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Mail in vote in ahead of novembers election. Demonstrators back outside israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is residents demanding that he resign over corruption allegations and the response to covert 90. Plus the japanese ship that spilled tons of oil off malicious has broken apart. The president of better roosts has sought help from russia as protest Group Calling for him to step down Alexander Lukashenko says his russian counterpart Vladimir Putin has agreed to help ensure the security of the country if needed this for the 7th day of mass protests against his rule with members of the state media joining the ranks of 0 step fasting reports from minsk. Euphoria instead of fear on the streets of means to secure. Stayed away from large rallies which right around the capitol in the past 2 days where the. 2 former military man came out to denounce the violence used by Security Forces in the past week where. Have come to me in reality as with the nation it always has been thousands held a minute of silence at a metro station where 34 year old. Was killed during protests last monday in the morial house with the funeral quickly turned into a mass rally. I understand i could have been detained and beaten or dead like this one i consider the president of belarus to kind of. Is an illegitimate president this president must be judged he should get the strongest sentence possible women voters of injured detainees who were beaten and tortured by riot police during protests it could be your son his banner reads. Here in this crowd frustration but also fear and sadness. And. With protests and strikes spreading around the country president. Vladimir putin asking for help in a significant turnaround employees of state Television Networks joint in as well this isnt a mission over yet i just want to say defending valorous is no less important than defending this holds. For the rest. Dont stand strong the way. But analysts dont expect put in to go out of his way to help to remain in power. He has relationship with. Its a really quite badly shape of the. Some people say that look africa has a bit the. Touch of reality and that here a learned to both of the east and the west also now he is the spirit a put in this is lost hope a but putin has an old acted in a way that give a signal that he is quoting to rescue will question cut any cost so far of possible russian intervention is not in the minds of these protesting by the russians who are increasingly dominating the country streets their immediate concern is to get rid of look i shankar and to have free and Fair Elections step pass and aljazeera menthe. Journey across the lever is an associate professor at University College in london she says that look at contra my own backing from moscow. Russia would know what one tool actually engage in. Providing support for. The russian authorities at the moment even sad theyve been behind the risk in bringing. One down for. Easing into the in. This case because 1st of all its a conflict. That definitely brings attention as attention of the International Community and. Actually to has a sanctions introduce against russia as well as and they already facing internal conflict and problems. Started about us and that support is already for 48. 00 nearly 40 days and now its. Striking to support the bill russians saw eve as a reason expression for support to an interviewer and in biller success now than i. Expect. This strikes will rule the whole country so and its what putin does not want to do so the risk of too high for him. The crowds marching for a 6th weekend in russias far east have shown solidarity with protesters in belarus for weeks now theyve been rallying in her off against the rest of the regions for the former governor who defeated approved kremlin rival in elections 2 years ago so go for girl who was detained last month and taken to jail in moscow hes accused of ordering the murder of a place to business spend 15 years ago which he denies for gold supporters so the charges are politically motivated. Here as President Donald Trump is defending the man that he appointed as postmaster general despite accusations that hes trying to sabotage the system ahead of novembers election the u. S. Postal service has warned millions of mail in votes may not arrive in time to be counted as why cant i reports. Protesters gathered outside the new postmaster general zod d. C. Home. Detroit was a prominent republican fundraiser and those here in so steves effectively assisting President Trump in what amounts to Voter Suppression former president barack obama in red public criticism accuse the president off and i quote kneecapping the Postal Service for political gain detroit has slashed over time fired or reassigned Key Management figures and ordered the decommissioning of 10 percent of mail sorting machines the departments Inspector General has confirmed to congress that an investigation into problems in the Postal Service is under way. But President Trump has only praise for his appointee making reference to his own Campaign Slogan yes hes a fantastic man he wants to he wants to make the post office great again you ever hear the expression he wants to make the post office great again. And the president repeated his absolute opposition to mail in for. You are going to have. A catastrophic situation with universal mail and birds