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A powerful earthquake hits the central philippines well be live from manila. Testers and bella who skakel president Alexander Lukashenko now the main Opposition Leader was calling on the military to switch sides. The u. S. Democratic party has begun its National Convention the events usually packs a stadium with huge crowds but because of covert 19 its all being done online form a 1st Lady Michelle obama and vermont senator Bernie Sanders one among a number of prominent democrats and republicans who made speeches backing joe biden for president alan fischer reports. A moment of american political history the 1st but chill president ial convention the democrats gaveling to order online large gatherings cast aside because of covert but a party torn by infighting 4 years ago this was about presenting a united front but its not easy to unite the Democratic Party were rebuffed just group joe bidens pulled it off on the 1st night the man many thought would secure the nomination this time around Bernie Sanders to his supporters to backbiting in response to the unprecedented crises we face we need and unprecedented response a Movement Like never before of people who are prepared to stand up and fight for democracy and decency and against greed oligarchy and bigotry a huge Technical Team spread around the country dialed in reactions trying to make it feel more familiar and there were moments that will go viral every single. Grain. Dispassionately news from me there are still celebrity appearances musical breaks and in this proctored moment close Party Endorsement america is at the joint basic the former Ohio Governor who ran for the republican nomination 4 years ago giving his support to the party he spent a lifetime campaigning against and no one person or party has all the answers but what we do know is that we can do better than what weve been seeing today for sure and i know that joe biden with his experience and his wisdom in his decency can bring us together to help us find that better way the job is hard then the keynote speaker for the evening former 1st Lady Michelle obama a woman who says she hates politics delivering a scathing assessment of 4 years of trump donald trump is the wrong president for our country he has had more than enough time to prove that he can do the job but he is clearly in over his head he cannot meet this moment he simply cannot be who we are to be for us it is what it is. Donald trump will hit the campaign trail again during the Democratic Convention and hes already said he is going to pardon the someone he describes as very very important at some point on tuesday determined to grab the headlines as the democrats try to highlight what they see as his failings of his time in office alan fischer aljazeera washington joe ruben is a former Obama Administration official who also worked on banning sandras president ial campaign he says the Democratic Party showed a strong sense of unity on day one. The mission for Bernie Sanders tonight was to really ensure that the base of the party is mobilized and going out to vote in november that was something that was weak last last election cycle 4 years ago and democrats we believe that if we had had the kind of turnout in 2016 that we did in 2012 we would have won it would have been close but we would have won so we want to get back to that in critical and that is ensuring that the base voters the sanders voters do come out so the republicans dont want that theyre going to try to tie us in knots try to separate us i think with Bernie Sanders the tonight is to say no my voters come out support joe biden you know if you were an alien coming into. The country the world for the 1st time comes United States watches you would see a diverse set of speakers you would see Bernie Sanders you would see john casey the former governor of ohio whos a very conservative republican you would get the sense that the broad swath of america supports joe biden and i think thats the message and thats going to continue to be the message that this is an Inclusive Party a big tent and they joe biden is welcoming those Diverse Communities and diverse thought and republicans included yes and liberal democrats included as well though all of a seat in table if he can get that message across every night its going to be a very welcome welcoming argument for voters in particular independent voters in swing states as we get closer to the election he won by a court is expected to give its verdict in the case of form and charged over the assassination of former lebanese Prime Minister rafiq on t. V. In 2005 that hanssen defendant said being tried in absentia and then members of the on Group Hezbollah which has repeatedly denied involvement in the attack from lebanon is in a heart of reports. Its been 15 years since former Prime Minister rafiq had it he was assassinated in a suicide car bombing in beirut 21. 