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And a new constitution. A ship leaking oil off the coast of the richest breaks apart and raising fears of an ecological disaster. Why the rallies have been held in 7 days after the disputed reelection of president Alexander Lukashenko addressing the 1st progovernment rallies since then he refused an action rerun and accused nato of mobilizing forces at the border nearby tens of thousands of opposition supporters marched what they called a day of freedom or a challenge reports. 7 days after the contentious election and finally the embattled president s of bella russo organized a rally of support state employees were brought by bus and train to the capital minsk from all over the country the intention to show that Alexander Lukashenko still has a popular base after a week of antigovernment protests unprecedented in their size in the august heat told the crowd better or is being threatened from outside the e. U. The more. Dear friend i didnt call you here for you to defend me as well you came here to defend your country independence your families wives sisters and children for the 1st time in a quarter century. Just a short distance across the capital a much bigger demonstration followed perhaps the largest of the Antigovernment Movement so far better russians repeating the call theyve been making since what they say was a rigged election on all this the 9th that the man whos ruled batteries for 26 years has no legitimacy he should leave and there should be a new and free vote. Yet hours earlier the better Russian Ambassador to slovakia became the 1st senior official to back the protests in a video posted online. I stand in solidarity with those who have taken to the streets of belorussian cities would peaceful marches so that their voices could be heard. I sincerely hope that the future of my country will be based on the positions of all things of society in representatives of various political forces. Have suffered for this right since his plea on saturday that russian president Vladimir Putin should help him quell the protests theyve had to phone calls the kremlin says its willing to assist batteries militarily in accordance with a collective security pact. For the moments the protesters arent much concerned with pos. Russian intervention nor are they obviously pro western this is an emotional uprising spurred on by the beatings and alleged torture inflicted by state security their focus is getting out and writing a new chapter of a batteries. Aljazeera. And an attack in same place at a hotel in somalias capital mogadishu at least 5 people were killed after a suspected car bomb blew up of the alito is held in lido beach and government Officials Say 2 gunmen are among the dead ambulance staff at the scene say dozens have been injured and well bring you more on that story of as we get it thailand has seen the largest protests so far demanding political reforms and unprecedented changes to royal rule a growing number of thais have rallied in weeks of student led protests when he reports from bangkok. In big numbers they came to the center of bangkok to escalate their call to change protesters gathered around democracy monument a symbol of what they say thailand doesnt have. I cant pick the fact that the government is so corrupt its been in power for far too long and things arent getting any better. After weeks of peaceful protests led mainly by students this was by far the largest and most diverse attracting ties from different sectors of society including other groups who staged mass rallies in the past. People have come out today the pair of young people and students alone cant force change we need everyone to work together. The protesters say thailands entire political system needs to change including the monarchy its a dangerous and sensitive issue to take on because the royal family is protected by strict laws designed to prevent criticism. Demonstrators also want the government gone and on thursday thailands Prime Minister the army general who led the military coup in 2014 addressed the nation he urged unity at a time when the economy is being hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic. Right now we must focus on the economic survival of the 10s of millions of people here lets get the economy going 1st get that done by working together then we can look at fixing the other issues collaboratively later but the protesters say the pen demick is proving and highlighting one of their points that thailand is an economically Unequal Society and must change tires that are well accustomed to political protests but there is a sense that this is Something Different a movement centered around a new generation making unprecedented demands and wanting something profoundly different for thailand. In recent weeks the government has warned the protesters to be careful what they say and arrested 3 protest leaders but if that was a tactic to try to scare them and bring an end to the movement it hasnt worked and judging by the size of this crowd it may be having the opposite effect wayne hay al jazeera bangkok. Is an associate professor of thai politics at Kyoto University he says the calls for the monikas reform have never been so strong. Since the official coronation we have seen the expansion of political power of the current king king was gone this also coincided with the Current Situation i think the