and on top of it the democrats arent willing to give the people the money and the post office the money polls indicate that more democrats and republicans are likely to vote by mail vote ironically President Trump himself will be costing an absentee vote in an upcoming primary in florida the difference between an absentee vote and a mail in ballot is largely procedural in the form of voters request permission to vote by mail but in the 2nd case voters need no approval and simply post in their vote in all cases the vote is mailed its difficult to see why the president sees one process as acceptable and the other as fraudulent. Concern about the impact of failures in the u. S. Postal service on the election is becoming an increasingly bipartisan issue we could see a dramatic increase in the volume of mail of people returning their ballots which we would absolutely determine has to be done in a timely fashion so here ruins vote is counted theres no doubt that the. Long term financial challenge and those who need to be dealt with but now its not the time to be cutting back services sitting in congress is the Democratic Party Coronavirus Relief bill that includes a 25000000000 dollar injection into the Postal Service a bull where President Trump insists he will not accept in its current form mike hanna aljazeera washington bruce fein is a lawyer and former associate Deputy Attorney general he says that the president is trying to whip up controversy on an issue he has no control of. Clearly political gain President Trump has no authority 0 under the constitution neither does congress to prevent a state from deciding to accept mail in ballots electing electors for the president so he can say what he wants hes powerless to do anything about it this is a state law issue its been that way for 230 years now it may well be hes just trying to create atmosphere suggests that if the states go ahead and do this his supporters should be skeptical of accepting the outcome if you want to challenge the outcome but even then hes powerless really to influence those ultimate decisions as which votes are valid or not and the only test case we really had when you had more than one slate of electors claiming that they were authorized to vote it was decided by congress this is 876 theyve created a commission that decided whether or not one slate or another should be accepted so even when it comes to determining whether or not the fraud that mr trump alleges is proven or not its outside of his hands its in cook the hands of congress. There have been protests in west jerusalem near the official residence of israels Prime Minister calling on him to resign demonstrations against Benjamin Netanyahu been held on saturday evenings for several weeks now his anger over the governments handling of the coronavirus pandemic and netanyahu is ongoing trial for corruption aljazeera herefore supports now from western christian. Once again this is another major protest not far from his residence at a square in west jerusalem thousands of gathered again the local reports suggest its a little bit small the last 2 weekends when the numbers are well in excess of 10000. 00 and the majority of those there are concerned with the coronavirus Pandemic Response and that and yahoos corruption trial which is due to start in earnest the evidentiary phase in january but there are others there as well. Not just from from f. Wilmas ations theres a group of doctors there there are groups representing self employed people whove been hit very hard by the economic fallout of the pandemic and for all of the acts of the diplomatic coup that has been trying to push this week in terms of the deal signed with the u. A. E. There are people here saying that that doesnt matter for those whove been hit so hard by whats happened during the pandemic the Palestinian Ambassador to the u. A. E. Has been recalled following the gulf states to sit and to normalize relations with israel palestinian leaders to announce the u. S. Brokered agreement as a stab in the back to their cause 7 under the deal israel agreed to suspend its planned an exception of areas of the occupied west bank. Were going to weather update next here on our syria then why are so 150. 00 days of lockdown argentinas infection rates and death toll continue to rise plus. A lot more about. Trying to keep a dying language alive we need a kenyan tribe but just a handful of traditional speakers left. Hello there more heavy rain in the fall calls across more Northern Areas of asia can see where the cloud is you have that shes some pretty good case guys across central and southern areas of china but no also across the southwest as you can see here the flood waters of course all still very high but here in particular they really are bracing for the 4th flood crest of the Yangtze River so people are doing all they can to move their possessions to high ground and of course people have also been evacuated from their homes now the heavy rain and sundays going to work its way across the Korean Peninsula but it trails right there back into these more northern and Western Areas over china and sunday 3 monday it begins once again to become really quite heavy so again the threat of flooding witty just doesnt go away at the moment here conditions across the Korean Peninsula i want to shine and scott the thunderstorms across central areas of honshu plenty more rain still across into south