00 others were also killed in an act that changed the face of lebannon the special International Tribunal investigating the case is due to deliver its verdict the accused are known members of hezbollah a Lebanese Armed group backed by iran prosecutors have based their case on evidence of a phone network that monitored haddadi months before his death that went dark following his murder they say the former Prime Minister was working to free lebanon from syrias domination and the killing was politically motivated. The prosecutors say the suspects are linked to some assassinations mainly of opponents of syrian president bashar assad that include the failed attempt on the life of former minister marwan had made the what was a serial murder of the political class. Targeted the people who gathered on the 14th of march or those who expressed one position to bashar the regime to they knew that the policy of syria was to pave the way for iranian bret being influence in lebanon. The balance of power is now in favor of hezbollah whose armed wing is considered a terrorist organization by the west and the arab league has secretary general has denied any role in the killing and questioned the legitimacy of the tribunals before indictments were issued. Called it an israeli u. S. Tool and vowed to never to hand over the suspects the lebanese government i dont think it will refrain it will say that its not within its capacity to arrest those people that means the tribunals should refer the case to the u. N. Security council but that divided and lacks the means to deliver a guilty verdict and has on its allies control political and military power in the country in 2011 they did topple the cabinet of how do you discern side because you refuse to stop cooperating with the tribe you know. How do you do skilling tore Lebanon Society apart he was considered the leader of the Muslim Community who suspected assassins belong to a shia group a conviction is unlikely to heal divisions but given hezbollahs perceived control of the government it could affect lebanons international relations. Beirut. Several rockets have struck afghanistans capital kabul injuring 9 people at least one rocket landed near the main diplomatic district its act coincided with Independence Day there its not yet known who was behind the attack and the Afghan Government has halted the release of more taliban prisoners the government says fighters must free more captured soldiers before the release of the remaining 320 taliban prisoners can go ahead the prisoner release was a precondition and the u. S. Brokered peace deal to open talks that were due to start on thursday between the Afghan Government and the taliban. A magnitude 6. 5 earthquake has struck the central philippines killing one person and injuring dozens more a family in a must body province were left trapped when their house collapsed theres no threat of a tsunami but authorities are warning people to prepare for off the shocks was melanin dornin is joining me live from manila this is coming at a particularly bad time isnt it because the countrys already going through an economic downturn and of course the spread of corporate 19 well definitely rob it also comes at a time in a week when president with very good that there are also on downs that these going to ease restrictions is going to allow more trade to pass through different provinces and as you know much about the province is an agricultural area like many other provinces affected by this earthquake and officially though these restrictions will be eased starting tomorrow wednesday morning weve spoken to several officials on the ground who say basically that search and rescue operations in kept going and must there are well on their way but pictures are slow to come in there have been many provinces were affected by this earthquake but the epicenter was really into buying and most about their province now theyre also protectively according to the government they have also raised the alert to around 4 volcanoes in many parts of the Southern Luzon in central zone region basically to basically look at looking at the divinity of these volcanoes it remains to be seen whether these have direct relation store to do earthquake that happened a few hours ago now according to rest government officials search and rescue operations are well underway at least one person has been confirmed dead several injured but the true extent of this damage remains unknown at this point rob. Thanks very much indeed those 2 men onondaga in reporting for us from manila. Bella ruse is bracing for a 10th day of protests demonstrators have been calling for president Alexander Lukashenko to step down after a disputed vote in august the 9th on monday he told striking workers there wont be new elections unless his opponents kill and steadfast and reports in the capital minsk. Strikes are now snowballing around better loose one after the other factory workers joining in Truck Tractor a matter of fact with most of the country Strategic Industries are now experiencing large scale strikes by what. We dont agree with in justice the people in power havent listened to him for 26 years they run away they dont want to listen to your voice they dont want to know anything about your problems. But the workers chanting no more fear assigned it out to 26 years of living under look or shank us auto repairing rule they are ready for change workers have now arrived at the factory or to find out was to try and guess right going to the next city or people coming out from inside the factory also president. Was in his face right workers who resigned in an unprecedented no worker started shouting at the president a man who has long been referred to as the father of the nation because he used his own thank you i said everything you can shout go away. Even previously most loyal media like balanced television went on strike broadcasting an empty studio in the morning protesters gathered to pressure the station to stop airing government propaganda and stop telling the truth including about a Violent Police crackdown last week during election protests if. The recent Television National television will start covering this information like what was actually done on the streets i think that the regime will fall soon or you have gave me palin resigned last week from his job as one of the main anchors to an interest in