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Protests grow in cities in belarus theres more trouble for president lukashenko his support in rural areas is beginning to weigh. U. S. President donald trump says the National Guard is on its way to suppress a black lives matter of protest and can osha that been 3 nights of unrest in wisconsin after police shot a black man jacob blake 7 times in the back a 17 year old has been arrested accused of shooting 2 people dead during the demonstrations video footage showed a young white man opening fire in the middle of the street with a semiautomatic rifle the local sheriff has extended a nightly curfew were not going to put up with what we saw monday night were not going to is that mean were going to stop it all. Yeah it comes on numbers they come not to be able to stop at all but were going to be assertive in helping to protect the city if you know shit you know if you county in our neighbors from around the county state and country are here to help too well within the past hour there was constant attorney general has given more details about the shooting of 29 year old jacob blake he says officers initially tried to use a taser on him but were unsuccessful mr blake walked around his vehicle opened the drivers side door and leaned forward while holding on to mr blakes shirt officer ruston chefs ski fired his Service Weapon 7 times after she fired the weapon into mr blacks back during the investigation following the initial incident mr blake admitted that he had a knife in his possession and the cia agents thats the division of criminal investigation i recovered a knife from the drivers side floorboard of mr blakes vehicle a search of the vehicle located no additional weapons john hendren joins us live now from can have john so were listening there to wisconsins attorney general getting more details about the events leading up to jacob blake shooting what was he been saying. Thats right the details we learned from the attorney general really contradicts a lot of what we had been heard earlier weve been told that blake was an armed the attorney generals that in fact he acknowledged that he had a knife on him although the video that we have seen that 20 seconds of viral video shows him walking away from police with his back toward them not threatening them but you have the police saying they did recover a knife on the floorboard of that car whether he had it on his person and dropped it in the car when he was shot we dont know they say that is the extent of the investigation but they do acknowledge that one officer fired 7 times into blakes back and they say that was the only officer who fired the shots what we dont know is whether that officer will be charged there have been a couple officers who have been put on administrative leave and then we went on to here at the District Attorney of this area to talk about the violence and some of the looting in arson that is occurring he called that despicable and said that they would not allow that so we can expect probably for them to pursue some prosecutions especially because along with all of the Police Hundreds of them state federal local that are coming to descend on can no show over the next day or 2 there were also be investigators people from the f. B. I. Who specialize in that sort of thing down and john whats the latest situation then on the streets i mean President Trump said he was sending in reinforcements abhi like to see protesters defy the curfew again. Well as you can see there and they are right behind me we are just past the curfew right now so theyre violating it as we speak and thats because you know she moved the curfew up by one hour so now its an hour earlier than it has been now its during daylight they want everyone to get home before it gets dark and its after dark when the protesters have tested the police on every night so far but as you mentioned President Trump said that he had spoken to governor tony even as they had greet agreed that trump would send in a number of federal troops that includes 500. 00 National Guardsmen it also includes people from the f. B. I. From the bureau of alcohol tobacco and firearms and u. S. Marshals some of those people have already been here but theyre coming in much larger numbers i just spoke to a Law Enforcement source about an hour or so ago who told me that from chicago alone there will be 60 f. B. I. Agents and an untold number of swat teams those are the guys who carry riot gear and assault weapons and theyre there for very serious crowd control kinds of missions and thats just one city that the nearest big city but just one city that theyre coming from so what officials are trying to do here is what they successfully did in minneapolis thats after several days of of raucous looting and arson they just came in with huge numbers of police very Aggressive Police tactics rubber bullets tear gas and they shut those protests down after dark thats what theyre trying to do here and so far they have been utterly unsuccessful they simply have not had the numbers to protect more than this sort of central area where youve got a bunch of government buildings as police were here a group of looters and arsonists have gone to other neighborhoods and just torched them in one incident in one night rather 37 different fires were set to john hendren there live for us in commotion wisconsin john thank you. Well action against Racial Injustice is also spread to American Sports the n. B. A. Has postponed all of wednesdays playoff games that soft of the Milwaukee Bucks boycotted their match against the Orlando Magic the bucs players made the decision in the