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Money come from. And more than a 100 people arrested in Southern India after violence allegedly sparked by a Facebook Post. Under the un human rights chief is condemning the use of violence by authorities and better roost during protests against the disputed president ial election if youre in your poland and latvia have offered to mediate the crisis but warns sanctions could be imposed if the violent crackdown continues when 6000 people have been arrested in belarus during 3 nights of rallies against the landslide victory of president Alexander Lukashenko opposition leaders say the vote was rigged many of them have been detained or forced to flee the country including the main candidate said lana to kind of skier a new shank a one around 80 percent of the vote hes been in power since 994 and is considered by many as europes last dictator steadfast and has the latest from its. Worried about the fate of their loved ones relatives and friends outside his Detention Center in minsk child cries of support without knowing if they can hear it. Or you are our heroes they scream at us calling out her sons and daughters wives looking for their husbands after days of unrest many are still missing a 17 year. Boy of us released after he was arrested while sitting on a bench in the city center he says he was severely beaten. Riot police came to me with 6 men and started beating me when i grabbed the stick there started to beat me even more and sprayed something in my face it was burning when i asked for medical aid they did not help me volunteers are trying to help locate the thousands of detainees resident alex on the lookout has condemned those detained describing them as a criminal underclass. The core of the socalled protesters are people with a criminal past and those who are currently unemployed those who dont have a job walking the streets and avenues thats why im kindly urging everyone who is unemployed to get a job Police Violence has increased and bellows during the 3rd night of protest with the best koreans and cars attacked often randomly. But that did not deter hundreds of women from protesting to condemn the violence they march for peace and Fair Elections president lukashenko who has been in power for 26 c. S. s he won sundays disputed president ial poll with more than 80 percent of the vote to claim many in bellows have called observed income trust a police man wearing black all these women are wearing white carrying flowers as a sign of peace stop beating us is their main message women have been leading the growing Opposition Movement against look as government with 3 women dominating the Election Campaign now again women are defiant and are risking arrest they can come to your home they can break the door in your apartment they can catch you anywhere when you go shopping or go to the hospital they can find you and detain you really be you yes my child still i dont want our husbands brothers and sons to die for a peaceful bella roost and for Fair Elections on the streets drive a show their support for the protesters including bus and Truck Drivers that emotions running high after what have been traumatic days for many by. Russians it seems unlikely to strategy of pardons to government is using will work step process and aljazeera meant. In the next hour and historic moment will take place in u. S. Politics so as they come in a harris will appear with democratic president ial candidate joe biden as his running mate she is the 1st black and Indian American woman to be included on a major partys president ial ticket the 2 are expected to deliver remarks in wilmington delaware which is joe bidens home town theyll face republican president dont try and Vice President mike pence in the next on november the 3rd the Biden Harris Campaign has also released its 1st an advertisement. I was raised to take action my mother knew that she was raising 2 black daughters who would be treated differently because of how they learned growing up whenever i got upset about something my mother would look me in the eye and ask so what are you going to do about it we are in a battle for the soul of this nation but together its a battle we can win we just have to take action. And fishes live at the white house 1st so what can we expect from this event. Well its going to be very different from the Vice President unveiling as weve seen in the past no big rallies no party dignitaries in the back to give their endorsement and thats all because of covert there will be the 2 main protagonists there will be joe biden and his Vice President ial pick camelot hardest they will make some remarks and there will be media there bigger than the normal pool that the Vice President gets but its unlikely that theyll take questions and certainly if you were running the campaign you certainly wouldnt want your moment spoiled by awkward questions from journalists so it will be very different it was very different feel much different though it will be carried live on all the main networks and its really about the democrats getting their message that they are changing the calculus in american politics by selecting camelot harris who is as you see a woman of color a black american a woman whose mother is of indian descent and so its an important moment for the Democratic Party for the Biden Campaign but also in american politics political history and ours president spending the choice of a running mate. Well youll remember a month or so ago he was saying that he really wanted to run against susan rice and then he said 24 hours ago that camelot harris was always his 1st draft pick he always thought that she would be the one selected that she didnt do well in the primaries she actually dropped out before the Iowa Caucuses and thats the sort of person that he wanted to run against the reality is that although we knew