asia very heavy rain to expected in bangladesh for the next couple of days but you can see will happen that across into iraq just on the rains really have just a pushed across this region the last few days the flood water really is very deep or you know also a good idea to go through this automates of i couldnt of course a very wet indeed weve got very heavy rains to go through sunday again rajastan or also across into Madhya Pradesh with really no change as we head off into monday. Bottles in cameroons rivers. On englands street. Plastic is everywhere. But if bottles can be fishing boats. Im bubble gum wellington boots what more can be done with this plague of palomas. Earthrise reimagining plastic. On aljazeera. Again this is aljazeera this reminds you of the main news this hour the president but a rose has sought help from russia as a protest Group Calling for him to step down thousands gathered at the spot where a man died on monday during a violent crackdown on demonstrators. The u. S. Postal service is warning that it cant guarantee all ballots cast by mail in novembers president ial election will arrive in time to be counted President Trump has continued to back his pick for postmaster general despite protests against him. And a bit more demonstrations near the official residence of israels Prime Minister calling on him to resign just as an angry at Benjamin Netanyahu is handling of the pandemic and his ongoing trial for corruption. Francaise asked the Afghan Government not to release taliban prisoners convicted of killing french citizens hundreds of fighters are due to be released as a precondition for peace talks between the Afghan Government on the taleban the French Foreign Ministry Says that among them a fighters who killed french soldiers and humanitarian workers. The japanese ship the brains of a coral reef off the coast of parishioners split apart spilling more oil into the sea rushes to plan an environmental emergency and many now feel the spill will do irreversible damage to local wildlife or to serious laura bird manoli reports. Sea water flooding in oil is thing out. The japanese own vessel and the rock a share has split apart and the oil is there spreading along the pristine coastline of eastern russia. The ball carrier ran into a reef a point does need 3 weeks ago a 1000 tons of oil spilled into the ocean presenting a huge danger to Marine Wildlife some unique to the country the area both colorful reefs mangrove forests protected wetlands and pristine beaches and environmental emergency was declared last week we are facing another threat of another 50 tons of fuel against being in the lagoon and in the long term were also looking at the in the longer term impacts of toxic elements containing the ship like the batteries toxic paints and other elements counting the ship which we seep into the sea and contaminate further will go so the damage of the washer is not a short term damage its a very long term damage the japanese ship big company has issued an apology on its website saying its willing to pay compensation for damages japan am france responded to calls for assistance joining thousands of local volunteers who are bracing at the clock to protect the wildlife and some have got creative. Using booms made from human hair and husks from sugarcane to soak up as much of the oil and sludge as possible the island of 1300000 people relies heavily on tourism many are angry the government did not act quickly enough it blamed bad weather for the slow response and is investigating why the ship came so close to the shore it was supposed to say at least 16 kilometers away. Many now fear the spill could impact the local economy for decades and do irreversible damage to the local wildlife. A man the aljazeera. South africa is beginning to lift restrictions after confirming a drop in the rate of new coronavirus cases the country is moving to alert level 2 which removes nearly all restrictions on Economic Activity a months long ban on cigarettes sales and alcohol will also be lifted sunday as argentinas 150th day in lockdown but with one of the highest infection rates in the world its causing many to question the effectiveness of the shutdown from. Shilo reports. It doesnt look much like a quarantine these residents of one osiris enjoying the glorious winter sunshine and escaping one of the worlds longest lock downs since march their movements of in restricted of the essential businesses have remained open and schools have been closed it seems to be working. To avoid contagion when people cant sit on the grass at the benches they can enjoy the public spaces with a mask on and always respecting other peoples distance. The covered 19 infections are now surging more than 6000. 