aftermath of the shooting of jack a black. Democratic president ial nominee joe biden has promised justice for jacob blake in a video statement biden said hed spoken to the 27 year olds family and that the video showing blake being shot made him sick president ial hopeful has backed peaceful protests against Police Brutality but warned against needless violence. By iran dandre or is a professor of Political Science at Jackson State University he says there needs to be an adequate political response to the violence where there may be some low i guess hesitancy if you will on the 2. Candidates the 1968 you know as well that was the year that the command of the cables assassinated and once he was assassinated after americans took the streets in protest just as americans do in trouble all political just patient and those voters got the point that needs to be made here i guess is that there used to be. No so if you will look from systemic racism issues have evolved now where you have illuminated with the death of george lower but now there needs to be some you know implementation we know what needs to be done but now we need to execute particularly we need to. Figure out where it is that where we can minimize black people in america is being a threat simply because of the way they look. U. S. Vice president mike pence will make his case to voters at the Republican National convention later on wednesday night a socially distance audience of around 100 people are expected to watch him deliver his speech from fort mchenry in maryland other speakers on day 3 will include pence his wife karen and civil rights advocate Clarence Anderson lets bring in Kimberly Halkett live from outside the White House Committee so mike pence will be giving his keynote speech later from fort mchenry what are we expecting to hear from the Vice President and was he chose in this specific location. Well according to the white house this will be a speech that will be optimistic in tone that it will lay out the goals of the future of a 2nd term of a trump pensive ministration but also what this administration sees as some of it successes having said that while there have been some historic job gains all of those have been wiped out by a covert 19 so its a little bit ironic that it will be mike pence talking about all of this given the fact that he headed up the task force for corona virus in the United States and many blame the trumpet ministration for not doing more in terms of response so that will be the challenge to overcome but in terms of the venue for make henry the reason this is been chosen is because the symbol of this evening is to honor american heroes the location of fort mchenry was the inspiration for the starspangled banner of the American National anthem and this will be an opportunity for the trumpet ministration to stand in solidarity with those that are under d the flag well also sending a message of contrast to those that choose to kneel for the National Anthem mostly black Football Players who protest Police Brutality and can believe those riots and can osho wisconsin have taken up much of the headlines in the u. S. President trump wasted no time in declaring he was sending in reinforcements to quell the protests presumably he sees this as the perfect opportunity to show that hes being tough on law and order. Yeah this is something that the president recast himself as this law and order president tough on the violence of the latest being the support that he has given to the governor of wisconsin sending in the National Guard this is because the president had expected to run on his economic record but of course again that was decimated by cope with 19 and now the president has sort of pivoted to this new message so expect that we may even see the president this evening what we do know is that there is expected to be a strong to that ca should by the Vice President to the violence that continues not just in wisconsin but also around the United States as many of those protests have turned to riots and violence all right to kimberly huggett live for us there outside the white house can be will no doubt come back to you after the Vice President speaks later on during the night iran has agreed to give you an inspectors access to 2 alleged Nuclear Sites the International Atomic Energy Agency has been trying to gain access for the past year iran had argued that the requests were based on a geisha is from israel the agreement was made by the head of the agency whos just returned from a visit to iran. These pictures we have access to these sites we have agreed on day. For these we have agreed on the basis. For these this is extremely important we have agreed that a reek of nice that these. Activities that we are going to have there are related to Nuclear Material or possible related Nuclear Activities aljazeera as i said baby has more now from the iranian capital. There was some tension between the i. A. E. A. And iran over these 2 sites and the head of the i. A. E. A. Ruffo grossi had met with irans head of irans atomic agency. He met with the foreign minister zarif and also the president has sandro harney. Wanted access to these 2 sites that they said it was a. Nuclear material had been stored or used on had blocked access to these sites in june of this year the i. A. E. A. Passed a resolution that was put forward by germany france the United Kingdom demanding access over the last few days it seemed like iran was changing his position said that they would correct access if it would end questions once and for all now this joint statement seems that these conditions will these kind of vague preconditions have been met