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Researches race to find a Coronavirus Vaccine we ask if safety could be a casualty. The us has failed to persuade the Un Security Council to extend an arms embargo on iran it means terror on will soon be able to trade weapons without un approval the bid was the latest attempt from the u. S. To clamp down on iranian arms sales accusing terror of sponsoring state terrorism well the arms embargo is set to end on october 18th 5 years after the signing of Irans Nuclear deal with world powers but the u. S. Wants it extended indefinitely thats been opposed by russia china and other members of the Security Council washington insists it wont let the embargo end sectors take mike pump a 0 says the u. S. May now trigger a socalled smell bad. Was that restores all u. N. Sanctions on iran well well have the reaction from us and begun terror on the moment but 1st lets speak to kristen salumi at u. N. Headquarters in new york kristin so this u. S. Sponsored vote has failed was this expected and talk us through what happened. Yes we just had a very quick meeting of the u. N. Security council in which the results were announced and its not a surprise that the resolution failed china and russia had voiced strong opposition to it prior to this what is a surprise is that the United States only had one other vote in support of this resolution so 2 votes in favor of the resolution 2 against china and russia an every other member of the u. N. Security council abstained from this vote which sought to extend the iranian arms embargo indefinitely the United States in an attempt to get more support excuse me and force the russians and chinese to use their veto reduced the length of this resolution from 7 pages down to 4 paragraphs they were calling for just a straight rollover saying that iran poses a threat to International Peace in the security they called iran the largest state sponsor of terror in the reason in the region but many members of the council expressed concern that this would force iran out of the nuclear deal that set up this compromise that called for the rollback of these sanctions on iran if they complied and they didnt have enough vote the secretary of state my palm peo said the Security Councils action was inexcusable it was a failure to act decisively in the interest of International Security but members like the germans on the council said that the resolution was doomed to fail and they thought it would be more constructive to move forward they said this in a statement with a with the ongoing negotiations and attempts to revive the deal and christmas is a prize in the end result but a surprising lack of support and as you say kristen the u. S. Wants to extend the arms embargo against iran indefinitely so whats the mixed it what happens next. Well as you mentioned secretary of state might pump air has threatened to invoke this snapback provision which is in the nuclear deal and would allow any party to that deal to reimpose to trigger all of the sanctions that were lifted on iran as part of that deal to come back in full force if iran is seen as violating the terms but the catch here is that the United States withdrew from the nuclear deal 2 years ago and so members of the council are arguing particularly russia and china that the United States doesnt have standing to make such a claim because it withdrew from the deal unilaterally it cant now come back and claim to invoke part of that so theres no clear Legal Mechanism to settle this dispute in the council if the United States decides to go forward in that way this could be really. To malta was time for the Security Council and there is no clear mechanism for resolving the dispute our right to a christening a live for us there at u. N. Headquarters in new york christine thanks for that lets cross over now to us a big he joins us live from the iranian capital tehran said so the vote has failed at the u. N. What kind of response are we likely to see now from tehran do you think. Well even going into this vote at the United Nations to extend the arms embargo we had had some strong rhetoric and language coming out from the iran president Hassan Rouhani had warned of a crushing response if the arms embargo had been extended from mr divides the reef had said that the u. S. Approach was feckless and unpredictable and now weve had the Iranian Ambassador to the United Nations call it a day back so the iranians will very much see this particular back to that the United Nations as a victory for themselves and use it to show how little support the United States has in its approach to iran but also it would be used domestically by the iranians because this 2015 nuclear deal didnt have total support across the political spectrum here and president Hassan Rouhani and his government did take political reputations to take a hit when donald trump pulled the United States out of that deal in 2019 so this will be seen as iran as a diplomatic victory over the United States and i said as we heard from chris im in new york at u. N. Headquarters the u. S. Has already threatened to use the snap back provision in the nuclear deal that would restore all un sanctions against iran so whats tehrans next move now that. Well from one diplomatic battle on to the next now iran has warned the europeans that they will have to take responsibility for anything that happens if those sanctions are returned or one of the key benefits for iran staying in this deal despite the United States putting them putting themselves out of in 2019 word lifting of those United Nations sanctions now from mr devolves reid has said that the United States is trying to use the Security Council to destroy the Security Council and if these sanctions are reinstated it would be the end of any multilateralism and International Law but the options open to iran are that they could completely pull out of the 2015 nuclear deal that means any of the restrictions placed on the Nuclear Program were they would no longer have to abide by the rules so they can enrich uranium to a higher degree currently its at 4. 