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A year after a power sharing deal was signed all of that plus. Theres gold in these hills that im standing on perhaps 3800000000 dollars im sure a challenge in Northern Ireland keep watching to find out why some people here want to stop canadians from mining it. Well its just gone 10 pm on the u. S. East coast where the Democratic National convention to formally name joe biden as its president ial candidate has now begun but the coronavirus pandemic still raging the 4 day event is being held virtually new York Governor Andrew Cuomo also the brother of george floyd theyve been among the people to speak so far as well as a pre recorded question and answer session you see there with joe biden in front of a group of monitors the month senate. Bernie sanders and the former 1st Lady Michelle obama will headline the 1st night of speeches were expecting them in the coming hour lets start with alan fischer though whos at the white house for us this evening its a strange thing to watch isnt it alan its a very polished video performance it is nothing like weve seen before as far as conventions go. Its an extended political advantage and i think weve got to realize that it is different therefore its new and the immediate thing is to say well its different i dont like it so therefore theres got to be something wrong but youve got to also realize that most of the American Public wont be watching this for the fill 2 hours what they will do is see viral moments from this such as the singing of the National Anthem which brought together young people from all over the country whoever put that together was obviously thinking about the visuals as well because they were all wearing red white or blue t. Shirts and when you brought them together that was quite an effective message thats the sort of thing that will go viral that is the sort of thing that the democrats will be aiming for their how mirroring the message that donald trump has not done a good job in his 4 years in office but it is the keynote speeches that will break through is those moments that will be picked up and repeated on news bulletins like her own but more importantly for the american audience in American Voters here in the United States so its what happens in the next hour and that will define what the coverage is like before we get to the convention to more im just looking down at my screen and i see the governor of detroit who is considered a possible Vice President ial pick she is the living her speech at the moment not to be one of the biggest names beaking but theres always a breakthrough and you might be the one lets throw ahead then to some of those speeches as i said Michelle Obama in fact weve already heard a short bit of Michelle Obamas speech but Bernie Sanders the man who was running against joe biden how important is it having him on board at this stage. Well if you think back to the Opening Night of the Democratic Convention 4 years ago in philadelphia you remember that there were a lot of barely supporters Walking Around with keep across their mode so they were essentially saying that they had been gagged from speaking at the convention they were unhappy there was a lot of animosity between the clinton and the sunders camp that was heightened by the fact that the day before the convention got under way there was the wiki leaks stories about how they suggested that the nominating process had been rigged to favor Hillary Clinton so it was a fractured party no there might not be a peace deal between all the elements and the democrats but theres certainly a treaty and thats in place at the moment so the fact that Bernie Sanders is going to speak shows that the democrats are a Big Tent Party that encompassing everyone and the message is that if you want to be donald trump then you have to get behind joe biden theres going to be another interesting speaker thats john k. Sick as i was saying earlier that might be a name people think well i know that name how do i know that name well hes a former Ohio Governor who ran for the presidency 4 years ago in 2016 but he ran for the republicans in fact he was the last candidate to drop out against donald trump he is going to stand up at the convention the 1st crossed party endorser since 2004 when a democratic congressman gave his backing to george bush this time joined casey is going to make the case for voting for joe biden so that is going to be interesting as well and then as you say Michelle Obama shes going to be the one that will bring it all to a head on monday night the 1st night very popular in the country but extremely popular with democrats so that was probably a good call but i think the most interesting tweet ive seen is that one there will be viral moments from this 2 at the moment up to this point is felt like watching the hotel t. V. Channel with her into a new attack. Well you put it all in there telling you what to watch what facilities are available and what you should be viewed what you should be looking out when youre in the time thats a very good description all right allan fishers of the White House Well be talking to him again a little bit later on right now that weve got joel rubin with us former u. S. Deputy assistant secretary of state hes on skype from chevy chase and in maryland i mean alan makes the point there that this is just its its its its we and its not a convention in any sort of traditional sense but do you think as alan said some of these viral moments might break through over the next 24 hours and then you know every day afterwards yeah its certainly not a traditional convention but were not living in a normal time right now and i think present occurrence is something that we believe it matters science matters the health and safety of the American People matter. So in playing a games like donald trump did with his convention that he wanted in jacksonville so yes i think moments will come through we have to remember that most of america watches these conventions on television