the markets for you scott. did points to help his team beat the jazz 19107 that ties the series up at 23 after denver found themselves back in 70 the decisive one set for tuesday i go for the b.m.w. championship had a thrilling finish on sunday world number one dustin johnson nailed an incredible 43 thought birdie par on the final hole to force a play off against by john well. if you thought it was good this was wrong on the 1st extra hole he had 2 parts for birdie to just stay in the playoffs but he made the hole from 66 feet away. johnson missed his birdie chance handing world number 2. man takes hold a $2300000.00 winning 2 in a check but johnson stays just ahead of him in the world of ryan caves. let's finish with shots from tokyo where the olympic flame is going on display at the japanese olympic museum it's right next to the national stadium which was built for the 2020 games which have been delayed a year because of coronavirus it's hoped 10000 torch bearers will carry the flag next year as a location so many officials reiterated their desire for the olympics to act as a symbol of hope. you're proud of athletes aiming to participate in the olympics and paralympics are training hard every day while having great anxiety about covert 19 i'm confident that this flame which is displayed today will be a moral support for such athletes. that saw the sport for now be back with more lighter. thank so much for a while that is it up for me in istanbul today but i will hand you i've got to felicity and long time when i have more news for you in a moment including all the latest on hamas as an announcement that it's reached a deal to end the escalation with israel will be live and west to receive i'm sorry to stay tuned here on al-jazeera. and. jump into the story and julian on global community this generation will have to create its own democracy with social media and will online be part of the debate let me put some you tube comments to you when no topic is off the table is taking on all the systemic violence that people of color have suffered not only now but for decades we are going to be to transform lives the way he keeps human way to business if we're going to adapt to climate breakout this street on out is there. no mood out of his parents' house after he got to me he says he found more space to begin discussing after a run of eating it last year it's now his home along with his wife daughter and health but there's wriggle room and said that he will speak with structed we've gotten permits and issued the demolition order last month our interview with cut short as he hears that the israeli army has arrived in the village with a bulldozer residents say soldiers gave them one minute to get home it took the found me months to build their brick and dust than an hour to see it get demolished . more than 7 decades ago a country was split in. to be good. to me and now at the time. to be all it took was a pen a map of the collapsing empire when the british had to draw a line they pulled at his servant who had never been to india before al-jazeera examines the violent birth of india and pakistan and asks what the future holds for these nuclear neighbors partition borders of blood. a former ambassador and political long known as appointed lebanon's new prime minister the stuff of the promises to put the country on the path to recovery. that i've listed all and you're watching al-jazeera live from london also coming up . doll choppers going to toxic presence in our nation for 4 years. for easily how we talk to one. in his 1st campaign rally since accepting the democratic nomination job by.

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