94. 7 percent could stockpile more uranium that could stop International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors or restrict them from sites in the country or the quote put out the Nuclear Nonproliferation treaty now the europeans dont want to see any of this happening they want to avoid it but the next 2 months running up to that told the 18th deadline of the lifting of the arms embargo will see the next stage of the battle between the United States and iran to as a big live person tara said thank you for the u. S. Continues to put pressure on iran through crippling economic sanctions now the u. S. Department of justice says it sees 4 iranian fuel tankers or fuel from 4 tankers headed to venezuela it claims its the biggest such seizure. This is. What tankers theyre going to use and theyre there. Theyre not supposed to be doing that are supposed to be doing that and so we did we see tankers and were moving them and moved to used and when iran says the u. S. Is lying about the seizure of the vessels and denied having any connection to irans ambassador to venezuela has called the move propaganda and psychological warfare no. No right now there is nothing planned because we havent had a request from our venezuelan friends as they are reactivating their own refineries u. S. Officials are experts in fabricating lies and carrying out shows in the media i ask you who is the bigger victim of terrorism the u. S. Or iraq mike hanna has more now from washington d. C. Now the ships were actually stopped back in july but the Justice Department needed to apply for a federal court order to be able to see the oil that was on board these tankers more than a 1000000 barrels of oil this oil has now been moved off the 4 tankers and transported to houston once again there was a very strange article in the Justice Department statement saying this all happened with the help of unspecified partners the Iranian Ambassador to ben as well as says the ships were not iranian at all and calls this lies and propaganda its believed that there were 2 earlier shipments of oil from iran to venezuela in may and in june and observers expressed surprise at that particular time that the u. S. Had not attempted to intercept these vessels however that policy has now changed with the u. S. Taking this unspecified action against iranian tankers and confiscating all the oil. Tens of thousands of people have rallied in the belorussian capital minsk for a 6 night of protests of the last weeks disputed president ial elections president Alexander Lukashenko has refused to open dialogue with the leader of the opposition to kind of scalia has fled to lithuania and is calling for more protests this weekend step as more from its. Was slowly but surely protestors in minsk are taking over the citys main street after days of Police Violence as demonstrators were beaten detained and chased away protesters came out in large numbers friday they were joined by workers from a state owned tractor factory throughout the country thousands of workers are on strike to protest against a look at. The all the good. We can stand the situation anymore people are afraid but there will be more people and many more local. Guys. They have. Come out of the factory and are now heading to the city center protests and not only against a Police Crackdown but also against what they call all richt elections these are very unusual fellows. Arriving at Independence Square the protesters are met by soldiers protecting the Government House pension starts to build but suddenly one soldier drops his shield and then this happens. Peace remember you have a mother to my baby you cannot do this why are you standing him. If it was a right it was meanwhile look at shankar is warning of more violence as he accuses foreigners of provoking the protests new suv it is we should just know what is stay clear of the streets now you have to understand that you and your children are being used like. People have already arrived from poland the netherlands ukraine and russia from open russia and the valley and this old. The aggression against our country has already started again you see in the july sproat of detainees who were released talked about torture dance had to be taken to hospital immediately after their release all others were treated by fallen ts who came to detention santa still held in a moment were. Going to the 3 of them the most about the moment fractures bruises dislocations brain injuries nose fractures abrasions hema toma hemorrhage to brain and even to eyes is a nightmare fascist dont even do these things were going on more than was that of most uk. While the government has tried to appease protesters by releasing detainees the wounds on their bodies appear stuffed had the opposite effect throughout the evening crowds at the Independence Square started swelling if festive and fiery mood in sharp contrast with the threatening words of lookers shanker and his soldiers standing nearby step class and aljazeera means. Time for a short break here now to see about when we come back oh hello accusations of the trail palestinians protest against an agreement between the u. A. E. And israel. And fears that beirut hospitals are running out of medicines of the last weeks before last we reported mcdonalds child comes 0. 