students most of them felt that they have been let down by them or not you know in term of paying attention to the Economic Hardship of the people at the same time he also seemed tacky and you know who have now living long term in germany enjoying his life without you know once again caring for his people so i think beast frustrations thought of art at this point in time thats why we have to salute them you know proposing a reform for them or not even it is not the 1st time but i must say this time is very seriously emerged i mean something emerging out of the context we have seen today left young activists most of them basically 1st d as well saw week with the clearly the disconnect disconnection between critical party and student just while we could say that they are basically genuinely in support of democracy without any Political Party backing them up they have a lot of strategies they use the you know the social media in terms of promoting their campaign and they come up with you know artworks new way of protest they are so daring you know making banned nurse wish you know compare the new language if you would say well to criticizing the want to know whats in the like that before. The u. S. Postmaster general whos an ally of donald trump has been summoned to testify at a Congressional Committee about a grave threat to the integrity of novembers election democrats accuse trump of withdrawing post Office Funding to sabotage the election the Postal Service has warned that millions of mail in votes may not arrive in time to be counted by kind of reports. Protesters gathered outside the new postmaster general c. Home. Was a prominent republican fundraiser and those here in so steves effectively assisting President Trump in what amounts to Voter Suppression former president barack obama in rare public criticism accuse the president off and i quote kneecapping the Postal Service for political gain. Detroit has slashed over time fired or reassigned Key Management figures and ordered the decommissioning of 10 percent of mail sorting machines the departments Inspector General has confirmed to congress that an investigation into problems in the Postal Service is under way but President Trump has only praise for his appointee making reference to his own Campaign Slogan yes hes a fantastic man he wants to he wants to make the post of his great again you ever hear the expression he wants to make the post office great again and the president repeated his absolute opposition to mail. You are going to have. A catastrophic situation with universal mail and votes and on top of it the democrats arent willing to give the people the money and the post office the money polls indicate that more democrats and republicans are likely to vote by mail vote ironically President Trump himself will be costing an absentee vote in an upcoming primary in florida the difference between an absentee vote and a mail in ballot is largely procedural in the form of voters request permission to vote by mail but in the 2nd case voters need no approval and simply post in their vote in all cases the vote is mailed its difficult to see why the president sees one process as acceptable and the other as fraudulent. Concern about the impact of failures in the u. S. Postal service on the election is becoming an increasingly bipartisan issue we could see a dramatic increase in the volume of mail of people returning their ballots which we would absolutely determine has to be done in a timely fashion so here ruins vote is counted theres no doubt that the Postal Service has a long term financial challenge and those who need to be dealt with but now its not the time to be cutting back services sitting in congress is the Democratic Party Coronavirus Relief bill that includes a 25000000000. 00 injection into the Postal Service a bull where President Trump insists he will not accept in its current form. Mike hanna al jazeera washington just ahead on aljazeera food for thought well look at why iran has opened a huge supermarket in venezuela. Plus disposable protective gear saves lives but its also polluting our environment. Hello dry hot and dusty used to that forecast in this part of the world with the exception of the coast of amman in the mountains in southwestern saudi in yemen where we get showers it is hot dry and dusty and the latest breezes show malcolm out of all of iraq shows the orange tinge of dust is not particularly heavy start sandstorm territory except maybe in the Empty Quarter and the breeze itself will bring something down to doha given that its coming from dry area its not humid until the breeze drops out by wednesday is a frequent occurrence around the gulf states is time these are the dusty and dry or its humid with no into too and thats a picture as you can see for tuesday lets move away from the middle east coast and north africa are we watching bunches of showers they really are like that because these tend to develop into proper circulations one theyre forming in central for a protocol maybe something and shot the previous ones just going off shore towards the middle of the atlantic form into a storm so as we watch these develop the next one is quite obvious in certain chad and thats one to watch for probably a weeks time south of that active Winter Weather going through south africa at the moment cape town looks wet and probably windy by monday. From. The latest news as it breaks