that it was likely to be camelot hardison there were others in the frame but it was always likely to be hard their Republican Party hasnt quite been able to frame it and take kamler message there on one side theyre saying that she will be favored by the people who live in wall street what can wall street i know on the other hand theyre saying or shell be welcomed by the anarchists its really a difficult balance to strike and know the argument from Kellyanne Conway who we spoke to a couple of hours ago said well that demonstrates that she didnt please everybody well you dont tend to do that in politics the message that donald trump and other republicans are hammering is that this is not a popular choice if you look on social media it actually is more people are enthused by this if you talk to the Biden Campaign they will tell you that between 4 and 5 yesterday afternoon here in the United States very soon after the announcement was made that they had record fund raising campbell hardass also has raised about 5000000 dollars on her own she will raise more know that she is the Vice President ial candidate so you can see that they are trying to take away from the excitement around the camelot announcement but the reality is joe biden will get a bounce in the opinion polls from this hes already ahead in many of the states the challenge for biden and camelot how this is to continue that momentum from no all the way to live in for the 3rd. Thank you very much indeed. One half of beiruts Health Care Facilities on nonfunctional because of last weeks devastating explosion thats according to the World Health Organization which says the damage will also complicate efforts to contain the coronavirus outbreak at least 3 of the major hospitals in in beirut have the list nonfunctional because of that last another 3 hospitals are functioning well below their normal capacity and what that means is weve lost around 500 its those 2 hospitals with clear implications for the management of covert as well as other medical conditions well cleanup efforts are continuing in the lebanese capital city mourns the deaths of more than 200 people talks are underway to try to form a new government but politicians have been warned that any foreign aid will depend on reforms and smith has more. Ritual pole the beirut explosion didnt discriminate 10 people died in the luxury Seaview Apartments that overlook the port and alice assads house. She and her 2 children had left home half an hour before the blast they raced back to find this. Alice pays a rent fixed in the 1960 s. The common practice here if the landlord cant afford the repairs or release the funds home will probably stay like this i now must lead the most important thing is for the kids to have a place to sleep comfortably where with food they will not starve but we need our home back. Businesses too must find the money to rebuild if they think its worth it. This country was already enjoying an economic crisis after a shortage of foreign currency last year sent its currency into freefall i hope you go through it if you will be able to put more money into it i dont know we need help not only also. Everybody. Needs someone 70000 homes and a so far uncalculated number of businesses were destroyed or damaged when 2750 tons of Ammonium Nitrate exploded at beirut port last tuesday. A dozen schools also need rebuilding this is the citys oldest the school of the 3 doctors the dishy in the challenges huge an explosion of the scale is exceptional before rebuilding you have to appraise the structure see if everything can hold up sometimes you have to consolidate sometimes you have to destroy to rebuild so it will take real building expertise. For every homeowner every business every Institution Needs glass and Building Materials and nearly all of that is imported. So they need dollars. But their money is locked in inaccessible Bank Accounts for many here its effectively stolen by political elite thats been running the country for decades. So the pressure is on parliament to appoint a new Prime Minister and a new. You cabinet and its been made clear to them that theyll be no International Funds for the citys reconstruction until the Parliament Ends the dominance of iran backed hezbollah and its allies french president emanuel microns as he wants to see progress by september the 1st Bernard Smith aljazeera beirut and the russian Prime Minister says almost all of the oil has been removed from a damaged ship thats been leaking into the countrys pristine blue waters workers have been racing to empty the ship after it grounded off from russian coast last month spilling a 1000 tonnes of oil into the sea dead fish already being pulled from the ocean and tourism operations of are afraid their businesses will be hit marisha says seeking compensation from the ships japanese onus. So i had this haha Ethnic Violence flares again in eastern john troops are deployed and a 24 hour curfew was imposed. And its back to school for students in the u. S. Despite the rising number of trying to park at priors cases in most states. Hello there is still plenty of warm weather across areas of europe but the changes beginning say place across areas across the west plenty of count in the last year as and also some fairly strong thunderstorms at times have been some particularly strong storms across areas of scotland that has produced some localized flooding but meanwhile the north coast of the netherlands its sunny that you can see if i want to cloud up in the sky its warm and sunny down in tunis in Southern France and also down into Southern Spain this is also somewhere where we have seen some rain showers and some thunderstorms as well keep this time which is. The lower than they have be but the rain is really pushing in and out of there pressure throughout the day this will work its way across much of france you could see some heavy