03 more in the states. But. I would say its a rather Stormy Weather just around the middle of the states of the u. S. You see this little clutch of showers there just around the carolinas pushing up towards maryland easing up towards new england more wet weather live the storms violent storms pushing out of central canada down around the dakotas again last making its way further east with as we go on through sas day heavy showers there just around the appalachians over towards virginia notice further west where we could do with the rain still very hot same fate its 45 celsius also enough to across a good part of California South california of course with the wildfires burning no sign of any right in the forecast in fact much of the west coast the part of western canada staying hot and dry over the coming days a few showers just cropping up down towards the deep south throughout oklahoma pushing into texas still very wet over towards the mid Atlantic States well the more pleasant i suggest into new york and on into new england but its a bad city were across the southeast of the u. S. Into florida law she fought in dry across the caribbean islands as well but some very heavy showers thundery downpours gathering around that western side of the caribbean we could see some flooding there for the correct. Progress. Or a serious mistake. Intelligence is slowly invading every aspect of our love. But very few of us really understand its capabilities for better or worse. In a new documentary aljazeera explores the impact of they are accessing vast amounts of our personal data data land on aljazeera. Org. Welcome back a quick amount of our top stories here on aljazeera the u. S. Has failed to persuade the u. N. Security council to extend an arms embargo on iran means terror on soon be able to trade weapons without u. N. Approval or the u. S. Says it will seek to trigger a return of all u. N. Sanctions on iran in the coming days. And this comes as the u. S. Says it seized iranian fuel headed to venezuela it claims that cargo on 4 tankers amounts to more than a 1000000 barrels of petrol its biggest ever seizure iran is tonight any connection with a shipment both iran and venezuela on the u. S. Sanctions and tens of thousands of people have protested in belarus for us to expect a over the disputed president ial election in the fall and Police Crackdown the European Union says the initiate sanctions against those responsible for violence arrest some fraud in connection with the vote after a meeting of its Foreign Ministers. What are your Foreign Ministers have agreed to stop preparing new sanctions against the government of better roost on those behind the violence and the tension a peaceful protest is the bucket has more. Well the meeting of e. U. Foreign ministers happened remotely they all dialed into a central hub in brussels and basically shared their ideas on how to pile the pressure on alexander look at shanker oh theres no shortage of solidarity for the belorussian people and no shortage of criticism in condemnation for Alexander Lukashenko according to a spokesperson for the german chancellor Angela Merkel was shocked having seen seams of violence on the streets of minsk and other cities over the course of the past few days and also as live on the lam the European Commission president said that there had been a brutal violation of human rights that warranted immediate sanctions and sanctions does appear to be the direction of travel the e. U. Foreign ministers together in a unified way are prepared to take they could take the form of d asset freezes or travel bans on senior figures within. Leadership we could well see other forms of peanuts of measures being imposed but lets not forget the e. U. Is already imposed a raft of sanctions on the country already imposed restrictions on certain officials we know the nimble arms embargo has been in place for some time now so the e. U. Is also under pressure to see exactly what it can do to force Alexander Lukashenko into line we found poland which are the Baltic States already come forth and volunteer as mediators in any forthcoming dialogue between look at shanker and the opposition the opposition of welcome that but look at shank oh is far from it he remains defiant so the role now for the e. U. Is to pile on the pressure and to try and open a corridor of communication. Russia says 33 of its nationals detained in belarus have been released and sent home they were arrested in minsk last month president lukashenko accused them of being mercenaries sent by moscow to incite riots ahead of the president ial vote russia dismissed the accusation saying they are employees of a private Security Firm transiting through the country. President is threatening to spend time with the United Arab Emirates reached a deal with israel to normalize relations as part of the u. S. Brokered agreement israel will suspend but not scrap plans to an expense to me and territory egypt oman and bahrain have welcomed the move honestly and say its a betrayal of their cause and theyve been protesting against the deal in occupied East Jerusalem they gathered in the courtyard of the al aqsa mosque compound offer friday prayers some trampled on pictures of Abu Dhabis Crown Prince Mohammed bin zayed and the erotic flight force that is in west jerusalem and has more on the protests. It was an expression of anger and repudiation of the u. S. Part in carrying out this deal with israel which obviously is something that goes in contravention of the hill to adhere to at least publicly if not in the background policy of having a resolution in the Israeli Palestinian conflict known as ation with the arab states there was this protest at the al aqsa mosque compound there was a smaller protest as well in hebron in the south of the