there is increasing pressure to nunc and to tun its back on beijing and u. K. Is finding itself a corpse between 2 superpowers with detailed coverage israels missed opportunities on testing and tracing is now being seen as part of a wider political failure. From around the world human Rights Groups say that of me people have been either killed or disappeared by argentinas security forces. Youre watching on his ear a reminder of our top stories this hour bellows president Alexander Lukashenko has told supporters he wont call a new election despite opposition allegations last sundays election result was great and nato denies the present his allegations that its forces are gathering at the border ready to move aide. In the capital minutes the red and white flag of the opposition has flown high joining what tens of thousands of protesters are calling a day of freedom theyre repeating their demands for local sangha to resign after 26 years in power. Now an attack is taking place at a hotel in somalias capital mogadishu at least 5 people have died after a suspected car bomb detonated at the elite hotel in lido beach ambulance staff at the scene say dozens have been injured. The japanese ship that ran into a coral reef off the coast of militias has split apart spilling more oil into the sea as lot of burden on the reports environmentalist so worried that local wildlife will be at a vast simply damaged sea walls have flooding in oil thing out the japanese and vessel and the rockies share has space apart and the oil is there spreading along the pristine coastline of eastern russia. The ball carrier running to refit point does need 3 weeks ago a 1000 tons of oil spilled into the ocean presenting a huge danger to Marine Wildlife some unique to the country. The area both colorful reefs mangrove forests protected wetlands and pristine beaches and environmental emergency was declared last week we are facing another threat of another 50 tons of fuel against billing in the logo and in the long term were also looking at the in the longer term impact of toxic elements containing the ship like the batteries toxic paints and other elements containing the ship which we see been to see and contaminate further. So the damage of the washer is not a short term damage its a very long term damage japan and france responded to calls for assistance joining thousands of local volunteers who are bracing at the clock to protect the wildlife and some have got creative using boobs made from human hair and husks from sugarcane to soak up as much of the oil and sludge as possible the island of 1300000 people relies heavily on tourism many are angry the government did not act quickly enough it blamed bad weather for the slow response and its vests why the ship came so close to the shore it was supposed to stay at least 16 kilometers away many doubt fear the spill could impact the local economy for decades and do irreversible damage to the local wildlife nervous about the aljazeera United Nations and says its 200000000. 00 short of donations to help lebanon repair catastrophic damage to beirut port the lebanese are counting on International Aid to rebuild many made homeless by the huge explosion are relying on volunteers charities and friends president michel aoun says all aid will go to people who need it u. N. Workers in lebanon say theyre trying to ensure the donations are distributed properly. Millions of lebanese are in poverty while the political elites try to find a new Prime Minister and a government and the devastating explosion of almost 3000 tons of Ammonium Nitrate nearly 2 weeks ago was the final straw for many Bernard Smith reports from beirut. Like many other lebanese and one by seal has always managed to get by no matter what was thrown at him being conflict or economic crisis but now its different measures should benefit all mad i walked around 8 kilometers he says as he describes trying to get medical treatment in the aftermath of the port explosion that sent a devastating shockwave through beirut. I think he has something to eat. And there are new air news eyeing a 70 year old antoine eventually found a hospital to treat the injuries to his head and arm now he relies on free help and volunteers stress that would after the explosion the whole story has changed ok as if the middle class has gone with explorers theres normally class at all so people are coming seeking medical support food clothes house clean ups whatever you think they need just got bigger the blast destroyed or damaged around 50000. 00 homes affecting 300000 documents lebanons currency has lost 80 percent of its value against the dollar and there are tight restrictions on how much people can take out of the banks and inflation is running at almost 90 percent so what little money there is people need to spend it on daily necessities there is no spare cash rebuilding. Manana blood it from me from my head and one worked 35 years in a bank he saved and bought his own home this is whats left of it a dream of a quiet retirement with his wife andrea and their 2 daughters is in tatters nobody. This time from the government do it today what happened in iraq what. Do you want what do you have what nothing i bought i bought near. Here in lebanon. I have 70 years old where i go now to rebuild im 12 and tens of thousands of others need foreign donor help but cash will only likely be released when this country has a cabinet