our country started working. Information about. People in prisons. And we didnt. Shouldest insulation our t. V. Channel so all is the reason its impossible to work like these possible say the office of truth not even how what small part of the truth look i shankar who initially refused new elections is now keeping options open but only he sat after the constitution has been changed a process which could take years protests to see this as a way for the president to buy time and trying to cling onto power they say they want him out now stop fasten aljazeera minsk. The story had an aljazeera 2000000 people in gaza face power shortages after israel cuts fuel supplies to the territory. And is the new k tries to stop modern survivals across the English Channel we ask residents on the coast if they think the situations under control. Hello autumns rapidly running into the remains of summer in europe of right at this mass cloud here is is something of an arrowhead going trust center your tools east where its still quite warm attempt to run some baltic have been lucky on thursday greece and throughout the mediterranean with still quite high but you can see it is a massive blue now that is thunderstorms in the forecast stretching from belarus rather a down almost to greece and i think were going to keep firing up and thats also indication of dropping temperatures of belgrade will see the temperature go down to some degree thats where the deep reds are the moment germany balti coast and these are bright red for most of Eastern Europe but that will not last warsaw sees the heat start to leak away as thunderstorms come in from tuesday techies up to thursday but was this happens another key happening because happening further west im looking at these various centers of low pressure they look like winter storms are certainly autumn storms and theyre driving up towards the British Isles that they do actually induce quite a warm breeze up through border paris thatll be quite hot but if you look at island you would want to be the windy hand wet weather not particularly cold again even london benefits briefly for a bit of warmth and the rest of europe a sun come out again. Rewind returns with a new series. And brand new updates on the best about his ears documentaries. Need. To. Rewind continues would have to be an afghan have a president ive got has got and this is the powders day up like up my life that was a real turning point because that gives them a lot of confidence that they can beat any team in a shoe on aljazeera. To not to. Go away. Ga ga 0 might over top stories this hour Michelle Obama and Barry Sanders were among the speakers on day one of the democratic National Convention which will formally name joe biden as u. S. President ial candidate. And u. N. Back to court is expected to deliver its verdict in the assassination of former lebanese Prime Minister rafiq hariri in 20054 men being tried in absentia a members of the armed group which denies involvement. Several rockets have struck afghanistans capital kabul injuring 19 people at least one rockets landed near the main diplomatic district in tact coincided with the countrys Independence Day. Only 2000000 people in gaza are facing power shortages as the only power plant there is forced to shut down thats because israel has cut off fuel shipments to the territory israel says in response to rocket attacks and fire bombs by the Palestinian Group hamas which controls gaza well how many forces live for us in west jerusalem heidi this is a tactic that israel has been used to has used before in several occasions to put pressure on gaza whats the impact in gaza. Well weve been speaking to the Electricity Company authorities there and they say that this is you know happen as of 10 am local time so just over 15 minutes ago that the shutdown would take place and that would mean that the amount of electricity being supplied would be reduced to just 3 or 4 hours on and then up to 16 hours off so that is something that affects of course the whole industry and society will as you say affect some 2000000 people are also talking about the impact on Sewage Treatment that that will have to end and it will mean a return to pumping last amounts of rule sewage straight out into the mediterranean at a time of course in high summer when people do use garzas beaches as a bit of a respite from the heat and humidity as you say this is all tied to the recent rise in tensions which is included rocket attacks which is included those incendiary balloons and overnight a 7th straight night of israeli air strikes on gaza israel saying it targeted underground targets infrastructure belonging to a mosque that has been attempts to mediate an egyptian delegation was inside gaza on monday they returned to israel with a series of demands trauma mouse including help with Infrastructure Projects allowing more material into the strip allowing workers once again to go out and work inside israel those that of course been shut down by coronavirus instructions among other things and so much now depends on how that egyptian mediation goers how to let me ask you about Something Else briefly were seeing stories that israel is reacting to this is destines that the u. S. Could sell f. 35 fighter jets to the u. A. E. Whats going on there. Because there was this deal between the u. A. E. And israel brokered by the United States for as long as ation relations and there had been some speculation that part of the motivation for the u. A. E. Would be to lift some of the dollars on its access to very advanced u. S. Weaponry and that that would be something that would suit both the u. S. Administration and indeed