occupied west bank but the real pushback even come from the palestinian leadership itself saying that this is a betrayal this is a stab in the back of palestinians according to some senior officials and they say that the u. A. E. Should not have gone along with this from the u. A. E. Perspective what theyre saying is that they have acted in a way which has rescued the occupied west bank from the threat of imminent an extension of at least 30 percent of it and that is the that the prize that they have won from israel thats seen very differently of course in ramallah which is where the palestinian issue appears headquartered they say this is israel gaining something very valuable merely for not having done anything not having sacrificed any land not having given any major concessions its all to the palestinians now iranians foreign minister has lashed out at western countries saying they shouldnt impose political change in lebanon as a precondition for aid following last weeks deadly explosion avanza raise visit was just one on what was a busy day of the primacy in the lebanese capital as you know Stephanie Becker reports now from beirut. A French Navy Ship with more than 700 soldiers docks in the reach shattered port here to help a build a broken city. You know if we dont have so many days there are humanitarian emergency challenges and there will be future challenges of reconstruction but there are also challenges on the political side a government capable of taking courageous decisions will be necessary and finally there are also economic challenges to get out of this crisis major reforms will be needed. Frances defense minister went on to meet the lebanese leadership the french have taken a leading role here in the off to moscow of the catastrophic explosion and here at the same time the u. S. Undersecretary of state for Political Affairs together with the u. S. Ambassador to lebanon here too on clearly a very busy diplomatic day Iranian Foreign minister giving his opinion on who should choose lebanons next government. We believe that the government and the people of lebanon should decide on the country should not use the tragic needed to to ation of lebanon big condition. But many here dont see their presence that way i think this for them paul was. You know are taking advantage of this catastrophic event but that but that happened in bed with a week ago or 10 days ago in order to leverage their position and lebanon and and and that egypt as well to advance their political interests i think they are in for one shot and setting up the political agenda in the country because you know the countrys political faction are interrelated or they have nation support these foreign powers and as diplomats negotiate what the next government will look like the people of beirut are having to come to terms of whats happened to their city whats happened to their homes and for those whove lost everything just having to get through the day its volunteers that are doing most of the work here any official help is notably absent and whatever the next government may look like many people will tell you nothing will change and justice for all of this will never come Stephanie Decker al jazeera beirut. Meanwhile lebanese protesters have been calling for an independent International Investigation into the blast but hezbollahs leader Hassan Nasrallah says he wouldnt trust any findings to the mission and i meant. They havent hizbollah who will not be could ducting an investigation or making accusations we will wait for the official lebanese investigation but if the f. B. I. Is participating in israel is related to the attack you will not be able to reach anything if lebanon accept an International Investigation and the 1st objective of such investigation will be to absolve israel from any responsibility for the explosion if it is responsible. Mozambiques president has visited the northern province of Karbala Delgado days after fighters going to isolate seized a key port town that philippe newsy vowed to create jobs in an effort to prevent young people from joining the armed group most of the exam is still trying to regain control of the gas rich area which has been seized by armed groups 3 times this year india now has the 4th worst coronavirus death toll in the world after passing the u. K. The number of fatalities as crossed 48000 has been another single day a record increase in cases with nearly 65000 new infections reported the government says the situation is improving despite criticism of the low testing rates Australian Health officials made the unjustifiable and inexcusable mistakes when they allowed passengers with cope with 19 to disembark a cruise ship in sydney in march thats according to a scathing report by an independent commission 120 of the 2700 passengers were feeling unwell when they left the ruby princess helping spread the virus around the country the Public Inquiry says New South Wales Health Failed to get quick test results before passengers disembarked at the time it was a strain your single biggest source of infection with more than 600 cases and 20 deaths linked directly to the ship. And france has declared paris summit area around the city of musee as coronavirus red zones the decree gives all thora to use the power to impose new restrictions on the millions of people who live there it comes off to a shopping crease in new cases over the past 2 weeks people who are in france or indeed holland or on to other places that were announcing the saving who were added to the corn seamless people can stay and finish your holiday but you have to be away you will have to quarantine off of that and that is mandates free afraid because we do need to protect the low rates weve managed to establish in this country and that does apply u. K. Whites or for parts of the United Kingdom scotland Northern Ireland wales and england moving on this together this evening and british tourists in several countries are cutting their holiday short theyre scrambling to return home after the u. K. Said it would impose a 14 day quarantine on arrivals from the netherlands malta and france starting on saturday an estimated 260000 british tourists were in france when the quarantine was announced. Some. Morning. Whats. Known as a. One. On. One. There are more than 150. 