rain at times it extends up into southern regions of the u. K. And sunday here we could also see some heavy amounts of rain and then through friday it becomes fairly widespread as you can see pushing right there cross through germany down across into Northern Areas of italy and as a say well see rain also the chance of thunderstorms even some damaging hail and some strong winds and i can see already the time which is not quite as high as they were across those western arras so for london coming back down closer to the average is a bit cloudy but dry on saturday but probably south it is a nice day and passes a nice warm sunshine. Is abducted and forced into sexual slavery by the japanese and. Aereo army. For the socalled comfort women of the 2nd world war decades have passed but the trauma lives on. Witness follows the story of the women who campaigned with unwavering resolve for an official apology for this appalling chapter in history. The apology on aljazeera. The. M one of the top stories here now jazeera at least one detained protester has died in bella ruse after police brutally crackdown on demonstrations against the president hundreds of women have rallied across the capital minsk to protest against the polices actions. Your senator coming to harris is preparing to appear in a democratic president ial candidate joe biden for the fast time after being chosen as his running mate she is the 1st black and Indian American woman to be included in the major parties president ial ticket. More than half of beiruts Health Care Facilities are known functional because of last weeks devastating explosion that includes 3 major hospitals according to the World Health Organization. Those who play with fire will get burnt thats chinas dramatic warning to the u. S. After a senior american delegation wrapped up in historic visit to taiwan u. S. Health secretary alex as ours is the most high profile an american official to visit the on and in decades its infuriated beijing which views taiwan as a breakaway province washington insists the trip was only meant to examine taiwans successful battle against the coronavirus but as a has criticized chinas handling of the pandemic and says the u. S. Will continue to support the island as a friend and partner. Meanwhile taiwans president has called on china to use dialogue to resolve disputes in hong kong instead of oppression have been several high profile arrests in hong kong this week on charges related to chinas new National Security no arrests come amid a crackdown on hong kong was prodemocracy opposition has drawn Widespread International criticism saying when promised to her government would support the people of hong kong what they do they even go once again solemnly called in the beijing authorities that when the people are taking a stand together and fighting for something the government should find ways to resolve disputes instead of oppressing the people and depriving them of freedom and human rights only by having a sincere dialogue with the people of hong kong can dispute speed result and can Hong Kong Society return to come and even brown has more from hong kong. When you are leader of taiwan you have to do what you can to raise your International Profile because of course there are just 15 countries that recognize taiwan was dying when on wednesday was addressing the Hudson Institute thats a conservative think tank in washington and she had many themes to her through her addressed but i think the central one were her comments about hong kong she said that the world had been saddened to see that the beacon of freedom of been extinguished in hong kong she said that the ties between hong kong and taiwan go back many years and she also said and this was her only real reference to china without naming china she said that while some countries well the world has been distracted by covert 19 other countries have been targeting democracies around the world now why does all this matter well you know at the moment taiwan is a country which is basically regarded by china as a breakaway province to be taken back from by force if necessary president xi jinping had warned just a year ago that the people of taiwan had better except that one day sooner rather than later they will be reunified with the motherland and the premier of china leak a chunk addressed the National Peoples Congress Just a few months ago and he didnt refer to a peaceful reunification with taiwan he simply referred to a reunification so that is led to increasing speculation that eventually china will resort to force to take back this renegade province and in fact many analysts will tell you that the chances of that happening a greater now than they were 5 years ago. Sudans government has deployed troops and deposed a 24 hour curfew in an eastern city after 3 days of violence at least 25. 00 people have been killed since rival ethnic groups began fighting in port sudan its not the 1st time members of the beni a manouver tribes had attacked each other a state of emergency was imposed last year after fighting broke out between the 2 sides have a morgan has more from sudans capital khartoum. First of all lets look at how this has been unfolding this is not the 1st time we see tribal clashes between the beni armor and the nuba tribes its been going on for years now and has escalated over the past 12 months for the last year weve seen fighting resulting in the deaths of dozens and injuries of hundreds weve seen a state of emergency imposed their will that was eventually lifted but it kind of gives you an idea of the wider context of not just the eastern part of sudan but really the whole country tribal identities and ethnic identities do play a role in how things unfold on the ground now in port sudan between 2 individuals from opposing tribes from the bay area and the move across that eventually pulled in members of the same