the u. A. E. Obviously and chief among those concerns from the israeli side is the idea of. Purchasing f. 35 fighter jets israel maintains works to maintain something with the nickels qualitative military edge in the resume meaning that it has superior military hardware to other neighboring states in the region and that it is works to ensure that u. S. U. S. Does not sell such material elsewhere well the question is does this deal open that up the Israeli Intelligence chief the masada chief Justice Cohen who arrived in abu dhabi on monday for more talks on this normalization deal has been quoted by the. News agency news news station as saying that he would never allow such weaponry to be bought by other states in the region so its unclear really exactly the extent to which israel maintains its effect a veto over such u. S. Arms sales whether this could be some sort of tension in these talks as they go forward as how aforesaid reporting for us from the west or islam harry thanks very much turkey and qatar have signed a deal with libyas u. N. Recognize government to boost its military part of the new deal the sea turkey and qatar set up military Training Facilities in libya efforts continue to secure a cease fire in the divided country turkey and caught house support the tripoli based government which recently fought off a 14 Month Campaign to scenes the capital i was offering for half time. At the same time germanys foreign minister paid an unannounced visit to tripoli heikal massa pressed for an end to the conflict is warning that the situation is deceptively calm no more leaders must keep up the reference to negotiate a peace deal Government Troops are surrounding a port in mozambique after it was captured by ice a link fighters last week its a 3rd time and look into the prior key town in which province has been attacks this year on groups who carried out a series of attacks in the coverdale gado region over the past 3 years hundreds of people have been killed and tens of thousands have been displaced u. N. Officials have documented reports of kidnappings and torture was a big sami has a large presence in the region and private militia groups from russia and south africa have also provided assistance south africa is reportedly considering deploying troops to the region but might also include contributions from zimbabwe and angola leaders of the Southern African Development Community have held of Virtual Meeting on the issue on which has this update from hadi in neighboring zimbabwe the annual site it heads of state meeting ended with leaders say theyre going to collectively assist mozambique deal with the violence in the north but they didnt say what that assistance is going to be they speaking nation a Fact Finding Mission could be in the other option is a military intervention its happened before in the democratic republic of congo. And mozambique back when fighters from the group were raiding villages and towns in so if this time round a military intervention was to happen which countries puts in troops in a way well the money come from some and something is being planned before security reasons leaders can say what that plan is. South africa is easing coronavirus restrictions in an effort to revive its qana me its imposed one of the worlds strictest lock downs in march which only saw essential workers being allowed to leave their homes the governments now allowing travel between provinces its also lifted a ban on the sale of alcohol going to restaurants and staying at hotels a strict coronavirus lockdowns being lifted in the philippines capital and 4 other provinces in a bid to boost the economy and a change of tactic president or is it a go to territories cecille instead increased testing is also looking into Clinical Trials of a russian vaccine in the philippines is in an economic recession for the 1st time in almost 3 decades we will to ensure the safety of our people you know whoever. The limb is really. Ease their release their way being the only. Available human. At least. Oh. Hes. The. Player was the. Oxy in the rapid rise of corona virus infections in 19 year ripping countries has Health Experts are alarmed spain luxembourg multan and belgium are among the countries reporting a resurgence of cases spain is record of more than 59000 new infections in the past 2 weeks. In brazil the mayor of Rio De Janeiro has scrapped a proposal to make people reserve a spot on its famous beaches using up the idea was suggested to control the spread of corona virus and allow beaches to fully reopen but its been heavily criticized and mocked online crowds will still be banned from gathering on the beaches. The u. S. Department of interior has improved on the oil and gas leasing plan that opens up the Arctic National wildlife refuge for drilling parts of alaska have been untouched for more than 30 years republicans have been lobbying to revive drilling for oil there on a suffered as an environmental policy specialist at the university of california she says the world has nowhere else untouched as this area. From an environmental standpoint it is often referred to reduce region of the alaskan wildlife now again lets get a National Wildlife refuge is often referred to as our nations last great wilderness we dont have that many places left in the country or indeed the world that have been totally im touched bank human activity and so there are millions of migratory birds that pass through that plane every year plan also provides habitat to large populations of polar bears caribou fox it is another iconic wild lie and let me just add here its not just the animals there are also groups of Indigenous People who