and Prime Minister acceptable to the International Community talks on who make up that government continues between the political elites who control this country burnitz make a report israel has closed the fishing zone off the coast of gaza overnight airstrikes are being launched against hamas positions in Southern Gaza israelis that say theyre responding to makeshift fire bombs attached to balloons being flown over the border palestinians are infuriated by the deal signed by israel and the United Arab Emirates to normalize relations a new iranian Supermarket Chain has opened in venezuelas capital its the latest symbol of the growing political and Economic Alliance between tehran and caracas and a sign of defiance against u. S. Sanctions and latin america at its embassy in yemen reports. A new rhenium tractor enhances the entrance of mc gases this spanking new mega supermarket in caracas is certainly in aisle. Located on the edge of caracas is largest on the countrys 1st ever iranian supermarket offers products such as garlic shampoo and sweets flavored with date syrup all exotic items have been israel in slick in greek given chill and his wife. Its the 1st time ive come its spacious and has a wide variety of products its a bit more expensive but i guess its because almost everything is imported. To make gas the Supermarket Chain says its a private company in that israel and to do business. But the only person authorized to speak to us on its behalf was the 1st secretary of the uni me an embassy who seems well versed on the subject but and their mother. Was one of the best sellers right now because of the pandemic is a vegetable based on the septic hand made from sweet beetroot also toilet paper napkins detergents and liquid soap also the typical things like past and rice has. Been israel has close ties with iran date back to former president although chavis but under current president nicholas my little the 2 opec members have become even closer as both faced tough u. S. Economic and political sanctions in maine a fiver reining in gasoline tankers brought desperately needed fuel given israel and despite u. S. Threats to intervene. The u. S. State Department Says the iranian supermarket is the quote latest example of a growing alliance between 2 pariah states irans ambassador to the israel and tells aljazeera his country has every right to establish commercial ties with whom it pleases and both of them with a do so with it others not them of the american governments charges mean nothing to us theyre worried that were providing food and medicine to venezuela they want countries like iran venezuela and cuba to suffer from the sanctions all they want is that people to suffer until they are by washingtons orders. The ambassador denied us reports that the mccaskey Supermarket Chain is run by irans revolutionary guard iran is also providing Technical Support given israel has crippled oil industry its unclear what its getting in return except perhaps in israel and gold which is also subject to u. S. Sanctions but theres another explanation solidarity another way of demonstrating the ancient proverb that the enemy of my enemy is my friend you see in human aljazeera. Environmentalist are warning that clearing skies and cleaner waterways during the pandemic arent reasons for major celebrations a study in israeli says despite 10 percent less rubbish being produced since locked on the increased use of disposable covert 900 protective gear is adding to the mountain of waste so high that explains. Its a scene weve all become familiar with no matter where we are in the world wearing a mask is our new normal. But while single use protective gear might be saving lives its also polluting our environment. Granted upon them yet their movies that are in the pandering are seen an increase in the usage of individual protective gear such as face mask and gloves very often made out of plastic. The Italian Institute of Environmental Research found that in just 2 months of lockdown during march and april the amount of general waste fell by 10 percent to 500000. 00 tons thats the good news researches say there is bad news in what is now being thrown away so. We will there we started 6. 00 to 9. 00 glove models and more than 30 facemask models all very different from each other they have different structures some have false some have filters and therefore different weights we made an assumption on the average wage and they found out that at the end of 2020 this production will create 300000 tons of additional waste and thats just masks and gloves alone. By the end of the year the total amount of waste produced is likely to be similar to before the pandemic. Environmentalists are also concerned that the pandemic has rolled back global efforts to cope single use plastic. We have also seen an increase in consumption of packaged foods and ecommerce that uses a lot of single use Plastic Packaging we dont have an estimate yet of how much of those objects were dumped into the environment but what is sure is that all of those that have been abandoned sooner or later will reach the sea. Here in trade body u. N. C. T. A. D. S. To mates global marcels have doubled since last year. Plastic pollution was already one of the greatest threats to our planets before the outbreak now around 75 percent of use masks as well as other pandemic related waste will end up in landfills or floating in the