tribe so weve seen the government responding by sending more troops yesterday the Prime Minister is due to brief the security and Defense Committee to morrow to try to figure out a solution on the theyve called for calm the newly appointed civilian governor has imposed. A curfew in the eastern city so they are trying to mitigate the tribal clashes between the 2 sides but this needs to be addressed at the root the root causes of this conflict needs to be addressed now those 2 sides as i said have been clashing for several years now which has escalated over the past few months no solution no deep rooted solution has been found yet and for many they think that its an idea and an issue of who actually deserves to be imports of them who deserve to be identified as part of the east and who is actually somebody who is overstepping on a territory that is not various so a lot of issues right now at stake mostly the issue of ethnic identity and tribal identity and who belongs and who doesnt and it looks like every government does not step in which is something that activists have been called for then this violence will continue. Clashes between soldiers and civilians have killed at least 127 people in south sudan the army was carrying out an operation to disarm civilians in a war up state on saturday when the violence broke out Officials Say it started when armed use in the area attacked Security Forces an investigation is underway. As in bob when journalist whos accused of mobilizing antigovernment protests has been barred from testifying about his harsh prison conditions in public. You know i beg your pardon was arrested alongside an opposition politician last month he says hes being denied adequate food and clothing but the court says his testimony can only be heard in private or it could jeopardize prison security you know is among more than 100 government critics whove been arrested in recent months. And he said patrolling the streets of the indian city of bengal after 3 people were killed in violence overnight offices clashed with hundreds of muslims who attacked a Police Station over a Facebook Post consented offensive to islam or india correspondent elizabeth purana reports from new delhi. The charred remains of a violent protest burnt out vehicles are strewn on the streets of Bengal Police say that staff to a 1000 people went to the home of a politician on tuesday night angry about an alleged Facebook Post by his relative which insulted as labs Prophet Muhammad they said vehicles on fire outside the home and destroyed property in the neighborhood or thats a lot of. Muslim men came from there between 930 to 10 there were around 20 of them getting beaten so they brought the game here the only targeted our street and in our street they destroyed at least 2 auto rickshaws 3 cars and 22 windows were also broke all the windows of our house and. The protesters then went to 2 Police Stations have set at least 200. 00 motorbikes on fire police say they were forced to shoot at the crowds of people who wouldnt disperse when charged with battens or tear gassed several people were killed and 60 Police Officers were injured then a lot of police have a rest of the bad accused of writing the Facebook Post but he says his account was hacked the also arrested one of the lead. As of a Muslim Political group called the social Democratic Party of india in connection with the violence 145 others have been detained the police are also asking people to cooperate and maintain peace. But this group of muslim men formed a human chain around a hindu temple to protect it from Protesters Police say the situation is under control but there is a curfew in place in 3 neighborhoods and a bad on more than 4 people gathering throughout the city elizabeth pradhan al jazeera new delhi. Sri lankas president has tightened his familys grip on power after swearing in a new cabinet that includes 2 of his brothers and a nephew of bio rajapakse as party won a landslide victory in last weeks parliamentary elections his brother mahinda will leave the country as Prime Minister while another brother is irrigation minister the rajapakse as in action when paves the way for them to change the constitution russia has dismissed growing International Concern over the safety of its Coronavirus Vaccine and says it will be rolled out in 2 weeks on tuesday president Vladimir Putin announced that a vaccine had been given approval after less than 2 months of testing on humans experts were quick to raise concerns about the speed of russias work with the Russian Health minister says the fears are quote absolutely groundless scientists in germany france spain and the us have all urged caution. Hard times ahead thats the message from the u. K. Finance minister as britain officially plunges into recession as a result of a coronavirus pandemic g. D. P. Fell by a record 20. 4 percent in the period of april to june the biggest slump reported by any major economy so far around 730000 jobs have been lost since knockdown began in march and the government warns war will go in the coming months the bank of england for costs the economy is unlikely to return to previous levels until the end of the year next year. Now schools throughout the United States opening up again despite rising coronavirus cases in many states schools of bringing children back to the classroom rather than using Online Learning and especially culhane reports the act of reopening has become a political statement how many you can dream big dreams and you the Trump Administration clearly wants schools in the u. S. Reopened highlighting its position with the recent Vice President ial visit to a school in North Carolina to reduce the pool of water is supposed to help ensure it is very low a few days later the same schools leaders forced 4th graders to quarantine after student tested positive at a nearby campus a vivid example