now in the statement says that they dont have any more questions or access regarding sites sites that iran has already declared but even more so what theyve said is that they will take Iran Security concerns into consideration. Time for a short break here on out as iraq when we come back im uncertain it will ever be enough justice for what has happened at the hands of terrorist survivors and relatives of victims from new zealands worst mass shooting testify in court while the White Supremacy is responsible or wait sentencing. Tensions in the mediterranean greece and turkey hold military exercises near an area of water they both claim stay with us. For the. Typhoon bevies the story in the East China Sea now its a very big typhoon but this is a very big area so its destructive winds are quite tight to the on the dont really reach the eastern side the has been damaged in Gale Force Winds in june probably in the western coast of the Korean Peninsula but the landfall is the real damaging potential between north korea and china that will be typhoon force winds vast amounts of rain of course a storm surge very quickly because its moving quickly this thing will disperse in the next day or so overland it leaves a trail behind it of thunderstorms which extend answers shanghai almost to hong kong but actually hong kong is dry by friday and this quite distinct areas of thunderstorms to the south of that just east the philippines in the line of weakness in the absolutely sunder storms in this part of borneo nose in borneo back to his pledge to malaysia and parts of sumatra south thats fairly dry for the next day or so java including jakarta looks pretty much free of thunderstorms not everybody but us the majority story the monsoon rains are going to long way west now through pakistan to afghanistan and although id like to give good news because theyve been deadly in afghanistan there is more to come in similar areas. But. A story of life deception life and death an israeli spy operating on the deep cover in syria knowing that discovery would make certain that aljazeera world tells a gripping story of mustards by early coming operated under cover in syria in the 960 im not patients career that ended in public executions illegal and mustard agent a. T. F. On aljazeera. Welcome back a quick amount of our top stories here on aljazeera u. S. President donald trump says hes ordered the National Guard to suppress black lives matter protests and can osha is a live pictures from there as an overnight curfew comes into effect and 3 nights of unrest in wisconsin after police shot dead a black man. A 17 year old has been arrested accused of shooting 2 people dead at one of the protests in connection of video footage showed a young white man opening fire in the middle of the street with a semi automatic rifle. And u. S. Vice president mike pence will make his case to voters at the Republican National convention later on wednesday and other speakers will include pence his wife karen and civil rights advocate parents and. Forecasters in the usa hurricane laura could hit the coast of louisiana and texas with unsurvivable storm surge is currently a category 4 storm laura has rapidly picked up speed fueled by the warm waters of the gulf of mexico half a 1000000 people have already been forced to leave their homes and a gallica reports. Bearing down on louisiana and texas are again laura has grown into a life threatening storm forecasters say laura has undergone a remarkable intensification becoming even more powerful than 1st predicted this is the most intense hurricane to hit the region in years bringing daya warnings from officials but im asking people right now to Pay Attention to this storm to get out of harms way if theres an Evacuation Order in place whether its mandatory or voluntary and understand our state hasnt seen a storm surge like this in many many decades more than half a 1000000 residents have been evacuated the National Guard has been deployed and even those who normally ride storms out a taking no chances were he was going to stay but listed a category 4 there was the even though the house supposed to be. No thanks i think it is better to leave the. American journal so you never know whats in your. Best thank you for backing away. Laura is predicted to bring with it a storm surge of up to 6 meters that could go inland for 50 kilometers along the louisiana texas border forecasters call that uncivil language not often used by the National Hurricane center but its important for people to know that from about 7 pm tonight until about 9 am in the morning it will be a little bit of a lockdown time period for the ability of rescuers in aders the to get in and to provide support for anybody in the in the local regions winds may also reach close to 200 Kilometers Per Hour making large scale Power Outages and extensive damage likely a storm the size and strength of Hurricane Dora hasnt it this region in more than a decade to make things worse it may coincide with high tide making flooding and surges even more powerful even if that doesnt happen forecasters say hurricane lura will be catastrophic. Evacuations have been complicated by the pandemic with officials urging people to stay with family or in hotels now all millions can do is watch and wait as hurricane laura approaches and gallacher aljazeera. The government behind new zealands worst mass shooting is back in court for sentencing brenton tyrant killed 51 muslim worshippers in Christ Church last year he faces life in prison with no chance of parole in court survivors of the shooting and relatives of those who died have been giving victim statements and directly confronting the killer. Reports. For a 3rd straight day Brinton Terence was brought into the high court in christchurch handcuffed and shackled he again set largely emotionless as he listened to and faced family members of people he killed or injured and those who survived his attack are you because you thought the reman do pretty well as i fear the gunman may hear and find in the store. I stayed in that position and did the police came in and let this out from. I saw the bodies or the part of us had them what terence was charged with killing 51. 