sea. Sort of quiet at aljazeera. Our u. N. Agency is warning that as many as 200 language. Spoken africa may disappear within the next century one of them is the language of the yahoo people its already classified as extinct but it is still spoken by a few in kenya was a web went to dog to meet some of the last surviving speakers about the autobots are. On about are there are fewer than 10 people in the world who can speak the acronym he language. To reduce i. Q. Use one of them he doesnt know exactly how old he is but when we met him before the Global Pandemic all of the remaining speakers were over 70 will remain in. Their job. Mel where you. Are now in the number that does the imminent with. The language of the yard and ethnic groups about 4000 people most now speak other languages they live in the hills of Central Kenya near the town of dull dull this nearby building used to be a center for yahoo culture and language it was built about 20 years ago with charitable donations people used to sit around the fire here and sing songs but about 7 years ago it was abandoned during a conflict between some borough and messiah a neighboring ethnic group both more populous and both with their own language still in use so the cultural artifacts and books that were kept inside were taken away and put in storage and the gathering stopped but about the arc of people who used to be hunter gatherers living in a nearby forest to read you now heard livestock instead. The massai a larger ethnic group of herders moved into the area about a 100 years ago these people realized if we embrace masai we a but to even try to transact with these people we can only cattle and a cut to corner me came with the language the rest of to reduce family dont know how to speak. They speak the messiah language my home his daughter when i speak swahili with her friends. I would like to speak at school she can learn it at home because i dont know it if she learned in school then she can teach us. But when jiro school for that we can see its mostly english in the language of education and business in kenya ever since british colonise asian and it was White British settlers who displaced the messiah into the ark is homeland. This traditional yaku song about living in caves and hunting in the forests. Its a way of life that is long gone. And soon the language and the culture and identity to come with it gone to. d web al jazeera told of kenya. And you can find much more on our website the address for that is w w w dot aljazeera dot com thats aljazeera dot com. This is our jazeera these are the top stories but as president Alexander Lukashenko has told supporters he wont call a new election despite opposition allegations last sundays election result was rigged nato denies location has allegations that its forces are gathering at the border ready to invade. In the capital minsk the red and white flag of the opposition has flown high tens of thousands of protesters are calling a day of freedom they are repeating their demands from looking to resign after 26 years in power and has been at the opposition protest in the capital euphoric. Unprecedented scenes tens of thousands of people are gathering here even estimate up to. Rally for Freedom People here are saying we are changing the country you are witnessing history they really feel that they are winning the battle for the future of here despite the fact that. Has again said that hes not stepping down. Unarmed attack is taking place at a hotel in somalias capital mogadishu at least 5 people have died after a suspected car bomb detonated at the elite hotel in lido beach im going stuff at the scene say doesnt rise have been injured. Thailand has seen the largest protests so far demanding political reforms and unprecedented changes to royal rule the latest in weeks of student led rallies around democracy monuments in the capital bangkok protesters say the entire political system needs to change including the monarchy. The u. S. Postmaster general whos an ally of donald trump has been summoned to testify at a Congressional Committee about a grave threat to the integrity of novembers election democrats accused of withdrawing post Office Funding to sabotage the election the Postal Service has warned that millions of mail in votes may not override in time to be counted a japanese ship that ran aground on a coral reef and militias last month has split apart spilling more oil into the sea. Israel has closed the fishing zone off the coast of gaza overnight air strikes were launched against hamas positions in Southern Gaza the israelis say theyre responding to makeshift fire bombs attached to balloons being flown over the border from gaza palestinians are infuriated by the deals signed by israel and the United Arab Emirates to normalize relations knows the headlines the news continues here on c. N. N. In about half an hour after inside story goodbye. Could iran face renewed sanctions the u. S. President promises punishment after failing to convince the u. N. To extend the International Embargo will this lead to the collapse of 2015 nuclear deal this is inside story. Hello welcome to the program on iran call on the u. S. President is vowing retaliation for the latest setback to his socalled maximum Pressure Campaign on iran Donald Trumps threatening to reinstate International Sanctions that was scrapped in 2015

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