00 new cases reported on friday alone in manhattan found the world is the truth is the only medicine we have is to limit as far as possible the circulation in the meeting of people. The president blames the setbacks on those who dont respect the rules he has extended the lockdown until the end of august. Because the number of infections is rising and the already struggling economy is feeling the strain signs are increasingly question in the effectiveness of the restrictions on. The current teen was used as the only measure it was not accompanied as it could have been done by a strategy of Early Detection isolation and blocking of bricks that was a big mistake that were paying for today. Many are simply bored staying indoors and for straighted that when they are allowed out theres nowhere to go. But as you know its very difficult since it affects every aspect of life the social the human the economic and some of the Health Measures are too much. There are many things we cant do a lot of customs but its what weve got to come to terms with and we have to let those who make the decisions get on with it. A Study Released this week by the university of one osiris also found that the consumption of alcohol the medication for stress during the pandemic has increased dramatically the author it is of found that for the lock down measures to work effectively they need the support of the majority of the population easy while the figures alone but more difficult to impose at the infection rates rise and more and more people decide to leave their homes. In their old his era when osiris russia says that it started manufacturing its vaccine for covert 19 and that initial batches will be rolled out within 2 weeks doctors will be the 1st to be immunized the head of the general public become a lead institutions which has developed the drug says that it will produce 5000000 doses by december the World Health Organization has warned that the vaccine still needs a rigorous safety review. Jeff sugar is the director of the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University he says its dangerous to rely on back seemed in the coronavirus panic pandemic with any pandemic its a Global Pandemic its impacting global its not impacting a single nation and so in addition to just the of the spread of infection itself you also need to trade with these countries that would still be battling a pandemic and and the Global Economy would still be suffering even if there are brighter spots with less infection in nations but its also important to note that these vaccines these 1st batches of vaccines may also not be at the high levels of efficacy that were used to seeing in vaccines in the u. S. The f. D. A. The federal Drug Administration is willing to approve vaccines as low as 50 percent effectiveness now thatll give us leaps and bounds in terms of extending the impact of our social distancing policies masks things like that it will be a big help but it wont in another itself be a solution or an exit strategy to this pandemic so we do need to continue to think of this holistically even when a vaccine does come on the horizon that is available this is why the this sort of announcement of vaccines before theyre through their safety trials and efficiency trials are so incredibly dangerous because it feeds that cynicism and it feeds that suspicion and rolling out a vaccine that that doesnt work that is said to work or rolling out a vaccine that is dangerous it could severely undermined the ability to have any widespread vaccination policies in the future. U. S. President donald trump has vowed to trigger a snapback of International Sanctions against iran trump also cost doubts on whether he would join in russias call for a summit of World Leaders to defuse iran tensions on friday the u. N. Security council rejected a u. S. Bill to extend an indefinite arms embargo on iran which is due to expire in october donald trump says that hes considering imposing a ban on chinese tech giant alibaba the move with the ecommerce giant to a growing list of chinese firms facing punitive action in the u. S. On friday trump gave the chinese owner of Popular Video to talk 90 days to sell its assets in the u. S. The president says the chinese and tech firms pose a threat to u. S. National security deepening hostility between china and the u. S. Is hurting hong kong on several fronts many in the city a worried about beijings new security law as well as the economic return the asian from washington adrian brown reports. During the past few weeks so much has happened so quickly in hong kong none of it good according to more and more foreign leaders who worry about the citys future as a business hub caught in the middle of the dispute between Mainland China and the United States a small exporters like this watch manufacturer from the end of next month hong kong exports destined for the United States would have to show they were instead made in china a largely symbolic move but critics say still a setback for hong kongs identity oh its pretty end of the so i mean its all very disappointing because. I spend my last 46 years trying to create a bradley. Bring to the world what i believe is the quality side of it in hong kong President Donald Trump says hes ending his countrys special trading relationship with hong kong retaliate for a sweeping National Security law that chinas government imposed on the city more than 6 weeks ago on thursday trump warned that hong kongs days as a Global Financial center were finished because of china well this is a snapshot of an economy that was already in trouble before covert 19 or worsening sino u. S. Relations and what worries people here is that the u. S. Strategy seems to be that to hurt china you have to hurt hong kong and thats not acceptable says the citys comma secretary as a deliberate tend to sort of undermine hong kong separate custom territory which is a very important purpose for hong kong as an International Trading center yet some people here say the u. S. Action is justified because few other countries are prepared to stand up to chinas Ruling Communist