00 people at 2 mosques in christchurch on the 15th of march last year attempting to murder 40 more and of engaging in an act of terrorism he pleaded guilty to all charges. Im uncertain they will even be enough justice for what has happened at the hands of a terrorist. You however i know one thing for sure that this monster my father and the other beautiful souls that day much is a coward. On the opening day of the sentencing the court heard how terence methodically researched the mosques and planned the attacks for when theyd be busy before entering his 1st target the elmore mosque he uploaded a manifesto online detailing his obsession with White Supremacy tyrant declined to address the court but many of those who were affected by his attack chose to speak directly to him i dont know how this Justice System would deal with you but i have peace knowing here after you get what you just said by the will of the other might not be here was. When the sentences handed down brenton tyrant is likely to become the 1st person in new zealand to be sentenced to life with no chance of parole when hey al jazeera the greek Prime Minister says hes ready to help deescalate tensions with turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean and a call with the u. S. President kerry has said turkey would 1st have to end provocations both nations have been holding military exercises near a patch of water they both claim and in which a turkish ship is carrying out doing research earlier the greek Prime Minister said in extend his claim of the waters in the ionian c. Further to the west and i can almost see him and us to this greece will extend the coastal zone to the west from 12 to 6 miles greeces growing others have said this building where the ones were putting this into practice. Took his president has also discussed the issue with u. S. President donald trump earlier russia type one warning greece not to test turkeys patience he said he would never compromise on what is ours only one insisted on the legality of Turkish Maritime borders in the eastern med and the potential natural gas well beneath it. C r c we are determined to do whatever is necessary in the military political and economic sense we invite your counterparts to get it together and avoid mistakes that would bring their destruction in belarus auto workers have joined a general strike demanding new elections. Hundreds of people gathered near the capital minsk as part of a wave of industrial action against president Alexander Lukashenko thats despite Security Forces pressuring workers to end their walkout. Well while demonstrations against look at shankar draw hundreds of thousands to the streets in the cities its a different story in the rural areas as a former farmer shanker remains popular among people there but support is slowly starting to wane a step vasant the reports from. Outside the capital minsk life seems to have been standing still soviet style collective farms name call code is still exist here although theyre not as prosperous as in the old days of former coal goes direct to himself this is president lukashenko is heartland villages are reluctant to talk about the mass protests against him events happening in the cities worry them protesters take stones from the pavement and attack policeman why the time of revolutions is gone nato wants war they will make profit from it on the bench an assassin gets this information from watching state television a new person in power will not bring any changes that will never happen only young people are protesting old people are supporting look i saw to muse like him many and a village have to get by on a small pension or income life has been difficult here but at least its been stable worried about what might come next from say they rather stick to the devil they know meaning look at shankar but even here he is losing support. Flooding me who does not give us his full name make some extra money growing used to be astounded 4th of look i shant go but those days are over given the state in the ninetys he was a necessary leader he saved and preserve manufacturers of the chamber has come up from its knees but his successes have expired you must understand that he isnt able to be the country into something new. Like many in belarus he doesnt believe the president will go peacefully pictures of look at shankar and body armor carrying a rifle during a mass rally last sunday were widely watched here for larry king live it you wrote a book about him fierce hes aiming for more violence to work. Hes a person who in politics relies on strength and violence is firm and cruel he uses cruel words like he wants to tear hands or. Has more chances to win than the opposition in case of his victory there will be large consequences the. Consequences are already felt in the cities where the belorussian rubble is falling in value during the crackdown on protestors and here in the villages many are also worried about what comes next step fasten aljazeera month over. France has recorded nearly 5 and a half 1000 new cases of corona virus in 24 hours is the highest daily total since the countrys lockdown ended the number of deaths has not increased significantly with 16 reported on tuesday the last day when figures were available. Kenyas president has extended a nationwide curfew for another 30 days saying coronavirus cases were rising in areas outside the capital who kenyatta ordered bars and nightclubs to be shot. Thanks to. The pressure to meet country. From 30. 