of the problem facing educators parents and their children this country does not have a nationwide testing strategy and its the same with reopening schools its been left up to the states and counties to decide what to do jeff grigor it a superintendent in arizona wrote an op ed about how excruciating his decision has been he tried to do Summer School through teachers in one classroom Teaching Online they took all the steps they were supposed to yet they all got cold that one teacher died 10 he still reopened safely there was no School District it would be safe it would have more cases. Now im afraid. Afraid people will get sick and theyll take it home but if he doesnt the republican governor says it will cost his district money so hes been trying to put precautions in place inside the classrooms using shower curtains and plexiglas we could lose 5 percent number or budget like many things now the idea of reopening has exposed the political divide with republicans more likely to want to reopen schools well more democrats favor learning remotely and teachers across the country are getting involved protests in from chicago to new york florida to minnesota its just not safe you know and i think about every day when it comes down to is you know were scared you know were scared we dont want to bury a student or bury a colleague some americans are looking for another option like danny stratford whose oldest was about to start kindergarten im lying they have the sample schedule still going on days like they started it not me and they dont and until 4 pm for a kindergartner yeah so i was theres no way i dont need to really get a 5 year old to do that special so shes found a couple of other families on facebook to homeschool together taking turns but that is not an option for many and for an estimated 12000000. 00 students younger is Online Learning because their families cant afford internet at home meaning a country that already has huge disparities an education and income inequality is about to be that much worse for millions particle hain aljazeera Spains Seville province has been hit by torrential rain and flash mobs. That water is not down walls and a script away vehicles in the town of a step down tuesday Emergency Services are reportedly struggling to clean up the area a major road in the province has been cut off and thousands of people lost electricity. One of the most fearsome donna soars to walk the earth had a cousin here in the u. K. For bones discovered on a beach in the isle of wight weve found to belong to a new species of dinosaur this is an artists impression of what it probably looked like in its last moments the vector roman a to in up in artists lived 115000000 years ago and is related to the tyrant Tyrannosaurus Rex Scientists Say the t. Rex his cousin grew up to 4 metres long and probably live just north of what is now the seaside resort of shanklin. Could come on to catch up any time with a list or is recovering on a website address for that is our 0 dot com and you can also watch us live by clicking on the orange live icon out there dot com. One of the top stories on his era at least one that detained protester has died in batteries after police brutally crackdown on demonstrations against the president hundreds of women have rallied across benders his capital to protest against the polices actions hundreds have been injured and will have 6000 detained during the protests against that the election victory of president Alexander Lukashenko whos been in power for 26 years opposition candidates for atlanta taken a skier has fled to mishear ania. Well then half of beiruts Health Care Facilities are known functional because of last weeks devastating explosion thats according to the World Health Organization which says the damage also complicate efforts to contain coronavirus 200. 00 people were killed in last weeks blast and thousands made homeless. At least 3 of the major hospitals in in beirut have been left nonfunctional because of that last another 3 hospitals are functioning well below the normal acidy and what that means is weve lost around 500. 00 its those 2 hospitals with clear implications for the management of covert as well as other medical conditions. Your center carla harris is preparing to appear longside democratic president ial candidate joe biden for the 1st time after being chosen as his running mate shes the 1st black and Indian American woman to be included on the major parties president ial ticket the 2 are expected to deliver remarks in wilmington which is joe bidens home town or face republican President Donald Trump and Vice President might pence in novembers election. Immersion Prime Minister says almost all of the oil has been removed from a damaged ship has been leaking into the countrys pristine blue waters workers have been racing to empty the ship after it grounded off the mission coast last month spilling a 1000 tons of oil into the sea dead fish are already being pulled from the ocean and tourism operators are afraid their businesses will be hit. Those are the headlines at the stream is next looking at how the coronavirus pandemic is affecting Childrens Mental Health to stay with us for that if you cannot without war news shortly i for now. Let me take you back to when youre about maybe 5 or 6 years old how would you handle the current advice i am for me ok whats in the home edition of the stream a topic today is that mental impact of a Global Pandemic on youngsters aged between north and around 5 if you are in you shape tell us about your family the kids in your family the kids that you know how are they managing the stories share your coping solutions we really would love to hear from gave and always before we get the conversation started we checked in with some of the Stream Family kids to see how theyre talking about

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