Party the same way we wish that the world can know all on c. C. P. Is an evil party and we also want them to hear on peoples voice. Died. The reason for us sanctioning hong kong is because china has a problem they intervening in hong kongs internal affairs if u. S. Is not sanctioning china who else is going to chinas leaders are accused of putting hong kongs freedoms in jeopardy and the trumpet ministration of doing the same to this citys economy adrian brown Al Jazeera Hong Kong a 3rd of the worlds languages come from africa but the uns Cultural Organization unesco says that as many as 200 of the languages spoken in african countries may disappear within the next century some are already classified as extinct including kenyas language malcolm webb went to meet some of its last surviving speakers. And. There are fewer than 10 people in the world who can speak the language. To. One of them he doesnt know exactly how old he is but when we met him before the Global Pandemic all of the remaining speakers were over 70. Mel where you. Are now in an angle of it as does the imminent with. The language of the yarkas an ethnic group of about 4000 people most now speak other languages they live in the hills of Central Kenya near the town of dull dull this nearby building used to be a center for yahoo culture and language it was built about 20 years ago with charitable donations people used to sit around the fire here and sing songs but about 7 years ago it was abandoned during a conflict between some borough and messiah a neighboring ethnic group both more populous and both with their own language still in use so the cultural artifacts and books that were kept inside were taken away and put in storage and the gathering stopped but about the our people used to be hunter gatherers living in a nearby forest was not possible to redo now heard livestock instead. The miss i a larger ethnic group of herders moved into the area about a 100 years ago these people realized if we embrace masai we able. To transact easily with these people we can only cattle and a cut to coral me came with their language the rest of to reduce family dont know how to speak. They speak the language my home his daughter when i speak swahili with her friends. I would like to speak at school she can learn it at home because i dont know it if she learned in school then she can teach us. But one school so that we can see its mostly english its been the language of education and business in kenya ever since british colonize asian and it was White British settlers who displaced the messiah into the ark is homeland. This traditional yahoo song about living in caves and hunting in the forest. Its a way of life thats long gone. And soon the language and the culture and identity that come with it gone to. d aljazeera the old dog kenya d. It is good to have you with us hello adrian for going to hear the headlines on aljazeera the president of belarus has sought help from the washer protest Group Calling for him to step down thousands gathered at the spot where a man died on monday during a violent crackdown on demonstrators. President trump has continued to back his pick for postmaster general despite accusations that hes purposely trying to sabotage mail in voting ahead of embers election the u. S. Postal service is warning that it cant guarantee all ballots will arrive in time to be counted. Yes hes a fantastic man and he wants to he wants to make the post of his great again you ever hear the expression he wants to make the post office great again i dont know what hes doing i can only tell you hes a very smart man hell be a great postmaster general and he needs obviously if youre going to do these millions of ballots out of nowhere hes going to obviously need funding but the democrats arent willing to provide other things and therefore theyre not going to get the funding for that but you know youre going to have a catastrophic situation with universal mail and its and on top of it the democrats arent willing to give the people the money and the post office the money there are more protests in west jerusalem near the official residence of israels Prime Minister calling on him to resign protesters are angry at Benjamin Netanyahu is handling of the pandemic and his ongoing trial for corruption the Palestinian Ambassador to the u. A. E. Has been recalled following the gulf states decision to normalize relations with israel palestinian leaders denounced the u. S. Brokered agreement as a stab in the back to their cause. Francis asked the Afghan Government snorts to release taliban prisoners convicted of killing french citizens hundreds of fighters and you to be released as a precondition for talks between the Afghan Government and the taliban and the japanese ship plowed into a coral reef off the coast of the richest splits apart spilling more Oil Resources to clayton in an environmental emergency to whats being called the islands worst ecological disaster. And those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera of the super 30 thanks to. In late August Joe Biden and donald trump will finally become the official president ial candidate but the own going coronavirus pandemic sees the Democratic National Convention Going virtual and the republicans being forced to rethink grand plans for a big celebration the fall of the u. S. Conventions on aljazeera

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