anyways so this isnt exactly abnormal its a different format and it wont be the big balloon drop but americans are used to watching their t. V. And seeing speeches so will have good moments and a strong message coming out of tonight particular with the unity that. Im going to play devils advocate a little bit here and ask you really is it whats the real point of it a convention used to be i mean it could be contested right up a silly end it could be this dramatic moment this is a coronation weve known its going to be joe biden for so long it really is just a formality is it not and really what can be achieved when everyones all the delegates are all spread all over the country. Its really been a formality for a number of years out that weve really had a contested convention in any meaningful way since the 1980 a Democratic Convention where Teddy Kennedy and jimmy carter were debating it in 1076 on the republican side so conventions tend to be. Problems where everyone knows theres a dance and they know where the going with and they know who theyre going to. Ultimately hang out with that night so yes its scripted but its really a demonstration that the competitive period of the primaries is over that the party is unified that theres a structure in place in the vision and it rallies the troops. The operatives the Interest Groups the the people who are going to decide and determine whether or not joe biden gets voters it rallies them for the cause for that final stretch in general election traditionally gel and correct me if im wrong i think that the opposite side tends not to campaign during a convention now donald trump is not your average president is doing things differently hes being very vocally Holding Events hes hes talking about. People all a sort of stuff that how do you think that will work with the democrats because donald trump is very good at stealing headlines. Yet donald trump cant seem to get away from his obsession with having to be in the limelight and hes acting like a troll in chief and its unbecoming of the president of the United States to be doing this it is not traditional each party gets their moment to communicate to the country and to have a competition but donald trump doesnt seem interested in a fair competition are in a democratic outcome for this election by evidence by what hes doing to our Postal Service is a horrible example where hes trying to undermine the ability of the mail to get delivered in order to prevent mail and votes from getting into the ballot box on time so he has this this ability to undermine americans. Faith in our system and certainly it doesnt look good on him for him but this seems to play to his base i dont think it plays to the mainstream in america though and thats thats where were really going to see this election decided joe rubin thanks for now hopefully well talk tonight and once we heard from the likes of Bernie Sanders and Michelle Obama this is the live stream coming in from the Democratic National convention at the moment forma representative Susan Molinari republican from new york theyre actually going through a bunch of republicans who are speaking in support of joe biden at the moment and we will bring you that speech as i said from Bernie Sanders and Michelle Obama when they happen. For now we will look at well an election thats already happened actually this is in belarus where the president has told striking workers they wont be new elections unless his opponents tell him protesters across the country have made it clear they want Alexander Lukashenko out of the main opposition leaders fight on and take on a sky has said shes ready to lead a transition and is calling on Security Forces to switch sides a unit is will hold an emergency meeting on the issue on wednesday stefan with more from minsk. Strikes are now snowballing around better loose one after the other factory workers joining in Truck Tractor a matter of fact with most of the country Strategic Industries are now experiencing large scale strikes by what. We dont agree with in justice the people in power havent listened to him for 26 years they run away they dont want to listen to all of us they dont want to know anything about their problems. The workers chanting no more fear signed it up to 26 years of living under look or shank us after repairing one rule they are ready for change workers have now arrived at the factory urging us to find their strike and you can actually see people coming out from inside the factory also present the cash was in his face workers who resigned in an unprecedented move workers started shouting at the president a man who has long been referred to as the father of the nation because he used his own thank you i said everything you can shout go away. Even previously most loyal media like balanced television went on strike broadcasting an empty studio in the morning protesters gathered to pressure the station to stop airing government propaganda and start telling the truth including about a Violent Police crackdown last week during election protests if. The recent Television National television will start covering this information like what was actually done on the streets i think that the regime will fall soon or you have game palin resigned last week from his job as one of the main anchors to interact in our country started what can we receive many information about. People in prisons. And we would. Didnt. Show this information out to the general so theres a reason its impossible to work like these possible say the office of truth not even how what small part of the truth look i shankar who initially refused new elections is now keeping options open but only he sat after the constitution has been changed a process which could take years protesters see this as a way for the president to buy time and trying to cling onto power they say they want him out now step class and aljazeera minsk in the news ahead sangria and exhausted by months of lockdown argentinians are taking over the streets of when osiris. Hello