2 percent. Just. Civic responsibilities and i. Never took. The 5 percent positive rate recommended by the. Mexicos economy is shrinking rapidly as it struggles to deal with the fallout of the pandemic it shrunk by nearly 19 percent between ankle in june compared to the same period last year mexico was already in a recession before the lockdown just over 5000 new cases were confirmed on wednesday. Campaigning has begun in chile for a referendum to decide the future of the constitution juliens are due to vote on october 25th theyll decide whether or not to rewrite the constitution put in place during the military dictatorship which ended 30 years ago this in human has more now from the capital santiago. Where im standing now is into italy bronze which was nicknamed dignity plaza as many of you may recall during months and months of social uprisings of people protest clashes with riot police very very intense and all that suddenly came to an end because of the pandemic but now in this very same place which is incredibly symbolic for those who want a new constitution and who fought for the constitution or the right for people to choose whether or not they want a new one. Theyve come here and theyre only allowed to be 50 people gathered in one place at the same time ill just get out of the way that you may see there are more soldiers and more police here than there are actually people with with flags showing their support for a constitutional reform and a Constitutional Assembly when this referendum takes place finally when it takes place that will decide whether chileans agree on rewriting one or not but in the meantime as you say there is a huge pandemic underway and that is means that a lot of people wont even be allowed to go and vote so thats becoming a controversy in and of itself what is more important the constitutional right to vote or the right you know than your obligation to stay home to protect other peoples health. And in chile you have to vote physically it pretty you cannot vote online so thats becoming a big controversy right now but right now we have a few people at least while most of the campaigning is done online out here showing their support for a new car tamad not in this country. Tough a quick check of the headlines here on aljazeera u. S. President donald trump says hes over the National Guard to suppress black lives not to demonstrations and to mention theyve been 3 nights of unrest in wisconsin and the shot dead a black man. Within the past hour the Wisconsin Attorney general has given more details about the shooting of jacob blake he says officers initially tried to use a taser on him but it was unsuccessful mr blake walked around his vehicle opened the drivers side door and leaned forward while holding on to mr blakes shirt officer ruston she fired his Service Weapon 7 times officer she fired the weapon into mr blakes back during the investigation following the initial incident mr blake admitted that he had a knife in his possession and the cia agents thats the division of criminal investigation recovered a knife from the drivers side floorboard of mr blakes vehicle a search of the vehicle located no additional weapons. On a 17 year old has been arrested accused of shooting 2 people dead at one of the protests and. Video footage showed a young white man opening fire in the middle of the street with a semiautomatic rifle. U. S. Vice president mike pence will make his case to voters at the Republican National convention later on wednesday other speakers will include pences wife karen and civil rights advocate clarence henderson. Iran has agreed to give you an inspectors access to 2 alleged Nuclear Sites the International Atomic Energy Agency has been trying to gain access for the past he is iran had argued that the requests were based on allegations from israel. The gunman behind new zealands worst Mass Shootings back in court for sentencing Brenton Tarrant killed 51 muslim worshippers in Christ Church last year he faces life in prison with no chance of parole and the greek Prime Minister says hes ready to help deescalate tensions with turkey in the eastern med and a call with the u. S. President to talk is said turkey would 1st have to end provocations both nations have been holding military exercises near a patch of water they both claim. So those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after inside story such intense watching by for that. Hi im Steve Clements and i have a couple of questions can the Republican Party survive President Trump and what will that party look like if you wins again lets get to the bottom line. For the past 4 years donald trump has been radically reshaping the Republican Party and his image and with his trump brand in the partys convention this week he decided to speak every night bucking the tradition where the candidate accepts the partys nomination on the last night usually lots of confetti and balloons at that crescendo hes also stuff the keynote speeches with family members branding the convention as a trump a vent and less of a Political Party event but what happens if youre a republican but you find his policies or his leadership or his character distasteful is trump really a key

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