live there who rely on the environment and rely on the Natural Resources that it provides for their particular likelihood. Their ival of refugees and small boats from france has dominated british media the word invasion has been used by some politicians but the people leaving fronts facing the ships of that all navy and border force john holl visited the county of kent to find out of residents they feel the situation is actually under control. The u. K. Government built on bricks it and taking back control has instead been losing it control of the economy jobs social care even education all thanks to corona virus now the borders seem under threat as well Asylum Seekers have been a riving in small boats for weeks hundreds on some days in the fine summer weather. We should have written in the Ruling Conservative Party m. P. For dover and deal didnt answer our requests for an interview but the question we might have asked her is this with Asylum Seeker numbers far smaller than on the continent is this socalled crisis being manufactured to distract from other problems there is no real emergency this is a slow trickle just as there has always been and what we get in response is this extraordinary heavy handed home office replied puts new jobs in tries to militarize the situation and treats most refugees as a form of sort of military invasion along the kent coast with france in the distance resentment is easily stirred among core bricks its supporters at the end of the day were paying for them i cant go i go on and on and on i dont for night and. Thats what im saying you know where these people going to go and what that resentment tells you is that for some people theres now more to worry about than economic recession and job losses or faltering trade talks with the European Union theres talk of deploying warships to patrol the channel the government demands france and others do more and in some of the usual quarters the take back control narrative is making a comeback leading the charge of the government as a criticism of all of this is of course the home secretary pretty purcell she has said what is happening in the channel isnt just unacceptable she said that its shameful Refugee Rights campaigners are concerned gould. Early possibly made his own journey to britain from afghanistan 13 years ago the government wants to find somebody to blame and refugees are the easiest scapegoat so we have been blamed for the problems that we have not created so the public attention is goes away but im making the government responsible and accountable for their inaction no action wrong action and then i look look all these people are in waiting and they are you know bunch of migrants its just human beings and we deserve dignity and respect in future britain outside the European Union will remain attractive to some seeking asylum but bricks it means theyll be no recourse to common e. U. Laws and structures so theres an irony here that taking back control will make it harder to stop refugees coming and harder to send them back jonah hill aljazeera dover. I dont know about this in doha but the headlines on aljazeera Michelle Obama and Bernie Sanders have been among the speakers on day one of the democratic National Convention in the United States senate vents that will formally name joe biden as the partys president ial candidate the job is hard it requires clear headed judgment a mastery of complex and competing issues a devotion to facts and history a moral compass and an ability to listen and an abiding belief that each of the 330000000 lives in this country has meaning and worth i he went back to court is expected to deliver its verdicts in the assassination of former lebanese Prime Minister rafiq hariri in 20054 men are being tried in absentia all of them members of the on which denies involvement. Several rockets of struck afghanistans capital kabul injuring 9 people at least one rocket landed near the main diplomatic district attack coincided with the countrys Independence Day a magnitude 6. 5 earthquake has struck the central philippines killing one person and injuring dozens more a family and must body problems were left trapped when their house collapsed theres no threat of a tsunami but authorities are warning people to prepare for aftershocks nearly 2000000 people in gaza facing power shortages the only power plant there is forced to shut down thats because israel has cut off fuel shipments to the territory israel says its in response to rocket attacks and fire bombs but the Palestinian Group hamas which controls gaza. Well who says bracing for a 10th day of protests demonstrators have been calling for president Alexander Lukashenko to step down after a disputed vote in or was the 9th he says there wont be new elections those are the headlines coming up next its inside story of why. In late August Joe Biden and donald trump will finally become the official president ial candidate but beyond going to run a virus pandemic sees the democratic National Convention going virtual and the republicans being forced to rethink grand plans for the big celebration followed the u. S. Conventions on al jazeera. How high can the price of gold go the purses but will is being sold for a record 2000. 00 and now its whats driving the gold watch and could it affect the chances of economic recovery from the coronavirus from that this is a still. A low welcome to the program on iraq on the coronavirus pandemic means we are facing our worst ever recession shutdowns to control the spread of the virus have forced many businesses to close millions of jobless and when times are tough

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