the big Yangtze River is still being fade with the monsoon waters its raining its falling really in chung do in sichuan which is ahead worse in the course it goes across where the rest the rivers in sunshine and probably slow the receding the heavy rains falling from the skies the full cost the next few days gives you some in beijing as you can see it stretches up towards the northeast of china then the line is trying to come down to north korea all this air is turned quite warm weve got a heat wave warning out for a good part of japan its been enjoyable sunshine in south korea and it probably is in shanghai as well hong kongs back into the big shower watch out thing and the circulation trying to form in the South China Sea which will and how its the rainfall in fact the South China Sea is the source of quite a few thunderstorms which are tend to move in ways towards the philippines that catching some parts of borneo as you can see the increasing likelihood of showers further south in java in sumatra but not a huge number that just moving in that direction thats where the concentration is further north and particularly once again up in the philippines the monsoonal rains in india are trying to withdraw from the foothills of the himalayas theyll still be some in the far northeast for their follow likely to be in somewhere like much of a dash or even register on. Bottles in cameroons rivers. On englands street. Plastic is everywhere. But if bottles can be fishing boats. Im bubble gum wellington boots what more can be done with this plague of palmas. Earthrise reimagining plastered. On aljazeera. The top stories this hour on aljazeera the u. S. Democratic National Convention to formally name joe biden as its candidate is underway weve had john k. Said former republican governor and new York Governor Andrew Cuomo has spoken already there has been as you see here a pretty cord a question and answer session with joe bidens well similar bill a russian president has told striking state factory workers there wont be new elections until his opponents kill him thousands of people walked off the job in the 9th straight day of demonstrations calling for Alexander Lukashenko to step down. Tear gas and stun grenades been fired at protesters in sudans capital on the 1st anniversary of a landmark power sharing deal demonstrators say the transition to democracy has been too slow following the overthrow of longtime leader on the shia here but morgan has our report from khartoum. Venting their frustration on the 1st anniversary of the signing of sudans power sharing agreement but a plant 3 and a half hour rally in her tone was cut short when police fired stun grenades and tear gas many people had hoped the deal which followed months of political turmoil and protest or killings would be a new start for the country but they see they have not seen enough change. To sort of it when we started the revolution it was because of the economy and when the 1st massive fell the goal became justice for those who had lost their lives in this revolution we promised to hold those who killed civilians to account their main demand is not yet means they can be no moving forward if the main demand of those who took to the street is not achieved. His friend says the power sharing agreement between military and civilian leaders is flawed. And the Political Parties did not have a long term vision they were in a rush to reach a deal they lacked a National Spirit and went into negotiations based on the interests of their own respective parties and leaders now its difficult for them to lead in the interest of the people at heart the deal known as the constitutional declaration came after months of negotiations following the overthrow of president bashir the forces of freedom and change which led antigovernment protests demanded governance and ended up with a plan for the military to lead for the 1st 21 months and a civilian for the remaining 18 months until elections also included were more freedoms and ending conflicts such as in dar for was made a priority the Transitional Government admits that changes the low but says it takes time and there are challenges theres still time to 7 months to go in the transitional period before elections are due but many of the provisions of the power sharing agreement are yet to be implemented a peace deal is it to be signed and there was still no Legislative Assembly that is supposed to oversee the Transitional Government. The military has ruled today and for more than 50 of the 64 years of independence some analysts think its up to the International Community to ensure the transition to democracy is completed but also of the story of the constitution declaration was a settlement to reach a political stability in this country its been a year since it was signed in the people who protested are still guarding their revolution and the International Community is one of the important factors that can make sure that no one hindrance this transition the u. S. Has sanctioned people it deems him during the transition the International Community should now act as a safeguard to the deal that was signed last year that. He wants traitors day theyll continue campaigning until they achieve their democratic goals for sadam peter morgan al jazeera. The defense ministers of turkey and qatar were in tripoli on monday to discuss cooperation with libyas internationally recognized government efforts continue though to secure a cease fire in the divided country turkey and qatar support the tripoli based government which recently defeated a 14 Month Campaign by ward Khalifa Haftar to seize the capital at the same time germanys foreign minister paid an unannounced visit to tripoli mass pressed for and the conflict and warned the situation is deceptively calm he said World Leaders must keep up their efforts to negotiate a peace deal. A reliable cease fire is the basis for Sustainable Development in all other areas surely the most pressing issue is how the blockade can be lifted to libyas future it is essential that its finally determined how all revenues are feely and transparently distributed. Which has been full since january has already cost libya more than 8000000000. 