00 Coronavirus Vaccines in development around the world but fewer than 10 have reached stage 3 thats the final phase before approval and eventually production and distribution there are worries the rush for a vaccine main safety is being compromised as gablers under reports now from new york. On average it can cost more than 100000000 dollars and take years to put a vaccine through all 3 stages of development with no guarantees of success with time of the essence in the covert 1000. 00 pandemic many governments are picking up the costs taking the financial risk to help speed up the process the government has basically taken the risk out. No pay for the myth no pay for that so there were the companies can move right along but in fact mr hughes the back while they were doing based while theyre still unsure whether that actually works in the say because the governments going to pay for it but is safety being sacrificed for speed it was in 1955 when a laboratory rushed out more than 100000. 00 batches of the polio vaccine that mistakingly contained the polio virus but batches were recalled but not before they lead to paralysis in dozens of people and the death of some children the incident was a sad chapter in the history of vaccine manufacturing fast forward to today and pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical companies that has a covert 1000 vaccine in stage 3 human trials theres no guarantee it will be successful nevertheless the u. S. Government has given the Company Hundreds of millions of dollars to speed up the Development Process in exchange if the Pfizer Vaccine turns out to be the one that works the u. S. Government will control the rights to the 1st 100000000. 00 doses the white house is pushing ahead so fast officials there claim they could have as much as 300000000 doses available by the end of this year in a program theyre calling operation warp speed some back soon experts i spoke to said they hope that moving so fast doesnt lead to mishaps like what happened with the polio vaccine you dont actually want to back see. That is developed at well i mean really you know you want a vaccine that is developed as safely and efficiently as any other guy eckstein that youre comfortable putting in yourself or your child for now the race is on balancing speed and safety for the elusive vaccine in the covert 19 pandemic gabriel is on doe. New york all the news of course on our website there it is on the Supreme Court press aljazeera dot com. All right time for a quick check of the headlines here on aljazeera the u. S. Has failed to persuade the Un Security Council to extend an arms embargo on iran means terror on will soon be able to trade weapons without u. N. Approval the u. S. Says it will seek to trigger a return of all u. N. Sanctions on iran in the coming days christine salumi has more from u. N. Headquarters in new york the catch here is that the United States withdrew from the nuclear deal 2 years ago and so members of the council are arguing particularly russia and china that the United States doesnt have standing to make such a claim because it withdrew from the deal unilaterally it cant now come back and claim to invoke part of that so there is no clear Legal Mechanism to settle this dispute in the council if the United States decides to go forward in that way this could be really. To malta was time for the Security Council and there is no clear mechanism for resolving the dispute well this comes as the u. S. Says it seized iranian fuel headed to venezuela it claims the cargo and for tankers amounts to more than 1000000 barrels of petrol its biggest ever seizure irans denied any connection with the shipment both iran and venezuela under u. S. Sanctions. Tens of thousands of people have protested in loose for a 6 day over the disputed president ial election and a violent Police Crackdown the European Union says it will initiate sanctions against those responsible for violence arrests and fraud in connection with the vote after a meeting of its Foreign Ministers turkeys president is threatening to suspend ties with the United Arab Emirates reached a deal with israel to normalize relations as part of the u. S. Brokered agreement israel will suspend but not scrap plans to an expanded in territory honest indians have been protesting over the deal and irans foreign minister says western countries shouldnt require political change in lebanon as a precondition for providing emergency aid jihads a reef is visiting bare root after an explosion devastated the city more than a week ago western leaders have said aid will go directly to the lebanese people not to the government until reforms take place those were the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after witness stated them so much in battle. Is the government taking the necessary action to really address some of the structural issues we listen i still think that travel is the safest mode of travel and to spend that we meet with global news makers the stories that matter. Shows. I. Was. Not the hood on the. What about the. Thing about amount of money going to a lot of

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