00 u. S. Dollars. Parts of argentinas capitol been brought to a standstill by protesters calling for an end to end months of coronavirus restrictions a latin american nations been under lockdown for more than 150 days and still has one of the highest rates of infection in the worlds support from teresa but in. Every august 17th argentinas commemorate the death of their National Independence hero. But this year thousands use the National Holiday to protest against the government of this. Thing we are against abuses of power we want the powers the judiciary the executive and the legislator they want to use this crisis for their own benefit argentinas government imposed a long down in march to prevent the spread of 19 and even though they have managed to slow down the infection rate in the country the lockdown has had a dramatic impact on the economy this was one not the only one i saw was not because of the people. Are jumping out of the government imposed a lot down almost all of the people here are sold on the government here in the form of money here and the like here is the fair share of that individual freedom. People say theyre also worried about attempts by the government to reform the Justice System and expose private Agricultural Companies although that plan was later dismissed and healy got came with her family to the center of one a scientist because she says its important to stand up for her rights to come with their guns i want to be relieving in lockdown and we are tired and the peak never arrives im against attempts to reform the judiciary and we have to claim our rights defend our rights on the street the only thing we have left is to protest. And there is precedent about the for a man this imposed a lot down in march saying he prioritized saving lives over the economy hes. Ashers were celebrated for a while but discontent has been on the rise in recent weeks and i said look at the real moment we have to live in a unique time period where were under siege by a pandemic that is infecting us and killing us and we have to rebuild a country that was devastated economically by do it in times of debating once again which is the way we can talk to each other and build a Common Ground take decisions that we all agree on and its difficult when you have the fall of others in front in spite of the threat of 19000 cities cited to challenge the government on monday they say lack of freedom is a bigger threat than the seas. And to see that when a. And now to chile which has begun a phased lifting of one of the worlds longest lock downs all the restaurants bars and nightclubs remain closed People Living in downtown of chinas capital are now being allowed to go out for a walk also intending social distancing but thats a see in human reports from santiago not everyone is following the rules. Here land that that be a prepares to reopen riki oscon downtown san diego after a 5 month lockdown many of her products had to be replaced because theyd gone stale but then im happy to be able to get out and work again my savings have dried up to. Philip is korea that lives on the 8th floor of this building he and his one year old twin daughters are relieved to finally be able to leave their flat the girls have spent nearly half of their short life under lockdown and up with it its been hard it changes your life completely under girls who want to see the world. In downtown some to floodgates have been opened after what local officials call the worlds longest uninterrupted lockdown. Police reminded pedestrians to stay on the right and respect social distancing but their warnings fell on deaf years social distancing even to use public toilets was conspicuously absent people how cautious they are responsible the court has been difficult. Over to move on people that dont i dont know often. Sent i was married tells us that unless people follow the rules of far d. S. Will be forced to confine downtown once again although contagion has gone down significantly in this part of the City Health Officials are keenly aware that in other parts of chile as in other countries relaxing restrictions has led to a new spike in infections in many ways this is the perfect storm not only are people anxious to get out of their houses but also to go shopping. Because for the 1st time in a long time they actually have money in their pockets thanks to the fact that congress has them for want to withdraw up to 10 percent of their Pension Savings because of the pandemic emergency. People are happy to have new Running Shoes and mobile phones but judging ringback by their reluctance to respect social distancing this new town freedom could have a short Expiration Date you see in human aljazeera santiago the rapid rise of corona virus infections in 19 European Countries is causing alarm among Health Experts spain luxembourg belgium they are among the countries of highest concern spain for example has recorded more than 59000 new cases in the past 14 days speaking of spain its been confirmed the former king of the country is in the United Arab Emirates announcement by the Spanish Royal household and 2 weeks of speculation about the whereabouts of juan carlos the 82 year old suddenly left home during the growing scandal about his alleged links to bribes for a multi 1000000000. 00 spanish rail contract in saudi arabia tugboats have begun towing the japanese bulk area thats been leaking oil on to the coast of marissas the water she was heading to a ships graveyard in india 3 weeks after it ran aground broke up in rough seas it leaves behind a massive cleanup operation to stop more pollution of coral reefs and tourist beaches. Well after the sparing mountains of Northern Ireland now which are thought to be Holding Around 3800000000. 00 worth of gold that has attracted the interest of the Canadian Mining Company but many people there say they just want the metal to stay on the ground despite the high gold prices and the prospect of new jobs and support from rich allans. Theres nothing to leave you could do that would ease my maint and i dont leasing they can do is go away go back to canada pack up and go away cut doma okane is literally sitting on a gold mine all rather what will be a gold mine if a Canadian Company gets its way to years ago this small protest camp sprang up to oppose it and we are absolutely determined there are people here who have said they are prepared to sacrifice ole fs for the land and for the air and for the water here to keep it for their children and for their grandchildren concerned for the gift of nature the spin given to us leave the gold what is there is no useful value to humanity in gold its the shaming metal thats what you get and thats a small bar of real gold. Lets see 20000. 00 for thats 20000. 00 worth a go yeah very heavy. Box with gold prices soaring in recent years there could be considerable value for dow radian gold and Northern Island 2 with 10 years of exploring it del radian says the spare and mountains of County Tyrone is one of the most promising undeveloped gold deposits in the world Peter Mckenna is spare in born and bred and its his job to convince people that dal radians gold mine will be small and discreet and as clean and modern as they come and itll bring work in building it but theres a construction project that will employ you know true 300 people and then when were open on them well be able to provide 350 direct jobs we would have a supply chain that will push 750000000 times into our local area across the lake for the one many dont believe this or dont care Northern Islands government has called a Public Inquiry into the proposed mine after a planning application received 40000 responses 37000 of them objections but this is by no means a simple story of local saying no to an International Company its a common place with mining that it often takes place in remote or rural areas with few other sources of income here in the spare and hills most people either work in small scale farming or trades like carpentry and construction its by no means a rich area. And it wasnt hard to find people here who want the mine mechanic terry kelly says theyre actually the majority that bring back a lot of the old large losses thats left here after what theyre going to see what theyre still manged major stadia but leaving them out as experience they wouldnt like that yankee job here neighbor against neighbor brother against brother in this small rural Community One of the few things either side can agree on is that this mine has divided them rory chalons how does era County Tyrone Northern Ireland. With. Another grim milestone in its corona Virus Outbreak with at least 50000. 00 people now dead over took the u. K. s recalled the worlds 3rd worst death toll some experts suspect the trend over those far higher levels of testing in this council of medical Research Estimates 28000000 to be carried out since january remember there indias population is above 1300000000 was but in new delhi now with more on that situation. India cross the 50000 mark in deaths the recorded and confirmed number and remains the worst affected state 20000 immediate hafiz the deaths in the state of maharashtra bash the numbers both the cases and deaths are going down in the capital but they are growing in other parts of the state now when you look at the numbers though and you recorded one of on sunday it had nearly 58000 cases which is lower than the number of cases over the posse week but if you look closer it also conducted about 100000 fewer tests than it has in the last week and this also concerned about the type of tests that are being conducted because up to 30 percent of the tests that are being done in the country are the less accurate rapid and teaching tests which are quicker to do but they report false negatives up to 50 percent off the time now if you take somewhere like delhi for example with the number of cases have been coming down over the past mom or the Supreme Court the Delhi Government weeks ago to explain why it was conducting twice the number of the rapid antigen tests as it was the more accurate test known as the p. C. I. Theres been no real explanation and that time the government has continued with what its been doing in the number of cases have been coming down and the concern is that there are people who have the infection and they are possibly add on to others because theyre not being tested all because the oh because the tests is giving a false negative. Lebanons Health Minister says the countrys overwhelmed by new Coronavirus Infections following the explosion in beirut quarterly this month a record 456. 00 new infections were diagnosed on monday edging the nationwide total close 210000 the Health Minister says a new 2 week lockdown is needed. Most because the bloss put some hospitals out of action they had been another lockdown plan but it was postponed when thousands of people were left homeless by the explosion when many schools in bay ridge were damaged or destroyed as well and smith visited one to find out how an International Effort is trying to get children learning again giving the clean up operation still in place im actually one of 121 schools in beirut that was severely damaged by the blast as you see every window is blown out beyond the school is this the poor where the shock wave came out from. The last couple of weeks we all walking on what is still shuttered glass on the floor im joined now by whos unicefs regional director on his 1st visit since the blast chad what we all your 1st impressions look in terms of the scale i lived here during the civil war im half lebanese and the downtown areas of storage but this is just incredible you know you look up from the port you see buildings destroyed each one of those apartments is a family with children thats been severely affected this is one of 121 school

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